Tag Archives: europe

Government Incompetence: The Swiss say the British are lying about Iranian embassy take over

Swiss reporters, who witnessed the take over of the British embassy in Iran, say British claims that the Iranian government did nothing to stop it, is a lie.

Also, British envoy to Iran, Dominick Chilcott, claimed he and his staff suffered an ordeal at the hands of Iranian college students who entered the embassy.

John Cattman and Michael Verase, correspondents working for Swiss German language St Galler Tagblatt newspaper, said that could not have happened. They say they witnessed all British staff had moved into the protected basement before the Iranian university students came onto the embassy compound.

They also said that Iranian police were trying to get the students off the embassy grounds.


Global Economic War: The big jumps in stock markets have nothing to do with economic recovery. It’s all part of the new way the Elite 1% make money.

“…the markets are basically run by algorithmic trading these days… Nobody’s making investments in the stock market thinking they’re getting a long term investment in the company that they’re buying a stock for. So all we’re looking at is trading on news.”-Catherine Mann, Brandeis University International Business School, and former member of the Federal Reserve bank Board of Governors

“…what you have right now is massive amount of liquidity around the world sitting on the sidelines with very cheap equity markets. So any time there’s a little bit of positive news, you see this explosion in stock markets, and because it’s so cheap and there’s so much money just sitting there ready to move.”-David Smick, economic policy strategist

PBS Newshour interviewed two ‘experts’ on why the stock markets are seeing huge swings up and down.  Both basically said it had nothing to do with economic recovery, it’s basically a war being fought with cash, and is the new way the 1% are making even more money. It’s being done without the labor or services of the 99%, by simply day trading on the World’s stock markets instead of creating new products or hiring more employees.  If you’re a rich bastard or bitch and you could make more money day trading than actually making a product or service (requiring you to spend money on employees and transportation and benefits and other costs associated with traditional enterprise) then why not?

“…that’s the way that banks fund themselves, is that they borrow in the overnight market from each other. And since the summer, we have been looking at the interest rate that they charge each other has been rising and rising and rising. It’s now at a level or was earlier today at the level right before the crisis with Lehman Brothers.”-Catherine Mann

“If you look at today and you say, when’s the last time that the global central banks got together, it was three days after the Lehman crisis in 2008.”  “The problem is…a solvency [the ability to pay your bills] problem in Europe, not a liquidity [cash, meaning the 1% have plenty of cash on hand] problem.”-David Smick

“…one of the downsides of this additional liquidity being put into the global marketplace is that it provides more ammunition for the traders in the marketplace who want to bet against the central bank, or against the European Central Bank in particular, or, want to bet against some of those sovereign governments in Europe that are running some difficulties.  So this excess liquidity, or a lot of liquidity, does have a downside. And I think that we aren’t thinking exactly how that ammunition is going to be used. We’re thinking it’s going to be used for good [like providing more jobs, creating new products and services, etc.], but there’s no guarantee that it’s going to be used for good.”  “…this intervention in Europe…doesn’t even come close to addressing the political problem that they face…National governments have spent too much money, they have borrowed too much over a long period of time.”-Catherine Mann

“It’s a little bit like the house is on fire, and…the pluming is backed up. Well, today, we took care of the plumbing [referring to the central banks of Europe, North America and Japan/Pacific Asia Group (the three member regions of the one world government seeking Trilateral Commission) agreeing to provide dirt cheap loans to the 1%] , but the house is still on fire.”-David Smick



Global Economic War: Get ready for stocks to go up. China just said they’re willing to invest big time in Europe, wants to take over European companies, but the price has to be right

“Some European countries are facing a debt crisis and hope to convert their assets to cash and would like foreign capital to acquire their enterprises. We will be closely watching and pushing forward the progress.”-Chen Deming, Commerce Minister of China

The Commerce Minister of China just told a group of Chinese businessmen that the Europeans are desperate for cash, and they’re willing to sell their companies for it.

Chinese officials say they are more than willing to bailout European companies by buying them out. However, they warn that if European governments continue their harsh anti-Chinese policies then no deal!

Recently Spain sent a delegation to China, hoping to get financial help.

After more than a year, and after a credit downgrade, Belgium will finally create a government

Since March 2010 Belgium has been without an official government.  The problem arose when Dutch speaking Belgians (Flemish) took control in elections, then suggested splitting the country into two halves; one side for French speakers (francophones), the other side for Dutch speakers.

The 2010 elections came about after the Belgian King dissolved the previous government, due to scandal.

Now, and possibly due to the fact that their credit rating just got dropped, six major political groups have agreed on a new government.  They hope to form the government by next week.  Up until the 2010 elections, Belgium was considered a stable European country.

Belgium isn’t the only country that’s gone a long time without a government. Cambodia has the record of 353 days without a government, from 2003 to 2004.


Global Economic War: China playing ping pong game with U.S. & European bonds

A report in the Chinese media got me thinking.  There’s a definite pattern to China’s buying and selling of U.S., and European, government bonds (sovereign debt).

In the first three months of 2011 China sold off U.S. bonds.  Then, from April through July bought U.S. bonds.  In August China sold off U.S. bonds big time; $36.5 billion worth! Now they’re back to buying.

The U.S. bond sell offs happen when news of the performance of the U.S. economy is really bad, and Europe is looking better.  In August, the big sell off came when the credit rating for the U.S. got downgraded.  For the past few months the really bad economic news is coming from Europe countries, and China has been buying U.S. bonds big time.

China is playing a sovereign debt investment ping pong game.  The ball is their money, and the paddles are the United States and Europe.

The Chinese media even reports that the Chinese holding of foreign exchange reserves must be flexible and ever adjusting to market conditions.

But I wonder, which is coming first, the chicken or the egg?  I’ve also noticed that Chinese officials tend to lead European and U.S. officials into thinking China is about to make big strides towards bailing out their economies, then the Chinese back off.  So, from here on out it would be wise to watch the timing of offers of economic help, then backing off of those offers, with the buy ups and sells offs of U.S. and European bonds.

Global Economic Class War: Proof the banks are taking over Europe; the new Prime Ministers were not elected! New governments will not be elected either!

Who elected the new Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti?  Not the people of Italy, but one man, the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.

Here’s the thing, in Italy the position of President is not one of much power.  The Prime Minister is the top dog.  It’s like John Boehner appointing Barack Obama’s successor (some people would like that).

Italy’s new national government will not be elected either, it will be hand picked by the new hand picked Mario Monti.   Italian officials are using the excuse that Italy can’t wait for elections.

The same can be said about the new Greek Prime Minister, Lucas Papademos.  He was hand picked, not elected.

Some opponents of Papademos said he’s planning on delaying the scheduled Greek national elections, that are supposed to be held on February 19, 2012.  When Papademos was asked about such a rumor, he simply said that as far as he was concerned, no specific time frame had been set for national elections!

According to the opposition Greek Socialist Party, Lucas Papademos asked for a promise of no political interference in his plans for Greece, and he got it.

This sure looks like the big banks have taken control of Italy and Greece: Both Monti and Papademos have a long history working in the banking/finance industry. Both have gone to university in the U.S., or taught in U.S. universities.  Both men are members of the European chapter of the Rockefeller founded Trilateral Commission!



Global Economic War: New Greek & Italian Prime Ministers part of Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission’s push for one world government

News of who the new Greek and Italian Prime Ministers are, has calmed European stock markets, mainly ’cause these guys are part of the corporate team.

In an earlier posting I postulated that the European debt crisis is part of a plan by the Corporate World to take over Europe (it’s too late for the U.S., why do you think taxpayers were made to bailout the big banks? Think about it, in Europe it’s the other way ’round; the big banks are bailing out the governments).

Now there’s proof of such a conspiracy in the announcement of the new Greek and Italian Prime Ministers, both of whom have a sinister connection.

Meet the new Greek PM, Lucas Papademos.  He’s got all kinds of college education, including MIT.  He taught at Columbia and Harvard.  He’s worked for the U.S. Federal Reserve (a private bank), was the Governor of the Bank of Greece, and was the Vice President of the European Central Bank.

Meet the new Italian PM, Mario Monti.  He too has all kinds of education, including Yale.  He spent a lot of time with the European Commission in which he focused on internal markets, financial services and financial integration, customs, and taxation.  He’s also been pushing to turn the European Union into a true federal government of Europe.  He’s a member of the Bilderberg Group (that should worry you).

Here’s the sinister connection between the two: Both are members of the Rockefeller founded Trilateral Commission.  In fact, Mario Monti is the current European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission!

The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller in 1973.  The official goal is to foster economic and political co-operation between Japan, North American countries and European countries (notice these are the regions that are currently in big economic trouble).

In 2000, the Japan membership was expanded to include many other Asian countries, and is now called the Pacific Asia Group.

The appointment of Mario Monti as Italian PM, and Lucas Papademos as Greek PM, violates a Trilateral rule.  The rule says no official member of the commission can hold public office  (I don’t think they actually enforce that rule).

Former Republican U.S. Senator, Barry Goldwater, said the Trilateral Commission is “…a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical…[in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation states involved.”

In 1975 a report was made for the Trilateral Commission. It was called: The Crisis of Democracy: On the Governability of Democracies.  The report criticized Democracy because the “…impulse of democracy is to make government less powerful and more active, to increase its functions, and to decrease its authority.” It also said the problem with the United States was that it had “…an excess of Democracy.” (looks like they’ve succeeded in turning that around)

Noam Chomsky said the report was “…the ideology of the liberal wing of the state capitalist ruling elite.”

Currently there are several credible conspiracy theorists who claim the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S. were part of a Trilateral plot to take over the governments of the Western world.

If the appointment of two current members of the Trilateral Commission to the positions of Prime Ministers (in supposed violation of the Commission’s own rules) isn’t enough to convince you of a sinister plot to create a one world government (at least a one Western world government), then I don’t know what will.




What Economic Recovery? Federal Reserve Bank revises growth forcast downward, blames Europe

No surprise, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank revised its economic growth forecast downward.

Back in June the bank predicted U.S. growth at 2.9% (which is still bad, it needs to be above 3% to be good).  Now they revised it downward by one percent, to 1.9%.  Can you say stagnation?

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the expanding crisis in Europe has made the future of the U.S. economy increasingly unclear.

What Economic Recovery? Sony blames $2 billion loss on the United States & Europe, no more Sony TVs for you

On November 3, Sony announced that its television division is likely to post a record loss of about U.S.$2.2 billion for 2011.  That makes eight straight years of losses!

Sony is blaming poor sales in the United States and Europe.  This is more proof that the U.S. is no longer the market place for the World’s manufacturers.

Sony Executive Deputy President Kazuo Hirai says there is no sign of any economic recovery, and the company will revise downward its mid-term sales target by half.  Sony will also cut way back on TVs sold in Europe and the U.S.

Panasonic and Sharp say they will do the same.


Global Economic War: What’s really going on with the possible China rescue deal for Europe? China pushing to be A Number 1, got burned bailing out U.S. banks

That’s right, it wasn’t just U.S. taxpayers and the U.S. central bank (Federal Reserve) that bailed out Corporate America’s big financial institutions in 2007/08.  China Investment Corporation played a part and lost.

So when it comes to bailing out European governments, China’s financial sector is willing but cautious: “The $3 trillion in reserves are the fruits of the hard work of the Chinese people.  We’re willing to work with those European countries in distress for a better solution.  But…we have to be accountable to the people.”-Jin Liqun, China Investment Corp

Both the U.S. media and the Chinese media are reporting that China wants nit picking details concerning any European bailout.  The Chinese think the European governments haven’t done enough when it comes to austerity measures.  They want to see more cuts, and more taxes imposed on the European people.

But there’s another reason China is taking its time with agreeing to any European bailout; they want to use the situation to bring China closer to being the A Number 1 economic and financial authority throughout the World: “It will also help China gain a greater say in the global financial system.”-Zhong Wei,  Financial Research Center at Beijing Normal University

In fact, today, October 28, China called on the G20 to become more united (under China?): “The opinions of emerging markets and developing countries should be taken seriously no matter when we talk on the reform of the international currency system, the global economic governance, or the price of commodities.  These countries’ presence and say should be increased.”Cui Tiankai, Vice Foreign Minister of China

The next Group of 20 meeting is November 3-4 in the southern French city of Cannes.