Tag Archives: food

Germany rocked by major earthquake?

“The normal infrastructure was completely down and therefore our team came in to do our quick assessment. The Bundeswehr came out and they’re getting assessed on what they do on their medical side.”-Specialist Christopher Wise, U.S. Army Europe

On 14SEP2019 Wackernheim, Germany, was rocked by a 6.2 earthquake.  U.S. and German Soldiers hoisted casualties from the debris, evacuated them to a medical treatment area and rendered first aid.

For some reason Civil Air Patrol cadets went nuts, creating a chaotic environment by running through the streets and harassing the emergency responders!

Just kidding!  It was part of NATO war game Cobra Strike 19.  Here’s the boring official video explainer:

Here’s a slightly better video explainer:

Earthquakes are rare in Germany, but every now and then they have a big one.  Seismicity in Germany



‘Family Unit Removal’: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., August 2019

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, August 2019.

Following Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida, both in 2017, more than 800 applicants were denied loans because they were “not a qualified alien.” 

Mexico’s crackdown on illegal immigrants has trapped hundreds of illegals from African countries trying to get to the U.S. and Canada

Human smugglers face a dry spell with Mexico’s crackdown on Central American migration

India Has More than 630,000 Illegals in the United States

More than 1,100 U.S. Churches Providing Sanctuary to illegals

Crackdown on illegals is benefiting U.S. workers:  Restaurant owners now offering bonuses and higher wages to attract U.S. workers!

ALABAMA: a coalition of 26 states, cities, and counties, as well as the U.S. Conference of Mayors, opposing the state of Alabama’s attempt to refuse to count undocumented immigrants in the 2020 census

ALASKA:  “The working conditions are not humane.  People will talk about how they got a cheap cruise—the reason they got a cheap cruise is because it’s on the back of the worker from the developing country.: Ross Klein, sociologist at Memorial University in Newfoundland, talking about the results of his investigation into the booming cruise ship industry in Alaska and British Columbia


Large groups of migrants stop crossing at the Arizona-Mexico border

drone video of 60 new miles of border wall

22AUG2019, near Lukeville the first wall panels went up, as part of the Tucson 5 Mile border wall project.

Judge tosses felony case against lawyer arrested during immigration rally

ARKANSAS: Sightings of an immigration enforcement bus caused panic for the immigrant community in Northwest Arkansas

CALIFORNIA: Hypocrisy; Leftist-liberal ‘pro-immigrant’ California somehow forgot to include immigrant workers in its latest plan to fight poverty!

More hypocrisy;  Even California farm owners, who were once migrants themselves, are firing migrant workers who get sick or injured on the job!

Undocumented (illegal) Filipino, Pulitzer Prize Winner Gets High School Named After Him

NFL players help bail out undocumented immigrant

Secret ‘underground’ food bank for illegal immigrants revealed

22AUG2019, first border wall panel goes up near Calexico, as part of the 15 miles long El Centro project.

13AUG2019, U.S. Coast Guard captures 1-thousand-3-hundred pounds of illegal marijuana near Catalina Island, being smuggled into The Golden State despite the fact that marijuana is now legal there.

United States Border Patrol Acting San Diego Sector Chief Kathleen Scudder announces the completion of 14 miles of new border wall construction in San Ysidro.

COLORADO:  Pro-immigrant activist killed by illegal immigrant from El Salvador, who was being protected by a Christian church!

ICE data reveals that immigrant detainees in a GEO for-profit prison have been locked up alone, 23 hours a day, for as long as nine months

CONNECTICUT: Mayor of New Haven unilaterally extends protects for illegal immigrants

State Department of Education clamps down on high school officials that wanted to know the immigration status of enrollees

DELAWARE: Joins lawsuit over rollback of child immigrant protections

FLORIDA:  Fire bomb thrown into U.S. Citizenship and Immigration office

Greyhound bus riders are being asked for immigration papers

Feds search for site to house 500 immigrant children

01AUG2019, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Customs & Border Protection, captures captured 67 packages of illegal drugs, along with seven illegal immigrants and one smuggler.


GUAM:  More of what I call Operation Jupiter as health officials report dengue fever is being brought in by immigrants 

(In 2015 I discovered a U.S. Army program called JUPITR ATD, and I found connections to disease outbreaks around the world and U.S. military operations.)

IDAHO: Can DACA students receive an Idaho Opportunity Scholarship?

IOWA: Iowa City Catholic Worker House hiding illegals

KANSAS: federal judge in Kansas has ruled that a law making it a crime to “encourage” or “induce” immigrants to enter or live in the country illegally is unconstitutional

KENTUCKY: After only 16 months of operations, an immigration court is suddenly shutdown!

Nearly 2-hundred LEGAL immigrants become U.S. citizens

Arturo Ruiz, speeding 12 miles over limit; reckless driving; operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs/etc., .08 — first-offense; operating on suspended or revoked operators license; failure to wear seat belts; failure to or improper signal; immigration detainer.  Luis Castro, alcohol intoxication in a public place (first and second offenses); immigration detainer.

LOUISIANA: Illegal from Guatemala arrested for child rape

French immigrant arrested for $6-million bank fraud

MAINE: Mexican illegals crossed into the U.S. from Canada, then tried to steal a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle!

MARYLAND: Why is Montgomery County experiencing so many rapes by illegal immigrants?

Seventh illegal immigrant accused of sex crimes since July

Local police barred from working with ICE despite incidents of sexual assaults increasing nearly fourfold

MASSACHUSETTS:  Judge suspended for protecting a twice deported illegal, with a long criminal history, will continue to be paid her $180-thousand taxpayer funded salary!

MINNESOTA: Who said immigrants improve the economy? Walmart shutting down its Midway Marketplace store claiming lack of sales, it turns out many of the employees AND customers are poor immigrants from Africa.  

MISSISSIPPI:  How Mississippi, where chicken is a multi-billion dollar business, repeatedly balked at getting tougher on illegal immigration

Children of undocumented immigrants arrested in Mississippi rely on strangers for food and shelter

MISSOURI: At least 55,000 people in Missouri are ‘illegal’.  In the first six months of this year, 3,115 people in Missouri faced deportation cases. That’s more than the total number of cases filed in 2017.

NEBRASKA: Proof it’s all about profits as city & school officials, as well as local for-profit businesses, lament the loss of 130 illegal workers to an ICE raid last year, claiming the hiring of legal workers is costing them too much money, and for some reason they don’t trust the legal workers as much as they trusted the illegal workers!  (ICE claims locals were illegally profiting off the illegal workers by forcing the illegals to kickback part of their low pay)

State residents almost evenly split on opinions about illegals

NEW JERSEY: Leftist liberal pro-illegal-immigrant politician admits Who Do You Think Is Mowing Our Beautiful Lawns?”

NEW MEXICO: State refuses to approve application for illegal immigrant childrens’ shelter due to the for-profit operator lying about problems with its other shelters

23AUG2019, first wall panels go up near Columbus, as part of the El Paso border wall project.

NEW YORK: De Blasio Lowers Requirements to Enter Affordable Housing Lottery, To Benefit Undocumented (illegal) Immigrants

NORTH CAROLINA: Alamance County Detention Center gets $2.3-million tax dollars to house illegals

NORTH DAKOTA:  28AUG2019, opening of renovated U.S. CBP’s National Air Security Operations Center (airborne drones) on Grand Forks Air Force Base.

OHIO: Salvadoran man allegedly transported illegal immigrants through Ohio

OKLAHOMA: “We have no plan to remove ICE from the jail,” Sheriff’s office working to clarify ICE presence at detention center

OREGON: Hated governor now target of recall efforts for signing a new law providing undocumented immigrants with driver’s licenses, among other things

Pew Research Center estimates that as of 2016 more than 100-illegals call Oregon their temporary home, and that’s a decrease from the previous ten years!

PENNSYLVANIA: Newly unearthed documents reveal how an environmental-minded socialite became an ardent nativist whose money helped sow the seeds of the Trump anti-immigration agenda.(for more info on the elite funded anti-immigrant/pro-abortion operation go to ColcomFoundation.org)

RHODE ISLAND: ICE cop drives over pro-immigrant Jewish protesters who were blocking access to ICE prison

SOUTH CAROLINA: Faked ICE flyers claim ICE doesn’t need a warrant to invade your home

SOUTH DAKOTA:  Revealed; South Dakota businesses are recruiting illegal immigrant workers from other U.S. states, and then turning them into literal slave laborers!

TENNESSEE: The former owner of a meat factory, that was the site of a massive immigration raid where nearly 100 people were arrested last year, was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

TEXAS: Governor under fire for asking supporters to ‘defend Texas’ from illegal immigration

 In Brownsville, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted ‘Family Unit Removal’ of illegals from Guatemala.  Since mid-July, Guatemala and the United States have implemented a new process to more expeditiously remove illegals.  This enhanced cooperation results in reduced lengths of stays in custody for Guatemalan citizens.

UTAH: For-profit private prison company bows-out of planned Evanston immigration detention center

Immigrant wanted by ICE arrested in Ogden on child rape charges

VERMONT: man charged with sending fake tip to ICE

18 illegals captured along the border with Canada

VIRGINIA: A federal judge has thrown out an illegal immigrant’s claim that a Virginia sheriff violated his constitutional rights.

University of Virginia offers DACAs financial aid

WASHINGTON: State looking to fight new immigration rules

Washington State University teaches illegals how to beat the system!

Washington DC: Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Homeland Security moves $155 million from FEMA disaster relief for immigration enforcement

WISCONSIN:  Immigrants told to avoid marijuana — even where it’s legal

Immigrant invasion U.S.A., July 2019: HUMAN TRAFFICKING HORROR SHOW

Tremor Event Has Begun: Pacific Ring of Fire, August 2019

Incomplete list of seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, August 2019.

A Mega-Tsunami on Early Mars

Crack in Pacific seafloor caused volcanic chain to go dormant for 10-million years

What tourists/travelers need to do in after a disaster

AUSTRALIA: Oil industry seismic operations delayed

Hidden ‘Jurassic World’ of Volcanoes Uncovered

KitKat introduces rare volcanic chocolate

CANADA:  Researchers discover why oil industry fracking causes earthquakes

BC school district braces for mega earthquake

CHILE: 6.8 earthquake reveals stress is building on the megathrust

Increased Volcanic activity threatens fish farms, plans being made to evacuate the fish!

CHINA: Insurance industry adopts new earthquake catastrophe model, to predict insurance payouts and identify buildings most at risk of failure

5.0 hits Taiwan

COLOMBIA:  5.3-magnitude quake hits 28 km NW of Guapi

ECUADOR: There are 47 volcanoes in Ecuador, and 27 of them are potentially active, and five of them have erupted since 2000.

EL SALVADOR:  Colossal volcano behind ‘mystery’ global cooling finally found

FIJI:  5.0 earthquake – Fiji Islands Region on 27AUG2019

5.9 earthquake – Fiji Islands Region (Wallis & Futuna) on 22AUG2019

 A floating ‘island’ made up of volcanic rock, meandering through the Pacific.

GUATEMALA: Appeals for more help from International Red Cross, for dealing with the 2018 eruption (is this why so many Guatemalans are flooding into the U.S.?)

HONDURAS:  Mysterious white smoke emanating from mountain that is not considered a volcano

How many U.S. taxpayers know that over the past four decades a small outpost in Honduras has housed a mix of U.S. military forces, backed by aid organizations to provide medical assistance and disaster response for Latin American countries? 

INDONESIA:  volcano chaser documenting Indonesia’s volatile craters

Activities banned within 3 kilometers from the summit of Mount Merapi

Huge Oil Spill in Land of Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes

JAPAN: belief in link between deep-sea fish sightings and quakes finally debunked

Asama-yama erupts

Underground links between quakes and eruptions of Japan’s biggest active volcano

5.4-magnitude quake strikes Aomori Prefecture

Video of Aomori Prefecture conducting a disaster drill, a week after 5.4 quake, in conjunction with U.S. Misawa Airbase:

MEXICO:  Dramatic eruption by Mexico’s Popocatepetl 

5.5 earthquake – Chiapas, 12AUG2019

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Video explainer of U.S. taxpayer supported Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief exercise PACIFIC ENDEAVOR:

PERU: Oil industry to increase offshore seismic operations

Proposes earthquake resistant cities

PHILIPPINES: 6.3 magnitude on the Richter scale shook the Luzon island

5.0 earthquake – Mindanao, 11AUG2019

European Union brings relief to victims of powerful earthquake

RUSSIA: Karymsky volcano spews

5.0 earthquake – East of Kuril Islands, 25AUG2019 

Lightning strikes Ebeko volcano during eruption

TONGA: 5.4 earthquake – 24AUG2019

5.0 earthquake – 24AUG2019

new submarine volcanic eruption discovered

UNITED STATES: Watch tsunami waves from a 9.0 earthquake hit the Pacific Northwest in new simulation videos

Alaska; After major quake, budget cut to seismic monitoring system

California;  UCBerkeley is in the middle of conducting seismic evaluations of the more than 600 buildings on campus.

Ridgecrest earthquakes caused up to $5 billion in damage to China Lake naval base

At Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, U.S. Navy SeaBees were recognized for their efforts to help with recovery after the July earthquakes.

In San Diego, the U.S. Navy conducted exercise Citadel Rumble, enlisting the help of Amateur Radio Emergency Service to test emergency radio communications between USN hospitals during natural disasters.

Groundbreaking earthquake catalog may have just solved a seismic mystery

Community Seismic Network has installed 1-thousand sensors across the region

Hawaii;  Large Earthquakes, Hilina Fault System Relationship

What does water in Halema‘uma‘u mean?

Montana; More small quakes reported

60 years ago 7.3 magnitude earthquake killed 28 people

Nevada; UN Reno gets 1-million additional tax dollars for ShakeAlert quake warning system

Oregon;  Critics blast Oregon repeal of tsunami-zone building ban

A 6.3-magnitude earthquake just struck

$1.6-million in additional taxpayer funding for ShakeAlert warning system

Washington;  Funding from the U.S. Geological Survey is expected to double the number of sensors in the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

Seismic Tremor Event Has Begun, Seismologists Say

Wyoming;  1959 quake changed landscape, structures and more in Yellowstone, 160 new geysers sprang to life

VANUATU: Mount Yasur is – incredibly or frighteningly, depending on how you look at it – open to members of the public game enough to walk up and peer into the belly of the Earth.

5.5 earthquake – Santa Cruz Islands (Vanuatu), 22AUG2019

6.3 earthquake strikes between Vanuatu, Solomon Islands


Dorian: How to evacuate thousands of U.S. Marines

On 03SEP2019, the threat of Hurricane Dorian forced Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, to start evacuating basic trainees.

Their new temp-home will be Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Georgia.

The trainees packed their rucks, and were handed a box of rations, and told to “Get on the bus!”

  Hundreds of contracted tour buses rolled in to take them to Georgia.

It’s actually easy to evac thousands of military personnel, they’re under orders, and the food and transportation are provided.  Realize how hard it is to get millions of silly-vilians to evacuate, without providing taxpayer funded food and transportation, or a place to go-to, before-hand.

I don’t know if this guy is yawning or yelling, but I’m sure there was a lot of hurry-up-and-wait.

VEHICLE I-D: USMC HAWKER HUNTER(?) spotted in South Carolina





Airborne Hurricane Hunters, when did it all start?

The first hurricane (typhoon) hunter was a pilot flying a Second World War T-6 Texan through the eye of a hurricane, on a dare!  Realizing that flying through a hurricane was doable, the U.S. Air Force set upon a long journey of modifying aircraft to collect weather data about hurricanes.

The first data collected, in 1944 by B-25 bombers (WB-25 Army Hurricane Reconnaissance Unit), is credited with saving hundreds of lives.  Prior to the development of airborne hurricane hunters, thousands of people in the United States died as a result of hurricanes, but after the use of flying weather trackers the average death toll dropped significantly.

Painting by Thomas Wojahn of a WB-50 of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, Falcon Alpha Mission-1957.

Perhaps the name The Hurricane Hunters came from the the title of a book first published in 1955 about the U.S. military’s obsession with tracking hurricanes. Download your free copy here.

Silent U.S. Navy film, from 1961, showing the use of the EC-121 Warning Star (WV-2) ‘AWACS’ as a hurricane hunter:

Hunter AFB, WB-47E City of Savannah Hurricane Hunter I, September 1963.

Even the B-47 strategic bomber (WB-47) was used as a Hurricane Hunter.

WC-130 Hercules f the 815th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, 920th Weather Reconnaissance Group, being prepared for a mission to monitor Hurricane Allen, August 1980.

Official USAF video history report, including the T-6, B-25, B-29 (WB-50) and C-130:

A USAF WC-130 Hercules from the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, ‘Hurricane Hunters’, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. USAF photo dated 1995.

But it not just lives that are saved with the creation of airborne hurricane hunters, in this 2018 video report about the purpose of the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi) it’s revealed that mass evacuations of the public cost one-million USD per mile of coastline!  Taxpayer costs can be reduced by providing accurate weather data to allow for more timely evacuation orders:




Dorian more powerful than U.S. military aircraft?

02SEP2019, U.S. Coast Guard deploys C-130s in anticipation of Hurricane Dorian.

Evacuation of E-8C J-STARS from Warner Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, 02SEP2019:

On 01SEP2019, U.S. Customs & Border Protection transferred one of their UH-60 Black Hawks from Puerto Rico to Homestead, Florida, to be used in hurricane rescue operations:

U.S. CBP also deployed P-3 Orions to Homestead, Florida, 31AUG2019.

Florida National Guard helicopters staged in the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport, in anticipation of Hurricane Dorian, 01SEP2019.

MH-60R Sea Hawks assigned to USN’s Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 48, in Florida, were sent to Maxwell Air Force Base, in Alabama, to escape the wrath of Dorian, 01SEP2019.

Video of preparations to exodus Naval Air Station Jacksonville:

Video of arrival at Maxwell AFB:

On 30AUG2019, Florida National Guard F-15C/D Eagles evacuated to Ohio.  Video of arrival of Florida Eagles at Wright-Patterson AFB:

A USN Patrol Squadron 26 P-8 Poseidon arrives at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 30AUG2019.

30AUG2019, USN’s Patrol Squadron 10 evacuates P-8 Poseidon from NAS Jacksonville:

On 30AUG2019, Little Rock Air Force Base, Alabama, began accepting military aircraft from locations within the projected path of Hurricane Dorian:

HC-130 Combat King from Georgia.

A-10C Thunderbolt-2s from Georgia.

At Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, A-29 Super Tacanos were locked down in the hangers: 

29AUG2019, KC-135Rs evacuate MacDill Air Force Base, Florida:




WC-130J & WP-3D: Hunting Dorian

The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Air Force Reserve out of Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, went hunting for a hurricane named Dorian.  Video, WC-130J take-off preps, 31AUG2019:

The crew of the WC-130J Super Hercules gathered data for the National Hurricane Center.  Video, onboard the WC-130J, 31AUG2019:

Personnel from the U.S. Naval Academy observes data from the Navy Airborne Expendable Bathythermographs deployed from the WC-130J Super Hercules. USAF photo by Lieutenant Colonel Marnee A.C. Losurdo.

Preparing to drop a Navy Airborne Expendable Bathythermograph into the hurricane. USAF photo by Lieutenant Colonel Marnee A.C. Losurdo.

WC-130J returns from Hunting Dorian, 05SEP2019. USAF photo by Technical Sergeant Christopher Carranza.

USAF photo by Randy Bynon, 13NOV2019.

Video from NOAA (National Oceanographic Atmospheric Administration) WP-3D Orion (aka N42RF Kermit the Frog-Sky Hopper), flying the Eye of Dorian, 01SEP2019:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration WP-3D Orion, Keesler AFB. USAF photo by Randy Bynon, 13NOV2019.



Idaho Black Hawks head south, down Central America way, you paid for it!

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 27APR2019.

At the end of April 2019, Idaho Army National Guard’s 1-183rd Assault Helicopter Battalion deployed to Guatemala in support of operation Beyond the Horizon.

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 27APR2019.

Keep in mind this is the Central American country allegedly sending the most illegals into the U.S., forcing the U.S. President to make a deal with the leaders of Guatemala to make an effort to keep their people home (never mind that the U.S. Department of Defense spends untold tax dollars conducting massive military and natural disaster training ops in Guatemala).

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 27APR2019.

1-183rd Assault Helicopter Battalion will provide casualty evacuation support and equipment transportation for National Guard engineers and medics as they spend U.S. taxes building schools and medical clinics in Guatemala.

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 27APR2019.


The 1-183rd’s mission to Guatemala ended on 27JUL2019.

Official video explainer of Idaho UH-60 Black Hawk refueling ops in Guatemala:

Interview with Idaho Black Hawk crew concerning mass casualty training in Guatemala:

Operation Beyond the Horizon was started in 2008, under the George Bush Jr regime, as a U.S. taxpayer funded “humanitarian civic assistance” program.

U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Anshu Pandeya, 20JUN2019.

National Guard personnel from Virginia and Washington build a new school in Guatemala. U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Anshu Pandeya, 11JUN2019.


The Guatemalan City Fueling the Migrant Exodus to America



“lost in time”: Pacific Ring of Fire, July 2019

Incomplete list of seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, July 2019.  Not only is quake and volcano activity ramping up around the Pacific Ring of Fire, it’s ramping up around the planet.

A new business report says seismic surveys “can grow into the most important market in the world that has played an important role in making progressive impacts on the global economy.” 

Predicting earthquake hazards from wastewater injection (fracking)

Mystery of Sea of Galilee quakes solved; caused by Israel pumping out excessive amounts of water

Mars-quakes suggest Mars is less Earth-like than we thought

More proof it’s not humans causing ice melt as Lake of Bubbling Lava Discovered on Remote Antarctic Island

AUSTRALIA: Seismic air guns used by oil industry are literally knocking sealife off balance

Earthquake near Broome may have released ‘100 times more energy’ than Newcastle tremor

Experts ‘Can’t Explain’ Cluster Of Earthquakes

CANADA:  British Columbia’s largest underwater volcano reveals lifeforms “lost in time”

6.3 quake hits offshore BC, 13 hours before twin big quakes hit California

CHILE:   According to the Ministry of Interior (Homeland), 43% of all natural disasters recorded in Chile since 1960 happened between 2014 and 2017.

Nevados de Chillán eruption spews incandescent material 

CHINA: More proof you can’t blame humans for climate change; Study suggests volcanoes do more damage to the ozone layer than anything humans have done.

Wandan mud volcano erupted again

Man arrested, because only in China is it a crime to make fun of deadly earthquakes

COLOMBIA:  And for more proof you can’t blame humans for climate change, anybody remember the TV show Space 1999?  Turns out the Moon is being pushed from the Earth right, although slowly and not by nuclear waste explosion, but the catastrophic climate change results are the same as in Space 1999: “Earth’s tidal strength is gradually pushing the moon away from us at a rate of about 3 centimeters a year. Therefore, the moon is indeed a potential ploonet once it reaches an unstable orbit.”-Mario Sucerquia, University of Antioquia

The U.S. Navy conducted ‘subject matter expert exchanges’ with Colombian counterparts, including a FEMA Disaster Training course.  The object is to unify disaster response techniques: “It’s cool to see the differences in how we perform similar treatments. We are picking up different ideas from each other, which will improve our abilities, and this training will allow us to integrate easily when we operate jointly.”-Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Dennis Hueston

COSTA RICA: averages 350 earthquakes each month, or about 12 each day

5.5 Quake Shakes Guanacaste 

For some reason a first ever National Earthquake Simulation will be conducted.

EL SALVADOR:  5.7 quake, 31JUL2019

4.3 quake, 28JUL2019

4.8 quake, 10JUL2019

FIJI: 5.0 quake, 30JUL2019

4.8 quake, 25JUL2019

5.7 earthquake day before big quakes in California

GUATEMALA:  Santiaguito volcano has been fairly calm for the last couple of years, with 10-15 daily explosions. At the beginning of the month a new episode of higher activity began with stronger and more frequent (35-40 daily) explosions and more lava extrusion- blocks have been seen rolling off the Caliente dome. 

After a 2012 earthquake, requiring the rebuilding of hospitals, long term investigations revealed that the taxpayer funded socialized healthcare system was making rich politicians even richer!

HONDURAS: U.S. Marines and U.S. Army personnel are on standby in Honduras,  at Soto Cano Air Base, to provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in the event of emergencies in the region.

INDONESIA: Teenagers steal earthquake detector, sell it on Facebook

Tangkuban Perahu blows up

villagers near active volcano refuse to relocate

5.0 quake, 28JUL2019

4.6 quake, 28JUL2019

Tsunami warning issued after 7.1 magnitude earthquake

JAPAN:  Earthquake of 6.0 magnitude rocks Pacific Ocean south of Tokyo

volcanic eruption observed on Aso-san

6.1 quake near Amami

Fukushima fishing port hit by 2011 tsunami reopens 8 years later

Study says rare oarfish sightings do not mean an earthquake is about to happen

U.S. Army Garrison Japan (Camp Zama) announced preparations for an ‘all hands’ Emergency Evacuation Program for military personnel and their families, to be held in May: “Everyone who would potentially be an evacuee has to process through. Either their sponsor has to go through or one member of the family has to go through.”-Will Luna, garrison emergency manager

KOREA: 2.1 quake near Goseong

3.9 quake near Sangju

Quake east of Donghae

MEXICO:  4.0 offshore Oaxaca, 31JUL2019

4.0 offshore Oaxaca, 30JUL2019

Mount Popo erupts, yet again, watch ash cloud rise towards the satellite 

Series of small quakes hit Mexico City

4.7 in Acapulco

NEW CALEDONIA:  4.9 southeast of Loyalty Islands

NEW ZEALAND: Two 5.0 quakes, 30JUL2019

4.2 quake, 29JUL2019

Shallow earthquake felt widely in Christchurch

PANAMA:  5.0 quake, 29JUL2019

4.1 quake, 26JUL2019

4.2 quake, 22JUL2019

PAPUA NEW GUINEA:  6.2 quake

Volcano – Emergency Plan of Action

6.4 hits north of Kandrian, New Britain 

PERU: 5.1 quake, 23JUL2019

Volcano Erupts in Stunning Images Captured by Russian Satellite

State of emergency declared in 12 districts due to volcanic activity

West Virginia National Guard instructed Peruvian military on medevac (medical evacuation) ops: “The training they received will help them be better prepared to provide advanced emergency medical treatment to their countrymen and women during times of disaster….”-Master Sergeant Evan McDonough

PHILIPPINES:  2-hundred aftershocks in Batanes province, after at least eight people were killed

5.7 quake, 27JUL2019

5.9 quake, 26JUL2019

5.7 quake, 12JUL2019

5.5 quake, 09JUL2019

Hawaii National Guard met with their Filipino counter parts to conduct an Incident Awareness and Assessment (IAA) Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) conference “… to develop standard operating procedures to use during Humanitarian and Disaster Response (HADR) operations”, according to Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Captain Rene Datugan.

RUSSIA: 4.8 quake eastern Siberia, 31JUL2019

5.0 quake Kuril Islands, 18JUL2019

4.7 quake Kamchatka, 18JUL2019

5.0 quake Kuril Islands, 10JUL2019

TONGA: 4.8 quake, 31JUL2019

5.1 quake, 25JUL2019

5.0 quake, 12JUL2019

5.0 quake, 09JUL2019


Alaska;  Earthquake Repairs at Anchorage Schools Could Top $150M

4.1 quake hits central Alaska

Major earthquake reveals Port of Alaska money troubles, could result in another taxpayer funded ‘bridge to nowhere’

mysterious geologic event that is emitting fire, steam and a sulfur smell baffles residents and officials 

California;  Everything you thought you knew about earthquake insurance is wrong

Watch 30 Years Of Earthquakes Rock California In This Remarkable Animation

Earthquake Hit Exceedingly Rare 1-inch Pupfish With 10-Foot Waves

Upcoming Latino online news format mitú admitted that many Californians don’t speak English and that disaster response announcements failed to consider that, they also made fun of the stupid ‘white’ people’s reaction to the big quakes: “Some Latinos questioned the dramatic reactions of others, since Latin America knows earthquakes all too well.” (I’m not Latino, but having lived through many big quakes in Iran in the early 1970s and in California in the early 1990s, I agree with mitú’s assessment)

How Two Big Earthquakes Triggered 16,000 More

 DID U.S. Air Force KNOW CALIFORNIA WAS ABOUT TO BE HIT? Conducts base quake drill one month prior.


Because of the secret nature of China Lake Naval Air Station (NAS), the California Seismic Safety Commission has been unable to go in and check out what is happening

25JUL2019, 4.7 quake epicenter directly under China Lake NAS

Colorado; Super-volcano near the town of Creede

USGS National Earthquake Information Center

Hawaii;  Now home to the world’s largest volcano

protesters fighting new telescope on sacred volcano

On Oahu, military personnel from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines, as well as Hawaii and Oregon National Guard units, converged for CBRNE (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive) training, focusing on rescuing civilians from their homes, or places of employment.

Georgia National Guard serve meals from a Disaster Relief Mobile Kitchen Trailer during Innovative Readiness Training at Camp Paumalu Girl Scout Camp, 15JUL2019.  Pennsylvania Guard units, as well as Air Force Reserve unites from California, also took part in the ‘real-world construction mission’.

Idaho;  Super-volcano near Island Park, known as Huckleberry Ridge or First Phase Yellowstone.

At the end of July, California Air National Guard’s 129th Rescue Squadron conducted training at Idaho’s Gowen Field.

Montana; Check out Earthquake Lake

Nevada; California quakes kill man in Nevada?

Nevada politicians demanding federal government re-evaluate nuke waste storage system after California quakes

Oregon; Crater Lake first volcano measured by NASA’s Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System

A tectonic plate is dying under Oregon. Here’s why that matters

Politicians renege on funding for quake warning system

5.4 quake

new tsunami zone building law puts Oregonians in danger

Oregon coast will be ‘toast’ when Big One hits; politicians will make devastation even worse

Washington;  Quake pushes Seattle closer to Canada

More tsunami evacuation towers planned

how a 9.0 earthquake would affect Washington

U.S. Coast Guard conducted rescue training with dogs, in Warrenton, 17JUL2019.

Wyoming;  Earthquakes, not Yellowstone volcano, biggest threat

Yellowstone’s Steamboat Geyser approaching record number of eruptions

VANUATU: 5.0 quake, 31JUL2019

Staring into the evil eye of Mount Yasur

5.6 quake, 06JUL2019


National Guard deployed, 7.7 New Madrid quake!

“nobody has any money”: U.S. Food Crisis, March 2019

Incomplete list of main stream news links announcing United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls for the month of March, 2019:

Netherlands base Heineken announced it will eliminated 15% of its jobs in the United States

A new study says honey bees can’t thrive off the pollen from today’s modern farm fields, they’r going back to living off wild plants!

March is National Nutrition Month in the United States.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ALABAMA:  180 hemp farms approved

New online farmers’ market

Restaurant Mellow Mushroom shutdown

The Melting Pot shutdown due “to other obligations and opportunities”

Sailors assigned to the guided-missile destroyer USS James E. Williams volunteer at Feeding the Gulf Coast Food Bank, 04MAR2019.

ALASKA:  Meet the last dairy farmer in the state

Chinese tariffs attack Alaskan seafood ops

Cat that lived 6 years in general store gets evicted by food inspectors

Dumb-ass poachers illegally shoot then butcher hibernating bear and cubs, not only caught on security cams but took their own pics of the crime!

ARIZONA:  If most of our drinking water is already safe why is the U.S. Department of Defense paying University of Arizona 1.2-million tax dollars trying to make it safe?  Turns out our drinking water is not safe to drink, blame it on something called PFAS: “Not only are the chemicals everywhere, and bad, but the advisory level established by the EPA is so extremely low that it makes it even more challenging to treat them.”-Reyes Sierra, chemical and environmental engineering professor 

State Department of Agriculture confirms horse deaths due to EHV-1 

Perfect Pear Bistro shutdown a six years old location due to the rent being jacked-up

More proof that veggie doesn’t sell,  Veggie Rebellion grocery store shutdown, the owner saying “Money never stretches far enough, people don’t want to work with small organizations, and the future is generally uncertain.”

ARKANSAS: Farmers sue U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over catastrophic flooding

Buffalo gnats killing hundreds livestock and wild animals: “The animals can die from blood loss and even suffocating because their airway is compromised, but the most common cause of death comes from shock. The anti-coagulant in the fly’s saliva can accumulate when thousands are biting an animal, causing them to die from toxic shock similar to allergic reactions.”-Kelly Loftin, University of Arkansas’s Division of Agriculture

CALIFORNIA:  Land O’ Lakes issued a layoff WARN for its dairy ops in Tulare, 79 jobs gone in May.   Evil Albertsons owned Vons issued a shutdown WARN for a grocery store in Barstow, 65 jobs gone by the end of May.   Unified Grocers issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Commerce, 67 jobs gone by the end of May.  Online grocery delivery service Instacart issued numerous shutdown WARNS, more than 250 jobs gone by mid-May!  Grape and cherry grower/seller Vincent B. Zaninovich & Sons issued a mass layoff WARN, 511 jobs gone in April!  Industry news reports indicate that Vincent B. Zaninovich & Sons is “Selling land and shedding jobs…”

Revealed; California’s water is going to Saudi Arabian owned farms which produce food for animals in Saudi Arabia!

Scientists from two universities accuse state and county officials of ‘gaming’ pesticide permits for farmers, allowing farmers to use deadly chemicals on food

USDA shifts $45-million in taxpayer funding to California to fight outbreak of vND

 Vintage Grocers suddenly shutdown its store in Westlake Village, 65 jobs gone

after three years Skool Japanese Gastro Pub suddenly shutdown due to lack of business

Walmart shutting down a San Jose Neighborhood Market, 83 jobs gone by April

Milk Pail Market shutting down after 45 years due to three years of city road work killing off business

After only 15 years Phantom Rivers Wine shutdown due to the age of the owners

Café  Bizou shutting down its 25 years old Sherman Oaks location

COLORADO:  Mystery kidney disease affecting farm workers blamed on climate and agriculture chemicals

U.S. Air Force being sued for contamination of ground water, causing millions of dollars in farm losses

Starbucks shutdown one of its Colorado Springs locations, no reason given

State Department of Military and Veterans Affairs employees teamed up with National Guard personnel to march to Fight Hunger, 15MAR2019.   It’s the third year for the Fight Hunger march, in which the donated food was carried in their backpacks.

CONNECTICUT:  The First & Last restaurant failed to live up to its name, shutting down while there are still other restaurants open, it’s blamed on a lawsuit filed by the city

Rita’s Italian Ice shutdown to allow a next door restaurant to expand

DELAWARE: Invasive bug causes $8-billion in economic damages, police-state searches being conducted

Hemp investors wine about bureaucratic red tape

FLORIDA: After six years Dahlia’s Pour House shutting down when “the beer runs out” due to a failed attempt to sell the bar

The realities of marijuana farming results in a big pain in the grass: “I’m not against medical marijuana by no means. If it helps someone who’s sick, that’s great, but why should it affect my life? I can’t even have peace at my own home! I don’t like the strong smell of marijuana either, and you can see kids holding their noses at school bus stops, but that’s not even the biggest issue I’m having. It’s the noise. It’s unbearable really and it’s 24/7.”-Ted Miller, lives next to new marijuana farm

What happened to all the farming in Broward County? You can keep looking till the cows come home, but you won’t find many

As the food insecurity in the U.S. refuses to go away, in Florida another Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules (from my old USAF ‘alma mater’ Dyess AFB, Texas) was loaded with food and other supplies for refugees from a sanctioned country, in South America.  Information from USAID stated that in February at least enough food for 10-thousand people has been shipped to rebel Venezuelan distribution operations in Cúcuta, Columbia:

GEORGIA: The Peach State’s ‘right to farm’ law feels threatened after court ruling 

GUAM: List of most destructive invasive species affecting Guam

HAWAII:  “… it is with great regret that we made the decision to close the Makawao Steak House. The business had been operating at a financial loss for two years…” 

House plant sales being blamed for invasion of non-native fire ants

IDAHO:  Despite a global glut of dairy products killing off the dairy industry nation wide, University of Idaho wants to spend taxpayer, and donor, dollars building the largest research dairy in the U.S.

Equine Herpes Virus as been diagnosed in Idaho, after the horse traveled through Arizona and Utah

Local farm uses geothermal heat to grow veggies in Winter

Magic Valley now home to crickets-for-food farm

ILLINOIS:  Future of farming will require farmers to get ‘off-farm’ jobs

$700-thousand federal tax dollars going to ‘specialty’ farms in Illinois

After five years ‘high-end’ Standard Market suddenly shutdown its store in Naperville

After 30 years Shoeless Joe’s Ale House & Grille shutdown

Schnucks shutting down a grocery store in Belleville, in connection to last year’s take over of local Shop-n-Save stores

INDIANA: Aramark food service contractor issued a WARN, 2-hundred jobs threatened in Indianapolis!

Shyler’s BBQ shutdown, the owners saying “Over the last few years there has been a multitude of new restaurants pop up throughout the city. More are coming. The pie is split to many ways. It is difficult to succeed in this business.” 

IOWA: The state Alcoholic Beverage Division issued a WARN, 39 jobs in Ankeny gone in April.

How America’s food giants swallowed the family farms, in Iowa

KANSAS: After devastating floods farmers are now saying they can’t rely on government for help because “They don’t have any money, nobody has any money.”

Oil company wants to run pipeline across farms

KENTUCKY: Hemp farming explodes, leading the nation

MAINE: Lobster catch brings big money

New state tax refund for maple syrup and honey?

MARYLAND: As many as 36 Shoppers Food & Pharmacy stores shutting down!

State senate considers banning Chlorpyrifos

Lawmakers overide governor’s veto, new minimum wage affecting farm labor costs

MASSACHUSETTS:  Elizabeth Warren wants to stop the growth of corporate farms

Lefty’s Brewing shutting down due to the health problems of a co-owner

After 38 years Quarterdeck Seafoods shutdown 

Cereal maker Post shutting down its Weetabix factory in Clinton, 181 jobs gone by July!

After 38 years of breakfast Sorella’s shutdown due to part of the building being sold-off

MICHIGAN:  Boersen Farms sued yet again, for failure to pay its debts

TreeHouse Foods closing Battle Creek plant, more than 50 jobs affected

Food giant Kroger is once again shutting down a grocery store, this time on East Blue Grass Road, 81 jobs gone 

Hideout Brewing Company shutdown after 13 years due to failed attempts to sell it

After 11 years Dolce Vita Italian suddenly shutdown

After 65 years Pasquale’s Restaurant shutting down 

After 40 years iconic Ginopolis shutdown 

Last year corporate officials of Country Kitchen shifted focus in an effort to boost sales; cutting operating hours and serving breakfast only.  Apparently that effort failed as the nearly 50 years old Detroit Lakes Country Kitchen was shutdown and the property put-up for sale.

MINNESOTA: Cokato Plant-Faribault Foods issued a WARN, 102 jobs threatened, date as of yet to be set!  Farm retailer Mid-States Distributing issued a WARN for its ops in Mendota Heights.

Local farm income lowest in 23 years

six consecutive years of extremely low profitability results in farmer mental health becoming top concern

Cryptosporidium parasite detected in Minnesota groundwater

MISSISSIPPI: half of Mississippi’s counties affected by flooding, pushing hundreds of thousands of acres of agricultural farmland underwater

MISSOURI: Schnucks shutting down two of its grocery stores in Saint Louis, at least 130 jobs affected!

New state laws changing farming

MONTANA: After two brutal winters, stock growers press feds to expand taxpayer funded livestock loss compensation

NEBRASKA:  “We’ve gone through 2018 with nothing on the horizon for better markets. Sad to say, 2018 was a tough year but 2019 is where we’ll run out of our ability to manage this cash-flow crisis.”-Ben Steffen, farmer

Flooding caused a bottled water shortages, among other problems, alleviated with the help of the National Guard.

NEVADA: outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus

NEW HAMPSHIRE: 200 years old farm now ‘protected’ by taxpayers

North Country Smokehouse Recalls Ready-To-Eat Sausage Products due to Possible Foreign Matter Contamination

NEW JERSEY:  One million pounds of illegal Chinese pork, possibly contaminated with African Swine Fever, captured at New Jersey port!

Cows and calves mysteriously dying

For some reason the U.S. Department of Labor is advising New York farms to advertise for job openings in New Jersey!

NEW MEXICO:  USAF contaminates groundwater near Clovis, downplayed by state officials

NEW YORK: Food service contractor Aramark issued a WARN, 193 jobs threatened due to loss of contract with Clarkson University!  Kuni’s Corporation issued shutdown WARNs for several of its Ikinari Steak joints across The Big (rotting) Apple, at least 70 jobs gone by the end of May.   Online food delivery company Instacart issued a shutdown WARN for several locations across The Big (rotting) Apple, about 250 jobs gone by mid-May!  Art Food issued a temporary shutdown WARN for three of its The Cafes at MoMa, at least 121 jobs gone by mid-June due to renovations!

More than 1,300 dairy farmers in New York went out of business from 2007 to 2017

Tops Friendly Markets shutting down a grocery store in Buffalo due to not being able to renew the lease, 57 jobs affected

Hart’s Local Grocers shutdown in Rochester due to crashing sales

NORTH DAKOTA:  State lawmakers change the definition of meat!?

After 50 years White House Cafeteria shutdown to focus on catering only

After 35 years the Polar King in Jamestown shutdown, the owners saying “Over the years….missed out on so many weddings, birthdays, funerals…..We haven’t gone on a vacation in 20 years.” 

OHIO: China Dynasty shutting down after 32 years because the old owner doesn’t want to play the lease renewal game anymore

Even upscale steakhouse Boi Na Braza shutdown due to not being able to afford the lease

LaScola Italian Grill shutdown after 12 years

IGA suddenly shutdown a grocery store in Saint Paris, the mayor blames it on low-volume sales, yet also admits that most of the stores in Saint Paris are ‘low volume’

IGA shutdown a 37 years old grocery store in Willard 

Schwebel’s shutting down a bakery in Solon, 2-hundred jobs gone!

OKLAHOMA:   Allen’s Coney shutting down after 35 years due to needing to find a new affordable location

Wheat, canola planted acres are down

Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus at Oklahoma Youth Expo

J-M Farms haz-mat leak causes massive fish kill in Tar Creek, pays $24-thousand fine, actual clean-up costs much higher

OREGON:  Another record year for hemp

U.S. FDA begins on-farm inspections

Legislative attempt to end ‘right to farm’ for dairies

PENNSYLVANIA: Lanternfly quarantine zone expanded

Online food delivery service Maplebear-Instacart issued shutdown WARN for several locations, 56 jobs gone by mid-May.

after 15 years Keystone Homebrew Supply shutdown a location in Bethlehem due to increasing competition, both online and off-line

After 27 years restaurant Katana shutdown

Grocery Outlet Bargain Market shutdown, no reason given 

ShopRite suddenly shutdown a 30 years old grocery store blaming it on the city’s beverage tax, saying “We lost a lot of customers”, warning “once this area closes, it will become a food desert.”  

PUERTO RICO:  Productos La Aguadillana Recalls Breaded Chicken Products Due to Possible Foreign Matter Contamination

RHODE ISLAND:  $270-thousand in taxpayer funded grants for food businesses

After 18 years The Red Fez shutdown due to the building being sold and the end of the “historic parking lot district”

SOUTH CAROLINA:  After more than 12 years ‘dog-friendly’ Parson Jack’s Cafe shutdown due to rising rent and cost of labor 

Despite an increase in sales of CBD products, it’s actually illegal 

Drought declared

SOUTH DAKOTA: The five years farm economy decline continues

TENNESSEE:  EHV-1 spreads to Tennessee horses

Beetles threaten tree industry

Walmart shutting down its Neighborhood Market in Morristown, 77 jobs gone in April

after 58 years Bill Martin Foods shutdown

After four years Deezie’s Hot Chicken shutdown to focus on food truck ops

Shoney’s shutdown a 38 years old Knoxville restaurant due to the rent being jacked-up

TEXAS:  Texas Fails To ‘Get The Lead Out’ Of Drinking Water

After 40 years Cenare Italian Restaurant shutting down due to skyrocketing rent costs and increasingly tough competition

Jesse’s Taqueria #2 on East Villa Maria Road in Bryan suddenly shutdown

After only a year and a half Angus Burgers shutdown its Wichita Falls location without warning

 In El Paso, Border Patrol personnel gave out taxpayer funded food and water to illegal immigrants who surrendered.

UTAH: Even god couldn’t stop Even Stevens sandwich chain from going chapter 11 bankrupt busted

State Department of Agriculture and Food issues warning over EHV-1

VERMONT:  After more than four decades iconic Bently’s Restaurant shutdown due to not being able to pay the new lease

Working Lands Enterprise Initiative gives 823-thousand tax-dollars to Agriculture and Forestry businesses 

New fees for hemp growers

VIRGINIA:  Younger farmers dealing with increased stress

Dairy farms in decline, 5-hundred Grade-A permits issued in March 2019, compared to 30 years ago when 12-thousand such permits were issued!

Strawberry Street Cafe shutdown after more than 40 years to make room for a “new concept”  

Dog-n-Burger Grille shutdown (with a name like Dog-n-Burger I’m not surprised, but the ‘dog’ referred to hot dogs, not actual dogs)

Omaha Steaks suddenly shutdown its grocery center in Short Pump

WASHINGTON: Washington Beef recalls Ground Beef Products due to Possible Foreign Matter Contamination

State senator implies farms are using slave labor under her proposed law, said she’s surprised by the amount of push-back she got

Washington DC:  USDA gives 49 states and three territories, 66-million tax dollars for pest detection and surveillance.

Despite trade war with China, USDA predicts increased income for farmers, economists say whoa 

U.S. & EU heading for a food fight

WISCONSIN:  After almost 44 years Alt n’ Bach’s Town Tap shutdown

Governor wants taxpayers to fund dairy and hemp farms

Report on fungicide reveals the ‘experts’ who make the chemicals don’t actually know how it works!

WYOMING:  Popular Coffee Depot shutdown

University of Wyoming declares there are too many heritage apple trees in the state!

Industrial hemp farming now legal under state law