Category Archives: U.S.

NATO comes together, agrees to take over from U.S. against Libya, still no unified plan

Hillary Clinton said that NATO members have agreed to take over the military lead in the action against Libya.

She also admitted that there is no unified military plan among the coalition forces.  “All 28 allies have also now authorized military authorities to develop an operations plan for NATO to take on the broader civilian protection mission.”- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Can you say: Ad Hoc, last minute, willie nillie, rushed, haphazard, last minute lack of planing? 

Why does the Federal Reserve feel optimistic about the Economy? They made a big Profit

The Federal Reserve Bank, a privately run bank established by Congress, feels better about the economic recovery. Why?  They made a $81.7 billion profit in 2010.

The Federal Reserve makes profit by charging interest on the money it loans to other banks and financial institutions.  It can also make money buying and selling U.S. bonds.

As we’ve seen over the past year, many big banks reported profits. Now the Fed is reporting big profits.  In other words the economy is good if you’re in banking.


Toyota preparing to close North American factories

Toyota announced that if the supply problems in Japan continues it will be forced to close plants in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Toyota continues to delay restarts of its plants in Japan, for the same reason.

Toyota has already cut overtime work at its North American plants.

Today’s announcement is meant as a warning, so North American plant officials can prepare.

Germany throws wrench into NATO taking lead role against Libya

Germany, a member of NATO, pulled out of Mediterranean operations against Libya.

Germany, along with Turkey,  are reasons why NATO can not take the lead in actions against Libya. NATO must have all members on board, which it does not. It’s sure looks like Obama (U.S.), Sarkozy (France) and Cameron (U.K.) fail when it comes to coalition building.

This is why Obama will not keep his promise to Congress.  He stated that the U.S. would relinquish its role in the attacks on Libya in “days”.  It now looks like it could be weeks.

Sarkozy is such an idiot his people think the “coalition” can not only carry on without the U.S., but without any unified command and control. In other words, everyone in the coalition does their own thing.

This is looking more and more like a literal circus of war mongering clowns!

Oh, Germany says it’ll increase its presence in Afghanistan so other NATO countries can pull their troops out of Afghanistan to fight the Libyans. Kind of a roundabout way of supporting the attacks on Libya, while denouncing the attacks at the same time.

Russian Duma Demands Attacks against Libya Stop

The majority of the lower house of the Russian Duma (Parliament) approved a resolution condemning the military action against Libya, and demanding it be stopped.

“The State Duma expresses concern over the scale and form in which the military force is used against Libya and calls for parliaments of France, Great Britain, United States, Italy, Canada and other states that are conducting the military operation to assist the immediate end of combat that damages the peaceful Libyan infrastructure and most importantly causes new casualties among civilian population.”

Russian politicians point out that UNSCR 1973 does not have specific limits on military action. Also, each of the UN coalition members are interpreting it differently, which is why the operation looks so haphazard.

This lack of specifics in the UN resolution is partly why President Obama is still trying to work out who will take the lead from the U.S., days after he told Congress that the U.S. involvement would end in a few days.

U.S. Soldier Pleads Guilty to Murdering Afghans

Trying to provide the accused soldier with an “out”, the military officials asked Army Specialist, Jeremy Morlock, if his unit was just trying to scare the locals, and it “got out of hand.” Morlock’s reply: “The plan was to kill people.”

Morlock pleaded guilty to murder. Four other soldiers face murder charges as well.  All together 12 U. S. soldiers are charged with murder and conspiracy to cover it up.  Charges also include drug use, mutilating bodies, keeping body parts as trophies and taking photos of dead bodies.

BBC beggars U.S. for money, while U.S. Congress mulls cutting PBS

More proof that the British Empire (aka British Commonwealth) is taking over the United States.

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is asking for money from the U.S. taxpayer (Department of State). This while Congress debates cutting major funding from our own PBS (Public Broadcasting Service).

BBC is dealing with huge cuts from the government of United Kingdom (aka Britain).  U.S. State Department likes the BBC because of it’s world wide audience. It’s possible that the BBC might be used to spread U.S. propaganda (isn’t that what Voice of America is for?).

Is this what Hillary Clinton meant when she asked Congress to increase funding for a stronger “American” media presence around the world?

Britain taking over U.S. oil industry. Britain taking over U.S. municipal water systems. Now Britain taking over U.S. public television!  Our founding fathers would commit suicide if they were alive today!

Bicentennial of New Madrid Quakes

Throughout 2011 and 2012, in the central U.S., there will be events held for the 200th Anniversary of the great 1811 and 1812 New Madrid earthquakes.

The New Madrid Seismic Zone stretches from west of Memphis, Tennessee into southern Illinois.  The 1811 and 1812 earthquakes were between magnitude 7-8 (Richter scale), with hundreds of aftershocks. They were felt down to the Gulf of Mexico, and north to Canada.