Tag Archives: crime

Trident of Poseidon: NATO’s new U.S. HQ fully operational!

“The survival of NATO and the success or failure in combat in a future war in Europe, will largely depend on the success or failure of this command.”-General Mark Milley, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (sounding a little paranoid)

In 2018, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, which has become a global military since the end of the Cold War) announced that it would establish a new headquarters (HQ) in Norfolk, Virginia.  On 15JUL2021, NATO declared that HQ fully operational (Full Operational Capability).

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Video, opening ceremonies where it’s admitted that NATO is more than just a military organization:

Essentially, NATO felt threatened by Russia and decided to create new ‘secondary’ military HQs outside of Europe, far away from Russia.   NATO’s Atlantic and European operations can now be directed from Virginia.

In this DoD video it becomes obvious that NATO considers itself a ‘christian’ organization:

In September 2020, NATO announced Initial Operational Capacity for its Norfolk HQ.  It is officially known as Joint Force Command (JFC) Norfolk, and is one of three JFCs around the world, it is the only JFC in North America.  All the JFCs report to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe in Casteau, Belgium.  In other words, a military HQ commanded by officials based in Europe is now located in the United States.

DoD video, U.S. Army General Mark Milley admits the seven-decades old U.S.-NATO alliance is about maintaining global dominance (“established international order”) by the ‘West’ under the guise of preventing a Third World War:

U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer Second Class Joshua M. Tolbert, 23JUN2021.

JFC Norfolk hosts military personnel from 19 ‘allied’ nations and two ‘partner’ nations.  In June 2021, NATO’s Theater Component Commanders, and leaders from national headquarters around the Atlantic Rim, converged on JFC Norfolk to discuss ways to coordinate military activities: “The security environment has changed; it is more critical than ever that we, the military leaders within NATO, continue to reinforce our commitment achieving our shared visions. The strength of our nations is inherently linked and the security and stability of the Alliance depends on it.”-Vice Admiral Andrew Lewis, JFC Norfolk (sounding a little paranoid)

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Joshua M. Tolbert, 23JUN2021.




Biden’s Borderland: Independence?

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to news/government agency reports as of 09 July 2021:

Germany says Tesla’s new car factory near Berlin is being built illegally!

Canada refuses to open border with U.S. to people who are not vaccinated!

On 03JUL2021, U.S. Coast Guard captured nine illegals from Cuba, near Cay Sal Island, Bahamas.  On 06JUL2021, the illegals were sent back to Cuba.
BlackCatFireworks claims to be ‘Made in the USA’ but turns out they are owned and made by Li & Fung of China.
AmericanFireworks claims to be U.S. owned since 1902:

CALIFORNIA: 758 pounds of liquid meth inside school bus captured in San Diego Sector.

GEORGIA: Mexican National pleads guilty to employing and exploiting illegals in the U.S.

IDAHO: State Police deploy to border with Mexico.

City of Idaho Falls claims ‘most’ of the fireworks they use are made in the United States.

Fireworks seller for 30 years reveals his ‘U.S.’ brand fireworks are actually made in China (reality check; while most fireworks companies list U.S. addresses for their HQs, the fireworks are actually made in China):

ILLINOIS: China blames pandemic-panic-attack for why it has cut shipments of fireworks to the U.S.

IOWA: State Patrol deployed to border with Mexico.

KENTUCKY: State National Guard deploy to border with Mexico.

LOUISIANNA: State government knew of human trafficking since at least 2015.

6-thousand Chinese made false eye-lashes captured in New Orleans.

MICHIGAN: Police officer punished for speaking the truth, after saying that people can cross the U.S./Mexico border “at any time”!

MISSOURI: ‘Out-of-staters’ captured trying to trafficking endangered paddlefish out of the state.

MONTANA: Lincoln County’s  economy suffering because of Canada’s pandemic border shutdown!

NEW YORK: Number of Immigrant Detainees Skyrockets.

Illegal immigrant investor says he was cheated out of his investments into Younkers construction companies with threats of deportation!

NORTH CAROLINA: Man found guilty of human trafficking.

TEXAS: Court rules Facebook is liable for human-sex trafficking.

CBP says 7-thousand illegals per week now crossing just in the Del Rio area!

UTAH: Carnival owner arrested for using illegals as slave labor!

VERMONT:  Car chase and capture of illegal Canadians and Europeans, crossing from Canada on Independence Day, caught on video:

Washington DC:  Biden claims Cuba’s humanitarian medical missions are nothing more than human trafficking operations!

WEST VIRGINIA: China slows shipments of fireworks to the U.S.


Biden’s Borderland: More drugs, boat people, children alone……where’s the U.S. President?

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to news/government agency reports as of 30 June 2021:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) video on how to enter the U.S. through airports, legally:

CBP video for cross-border semi-truck drivers, new bill of lading Automated Commercial Environment:


CALIFORNIA:  El Centro Sector captures convicted sex offenders.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo.

Five years old girl from Guatemala found wandering alone along the Tijuana River channel, 07JUN2021.


U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer Third Class Ryan Estrada.

23JUN2021, U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) captured 11 illegals from Cuba, in their home made corrugated boat.

USCG photo by Chief Petty Officer Charly Tautfest.

14JUN2021, USCG off-loads more than 7-thousand-5-hundred pounds of cocaine at Port Everglades, in Fort Lauderdale.

USCG photo by Petty Officer Second Class Ashley Johnson.

The USCG, and local Florida police, captured 16 illegals from Cuba, 09JUN2021.

USCG photo by Petty Officer Second Class Ashley Johnson.

05JUN2021, USCG captures 21 Haitians and one Colombian.  20 of the illegals from Haiti were sent back home on 10JUN2021.

USCG photo.

USCG chases a boat filled with a dozen illegals from Cuba, 03JUN2021.  USCG reports they captured so many Cubans that week that on 08JUN2021 they sent home 82 of them.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman First Class Thomas Sjoberg.

On 19MAY2021, packages of cocaine began washing up on the beach of Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.  The illegal drug was found by the Station’s wildlife manager while conducting a sea turtle nesting survey.

USAF photo by Airman First Class Thomas Sjoberg.

The origin of the nearly 30 kilograms of cocaine is still being investigated.

IDAHO: Will support Arizona and Texas in securing the border with Mexico!

INDIANA: CBP captures 661 Fake Championship Rings Worth Over $800K, from China

KENTUCKY: CBP captures more than half-a-million dollars worth of fake jewelry from Hong Kong (China)

MARYLAND: CBP captures tens of thousands of U.S. dollars, possibly being smuggled to Jamaica!

MINNESOTA: U.S. CBP and Royal Canadian Mounties captured a car thief.  The car had been stolen in Oklahoma.

NEW JERSEY:  Car caravan blocks Turnpike for 10 minutes at rush hour in call for undocumented immigrant funding

NEW MEXICO:  $5-million to be spent upgrading/expanding the Santa Teresa Land Port of Entry.

NEW YORK:  CBP captures more than half-a-million dollars worth of illegal lottery tickets from United Kingdom!

PENNSYLVANIA: CBP Officers Seize illegal Ketamine Shipment from Italy


USCG photo.

On 25JUN2021, the USCG/Caribbean Border Interagency Group sent back home 38 illegals from Dominican Republic.  They built themselves a homemade boat, but were captured on 24JUN2021.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Confirmed, National Guard’s border mission being funded with private money, not taxes!

TEXAS: Galveston County declares emergency due to illegals!

CBP reports 911% percent increase in illegals hiding on trains!

Rio Grande Valley Sector captures convicted violent criminals.

Border Patrol Agents capture illegals who had stolen guns from a Texas home.

Victoria County Sheriff’s deputies investigated three separate smuggling incidents in one day.

State Department of Public Safety officer captures semi-truck filled with 30 illegals.

Former U.S. President visits wall he promises to finish.

Even leftist liberal news media admits Fentanyl seizures at U.S.-Mexican border rise by 4-thousand percent!

46 pounds of meth captured at one check point in one day!

Border Patrol agent rescues Guatemalan child from Texas pond.

VERMONT:  State Senate overrides governor’s veto of bill that will allow illegals to vote!

VIRGINA: CBP officers welcomed 65 Ukraine orphans.

WASHINGTON: Taxes will be spent to save a grocery store that is losing money due to the U.S.-Canadian pandemic-panic-attack border shutdown.

Washington DC: Department of Homeland Security announces ban on silicone products made by slave labor in China

Biden’s Borderland, May 2021:  DRONES AND SCAMS

U.S. Army spends your money building fire stations for Armenia!

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has been busy building new fire/emergency response buildings, not in the United States, in the European(?) country of Armenia.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo.

U.S. taxpayers are unknowingly funding (through the United States European Command) the construction of three fire and rescue station projects in Armenia’s Shirak Province.  Officially it is because the U.S. European Command is expecting an increase in major natural disasters.  However, it was admitted that the fire station in Gyumri, considered the busiest in Armenia, was in desperate need of replacement due to neglect by the local and national governments.  U.S. taxpayers are replacing the old station in Gyumri with two new state-of-the-art stations by the end of 2021.

USACE photo.

A third emergency response station will be completed in 2022, in the small city of Ashotsk.

It should be noted that Armenia is geographically on the Western edge of the Asian continent, yet U.S./NATO considers Armenia to be ‘geo-politically’ European, hence why U.S. European Command has jurisdiction.





Pandemic Logistic Shenanigans: “a supply/demand mismatch” “New Normal”

Incomplete list of links to industry news reports, as of 03 June 2021, which prove the Artificial Intelligence (A-I) driven (yet pandemic-panic-attack blamed) supply shortage is all about money:

A-I driven logistics research company Blue Yonder says supply shortage shenanigans are the New Normal!

Logistics Manager’s Index says demand for logistics will only increase: “This hard shift in economic activity is akin to going from standing still to a full sprint, and as would be expected, it has put tremendous pressure on supply chains. Many supply networks are currently suffering from the phenomenon known as the ‘bullwhip effect’ in which smaller variations in demand at the consumer level lead to wild swings further up the chain.”

Logistics Management article reveals true reason for supply shortage; ocean ports are overwhelmed with cargo ships that can’t unload their cargo: “Given the congestion at ports in San Pedro Bay, we’re seeing more interest in booking freight through Mexico and Canada. This is a trend that we expect to continue through the next Peak Season.”-Brian Nemeth, AlixPartners

Turkey based ‘route optimizer’ gets money from investors, including Ford.

New A-I driven logistic company called Locus gets investors to shell-out USD$50-million in latest round of fund raising!

New Project44 logistics solution company ‘milks’ investors of USD$202-million, and valued at $1.2-billion, claims it will help retail industry fix supply problems!

Prudential Financial-PGIM Real Estate sinks USD$323-million into Chinese logistics company!

E-commerce logistics company Delhiverly gets investors to shell-out USD$277-million before its Initial Public Offering!

New logistics company NextBillion gets USD$6.25-million from investors!

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Corporal Scott Jenkins.

In May, the U.S. Marine Corps conducted a record 18 vehicle convoy, approximately 5-thousand miles from North Carolina to California, and then back to North Carolina.

USMC photo by Lance Corporal Scott Jenkins.

The four weeks long drive tested the ability to control a large movement of trucks using High Frequency (HF) beyond line-of-sight highly secure radio communications. HF radios are old tech, but turns out they might provide more radio security now that most ‘enemies’ are using the latest satellite communications and other radio technologies.  Also, it seems HF can handle more data.

USMC photo by Lance Corporal Scott Jenkins.

  “This mission has run smoothly due to the detailed preparation effort, and competency of the team on the road. All issues encountered have been solvable….”-Captain Adam Devine, 2nd Transportation Battalion, 2nd Marine Logistics Group

Retailers are dealing with the leanest levels of inventory, relative to sales, on record: “…almost all companies we have spoken to alluding to a supply/demand mismatch.”-Simeon Siegel, BMO Capital Markets

Supply shortage shenanigans are actually causing established XPO Logistics to grow and improve its ‘free cash flow’.

Illinois based Redwood Logistics takes over software company and parcel delivery company!

Advance Realty Investors, Greek Development and PGIM Real Estate, are closer to completing 1.3-million acre Linden Logistics Center, in New Jersey.

California based Deckers Brands to build logistics center in Indiana.

New 1.8-million square feet logistics center to be built in California.

Canadian logistics company Pinnacle Logistics Solutions hired a ship to transport steel, in what is being considered a case study examining the benefits of when companies take direct control of the supply chain.

Lineage Logistics takes over UTI Forwarding, the latest in dozens of take overs by Lineage since the pandemic-panic-attack started.

Indian logistics company to deliver Russian CoViD vax.

Virginia based LaserShip credits pandemic-panic-attack for its expansion into Tennessee!

Interim director of Army Medical Logistics Command’s Medical Maintenance Policies and Analysis directorate, during a discussion at a healthcare technology management workshop, at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Photo by C.J. Lovelace.

U.S. Army Medical Logistics Command conducts first ever healthcare tech workshop.  The U.S. Army says the pandemic-panic-attack revealed a problem with current medical providers, including the U.S. military, in having enough workers on hand to handle a pandemic.

Three Maryland based companies sign contract to modernize the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Logistics Agency.

U.S. Air Force photo by Technical Sergeant Kentavist P. Brackin.

In the name of logistics (calling it the Aerial Port of the Future) the U.S. Air Force has created an Android based system which can monitor the location and activities of personnel involved with flightline activities, in real time.

USAF photo by Technical Sergeant Kentavist P. Brackin.

In Michigan, the USAF recently tested the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) and Android Team Logistics Awareness Switch (ATLAS), during Mobility Guardian 2021.

Supply companies in Communist China threaten to halt port operations, claiming they are losing money!

France based Robotics Specialist wants to invade the U.S. logistics market.

Global logistics robot market expected to be worth billions of U.S. dollars.

Pandemic Logistics Shenanigans, April 2021: CANNED PET FOOD? CONSPIRACY TO JACK-UP PRICES? BLAME CHINA?

U.S. Food Crisis: “Exponentially bigger” “Ghosts in the land.”

Incomplete list of main stream news links announcing United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls as of 02 June 2021:

ARIZONA: Arizona National Guard video, by Specialist Thurman Snyder, of state militia food operations due to pandemic/private sector logistics failure, at Nogales warehouse, 01JUN2021:

CALIFORNIA:  Restaurant prices going up!

Oakland Athletics reveals how bad the food is that is being served to minor league players: “…this is far from an isolated incident in Minor League baseball. Each and every day, I hear directly from players about the myriad ways in which they are being mistreated.”-Harry Marino, Advocates for Minor Leaguers

COLORADO:  JBS Foods hacked, could cause food prices to rise!

SOUTH CAROLINA: Spartanburg food pantries, soup kitchen anticipate increased need.

TEXAS: Restaurant workers began fleeing the industry before the pandemic!

UTAH: Labor shortage for restaurants is ‘acute’.

WASHINGTON: King’s Command recalls meat products due to labeling problems.

Farmers excited about new pandemic rules for migrant workers!

Washington DC:  Politicians call for temporary emergency food program for children to become permanent!


Vaccine Fail: Malaria vs CoViD, or is it Malaria + CoViD?

17 May 2021  (15:59-UTC-07 Tango 06) 27 Ordibehesht 1400/05 Shawwal 1442/06 Gui-Si 4719

Every year Malaria directly kills more than 400-million people!  So far, not even 18 months into the CoViD-19 pandemic-panic-attack just under 3-and-a-half-million people have suffered death ‘related’ to coronavirus infection (because of the way each country documents what is or is not a CoViD death, it cannot be honestly said that all the deaths are directly because of coronavirus).

Now, also realize that people around the world are being given CoViD vaccines that were developed in a little more than half-a-year’s time, not even fully tested for official approval, only authorized for “emergency use”!  The latest Malaria vaccines took years to develop (including a new U.S. Army vax that has already been issued to 5-hundred people since 2020), the most recent new Malaria vaccine took 37 years to develop!

U.S. Army doctors assist doctors in Burkina Faso in conducting Malaria testing, February 2019. Photo by Sergeant First Class Caleb Barrieau.

Until the 2020 Malaria vaccine approvals, people had to take pills on a daily basis to prevent/treat Malaria.  Why is the news media so hyped-up about people getting a CoViD vax that has not been fully tested or officially approved, and yet has said nothing about the 400-plus-million people who die every year from Malaria?  Is it because about 90% of Malaria cases still happen in African countries?

U.S. Army video from October 2011, Malaria is the top killer of people living on the African continent:

When I wrote about the U.S. Army’s new Malaria vax it was clear to me that the U.S. Army was concerned about what is being called Severe Malaria, which is spreading around the globe.   In November 2020, the U.S. Navy deployed additional entomologists to Chabelley Airfield, Djibouti, due to increased reports of insect bites suffered by U.S. personnel.  They are working with the Djibouti Ministry of Health in an effort to reduce the spread of Malaria.

U.S. military delivering drugs to the Nangarhar Malaria Control Center in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, June 2010. Photo by U.S. Air Force Technical Sergeant John Barton.

Comparing Malaria (a parasite) to Coronavirus (a virus) might be an apple-to-oranges fallacy, however a new Yale School of Public Health study says there is a link between Malaria and false-positive CoViD test results, as well as creating the false impression that a person has developed anti-bodies (developed immunity) against SARS-CoV-2!

U.S. Army Medical Research Unit-Kenya trains Kenyans in how to detect the Malaria parasite, November 2009. Photo by U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Robert Gallagher.

Here’s links to the latest reports about Malaria:  Ukraine confirms five cases of Malaria.

Study says popular (and highly toxic) herbicide increases spread of Malaria!

University of Houston examines Malaria treatments.

Latvia develops Malaria parasite killer.

Study of infected children in Rwanda shows problems with ‘clearing’ of Malaria parasites after three days of treatment!

UN-WHO’s report on Greater Mekong subregion meeting of health officials concerned about Malaria.

Is Malaria treatment all about the money?  Malaria Treatment Market to Outstrip $2,126.42 Million by 2027.

Vaccine Fail: Pharmacies spoil vaccines, issue fake shots instead? Japan reveals deaths after getting shots!

U.S. Army continues to warn of new pandemic: CHIKrisk 2021

West Nile Virus: Larvae swarm after Idaho rain storm! Standing water claim a myth?

Biden’s Borderland: Enough drugs to kill NYC! Now they’re called ‘undocumented non-citizen’!

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to news/government agency reports as of 17 May 2021:

ARIZONA: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) video, by Andrew Franklin, of the ‘temporary’ non-citizen processing facility near Tucson:


U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer Second Class Marianne Guemo.

The USS Sioux City (LCS 11, home port Naval Station Mayport), along with U.S. Coast Guard anti-drug personnel, captured more than $24-million worth of cocaine in just two days, towards the end of April!

U.S. Coast Guard photo.

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) captured a boat from Cuba with 22 illegals heading to Florida, 14MAY2021.  The USCG was tipped-off by the Cuban Coast Guard.

USCG photo.

USCG returned 13 illegals to Dominican Republic on 11MAY2021.

USCBP photo by Greg L. Davis.

An ‘undocumented non-citizen’ loads onto a Border Patrol truck after being captured near Marfa, 06MAY2021. He was part of a group of at least five men who said they were waiting for a smuggler (coyote) to pick them up.
CBP video, by Michael Battise, of operations inside the ‘temporary’ non-citizen processing center at Donna, 04MAY2021:

VERMONT:  Vermont National Guard Counterdrug Task Force reports helping Bennington Police capture $300-thousand worth of illegal drugs!  The authorities were tipped-off by a concerned resident.


Vaccine Fail: Lack of demand kills military shots? Warnings about new ‘Severe Malaria’! Got Vax-Pass?

Incomplete list of links to reports and studies showing the vaccination campaign is a failure, as of 15MAY2021:

AstraZeneca (U.K) versus Sinovac (China)

Nature.com asks; How did a new variant spread around the world unnoticed?

U.S. military bases in Europe to begin vaccinating children.

United Nations’ World Health Organization (UN-WHO) condemns governments who are now vaccinating children, says the vaccines would be of better use if given to poor countries!

Yet another report reveals the truth (buried in the middle of the article) about why poor countries are short on vaccines; lack of cold storage facilities.

The UN-WHO warns of “new variant of concern”!

Reminder; the UN-WHO has not approved a single CoViD vaccine!  CoViD shots have only been authorized for emergency use under the UN-WHO’s Emergency Use Listing (EUL), which states “The WHO Emergency Use Listing Procedure (EUL) is a risk-based procedure for assessing and listing unlicensed vaccines, therapeutics and in vitro diagnostics with the ultimate aim of expediting the availability of these products to people affected by a public health emergency.” 

AUSTRALIA: Genetically modified CoViD vaccine nose spray.

CANADA: The Ontario Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction, Prabmeet Singh Sarkaria, is being criticized for revealing that “The study out of Qatar states that Pfizer’s one shot is only 30% effective against the variant that originates out of the U.K.”

CHINA: Republic of China (Taiwan) has been praised for its pandemic policies, but now is on the verge of declaring a Level 3 emergency (for the first time) due to skyrocketing infections!

South China Morning Post investigation reveals that many academic articles published on China’s inter-web are fake, all you need is 4-hundred USD and you can publish anything as ‘academic/scientific’!

GERMANY:  Germany hints at blocking travel to and from United Kingdom!

City officials of Wiesbaden worked with U.S. Army leaders to create a vaccine passport for U.S. Army personnel.  Currently in Wiesbaden, business owners can require potential customers to take a rapid CoViD test before entering their store.  It’s hoped the new U.S. Army/Wiesbaden vax-pass will satisfy those pandemic-panic-attack business owners.  It is not valid in other Germany cities.

FRANCE: Says Biden’s vaccine patent waiver idea is irrelevant.

INDIA: Revealed; fully vaccinated U.S. health ‘expert’ dies of CoViD after traveling to India, his wife finds it “ironic”!

Health officials consider expanding the time between first and second doses of CoViD vaccine, because studies indicate there is a better immune response.

Why Biden’s push for vaccine patent waivers won’t work for India.

India’s CoViD crisis is shutting down global logistics, creating shortages of the products you want!

ISRAEL: Study reveals that the efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is directly affected by additional disease-modifying therapy (DMT).

JAPAN: A retail billionaire claims Japan’s pandemic-panic-attack policies are turning the Tokyo Olympic into a “suicide mission”!

Government bans re-entry of foreigners who live/work in Japan!

SWITZERLAND: Basel based vaccine maker says Biden’s vaccine patent waiver plan smacks of East German communism.

RUSSIA: Nasal spray vaccine ready by 2022?

UNITED KINGDOM: Changes CoViD pandemic-panic-attack rules (yet again), blames it on new variants!

UNITED STATES:  Investigation shows only 12 people are responsible for almost all social-media fake-news about vaccines!

What is the new CoViD vaccine ‘honor system’?

Alabama; University of Alabama at Birmingham claims vaccine nasal spray works good in mice.


Arizona National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Michael Matkin.

The state National Guard began vaccinating children, ages 12 to 18 years, at a drive-through vaccination site in Mesa.

California;  Celebrity talk show host/political commentator Bill Maher gets infected despite being fully vaccinated!

Colorado; Health officials report yet another new variant of CoViD, despite vaccinations!

Illinois; If vaccines are so good why is the gov’na offering $4-million in amusement park tickets to encourage people to get vaccinated?


U.S. Army photo by Eric Pilgrim.

Military leaders on Fort Knox are now begging people to get vaccinated.  Captain Shantyl Galloway, officer in charge of the vaccination site, reported that the number of people getting the shot has dropped from between 150 to 2-hundred per day, to just 40! It’s now estimated that by the end of June the Fort Knox vax-site will be sitting on 2-thousand unused (and expiring) vaccines: “We’ve seen a drastic decline in demand……the demand just isn’t there.”

Maine; Vaccinated people in Maine say its not fair that incentives are now offered to get people vaccinated, demand that incentives be made retroactive!

Maryland; Gaithersburg based Novovax is losing money after it was revealed its new CoViD vaccine is only 51% effective against the South African variant!

  The state prison system is now offering prisoners cookies and candy to get them to take the unapproved (authorized for emergency use only) vaccine!

Gov’na praises pizza restaurant for offering free pizzas to people who got vaccinated.

U.S. Army, USAMMDA public affairs photo by Jeffrey Soares.

The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA), along with drug maker Amivas, reminded the public that their Malaria Treatment Drug-Intravenous Artesunate (MTD-IVAS) is available for treating ‘severe malaria’.  The U.S. Army along with the UN-WHO have been warning of severe malaria, and working on a new treatment for several years.  The MTD-IVAS treatment was actually approved in May 2020, by the USFDA, but was overshadowed by the corona virus pandemic panic attack.  So far 5-hundred people have been treated with the new drug: “Artesunate for Injection fulfills a critical gap because it is the only FDA-approved drug to treat severe malaria in Service Members and the U.S. population.”– Ryan Adams, MTD-IVAS project manager

Nevada; New variants detected!

New York;  Onondaga County using tax funded ‘free’ meals to encourage people to get vaccinated!

New York National Guard photo.

On 12MAY2021, the New York National Guard claimed to have issued the 25-thousandth 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at the Bronx-Baychester Point of Distribution (PoD) center.

Ohio; If vaccines are so good why are state taxpayers being raped of $1-million, per week, to encourage people to get vaccinated?

Oklahoma; State health officials report increasing cases of new variants!

U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Jeremy Bennett.

At the FEMA/U.S. Army Northern Command’s mass-vax site (Community Vaccination Center, CVC) in Tulsa, U.S. Navy medics began vaccinating children, ages 12 to 17.

Utah;  If vaccines are so good why is the gov’na considering using taxpayer dollars to pay people to get vaccinated?

Virginia;  Remember, the CoViD vaccines are not ‘approved’, they are only authorized for emergency use and as such military personnel are not required to get them.  On 14MAY2021, the U.S. Navy announced the end of  “high-throughput COVID-19 vaccination” for their operations in Norfolk.  Navy officials admitted it is due to lack of demand: “We’ve vaccinated roughly 10-thousand people within the COMNAVAIRLANT claimancy.  We’ve successfully satisfied the demand of people who want the vaccine.”-Lieutenant Aimie Terry, Assistant Force Nurse

While the U.S. Navy halted ‘high-throughput CoViD-19 vaccinations’, FEMA deployed the U.S. Coast Guard to the Military Circle Mall in Norfolk, turning the now vacant Macy’s store into a mass-vax (CVC) site.  Optimistic officials think that there will be 3-thousand silly-vilians (civilians) per day using the CVC site.

Washington; For the week of May 3-9, the state National Guard claims that 11-thousand-338 CoViD-19 vaccines were administered.

Washington DC; Reminder, not one of the so-called CoViD vaccines in use in the United States have been approved as a vaccine under the USFDA!  All the propaganda by government officials and main-stream news media is hyperbole, the USFDA has only “authorized for emergency use only”, which is technically and legally not the same as ‘approving’ as a vaccine, mainly because the ‘experimental medical technologies’ did not go through the more intensive testing required for a true approved vaccine!

Wisconsin; Chippewa County revealed it has reduced the amount of vaccine it orders due to crashing demand, only 37% of the county residents had been vaccinated. County health officials confirmed at least one case where a fully vaccinated person still got infected!

Remember, the CoViD vaccines are not ‘approved’, they are only authorized for emergency use and as such military personnel are not required to get them.

U.S. Army, Fort McCoy Public Affairs photo by Aimee Malone.

On 04MAY2021, the U.S. Army post Fort McCoy halted on-post vaccinations due to lack of demand.  Health officials even stated that many personnel that got the first shot never came back for the second dose.  Fort McCoy health officials are assuming it is because the vaccine is now widely available through out Wisconsin, for free.


Vaccine Fail: Pharmacies spoil vaccines, issue fake shots instead? Japan reveals deaths after getting shots!

Incomplete list of links to reports and studies showing the vaccination campaign is a failure, as of 03MAY2021:

The United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) has not approved a single CoViD vaccine!  CoViD shots have only been authorized for emergency use under the UN-WHO’s Emergency Use Listing (EUL), which states “The WHO Emergency Use Listing Procedure (EUL) is a risk-based procedure for assessing and listing unlicensed vaccines, therapeutics and in vitro diagnostics with the ultimate aim of expediting the availability of these products to people affected by a public health emergency.” 

BRAZIL:  Claims the Russian vaccine has active common-cold virus in it!

CANADA: Despite government demands that people get vaccinated, the Canadian Pharmacists Association says that for some reason they are not being supplied with enough vaccines, claiming that “thousands of pharmacies across the country are still waiting to get involved.”

As news media criticizes Canada for lack of vaccines, government health experts to suspend use of J&J vax!

Despite the fact that Canada is having problems issuing vaccines to its own citizens, ‘woke’ health ‘experts’ say Canada isn’t sharing enough vaccines with India!

British Columbia drops minimum age for blood-clot causing AstrZeneca shot to 30.

You now need a vaccine passport to enter Canada.

FRANCE: Glut of vaccine a result of not sending supply where there is demand for it.

GERMANY: New rules will keep unvaccinated people in lockdown slavery, while vaccinated people go free!

U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Milton Hamilton.

For the first time, the U.S. Air Force is vaccinating German employees on Ramstein Air Base, 29APR2021.


U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant K. Tucker Owen.

For the first time, the U.S. Air Force is vaccinating Italian employees on Aviano Air Base, 30APR2021.

JAPAN: Revealed; dozens of cases of severe allergic reactions to CoViD shots, so far 19 people died after getting the vaccine!

Revealed; 14-million doses of CoViD vaccines wasted!

UNITED KINGDOM:  Study says just one dose of Pfizer vax will not protect you from new variants.

UNITED STATES: Government data reveals that pharmacies across the United States have wasted almost 200-thousand doses of vaccine, CVS and Walgreens account for most of the wasted shots!

Ignorant Bloomberg writer says the best way to get more people to get vaccinated is to have the government/taxpayers pay pharmacies!

Iowa; The state Department of Public Health refused 71% of federal government issued vaccines, due to the reality that most people refuse to get the “authorized for emergency use only” (not truly approved) shots!

Kansas; At least half of nursing home healthcare workers still refuse to get vaccinated!

Louisiana; The state Department of Health is now begging people to get vaccinated as more than 1-thousand-5-hundred pharmacies are stocked with shots that could end up expiring.


U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Mikaley Kline.

U.S. military/FEMA operated mass-vax site (Community Vaccination Center, aka CVC) at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in Saint Paul, 01MAY2021.

Nebraska; Hy-Vee pharmacies have so much vaccine that you don’t need to make an appointment, just walk in.

North Carolina;  Walgreens accused of issuing saline shots instead of CoViD vaccines!

Pennsylvania; Despite Erie County pharmacies complaining that not enough people are wanting to get vaccinated (“We began offering the vaccine on Wednesday and we didn’t give a single shot. We did five vaccinations Thursday and none so far Friday.”-Jennifer Barlekoff, Pharmacy Innovations.), weekly infections rates in Erie County have been dropping!

South Carolina;

South Carolina Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Brad Mincey.

South Carolina National Guard conduct mass-vax drive-thru operations in Saluda, 01MAY2021.

Texas; Despite revealing a surplus of vaccines (to be sent to Austin for some reason), the Department of State Health Services is demanding that even more vaccines be ordered!

Washington; Grade schools to be used as mass-vax sites for children!

Washington DC; Not one of the so-called CoViD vaccines in use in the United States have been approved as a vaccine under the USFDA!  All the propaganda by government officials and main-stream news media is hyperbole, the USFDA has only “authorized for emergency use only”, which is technically and legally not the same as ‘approving’ as a vaccine, mainly because the ‘experimental medical technologies’ did not go through the more intensive testing required for a true approved vaccine!