Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns, layoffs and Rapture oddities for the Gregorian month of October 2017.
The country of Brazil investigating the U.S. based ‘christian’ Word of Faith Fellowship for forcing its Brazilian picture framing employees to pray, and even beat employees who were accused of being possessed by the devil: “They said the business was struggling because we were sinners!”-Liliane Souza, abused in the name of god
Peter J. Leithart explains why he thinks the Protestant Reformation is a failure.
Calvin King says “The true gospel directs church to serve poor, not seek prosperity”
Voice of America: Closed Churches Find Second Life as Breweries
Alabama: After 143 years the iconic Cumberland Presbyterian Church was torn down, to make way for a new church building. The mega Church of the Highlands announced that the pastor of their Greystone branch was fired for “moral failings”, without giving details.
Arizona: Is there now a civil war between Mormon christians and Catholic christians? Mormon republican U.S. senator Jeff Flake openly rebelled against Catholic republican U.S. president Donald Trump, and resigned.
California: “Everyone is entitled to their religious view. But when you enter the public space, when you are running an institution, you are in a workplace, you are in a civil setting, and you have to follow the law.”-senator Scott Wiener commenting on the new LGBT Senior Bill Of Rights. God powerless to stop ‘his’ Adventist Health Simi Valley-Simi Valley Hospital from suddenly laying off 31 people, blaming ObamaCare-ACA for forcing more customers to use outpatient services. God powerless to stop wildfire from destroying ‘his’ Redwood Adventist Academy. About 80% of Catholic Cardinal Newman High School burned by wildfire. In Palmdale, an apparent gang fight took place in the Berean Church parking lot, one man stabbed ten times, two people who supposedly confessed arrested.

My Catholic mother wearing her then required headscarf, in 1966 Bütthard, Deutschland. I’m in the photo too, can you guess which one I am?
A new study shows that Muslim students are the most likely to be bullied at school, by so called California christians. The most common incident are Muslim girls being attacked by ‘christians’ for wearing a scarf. Hey, you dumb-ass ‘christians’! There was a time in ‘America’ (as well as around the world) when Christian women covered their hair with a scarf as well, damn-it, cause I remember my Catholic mother used to do that up until the mid-1970s when it fell-out-of fashion with ‘christians’!
Colorado: The Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder is now an unAmerican Sanctuary Church.
Florida: Christian civil war as anti-homosexual Westboro Baptist Church began openly protesting four pro-homosexual churches (Wekiva Presbyterian Church, Annunciation Catholic Church, PSD Church of Christ, Palm Springs Drive Baptist Church)!
Georgia: The accountant of Bethlehem First United Methodist Church was arrested for writing $80-thousand USD worth of church-checks to herself, apparently using the excuse that she is an unmarried mother.
Illinois: God sent ten members of the Bethel Apostolic Church to a Chicago area hospital by poisoning them with carbon monoxide, however, unbelieving firefighters blamed it on a defective boiler. The false christians of Logan Street Baptist Church reportedly settled their disputes over money with a former pastor. The former pastor says he caught the church accountant paying people for work never completed, and then failed to pay him!
Indiana: Saint John the Evangelist Catholic school refused First Communion to a girl because she likes to wear boy’s clothing, in violation of their official dress code! Hypocritical church leaders, who espouse forgiveness yet don’t want registered sex offenders in their congregation, have been slapped by the state Court of Appeals which ruled that prohibiting a sex offender from going to church violates their U.S. 1st Amendment Right, as well as violates the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Iowa: The 117 years old Maple Grove United Methodist Church forced to move to a new location so the road can be widened. In Red Oak, firefighters spent two and a half hours trying to extinguish a fire in a vacated church. The church was forcefully abandoned because it was not handicap compliant. The church was sold, but the owner recently died and the city condemned the building. Was this church cursed?
Kentucky: A year after being accused of sexually abusing a boy, and a year after the former minister pled guilty to five counts of sexual crimes, the leaders of Vanceburg Christian Church made an undisclosed settlement with the victim. A now former assistant pastor with Saint Luke United Methodist Church, in Lexington, charged with sex crimes.
Louisiana: After stealing two trucks and using them to smash-up cars in the Caldwell Parish High School, a juvenile delinquent set the Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Richland Parish on fire. Central Congregational United Church of Christ for sale since Hurricane Katrina, yet the Mid-CIty Planning Commission denied the latest offering because it doesn’t jive with the city’s “master plan”.
Maryland: God not powerful enough to stop the state from canceling taxpayer funded vouchers for Trinity Lutheran Christian School, because the school refuses to enroll homosexual students.
Massachusetts: Catholic leaders are selling off their 88 years old Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, saying the high costs of modernizing the church are not justified.
Michigan: God cursed the 67 years old Saunders Memorial AME Church with mold, forcing the congregation to move elsewhere. In Lansing, the 125 years old, and decades vacant, German Methodist Episcopal Church is now owned by marketing company M3 Group.
Mississippi: The former pastor of the Broadmoor Baptist Church denies he stole $332-thousand USD from the church, but agreed to an undisclosed settlement with the church.
Missouri: The congregation of Stranger’s Home Missionary Baptist Church-New Life Evangelistic Center split over allowing homeless people to camp-out on church property, some say it’s what God would want, while others (who revealed their true god is money) are concerned about lawsuits and property insurance problems.
Montana: Pinesdale members of the Utah based Latter Day Saints fundamentalist Apostolic United Brethren church are rebelling after years of reports of sexual abuse. Members refusing to support leadership are being denied the Mormon ‘temple recommend’.
Nebraska: After 75 years Grace University shutting down due to Raptured students, I mean lack of Freshman enrollments (they didn’t get even half what they were expecting).
Nevada: In Las Vegas, a member of the Iglesia La Luz del Mundo (Light of the World Church) found murdered in the church parking lot, his Bible was ten feet away from his body.
New Jersey: Police used social media to capture the suspect who vandalized the Free Union United Methodist Church, the suspect is not a immigrant, yet an arrogant immigrant from India posted on the New Jersey State Police Facebook page “As more Indian families settle new jersey this behavior will decrease.”
New York: The Lower Eastside Saint Mary’s Roman Catholic Church canceled an art exhibition after it learned it would include a homosexual comedy play. In Brooklyn-NYC, the vacant Our Lady of Loreto Church torn down by the Catholic Church, which has plans to build money making apartments on the property. In Syracuse, the Catholic leaders shutdown their Our Lady of Lourdes Church, the associated school was already sold-off and now the church is for sale.
North Carolina: Hunger has become such a problem in this so called recovered economy that Saint Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church is serving free lunch every Thursday! A man was convicted of killing a United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church usher by running him over. According to court documents the driver lost consciousness after using illegal opiods (heroin).
Ohio: The accountant for Faith Fellowship Church found guilty of stealing church money and using it to take her family to Disney World and sporting events. She was also the local school PTA president, and those funds are now being investigated. Homelessness such a problem that Serving Homeless Alternate Lodging Of Middletown is asking for more churches to provide shelters.
Pennsylvania: In Tremont, a man says he is being threatened by the new priest of Most Blessed Trinity Parish. For more than 30 years the man has had to cross church property to get to his property, it’s the way things worked out with how the properties are developed. But now the new priest is threatening a lawsuit to stop the man from essentially accessing his own property. After 171 years ‘god’ finally got ‘his’ shutdown message across to the congregation of Mount Harmony United Methodist Church, by repeatedly ramming tractor-trailers into the building, the latest truck-vs-church accident financially ‘totaled’ the church! The Harvest Community Church in Armstrong County proved its lack of faith that their god will protect them by holding an Active Shooter training session. Local news media said the church has about 9-hundred people attend church services, but only a little more than 1-hundred took part in the Active Shooter training.
South Carolina: Leaders of Columbia’s First Baptist Church upset over a new lawsuit that accuses the church of sex crimes, apparently a police investigation resulted in no criminal charges being filed. But this is not the first time the church has been accused of sex crimes, a former deacon is serving a 36 years sentence for such crimes. Five people now accuse the leader of Overcomer Ministry of sexually abusing children. Three people charged with trespassing on the 250 years old Salem Black River Presbyterian Church, just days after four U.S. Air Force personnel were arrested for vandalizing the same church!
Tennessee: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Presbyterian founded King University from eliminating more than a dozen jobs due to The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome. The Burnette Chapel Church of Christ claims it is being harassed by ‘white-power’ people ever since a ‘black christian’ immigrant Dreamer shot-up ‘white’ U.S. citizen members of the church. By the way, the ‘black christian’ Dreamer now claims he was told by god, in visions and voices, to do it. Murfreesboro’s First United Methodist Church being turned into a shopping center, the church is now owned by city taxpayers (costing them $1.55-million USD) and the redevelopment will cost dumb taxpayers even more money.
Texas: A woman charged with burning a U.S. flag in the Saint Elizabeth’s Catholic Church. The Satanic Church (just the flip-side of ‘christianity’) has condemned ‘christian’ leaders of Three Rivers Independent School District for reinstating corporal punishment in schools! Lone Star State Students are suing schools because they don’t want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, saying it’s their constitutional right! The Pledge was actually approved by Congress in 1942 and originally made no mention of ‘god’. It’s title, The Pledge of Allegiance, was named in 1945, ‘god’ was added in 1954 (in direct violation of the 1st Amendment). The original Pledge salute was what many people now call a Nazi salute. I don’t remember anything in the Constitution about the Pledge of Allegiance, however, the federal Supreme Court has ruled several times that people cannot be forced to say the Pledge: “….no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.”-Justice Robert H. Jackson
By the way, several anti-Pledge lawsuits were filed by ‘christian’ denominations.
Utah: Robert Kirby wrote concerning forcing your children to accept your religion, saying “Lots of church folk believe the Mold Testament (a term I coined shortly after being baptized) where it says, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’…..
…..Ironically, the LDS Church counts on people departing from the way they were trained. That’s why they send out missionaries. Hey, somebody has to depart from something.”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (just the biggest and most powerful of dozens of ‘LDS’ churches) has reduced its bi-annual general conference to once per year, saying leaders are being overwhelmed by “demands”, this as the church began construction of a new temple in the impoverished country of Haiti. Also, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (CJCLDS) apparently does not approve of, yet also doesn’t seem to oppose, the Boy Scouts’ plan to accept girls, even though there is already a Girl Scouts. The CJCLDS is the biggest religious supporter of the Boy Scouts of America.
Vermont: The West Dover Congregational Church United-Church of Christ says their ‘rainbow’ flag was vandalized.
Virginia: The Episcopal Christ Church removing plaques honoring Robert E. Lee and George Washington. Remember what atheist George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair) said “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” A search warrant issued against the former pastor of the now dead Friendship Baptist Church says he was overpaid by at least $145-thousand USD.
Washington: According to local news reports, residents living near the Laurelwood Baptist Church are fearing for their lives because the church leaders want to help the homeless by letting them camp-out on church property! God struck the Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church with fire on Sunday, the church is now a “total loss”, nobody was hurt, the cause is being investigated.
“No man can work for two masters, for either he will hate one and will love the other, or he will honor one and the other he will ignore. You cannot work for God and for money.”-Matthew 6:24, Aramaic Bible
“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible
“And Yeshua [Jesus of Nazareth] entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible
“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution
WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification
Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”