Tag Archives: trump

U.S. taxes support Indian Military Air Show

23 February 2019 (15:50 UTC-07 Tango 06) 04 Esfand 1397/17 Jumada t-Tania 1440/19 Bin-Yin 4717

In the Brititsh empire’s (Commonwealth of Nations) India (India is not independent), Aero India is taking place and the U.S. taxpayers are helping to support it, despite the fact the United States officially does not have any military ops in India.  The show is taking place at India’s Air Force Station Yelahanka.

U.S. Air Force Band of the Pacific members perform for a crowd during Aero India, 23FEB2019.

USAF B-52 bomber from Guam overflies Aero India, 20FEB2019.

USAF F-16 from Misawa Air Base, Japan, overflies Aero India, 20FEB2019.

USAF C-17 shows-off at Aero India, 23FEB2019.

U.S. Navy F/A-18 from VFA-27 on display at Aero India, 23FEB2019.

U.S. representatives admitted the spending of tax dollars on the Indian air show is an attempt to influence the Indian military.  That’s because India is now a financial powerhouse (despite still rampant poverty) and many other countries have already cashed in on deals with India’s military industrial complex.  According to the Economic Times of India, Aero India 2019 is the largest air show in Asia.

India’s own design Light Combat Helicopter TD1, 21FEB2019.

India’s Russian designed two-seat Sukhoi-30 flies alongside India’s own design Tejas, 20FEB2019.

These Russian marked Yakovlev aerobatic planes are actually operated by the British empire’s United Kingdom based Team Yakovlevs.

Indian Air Force helicopter display team Sarang, flying India’s own Dhruv/ALH helicopters, 20FEB2019.

U.S. Ambassador to India, Kenneth I. Juster, is on hand to promote the sale of U.S. military gear.

New Normal: National Guard honors the Dead

23 February 2019 (14:56 UTC-07 Tango 06) 04 Esfand 1397/17 Jumada t-Tania 1440/19 Bin-Yin 4717

“I volunteered our state to the National Guard Bureau as a national training site because we have outstanding training facilities and instructors. The Louisiana National Guard Military Funeral Honors Team rendered honors at 3,604 funerals in 2017 and 2018. We are currently averaging 157 funerals per month so far this fiscal year, and we are one of the most efficient programs in the country.”-Command Sergeant Major Larry Johnson, Louisiana Army National Guard Military Funeral Honors program manager

The False Flag War on Terror (along with increasing deaths of veterans from previous conflicts) has resulted in state level militia units increasing their funeral programs, so much so there’s now special schools to teach Army National Guard personnel how to Honor the Dead: “We teach these Soldiers customs and courtesies that go beyond military funeral honors. We have to fit what the Old Guard would train in four weeks into a two-week time period.”-Bryan Hines, ARNG Funeral Honors national trainer

The latest program was hosted by the Louisiana National Guard Military Funeral Honors program, from 04-16FEB2019.  It was a Level Two Funeral Honors Instructor Course.  State militia personnel from Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Indiana, Oklahoma and New York attended:“Training Soldiers in my state on the proper way to render final honors is important to me because it is one of the last memories that Veterans’ families will have of that person.”-Specialist Christian Lepage, Indiana National Guard

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt


“Now you tell me who the enemy is!”: Drugs, the American Way, October 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg, seriously this isn’t the half-of-it!) list of U.S. drug related crimes and oddities for the ‘Take Back’ month of October 2018:

Mexico’s military leaders want opium legalized!

U.S. Navy video happily warns that state-level legalized ganja does not change federal-level laws, especially for military personnel and their spouses:

Air National Guard Training and Education Center video explaining military drug testing:

ALABAMA: corrections officer caught with drugs while coming on duty

Alabama to hold Drug ‘Take-Back’ Day Saturday (guess that means the drugs originated with the state government?)

prison guard sentenced to six years for drug smuggling

drug task force targets sale of CBD oil

Alabama’s War on Marijuana

ALASKA: 25 people arrested in 2 days by allegedly corrupt Anchorage Police

97 page report implies Alaska National Guard and the Anchorage Police Department involved with drug and sex crimes!

KTUU wins document quest, revealing former Anchorage police chief mishandled internal drugs/sex crimes inquiry

Drug stool pigeon working for Anchorage Police Department assassinated

U.S. Coast Guard admits personnel in Alaska involved with drug crimes!

Somebody was on drugs if they thought a giant blow-up doll called Sergeant Drug Free would win over the children of Iditarod Elementary School.

ARIZONA: Drug addicts seeking help at treatment centers are mysteriously dying after they check-in!

Border Patrol agents arrest 7 suspected drug smugglers (a mix of U.S. and Mexican citizens)

$1.1 million in drugs seized at Mexico border

Border Patrol agent caught paying $650K for cocaine!

More than $613K worth of drugs seized in Nogales

ARKANSAS:  Little Rock’s dangerous and illegal drug war

Little Rock Police Drug Raid Now Being Questioned With Lawsuit

Police Department Has Been Engaging In Illegal Drug Raids For Years

Statewide Prescription Drug ‘Take Back’ Oct. 27 (guess that means the drugs originated with the state government and not the medical industry?)

State spends taxpayer money to keep cops ‘safe’ from illegal drugs

Operation White Horse arrests 13 people for heroin, California and Texas is blamed

Benton County, 50 Pounds Of Marijuana

Since 1987 October is known as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, in 2011 October also became National Substance Abuse Prevention Month.  To celebrate, and maybe catch some druggies off-guard, Little Rock Air Force Base held a 5K run and even asked participants to Name That Drug!

CALIFORNIA: Solar-powered drug tunnel discovered  (I guess the smugglers were trying to comply with California’s green power laws)

Drug, Needle Take-back Program becomes Law (is this a round-a-bout way of admitting the drug problem is the government’s fault?)

13 people connected to foreign gangs Arrested, $10M in Drugs Seized

Immigrants use California as a base to ship drugs to Hawaii: “Those drugs were part of a nearly 90-pound shipment that appeared to be colorful, decorative Mexican items, including replicas of the 500-year-old Aztec calendar stone.”

Official video of the U.S. Coast Guard delivering more than 11-tons of cocaine to San Diego:

COLORADO: 35 charged with trafficking drugs 

This is how legal marijuana changed Colorado

Is Kratom a deadly drug? 

CONNECTICUT: Convicted felons caught with guns, drugs

$110000 Found During Drug Bust

Parole Check Leads To Drug Bust 

High School Teacher Died of Drugs

Norwalk Doctor Sentenced for Selling Drugs to Addicts and Dealers

firefighter overdoses while on duty inside firehouse

DELAWARE: Heroin drug bust 

Convicted drug dealer assassinated after release from prison

police seize 7500 bags of heroin, 30 grams of ecstasy 

dealing drugs in a restaurant parking lot

FLORIDA: police officer arrested for selling drugs out of patrol car

Baby-faced Drug Lords

Three Police Officers Arrested on Drug Charges

Car crashes caused by drugged drivers skyrocket 

This is a fraction of the 18.5 tons of cocaine captured, and then delivered to Port Everglades, by the crew of Coast Guard Cutter James, 19OCT2018.

U.S. Coast Guard delivers $47-million USD worth of cocaine and marijuana to Coast Guard Base Miami Beach, 16OCT2018.

GEORGIA: Drug kingpin gets 145 years

Proven: Police administered field drug tests send innocent people to jail!

Grocery store was a front for drug dealers: “Marijuana and multiple types of pills in plain view.”

GUAM: Veteran going to prison in $1.5M meth case

$2.5M meth case; trial set for Oct. 11

Woman with drug past arrested again

HAWAII: 3 Charged With 59 Offenses Related to Drugs & Credit Cards

doctor, four of his employees arrested for alleged drug trafficking

IDAHO: Man caught with 117 pounds of marijuana

Five arrested in drug bust; infant in room suffered seizure 

Drug dealer accidentally texts school cop, offers to sell drugs

Who does Idaho send to prison?

ILLINOIS:  8 arrested, $700k worth of illegal drugs seized

Federal drug investigation leads to 17 arrests

14 duffel bags of marijuana

Drug Dealer’s Jeep Wrangler Faces Forfeiture

INDIANA: California man caught with $5-million USD worth of illegal drugs

cops seize nearly $500000, large stash of drugs 

drug bust nabs 29

Clint Eastwood to portray infamous Hoosier drug runner

85 face charges after drug sweep

IOWA: University of Iowa campus drug violations drop, alcohol referrals up

Nurse Charged With Drug Thefts

Mason City police employee arrested for stealing prescription drugs

KANSAS: ‘Operation snowplow’ busts major drug ring

growing drug problem in Sedgwick County

Drug Take-Back Day results in over 7 tons of medicine disposed

Schlitterbahn co-owner charged with drug, sex crimes

KENTUCKY: Patients died, families lived in fear of doctor turned drug dealer

Kentucky getting federal taxpayer funding to target ‘rogue’ drug dealing doctors: “There are some who truly, truly have become that drug dealer in the white lab coat.”-Russell Coleman, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Kentucky

More than $3 million in cash, drugs seized

25 pounds of liquid heroin in shampoo bottles, and 16 pounds of cocaine, found in DHL warehouse

baby given 3 doses of Narcan after she ODs 

LOUISIANA: police seize 10000 Ecstasy tablets in traffic stop

deputies seize more than $1M in meth during bust

23 arrested on drug charges

15 arrests

100 arrest warrants for over 30 suspects

Mom charged with passing out on her baby and killing him

Meth addict says ghosts did it

medical marijuana delayed after state forced to do product testing

MAINE: $32000 worth of methamphetamine

MARYLAND: U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (RDECOM ECBC) claims to have created a process which can detect low-level opioid exposure as long as two weeks after the exposure.  The reason the U.S. Army is working on such a detection system is that super-lethal opioids are now considered weapons of mass destruction: “This is unprecedented research that lays a strong foundation for future work in opioid exposure detection and medical responses to that exposure. As opioids continue to post a significant threat domestically and on the battlefield…”-Trevor Glaros

“This is an ultra-potent opioid, and the level it would take to intoxicate you is incredibly hard to detect, especially in sub-lethal amounts. We can barely detect lethal amounts. If you were exposed, but unsure, we might have a hard time telling if it was carfentanil.-Elizabeth Dhummakupt

(carfentanil/carfentanyl is made from fentanyl)

21 Arrested in connection to Overdoses

Overdose Deaths Rising

bust turns up animal drug deadly to humans

MASSACHUSETTS: Feds arrest 50, more expected: “Lawrence is a clearing house for illegal drugs pouring into New Hampshire and Maine via 93 and 495.”-U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling

Gov’na wants to bribe local police with 5-million taxpayer dollars, to focus on fentanyl dealers only 

Librarians now double as bathroom police after drug deal

Potentially thousands of more people charged with drug crimes to have charges dropped due to ongoing police drug lab scandal!

MICHIGAN: Opioid-related overdose deaths hit new high

pharmacist refuses drugs to woman having miscarriage

$17 million drug bust 

Doctor Charged With Prescription Drug crime

New rules would shutdown addiction treatment centers

MINNESOTA: Children suffering due to big comeback of meth

People convicted of drugs crimes released due to the discovery that cops lied: “People take law enforcement officers’ word. There are so many people, like prosecutors, who rely on the importance of the accuracy and trustworthiness of the information that they are presented…”-Senator Bobby Joe Champion

MISSISSIPPI:  Operation Triple Beam, 255 people arrested in one month

Police Took Property Without Legal Authority

Sheriff Charged in Drug Extortion Violates Bond

sheriff to plead guilty to taking bribe from drug dealer

MISSOURI: nearly 250 pounds of drugs

Increase in Methamphetamine Use

Addicts Say Meth ‘Explosion’ Is A Warning To The Country

Drug testing company reports increase in cheating

Doctor Gets Prison Time for $1.5M Drug Fraud

MONTANA: Prison drug-trafficking scheme brings guilty pleas

growing drug problem

“mobile drug market”

sheriff pleads not guilty to official misconduct

NEBRASKA:  More than 1600 pounds of THC

163 pounds of marijuana

Federal taxpayers give Nebraska $1.3-million to fight opioids

NEVADA: Elko County’s drug problem

More than $20 million worth of marijuana seized in Nye County

Methamphetamine Use By Pregnant Women

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Suspected drug death would be 7th of 2018

“I got addicted to opioids after my caregiver was paid to prescribe them”

Taxpayer funded Hub-And-Spoke Drug Treatment Plan

NEW JERSEY:  30 NJ Towns With The Most Heroin Abuse 

resident of New Jersey for 30 years, major drug dealer turns out to be illegal immigrant who was previously deported but ‘snuck’ back into the U.S., and is responsible for increased gun crimes as well

Central American based MS-13 brings violence, drugs to your suburb

NEW MEXICO: overdose deaths down 4 percent … due to naloxone

psychiatrist drugged-up hundreds of children

NEW YORK: ‘Mexican’ grocery store was a front for drug dealers

Healthcare workers charged with illegally prescribing millions of pills


First Wave Of Massive Drug Bust Nabs 20

Some Parts Of NC Get $2.5 Million In taxpayer funded Grants To Address Opioid Crisis

Drugs, moonshine and explosives

U.S. Coast Guard C-130 aircraft, from Air Station Elizabeth City, tracked this suspected drug boat until a Coast Guard cutter made the intercept, 03OCT2018.

NORTH DAKOTA:  5 big pot busts were thrown out of court because unAmerican North Dakota cops routinely violate the U.S. Constitution!

Sheriff’s deputy signs conditional plea in drug theft case

overdose deaths increase 

You can Now Apply for Medical Marijuana Cards

OHIO: Over $350000 worth of drugs seized in Delano 

11 people charged with shipping drugs from Mexico

3 homicides in two days tied to drugs

What To Know About Ohio’s Drug Sentencing Amendment

Video proof the government is behind drug addiction as Ohio National Guard join ‘Take Back Day’ ops in this video (remember, by calling it a Take Back it means the drugs originated with them):

OKLAHOMA: special ed teacher arrested for trafficking meth

$4.4 Million of Liquid Meth in Semi Truck’s Gas Tank

50 Pounds Of Marijuana

Oklahoma prisoner able to direct operations of drug gang in New York City

OREGON:  22 people facing drug trafficking charges in Oregon, Washington

5 Things We Learned About Race And Drug Crimes From New Oregon Report

Teen Plotted to Drug, Kill His Parents

27 Pounds Of Meth

drug lab explodes

PENNSYLVANIA: Trapped by the ‘Walmart of Heroin’

More Than 50 Arrested 

County Pays Nearly $5M because evil prison guards stood by and watched Heroin addict die in jail 

PUERTO RICO: U.S. Coast Guard personnel off-load $30-million worth of cocaine captured off the coast of Puerto Rico, 13OCT2018.

RHODE ISLAND: 26 indicted on federal firearms, drug charges

candidates for governor, attorney general arrested on drug charges

SOUTH CAROLINA: football coach charged in drug overdose death

Cocaine overdose deaths spike, mixed with fentanyl

SOUTH DAKOTA: Doctor to Plead Guilty to illegally Distributing Drugs

TENNESSEE: Tennessee’s Opioid Crisis

pain clinic nurse gave a patient 51 pills a day. And she kept her license.

1 million doses of fentanyl found in suitcase at airport

8 people arrested, more than $700K worth of meth seized

TEXAS:  man found with over 650 pounds of THC oil 

high-dollar sex, drug sting in upscale Galleria hotel

More proof the government is behind drug addiction as Texas National Guard join DEA ‘Take Back Day’ ops (remember, by calling it a Take Back it means the drugs originated with them).

UTAH: Prisons not cooperating with state level investigations into high numbers of drug withdrawal deaths!

Utah insurance company paying to send people to Mexico to get drugs!

Feds say Utah concert venue funded with drug money

Utah man confesses to sending ricin-laced letters to Trump

VERMONT:  Man suspected of drug dealing assassinated

Vermont’s Drug Problem Bigger Than Opiates

Guard and prisoner indicted in prison drug smuggling operation

pizzeria owner sentenced to 10 years for drug conspiracy

VIRGINIA: More ganja through the mail captured, Postal Service blames California

‘Operation Goodfellas’ $19 million drug ring

27 individuals arrested

Dumb-ass political incumbent compares $5-million in competing political ads to being a heroine addict in prison!

$1-million drug deal

WASHINGTON:  man gets 20 years for illegal possession of firearm and drugs

Investigation recovers meth, heroin and World War Two MP40 submachine gun (Note the news media’s use of the word ‘recovers’ which implies the drugs and guns originated with the police, and the MP40 is so corroded looking I don’t think it actually works)

Man accused of killing wife with painkiller ice cream

Homeless shelter being shutdown because it openly allows drugs

State government reneging on legalized marijuana, no warning given to ganja dealers

Washington DC: Trump Signs New Laws Aimed at Drug Costs 

WEST VIRGINIA: 30 people arrested 

“We have lost more lives in the last two years, 60,000 two years ago and we’re already passing this year, than all of the lives lost during the Vietnam War! Now you tell me who the enemy is!”-Richard Ojeda, veteran/political candidate, talking about coming home from the False Flag War on Terror to an drug epidemic that’s doing more to destroy the United States than any ‘terrorist’ could ever do

WISCONSIN: 13 charged after SLANT drug busts

State approves drug containing CBD

Mom who overdosed is facing a felony, while her supplier is let off

Man used drugs to turn human trafficking victims into zombies

Meth addict claims mental illness after getting caught ripping-off pet store

WYOMING: High school student arrested for drug distribution which caused student overdoses

Drug use suspected in fatal accident involving a giant CAT dump truck that drove off a cliff


Great Reneger: Maryland Militia deploys to Africa

“We are a small piece of IO and intel in the grand scheme of U.S. Army force structure, but we make a world of difference through each one of our team members supporting these global missions.”-Lieutenant Colonel Kristin L. Henry, 11FEB2019

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt

Maryland National Guard IO Field Support Team (110th Information Operations Battalion) deployed to Djibouti in support of the Combined Joint Task Force–Horn of Africa.

Many of the personnel are full time cyber security workers, some of them deployed to Africa previously.


Great Reneger: Ohio Militia deploys to Kuwait

“On behalf of a grateful nation, we want you to know we recognize that without you, there would be no democracy.”-Major General John C. Harris Jr., Ohio National Guard, 08FEB2019

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt

More than 100 personnel with Bravo Company, 638th Support Battalion (Aviation Support) Ohio Army National Guard deploying to Kuwait.  To prove this is actually a continuance of the ancient ‘christian’ Crusades, the taxpayer funded deployment ceremony was held in a church (like many other deployment ceremonies around the U.S.)!

It’s the unit’s first deployment as a company in its 71-year history.  They will be joined on the deployment by units of the Massachusetts and Indiana National Guards, and the Army Reserve’s 244th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade from New Jersey.


Great Reneger: Louisiana Militia deploys to Middle East

“We’ve been in this war for almost 19 years, and I know that a lot of you have been involved from day one. I would ask the old guys to take care of the young ones who haven’t deployed. Mentor them through the deployment and let them know that everything will be ok.”-Major General Glenn H. Curtis, Louisiana National Guard, 16FEB2019

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt

Louisiana National Guard’s 1st Assault Helicopter Battalion, 244th Aviation Regiment deploying 70 of its personnel to the Middle East.

Some of the personnel are siblings. It’s the 1-244th’s fourth overseas deployment since 9-11.


‘just another nail in the coffin’: U.S. Food Crisis, October 2018

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls for the month of October, 2018:

how America treats its black farmers

Trump boosts dairy industry

Farmers struggle to store crops

Grains try to avoid market meltdown

Ag Economy Barometer falls to lowest reading since October 2016

Agricultural damage from Hurricane Michael forecast to top $1.3 billion

Farmers face ‘new normal’; hurricanes

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

President Trump is correct! In this official U.S. Marines Corps video you’ll learn that your tax dollars are going to support the local food economies of NATO member countries in Europe:

ALABAMA: USMCA trade deal impact on Alabama farmers

cotton farmer devastated by Hurricane Michael 

ALASKA: Can pot save the pumpkin farm?

Muskox transported from Greenland to Alaska

ARKANSAS: Hog Haus Brewing forced to shutdown after the building was sold-off

Arkansas farmers, politicians welcome new trade deal

ARIZONA: Impasse Over Who Loses Water, and How Much, Could Sink Arizona

Arizona meat processor recalls 6.5 million pounds of beef

self-driving tractors 

CALIFORNIA: Switzerland based Nestlé issued massive, yet supposedly temporary, layoff WARNs, at least 1-thousand California jobs suspended right after Thanksgiving!  Los Amigos Harvesting issued a shutdown WARN for its Watsonville ops, 175 jobs gone by April 2019!  Bon Appetit food magazine issued a shutdown WARN for its San Francisco office, 91 jobs gone four days before xmas.   Jack in the Box issued a layoff WARN for its San Diego HQ, 66 corporate jobs gone in January 2019.  Also in San Diego, Phils BBQ issued a temp-shutdown WARN, 118 jobs suspended in January 2019!  Pepsi Bottling Group issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Buena Park, 95 jobs gone right after xmas. Stockton Spaghetti Restaurant issued a shutdown WARN, 51 jobs gone by the end of the year.  Popular restaurant Mexicali West issued a shutdown WARN for its Bakersfield location, 55 jobs gone by the end of the year due to the property being sold to a secretive developer.

America’s first autonomous robot farm replaces humans

Hemp farming in California plagued by roadblocks

Agriculture Checkpoint Moved to Ease Traffic Delays

New California law aims to protect pollinators

Pluto’s restaurant in downtown Chico is shutting its doors after 15 years, due to recent 10% crash in customers

Zacky Farms (aka Zacky & Sons Poultry) suddenly shutdown its 47 years old poultry factory in Fresno, (323 jobs lost without proper warning, according to the days late WARN), the local mayor said Zacky Farms promised him they were going to expand the operation!

And without warning Zacky & Sons Poultry also shutdown its Stockton location, the WARN said 142 people suddenly lost their jobs!

Starbucks closing a Folsom store

La Victoria bakery closing shop after 67 years

Camino is closing after 10 years in Oakland

Lagunitas Brewing Cuts More Than 100 Jobs due to being taken over by Heineken!

U.S. Marines and Sailors helped supply 23-thousand pounds of apples to more than 4-hundred food pantries in the San Francisco Bay area, 04OCT2018!

COLORADO: 45-year-old Lakewood chicken restaurant closing

Denver-based frozen fruit snack firm files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

CONNECTICUT: IMCMV Connecticut issued a shutdown WARN for its Margaritaville restaurant in Uncasville, 59 jobs lost by January 2019 due to not being able to justify renewing the lease.

After 40 years Black Duck Cafe Announces Closing: “In the last 6 months, we’ve been experiencing slower business and now have fallen on significant financial hardship…”

Anthony’s Sub Shop closing after more than 30 years 

DELAWARE: Destructive spotted lanternfly spreading south through Delaware

two more cases of West Nile Virus in horses

FLORIDA: Without warning Blackfinn permanently closes its doors 

Crestview Hooters restaurant closing after 15 years

At Eglin AFB, U.S. Army 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) helped distribute more than two tons of food to local families, 17OCT2018!

Tyndall AFB video showing food distribution after Hurricane Michael:

Florida National Guard’s 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 2-124 Charlie Company, provided food and water to at least 750 citizens in Panama City, in just one day, as a result of Hurricane Michael.

GEORGIA: Georgia National Guard distributes food after Hurricane Michael, 12OCT2018.


Stacks of donated pet food await the U.S. Coast Guard, 26OCT2018, to be delivered to Saipan as a result of Typhoon Yutu.

HAWAII: Wailana Coffee House closing after 48 years due to skyrocketing costs just to maintain the operation

IDAHO: Confusion in Boise as a vindictive food vendor started a rumor that Fatty’s Bar was bankrupt and shutting down, it was news to the new owner of Fatty’s

Idaho ranks as top U.S. producer of four commodities

ILLINOIS:  CherryBerry self serve yogurt in Springfield closing

Last Bonanza steakhouse in Illinois closing

Treasure Island Foods suddenly shutdown remaining stores after 55 years, official WARNs put job losses at 486!

INDIANA: Brown County’s Nashville House Restaurant Closing After 91 Years

Papa Roux shutting down after 11 years due to everything: “Too much constant issues and problems with everything from the city, the landlord, the facilities, my vendors, the employee pool in this town is actually not what it was 11 years ago.”-Art Bouvier

IOWA:  New North American trade deal good for Iowa 

KANSAS: Farmers Frustrated by Winter Wheat Planting Delays

KENTUCKY: Mellow Mushroom shutdown its Lexington Green pizza joint

LOUISIANA: “This is the worst agriculture crisis to hit Louisiana in my 53 years of farming.”-James Guillot

MAINE: organic farmers’ group gets $600000 to train beginners

MARYLAND:  Brio Tuscan Grille closing its downtown Baltimore restaurant

Ellwood Thompson’s closing grocery store

MASSACHUSETTS: See inside the marijuana facility 

MICHIGAN: Mexico based Bimbo Bakeries issued a shutdown WARN for its Bays Bakery, 50 jobs gone by January 2019.

GR’s Marie Catrib’s closing for good

Baby food maker Gerber laying off 50 people

Tumultuous markets in its seed, pesticide and herbicide businesses have wiped $4.6 billion off DowDuPont’s agriculture division

MINNESOTA: Hemp could become a leading Minnesota crop

Wet weather worries farmers

MISSOURI:  Tanner’s Bar & Grill closing 27 years old Waldo location

Price Cutter grocery store on Division & Glenstone To Close 

Coffee Cartel closing after 22-years

MONTANA: record 22000 acres of hemp planted in 2018

NEBRASKA: Chef fired after serving kangaroo meat to students (I don’t understand, people in Australia eat it, isn’t there a food crisis going on?)

NEVADA: Wildflower Café in Incline Village closing after 3 decades 

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Six months after opening in Portsmouth, 900 Degrees Pizzeria shutdown claiming there are not enough people willing to work there

NEW JERSEY:  Acme grocery in Park Ridge to close

Yet another Pei Wei restaurant closes in N.J.

NEW MEXICO: State requests public input on future growth of hemp

Farm Credit invested $1.3 million in Junior Livestock

NEW YORK: Nathan’s Famous issued a shutdown WARN for its Brooklyn-NYC restaurant, 20 jobs gone by January 2019.   It was revealed by a WARN that Molloy College suddenly canceled its contract with food service provider Compass Group-Chartwells26 jobs gone.  Food service contractor Jan Services-Gourmet Garage issued a shutdown WARN for multiple locations, 92 jobs gone by the end of the year.

Stewart’s Shops closing two low-volume grocery stores

Tortilla Flats in West Village closing for good

Tonarlo’s Pizza and Restaurant in Conklin will shut down after 15 years

Hinerwadel’s clambake closing after 104 years

NORTH CAROLINA: Less than seven months after its opening Dapper Doughnut shutdown its Morganton location

100 years old restaurant’s closing leaves residents heartbroken

Wrightsville Beach Eatery Closing After 32 Years

Sugarland bakery files for bankruptcy suddenly closes shops

02OCT2018, U.S. Coast Guard C-130 drops a weeks worth of food to a disabled cargo ship that was heading for Haiti, from Greece.

NORTH DAKOTA: Over 17 Inches of Snow Fell in North Dakota and It’s Only October

Snow Storm Hammers Grain Farmers

OHIO: Renick’s Family Market closing after nearly 60 years

Just Pies closing 2 central Ohio stores

Tremont General Store announces its closing

Red Restaurant Group (Red, The Steakhouse, Moxie The Restaurant) chapter 11 bankrupt busted

Union Street Grille in Bryan closing “Due to circumstances way beyond our control”

Seven crew members and a CH-47 Chinook helicopter from Ohio Army National Guard’s Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 238th Aviation Regiment, deployed to Florida to help deliver food and water in support of Hurricane Michael recovery efforts.

OKLAHOMA: Department of Ag. suspends all pending & expanding poultry farm operations

OREGON:  Alameda Brewhouse closing doors

PENNSYLVANIA:  After 47 years Barn Door Food & Spirits closing, no reason given

PUERTO RICO: A Local Food Revolution

After Hurricane Maria, farmers struggle to rebuild

RHODE ISLAND: 2 People Die While Fishing

council OKs zoning change for ‘farm brewery’

SOUTH CAROLINA: More than $100 million in damages to crops after Florence

researchers optimizing pulse and cereal crops for organic production

SOUTH DAKOTA: volatile Per Pair and Yearling Monthly Pasture Rental Rates 

Farmers back in the field after harvest delays

TENNESSEE: Changes coming to Industrial Hemp Pilot Program

University of Tennessee serves food made with insects

TEXAS: Italian restaurant is closing in Fort Worth, and it won’t be the last, More than 600 chain restaurant locations are expected to close this year 

Fuego Burger is closing one of its locations, due to the greedy landlord refusing to fix a roof leak that’s literally flooding the restaurant 

El Fenix Mexican Restaurant shutdown its Wichita Falls location without warning

Iconic Chu-Mikal’s Cafe shutdown

Mid-County creamery closing after only two years

Albertsons, Tom Thumbs closing 4 North Texas grocery Stores

Three Houston-area Randalls grocery stores closing in December

UTAH:  drought emergency declared for all of Utah

Plans to tap more Bear River water raise concerns

VERMONT: Keurig-Dr Pepper laying off about 500 employees!

Perfect Wife closing Saturday after 23 years

VIRGINIA:  Kroger closing Wards Corner Norfolk location, going against original plans

WASHINGTON: Twin City Foods issued a shutdown WARN for its Stanton location, 65 jobs gone by December.

Washington DC: Capitol Hill cocktail bar files for bankruptcy

WEST VIRGINIA: Excessive rainfall soaked apple harvest

DNR and Dept. of Agriculture team up on Hunters Helping the Hungry

WISCONSIN: Mexico based Bimbo Bakeries issued a shutdown WARN for its bakery in Madison, 159 jobs gone in January 2019!

Soggy weather delaying fall harvest is ‘just another nail in the coffin’ 

WYOMING: Lift is grounded, restaurant is closing after sale

Controversial Wyoming agriculture lawyer joins Interior Department

Wyoming court rules controversial ag-gag law violates free speech


“we kind of need to do something besides die at our desk”: U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, October 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in October 2018.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Holy weapons malfunction Batman! An ongoing type of taxpayer rip-off was finally revealed by the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) in the form of ‘suspended stock’, which are parts paid for by taxpayers for use in maintaining expensive military weapons systems, except that they’re mislabeled by the corporate unAmerican manufacturers, rendering the parts useless!  The chief of DLA Troop Support’s Industrial Hardware Division, José Pereira, said the amount of mislabeled parts is “eye opening”.   The parts cannot be used until their true intended use is identified.  A specialized Industrial Hardware team has been assembled to literally sort through the massive problem.

CALIFORNIA: Window coverings maker Century Blinds issued a shutdown WARN for its operations in Corona, 59 jobs gone the day after Thanksgiving.  Heavy construction contractor Brinderson issued layoff WARNs, 324 jobs gone by December!  Carpet maker TDG Operations issued a shutdown WARN for its Los Angeles ops, 60 jobs gone December.  Clothing maker (‘wearable art’) Providence Industries issued a shutdown WARN (supposedly temporary) for its Long Beach location, 96 jobs lost the day after xmas.  Clothing maker/distributor MD2 Industries issued a shutdown WARN (supposedly temporary) for its Long Beach ops, 158 jobs lost the day before xmas!  Clothing maker PVH Neckwear issued a ‘permanent’ shutdown WARN for its Los Angeles ops, 94 jobs gone after xmas.  Iconic clothing maker Levy’s issued a ‘permanent’ shutdown WARN for its Inglewood factory, 272 jobs gone by January 2019!  West Coast Warehouse issued a shutdown WARN for its Fontana location, 18 jobs lost the day after xmas. Metal Partners International issued a shutdown WARN for its Bakersfield location.  Davis Wire Corporation issued a ‘temporary’ shutdown WARN for its Irwindale location, 109 jobs gone the day before xmas!  Construction supplies maker Burke Industries issued a layoff WARN for Its San Jose locations, 61 jobs gone by the end of the year.  Insulation maker Thermal Structures issued a shutdown WARN for its Corona location.  Material handling ‘simplifier’ Symbotic issued a shutdown WARN for its Oceanside location.  Contracted manufacturer Jabil issued several ‘temporary’ shutdown WARNs, more than 1-thousand jobs lost the week before xmas!

UTC Aerospace to end aircraft systems manufacturing in Chula Vista, cutting 300 jobs!

COLORADO:  Major Mountain West Coal Producer Files For Bankruptcy

CONNECTICUT: Building-materials distributor Builders First Source issued a shutdown WARN for its East Hartford location, 46 jobs gone by the end of the year.

INDIANA:  JD Norman Industries shutting down its facility in Muncie, 130 jobs lost!

Cardinal Metal Finishing eliminating 80 jobs, blaming a “key customer.”

IOWA: Germany based Siemens issued a shutdown WARN for its Burlington ops, 125 jobs gone by the end of 2019, due “to competitive pressures in the energy market”!

KENTUCKY:  Japan based Hitachi eliminating 100 jobs in Harrodsburg!

HVAC company Trane shutting down its 55 years old factory in Lexington, 600 jobs lost!

MARYLAND: The company that owns and operates the Maryland Airport now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to county officials changing the zoning laws

MICHIGAN: Spectrum Industries Decorative Finishes issued a shutdown WARN for its factories in Kentwood and Grand Rapids, 134 jobs killed by consolidation ops! Hartman International Industries issued a shutdown WARN for its operations in Novi, 42 jobs gone by the end of the year.

Metal stamping supplier to close Westland plant, lay off 70“As a result of this unexpected business circumstance, the company expects that it will be forced to imminently shut down and is unable to give 60 days notice of closing”

China based Yanfeng Automotive Interiors suddenly laid off 55 employees 

Ford warning of more job cuts 

MINNESOTA: Hand crafted leather products maker JW Hulme issued a layoff WARN, 28 jobs gone in November.

NEBRASKA: Omaha based Union Pacific killing 5-hundred jobs!  (and that is just the first round of layoffs)

NEW MEXICO: ONE Aviation now bankrupt busted after failing to pay almost one million dollars in back-due rent

NEW JERSEY:  Bankrupt NSC National Wholesale Liquidators issued a shutdown WARN for its Lodi ops, 152 jobs gone by January 2019!

NEW YORK: Bankrupt NSC Wholesale Holdings-National Wholesale Liquidators issued a massive shutdown WARN, 458 jobs gone at a date “to be determined”!  Vinyl sign/packaging maker Royal Industries issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Brooklyn-NYC, 77 jobs gone in time for xmas.  Fake fingernail company Ivy Enterprises issued a shutdown WARN for its warehouse ops in Port Washington, between 24 and 132 jobs affected as the company gets the hell outta New York!

NORTH CAROLINA:  Rail car maker Vertex shutting down after only four years, employees told local news media “They told us that they lost all their customers, lost all their contracts, investors pulled out.”  

Huntersville-based American Tire Distributors (ATD) files for bankruptcy

High Point based furniture maker Heritage Home Group eliminating at least 145 jobs!

OHIO: Germany based Siemens issued a WARN for its Mount Vernon/Knox location, 57 jobs gone by the end of the year.

MPP shutting down its metal injection ops in Solon, 55 jobs lost

PENNSYLVANIA: CEVA Logistics issued a shutdown WARN for its Bedford location, 73 jobs gone by the end of November.  Bankrupt NSC Wholesale Holdings-National Wholesale Liquidators issued a shutdown WARN for its Philadelphia location, 42 jobs gone by December.

RHODE ISLAND: Pawtucket based toy maker Hasbro eliminating at least 540 jobs due to the death of Toys R Us!

TEXAS:   Taxpayer funded military tech company L3 cuts 62 positions at Waco plant

WISCONSIN: Sunlight Plastics suddenly laid off 58 people in Germantown.  Trucking company Black Horse Carriers issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Kenosha, 107 jobs gone by the end of January 2019!  In Pleasant Prairie, Southwire/Coleman Cable issued a shutdown WARN, 65 jobs gone by December.

Hi-Crush shutting down in Whitehall, 37 jobs lost due to crashing demand for sand

WYOMING: After 25 years Trout Machinery shutting down: “We’re deciding that we kind of need to do something besides die at our desk…”


More decline for Idaho: Payless to kill remaining 2,500 stores!

15 February 2019 (12:49 UTC-07 Tango 06) 26 Bahman 1397/09 Jumada t-Tania 1440/11 Bin-Yin 4717

The writing has been on the wall since Spring 2017, now it’s final, about 2-thousand-5-hundred (here’s a map) Payless shoe stores to be shutdown as part of the company’s plan to file for bankruptcy.

Payless in struggling Pine Ridge Mall, employees swear they've been told no shutdown for them

Payless in the struggling Pine Ridge Mall, Chubbuck, Idaho

In Spring 2017, employees of the Payless store in the Pine Ridge Mall, in Chubbuck, Idaho, survived a sudden Payless store shutdown operation which resulted in hundreds of stores across the U.S. being permanently closed almost over night. Just a few months later Payless administrators, based in Kansas, conducted another round of shutdowns as part of it’s first bankruptcy filing.

This final Payless shutdown is the result of a second, and obviously terminal bankruptcy filing, and comes just days after the Chubbuck ShopKo store, also on the Pine Ridge Mall property, fell victim to a massive nationwide shutdown.

“It isn’t like the movies”: Pacific Ring of Fire, January 2019

Incomplete list of seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, January 2019.

CANADA: A strange, low-intensity hum near Vancouver Island

CHILE: Strong mag. 6.7 earthquake – Near Coast of Central Chile

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) altitude or flight level 140.

CHINA: Taiwan earthquake: Magnitude 5.7 quake

COLUMBIA: Moderate mag. 5.5 earthquake

Light mag. 4.5 earthquake – 50km SE of Mountain

ECUADOR: Light mag. 4.6 earthquake 

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 15000 ft (4600 m) altitude or flight level 150.

GUATEMALA:  Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 and is moving at 10-15 kts in NE direction.

HONDURAS: U.S. Army personnel tested water purification systems, and electrical power generators, at Soto Cano Air Base, 17JAN2019, in preparation for a natural disaster.

INDONESIA: Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake – Sumba Region

Strong mag. 6.4 earthquake – Sumba Region

Moderate mag. 5.9 earthquake – Aru Islands Region

Minor mag. 3.8 earthquake – MOLUCCA SEA

Light mag. 4.4 earthquake – SOUTH OF JAVA

Minor mag. 3.7 earthquake – NORTH OF HALMAHERA

Light mag. 4.9 earthquake – 72km SSW of Bogorawatu

Merapi volcano: growing lava dome

JAPAN:   Moderate mag. 5.5 earthquake – Off East Coast of Honshu

Light mag. 4.7 earthquake – 217km N of Chichi-shima

Light mag. 4.3 earthquake – 87km ENE of Hachinohe

Strong mag. 6.3 earthquake – Kyushu

Volcano in southern Japan erupts

Camp Zama boosting earthquake preparedness

U.S. Marines and Sailors conducted disaster relief response training at Kin Red beach, Okinawa, 28JAN2019.

MEXICO: Light mag. 4.0 earthquake – OFFSHORE GUERRERO

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200.

Popocatepetl volcano: very strong explosion 

MICRONESIA: Light mag. 4.7 earthquake – 166km NNE of Rumung

 NEW ZEALAND: Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake 

Minor mag. 3.5 earthquake 

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Light mag. 4.7 earthquake – 156km SSW of Lorengau

 Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 50000 ft (15200 m) altitude or flight level 500.

PERU: Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 27000 ft (8200 m) altitude or flight level 270 and is moving at 10 kts in SW direction.

RUSSIA: Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Tokyo warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 15000 ft (4600 m) altitude or flight level 150 and is moving at 35 kts in N direction.

SOLOMON ISLANDS:Light mag. 4.8 earthquake – 81km WNW of Honiara

TONGA: Moderate mag. 5.0 earthquake – 101km NNE of Hihifo

Light mag. 4.6 earthquake – 155km W of Neiafu


Alaska; Moderate mag. 5.2 earthquake – 77km ESE of King Salmon

Midtown Anchorage commercial center temporarily closed due to earthquake damage

7.0 earthquake spurs calls for more building oversight

 Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Anchorage warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 and is moving at 20 kts in N direction.

California; Northridge quake thrashed Los Angeles 25 years ago 

Minor mag. 3.4 earthquake – 3km SSE of Brawley

Minor mag. 3.6 earthquake – 104km W of Petrolia

Bay Area Wakes to Earthquake for Second Straight Morning

National Guard units from four states took part in disaster response training in San Francisco, during the last week of January, which included responding to ‘chemical incidents’.

‘Selfless’ California National Guard video promoting what they did during the 2018 wildfire battles:

What happened to all those pets made homeless during the 2018 wildfires?  California National Guard shows you their first time ever pet rescue ops:

Hawaii; Five explosive things the 2018 eruption taught us about Kilauea

U.S. Air Force Reserve conducted Exercise Patriot Palm at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, 26JAN2019, in an effort to integrate emergency responders from federal, state, and local agencies, and the military, in the event of a ‘regional emergency’ or natural disaster.

Northern Mariana Islands; Moderate mag. 5.0 earthquake

Oregon; ‘Silent slip’ along fault line serves as prelude to big earthquakes

State government declares Cascadia Preparedness Day

Washington;  Redmond preps for Cascadia Rising Solutions 2019

Washington National Guard began preparing for 2019 flooding by meeting with 10 county emergency managers, and planners from the Washington Emergency Management Division, 04JAN2019: “It isn’t like the movies, we don’t just roll into a situation. We need to know what you need and, most of the time, it starts with knowing what we have.”-Brigadier General Jeremy Horn, Washington Air National Guard

Wyoming;  more than 2500 earthquakes last year, Yellowstone National Park was the epicenter

VANUATU: Strong mag. 6.5 earthquake

Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake

Moderate mag. 5.2 earthquake – 57km SSW of Sola