Incomplete list of links to reports and studies showing the vaccination campaign is a failure, as of 15MAY2021:
AstraZeneca (U.K) versus Sinovac (China) asks; How did a new variant spread around the world unnoticed?
U.S. military bases in Europe to begin vaccinating children.
United Nations’ World Health Organization (UN-WHO) condemns governments who are now vaccinating children, says the vaccines would be of better use if given to poor countries!
Yet another report reveals the truth (buried in the middle of the article) about why poor countries are short on vaccines; lack of cold storage facilities.
The UN-WHO warns of “new variant of concern”!
Reminder; the UN-WHO has not approved a single CoViD vaccine! CoViD shots have only been authorized for emergency use under the UN-WHO’s Emergency Use Listing (EUL), which states “The WHO Emergency Use Listing Procedure (EUL) is a risk-based procedure for assessing and listing unlicensed vaccines, therapeutics and in vitro diagnostics with the ultimate aim of expediting the availability of these products to people affected by a public health emergency.”
AUSTRALIA: Genetically modified CoViD vaccine nose spray.
South China Morning Post investigation reveals that many academic articles published on China’s inter-web are fake, all you need is 4-hundred USD and you can publish anything as ‘academic/scientific’!
GERMANY: Germany hints at blocking travel to and from United Kingdom!
City officials of Wiesbaden worked with U.S. Army leaders to create a vaccine passport for U.S. Army personnel. Currently in Wiesbaden, business owners can require potential customers to take a rapid CoViD test before entering their store. It’s hoped the new U.S. Army/Wiesbaden vax-pass will satisfy those pandemic-panic-attack business owners. It is not valid in other Germany cities.
FRANCE: Says Biden’s vaccine patent waiver idea is irrelevant.
INDIA: Revealed; fully vaccinated U.S. health ‘expert’ dies of CoViD after traveling to India, his wife finds it “ironic”!
Why Biden’s push for vaccine patent waivers won’t work for India.
India’s CoViD crisis is shutting down global logistics, creating shortages of the products you want!
Government bans re-entry of foreigners who live/work in Japan!
SWITZERLAND: Basel based vaccine maker says Biden’s vaccine patent waiver plan smacks of East German communism.
RUSSIA: Nasal spray vaccine ready by 2022?
UNITED KINGDOM: Changes CoViD pandemic-panic-attack rules (yet again), blames it on new variants!
UNITED STATES: Investigation shows only 12 people are responsible for almost all social-media fake-news about vaccines!
What is the new CoViD vaccine ‘honor system’?
Alabama; University of Alabama at Birmingham claims vaccine nasal spray works good in mice.

Arizona National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Michael Matkin.
The state National Guard began vaccinating children, ages 12 to 18 years, at a drive-through vaccination site in Mesa.
California; Celebrity talk show host/political commentator Bill Maher gets infected despite being fully vaccinated!
Colorado; Health officials report yet another new variant of CoViD, despite vaccinations!
Military leaders on Fort Knox are now begging people to get vaccinated. Captain Shantyl Galloway, officer in charge of the vaccination site, reported that the number of people getting the shot has dropped from between 150 to 2-hundred per day, to just 40! It’s now estimated that by the end of June the Fort Knox vax-site will be sitting on 2-thousand unused (and expiring) vaccines: “We’ve seen a drastic decline in demand……the demand just isn’t there.”
Maryland; Gaithersburg based Novovax is losing money after it was revealed its new CoViD vaccine is only 51% effective against the South African variant!
Gov’na praises pizza restaurant for offering free pizzas to people who got vaccinated.

U.S. Army, USAMMDA public affairs photo by Jeffrey Soares.
The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA), along with drug maker Amivas, reminded the public that their Malaria Treatment Drug-Intravenous Artesunate (MTD-IVAS) is available for treating ‘severe malaria’. The U.S. Army along with the UN-WHO have been warning of severe malaria, and working on a new treatment for several years. The MTD-IVAS treatment was actually approved in May 2020, by the USFDA, but was overshadowed by the corona virus pandemic panic attack. So far 5-hundred people have been treated with the new drug: “Artesunate for Injection fulfills a critical gap because it is the only FDA-approved drug to treat severe malaria in Service Members and the U.S. population.”– Ryan Adams, MTD-IVAS project manager
Nevada; New variants detected!
New York; Onondaga County using tax funded ‘free’ meals to encourage people to get vaccinated!

New York National Guard photo.
On 12MAY2021, the New York National Guard claimed to have issued the 25-thousandth 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at the Bronx-Baychester Point of Distribution (PoD) center.
Oklahoma; State health officials report increasing cases of new variants!

U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Jeremy Bennett.
At the FEMA/U.S. Army Northern Command’s mass-vax site (Community Vaccination Center, CVC) in Tulsa, U.S. Navy medics began vaccinating children, ages 12 to 17.
Virginia; Remember, the CoViD vaccines are not ‘approved’, they are only authorized for emergency use and as such military personnel are not required to get them. On 14MAY2021, the U.S. Navy announced the end of “high-throughput COVID-19 vaccination” for their operations in Norfolk. Navy officials admitted it is due to lack of demand: “We’ve vaccinated roughly 10-thousand people within the COMNAVAIRLANT claimancy. We’ve successfully satisfied the demand of people who want the vaccine.”-Lieutenant Aimie Terry, Assistant Force Nurse
While the U.S. Navy halted ‘high-throughput CoViD-19 vaccinations’, FEMA deployed the U.S. Coast Guard to the Military Circle Mall in Norfolk, turning the now vacant Macy’s store into a mass-vax (CVC) site. Optimistic officials think that there will be 3-thousand silly-vilians (civilians) per day using the CVC site.
Washington; For the week of May 3-9, the state National Guard claims that 11-thousand-338 CoViD-19 vaccines were administered.
Washington DC; Reminder, not one of the so-called CoViD vaccines in use in the United States have been approved as a vaccine under the USFDA! All the propaganda by government officials and main-stream news media is hyperbole, the USFDA has only “authorized for emergency use only”, which is technically and legally not the same as ‘approving’ as a vaccine, mainly because the ‘experimental medical technologies’ did not go through the more intensive testing required for a true approved vaccine!
Remember, the CoViD vaccines are not ‘approved’, they are only authorized for emergency use and as such military personnel are not required to get them.

U.S. Army, Fort McCoy Public Affairs photo by Aimee Malone.
On 04MAY2021, the U.S. Army post Fort McCoy halted on-post vaccinations due to lack of demand. Health officials even stated that many personnel that got the first shot never came back for the second dose. Fort McCoy health officials are assuming it is because the vaccine is now widely available through out Wisconsin, for free.