17 May 2021 (15:59-UTC-07 Tango 06) 27 Ordibehesht 1400/05 Shawwal 1442/06 Gui-Si 4719
Every year Malaria directly kills more than 400-million people! So far, not even 18 months into the CoViD-19 pandemic-panic-attack just under 3-and-a-half-million people have suffered death ‘related’ to coronavirus infection (because of the way each country documents what is or is not a CoViD death, it cannot be honestly said that all the deaths are directly because of coronavirus).
Now, also realize that people around the world are being given CoViD vaccines that were developed in a little more than half-a-year’s time, not even fully tested for official approval, only authorized for “emergency use”! The latest Malaria vaccines took years to develop (including a new U.S. Army vax that has already been issued to 5-hundred people since 2020), the most recent new Malaria vaccine took 37 years to develop!

U.S. Army doctors assist doctors in Burkina Faso in conducting Malaria testing, February 2019. Photo by Sergeant First Class Caleb Barrieau.
Until the 2020 Malaria vaccine approvals, people had to take pills on a daily basis to prevent/treat Malaria. Why is the news media so hyped-up about people getting a CoViD vax that has not been fully tested or officially approved, and yet has said nothing about the 400-plus-million people who die every year from Malaria? Is it because about 90% of Malaria cases still happen in African countries?
U.S. Army video from October 2011, Malaria is the top killer of people living on the African continent:
When I wrote about the U.S. Army’s new Malaria vax it was clear to me that the U.S. Army was concerned about what is being called Severe Malaria, which is spreading around the globe. In November 2020, the U.S. Navy deployed additional entomologists to Chabelley Airfield, Djibouti, due to increased reports of insect bites suffered by U.S. personnel. They are working with the Djibouti Ministry of Health in an effort to reduce the spread of Malaria.

U.S. military delivering drugs to the Nangarhar Malaria Control Center in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, June 2010. Photo by U.S. Air Force Technical Sergeant John Barton.
Comparing Malaria (a parasite) to Coronavirus (a virus) might be an apple-to-oranges fallacy, however a new Yale School of Public Health study says there is a link between Malaria and false-positive CoViD test results, as well as creating the false impression that a person has developed anti-bodies (developed immunity) against SARS-CoV-2!

U.S. Army Medical Research Unit-Kenya trains Kenyans in how to detect the Malaria parasite, November 2009. Photo by U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Robert Gallagher.
Here’s links to the latest reports about Malaria: Ukraine confirms five cases of Malaria.
Study says popular (and highly toxic) herbicide increases spread of Malaria!
University of Houston examines Malaria treatments.
Latvia develops Malaria parasite killer.
UN-WHO’s report on Greater Mekong subregion meeting of health officials concerned about Malaria.
Is Malaria treatment all about the money? Malaria Treatment Market to Outstrip $2,126.42 Million by 2027.
Vaccine Fail: Pharmacies spoil vaccines, issue fake shots instead? Japan reveals deaths after getting shots!
U.S. Army continues to warn of new pandemic: CHIKrisk 2021
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