Tag Archives: crime

Alabama Militia takes over Kuwait!

26 AUG 2017 (15:47 UTC-07 Tango 06)  04 Sharivar 1396/03 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/05 Wu-Shen 7th month 4715

On 24 August a change of command ceremony was held at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait.  Alabama National Guard’s 135th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) accepted responsibility for maintaining the fuel, munitions and other essentials at the camp from outgoing U.S. Army Reserve 316th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary).


Illinois, Iowa, Pennsylvania & South Carolina Militias deploy to Afghanistan!

26 AUG 2017 (15:02 UTC-07 Tango 06)  04 Sharivar 1396/03 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/05 Wu-Shen 7th month 4715

1-151st ARB Forward Arming and Refueling Point training at Fort Stewart, Georgia, 09 JUL 2017

“We’re there to support the Afghanistan Army in their transportation to and from the battle.”-Lieutenant Colonel Brian Pipkin

National Guard units from four U.S. states deploying to Afghanistan; Illinois 2-238th General Support Aviation Battalion, Iowa 2-211th General Support Aviation Battalion, Pennsylvania Charlie Company 1-151st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion and South Carolina 1-151st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion.

South Carolina National Guard’s 1-151st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion conducts deployment ceremony, 26 AUG 2017

Pennsylvania Charlie Company, 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 151st Aviation Regiment deployment ceremony

Video of AH-64 training, held in July, in preps for deployment to Afghanistan:

Video of AH-64 FARP training at Fort Stewart, Georgia:

Video, AH-64 in reverse gear:

Video, Apache Swarm:

National Guard’s 1-151 ARB pre-deployment training, 11 AUG 2017, McCrady Training Center, South Carolina



Operation Jupiter: New Tropical Anthrax hits Africa! Russian CBRN teams deployed! Robots will save us?

23 AUG 2017 (13:17 UTC-07 Tango 06)  01 Sharivar 1396/30 Dhu l-Qa’da 1438/02 Wu-Shen 7th month 4715

“To our surprise, almost 40% of all animal deaths in Taï National Park we investigated were attributable to anthrax.”-Emmanuel Couacy-Hymann, Ivorian Animal Health Institute.

It’s been two years since I wrote about the bacteria anthrax, and guess what?  There’s a new mystery “hybrid” version popping up in tropical Africa.

This is significant because anthrax was never considered a tropical disease.  Reports say a new strain of anthrax is wiping out the chimpanzee population in Ivory Coast.  Other animals are being killed as well.  The new bacteria was actually discovered in 2004, it was considered harmless then, being called Bacillus cereus.  It evolved into a new type of anthrax called Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis (Bcbva) by somehow acquiring anthrax DNA.

In Zambia, hunger is being blamed for 5-hundred human cases of anthrax, five people died.  The outbreak took place in 2011.  Hippos suddenly died-off and starving people ate them.  The hippos died of anthrax, you can’t cook out the anthrax bacteria so the people who ate the meat got sick.  Well fed researchers discovered that if a person is starving they’ll eat infected food even knowing that it could kill them: “For them finding a dead animal when they’re running low on food reserves at home seems like a good thing. This is why a lot of people took the risk even though they might get anthrax. But my feeling is they weren’t thinking about that risk. They were thinking about how nice it would be to feed their family.”– Melissa Marx, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

In 2016 Russia‘s Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Яма́ло-Не́нецкий автоно́мный о́круг) was hit by a massive anthrax outbreak, 115 people infected, one person died.  The Ministry of Defense deployed chemical units to decontaminate the region using 30 tons of ‘biologically active agents’, as well as evacuate humans.  This year about 800-thousand reindeer will be vaccinated against anthrax.  Interestingly the area is one of Russia’s largest oil producers.  Scientist are blaming the 2016 outbreak on a reindeer mass grave: “There are thousands of such cattle graves across Russia and many of them are inside the Arctic Circle.”-Sergey Netesov, Novosibirsk State University

In 2016 a Russian scientist blamed the Yamal-Nenets outbreak on global warming, and it’s just the beginning: “The rock and soil that forms the Yamal Peninsula contain much ice. Melting may loosen the soil rather quickly, so the probability is high old cattle graves may come to the surface.”-Mikhail Grigoriev, Permafrost Studies Institute-Academy of Sciences

In the European country of Romania two people are confirmed sick with anthrax.  Investigators think the husband and wife got infected by animals.

In the Bajaur Agency of Pakistan 26 livestock died of anthrax, vaccination of remaining livestock is underway.  Apparently military forces had to protect the veterinarians sent in to vaccinate the herds.

In Nepal, a pregnant rhino found dead in a forest tested positive for anthrax.  Administrators of Chitwan National Park are concerned about a possible anthrax outbreak because since 2016 at least 25 rhinos suddenly died.

In Saskatchewan, Canada, a woman was charged with 83 counts of sending anthrax in the mail!  Apparently it was some kinda complicated bad joke because a woman from South Carolina, United States, posted a video saying “We made those packages together, with the cookies and rockets and tissue paper. People will think the baking soda is anthrax.”  The woman from South Carolina said she was paid to make the video and that she was told it was  a promotion for a book.  She also contacted police in Saskatchewan, but was told the investigator she needed to talk to was on vacation.  The Saskatchewan woman pled not guilty to the 83 charges.

In United States, so far 13 cows have died in Pennington County, South Dakota.  Increased cases of anthrax killing livestock being blamed on climate change.  News reports say the cows died “rapidly” and people are being told to avoid animals that suddenly died.  Vaccination of herds is underway.

Last week the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) confirmed five cows infected in Crockett County: “Producers are encouraged to remain vigilant and consult with their local veterinary practitioner if they suspect their animals are affected with anthrax or are interested in vaccinating their livestock.”-Susan Rollo, TAHC

In Maryland, the biotech company Altimmune took over biodefense company PharmAthene, both companies specialize in vaccine research for influenza, hepatitis and anthrax.

Remember when the U.S. Army got caught shipping live weaponized anthrax to Republic of Korea (South Korea)?  Scientists at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have combined holographic microscopy with with ‘deep learning’ (artificial intelligence, AI) to create a way to quickly detect weaponized anthrax, within seconds.   This is important because current methods can take a full day or longer.  The downside is that the AI detector is, at this point, only 96% accurate with only one strain of anthrax, and there are dozens of strains.

CBRN=Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear



“Shit’s bleak….” “I’m just getting out of this before I’m forced out!”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, July 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss announcements and shutdowns made or announced in July 2017:



Arkansas: Christian founded Bentonville based Walmart suddenly laid off an undisclosed number of HQ employees in the name of “creating efficiencies”.  In Keo, after 50 years Morris Antiques announced on Facebook they shutdown.

 California:  In Fresno, mini-golf joint Boomers shutdown because “We lost our lease”.  In Newport Beach, after seven decades Bay Arcade shutdown by new owners who’re spending millions to turn it into a donut shop.  San Francisco based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo laying off 70 executives as part of a bigger plan to eliminate thousands of jobs across the U.S.  Too Big to Jail Bank of America shutting down its offices in Lakeport and Ukiah in November.  In San Ramon, Bank of the West eliminating 54 jobs by mid-September.  San Francisco based clothier Gymboree announced the shutdown of 350 stores across the U.S., thousands of jobs lost, click here to see the list.  Vernon based True Religion Apparel now chapter 11 bankrupt busted blaming crashing sales, at least 27 stores across the U.S. shutting down.  Clothier BCBG Max Azria issued a mass layoff WARN for its Vernon ops, 492 jobs gone by September (don’t blame the internet, they offer free shipping on their website)!    Interviewing Service of America issued a shutdown WARN for its Alhambra ops, 66 jobs gone by mid-September.  The Ritz-Carlton shutting down its location in Half Moon Bay by mid-September.  Build-A-Bear Workshop issued a shutdown WARN for its Anaheim location, 99 jobs gone by mid-September.   Ebisu Marketing-Hotei Marketing issued a shutdown WARN for its Los Angeles operations, 116 jobs gone by September!   Sports marketing company Competitor Group couldn’t compete and issued a shutdown WARN for its San Diego ops, 145 jobs gone in November!

Colorado: In Sterling, JCPenney shutdown its store in the High Plains Shopping Center.  Payless Shoesource also shutdown a store in Sterling, along with two other Payless stores across the state.

Connecticut: In Unionville, after 143 years (!) Parsons Paint & Hardware shutdown, the family owners blaming it on “hardware burnout”.  British empire based Too Big to Jail RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) issued yet another layoff WARN, this time 23 jobs gone in September.

Florida:   More than 80 years old formal wear retailer Alfred Angelo went chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutdown all its stores across the U.S. without warning, pissing off thousands of customers waiting for paid orders to be filled!  In Daytona Beach, after 59 years the last local bowling alley Bellair Lanes shutdown.  PHH Mortgage Corporation eliminating 15 jobs in Jacksonville by October.  British empire based Too Big to Jail HSBC issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Brandon, 197 people laid off on top of the 357 laid off in April!  Outdoors store Gander Mountain eliminating 119 jobs by the end of August!

Hawaii: In Pearl City, Pictures Plus Interiors shutting down in August.

No more "well loved by customers" pawn shop on Yellowstone Avenue, Pocatello, Idaho.

No more “well loved by customers” pawn shop on Yellowstone Avenue, Pocatello, Idaho.

Idaho: It was discovered that 50 years old, ‘well loved by customers’ (according to Facebook postings) Shamrock Rare Coins (aka Amy’s Shamrock Coins) pawn shop secretly shutdown, even the official website is offline.   Mitt Romney co-founded wunderkind Staples announced it will shutdown its Pocatello store in August, falsely blaming “customers” for shopping online.

Illinois: What housing market recovery?  In Bridgeview, after 40 years Advantage Carpets Plus Colortile shutdown, the owner says he is only semi-retiring because his wife doesn’t want him to fully retire.  In Chicago, after more than ten years Permanent Records shutting down so the owners can focus on their newer operations in California.  Par-A-Dice Hotel Casino laid off 20 people due to crashing revenue.  In Hinsdale, after 53 years York Barber Shop shutdown, the owners complained “There’s too much competition. It used to be there were barbershops and beauty shops and that was it. There weren’t all these unisex places.”  

Iowa: In Waterloo, after 104 years (!) Robin’s Surplus shutting down in September: “….we’ve been gradually decreasing in business over the last 10 years. We’ve noticed the decline, based on internet sales. I even polled my kids and asked where the bought all the Christmas stuff and the bought it on the internet.”-Gary Ritter, co-owner

Kansas: In Parsons, after four decades Sullivan Furniture shutdown due to family health problems.  After only two years in the Wichita Mall clothing store Foggy Bottom shutdown, no reason given.

Louisiana: In Lafayette, after 15 years flower shop The Gardenaire shutdown, the owners will focus on wholesale saying “We just can’t compete….People don’t come in like they used to. It’s just changing times.” 

Maryland: Laurel based Rent-A-Wreck of America now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, blaming it on a never ending lawsuit with the company’s founder.  In Hagerstown, Bon-Ton shutting down when the lease expires, 55 jobs lost by February 2018.  After 32 years non-profit arts & crafts operation Baltimore Clayworks went chapter 7 bankrupt and shutdown after a deal to sell the financially struggling operation fell through. In Havre de Grace, Stirling Bridge Jewelry and Gifts shutting down, saying on Facebook “For a variety of reasons, foremost being the rapid decline of business in downtown Havre de Grace and the mass exit of numerous other businesses during this last year, Stirling Bridge Jewelry & Gifts will be relocating to Delaware….”  First Potomac Realty Trust issued WARNs for two locations, 72 jobs gone by October.

Massachusetts: Boston based Too Big to Jail Fidelity Investments continues killing jobs, this time hundreds of employees were suddenly laid off!  It was also reported that Fidelity Investments  bribed (buyouts) 1-thousand-5-hundred employees to quit! Boston based shoe and clothing retailer Nader-The Tannery now chapter 7 bankrupt busted.

Michigan: In Detroit, after 124 years (!) the country’s oldest hat retailer Henry the Hatter shutting down due to a greedy landlord.

Minnesota: In Red Wing, after 27 years Al’s Antique Mall shutdown, the owner saying “The whole customer has changed and it’s a new generation. What you once thought was rare is now on ebay.”  In Granite Falls, after 38 years Willie’s Corner Store shutting down in August because nobody wanted to buy it: “This was very disappointing to think that no one wants to continue what you have been doing for years to keep Willies alive.”-Penny Krogstad, co-owner

Montana: In Great Falls, after more than 25 years Hobby Land shutdown, the owner said she was ready to retire.

Nebraska: In Lincoln, Bishop Heights True Value hardware store shutting down, saying on Facebook the store “just (does) not have the sales we need to continue operating.” 

New Hampshire: In Dover, after only four years, and even moving to a newer location with cheaper rent/utilities, Spun Records shutting down in August due to lack of sales.  I guess all that main stream news media (fake news) hype about records making a comeback was just hype.

New Mexico: In Albuquerque, after 34 years Grandma’s Music and Sound shutdown, the owners told local news media the risks of retail now outweigh the rewards.

New York: At JFK Airport, Command Security lost its contract with FedEx, 46 jobs gone by the end of August.   Also at JFK, DAL Global lost its contract with Virgin Airways, 49 jobs gone by the end of October.  Courtyard by Marriott LaGuardia Hotel shutting down, 144 jobs gone by October!  Commercial bank contractor Gannett National Shared Services eliminating 31 jobs by the end of October.  Conduent Business Services eliminating 59 jobs by the end of September.  In Brooklyn-NYC, after more than seven years hangout joint The Rock Shop shutdown, the manager saying “Rent’s too high, taxes are too high. Too much development happening on Fourth Avenue!”  In Rochester, after 29 years Lakeshore Record Exchange shutting down in September, the owner says more people listen to music than ever before, just not in the format he sells.  Sports venue Yard Sports Village-Warwick Yard now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  In Buffalo, after 25 years clothier Urban Leisure and Luxury shutting down by the end of August because the owners want out of the retail industry.  In Pearl River, after more than 60 years Mel’s Army-Navy Center shutdown due to the owner not finding a buyer: “People don’t want to get into the retail industry anymore. The store was doing fine, but no one was really looking to take it over.”-Chris Frawley, owner

North Carolina: High Point based Dynamic International Airways now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to lawsuits.  Non-profit animal rescue op Duke’s Animal Haven shutdown “Due to circumstances beyond our control…….effective immediately.”   In Chapel Hill, DSI Comedy Theater shutting down by the end of August, due to the owner being accused (but never charged) of sex crimes.  In Washington, after four years The Blue Crab Monograms and Gifts shutdown because the owner got a job as a high school teacher.

Ohio:  In Painesville, after 23 years Grande Designs Floral shutdown officially so the owner can retire, but local news media discovered the store, and inventory, is now “bank owned” and for sale.  In Kettering, after 39 years clothing store Elan shutdown due to family health problems.  In Fostoria, after 25 years Steinacker & Sons Ace Hardware shutdown, the owners lamenting “Unfortunately, we just couldn’t keep it going.”

Oregon: In Portland, after 15 years Newspace Center for Photography suddenly shutdown due to the discovery that the non-profit art gallery was broke!  After five years the Action/Adventure Theatre shutdown saying “It’s become increasingly difficult for small arts spaces like ours to survive in Portland and while we are heartbroken that this city has to lose yet another venue, we can no longer shoulder the financial burden of maintaining our theater.”  A writer for The Portland Mercury reacted to the sudden shutdowns of two art venues by saying “Shit’s bleak, you guys.” 

Pennsylvania: Stauffers of Kissel Hill shutdown its 53 years old shop in Oregon Pike saying it was too small to compete with big-box.  In Pittsburgh, baby furniture store Good Night Baby shutdown without warning, the owner told a local news TV channel that he was on vacation, however, a note taped to the door stated the store was closed due to “market conditions”.  Local news media reported dozens of customers were still waiting for orders that they already paid for.   In Philadelphia, after 52 years Snyderman-Works Galleries sold-off and shutting down so the owners can retire.  In Erie, after 55 years Fisher Jewelers shutting down when the inventory is gone.  Silver Creek County Club shutting down by September.

Texas:  Katy based Academy Sports & Outdoors suddenly laid off 1-hundred people, blaming it on “the changing needs of our customers”!  Stage Stores shutting down its 47 years old Bealls store in Corpus Christi, in September, because of the greedy landlord (Trademark Properties).  In Brownsville, after 110 years (!) R.H. Lackner’s Fine Jewelry & Gifts shutting down, the owners blaming declining customers from Mexico: “The Mexican business has been a factor. It used to represent about half our business. I don’t see it coming back.”-Bobby Lackner

Virginia: In Danville, after 71 years M&M Furniture shutdown so the owner could retire.  In Waynesboro, after 30 years Valley Framing Studio and Gallery shutdown, the owner saying “It’s about time to enjoy life…”   Nordstrom shutting down its 15 years old store in Dulles Town Center because “…we feel we can serve our customers better at our other area stores and online.”

Wisconsin:  In Wauwatosa, after 93 years Daly’s Pen Shop  shutdown with the owner warning other mom&pop retailers by saying “I’m just getting out of this before I’m forced out!”  In the same city Bartz’s party store suddenly shutdown as part of a corporate plan to shift to online sales only.






U.S. government shenanigans, July 2017: “THEY GAVE ME NO REASON FOR CLOSING IT”

U.S. food crisis, July 2017: “WE ARE CLOSING……WE HAVE NO CHOICE”




“Business had declined since 2008”: U.S. industrial/mining/logistics layoffs, July 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in July 2017.

Alabama: McClarin Plastics shutting down its four years old factory in Elmor, in August. Local news media said peak employment was 230 people!

 California: Penske Vehicle Services issued a shutdown WARN for its Torrance location, 15 jobs gone by mid-September.   Germany based industrial seal maker EagleBurgmann Industries issued a shutdown WARN for its Lakeside operations, 81 jobs gone by mid-September.   Boeing issued yet more layoff WARNs, this time 75 jobs gone by mid-September.  Payless Shoesource issued a shutdown WARN for its Redlands distribution center, 140 jobs gone by the end of September!

Florida: Brunswick-Sea Ray Boats suddenly laid off 90 people and furloughed another 130, at its Palm Coast factory!   More railroad layoffs, Jacksonville based CSX announced an additional 7-hundred layoffs on top of the 1-thousand laid off earlier this year!

Georgia: What housing construction industry recovery?  One of the biggest carpet makers in the U.S.,  Beaulieu, is now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  The 40 years old carpet maker blames it on crashing sales.

Illinois: Wholesale broker Aclara SGS suddenly shutdown its operations in Champaign, 79 jobs gone due to loss of contract.   Pacific Coast Feather Company issued a shutdown WARN for its Des Plaines ops, 29 jobs gone due to being taken-over by a competitor.   Amcor Rigid Plastics issued a shutdown WARN for its Batavia factory, 110 jobs gone by March 2018!  What home construction industry recovery?  Pace Industries issued a shutdown WARN for its kitchen cabinet ops in Chicago, 120 jobs lost between September and November!  Glass maker PPG issued a shutdown WARN for its Chicago ops, 55 jobs gone by October.  Window blind maker Newell Brands issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Downers Grove, 138 jobs gone by June 2018!  HVAC company Standard Refrigeration issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Wood Dale, 102 jobs gone by the end of September!  Kane Warehousing issued a layoff WARN for its Romeoville ops, 178 jobs gone by mid-September due to loss of contract!

Indiana:  Donald Trump’s favorite HVAC company Carrier going through with mass layoffs, 630 people will become jobless between now and the end of the year, due to Carrier shifting the jobs to Mexico!  In Huntington, United Technologies eliminating 7-hundred jobs! 

Iowa: Germany based shoe maker/seller Adidas shutting down its Sports Licensed Division office in Cedar Rapids, 120 jobs gone (according to local news reports, but official WARN says 98 jobs) due to Adidas’ exit from NBA licensed products!

Maine: Verso permanently shutdown a paper mill, 120 jobs gone due to crashing sales of paper!  The same mill was temporarily shutdown in November 2016, for the same reason.  What construction industry recovery? Potvin Construction now chapter 7 bankrupt busted and liquidating, blaming it on a lawsuit.

Maryland: The largest energy ‘retailer’ across North America, Direct Energy, eliminating 108 jobs in Columbia by mid-September!  What automotive industry recovery?  Sweden based Volvo suddenly laid off employees in Elkridge.

Minnesota: Bankrupt Mesabi Metallics-Essar Steel Minnesota being taken over by a competitor, 25 people are expected to lose their jobs.

New York: Box maker West Rock issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Wheatley Heights, 152 jobs gone by mid-October! CEVA Logistics issued a shutdown WARN for its Waterford ops, 42 jobs gone by the end of September due to loss of contract.  What housing construction industry recovery?  Window supplier Zeluck suddenly shutdown its Brooklyn-NYC location, 49 jobs gone.

North Carolina: DuraFiber Technologies issued a factory shutdown WARN for two fatories, 462 jobs gone in September!  The factories are now for sale, the company will continue operations in Germany, France and Mexico.  Parker Hannifin Corporation-Filtration Group shutting down its factory in Washington city, more than 2-hundred jobs lost to consolidation of operations to outside the state.

Ohio: In Chillicothe, engineered materials maker Glatfelter laying off 90 people at its Paper Machine 24 factory, saying “The supply-demand imbalance in the printing and writing markets continues to put pressure on industry operating rates and selling prices.”

Oklahoma: Oil company ConocoPhillips said it eliminated an undisclosed number of jobs due to an ‘asset sale’.

Pennsylvania:  Engineered materials maker Glatfelter laying off 30 people in Spring Grove.  More railroad layoffs as GE (General Electric) Locomotive continues killing jobs, this time 575 people in Erie becoming jobless by the end of 2018 as GE consolidates production to Texas!  Altria Group -John Middleton shutting down its cigar factory in Limerick, 78 jobs gone in September.  HVAC company Elliott Lewis Corporation (ELCO) laid off 74 people in Philadelphia, due to loss of contract.  Graham Thermal Products issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in New Castle, 61 jobs gone in September.

South Carolina: North Carolina based DuraFiber Technologies shutting down its factory in Winnsboro, about 40 jobs gone in September, the factory is now for sale.

Tennessee: More railroad layoffs, Norfolk Southern shutting down its Knoxville HQ, consolidating about 50 HQ jobs to locations outside the state.  Memphis based FedEx (Federal Express) shutting down all 26 locations in Canada, 2-hundred jobs lost as FedEx exits its 32 years of Canadian shipping in August!

Washington: Interstate Label Company suddenly went chapter 7 bankrupt busted and was liquidated, the owner said “Business had declined since 2008….”  Boeing issued another layoff WARN, 220 jobs gone by mid-September!  APM Terminals shutting down its Tacoma ops by mid-September.  Custom packaging maker KIK Tacoma issued a shutdown WARN for its Tacoma ops, 20 jobs gone by mid-August.

West Virginia: After 80 years Kanawha Electric & Machine suddenly shutdown, the owners blaming the high number of mining industry bankruptcies for its crashing orders.

Wisconsin:  What automotive industry recovery? Harley Davidson announced more layoffs, this time 183 people at two U.S. factories will become jobless due to a 9% drop in sales!

Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, June 2017: “CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL”

Japan Food Crisis: What global warming?

17 AUG 2017 (02:26 UTC-07 Tango 06)  26 Mordad 1396/24 Dhu l-Qa’da 1438/26 Wu-Shen 4715

Has everybody forgotten when the left wing liberals hammered away year after year with their claim of Global Warming?  Well here’s another reason why they were wrong: Japan is seeing unusually low August temps, and it’s affecting their crops.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo is soaked with 16 days of rain, almost breaking the record set back in 1977.   The city of Sendai has been drenched by 26 days in a row of rain, since 22 July!   Also, for the eastern side of the main island of Honshu it’s has rained, somewhere, everyday so far this August.

Tourist and recreation areas, like beaches and public swimming pools, are reporting a lack of customers.  The Toshimaen amusement park reported a drop in visitors of about 30-thousand “despite it being the busiest Bon holiday period.”   August is normally the hottest time of the year for Honshu with the average temperature nearly 30 degrees celsius, but this August it’s been well below 30 degrees.

The cloudy rainy days has killed sunlight; Sendai so far has seen 12 hours of sunlight for the first two weeks of August, compare that to their normal 144 hours of sunlight for the same time period!

Lack of sunshine and cooler temps are causing produce to take longer to ripen, meaning supply is not keeping up with demand resulting in higher prices for food.

The Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market reporting that cucumber production in the Tohoku region is down by about 10% compared to the same time last year, while the prices have skyrocketed by 50%!

Tomato production in both Hokkaido and Tohoku prefectures have dropped by 30%, prices up by 5%.

Weather forecasters are predicting one more week of rain before the skies clear up.




False Flag: U.S.-NATO puppet Ukraine supplied North Korea with ICBM engines!

17 AUG 2017 (01:46 UTC-07 Tango 06)  26 Mordad 1396/24 Dhu l-Qa’da 1438/26 Wu-Shen 4715

“It’s likely that these engines came from Ukraine, probably illicitly. The big question is how many they have and whether the Ukrainians are helping them now. I’m very worried.”-Michael Elleman, International Institute for Strategic Studies

It’s been revealed that the U.S.-NATO puppet government of Ukraine might have supplied the engines for the latest Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, aka North Korea) ballistic missile design.

Two days after a New York Times story officials with the Ukrainian government run missile company Yuzhmash admitted the engines looked a lot like their own RD-250 design.  Some news reports say Ukrainian space agency director Yurii Radchenko admitted the North Korean Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) was powered by the RD-250.

Yuzhmash used to make money selling engines to Russia, but that stopped after the Obama regime led coup in 2014.  It’s suspected the financially struggling state run company is making money on the ‘black market’.

This is not the first time a DPRK ICBM was discovered to have parts made by NATO allies or even the United States.  In 2014, unnamed South Korean government sources revealed that a recovered North Korean missile had electronics that were made in Europe and the United States!  The missile was recovered in 2012.




“Of all the money we spend on education, less than 32% goes to teachers.”: Dumbing Down the U.S. of A., July 2017

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

United Kingdom news media revealed that Google “…paid millions of dollars to academics at British and American universities for research that it hoped would sway public opinion and influence policy in favour of the tech giant.”

Incomplete list of publicly announced education related layoffs & school shutdowns, July 2017:

After five years Kaplan owned software coding school Dev Bootcamp shutting down all six U.S. campuses: “Despite tremendous efforts from a lot of talented people, we’ve determined that we simply cannot reach a sustainable business model without compromising our mission of delivering a high-quality coding education that remains accessible to a diverse population of students.”

California: Charter school Options for Youth-Victorville shutting down Fontana and Ontario operations, 108 jobs gone by September! Durham School Services issued a layoff WARN for its operations in Hayward, 92 jobs lost by the end of September. Privately run National University admitting that people are radically different by proposing a new form of education; Precision Education.   National University is so sure of themselves they’re spending $20-million USD on the project, which will tailor general education classes based on a students situational differences.  The sexist women’s only Mills College (they actually have a statue called Power of Women) laid off at least five instructors, due to crashing revenues due to refusing to take in male students.  It’s one of 36 U.S. colleges that refuse to allow men as students.  A survey in June showed the overwhelming majority of faculty at Mills College wanted to allow male students!

Florida:  University of Florida just got a $10-million U.S. federal taxpayer funded grant to experiment with the concept of Precision Education.

Illinois: The Chicago Tribune declared “The politics of education funding in Illinois is truly deranged”   In a No-Shit Sherlock! moment, peer-reviewed journal Child Development published a study that concluded that lying to kids about America being a fair country causes them to become violent when they find out the truth.  Chicago teacher Xian Franzinger Barrett agreed saying “Students who are told that things are fair implode pretty quickly in middle school as self-doubt hits them, and they begin to blame themselves for problems they can’t control.”

Kentucky: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Nativity Montessori School from shutting down due to The Rapture, I mean crashing enrollments.

Louisiana: Loyola University eliminated 60 jobs despite a 33% increase in enrollment deposits.

Massachusetts: Blame Obama. It was revealed that between 2011 and 2016 that at least 3-thousand-562 state early education programs were shutdown.  

Mississippi: University of Southern Mississippi laid off four people and eliminated 33 vacant positions due to a reduction in taxpayer funding.

New York: SUNY Polytechnic Institute suddenly laid off 38 people, apparently in an effort to reduce costs by $10-million USD per year.

Ohio:  Columbus based taxpayer funded online Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow eliminating 250 jobs due to crashing enrollments and being caught overcharging customers by a total of $60-million USD!

Oklahoma: Comanche Nation College shutdown by tribal leaders who refused to continue funding it.

Texas:   Good or bad news?  Lee College Huntsville prison center graduated the largest prison class in its 51 years history, more than 180 prisoners!  It’s either a testament to the education program, or a revelation as to how many people are sent to Texas prisons.  Texas Education Agency laid off 39 people basically saying the positions were redundant.  Republican lieutenant governor Dan Patrick revealed “Of all the money we spend on education, less than 32% goes to teachers.”  The reality is that most of your taxes go to those tax-sucking school administrative bodies.

Washington DC:   A Pew Research Center survey showed 58% of republicans now blame higher education for the current state of the Union.  This is a big swing from 2010 when 55% of republicans favored higher education.  American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Randi Weingarten stated “This use of privatization, coupled with disinvestment are only slightly more polite cousins of segregation.”   In the name of desegregation the AFT wants to force people to send their children to specific schools, violating a fundamental concept of the United States; freedom of choice.

West Virginia: West Virginia Business College suddenly shutdown saying “It is not financially possible to remain open for the July quarter” due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.

theguardian: Why there’s no such thing as a gifted child

Dumbing Down June 2017: “…YOU HAVE A STORM WARNING.”

Sumerian Lament: Trump vs Truman

“If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated, what had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?”-Lament and warning from Enki the last ‘god’ on Earth, Lost Book of Enki, 14th Tablet

“If they do not now accept our terms they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth.”-Harry Truman, President United States 06 August 1945

“They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”-Donald Trump, President United States  08 August 2017

In 1945 President Truman made his threat after the first atomic bomb was dropped.  Is President Trump about to go ‘ballistic’?



“Everyone is shell-shocked!” 61% crash in profits! : U.S. hi-tech/communications breakdown, July 2017

More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech competition for your demise. Incomplete list of U.S. internet/high-tech/communications job destruction announcements in July 2017:

United Kingdom news media revealed that Google “…paid millions of dollars to academics at British and American universities for research that it hoped would sway public opinion and influence policy in favour of the tech giant.”

After five years Kaplan owned software coding school Dev Bootcamp shutting down all six U.S. campuses: “Despite tremendous efforts from a lot of talented people, we’ve determined that we simply cannot reach a sustainable business model without compromising our mission of delivering a high-quality coding education that remains accessible to a diverse population of students.”

California: AutoTrader.com shutting down its Manhattan Beach office, 19 jobs lost in September.  Freenet Digital Entertainment shutting down its Sherman Oaks operations in October.  In Glendale, YP-Yellowpages.com eliminating 35 jobs by the end of August. Electronics retailer Best Buy issued a shutdown WARN for a San Francisco store, 106 jobs gone by the end of September!  Japan based video game maker GREE International Entertainment suddenly shutdown its San Francisco operations, 63 jobs suddenly gone. Venice based mobile application Whisper suddenly laid off 14 people as part of a plan to use automation.  In Mountain View, Symantec suddenly laid off 20 people.  Symantec also WARNed that it will layoff another 14 people in September.  Cisco Systems laid off nine people in San Jose, without warning.  

Cupertino based data storage company Seagate eliminating 6-hundred jobs, apparently in addition to the planned 6-thousand-5-hundred job cuts announced last year!  The 6-hundred additional job cuts are an attempt to cut operating costs to counter Seagate’s declining revenues.   Irvine based software maker Kofax was sold and the new owner dumped an undisclosed number of employees into the street. San Francisco based Juicero finally realized nobody wants to pay 4-hundred-bucks for a juicer (even if it is ‘hi-tech’) so Juicero is cutting the price and 25% of its staff.  Germany based SoundCloud suddenly laid off 173 people and shutdown its office in San Francisco in an attempt to avoid bankruptcy!  After 18 years wearable tech pioneer Jawbone is dead and being liquidated (due to the fact its products didn’t ever work right), but some hopeful executives hope to resurrect it as Jawbone Health Hub.  Sports marketing company Competitor Group issued a shutdown WARN, 145 jobs gone by mid-November! California-Texas-Netherlands based space plane developer XCORP Aerospace suddenly laid off its remaining employees: “Due to adverse financial conditions XCOR had to terminate all employees as of 30 June 2017.”

Florida:  Tallahassee based automated gate opener GTO Access Systems warning of layoffs across the board as it shifts to ‘smart home’ engineering, and integration with California based parent company Nortek’s wireless security ops.  In Jacksonville, YP-Yellowpages.com eliminating 105 jobs by the end of September!

Iowa: Convergys issued a WARN for its call center in Sergeant Bluff, 152 people jobless by the end of September!

Kansas: Lexana based Perceptive Software has been sold and the new owner dumped an undisclosed number of employees into the street.

Maryland: Maker of electrical insulators Locke issued a WARN, 108 jobs gone by September!  Baltimore Sun Media Group shutting down 40 years old City Paper due to crashing advertising revenues.

Michigan: Local news media reported that storage battery maker EaglePicher Technologies laid off 250 people since May 2016 and administrators say the layoffs will continue due to “…strategically focusing our efforts in the areas where our customers need us to be focused in.”

Minnesota: Richfield based computer seller Best Buy eliminating 399 Geek Squad jobs!  At the same time administrators claim the tech retailer has 1-thousand job vacancies!

New York: Brooklyn-NYC based Vice Media laid off 60 people as part of its plan to focus more on international markets.  Media giant Gannett laying off 31 people in Binghamton, for “economic” reasons.  Latina Media Ventures laid off six people as news spread that the company is struggling to issue paychecks, supposedly some employees haven’t been paid for a month, an unnamed source reportedly said “Everyone is shell-shocked and outraged!”  LMEG Wireless issued a shutdown WARN for its Brooklyn-NYC ops, 151 jobs gone by mid-October!  Cloud-based Human Capital Management and Business Process Outsourcing company ADP issued a shutdown WARN for its Williamsville ops, 25 jobs gone by the beginning of October.   Germany based SoundCloud issued a layoff WARN, 53 jobs in NYC gone in October.

Ohio: Columbus based taxpayer funded online Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow eliminating 250 jobs due to crashing enrollments and being caught overcharging customers by a total of $60-million USD!  Cox Media Group shutting down printing ops in Franklin, 135 jobs lost!

Oregon: Washington based Microsoft shutting down its operations in Wilsonville, at least 124 jobs lost between September 2017 and January 2018!  Travel Tags-Western Graphics and Data issued a shutdown WARN for its Portland ops, 82 jobs gone starting in October.  Smartphone insurance company Asurion issued a shutdown WARN for its call center in Klamath Falls, 53 people jobless by mid-September.

Texas: Colorado based TeleTech eliminating 350 jobs due to halting its Heath Services and due to consolidation operations!  Direct Energy Solar-Astrum Solar eliminating 108 jobs in September,  as part of its plan to halt residential solar ops and shift to community solar power ops!  Dallas based online mortgage company Ditech eliminating nearly 5-hundred jobs after getting caught ripping off customers!

Washington: Smartphone maker LeEco issued a shutdown WARN for its Bellevue location, 25 jobs gone by mid-September.   Insurance software maker Vertifore shutting down ops in Bothell, 121 jobs lost as the company moves to Colorado!  Seattle based super computer maker Cray eliminating 190 jobs across the U.S.!  Cray is attempting to save money after a 61% crash in profits in 2016.  Redmond based Microsoft eliminating 3-thousand sales jobs as it shifts focus to cloud service products!

U.S. Tech/Communications breakdown, June 2017: “…A LOT OF EXPERIMENTATION.”