Tag Archives: crime

Great Reneger: Biden directly created the current Borderland hell!

“During Fiscal Year 2019, more than 71% of migrants apprehended at the U.S. Southwest border came from El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras….”-U.S. Department of Homeland Security, December 2020

U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo by Jaime Rodriguez Senior. Children are dropped-off at a ‘temporary’ facility in Donna, Texas, 17MAR2021.

Terrible living conditions has always been the official reason given for periodic swarms of migrants moving from Central American countries to the United States.  In 2021, the main stream news media added climate change weather and pandemic events to that excuse.  Over the decades it’s usually three countries that are the dominant providers of migrants;  El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.  Do your research and you’ll discover that the U.S. is directly involved in those three countries, and has been for more than a hundred years.

Here are some links:  History of U.S. policy in Central America

A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

USCBP photo by Jaime Rodriguez Senior. The control room at the ‘temp’ facility in Donna, Texas, 17MAR2021.

President Donald Trump spent millions in taxes trying to stop migrants from coming to the U.S., and I’m not talking about The Wall, they could be considered bribes to the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, through the signing of three Asylum Cooperation Agreements (ACA, not to be confused with Affordable Care Act).

Ah yes, the Asylum Cooperation Agreements which the main stream news media never talks about.  Agreements which would have greatly reduced people migrating from those specific three Central American countries, what happened to them?  Why, the new El Presidente Joe Biden reneged on them!

USCBP photo by Jaime Rodriguez Senior. The reality of Biden’s border policy.

On 06FEB2021, Biden’s U.S. Department of State announced it was “Suspending and Terminating the Asylum Cooperative Agreements with the Governments El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.”




Another B-1B ‘Bone’ sent to the BoneYard! Is the end near?

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman First Class Quentin Marx, 16FEB2021.

The military calls it ‘divestiture’, when they retire a major piece of military equipment.  Under the National Defense Authorization Act, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) is required to divest 17 B-1B Lancers (aka Bones) in order to justify buying the new B-21 Raider (a new version of the B-2).

USAF photo by Airman Jonah Fronk, 17FEB2021.

On 17FEB2021, the first of several Ellisworth Air Force Base (AFB) 28th Bomb Wing ‘Bones’ was sent off on its last flight to the ‘BoneYard’ at Davis-Monthan AFB, in Arizona.

USAF photo by Airman Jonah Fronk, 16FEB2021.

On 16FEB2021, maintainers with 28th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron conducted final inspections and adjustments to #85-066.

USAF photo by Airman Jonah Fronk, 16FEB2021.

USAF photo by Airman Jonah Fronk, 16FEB2021.

USAF photo, 17FEB2021.

USAF photo, 17FEB2021.

#85-066 upon arrival at Davis-Monthan AFB, 17FEB2021.

USAF photo by Airman First Class Austin McIntosh.

The above is B-1B #85-081, photographed on 12MAR2021, also on its way to the BoneYard.






Pandemic Shenanigans: More false positives! J&J vax under study for infertility! Shutdowns falsely blamed on CoViD!

Here’s an incomplete list of links to news media reports on the latest pandemic panic-attack shenanigans, as of 14MAR2021:

Hotel tries to attract tourists by offering free CoViD testing across Caribbean and Mexico.

Why has Covid’s toll been surprisingly low across much of Africa and Asia?

AUSTRALIA: Supposedly the residents of Western Australia re-elected their state government, by a landslide, despite crazy-strict pandemic panic-attack restrictions.

Government allows pharmacies to substitute medications due to shortages blamed on pandemic panic-attack!

BRAZIL: Why did Brazil greatly reduce testing for CoViD when supposedly infections and deaths were skyrocketing?

CANADA: “As of March 11, a total of 2,986 variants of concern have been reported across Canada…”

Variant versus Strain

New cross-border CoViD testing operation run by hotel chain, for Canada and United States.

Travelers hit with big fine for providing false CoViD test results.

‘Free’ CoViD test in Nova Scotia cost Canadian woman more than CAD$1-thousand!

Amazon ordered to shutdown distribution center due to skyrocketing infections!

CZECH REPUBLIC: Businesses are backing government mandated CoViD testing in the hopes the government won’t shut them down!

ITALY: Red Zone panic-attack restrictions tightened!

JAPAN: Government officials beg China not to butt-test people visiting from Japan!

Health officials report new Philippine strain of CoViD, amid 60% increase in variants, a total of 271 cases of variant-strains!

KOREA: CoViD tests are now mandatory for foreigners!

MEXICO: CoViD testing conducted by dogs!

U.S. health ‘expert’ Fauci admits, in detailed interview by Eugenio Derbez, that CoViD ‘vaccines’ are not vaccines, but experimental technology! Admits studies do not show that vaccines actually stop infection, they just prevent symptoms, that’s why you must still comply with pandemic panic-attack restrictions! Admits vaccines will turn people into ‘carriers’! Admits the vaccines are not working on new strains/variants of CoViD! At end of interview reveals that a third CoViD ‘booster’ vaccine is on the way!  The intro is in Spanish, the interview is in English.

Also in the Fauci interview he refers to “a fund” to compensate people injured by vaccines.  That fund was established by the U.S. government decades ago due to the fact that people are being injured or killed by vaccines, it’s called National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

THAILAND: Bang Kae Market shutdown due to high positive test rate!

UNITED KINGDOM:  Police raided a workout joint and forcefully shut it down, for violating the city of Preston’s pandemic panic-attack closure order!  Ten people inside the gym were also fined £200 each.

UNITED STATES: 45% of laboratories testing for CoViD-19 cannot properly test due to lack of supplies, and this is an improvement from 2020: “Access to testing supplies ultimately affects our ability to provide an accurate, timely diagnosis.”-Patrick Godbey, College of American Pathologists

Canadian TV news reports new problem in the United States with CoViD infections, ‘sudden onset diabetes’!

U.S. Marines Corps Logistics Command explains “known” risks of mRNA vaccines:

California; Continued problems with CoViD testing shuts down high school football!

CoViD testing being expanded in The Golden State.

Major CoViD testing lab found to have “significant deficiencies” by state inspectors!

Florida; Health clinics in Tampa Bay now require an expensive vitamin deficiency test before getting a CoViD vaccine, no specific reason given but reading the article you get the sense that there is concern about giving the vaccine to people who are not considered healthy!

University of Miami suspects Johnson & Johnson vaccine might cause infertility in men because: “The J&J vaccine is the actual virus. And so now all of the concerns about the potential virus binding to the testes and impacting sperm count remains….”-Ranjith Ramasamy, University of Miami 

Georgia; Steady decrease in demand for CoViD testing results in future testing being canceled!

Idaho;  In Chubbuck, the 27 years old Red Lobster suddenly shutdown on 13Mar2021, posting a note on the door blaming pandemic panic-attack restrictions (of which there are none mandated in Chubbuck!), and despite the fact they are crowded at the lunch and diner hours (local reports say the restaurant was packed as usual the night before the sudden shutdown)!   While the corporate statement partly blames “government actions” regarding CoViD-19, it actually shutdown due to a failed attempt at a new rent scheme with the owners of Pine Ridge Mall: “This is without question the most challenging time Red Lobster has faced in our 53 years of operation. Like many other full-service restaurants, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change the way we are able to operate, and because of the crisis and consequent government actions, our restaurants, including our restaurant in Pocatello [it’s actually in Chubbuck] have been significantly impacted. After more than 27 years of being part of the Pocatello [Chubbuck, damn it!] community, we have made the incredibly difficult decision to close our restaurant at 4105 Yellowstone Highway. This decision was not made lightly, but it is necessary after being unable to reach an agreement with our landlord. We understand the impact this situation has on our guests as well as our employees’ ability to work. These decisions have not been taken lightly, but they are necessary for our business in these unprecedented times.”

Iowa; CoViD testing revealed operations at the State Hygienic Laboratory, in the University of Iowa Research Park, was a joke!

After more than ten years, live events ticket seller Tickly shutdown blaming pandemic panic-attack restrictions!

Minnesota; Gym that refused to follow state pandemic panic-attack shutdown orders will pay USD$5-thousand fine.  If caught open again, the fine goes up to $25-thousand.

Nevada; Positive CoViD test results at only 5.8%

New Mexico; Otero County reports only 4.98% positive test rate.

North Carolina;  All Duke University undergrads must quarantine!

Oregon; Oregon State University conducting random CoViD testing of people and wastewater in Corvallis.

Pennsylvania;  Five counties demand permanent/long term CoViD test operations!

Tennessee; University of Tennessee students refuse to take CoViD test, school administrators refuse to relax pandemic restrictions as a result!

Texas; Without warning Red Lobster suddenly shutdown its restaurant in Sugar Land, blaming pandemic panic-attack restrictions.  It should be noted that at the beginning of 2020 the Florida based Red Lobster chain was in trouble financially, yet denied rumors that it would soon begin mass shutdowns of restaurants.  However by Spring 2020 dozens of Red Lobsters were shutdown across the U.S., blamed on pandemic panic-attack restrictions.  Red Lobster administrators claimed they were temporary shutdowns, but many are still closed and now in 2021 there are have permanent shutdowns taking place.

CoViD testing rates for The Lone Star State at lowest level since Autumn 2020.

Vermont; National Guard’s Task Force Coyote halts CoViD testing, switches to vaccinations!

Washington; Skagit County shuts down USD$1.4-million drive-thru CoViD test site, saying they’re not able to conduct mass-testing and mass-vaccinations at the same time!

Despite free CoViD-19 testing many people are reporting that they are getting hit with bills (as much as $300 per test!) for said ‘free’ tests!

Despite claims that CoViD vaccines are issued free of charge, people in The Evergreen State are getting bills for said ‘free’ vaccines!

Washington DC; Biden to make White House news media pay for their own CoViD testing?

The U.S. Food Drug Administration now says a popular test for CoViD and influenza doesn’t work!  Roche’s cobas test gives high number of false positives!

FDA pushes new T-cell CoViD test.

Biden admin begs China not to butt-test Biden staff!

Wisconsin; Waukesha County halts CoViD testing?

Amusement park indefinitely shuts down, blaming pandemic panic-attack!

UZBEHKISTAN: Ends mandatory CoViD testing at border crossings.


Biden’s Borderland: X-ings surge by 28%, would be higher if not for Trump’s Wall!

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to news/government agency reports as of 12 March 2021:

Canada says it will not open border with U.S. until pandemic cases go down!

CNN admits some illegals will get pandemic panic-attack taxpayer funding!

Residents of Kentucky and Tennessee arrested for smuggling humans!

ARIZONA: Republicans approve of in-state tuition for illegals?

Archaeological artifacts smuggled into the U.S. by illegals, finally returned to Mexico by ICE.

CALIFORNIA: Yet another sex-criminal, who is also an illegal, arrested by El Centro Sector Border Patrol.

More than $1-million worth of meth captured at Otay Mesa border crossing!

 Estimated two and a half million illegals in The Golden State have more political power than citizens!

Illegals in Fresno face pandemic panic-attack evictions

Bay Area NASA buildings to be used as camps for illegals?

Two Los Angeles residents accused of operating a fraudulent college admissions scheme targeting illegals.

  San Diego Sector Border Patrol reports 28% increase in crossings in February, would be much higher if there was no wall!

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer First Class Richard Brahm.

In San Diego, on 10MAR2021, Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf (WMSL-750) offloaded approximately 7-thousand-5-hundred pounds of illegal cocaine and marijuana captured in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, between January and February, representing 10 suspected drug smuggling vessel interdictions.

USCG photo by Petty Officer First Class David Micallef.

About 08MAR2021, Coast Guard Cutter Vigilant intercepted a drug smuggling boat in the Eastern Pacific, capturing 1-thousand-9-hundred pounds of cocaine hidden in the vessel’s fuel tanks.

IDAHO: Report about illegal farm workers and pandemic vaccinations reveals that in The Gem State illegals have to pay for healthcare.

ILLINOIS: $1.5-million worth of illegal vape pens from China, captured!

KENTUCKY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in Louisville captured a total of 518 pounds of illegal drugs (including 229 pounds of prescription medication/chemicals) and 676 counterfeit I-Ds, during the month of February. The narcotics arrived from Mexico, Canada, Netherlands, United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong, and other high-risk countries. 

MAINE: Republican senator demands Biden open border with Canada!

MINNESOTA: Illegals complain that they can’t get vaccinated because they have no state issued I-D.  In this report notice that the illegal has only Mexican I-D and has been working in Minnesota for the past 18 years for a local public school system, and apparently the public school district knows they have illegals working for them!


Customs inspectors report capturing $250-thousand worth of counterfeit products and cash, in just four days at the port of Saint Louis.

NEW YORK: 655 pounds of illegal marijuana captured coming into the U.S. from Canada Since the pandemic panic-attack border shutdown began last year, more than one thousand six hundred incidents of drug smuggling from Canada have been halted/documented!


USCG photo.

On 06MAR2021, the U.S. Coast Guard captured 58 illegals on two boats from Dominican Republic, in the Mona Passage between Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

TENNESSEE: A shipment marked “dried loofah” from an African country, was found to actually be agriculturally dangerous Mantodea (mantis) and Torymidae (wasp) insects!  The shipment was bound for Oregon: “If this wasp was to go at large in the timber industry in Oregon, that could be dangerous.”-Nancy King, Agriculture Specialist Supervisor 

TEXAS: Notice that Texas has the most illegals trying to get into the U.S., that’s because Trump’s Wall does not fully extend through Texas: Bill would continue border wall construction in the state.

Border Patrol reports capturing more than three hundred illegals in one day!

 11 illegals captured after fleeing into sand dunes 

In one week, 22 illegals, who were also known/wanted for other crimes, were arrested by El Paso Border Patrol.

Local police capture five illegals, after high speed chase by State police resulted in crash of vehicle carrying at least 13 illegals, more illegals on the loose.

City of Austin joins growing list of cities being used as dumping grounds for illegals!

Why is mass vaccination clinic planned for Border Patrol agents?

Hundreds of children packed into tent for days on end

Gov’na deploys state police and National Guard to the Mexican border!

Border crossings so high that state level Republican and Democrat politicians agree to work together to do something about it!

State level politician admits surge in border crossings will negatively affect pro-DACA (‘Dreamer’) efforts, admits that illegals are being used “as a pawn”!

VIRGINIA: Illegal students now eligible for in-state tuition

Washington DC: U.S. CBP reveals it has been arresting its own employees, promises to be more open about such arrests!

 Biden gives illegals from Venezuela ‘protected status’!

Biden officials fall behind in race to add more child cages, oops, I mean ‘shelter space’

ICE has no clear plan for vaccinating thousands of detained immigrants

Biden’s Borderland, as of 05MAR2021: RECORDS ABOUT TO BE BROKEN!

Biden’s War: Maine deploys to Africa!

On 10MAR2021, it was revealed that approximately 130 militia personnel of Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion 172nd Infantry-Mountain, 86th Infantry Brigade, deployed for ‘The Horn of Africa’.

Their first stop is Fort Bliss, Texas, for training.    The 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team is a multi-state Army National Guard light infantry unit headquartered in Vermont.  Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion 172nd Infantry-Mountain is part of 86th Infantry, but is located in Brewer, Maine.

Here’s a video announcing the deployment, includes not only military leaders but state politicians as well, and using the pandemic panic-attack as the excuse for making a video announcement on 10MAR2021:

While the deployment was known about since 2019, now that Joe Biden is President, it’s his war now!


Vaccine Fail: Nebraska state militia refuse the shot!

12 March 2021 (00:34-UTC-07 Tango 06) 22 Esfand 1399/28 Rajab 1442/29 Xin-Mao 4719

Nebraska Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Jamie Titus.

Despite being activated to conduct pandemic panic-attack vaccination operations, the majority of Nebraska National Guard personnel are refusing to get the shot themselves!

According to the Nebraska National Guard, only 25% of their militia members have gotten even the first dose of vaccine (Air and Army combined)!   It must be made clear that even the U.S. military is not forcing personnel to get the CoViD shot, because it is officially still considered “experimental” by the FDA!   (The FDA approved such vaccines under their Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] only.)

Nebraska Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Jamie Titus.

When you separate National Guard data into personnel from Army or Air Force units there is a noticeable difference; Air Force personnel are more apt to go along with what the government wants them do to42% of Nebraska’s Air National Guard personnel have been vaccinated.

The U.S. Department of Defense refers to vaccines being accepted by personnel as the ‘take rate’.  However, it was also admitted by the federal level National Guard Bureau that there won’t be enough vaccines for all the states’ militia units “until later in April.”

Nebraska National Guard photo by Major Scott Ingalsbe.

North Platte Telegraph: Nebraska Guard assists mass vaccination at Bailey Yard

Military.com: Guard Members Less Likely to Get COVID-19 Vaccination Than Active Troops

Vaccine Fail: CALIFORNIA


Biden’s War: Nebraska Military Police deploy to Middle East!

Nebraska National Guard photo by Captain Travis Kirchner.

On 22FEB2021, a send-off ceremony was held for 45 Military Police personnel of the Nebraska Army National Guard’s 192nd Military Police Detachment.

Nebraska National Guard photo by Captain Travis Kirchner.

They headed to Fort Bliss, Texas, then after that nine months somewhere in The Middle East.

Nebraska National Guard photo by Captain Travis Kirchner.

Now that Joe Biden is President, it’s his war now!



Biden’s War: Minnesota deploys to Kuwait!

Minnesota Army National Guard photo by Anthony Housey.

On 08MAR2021, more than one thousand Minnesota Army National Guard personnel deployed to Kuwait, in support of Operation Spartan Shield.

Minnesota Army National Guard photo by Anthony Housey.

Prior to actual ship-out to Kuwait, the state militia personnel will go through deployment training on Fort Bliss, Texas.  Once in Kuwait, they will be there for at least nine months.

Minnesota Army National Guard photo by Anthony Housey.

Now that Joe Biden is President, it’s his war now!

KSTP: Minnesota National Guard report outlines lessons learned during last summer’s riots

Biden’s War: Alaska Blackhawks deploy to Middle East! Returning Guardsmen now in quarantine!

Alaska Army National Guard photo by Specialist Grace Nechanicky.

Now that Joe Biden is President, it’s his war now!

Alaska Army National Guard photo by Specialist Grace Nechanicky.

On 07MAR2021, about 60 Alaska Army National Guard UH-60 Blackhawk operators (Alpha Company, 1-168th General Support Aviation Battalion), along with four UH-60 Blackhawks, deployed for missions in Iraq and Syria (Operation Inherent Resolve).

This deployment comes just three days after about 80 Alaska Army National Guard personnel returned from a deployment to Poland.  The returning Guard personnel are now under 14 day pandemic panic-attack quarantine!


Biden’s War: Tennessee deploys to Middle East!

“We’ve trained under unique circumstances, and many Soldiers assisted with the CoViD-19 task force and other missions this past year.”-Lieutenant Colonel Phillip Hill Juniopr, 1-181st Battalion Commander

Tennessee Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Timothy Cordeiro.

Now that Joe Biden is President, it’s his war now!

Tennessee Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Timothy Cordeiro.

More than 350 personnel from Tennessee National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 181st Field Artillery Regiment, deployed on 07MAR2021, for a 10-month deployment to an undisclosed location in The Middle East.