Tag Archives: news

Vaccine Fail: Flu shots don’t work on cancer victims!

16 OCT 2017 (03:16 UTC-07 Tango 06) 24 Mehr 1396/25 Muharram 1439/27 Geng-Xu 4715

Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital reporting that giving influenza vaccinations to leukemia victims undergoing treatment is a waste of time.

The hospital compared flu infection rates of vaccinated patients against unvaccinated patients and found no difference with infection rates.

This is not surprising as it’s been known for some time that if your immune system is already fighting an illness the vaccines don’t work!  Yet, the obviously pro-vaccine hospital now wants everybody in connection with the cancer victim to be vaccinated, from the caregivers to every relative that might come into contact with the victim.  It’s called vaccination ‘cocooning’. 


“tragically pathetic” 12,000 jobs instantly killed! : Sears Kmart death spiral, October 2017

I have to say this sounds more and more like a pathetic charade every day. I find this all to be tragically pathetic. Very, very sad.”-Mark Cohen, Sears Canada CEO from 2001-04, now at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business

tbnewswatch.com: Sears plans to close all Canadian locations

bloomberg.com:  Court approves shutdown, 12-thousand jobs gone by Xmas as Sears Canada dies!

Globalnews.ca: Sears Canada won’t honour warranties after Oct. 18

Market Insider: RioCan REIT Announces Agreements With Sears Canada

bloomberg.com: Berkowitz Liquidates Hedge Fund That Owned Sears Holdings

Lowell Sun: Three men charged in Sears appliance scam that covered three states since 2008

Crain’s Chicago Business: Lampert floats Sears another $100 million

Chicago Tribune: Sears borrows additional $40-million from Lampert

Bloomberg: Sears burns through latest $200-million USD loan

Business Insider: Sears borrows another $60-million from Lampert

From now on you can blame IBM’s Internet of Things (IoT) for problems getting your Sears warrantied appliance fixed: Sears, Golden State Foods Drive Field Services with IBM IoT

But wait, Sears just stopped selling appliances? The Wall Street Journal: Sears Stops Selling Whirlpool Appliances

CNNMoney: Sears’ iconic Craftsman tools coming to rival Lowe’s

It’s been revealed that Sears Holdings ramped up selling-off active stores.  Those stores that’ve sold are not being counted as part of this year’s Sears Holdings shutdowns as they are now legally owned/operated by property re-developing companies, who plan on shutting them down in the near future.

It’s been revealed that evil GGP (General Growth Properties, I know they’re evil ’cause I worked for them, they’re the ones who ran-off most of the stores in the Pine Ridge Mall with outrageous rents/fees) bought eight more Sears stores from Sears Holdings-Seritage Growth Properties, and bought a 50% stake in another five Sears stores.  GGP’s plan (as with their past purchases of Sears stores) is to redevelop those stores.

Arkansas: The Jonesboro Sears Auto Center suddenly shutdown on 14 OCT 2017, without warning.  Sears Holdings stated they were not willing to renew the lease.  The Jonesboro Sears store shutdown earlier this year, but at that time Sears Holdings claimed they had no intentions of shutting down the Auto Center.

California: The new owner of the iconic Boyle Heights Sears building (on 13 acre property that at one time employed 1-thousand Sears employees) is about to embark on a radical re-development of the property which will include 3-thousand new residential units, an artificial lake, a luxury hotel, event center, etc.   The Eureka Kmart shutdown at the beginning of October, but local news media posted video showing it’s already vandalized.  Local news media reporting that the  Santa Rosa Kmart joined the many victims of the raging wildfires in The Golden State.  In Corona and Ontario, the franchised Sears Outlet stores are now under direct management of Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores, no explanation given.

Florida:  Sears Holdings lackey Seritage Growth Properties announced it will shutdown its huge Sears store and Auto Center at the  Westfield Broward (aka Broward Mall) in Plantation.  It’s part of a $20-million USD plan to turn the 55-thousand square meters (180-thousand square feet) store into smaller retail and restaurant spaces, which will include a much smaller Sears operation (the Auto Center will not return).  No word on when the shutdown/redevelopment will take place as the plan must be approved by city zoning, but Seritage Growth Properties boasts that it already has new, smaller, tenants lined up.

Georgia: It was revealed that the active Northlake Mall Sears store, in Atlanta, is owned by Texas based re-developer ATRCorinth who plans on major redevelopment of the building at some undisclosed time.

Guam:  A 21 years old female Kmart employee charged with left after being caught trying to walk out of the store without paying for underwear and body paint.

Illinois:  The 41 years old Orland Park Sears is about to get smaller as Sears Holdings-Seritage Growth announced the top section of the huge store will be turned into an ten screen AMC movie theater, no estimated date for completion was issued.  The city of Pekin has convinced the state to include the vacant Kmart property in the taxpayer funded Southern Tazewell County Enterprise Zone, which gives businesses a five years tax break for setting up shop ‘in the zone’.    In Tinley Park the franchised Sears Outlet store on Harlem Avenue is now under direct management of Sears Holdings-Hometown and Outlet Stores, no explanation given.

Kansas: In Lexana the franchised Sears Outlet store on Mauer Road is now under direct management of Sears Holdings-Hometown and Outlet Stores, no explanation given.

Kentucky: In Louisville, the Sears store in the Oxmoor Center shutting down by mid-January 2018.

Massachusetts: The operator of the nine years old Hadley Sears Hometown Store has laid off his two employees and put the store, and the land, up-for-sale.  Local news reports say the franchise owner/operator once had ten Sears Hometown stores across Massachusetts and Rhode Island, but the Hadley location is his last one.

Michigan:  Saint Clair Shores Kmart shutting down, 127 jobs gone in January 2018, after the lease was transferred to grocery store operator Kroger, who plans on redeveloping the property!

Minnesota: The 50 years old Saint Cloud Sears store in the Crossroads Center shutting down by mid-january 2018, ending 90 years of Sears in Saint Cloud.

Missouri: In Fenton the franchised Sears Outlet store on Gravois Bluff Boulevard is now under direct management of Sears Holdings-Hometown and Outlet Stores, no explanation given.

Nebraska:  Local news media reporting that the franchise owner-operator of the North Platte Sears Hometown Store suddenly quit after the landlord refused to renew the lease, Sears Holdings took over the store and claims they will find a new location.  In Omaha, the Kmart on 50th and L Streets shutting down right after Xmas, local news media say its the last Kmart in the city, and apparently there’s only one other Kmart in the state.

Pennsylvania:  The Whitehall Kmart in the MacArthur Towne Center shutting down right after after Thanksgiving, the property was sold to a retailer called At Home Stores.  Yet more proof the shutdowns are part of what I call the REIT conspiracy as local news media revealed that the owners of Millcreek Mall had already developed plans to chop up the Sears store by the time the official shutdown announcement was made at the end of 2015.

Tennessee:  Taxpayers are being raped of $7.45-million USD as Nashville Metro is buying a vacant Kmart for the purpose of creating a massive police-state police precinct!   It’s been revealed that the blighted city of Memphis is putting all bets on economic recovery on taxpayer burdening apartment projects and piddly retail developments like a new Sears Hometown Store.  Sears Hometown stores typically employ less than a dozen people with part time hours at minimum wage.

Texas:  The active Richardson Square Sears store was just sold to re-developer ATRCorinth, who plans on shutting it down when the short-term lease expires.   In Houston, the iconic Sears at 4201 Main Street shutting down by the end of January 2018.

Washington:  The Tukwila and Tacoma franchised Sears Outlet stores are now under direct control of Sears Holdings, no explanation given.

West Virginia: Kmart is paying the state Attorney General’s office $100-thousand USD as part of a settlement for violating the state’s pharmacy laws.   Kmart still denies it violated the law.  Rite Aid,  Kroger, CVS and Walgreen also made settlements.

Wisconsin: The Caledonia (Racine) Kmart in danger of being shutdown as it just made the ‘for sale’ list.  Local news media discovered the property is being offered at two-thirds less than the assessed value!  It was revealed that during a closed-to-the-public meeting the ‘elected’ officials of the city of Brookfield discussed using a $6.55-million USD property tax funded grant to help redevelop the vacant Brookfield Square Sears, the money would be used for road construction and environmental cleanup of the site.

SEARS KMART DEATH SPIRAL, SEPTEMBER 2017: “REMORSEFUL”, list of store closures since 2011

Vaccine Fail: Swine Flu shot gives 70 more people narcolepsy!

05 OCT 2017 (14:54 UTC-07 Tango 06) 12 Mehr 1396/13 Muharram 1439/16 Geng-Xu 4715

At least 70 people in Ireland are suing the taxpayer funded Health Products Regulatory Authority (Irish Medicines Board), claiming the Pandemrix vaccine gave them sleeping sickness!

That specific swine flu shot, made by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), was administered in 2009-10.  The lawsuit is the result of the discovery of a vaccine safety report issued by GlaxoSmithKline to the then called Irish Medicines Board.

The safety study compared German made Pandemrix to Canadian made Arepanrix and found that the adverse effects of Pandemrix is as much as ten times worse than Arepanrix, yet the Irish health czars still used Pandemrix.  The lawsuit also claims the Health Products Regulatory Authority (Irish Medicines Board) intentionally hid the vaccine safety problem from government regulators.

It should be noted that the vaccine safety study did not include children.  In 2013, at least 8-hundred European children developed narcolepsy after getting the Pandemrix flu shot!  In March 2017, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledged that Pandemrix was being blamed for skyrocketing narcolepsy cases in Europe.   The fact that some countries require vaccine safety studies is proof that vaccines are not ‘safe’.

The U.S. CDC and Food & Drug Administration run a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  It’s not a way of testing a vaccine before approval for use, it’s only for reporting health problems after vaccination and most people don’t even know about VAERS.

Gun Ban Fail: Security Guard burns to death school children!

05 OCT 2017 (13:58 UTC-07 Tango 06) 12 Mehr 1396/13 Muharram 1439/16 Geng-Xu 4715

A 50 years old former security guard is accused of setting a kindergarten on fire, killing four children and their teacher, 40 others are wounded (25 hospitalized, 15 treated and released), most of the children are four or five years old.  The attacker also set himself on fire and is dead.

Locals believe the attack was vengeance by the security guard for being fired, after eight years on-the-job. Other reports say the security guard was suffering from health problems and asked for time off, but was told to get a doctor’s excuse. Police haven’t confirmed either report.  It happened in Janaúba, Minas Gerais, Brazil.   The local hospital is asking for donations of supplies that are specific for treating burns.

Why didn’t the security guard use a gun?  Afterall, Brazil is flooded with illegal guns, and there’s neverending gun violence:“Clashes between drug dealers and the police have been frequent since last Friday, September 29th, when the Army left Rocinha after a week of occupation.”

Also: Former Rio Olympics official arrested for fraud discovered to be in possession of illegal guns.

Maybe it’s not the gun that drives people to kill?

“In Brazil, all firearms are required to be registered with the minimum age for gun ownership being 25. It is generally illegal to carry a gun outside a residence, and a special permit granting the right to do so is granted to certain groups, such as law enforcement officers. To legally own a gun, an owner must hold a gun license, which costs BRL R$1000, and pay a fee every three years to register the gun, currently at BRL R$85. Registration can be done online or in person with the Federal Police.”-Wikipedia

Voice of America: Mass Shootings Around the World


Vaccine Fail: 156% increase in Australian ‘Horror Flu’! Experts falsely blame Super Spreader children!

04 OCT 2017 /10:46 UTC-07 Tango 06 (12 Mehr 1396/13 Muharram 1439/16 Geng-Xu 4715)

“The influenza vaccine doesn’t seem to be as effective this year as previous years, especially for elderly members of the community. Some years there are late seasonal changes, appearances of new strains or mutations. Depending on the type of strain and change, or lack thereof, there can be any number of end results in terms of vaccine effectiveness.”– Tony Bartone, Australian Medical Association

This year the British empire country of Australia is experiencing a 156% increase in flu infections, compared to last year.  Some people are calling it the Horror Flu.  So far 370 people have died, a little less than half being old people, H3N2 is the most common influenza.

However, despite admitting there might be a problem with vaccines, the leftist control-freak health ‘experts’ still blame everything on Australia’s typically low vaccination rate.  In fact they’re now blaming it on children who’re not vaccinated, calling them “super spreaders”!   Apparently, even with offering free flu shots, only 10% of Aussies get vaccinated, far fewer than number of people who get vaccinated in United States.

But here’s the real reason why I think the health czars’ scapegoating of unvaccinated children in the Commonwealth of Nations member is hyperbole; just last week the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) warned the Australian health system that its flu shots were not up-to-snuff, declaring this year’s vaccine to be “suboptimal”.

While blaming it on people who don’t get vaccinated Tony Bartone, vice president of the Australian Medical Association, admitted to a truth about viruses: “Basically, all creatures evolve and viruses are no different. They become prevalent because of their ability to rapidly evolve.”

Remember, this year’s vaccines are based on the previous year’s microbes.  In a complicated way the UN admitted they got it wrong when trying to guess what kind of influenza to prepare for with this year’s vaccine: “We essentially made a decision about changing the vaccine’s A(H3) strain for the 2018 season. About 60 to 65% of influenza in Australia was caused by the influenza A(H3) strain and the majority of the recent viruses didn’t react as well with the vaccine strain.”-Kanta Subbarao, WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza at the Doherty Institute in Melbourne, Australia


“I’m getting out!” “we just can’t make it, we won’t make it.”: U.S. Retail/Banking/Service sector collapse, September 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss announcements and shutdowns made or announced in September 2017:

Alabama: In Albertville, after 69 years Whitten’s Town & Country Clothes shutdown.

Alaska:  PenAir now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, flights to Oregon and Colorado canceled.  In Juno, after 32 years outfitter Invisible World shutdown blaming the cost of operating a brick-n-mortar store: “When the market was really good, I could basically run a seasonal part time business and make enough money to do my writing. That’s no longer possible.”-Stuart Cohen, owner

Arkansas: Bentonville based, ‘christian’ founded, Walmart-Sam’s Club announced 7-hundred layoffs planned for ‘back-office’ jobs at Sam’s Clubs across the country!  In Fort Smith, after five years movie-restaurant concept MovieLounge shutdown.

 California: After 33 years Hayfork Video Rental shutdown.  Singapore owned Zetta Jet now chapter 11 bankrupt busted in Burbank, after an executive was accused of stealing company money (among other things).  A San Diego based company once touted as ‘the saviour of retail’ is now part of the Zombie Jesus Apocalypse!  Appliance retailer Pirch suddenly began shutting down most of its stores across the U.S. as part of a new plan to refocus on California ops only, hundreds of jobs lost by Thanksgiving!  In August, Pirch boasted sales that rivaled Apple Inc stores.  Schizophrenic San Francisco based clothier GAP shutting down 2-hundred more namesake and Banana Republic stores, however, claims it plans to open 270 new Old Navy and Athleta stores.  Total Woman Gym + Spa shutdown its Enchinitas location, 59 jobs gone.  Event venue Eventbrite suddenly laid off 47 people in Oakland and San Francisco.

Connecticut:  Sterling National Bank eliminating six jobs in Norwalk, right after Xmas.

Florida:  Luke Brothers eliminating 55 jobs by Xmas.

Idaho:  While the state’s Department of Labor boasts record low unemployment numbers, and despite some rural counties reporting record low population numbers, the U.S. Census Bureau is reporting record numbers of homeless people in the sparsely populated Gem State and it’s only going up!  Also, a state run homeless Point-In-Time counting program claims a 10% drop in homeless people since 2016, but the Vice President of Housing and Support Programs, Brady Ellis, admits “We believe there’s a considerable number of more homeless individuals…..a lot of variables there in terms of identifying them and being able to include them in the numbers we use.”  It should also be noted that the Point-In-Time homeless survey counts only those people who are willing to answer the survey questions.   East Idaho News recently conducted an experiment to see how beggars were being treated in eastern Idaho.

Homeless in Idaho related:  Despite Mormon dominated Pocatello City Council, and the Bonneville Neighborhood Association, denying her request to open a homeless shelter Pastor Jacqualine ‘Big Momma’ Thomas is still at it!  



Illinois:  “I’m getting out!” says Rik Mallin about his home state and never ending across-the-board tax hikes, including the latest 32% hike in state income tax!  The U.S. Census Bureau says Illinois is losing the most citizens of any other state,  because of tax hikes and the suck-ass-economy.  In Rockford, after 33 years Enders Flowers shutting down in October, so the long-time owner can retire.  In Bloomington, after 63 years Hobbyland shutting down in October, after a failed attempt to sell the store.

Indiana: In Indianapolis, Vital Skates roller skate shop announced on Facebook it was shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Kansas: In Wichita, after only three years Party Zone Supply Store shutdown, the owners blaming the size of the store saying “In a nutshell, we underestimated…..”

Massachusetts:  In Dartmouth, after 41 years Ustinov Jewelers shutdown.  In Worcester, after 235 years(!) Elwood Adams Hardware shutdown without explanation, and yes, they have a website.  Staying in Worcester, after 89 years the pissed-off owner of Shack’s Clothing say he’s forced to shutdown by outrageous property tax: “It had nothing to do with business and everything to do with tax assessments……We sold the building….I’m retiring, I don’t care. I’ve been doing this for 47 years and have seen the city deteriorate, little by little.”-Jeffrey Shack

Michigan:  Chemical Financial Corporation eliminating at least 230 jobs and shutting down dozens of offices in Michigan and Ohio due to its 2016 merger with Talmer Bank!

Minnesota: Christian founded Walmart shutting down its 30 years old store in Blue Earth by the beginning of October, apparently due to lack of profits (prophets?).

Missouri:  Iconic Rothman Furniture shutdown all remaining stores after 90 years in Missouri and Illinois, the remaining 230 jobs gone!  The CEO didn’t blame the internet: “My competition is no longer local guys that are doing similar volumes as I am……We’re competing against multi-billion dollar national organizations.”-Jay Steinback

New York: NYC based Too Big to Jail JPMorgan created 2-thousand-5-hundred new jobs, in Poland!   Sterling National Bank and Astoria Bank issued multiple shutdown WARNs, 230 jobs threatened by the merger of the two banks!  At JFK Airport, ABM Aviation issued a shutdown WARN for its contracted security ops, 560 jobs gone by Thanksgiving!  OfficeMax shutting down its Batavia location.  A company that helps people deal with Social Security insecurity, Binder & Binder, shutting down offices in Queens and Hauppauge with at least 2-hundred people losing their jobs by Xmas!  Local news reports say Binder & Binder also shutdown offices in the state of Florida.  In Potsdam, Northwoods Outfitters shutdown after 23 years, the owner says its time for him to enjoy the outdoors.  Consumer ‘intelligence’ company Greenwich Associates shutting down its office in Cheektowaga, 149 jobs gone by Thanksgiving!  Echo Farms Golf Club shutting down after a failed lawsuit by locals who wanted to stop the redevelopment of the property, it’s being turned into apartments. More proof the vinyl revival was a lie! In Geneva, after 40 years Area Records and Music shutting down when the inventory is gone.  What housing market recovery?  Yet again, mortgage giant PHH Mortgage issued a shutdown WARN, this time for “remote employees” in Williamsville.   Chandler Hotel issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC hotel-restaurant ops, 60 jobs gone right after Xmas.  In Melville, FedEx is shutting down its Corporate Services, 61 jobs gone by May 2018.  DynaServ International lost a major contract, at least 114 jobs gone by Xmas!  In Dansville, McCarthy Tire Service shutting down, 33 jobs gone by Xmas.

North Carolina: In Raleigh, after 32 years Home Comfort Furniture & Mattress shutdown.  Professional portrait studio Portrait Innovations now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, 63 stores suddenly shutdown.   Too Big to Jail California based Wells Fargo added more layoffs to its never ending list in Charlotte, this time Wells Fargo refused to say how many employees would become unemployed.   In Lynn, after 17 years Tryon Mountain Hardware shutdown, the property was sold, the Christian hardware owners saying “God has a plan” in reference to their sudden ‘retirement’.  In Statesville, Saslow’s Jewelers shutdown its Signal Hill Mall store.  Also in Statesville, clothier Salice Boutique shutting down, the owner said it was better to spend time with family than continue playing the look for a cheaper rent location game, again: “We’ve moved three times, and rather than keep this up, it’s just too much for me to handle.”-Kristen Greer

North Dakota: In Bismarck, after 20 years the owners of One World announced on Facebook they’re shutting down.  Also in Bismarck, Juke Joint Comics shutting down in October: “Unfortunately rent goes up, bills go up. Our products is a fixed price product, and there’s nothing we can do about that.”-Mike Swenson, owner

Ohio: What housing market recovery?  Too Big to Jail People’s Bank shutting down its central Ohio mortgage office, 31 jobs gone. 

Oregon: In Beaverton, after 25 years the year-round Halloween Warehouse shutting down because “The economy. It’s just gone way downhill and we just can’t make it, we won’t make it.”

Pennsylvania: In York, after 30 years Adventure Cycling and Fitness shutdown due to a co-owner’s health problems.  Too Big to Jail BB&T shutting down two bank offices in Berks County, in time for Xmas.   Moyer Electronics shutdown its 70 years old store in Hazelton: “There is no longer a need for consumer electronics. It is too expensive to run a shop. The new stuff sells so cheap you can’t afford to fix it.”-Bill Moyer

Rhode Island: After 93 years family owned chain store Benny’s announced on its website it’s calling it quits, 31 stores and a distribution center shutting down, the owners say competition is forcing them to retire, 751 jobs gone in time for Xmas!  In North Providence, after 56 years Andor’s TV & Furniture (which has a website) shutdown because the owners say they want to try something different.

South Carolina: In Columbia, after only about a year Palmetto Twist monogramming and gift boutique shutdown.   After 15 years Bluffton Bicycle Shop shutdown by Hurricane Irma, the owner said he was still struggling to financially recover from Hurricane Matthew in 2016.  Aiken based Prestige Appliance now chapter 7 bankrupt and dead, suddenly shutting down all stores in South Carolina and Georgia. Local news media says many angry customers want to know where their appliances are.

Texas: In Amarillo, ‘landmark’ Wyndham Garden Hotel shutdown without warning, unnamed employees revealed the shutdown to local news media.  Those employees also claim they haven’t been paid for at least three weeks!  In San Antonio, River Walk gallery of Garcia Art Glass shutdown, the operators didn’t want to renew the lease “because we’re doing a lot more on social media.”  Dallas based Neiman Marcus shutting down ten of its Last Call stores as part of a plan to refocus on its namesake stores, 241 jobs gone!

Vermont: After 60 years of selling made in the U.S.A. only products the owners of Kibby Equipment gave up, because not enough people want to buy made in the U.S.A. products. Also, they tried selling the business but nobody wanted to buy it.

Washington: In Poulsbo, after 60 years James Lumber and Ace Hardware shutting down in November.

West Virginia: Too Big to Jail BB&T eliminating 56 jobs in Charleston.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification


SEARS KMART DEATH SPIRAL, September 2017: “Remorseful”




U.S. government shenanigans, September 2017: “I’m not stupid!”

U.S. food crisis, September 2017: “WE’RE SPREAD TOO THIN, HONESTLY.”


Great Reneger: Off-shoring of U.S. jobs will continue until investor morale improves!

Incomplete list of off-shoring of U.S. jobs, and immigrant labor increases, since Donald Trump began his job as President of the United States on 20 JAN 2017.

“Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. Not going to happen.”-Donald Trump, December 2016

“They’re taking our jobs. They’re taking our manufacturing jobs. They’re taking our money. They’re killing us.”-Donald Trump, July 2015 anti-immigrant worker statement


WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

A famous Malaysian businessman, Robert Kuok, reveals in his memoirs the true reason government elites around the world love immigrants, they’re willing to do anything for cheap; “Not only are these unsung heroes hungry, eager and willing to ‘eat bitterness’…”  they “…are simply the most amazing economic ants on Earth.”

December:  CD International Enterprises, a company focused on doing business with China and the U.S., is now chapter 7 bankrupt dead and being liquidated.

Connecticut based corporate ‘relocation’ service company Cartus asking U.S. employees to voluntarily quit as it “aligns its global workforce with business realities.” 

British empire New Zealand owned virtual reality company 8i eliminated at least 30 jobs in California, essentially admitting that the virtual reality ‘market’ is too hard to figure out.

Noble Americas Corporation laid off at least 67 people in Texas and 84 people Connecticut after Xmas, due to the company’s sale to Switzerland based Vitol.

Alstom Signaling eliminating 86 jobs in New York by July 2018, probably due to its take-over by Deutschland based Siemens.

  Krispy Kreme Doughnuts laid off 90 HQ employees in North Carolina, as part of a plan to move operations overseas.

British empire Canada based SunOpta shutting down its ‘organic’ food roasting ops in North Dakota35 jobs gone by July 2018 due to consolidation operations.

Switzerland based Nestlé issued a layoff WARN, 55 people in California jobless by February 2018.

The News&Observer reports California’s governor pardons immigrants with criminal records who were about to be deported!

This time blame Obama and Bush Jr! According to the Pew Research Center, from 2005 to 2015 there was a 25% increase in the number of immigrants coming from Central American countries. 

After promoting its electric vehicle plans for the United States, Ford suddenly decided to move production of its electric SUV from Michigan to Mexico

CNSnews; “Refugee admissions to the United States were down 83 percent in the first two months of fiscal 2018 (October and November) compared to the first two months of fiscal 2017.”

Quartz Media; With the Muslim part diluted, the Trump travel ban has finally gone into full effect

Evil government identification (ID) computer systems designer France owned, yet U.S. taxpayer fundedMorphoTrust USA (OT-Morpho) issued a shutdown WARN for one of its Illinois locations, 74 jobs gone in February 2018.

November: It’s been revealed that 1-hundred federal taxpayer funded government contractors are using their taxpayer funding to off-shore 10-thousand-269 U.S. jobs to other countries!  The top four offending taxpayer funded contractors are General Motors (GM), Boeing, Pfizer, and United Technologies (Carrier owner).

Texas based Jacobs Engineering Group opened a new office, in India News reports say the Jacobs office in India could employ as many as 2-thousand-2-hundred people!

Automotive interior parts maker FuturiS shutting down a factory in Tennessee140 jobs gone after Xmas possibly due to being taken over by Ireland based competitor Adient!

Dart Container Corporation shutting down a factory in Georgia160 jobs gone by 2019 as production is shifted to the British empire’s Canada!

Switzerland based measurement instruments maker Mettler-Toledo announced at least 69 layoffs at its Ohio Hi-Speed factory, starting July 2018.  The Hi-Speed factory will be shutdown by January 2019, in connection to moving production to new factories in Lutz, Florida, and a third new factory for Changzhou, China.

In Missouri, Switzerland based ABB shutting down its electrical transformer factory, 120 jobs gone!

China based Yanfeng Automotive Interiors issued a mass layoff WARN, 345 jobs in Michigan gone starting at the end of January 2018, due to lack of orders!

Japan owned tire maker Bridgestone issued a shutdown WARN for a re-tread operation in California65 jobs gone after Xmas.

Deutschland based electrical engineering giant Siemens announced it will eliminate 6-thousand-9-hundred jobs globally, including 1-thousand-8-hundred jobs in the United States!  Administrators blame “The power generation industry is experiencing disruption of unprecedented scope and speed. Renewables are putting other forms of power generation under increasing pressure.”

Microsoft increased the number of jobs being eliminated at its Oregon Surface Hub operations to 125! Microsoft is eventually shutting down its Oregon Surface Hub ops and moving most of the work to China.

British empire United Kingdom owned, U.S. taxpayer funded, Luxfer Magtech halting its manufacture of U.S. Department of Defense Meal Ready to Eat ‘flameless’ ration heaters at its factory in New York, 60 jobs gone by February 2018.

 India hitting Montana pea/lentil farmers with a 50% import tax!

France based food service contractor Sodexo issued a WARN, 30 people in Ohio jobless right after Xmas.

After 28 years in Idaho, it was revealed that restaurant Taquiera La Costa suddenly shutdown because the immigrant owner failed to become a legal resident/citizen and had to move back to Mexico.  He swears he’ll be back when his ‘paperwork’ is approved.

 British empire Canada based Saputo announced the shutdown of its Wisconsin cheese factory, 126 jobs gone by May 2018!

The evil Carlyle Group owned, and now schizophrenic, Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD) laid off 12 InfoTech employees, and is laying off an undisclosed number of HR employees, as part of off-shoring of jobs to an unnamed European location, while at the same time claims to be hiring “hundreds” of new employees (apparently off-shore).

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says many violent gangs in the U.S. today are actually foreign insurgents (illegal immigrants), such as MS-13.

History.com: “…the United States’ ‘diversity’ visa lottery…..wasn’t originally intended to promote cultural and racial diversity in the U.S. Back when Congress introduced it in 1986, the goal was to ease immigration for Irish and Italian immigrants.”

The Nation: A Growing Lawyer ‘Army’ Is Banding Together to Protect Immigrants

A massive $10-million USD legal defense fund for illegal immigrants has been launched in Los Angeles, California It’s called the LA Justice Fund and is half funded with taxpayer money from City and County of Los Angeles! 

Also in Los Angeles County, an immigration attorney pled guilty to fraudulently selling ‘green cards’, for a profit of $50-million USD!  The immigration work visas were being sold to Asian ‘investors’ as part of some kind of money laundering scam.

An immigration attorney in Indiana pled guilty to 250 counts of filing fraudulent visa applications: “Individuals who commit immigration fraud undermine and abuse our generous immigration system, a system that lawfully admits more immigrants than any other country in the world, and put our public safety and national security at risk.”-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Also in Indiana, the final round of mass layoffs was announced at the very Carrier factory Donald Trump boasted of ‘saving’.  In January 2018, about 215 additional employees will become unemployed!  Trump claimed to have prevented the jobs from going to Mexico by giving Carrier a $7-million USD taxpayer funded deal, however, Carrier employees say U.S. jobs are not being saved: “Trump came in there to the factory last December and blew smoke up our asses! He wasn’t gonna save those jobs.”-Brenda Darlene Battle

Some federal government officials are now concerned the flood of immigrants and refugees will render future Census Bureau data invalid, not because the Census Bureau does not differentiate between legal-resident-citizens and non-citizen-illegals in their surveys, but because the illegal immigrant loving officials are afraid illegals won’t take part in the surveys! 

In Illinois, Switzerland owned hamburger bun maker Cloverhill Bakery, that is contracted by McDonald’s, was hit by an immigration raid.  At least 8-hundred illegal immigrants caught!  Company administrators swore they had no clue as their employees are actually hired by an unnamed employment service contractor.  The Switzerland owned bakery is now complaining that they have to raise wages for their new legal hires! 

In Tennessee, 20 illegal immigrants arrested as they worked for Washington state based Expeditors International.  The bust was led by the Tennessee Highway Patrol.

In Texas, a repeat illegal immigrant now in jail for killing a girl on Thanksgiving while driving a car intoxicated.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce openly declares U.S. citizens to be worthless workers, praises ‘dreamers’! 

The American Immigration Council says immigrants have generated $107-million USD in 2015 for the state of Mississippi.

In Oklahoma, the city of Tulsa becoming addicted to cheap immigrant workers and foreign businesses, according to their own study!  A local newspaper even reported that immigrants were shocked at just how much the city-elite-leeches have latched onto immigrants as a source of tax revenues: “I never thought these numbers would be so high. At some point, though, it does make sense in the way that I’ve seen the city and its Hispanic community grow so much.”-Manuel Gomez, local owner of a Mexico based grocery store in Tulsa, who is also a ‘dreamer’ immigrant

Farmers in North Carolina revealed their addiction to cheap slave-wage migrant labor from Mexico by suing the Democrat governor and state Administrative Office of Courts over the new Farm Act of 2017 (Senate Bill 615).  Apparently farmers were deducting ‘union dues’ from migrant workers’ paychecks and supposedly the new pro-migrant worker law will stop that.

In Pennsylvania, the new Mexico based owner of Pittsburgh Glass Works announced it will shutdown the 130 years old Creighton factory in East Deer and consolidate production to Mexico, affecting nearly 2-hundred U.S. jobs! Mexico based Vitro bought Pittsburgh Glass Works, this year, for $310-million USD, however, the official reason for the shutdown is a “combination of difficult realities” .

The liberal-left-wing news media made a big deal about India’s tractor company Mahindra’s plan to open a small factory in Detroit, Michigan The reality is that at best about 2-hundred new jobs would be created, and there are two good reasons why the Indian company decided to set up shop in the U.S.; corporate tax breaks at U.S. taxpayer expense, and growing doubts about the current NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) situation, which could affect Mahindra’s factories in Canada and Mexico.

 An Arizona newspaper is making an incredible claim, it sounds good for job creation in the United States, but it’s a sad statement against U.S. based employers; “…there are 8,800 jobs in Arizona created by 244 Mexican companies doing business here.

These are companies which originated and operate in Mexico.

And if recent trends are any indication, the numbers will see a surge in the near future.”

Fortune.com: “Looking for a part-time job? Mexico has an offer that’s pretty hard to refuse.

…..it will pay $10,000 per month and cover all expenses of whoever gets the six-month job.”

Paradise Papers: “An investigative report this week by The New York Times, based on a leak of offshore financial records known as the Paradise Papers, revealed that dozens of wealthy [U.S.] college endowments use Caribbean islands as offshore tax havens for their investments.”

October: Idaho taxpayer funded France based public transportation contractor Transdev-Valley Regional Transit-ValleyRide issued a WARN, 102 Boise jobs gone in November!

British empire based Too Big to Jail RBS (Royal bank of Scotland) 43 jobs in Connecticut right before Xmas.

In California, South Africa based Swissport notified state employment officials that it is ending airport operations in Los Angeles and San Francisco, 348 jobs gone in December!  France based clothier Louis Vuitton shutting down its store in Hollywood, right after Xmas.  St. John’s Knits issued another WARN, 72 California jobs outsourced to Mexico (on top of the 130 jobs already lost to Mexico during Summer).  Electric car maker Tesla suddenly laid off as many as 7-hundred Californians for lack of performance, or is it part of Tesla’s plan to focus on production in China?  Finland based Nokia issued a layoff WARN for its California operation, 72 jobs gone a few days before Xmas.  France owned Schneider Electric eliminating 15 jobs in California, right before Xmas.  California wildfires reveal more than 50-thousand illegal immigrants living in Napa and Sonoma counties, yet U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says they won’t be deported!  It’s been revealed that San Francisco based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo’s massive layoffs of U.S. employees is part of a plan to shift banking jobs to Philippines!  TheCharlotteObserver: Wells Fargo seeks overseas call center workers as it slashes US jobs

Unnamed employees revealed Rockwell Collins plans to offshore at least 130 North Carolina jobs to the Philippines, it might be connected to the pending sale of Rockwell Collins to United Technologies!

 Italy based eyewear maker/distributor Luxottica Retail North America issued a mass layoff WARN, 208 jobs in Tennessee gone right after Xmas!

In West Virginia, Italy owned plastics maker M&G Polymers now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

Germany owned Akustica issued a  shutdown WARN for its Pennsylvania location, 54 jobs gone by October 2018.

Japan owned but Switzerland based Metalor Technologies issued a shutdown WARN for its Pennsylvania location, 121 jobs gone right after Xmas!

Japan owned Oak-Mitsui issued a layoff WARN for 20 people in New York.

Netherlands owned Chicago Bridge & Iron (CB&I) suddenly laid off 90 people in Louisiana, blaming a variety of things including Hurricane Harvey.

Brazil owned poultry processor Pilgrim’s Pride shutting down its new factory in Luverne, 2-hundred jobs gone between Thanksgiving and Xmas, due to Pilgrim’s Pride’s takeover of competitor GNP in January!

Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems eliminating 55 jobs in Ohio as part of its plan to move jobs to Mexico.

U.S. Paper Converters shutting down its Wisconsin operations, 52 jobs gone by New Years due to state officials bringing in foreign operations with taxpayer money: For the third time in less than two months, the Paper Valley has been hit hard. At a time when the state is set to spend billions to lure a foreign company, our heritage and core industries are being gutted without explanation or without concern from our state leadership. This is not just about the loss of fifty jobs, but fifty families, men, women and children being thrust into difficult times and during the holiday season. It is high time we focus our time, resources and money on Wisconsin industry and Wisconsin jobs. Paper is our heritage, and it must be our future.”-Tom Nelson, Outagamie County Executive

 U.S. Congress is considering a tax bill that would reward corporations for sending jobs offshore, “Ending taxation of offshore profits would give multinational corporations an incentive to send jobs offshore, thereby lowering U.S. wages. It would also be a giant loophole for corporations to use accounting gimmicks to move their profits to tax havens, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars in tax revenue for the United States.”100 GROUPS OPPOSING A TERRITORIAL TAX SYSTEM 

Two ‘dreamers’ caught in separate incidents running human trafficking operations!  They were smuggling people from Mexico and Brazil into the United States.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection press release; Laredo Sector Border Patrol Agents Arrest Juvenile Smugglers

Mormon owned Deseret News: Muslim refugees to US outnumbered by Christians

More proof immigrants are about cheap labor as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement accused of using immigrant prisoners as forced labor.

Pennsylvania based clothier David’s Bridal revealed plans to shutdown U.S. stores and open new stores in Canada.

September: Pioneer Metal Finishing shutting down its ops in Oshkosh, 52 jobs gone due to consolidation of operations to other U.S. and Mexican factories.

For the past few years aircraft maker Boeing has killed thousands of U.S. jobs claiming tough competition from Europe’s Airbus.  In September Boeing officially broke-ground on a new $53-million USD factory, not in the United States, but in the British empire country of United Kingdom.  It’s part of Boeing’s decade-and-a-half long (starting in 2001) plan to move U.S. jobs out-of-country in order to take part in ‘globalization’.

In Tennessee, DISGRUNTLED ‘DREAMER’ SHOOTS-UP “multi-ethnic” CHURCH!

Politico: How Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Threatens to Choke Idaho’s Dairy Industry….  …Without them, a ‘Made in America’ success story would collapse.

Disney owned TV network ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation) is working on a new illegal immigrant sitcom called Sanctuary Family.

The state if Iowa admitted it is using immigrants and refugees to make up for the huge exodus of taxpaying citizens!  Since 2010 about 40% of Iowa’s population growth was the result of immigrants!

It was revealed that in Pennsylvania “ineligible” immigrants were allowed to vote during the past decade!  State law says only U.S. citizens can vote.

Sacramento Bee: California becomes official sanctuary state for illegal immigrants, blames Trump

DaytonDailyNews: Dayton, Ohio, among top destinations for immigrants, which saw an almost 50% increase in its immigrant population

CBSNews: Detained immigrants paid $1 a day

San Diego Union-Tribune: Growing number of Chinese immigrants smuggled through San Diego

NYC based Too Big to Jail JPMorgan created 2-thousand-5-hundred new jobs, in Poland!  And New York state’s Westchester County issued an executive order protecting illegal immigrants saying “While we wait for Washington to get its act together, Westchester will continue to protect all of its residents.”

Chicago Tribune: Immigrant population in the city of Rockford skyrockets 64%, “to mitigate a net population loss of about 10,000” citizens!

ValueWalk: “Despite bringing in over $1 billion in profits, AT&T….   …has become one of the worst job destroyers in recent years, relying more and more on offshoring….”

Bloomberg: Economist blames automation coupled with offshoring for killing the working class

Little India: Workers Rise in US Against Offshoring of Jobs

Center for Immigration Studies: Equifax and the National Security Threat of Offshoring

Drugs pusher Alexion Pharmaceuticals shutting down its factory in Rhode Island, 250 jobs gone due to offshoring work to Ireland!

Los Angeles Times: A good compromise will result in California becoming a ‘sanctuary state’

Washington Post: City council of College Park, Maryland, approved a new law allowing illegal immigrants to vote in local elections.

CNSNews.com: “Since April, the number of illegal aliens trying to get into the United States along the Southwest border has been steadily rising, reaching a total of 30,567 in August, a 22.5 percent increase from July and almost twice the 15,771 recorded in April, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.”

WHAS channel 11, Kentucky: “We have 30,000 open jobs in the city right now, 8,000 that require degrees, and we need people from all over the community filling those jobs right now.”-Bryan Warren, Louisville Office of Globalization

“The immigration and refugee population here in Kentucky has been growing a lot, and we have staffing needs just like every other company has.”-Larry Rosa, United Parcel Service

TheHill: “Communications Workers of America (CWA) say that AT&T has been cutting pay, laying off workers and offshoring jobs at an alarming rate.”

The Columbus Dispatch: “While the U.S. has been rapidly losing call center jobs, the amount of off-shore call center jobs servicing the U.S. has skyrocketed.”

U.S.News & World Report: “…gathered in the American Underground, a startup incubator, to take part in classes organized through Code the Dream, a program set up to steer people from immigrant, refugee and minority communities into computer programming jobs and tech careers.”

Marketplace: “…Nebraska couldn’t produce the billions of dollars in agricultural products they do now without the help of immigrant labor.”

Daily Mail: “Merck….raising drug prices and offshoring jobs after its black CEO quits White House manufacturing council…”

August:   General Electric (GE) shutting down its electronic board factory in New York, 145 jobs being affected by GE’s plan to off-shore production to China!  Fuel station operator Sunoco suddenly laid off 94 HQ employeesand many hundreds more employees will become unemployed as Sunoco sold its fuel station ops to Japan owned 7-Eleven!

People’s World: “I’m not looking to pick another fight with Donald Trump. I did plenty of that before I recently retired as president of the local union that fought to save Carrier jobs in Indiana.  But Carrier just delivered a new round of layoff notices to hundreds of workers — and President Trump could have stopped it. And that just ticks me off.”-Chuck Jones, former union boss

July:  Donald Trump’s favorite HVAC company Carrier going through with mass layoffs, 630 people will become jobless between now and the end of the year, due to Carrier shifting the jobs to Mexico!  Brooklyn-NYC based Vice Media laid off 60 people as part of its plan to focus on international markets.

June:  Despite the boasts/threats from Donald Trump, home improvement retailer Lowes is eliminating 120 Info-Tech jobs in North Carolina, those jobs are being off-shored to India!    In Texas, after 110 years R.H. Lackner’s Fine Jewelry shutdown, the owners blaming everything including “violence” from “Mexico”. 

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees:  “After 100 days in office, Trump continues to reward U.S. companies that offshore jobs.”

May: Despite earlier threats by Donald Trump, HVAC company Carrier suddenly began eliminating 3-hundred jobs!  Carrier also warned that more layoffs will take place later in the year as work is shifted to Mexico!  In Colorado, after 40 years Turley’s Kitchen shutdown due to the owners being unable to hire competent immigrant employees, (and being unable to find a buyer for the iconic ‘health food’ restaurant).  Despite record levels of legal immigration into the U.S., the owners say it’s gotten harder to find people who’re willing to do things like wash dishes!

April: Colorado based Ciber is now bankrupt busted and being sold-off to a French company.

CBS 60 Minutes reveals U.S. companies (including Disney) forcing U.S. employees to train their migrant replacements:

March:   Wisconsin based farm vehicle parts maker Rexnord shutting down its Indiana bearings factory and moving more than 3-hundred jobs to Mexico by the end of the year, despite threats by Donald Trump!  Massachusetts based Liberty Mutual eliminating 360 Info-Tech jobs across two U.S. states as part of a massive plan to  “….hire 25,000 people worldwide.”  

U.S. Senators from Idaho Jim Risch and Mike Crapo, along with David Perdue of Georgia, reintroduced a bill that would make labor strikes at U.S. ports illegal, for the benefit of foreign companies: “By qualifying the ‘slowdown’ tactic as an unfair labor practice, this bill will ensure businesses can continue to import and export their goods…..:”

February: Georgia based video game maker Kiz Studios confirmed it suddenly eliminated jobs, but refused to say how many.   Administrators said it was to restructure “…three of our gaming studios in order to focus on our new Global Services practice.”








It’s been revealed that Donald Trump (the presidential candidate that wants to end J-1 foreign student work visas) made big bucks using the very same J-1 student workers at the hotels he created. 



In California, Foothill Packing has been fined $235-thousand USD for falsely firing U.S. citizens and replacing them with H-1B migrants  and electric car maker Tesla was caught by the San Jose Mercury News directly importing illegal migrants to work in The Golden State!  

U.S. FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAYOFFS JUNE 2016 : “WE’RE NOT TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN PEOPLE, THAT’S BULLSHIT!” as it’s been revealed that a taxpayer funded scholarship program known as DACA funds college education for ILLEGAL immigrants! Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proudly and openly supports it! DACA is in addition to any other financial aid: “I was able to get scholarships and grants through DACA.”-Clara Kim, Korean student at elitist Azusa Pacific University in California who admitted to Hillary Clinton that she was in the U.S. illegally, Hillary Clinton then ‘applauded’ Kim’s efforts, it was caught on video by CBSLos Angeles.


False Flag: AR-15 is not “high power” or “high velocity”! It’s a “plinker”!

AR=Assault Rifle

M16 in action during Operation Cook, Viet Nam, September 1968. U.S. Army photo.

The AR-15 is now known as the silly-vilian semi-auto version of the Viet Nam era M16.  The original AR-15 was the weaker version of the military’s experimental AR-10, which was a true high-power/high-velocity weapon.  Once the military accepted the AR-15 for mass production its nomenclature was changed to M16.

A U.S. Air Force security Airman using a CAR-15. What is notable is that this is the ancient version which can be identified by its lack of a Forward Assist. This photo was produced in June 2000, yes, the U.S. military was still using the ancient version of the CAR-15 in 2000. USAF photo by Scott Spitzer.

The CAR-15 is probably the most photographed version of the AR-15. It is the Commando Assault Rifle, a shortened version of the AR-15.

I’m getting tired of the main stream news media and their puppet master politicians and anti-2nd Amendment activists claiming the AR-15 (M16/M4), and even the AK-47, are “high-powered, high-velocity” weapons.  I can blame the police who constantly refer to these relatively low velocity guns as “high-power” weapons. But I can’t just blame them, I have to blame the gun industry itself.  The AR-15 is marketed as a high power weapon, there’s even an internet business called High Velocity Arms that specializes in the AR-15.

To make it worse the gun industry intentionally makes their many versions of the AR-15 look ‘mean’.  Looks have nothing to do with the performance of the ammo used in the gun!

Arkansas National Guard video from 2018, by Specialist Stephen M. Wright, showing they were using a combination of M16A2s, CAR-15s and M4s:

U.S. Air Force photo by David Bedard, 11JUL2014.

This old-skool bolt action single shot rifle is the U.S. military’s M24 sniper rifle based on the Remington Model 700.  It uses the NATO 7.62mm x 51mm (aka Wincester .308 caliber), which has much more velocity and power than the rounds used by the AR-15/M16/M4, and AK-47s.

Does this gun look ‘mean?  This hunting rifle uses a true high-power/high-velocity 7mm Remington Magnum round.


Does this gun scare you? It’s the Ruger Mini-14 and it uses the same ammo as the AR-15/M16/M4.

High-power and high-velocity are relative.  Compared to a .22 caliber ‘Long Rifle’ the .223 caliber round used by the AR-15 is high-velocity, but compared to many more guns available the AR-15 is what gun owners call a “plinker”.   In fact that’s the true reason why the AR-15 is a popular gun, it’s more powerful than a .22 LR, but is far cheaper to shoot than the true high-power/high-velocity weapons.

The AK-47 and AR-15 ammo are much smaller than ammo used in hunting rifles and even 'cowboy' lever action guns

The AK-47 and AR-15 ammo are much smaller than ammo used in hunting rifles and even ‘cowboy’ lever action guns. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins, June 2016.

The AR-15 uses a .223 caliber (5.56mm bullet diameter, 45mm long casing) round.  The AR-15 can be fitted with ‘sub-caliber’ kits that allow it to fire the smaller .22 LR ammo, or the 9mm pistol ammo.

U.S. Army photo by Private First Class Anthony Zendejas the Fourth, 21JAN2018.

The AK-47 uses a larger .30 caliber (7.62mm) bullet, but the casing (39mm long) is shorter than the .223, which means it’s actually lower velocity than the AR-15’s ammo, yet main stream news and anti-gunners call it a high power/high-velocity weapon as well.

A boring U.S. Army video (with bad audio), from November 2008, by Specialist Amber Stephens, showing the Iraq army being trained by U.S. instructors on how to use the Soviet designed AK-47.  Towards the end of the video you can see their shot groups on the targets, proving the AK-47 can be accurate, at close range anyway:

I have a Winchester lever action rifle, some people call it a cowboy gun because it’s the rifle made famous by the old TV ‘western’ show The Rifleman.  It uses .30-30 caliber (7.62mm bullet, 51mm’R’ casing) round, a much larger round than the AR-15.

U.S. Air Force photo by David Bedard, 11JUL2014.

Then there’s .308 Winchester (7.62mm bullet, 51mm casing, aka NATO 7-6-2).  While it’s similar in size to the .30-30 it is considered by some military analysts to be more powerful than the .30-30, hence it’s why military and police use it for sniping and light machine guns (LMG).   Then there’s a round made famous during World War 1 and 2; .30-06 Springfield (7.62mm bullet, 63mm long casing).

The U.S. military switched from .30-06 to .308 because the smaller casing .308 could perform just as good or better than the .30-06, depending on the weight of the bullet and type of gun powder used.  This brings up another point; the power and velocity (ballistics) of a bullet can also be affected by its weight and type of charge used in the casing.  But hands down the AR-15 round can’t come close to the power and velocity of the .308,  .30-06 or 7mm magnum.



U.S. Christian Rapture: AR-15 = GOD’S ‘ROD OF IRON’?

U.S. Media Bullshit! Report Brazil gun violence down after anti-gun law passed! Same day as CCTV video released of three unarmed teenagers getting blasted by two men with guns, and cops just sat and watched! Gun control did not prevent school shooting!

03 April 2013/22 Jumada l-Ula 1434/14 Farvardin 1391/23 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

I’ve read several U.S. main streamer media sources lauding Brazil’s anti-gun law, claiming it reduced the murder rate!

Brazil’s Institute of Applied Economic Research says the homicide rate did drop, by 2 (two)!  In 2010 the homicide rate was 20 out of 100000 people, that’s two people less than the rate for 2003 when the Disarmament Statute was passed.  A two person drop in seven years of the gun ban, and they call that proof anti-gun laws work?

Another problem, the reports I saw did not specify homicide by gun, they simply said homicides.  As far as I know that could include homicides not involving guns.  Also, it did not mention overall violent crime, which has been on the increase.

In January 2013, the BBC reported a shooting at a samba school in Brazil, then went on to blatantly lie saying Brazil did not have any tough anti-gun laws.

It was the BBC that reported a more recent shooting of three unarmed teenagers, right in front of cops who did nothing.  See the video report here. Interestingly the BBC report admits that violent crime has actually gone up since the Brazilian anti-gun law was passed!

In 2011 there was a mass shooting at a school in Brazil.  You can watch CCTV video which includes news video.  The CCTV shows kids running for their lives, and in the news video one guy says It was just like in the United States, except for one thing, Brazil has stricter anti-gun laws!

Internet Incompetence: Sites on the internet are incorrectly reporting that 85% of U.S. citizens are against war with Iran

A few international news sites have reported that CBS News conducted a poll that showed 85% of people in the United States are against war with Iran.  Blog sites have been picking up that ball and running with it.  The problem is that it’s not true.

I looked at the CBS News Poll, and it’s not quite what’s being reported by other  internet sites. The results were 55% who thought diplomacy was enough, 17% who said Iran was no threat, and 15% who wanted to go to war NOW!  I didn’t see any “85% against war with Iran”.

The CBS News Poll has a lot of other interesting responses about U.S. policy in the Middle East, North Africa, China and North Korea, but, like many polls, the number of respondents are just to small to accurately represent the whole of the U.S. population.