Tag Archives: crime

Biden’s Borderland: More boat-people, more drugs, and the Zombie Apocalypse?

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to news/government agency reports as of 01 May 2021:

On the Mexican side of the border, in one location so many illegals are expected that charities have built a ‘home’, and already they have tenants.

In another border location, the City of Tijuana is moving a border-crosser camp to a new location, due to massive overcrowding including 5-hundred children.

Due to increased various forms of fraud committed against U.S. businesses by foreigners, the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center) in partnership with Michigan State University’s Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection (A-CAPP), U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Better Business Bureau announced the launch of IP Protect.  It is a free service for small to mid-size businesses.

ARIZONA: Yuma Sector Border Patrol intercept human smuggling vehicle on Interstate 8.  The smugglers are from California, three of the illegals have prior records in the U.S.

Yuma Sector Border Patrol reports capturing known sex offender trying to get into the U.S.

Yuma County Sheriff’s deputies conducting a welfare check discovered the home was being used the hide illegals.

A Jamaican citizen, who had been living in Utah, gets prison time for ripping-off old people and money laundering.

CALIFORNIA:  U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) reports increase in attempts to enter the U.S. in the San Diego Sector.

  Emergency detention site set to welcome 250 illegal children.

Biden has continued the use of Title 42, California news media claims that as a result kidnappings and extortion is on the rise!

Report says ‘Essential Worker’ status for migrant workers is not being applied to migrant women.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection video by Mani Albrecht, people smugglers use rope to drop two years old and six years old from the wall, 23APR2021:

FEMA will pay for funerals of illegals who died due to pandemic complications.

COLORADO: Man goes to prison as a result of working for Mexican drug dealers.

DELAWARE:  CBP is calling it Zombie Apocalypse ammo.  Somebody tried to ship 40 rounds of Zombie Terminator .38 caliber ammo to Honduras.


U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer Charly Tautfest.

On 25APR2021, the Coast Guard Cutter Bear intercepted this small boat near Fort Lauderdale.  When it was off-loaded it was discovered to have approximately 2-thousand-3-hundred pounds of cocaine.  In April 2020, President Donald Trump authorized Enhanced Counter Narcotics Operations in an effort to slow the increased smuggling of illegal drugs.

USCG photo by Petty Officer Third Class Brandon Murray.

On April 22, Coast Guard Cutter Charles Sexton took-on 72 illegals from Haiti, captured by Customs and Border Protection just ten miles from Lake Worth.  They were sent back to Haiti on 27 April.

USCG photo by Chief Petty Officer Charly Tautfest.

On 20 April, the crew of Coast Guard Cutter Tampa off-loaded approximately 5-thousand-5-hundred pounds of cocaine on Base Miami Beach.  The illegal drug was captured on April 9th, with the help of Tampa Police, when a ‘low-profile vessel’ was captured off the coast of Punta Gallinas, Colombia:

USCG photo.

These two illegals from Cuba are using surf boards in an attempt to get to the United States.  They were captured 70 miles southwest from Key West, on 16 April.  The 16th was a busy day for the U.S. Coast Guard, capturing a total of 23 illegals from Cuba, on three ‘boats’ in different locations off Florida, all were sent back.

USCG photo.

On 10 April this crazy ‘boat’ was found with 14 illegals from Cuba, off Key West.  The illegals were returned to Cuba on the 13th.

GEORGIA:  Illegals can get professional licenses, easy.

ILLINOIS: Chinese citizen goes to prison as a result of working for Mexican drug dealers.

MAINE: Gives federal tax funded healthcare to illegals.


USCG photo by Petty Officer Third Class Kimberly Reaves.

A Port Safety and Security inspection team, from Coast Guard Sector Maryland-National Capital Region, inspects a container to look for undeclared hazards, in conjunction with Customs and Border Protection officers, during a multi-agency strike force operation at the Port of Baltimore, 20APR2021.

NEBRASKA: Mexican citizen gets prison time for identity theft.

NEW YORK: Immigrant loving Empire State creates administrative nightmare with free money for illegals!

NYC’s immigration boss leaves De Blasio admin.

NEW JERSEY: Illegals get driver’s licenses. 

Will New Jersey give $40-million in federal tax dollars to illegals?


USCG photo.

On 20 April,  Coast Guard Cutter Joseph Tezanos captured 17 illegals in the Mona Passage.  With no documents, they claimed to be from Dominican Republic and were handed over to the Dominican Navy on 22 April.

USCG photo.

13 April, Coast Guard Cutter Joseph Napier captured 15 illegals from Dominican Republic, in the Mona Passage.  They were sent back.

TEXAS: 33 illegals from Guatemala captured in a safe-house.

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol reports a busy last week of April, capturing  4-thousand-640 illegals, smugglers and known criminals!

In one day CBP personnel working the Pharr International Bridge captured more than $8-million worth of illegal drugs coming in from Mexico!

WASHINGTON: Border Patrol screws-up, detains men legally allowed in the U.S., now has to pay for it.

Washington DC:  Remember when Democrats and the news media continually called President Trump a racists for imposing pandemic travel restrictions against other countries? Guess who just imposed travel restrictions against India? 

The new official word for illegal is non-citizen.


Biden’s War: South Carolina’s F-16C/J launch to Saudi Arabia!

South Carolina Air National Guard photo by Senior Master Sergeant Edward Snyder.

On 12APR2021, South Carolina Air National Guard’s 169th Fighter Wing (FW) launched their F-16CJs (SEAD Wild Weasels) to Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia.

South Carolina ANG photo by Lieutenant Colonel Jim Saint-Clair.

About 3-hundred state air-militia-personnel deployed, the unit is know as the Swamp Foxes: “Our Citizen-Airmen are fully integrated with our active component brothers and sisters to partner with our allies in the Central Command area of responsibility to deliver air power where and when needed. As we have done numerous times in the past, the Swamp Foxes will illustrate the force multiplying capabilities of our air reserve component forces.”-Colonel Akshai Gandhi, 169th FW commander

South Carolina ANG photo by Senior Master Sergeant Edward Snyder.

While most personnel deployed during the day, the F-16CJs left McEntire Joint National Guard Base during the night:


Pandemic Logistics Shenanigans: Canned Pet Food? Conspiracy to jack-up prices? Blame China?

26 April 2021 / 23:50-UTC-07 Tango 06 (07 Ordibehesht 1400/15 Ramadan 1442/16 Ren-Chen 4719)

Photo by AAron Hutchins, 25APR2021.

A recent visit to the Pocatello, Idaho, Fred Meyer revealed that not only are they still out of cat litter, but now they are out of canned cat food!  Notice the blue stickers all over the shelf fronts, they say “Sorry for the inconvenience”.

Across the street at Winco, they are still low on the top selling cat litters, but are also showing fewer stock of canned cat and dog food.  Fred Meyer is also showing a declining stock of canned dog food, but they’re not out of stock, yet.

It doesn’t help that in the past month several brands of pet food, in the U.S., were recalled due to salmonella.

A quick check of the inter-web and I discovered that shortages of pet food is making way more international news than shortages of cat litter, and this time most of the international news media isn’t blaming the pandemic (except for a Fox TV station and other news outlets in New York).

India:  Government orders pet food makers to boost production.

New Zealand:  Global supply issues and shipping delays hit the family cat’s dinner plate.

United States: Cat Food Shortage Leaves Pet Owners in a Bind.

Pet food shortage: Fancy Feast, Friskies and 9 Lives.

These Three Beloved Pet Food Brands Are About to Skyrocket in Price.

I also checked for news regarding the logistics industry.

An interesting report out of India revealed that several India airline companies are now contracting to be CoViD-19 oxygen and vaccine cargo haulers in Hong Kong, India and for “private entities” in the United States.  Also, Singapore government-owned Temasek has partnered with Air India and Amazon to airlift oxygen concentrators.

The fact that so many shipping companies are shifting to more profitable CoViD operations can only negatively affect the supplies of everything else.

Siddharth Jain of Inox Air Products, revealed in a recent interview why the current craze of shipping liquid oxygen to CoViD hospitals is screwing up the supply chain, at least in India: “….this has never been done anywhere in the world. Liquid oxygen is not designed to travel thousands of kilometers. Usually, plants are set up where there is a requirement…” 

In New Zealand, University of Auckland Centre for Supply Chain Management director Tava Olsen said supply chains were supposed to flow smoothly like water, but the whole chain had become ‘lumpy’….blames it partly on China.

Covenant Logistics Group just revealed they’ve been restructuring their operations, and admitted that “…supply chain disruptions, and an intensifying national driver shortage, all of which have continued into the second quarter.”

Crain’s New York Business interviewed an ‘expert’ who stated that the pandemic shift to more e-commerce revealed that there is not enough warehouses (believe it or not) dedicated to stocking merchandise for e-commerce sales.  The expert also said the logistics industry is ramping up its use of A-I and robots.

A new article by Logistics Manager says the advent of the pandemic, Brexit, China trade problems, and the recent blockage of the Suez Canal, revealed that the shift to a logistical system operated more with A-I and robots, and less humans, doesn’t work!  It also agrees with the Crain’s New York Business ‘expert’ who says there just aren’t enough warehouses to support the new logistics system.

Photo by AAron Hutchins, November 2013.

At the end of last year the Pocatello, Idaho, Fred Meyer began operating as a ‘fulfilment’ center for their e-commerce and pandemic ‘pick-up’ sales.  The brick-n-mortar store is now serving double duty as an e-commerce warehouse, but that doesn’t mean they’re carrying more stock.

I’ve written several times in the past that the so-called pandemic panic attack buying is actually a major problem with the globalized supply system, in which bigger logistics companies were taking over and shutting down smaller competitors, and switching to a new A-I system with robot workers instead of humans, just before the pandemic hit.





Desert Storm: Aircraft Graveyard

Operation Desert Shield/Storm can be considered the last battle of the undeclared Cold War.  It was totally one sided, and can’t be considered a ‘war’.  The battle annihilated the Iraqi air force.

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) photo.

What’s left of a Sukhoi 25, NATO reporting name Frogfoot.

DoD photo.

From this angle it appears the Su-25 made an emergency landing on the dirt.  Notice the tracks in the dirt indicate the right main tire was blown as the track is deeper and rougher cut that the left main and nose wheel-tires.

DoD photo.

Sukhoi 22 found in a hardened hanger.

DoD photo.

DoD photo.

In a hanger hit by airstrikes, is this what is left of a MiG-25?

DoD photo.

Definitely a MiG-25.

DoD photo.

What’s left of British Airways flight 149 Boeing 747, on the Kuwait International Airport.  The U.S. DoD reported it as destroyed by retreating Iraqi troops, however it has never been proven. Flight 149 just happen to arrive on the airport the day the Iraqis invaded, passengers and crew were taken hostage. 

DoD photo.

An aerial view showing the British Airways 747 and a smaller Kuwaiti Air Force DC-9 cargo aircraft.  It should be noted that the information that came with this DoD photo said “…coalition bombing of a transport aircraft and a small jet at Kuwait International Airport in the final days of Operation Desert Storm”, contradicting statements that retreating Iraqis did it.

DoD photo.

Staff Sergeant Lee Corkran stands in front of KAF320, the destroyed Kuwaiti Air Force DC-9.  The photo’s original DoD information claimed this was the tail section of a Kuwaiti Air Force 747!

DoD photo.

Abandoned Iraqi Mil 8, NATO reporting name Hip.

DoD photo.

Remains of a helicopter.

DoD photo.

Was this a Hind or a Hip?

DoD photo.

U.S. Army soldiers check-out a Mil-24, NATO reporting name Hind.

DoD photo.

DoD photo.

General Norman Schwarzkopf uses his foot to check-out the pieces & parts of an abandoned Hind.

DoD photo.

Captured by U.S. Marines, a U.S. made Bell 214ST.

DoD photo.

An Iranian F-4E was destroyed during Desert Storm.  The interesting story is that the Iranian pilot defected to Iraq in 1984, in the middle of the Iran-Iraq War.  The back seat Weapon System Operator (WSO) was not part of the defection and became a Prisoner of War.  Later the WSO was released to NATO Turkey, where he was assassinated.

DoD photo.

What’s left of a MiG 29, NATO reporting name Fulcrum.

DoD photo.

U.S. Army combat cameraman, Daniel Jackson, videos the burned-out Fulcrum.

DoD photo.

An aerial view of the same MiG-29.

DoD photo.

A bashed-up Iraqi Pilatus PC-7.

DoD photo.

Burned beyond recognition.

DoD photo.

Sukhoi 22.

DoD photo.

More destroyed Su-22s.

DoD photo.

Su-22 nose.

Iraq 2003:

USN/USMC photo.


Vehicle I-D:  IRAQI HUEY

Crash Landings: USAAF P-51 Mustangs, England, 1944-45

These U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) photos were not released for publication until the middle of 1946, a year after the war in Europe officially ended.  One reason for the late release of the photos is that many did not begin arriving ‘state side’ until the end of 1945, remaining with their respective units until the units returned to the U.S. or were disbanded.

U.S. Army Air Force photo.

P51 (36845), 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 18JUL1944.

USAAF photo.

Personnel retrieve the body of the pilot of P51 #44-14034, 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 30JUL1944.

USAAF photo.

Bent props caused by crash landing, after a ground attack run over enemy territory, Summer 1944.

USAAF photo.

P51 #41-3940, 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 16AUG1944.

USAAF photo.

P-51 ‘Hanger Queen’ gets scrapped by the 353rd Fighter Group, 04SEP1944.

USAAF photo.

P51 #14381, 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 11SEP1944.

USAAF photo.

P51 #13891, 364th Fighter Group Base, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 11OCT1944.

USAAF photo.

P51 ‘Rugged Rebel’ (44-13686), 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 17OCT1944.

USAAF photo.

8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 03NOV1944.

USAAF photo.

P51 ‘G.I. Buzz Buggy’ (14703), 364th Fighter Group Base, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 09NOV1944.

USAAF photo.

Probably not caused by a crash landing, P51 ‘Frances Ann’ (44-13557), 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 08DEC1944.

USAAF photo.

P51 #44-13933, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England,  17DEC1944.

USAAF photo.

P51 ‘Dana Kay’ (44-11567), 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 15JAN1945.

U.S. Army Air Force photo.

P51 (43-25066), 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-365, Honnington, England, 22APR1945.

U.S. Army Air Force photo.

P51 ‘Lucky Leaky II’ (2103363), 353rd Fighter Group, crashed on English base, 02MAY1945.

USAAF photo.

USAAF photo.

P51 ‘Boogie’s Burner’ (44-14190), 364th Fighter Group, 67th Fighter Wing, 8th Air Force Station F-375, Honnington, England, 16MAY1945.

USAAF photo.

P51 ‘Butch 3rd’ (414774), 353rd Fighter Group, on its English base, 24JUL1945.


Iraq 2003: Armor Battle Damage

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) photo.

Iraqi MTLB destroyed, 22MAR2003.

DoD photo.

Destroyed Iraqi MTLB armed with ZU-23-2 gun system, 22MAR2003.

DoD photo.

Destroyed Iraqi T-62 along Highway 6, notice the hull bottom has been blown out and the turret is no longer centered, 04APR2003.

DoD photo.

Chinese made Type 69 burning near the An Nu’maniyah Bridge/Hwy-27, 02APR2003.

DoD photo.

Same Type 69, different angle.

DoD photo.

Same Type 69, photo taken 05APR2003.  It should be noted that the Iraqi army called the Chinese Type 69 a T-55B.

DoD photo.

A USMC M1A1 abandoned and scuttled just outside Jaman Al Juburi, first week of April 2003.

DoD photo.

Same M1A1.  In the heat of battle if a tank was not recoverable then it was destroyed by its own crew to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.  The irony is that eight years later the U.S. government delivered to Iraq upgraded M1A1s, and in-turn the Iraqi government gave several to pro-Iranian militias.

DoD photo.

Another angle on the same scuttled tank.

DoD photo.

While it might not look it, the information that came with this photo states that Marine Corps M1A1 #578677 is considered destroyed.  It does look like it is completely bogged down in mud up to its fenders, and being stripped of whatever can be stripped, just outside Sayyid-Abd, 06APR2003.

DoD photo.

Also at Sayyid-Abd, this USMC M88A2 ‘Hell’s Wrecker’ was written-off.

DoD photo.

Another view of Hell’s Wrecker.

DoD photo.

U.S. Marines check-out an abandoned Iraqi T-72, along Route 1, 08APR2003.

DoD photo.

U.S. Marines find a dozen abandoned T-72s in a farm area of Iraq (exact location not given), 12APR2003.

DoD photo.

Notice the warpage of the barrel of the 12.7mm machine gun on this burned-out T-72, near Al Iskandariyah (Alexandria), 13APR2003.

DoD photo.

Iraqi Type 69 (notice headlight groups on both fenders) destroyed just outside Mosul, 13APR2003.

DoD photo.

Destroyed T-62, no location given, 13APR2003.

DoD photo.

Destroyed Type 69 and T-55 based recovery/engineer vehicle, possibly near the An Nu’maniyah Bridge along Highway 27, 13APR2003.  These are the same vehicles seen burning in this article’s header photo.

DoD photo.

A field of destroyed dreams, 16APR2003.  Type 69s and two types of recovery/engineer vehicles.  Chinese made Type 69s can be identified by the headlight housings on each front fender.  T-55s have a single headlight group on the front slope.

DoD photo.

25JUN2003, U.S. Army soldiers off-load ammo from a damaged and almost completely buried T-72, outside of Fallujah.

DoD photo.

Battle damaged USMC M1A1 sitting in Kuwait, waiting to be sent back to the United States. Information with the photo did not give details about the damage.  14AUG2003.

DoD photo.

U.S. Marines use a battle damaged Iraqi BTR-50 for fire response training, sometime in 2004.  This was the fate of many damaged and captured Iraqi armored vehicles.




IRAQI GREYHOUND السلوقي العراقي

Vaccine Fail: ‘Experts’ finally admit vaccines are not 100%! New ‘double mutant’ virus renders vaccines pointless!

Not one of the so-called CoViD vaccines in use in the United States have been approved as a vaccine under the USFDA!  All the propaganda by government officials and main-stream news media is hyperbole, the USFDA has only “authorized for emergency use only”, which is technically and legally not the same as ‘approving’ as a vaccine, mainly because the ‘experimental medical technologies’ did not go through the testing required for a true approved vaccine!

Incomplete list of links to news reports and studies showing the vaccination campaign is a failure, as of 07APR2021:

Amnesty International says ‘rich’ countries are hording vaccines!

European Medicines Agency officially links AstraZeneca CoViD vaccine to deadly blood clots!

CANADA: Fast acting vaccine resistant CoViD variants are now dominating, taking young people down!

CHINA: Hong Kong considers joining other countries in banning deadly AstraZeneca vaccine!

INDIA: New ‘double mutant’ CoViD virus discovered, it is the cause of surge of new infections, current vaccines do not work against it!

JAPAN: Plans to start vaccinations might be too late, Osaka Prefecture declares state of emergency because of skyrocketing infections due to new variants of CoViD: “We’ve seen a rapid spread of infections, including the spread of virus variant infections. There’s a danger the medical system will collapse.”-Hirofumi Yoshimura, governor 

KOREA: Republic of Korea (South Korea) considers reducing the amount of AstraZeneca vaccine it makes under contract, for export!

RUSSIA: Claims their vaccine gives you true immunity for a full year!

UNITED KINGDOM: Deaths linked to CoViD vaccine halts testing in children.

UNITED STATES:  Remember when health ‘experts’ and the U.S. news media criticized President Donald Trump for labeling CoViD-19 the “China Virus”?  How come health ‘experts’ and the U.S. news media have no problem labeling the new variants with names like U.K., Brazil, or South Africa?

 Because the CoViD ‘vaccines’ never went through the testing to be approved as vaccines, this report admits health experts don’t even know if the authorized for emergency use only technologies will prevent vaccinated people from spreading CoViD!  In other words, vaccinated people might actually be carriers!

U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer Third Class Isaak Martinez.

The U.S. Navy began using monitoring rings on personnel, mainly to observe sleep patterns, but also to see if such monitoring tech could detect when a person is infected.

Study confirms that severe inflammation (multisystem inflammatory syndrome) in children is a ‘delayed’ symptom of CoViD infection.

Five universities make vaccination mandatory!

California: New ‘double mutant’ Indian CoViD virus confirmed in San Francisco, current vaccines do not work against it!

Colorado: Confirms Brazil variant, not only is it resistant to vaccines but it makes it easier for you to get re-infected!


Photo by Mike Walters.

U.S. Army begins testing its new nano-particle vaccine on humans.  Program was started under the Trump Administration back in January 2020.  Military doctors admit they know where coronavirus comes from and that they’ve been expecting new variants.

MassachusettsHalf of new infections caused by British (U.K.) variant!

Missouri: Confirms infections caused by South African variant!

New Hampshire: Brazil variant behind surge of infections!

New Mexico: Navajo Nation confirms infections caused by new variant!

Texas: Pandemic vaccination passports banned by governor!

People fully vaccinated are still getting infected, Department of State Health Services expert Douglas Loveday admitted “There is never 100% immunity through vaccination, so a small number of these cases are inevitable.”  Anybody as old as I am should remember when health experts told us vaccines would prevent illness, now they’re finally admitting that vaccines do not prevent illness!

University study shows you can still get infected after being ‘fully’ vaccinated!

More than a dozen children given CoViD shots by mistake!

Teenager gets CoViD vaccine, now has neurological disorder!

Vaccine inequality in Dallas?

Vermont: Minorities get top priority for vaccines!

Health officials say they are dealing with three new vaccine resistant variants!

Wyoming:  Vaccine resistant California variant causing surge of infections!


Vaccine Fail: Why are military personnel refusing The Shot?


Vaccines are killing people, Governments now going after healthcare workers who refuse The Shot!

Incomplete list of links to news reports and studies showing the vaccination campaign is a failure, as of 02APR2021:

AUSTRIA: Suspends use of AstraZenica vaccine after death

GERMANY: Restricts use of AstraZeneca vaccine

Vaccine causes 31 cases of blood clots, nine nurses killed!

Health ‘experts’ warn don’t get the second shot!

GEORGIA: Health Ministry restricts use of AstraZeneca vax after nurse dies!

GREECE: Pharmacy administrator resigns over AstraZeneca death!

HUNGARY: Despite highest percentage of vaccinations in the European Union, sets daily COVID deaths record!

ITALY: Study says being fat prevents vaccines from working, suggests higher doses of vaccine!

Nurses refuse to get vaccinated, government responds by making vaccination a requirement for employment!

NETHERLANDS: Halts use of AstraZeneca vaccine due to people getting blood clots!

PHILIPPINES: Nurse dies after getting Chinese made vaccine!

SERBIA: While foreigners are flocking to Serbia to get vaccinated, Serbians are getting arrested for refusing to get vaccinated!

SOUTH AFRICA: Study says AstraZeneca vaccine does not work against South African (B1351) variant of coronavirus!

THAILAND:  Monk dies after getting Covid-19 vaccine, 3 others treated at the hospital!

UNITED KINGDOM: Admits people are suffering blood clots after getting the U.K.’s AstraZeneca shot!


UNITED STATES: Health ‘expert’ says “We’re in a race between variants and vaccinations.”

Children are being blamed for new variants of CoViD!

At least 4-hundred healthcare workers died after the vaccines were issued!

Revealed, while nursing home residents were forced to get vaccinated, most nursing home employees refused to get vaccinated!

Nursing home infections crash despite nursing home employees refusing to get vaccinated!

AstraZeneca accused of using outdated data in applying for U.S. approval!

Revealed, U.S. already has 10-million doses of AstraZeneca vax in stockpile!  Might ‘donate’ to African countries?

California: Santa Clara County warns of ‘worrying trend’ in COVID variants

Florida: Majority of long-term care staffers refused coronavirus vaccine! 

U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sergeant Holly Roberts-Davis.

About 140 U.S. Air Force (USAF) Airmen deployed to Tampa to conduct federal mass vax operations.

Idaho: More deadly variants of coronavirus detected!

Doctor admits “I don’t think we truly know” the surge of infections, despite increased vaccinations!

Kansas: Woman dies after getting the shot!

Michigan: On 15MAR2021, FEMA ordered the Department of Defense to deploy military medical and support personnel to Michigan, to support federal Community Vaccination Centers (mass vax sites).  FEMA Region 5 video of mass vax site in Ford Field:

Utah: Nurses suffer adverse reactions to second dose of vaccine, local news media questions why there is so little information about adverse reactions, explains how to report such reactions.

New York:

USAF photo by Technical Sergeant Ashley Nicole Taylor.

About 140 USAF Airmen deployed to Brooklyn-NYC for mass vax operations.

North Carolina:  Woman dies of stroke after getting vaccinated, death certificate states it was caused by the vaccine, pro-vaccine state health ‘experts’ say don’t rush to judgement!

Virginia:  New law punishes healthcare workers who refuse to get vaccinated!

Washington:  On 24MAR2021, FEMA ordered the Department of Defense to deploy military medical and support personnel to Washington for mass vax ops.  Video report, on 31MAR2021, FEMA and the U.S. Army began vaccination ops in Yakima County:

Washington DC:  On 01APR2021, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ordered the Department of Defense to deploy military medical and support personnel to Maryland, Tennessee and Wisconsin, to support federal Community Vaccination Centers: “In support of FEMA, our service members continue to vaccinate more and more Americans. Once open, these three new sites will create thousands of additional opportunities each day for eligible Marylanders, Tennesseans and Wisconsinites to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.”-Lieutenant General Laura J. Richardson, U.S. Army North and the Joint Force Land Component Command of U.S. Northern Command

On 30MAR2021, FEMA ordered the Department of Defense to deploy military medical and support personnel to Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, Indiana and Missouri, to support federal Community Vaccination Centers (mass vax sites).

Don’t forget, if vaccines are so safe, why did the U.S. government create the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)?

Pandemic Shenanigans: ONE RING TO RULE THEM, BIG BROTHERISM IN THE NAME OF FIGHTING A PANDEMIC? (U.S. Navy issues health monitoring rings to personnel)


Biden’s Borderland: “Smugglers just drop them off”, Border Facilities become Revolving Door operations!

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to news/government agency reports as of 01 April 2021:

Who said migrant workers aren’t infected?  Canadian news media discover that the Canadian government built a secret 125 bed migrant farm worker hospital, so far one thousand migrant workers have been isolated there due to being infected with CoViD!  The secret hospital was built last year and only now revealed because of government budget reviews!  The secret hospital cost Canadian taxpayers CAD$17-million over the past 12 months.

U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer Second Class Tyler R. Fraser.

These U.S. Sailors are originally from Philippines, now they are U.S. citizens.  They followed the legal steps to becoming citizens and were sworn in on 29MAR2021, during a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services naturalization ceremony onboard Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan.

ARIZONA:  U.S. Attorney General’s office releases data for February, showing that 151 illegals (captured in Arizona) have prior criminal records for various crimes, including murder, committed within the United States! 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection-Air and Marine Operations video of the rescue of an illegal who broke his leg trying to cross the Baboquivari Peak Wilderness, 30MAR2021:

CALIFORNIA:  Increasing number of illegals with prior criminal convictions being captured in The Golden State!

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer Third Class Taylor Bacon.

The crew of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Munro unloaded 19-thousand-6-hundred pounds (8890 kg) of captured illegal drugs in Alameda, 23MAR2021.

FLORIDA:  Restaurant owners admit they gave illegals housing, and tax-free employment!

U.S. Coast Guard photo.

The U.S. Coast Guard helped capture these boats approximately five miles off West Palm Beach.  The boats held illegals from Haiti, Jamaica, Bahamas and Dominican Republic.  Department of Homeland Security detained some of the illegals because they are suspected of committing ‘other crimes’.

USCG photo.

On 18MAR2021, USCG captured 17 illegals from Cuba, approximately 54 miles south of Key West.  They were sent back to Cuba.

USCG photo.

The USCG says it captured this boat, with three illegals from Cuba on it, approximately 50 miles southeast of the Bahamas, 14MAR2021.  The illegals were returned to Cuba.

NEW JERSEY: State court ruling says liberal judges cannot detain illegals for the purpose of preventing their deportation!

NEW MEXICO: Christian organization preparing to take-on thousands of illegals!

TEXAS: Smugglers just drop them off”, Inside an overcrowded migrant facility in Texas

Four years old boy found alone near river

Border facilities are so crowded that Border Patrol is forced to release illegals without any notice or in-processing documentation!

USCBP video showing operations of ‘temporary’ detention facility in Donna, your tax dollars at work, 17MAR2021:

Local Texas news media says border crisis is good for local economy!

WASHINGTON:  A pro-illegal non-profit group takes over foster home, evicting the citizen foster family living there, so that illegals can be housed! 

Washington DC: What Kamala Harris Has Said About Immigration Before Leading White House Border Response

Why are some farm workers opposed to the proposed to the Pathway to Citizenship (Farm Workforce Modernization Act) bill?

Great Reneger: Biden directly created border hell by cancelling Trump’s asylum treaties with the very countries that are now swamping our borders with children!


Biden’s War: U.S. forces enter Syria, again

31 March 2021 (00:00-UTC-07 Tango 06) 11 Farvardin 1400/17 Sha’ban 1442/19 Xin-Mao(2nd month) 4719

U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Torrance Saunders.

Before El Presidente Biden’s Secretary of State went to the United Nations, demanding that Syria open up its borders with unfriendly neighbors in the name of humanitarian aid, U.S. Army mechanized infantry (1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division) crossed into Syria during the first couple of weeks of March 2021.

USA photo by Sergeant Torrance Saunders.

Interestingly, while the O’Biden administration claims they are only concerned with humanitarian problems, a couple of weeks ago it was revealed that U.S.-backed Syrian rebels ship wheat out of Syria to Iraq, despite a food crisis in Syria!

On 25MAR2021, the Syrian government reported that 18 U.S. escorted tractor-trailer rigs stole massive amounts of wheat from Al-Hasakah Governorate. The trucks drove back into Iraq.  Syria also claims U.S. forces have protected 5-hundred tanker trucks used to steal Syrian oil, just in the first three weeks of March!

USA photo by Sergeant Torrance Saunders.

Don’t forget, U.S.-led NATO member Turkey still occupies the Northern area of Syria: 26MAR2021Turkish occupation and mercenaries renew artillery attack on Tal Tamer, Hasaka countryside.

An ignorant female Syrian refugee, who fled Syria because of NATO Turkey’s invasion, says Biden’s ‘America is Back’ Policy Should Start with Syria!

USA photo by Sergeant Torrance Saunders.

Not only are U.S. forces operating in Syria, but they now do so with large U.S. flags attached to each vehicle.

USA photo by Sergeant Torrance Saunders.

Amazingly, the U.S. Army itself says the reason for the latest cross border raid is to defeat Islamic State, aka ISIS, aka ISIL, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria])!

USA photo by Sergeant Torrance Saunders.

On 20MAR2021, U.S. forward air controllers (JTAC) conducted a ‘live fire’ operation with Syrian rebels, using AH-64 Apaches.

USA photo by Sergeant Torrance Saunders.

Despite 12 months of relative calm in Syria, even the leader of the United Nations says there should be a “collective responsibility” to end the war in Syria.

Iowa Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Christie R. Smith.

On 06MAR2021, the Iraqi Department of Border Enforcement accepted USD$2.6-million worth of communication gear, from the U.S. military.  The official reason is to help Iraq fight ISIS in Syria.

USA photo by Captain Travis Mueller.

U.S. Army UH-60 Blackhawk at a forward arming and refueling point inside Syria, 03MAR2021.

Photo via U.S. Army.

On 02MAR2021, the U.S. Army boasted about this impromptu forward air controller tower built at a “remote outpost” in an “undisclosed location” (thought to be inside Syria).