Category Archives: U.S.

Libyan Rebels say they Already are being trained by the United States

Al Jazeera says rebels told them they are being trained at a secret base in eastern Libya (by the way that’s where most of the oil fields are).

The al Jazeera reporter stated that the rebels where being trained how to use weapons: “He said these were state-of-the-art, heat-seeking rockets and that they needed to be trained on how to use them, which was one of the things the American and Egyptian special forces were there to do.”-correspondent Laurence Lee

The reporter went on to question calls for arming and training the rebels by coalition forces, “…when in fact they [rebels] are already being armed covertly.”

According to the report, the Libyan rebels say they are getting training and equipment from Egypt and the United States. This is not the first time the rebels have made such claims. 

More Proof we’re NOT protecting civilians, not even the REBELS, in Libya. Obama either a Fool or a bold faced lier

UN Security Council Resolution 1973, supposedly is about protecting Libyan civilians, yet there are many claims that civilians have been attacked by the UN mandated NATO led coalition forces. Even the Christian Vatican says civilians are being bombed.

Now the Libyan rebels say coalition aircraft have bombed them!

Rebels are reporting several different attacks on their forces, by NATO. In one attack a convoy of vehicles were bombed, in another rebel positions in an oil town was bombed. At least 13 rebels were killed.

NATO says they’re investigating, and implied that the rebels shot at their aircraft first.

This is so messed up. President Barack Obama insists this is about protecting civilians, which has proven false, or impossible to do. Obama has stated, even before the UN resolution, that he wanted Gaddafi out, so far that’s a failure. Obama said the U.S. would be out in a mater of “…days, not weeks!”, it took at least a week and a half to “officially” turn Operation Odyssey Dawn over to NATO (by the way the U.S. still controls NATO, so did we really give up control?).

I have presented many examples, in other postings, that this is all about oil for Europe, not promoting democracy. It’s so clear that the UN mandated coalition forces have no clear goal.  How could the Commander in Chief of U.S. forces (that’s Obama for those who don’t know) rush into such a tar pit?  Obama is either a fool, or a bold faced lier. (Given his INEXPERIENCE, I think he just a fool)



Obama willing to sell out U.S. troops to South Korean Command, sign of declining U.S. Empire

In an unprecedented move, the United States has agreed, in principal, to put U.S. forces under the direct command of South Korea. Details are still being worked out.

“It is an unprecedented measure since the U.S. military is characteristically reluctant to place troops under the command of other countries.”The Chosun Ilbo, Korean newspaper

Officially the move is to help South Korea in case of attack by North Korea. But isn’t that why our troops are there to begin with? Why do they have to be placed under direct control of the South Koreans?  Never in United States history has another country controlled our military forces! Even the Russians didn’t do that after the fall of the Soviet Union.  Is it another sign of the decline of the U.S. Empire?


G20 meeting focusing on letting China in, kicking U.S. out

The current G20 meeting, in China, is discussing many issues, including the disasters in Japan. But, what seems to be the focus is how to bring China into the SDR, and, China’s desire to remove the U.S. dollar as the international reserve currency.

The G20 is made up of bankers and finance officials from 19 countries, and the European Union.  Their objective is to come up with finance and banking systems for a global economy.

Because of China’s growing economic strength, the G20 would like to have the Chinese yuan brought into the SDR.  That is the Special Drawing Rights fund, which is currently as close as you can get to an international money.  It is meant to make huge international transactions easier for members. The SDR replaced gold and silver as standards for international trade in 1969.

China is worried about continued reliance on the U.S. dollar as THE reserve currency for international trade.  Many Chinese economist, and other economist around the world, believe the U.S. dollar’s value is overrated, and is unstable.  They call the use of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency a “dollar trap”.

“Nations around the world have no way of restricting dollar issuance by the Federal Reserve. The current international monetary system lacks both stability and fairness.”- Xu Hongcai, deputy director at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges

Basically China wants a new international reserve currency, no more U.S. dollar.  This will play into the hands of those who want a true international form of money.

Vatican says coalition is bombing Libyan Civilians

“The so-called humanitarian raids have killed dozens of civilian victims in some neighborhoods of Tripoli.”-Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, the Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli

The Catholic official also said hospitals had been hit by coalition bombing.  President Obama had stated many times that the bombing was to PROTECT civilians.

The Catholic report is in the current issue of Fides, the Catholic missionary newspaper.

Radiation in Milk, West Coast United States!

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is increasing radiation monitoring after milk tested positive for trace amounts of radiation from Japan.

The milk, with iodine-131, was found in California and Washington states.

Dairy cows probably ingested the iodine-131 after eating grass, or feed, that the isotope settled on after being blown here from Japan.

Officials insist the radiation levels are so low that the milk is still safe to drink.  However, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is emitting higher levels of radiation now, and the predominate wind direction is towards North America.


Obama DOES back civil war rebels in Libya, IS targeting Gaddafi

Reuters says they have seen proof that President Barack Obama signed an order to actively support the rebels in Libya, even though there is proof that al Qaeda is also working with the rebels.

The order authorizes covert operations to get rid of Gaddafi. Reuters says the Presidential “finding” was sign two or three weeks ago.  This means Obama was lying through his teeth the past two weeks about NOT targeting Gaddafi, and about Operation Odyssey Dawn being just about protecting peaceful civilians.

Because al Qaeda might be involved with  rebels, this brings up another problem with arming rebels: “The whole issue on (providing rebels with) training and equipment requires knowing who the rebels are.”- Bruce Riedel, former CIA

Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who despise Gaddafi, are also willing to supply Libyan rebels with weapons.  By the way, those countries are Wahhab Muslim, the same as al Qaeda, yet they’re our allies.  Gaddafi is NOT a Wahhab Muslim.  So why do we keep supporting the ones who (Wahhabis) attacked us on September 11, 2001?

Japan report shows TEPCO out of touch due to Sub-Contracting, Sub-Contracting continues even now

Kyodo News reporting that sub-contracting, and even sub-sub-contracting, is rampant at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, and is playing a major role in the problems there.

Kyodo News interviewed one of the workers that was sent to the hospital with Beta Burns last week. It turns out the worker is a sub-sub-contractor.  He said the reason they didn’t have protective gear is the fact that TEPCo has a lack of communication with its sub contractors.  Tokyo Electric calls its sub-contractors ”associate enterprises”.

The injured worker suggests that the most dangerous work is being forced on the sub-sub-contractors.  He claimed lack of supervision, and lack of radiation monitoring for the workers. Also, he says the problem with radiation levels is worse than what’s being reported. Many highly radioactive materials litter the nuclear plant’s compound, after the hydrogen gas explosions.  They can not be removed because of their high levels of radiation.

Kyodo News found other sub-contractor employees who are no longer working at the plant. They said their employers begged them to come back to work, even offering 80,000 yen per day. They said no way, not with the amount of radiation there.

I have worked for corporations here in the U.S. that sub-contract, and my experience is that once a company sub-contracts, anything regarding safety & training is quickly forgotten, because it becomes the responsibility of the sub-contractor.  Companies like to sub-contract, not just because it saves them money, but because it passes on legal liabilities to the sub-contractor.  My experience is that sub-contractors are even less capable when it comes to providing training, or enforcing safety.  The sub-contractors I worked for expected training to be done by senior employees, but in many cases the ‘senior’ employees had recently been hired and didn’t really understand their job.

Also, the managers of the sub-contractors would hold so called ‘safety meetings’, where they would force employees to sign papers saying they attended a safety meeting.  The problem is that nothing was discussed at the so called meeting.  The safety meetings were ‘held’ on paydays, and the managers held back the paychecks until the employees signed the safety meeting documents.  I refused to sign the document, and threatened legal action if they didn’t give me my paycheck.  That works, because it’s the law. But, to my amazement, 90% of my fellow co-workers did what the management told them to do, for fear of losing their job.  Even my example of refusing to go along with sub-contractor management wasn’t enough to ease their fear.  I quit most of my jobs with sub-contractors because of training and safety issues (work environment was getting too dangerous). I think only once was my job threatened for my demanding they follow regulations (that’s because I actually turned them into state officials), so I don’t know why so many employees are afraid of losing their job.

This is just another example of why corporations suck!

By the way I began to see a similar situation developing within the U.S. military (specifically National Guard). I did complain about regulation violations to superiors, and it did affect my continued enlistment (they wouldn’t let me re-enlist after 13 years).