Tag Archives: syria

How to tell if the United States-British empire is behind so called “democratic” revolutions: What language are they using?

25 February 2014 (01:31 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/06 Esfand 1392/26 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

The most obvious clue that the United States and/or British commonwealth are behind global revolutions is that almost all the signs held by protesters are written in English!

Also, most of the slogans shouted by protesters are in English, and most protest ‘leaders’ interviewed by western news media speak English.

Hello people, don’t be dumb, it’s so obvious!

New Polio hits California? Polio vaccine continues to kill babies in Asia! Connection to U.S. instigated wars? Syrian doctors accuse UN of Polio conspiracy!

24 February 2014 (13:37 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/05 Esfand 1392/25 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Afghanistan:  Despite the U.S. occupation, which includes pushing vaccines, a three years old girl in Kabul City has polio. However, there’s more to the story.  The girl actually got sick while her family was in Pakistan, which is where a new version of polio (WPV1) has evolved (meaning current vaccinations are probably useless).

European Union:  Officials in Denmark are panicking because of polio outbreaks in U.S. instigated wars.  Those wars are flooding Europe with refugees, and EU officials think they’re bringing polio with them.  Officials are pushing for more vaccinations and testing of sewage: “After the outbreaks in Syria, we have contacted the city councils and asylum centers. We also wrote doctors across the nation to make them aware of the situation.”-Søren Brostrøm, national health agency Sundhedsstyrelsen

India: In Rajasthan’s Itunda village, a nine month old baby died after getting its third round of polio vaccine, as part of a mass government sponsored vaccination program.  Health workers, who gave the vaccine, said the infant died “within minutes” of getting the polio drops.  The villagers forced the government to stop the mandatory vaccination program.  State government  officials swear that “you can’t die from polio vaccine”.  Indian news media said the vaccine was from batch number 221213.  The Indian government now requires travelers to and from Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Syria, to get vaccinated for polio.

Pakistan:  Perhaps because of continued U.S. drone strikes, a new version of polio has surfaced, despite a multi-million dollar Bilderberg sponsored vaccination program (led by Bill Gates). Five new cases in the first month of 2014.  92 cases in 2013.  Back in 2011, I wrote how the UN’s World Health Organization warned about the new “Wild Strain” of polio in Pakistan.  A new version of polio renders useless the current polio vaccine.  Don’t blame anti-U.S. fighters for kids not getting polio vaccines.  A coalition of educators are now joining the anti-vaccine campaign, because they’re afraid of being killed by angry parents!  You see the UNWHO has been pushing polio vaccines in Pakistan since 1978, and yet polio is on the rise.  Maybe that’s the real reason many Pakistanis have lost trust in the international vaccination program.

Somalia: Perhaps as a result of U.S. military meddling in the Horn of Africa, 190 cases reported in 2013, including the new WPV1.

Syria: No thanks to the Obama regime instigated war, there is now an outbreak of polio in Syria.  Specifically the outbreak is in refugee camps. 26 cases since 2013.  The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East used the polio cases to scare Palestinian officials in the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus, to allow 10-thousand polio vaccines to be given to children of Palestinian refugees.  Back at the end of 2013, and what main stream news didn’t report, were accusations that the UNWHO had obstructed testing for polio, and was actually preventing polio inoculations in Syria!  That accusation came from Syrian doctors: “They knew it! We have been warning them for more than a month that polio is spreading, but they refuse to send the vaccine!”-Khalid Milaji, Syrian Polio Control Task Force

By the way, prior to the U.S. instigated war there had been no polio cases for at least 14 years.

United States: In California there are now 25 cases of a “polio like” illness in children. Five children are paralyzed.  All five had the polio vaccine!  The virus is being called enterovirus-68 (possibly a type of rhinovirus).  The virus first showed up in California in 1962.  I’ve noticed that some dumb main stream news reports say it is “associated with polio like symptoms”, yet all the scientific research I looked at made no mention of polio like symptoms, calling enterovirus-68 a respiratory illness. So is this a case of the polio vaccine gone bad, and the government is trying to cover it up?  More likely it is the main streamer reporters’ misunderstanding of what a Stanford University doctor meant when he said all viruses can potentially cause paralyzation: “….other viruses can also injure the spine, leading to a polio-like syndrome.”-Keith Van Haren

Have you ever noticed that pro-vaccination campaigns use slogans like “Eradicate Polio Now!”?  Here’s reality, you can’t eradicate a virus, it’s ever evolving!  Now realize that rich elites are actually donating hundreds of millions of their money to support vaccination programs like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s (Bilderberger) global vaccine programs.  In 2013 it was revealed that the Gates Foundation’s polio vaccine program actually caused paralysis: “In 2011 there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP [non-polio acute flaccid paralysis]. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated. The authors suggest that the huge bill of US$ 8 billion spent on the programme, is a small sum to pay if the world learns to be wary of such vertical programmes in the future.”-Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on.

Now realize that out of California there are reports saying that more and more upper class, highly educated people are refusing to get vaccinated! Mmmm….

Western New Year & Christianity nothing more than continuation of ancient Grain King sacrifice ritual!

01 January 2014 (04:34 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Safar 1435/11 Dey 1392/01 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The western new year has arrived.  A common graphical depiction is that of old Father Time turning things over to a baby New Year.  This is nothing more than the most ancient Grain King sacrifice ritual.

Thousands of years ago small agricultural societies would actually sacrifice their king (today we would call those ancient kings, village elders), then bury him as a piece of grain to ensure a good crop for the New Year.  A new young king was appointed for the rest of the year.

Meat eating societies also had a similar ritual.  The Japanese Ainu would make offerings to the head of the bear they killed, in fact the dead bear’s head sat at the head of the tribe’s feast hall.  North American’s would worship the salmon and buffalo.  The myths basically say the people were starving, then god, or a god, would appear and offer to sacrifice itself in order to save the people. In return the people had to honor and remember the god.

The Americans also had a Grain King myth about Maize.  A people were starving, god appeared in the form of a man and told the virgin princess to cut off his head and bury it.  The buried head instantly grew into a life saving corn stalk that provided enough grain to feed the people!

In Meso America, one story says the Earth was being destroyed tortuously.  A god felt sorry for the Humans on the Earth and offered to sacrifice itself to save them.  The Sun became the everlasting symbol of the god’s blood covenant to bring salvation to the Humans.  However (there’s always a catch), in return the Humans had to remember and rejuvenate that god, typically with Human blood.

Around the World the honoring of such god sacrifice took many forms from simple dance rituals or prayers, to animal/human sacrifice.  (remember the story of Cain and Able; god wasn’t impressed with the farmer brother who offered the sacrifice of his crops, god was pleased only with the animal sacrifice of the hunter/herder brother: “The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.”-Genesis 4:4-5 New International Version)

It is also interesting to note that the more densely populated a society was, the more likely they believed in such religious crap!  This is why the Middle East is the considered the birth place of the World’s biggest religions.  Thousands of years ago the Middle East (Fertile Crescent) was literally the New York City of the ancient World.

The western New Year is based on the Catholic created Gregorian calendar system.  It is a solar calender, and to be sure there were other solar calender systems before it came along.  The Gregorian system modified the Julian system in Gregorian year 1582, 15-hundred years after Jesus of Nazareth died (this is one of many reasons why today’s western Christian holiday celebrations are incorrect, like Jesus being born in December when the Bible clearly states his parents went to Jerusalem/Al Quds for the census, which took place during summer).

The Bible is clever in that whom ever came up with it knew how to combine the agricultural and meat eater sacrifice rituals, to trick as many people as possible.  Jesus of Nazareth became the god that saves the starving people by sacrificing himself.

This motif appears in several different versions in the Bible’s New Testament:  Jesus feeds a crap load of people with only a few fish (meat eaters) and few loaves of bread (Grain King).  Jesus turns water into wine (Grain King).  Jesus commands his followers to “drink my blood” and “eat my flesh”!

Holy cannibalism Batman! This is a clear human sacrifice motif.  And don’t think human sacrifice didn’t place at the Temple of David (aka Second Temple, before that, Temple of Solomon/First Temple), it did!   The Romans destroyed the Temple in the approximate Gregorian year 70AD (about 76 years after Jesus was born, he was actually born about the year 7BC), even Titus Flavius Josephus (a Jewish-Roman scholar) implies the destruction of the Temple was god’s punishment for past evils: “…for that House, God had for certain long ago doomed it to the fire; and now that fatal day was come…”-The Wars of the Jews 6.4.5 249-253  (now realize the fundamentalist Jews want to bring back the Temple and all its ancient bloody rituals)

The Bible wasn’t written until several hundred years after Jesus of Nazareth died!  The compilations of the New (Christian) Testament began in the 4th Century after his death.  The compilations of the Old (Hebrew) Testament began even later in the 9th Century AD!  Whomever was behind the creation of the Bible was genius, because not only does Jesus cover the bloody sacrifice ritual by commanding his followers to eat and drink him, but it combines both Grain King and meat eater motifs: The wine and bread represent the Grain King, but they in turn represent the meat (blood and flesh) of Jesus! (Cain and Abel united!)

(the Bible has been re-edited and translated many times since its creation, with dozens of version available, which might explain why so many ‘christians’ disagree with each other, as they did before the Bible was compiled)

When are the commoner masses going to wake up to this elitist control freak scam? Happy New Year!

Don’t take your Crapper for granted, it’s time to celebrate World Toilet Day!

20 November 2013 (14:53 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Muharram 1435/29 Aban 1392/18 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

The words crapper and crap, for that matter, are ligit.  They come from the name of a real person.  Thomas Crapper was a successful British plumber who was incorrectly associated with inventing the modern flush toilet.

The idea of a flushing toilet is ancient.  Archeologists say the first example was created for the King Minos more than 2800 years ago.  The first patent for a modern flushing toilet went to Alexander Cummings in 1775.  The first use of indoor plumbing and flush toilets was in 1825 by a hotel in Boston, Massachusetts.  But toilets back then were for the elites.  It wasn’t until after 1910 that flushing toilets took on a design similar to current toilets, and became affordable for us commoners.

And it wasn’t until after the Second World War that most commoner families of the Western World got indoor flush toilets.  I was in Scotland in 1991 and visited a museum dedicated to the history of sewage.  It even had a full size replica of a 1800s sewer system complete with stinking crap and piss (of course it was replicated, but who’d of thought somebody could be paid to make models of craps, other than those joke crap toys)!  But what awakened me to the fact that we take our crappers for granted was a small display that pointed out that most Scottish homes didn’t have indoor plumbing, or toilets, until after the 1950s!

Then you have to wonder at the Japanese, for taking toilets to the extreme.  Apparently the Japanese are so afraid of their rear ends they created toilets that blast their asses with water jets so they don’t have to wipe.  The latest Japanese toilets provide imaging systems and soothing female computer voices to tell them if they still have a nasty ass, and then it blasts them again.  (there are some people in the U.S. that are the same way and will pay top dollar for a robot toilet from Japan)

By the way the first production toilet paper wasn’t invented until 1857.   And the technology to make modern toilet brushes was used to create the first artificial Xmas tree, in the 1930s, thus linking Xmas and toilet cleaning.

Now to get serious,  the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) marked 19 November as World Toilet Day.  They want people to be aware of the major impact toilets have on reducing disease.  Even so, UNICEF says one reason for the rise of new diseases is the fact that (in their estimation) as many as 2-thousand children die every day because they live in areas that have no toilets, or way of handling sewage: Access to toilets remains the unmentionable, shameful secret for even some very prosperous countries.  But its invisibility doesn’t make it harmless; in fact it is quite the reverse. Lack of access to toilets is quite literally killing children, making adults sick…”Sanjay Wijesekera, UNICEF Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

So those of us commoners who have toilets should be proud, and thankful, for they truly are our porcelain thrones!

Oh commodus selarium deus, forgive me for taking you for granted.  I am truly thankful to have you.

Oh commodus selarium deus, forgive me for taking you for granted! I am truly thankful to have you!

Why We Fight: U.S. patriot veterans, the Community of Chubbuck, Idaho, “shall never forget!”

11 November 2013 (15:30 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Muharram 1434/20 Aban 1391/09 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

Click pics to expand view

John Kerry: War veteran turned evil Obama regime al Qaeda operative, and bold face liar?

11 November 2013 (12:30 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Muharram 1434/20 Aban 1391/09 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

“….he is lying and he knows that he is lying! This is sad.”-Vladimir Putin, President of Russia calling John Kerry a blatant liar regarding al Qaeda in Syria

“…every time I get briefed on this it gets worse and worse, because the majority now of these rebel forces, and I say majority now, are radical Islamists pouring in from all over the world.”-Michael McCaul, U.S. representative from Texas, on 04 September 2013

“I just don’t agree that a majority are al Qaeda and the bad guys. That’s not true.”-John Kerry, Obama regime Secretary of State replying to McCaul’s statement

“Mister Secretary….How are we going to…expel al Qaeda?……They may be small in number, but they are the most influential…”-questioned posed to John Kerry during Google Hangout/Plus Event interview on 10 September 2013 (about 20 minutes into the interview)

“You are correct to say that they have proven themselves to be probably the best fighters, are the most trained and aggressive on the ground.”-John Kerry, Obama regime Secretary of State, admitting that Jabhat al-Nusra is an al Qaeda group in Syria, just days after telling the U.S. Congress that it wasn’t true

“Listing this terrorist entity [al Nusra], which has publicly sworn allegiance to al-Qaeda, is an essential part of our efforts to combat terrorism.”-Steven Blaney, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety, August 2013

“Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has anointed al-Nusra Front jihadists to carry the network’s banner in Syria…………The al-Nusra Front, created in January 2012, joined al-Qaeda in December of that year and is on a U.S. list of foreign terrorists organizations.”Al Arabiya, 09 November 2013

“I personally believe that the leader of the Nusra Army who declared his support for Ayman al-Zawahiri, is a CIA operative……You are fighting the war in Syria on America’s behalf.”-Sheikh Nabil Naiim, former al Qaeda leader in Egypt who resigned after learning that the U.S. is the one really running al Qaeda

Here is John Kerry’s threat to high school students in California, in October 2006: “You know, education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

In 2004 Kerry said this about the occupation of Iraq: “It’s the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Yet here’s what John Kerry said about Saddam Hussein in February 2003: “If you don’t believe…Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons, then you shouldn’t vote for me.”  In other words, democrat Kerry was on board with the republican Bush Jr regime’s lies about WMDs in Iraq, and with the goal of getting rid of Hussein.  It’s was proven before and after the U.S. invasion of Iraq that there were no WMDs!

In 2002, John Kerry basically said the Bush Jr regime’s Homeland Security police state wasn’t going far enough to destroy our Constitutional rights: “We need a new approach to national security, a bold, progressive internationalism that stands in stark contrast to the too often belligerent and myopic unilateralism of the Bush Administration.”

Here’s what John Kerry said as a returning veteran from the Vietnam War in 1971: “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?”

“There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities….”

Mmmm, what happened to the war veteran turned anti-war activists in 1971?

 Fidel Castro, says….Obama is “Sinister”! 

Exceptional Failed State: Proof the False Flag U.S. War on Terror is the cause of terrorism! Terrorism now at record levels!

29 October 2013 (06:06 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/07 Aban 1391/25 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Ever since 9/11, British and American officials have screamed terrorism over and over and over every time they get caught doing bad things they shouldn’t do………What we revealed is that the spying system is largely devoted not to terrorists but is directed at innocent people around the world.”-Glenn Greenwald, journalist who revealed NSA scandal

According to the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, the number of terrorist attacks around the World jumped 69% from 2011 to 2012.

The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (aka START) is actually a U.S. Department of Homeland Security operation run through the University of Maryland.  But that should not stop you from realizing that the skyrocketing number of terrorist attacks coincide with the U.S. led War on Terror.

Interestingly START says al Qaeda affiliated groups are still the number one threat, despite repeated claims by both Bush Jr and Obama regimes that al Qaeda is on the decline.

George W. Bush actually said al Qaeda was no longer a threat: “…we’ve arrested or otherwise dealt with many key commanders of al Qaeda……Let’s put it this way — they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies.”-3rd State of the Union speech, January 2003

In November 2012, it was documented that the Obama regime stated at least 32 times that al Qaeda was defeated: “…al Qaeda has been decimated…”-Barack Obama, 01 November 2012

So is Homeland Security’s START lying?

START warns that 2013 will break 2012’s record for al Qaeda led terrorist attacks.

“We are convinced that a big chunk of this is real change in the world. We’ve seen a fairly steep upward trajectory in the total of terrorist attacks and fatalities worldwide.”-Gary LaFree, START

“There’s just a lot of killing going on along sectarian and religious lines.”-Daniel Benjamin, counter-terrorism analyst

Yeah, who’s really to blame for that?

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 13-15 October 2013: United States training Syrian insurgents in Afghanistan? Police state ID cards being sold off!

Helmand Province: In Kakaran City, a British empire Red Coat was killed when Mujahideen ambushed his unit’s patrol.

Kandahar Province: In Takhtapol District, four border cops were killed when they drove over a landmine.

Kunar Province: In Wataput District, reports by local police that two children were killed by Mujahideen, for spying on them. 

Logar Province: The governor was assassinated while he was praying in a Mosque.  20 people inside the Mosque were wounded.

Nuristan Province: In Du Ab District, a artillery rocket attack killed seven people, wounded 10.  It’s not clear where it came from, some suspect Pakistan.

Paktika Province: In Sar-e-Rawza District, at least seven people killed by U.S.-NATO airstrike.  The airstrike was called in by desperate local cops during an attack by Mujahideen.  In Sharana City, a U.S. Army 3rd Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group soldier from Pennsylvania was killed by an Afghan National Security Force cop.   It was a Green on Blue attack, but local U.S. news media reported he was killed in battle.  That’s what they were told by the lying U.S. DoD, but ISAF stated “An International Security Assistance Force service member was killed Oct. 13 when an individual wearing an ANSF uniform shot the ISAF service member in eastern Afghanistan.”

Paktiya Province: In Gadez City, local cops wounded a suicide bomber.  They then took him to a hospital, but for some reason did not remove his explosives.  He blew himself up in the hospital.  Cops claim the only casualty was the suicide bomber.

Parwan Province: Reports that Bagram airbase was hit by at least 12 artillery rockets.  No reports of casualties on the airbase.  ISAF said the U.S. retaliated with airstrikes, killing one Mujahid, but Mujahideen said they suffered no casualties.

Uruzgan Province: In Tarinkot City, two suicide bombers killed themselves and wounded dozens of people.  Local government officials claim the bombers’ explosives went off early, before they reached their target.

Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, was outraged to hear from Russia that U.S.-Israel-Saudi supported insurgents in Syria are being secretly trained in Afghanistan.  Karzai ordered an investigation.  He made the announcement right in front of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, during a press conference.

Mullah Mohammad Omar, the man the U.S. has repeatedly claimed to have killed, warned against a new U.S. Afghan military alliance: “The invaders and their allies should understand that the strategic agreement will be accompanied by grave consequences for them. They might get these documents rubber stamped by a fake Loya Jirga but it will not be acceptable to the Afghans. Throughout the history, the real representatives and Loya Jirgas of the country have never signed documents of slavery.”

Reuters reported that the police state voter ID cards are being sold off by the people who were issued them for as little as $1.89 USD!  They’re being sold to people who turn around and sell them to political campaign managers, for $4.73 each.  Those campaign managers are planning on using them to cast votes for their candidate in the 2014 elections.

Contrary quotes by U.S. vice president Joe Biden: “….we’ll be totally out of there, come hell or high water, by 2014!”-December 2010 Meet the Press interview

“We are not leaving…….We plan on continuing to work with you, and it’s in the mutual self-interest of both nations.”-comments made to President Karzai in a January 2011 press conference

World War 3, False Flag West Asian Front: U.S. backed insurgents bomb Russian Embassy in Syria! Refugees returning to Syria in large numbers!

23 September 2013 (23:24 UTC-07 Tango 22 September 2013)/18 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/01 Mehr 1391/19 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

The government of Jordan is reporting that more than 91-thousand refugees from Syria have returned to Syria.   Jordanian officials say the refugees simply returned to Syria of their own accord, but there are still more than 500-thousand refugees in Jordan.

In Damascus, Syria, three Russian diplomats were wounded when U.S.-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents launched an artillery attack on the Russian Embassy.

At least one artillery round exploded in the embassy compound.  Officials say the embassy has been targeted by insurgents before.  Russia says they will now help the Syrian government increase their military power to stop such attacks.

The attack came one hour after Russia announced they are sending military observers to safeguard the destruction of the Syrian government’s chemical weapon stockpiles.


World War 3, West Asian Front: Russia sends another warship to the Med!

17 September 2013 (14:09 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/26 Shahrivar 1391/13 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

The Yamal’s crew has completed preparations for relocation to the Mediterranean Sea……the ship has performed several drive outs, which included target practice on sea and land.”-Captain Vyacheslav Trukhachev,  Black Sea Fleet

Russia is sending another warship to the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Syria. It brings the number of Russia Navy ships in the area to 11.

The Yamal is a landing craft, carrying 250 troops and 10 tanks.