12 March 2021 (00:34-UTC-07 Tango 06) 22 Esfand 1399/28 Rajab 1442/29 Xin-Mao 4719

Nebraska Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Jamie Titus.
Despite being activated to conduct pandemic panic-attack vaccination operations, the majority of Nebraska National Guard personnel are refusing to get the shot themselves!
According to the Nebraska National Guard, only 25% of their militia members have gotten even the first dose of vaccine (Air and Army combined)! It must be made clear that even the U.S. military is not forcing personnel to get the CoViD shot, because it is officially still considered “experimental” by the FDA! (The FDA approved such vaccines under their Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] only.)

Nebraska Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Jamie Titus.
When you separate National Guard data into personnel from Army or Air Force units there is a noticeable difference; Air Force personnel are more apt to go along with what the government wants them do to. 42% of Nebraska’s Air National Guard personnel have been vaccinated.
The U.S. Department of Defense refers to vaccines being accepted by personnel as the ‘take rate’. However, it was also admitted by the federal level National Guard Bureau that there won’t be enough vaccines for all the states’ militia units “until later in April.”

Nebraska National Guard photo by Major Scott Ingalsbe.
North Platte Telegraph: Nebraska Guard assists mass vaccination at Bailey Yard
Military.com: Guard Members Less Likely to Get COVID-19 Vaccination Than Active Troops
Vaccine Fail: CALIFORNIA