List of links to news reports and medical studies concerning influenza, as of 09 March 2021:
More proof it’s about the money: Influenza Medication Market Size and Share to Reach $993.7 Million by 2026.
Yet another study says if you’re poor and live in a leftist-liberal metro area, you’ll probably die from influenza!
A new type of CRISPR targets both influenza and CoViD RNA.
A new computer program will predict future CoViD and influenza pandemics.
25 European Union member countries affected by Bird Flu.
A long article by BBC-Brazil warns of a new swine flu pandemic because “flu is evolving twice as fast in North America” due to industrial pig farming practices!
CANADA: Health officials refuse to declare a flu season, due to lack of reported cases!
Influenza confirmed in Newfoundland and Labrador.
On 09JAN2021, civilian employees, and family members of U.S. Air Force (USAF) personnel on Aviano Air Base, lined up to get flu shots. Video by Staff Sergeant Jayson Burns:
Here’s an amazing interview (by Staff Sergeant Jayson Burns) with a USAF vaccination specialist who admits that vaccines will not prevent infection, but as she’s giving other reasons why you should still get the shot she claims that you getting vaccinated will (somehow) protect those who can’t be vaccinated:

U.S. Army photo by Cristina Piosa, 08JAN2021, Vicenza, Italy.
On 15JAN2021, the U.S. Army Health Center in Vicenza reported that reservations had been made for more than one thousand people to get influenza vaccines.
NETHERLANDS: Health officials claim there are no influenza cases this season!
NORWAY: Penguins are being vaccinated against influenza!
RUSSIA: Human cases of H5N8 Bird Flu confirmed.
SPAIN: The number of deaths in just over a week from Covid-19 reaches 3,925 people, the same number of deaths from INFLUENZA all last year.
First influenza cases reported in February.
UNITED KINGDOM: If control measures are stopping flu in its tracks, why aren’t they stopping coronavirus?
A ‘top expert’ is warning Brits to prep for “hard winter” of influenza!
UNITED STATES: Last flu season two hundred children died, so far this flu season only one child death has been reported!
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is conducting a study into the use of non-vaccine methods to control influenza outbreaks.
A report reveals that most of today’s ‘swine flus’ actually originated in humans or birds. Until late 1990s, hog farms were dealing with only one type of flu, now for the first time a long term study of flu vaccines used in sows has been completed, with interesting results and yet more questions as to the effectiveness of vaccines.
Arkansas; No flu cases reported.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman First Class Alexander Merchak, 14JAN2021, Travis AFB, California.
On 14JAN2021, in just one day more than one thousand two hundred personnel on Travis Air Force Base, California, got vaccinated specifically for influenza!

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Chief Warrant Officer-2 Zachary Dyer, 22JAN2021, Camp Pendleton, California.
On 22JAN2021, both CoViD-19 and influenza vaccines were issued to personnel on Camp Pendleton, California.
Michigan; Influenza cases begin to creep up.
Minnesota; Another case of influenza confirmed, required hospitalization.
Missouri; University of Missouri study says flu shots appear to reduce symptoms of CoViD-19 in children.
Montana; No flu cases reported, so far.
New York; Adolfo García-Sastre, director of the Institute for Global Health and Emerging Pathogens at Mount Sinai Hospital, has predicted that the end of the pandemic will end “once we reach the end of the year for the COVID problem to become a flu-like problem.” (Gee, isn’t that what President Donald Trump said last year?)

Oregon National Guard photo by Master Sergeant John Hughel, 09JAN2021, Anderson Readiness Center, Oregon.
On 09JAN2021, Oregon National Guard personnel were given flu shots.
Texas; It was explained that anybody eligible for influenza vaccines, on the U.S. Army post called Fort Hood, were automatically eligible for CoViD-19 vaccines.
Washington; On 03FEB2021, U.S. Naval Hospital at Bremerton warned that the CoViD pandemic and influenza were overlapping. U.S. Navy officials noted that personnel were not getting the annual flu vaccine possibly because of the pandemic: “We strongly encourage everyone to get the flu vaccine. It’s now more important than ever due to the ongoing pandemic. It is especially important for pregnant women and people with chronic diseases like asthma and diabetes, and those that have weakened immune systems.”-Doctor Dan Frederick, public health emergency officer
Wisconsin; H3N2 infection confirmed.