Incomplete list of main stream news links announcing United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls for the month of March, 2019:
Netherlands base Heineken announced it will eliminated 15% of its jobs in the United States
March is National Nutrition Month in the United States.
WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification
ALABAMA: 180 hemp farms approved
Restaurant Mellow Mushroom shutdown
The Melting Pot shutdown due “to other obligations and opportunities”
Sailors assigned to the guided-missile destroyer USS James E. Williams volunteer at Feeding the Gulf Coast Food Bank, 04MAR2019.
ALASKA: Meet the last dairy farmer in the state
Chinese tariffs attack Alaskan seafood ops
Cat that lived 6 years in general store gets evicted by food inspectors
ARIZONA: If most of our drinking water is already safe why is the U.S. Department of Defense paying University of Arizona 1.2-million tax dollars trying to make it safe? Turns out our drinking water is not safe to drink, blame it on something called PFAS: “Not only are the chemicals everywhere, and bad, but the advisory level established by the EPA is so extremely low that it makes it even more challenging to treat them.”-Reyes Sierra, chemical and environmental engineering professor
State Department of Agriculture confirms horse deaths due to EHV-1
Perfect Pear Bistro shutdown a six years old location due to the rent being jacked-up
ARKANSAS: Farmers sue U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over catastrophic flooding
Buffalo gnats killing hundreds livestock and wild animals: “The animals can die from blood loss and even suffocating because their airway is compromised, but the most common cause of death comes from shock. The anti-coagulant in the fly’s saliva can accumulate when thousands are biting an animal, causing them to die from toxic shock similar to allergic reactions.”-Kelly Loftin, University of Arkansas’s Division of Agriculture
CALIFORNIA: Land O’ Lakes issued a layoff WARN for its dairy ops in Tulare, 79 jobs gone in May. Evil Albertsons owned Vons issued a shutdown WARN for a grocery store in Barstow, 65 jobs gone by the end of May. Unified Grocers issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Commerce, 67 jobs gone by the end of May. Online grocery delivery service Instacart issued numerous shutdown WARNS, more than 250 jobs gone by mid-May! Grape and cherry grower/seller Vincent B. Zaninovich & Sons issued a mass layoff WARN, 511 jobs gone in April! Industry news reports indicate that Vincent B. Zaninovich & Sons is “Selling land and shedding jobs…”
USDA shifts $45-million in taxpayer funding to California to fight outbreak of vND
Vintage Grocers suddenly shutdown its store in Westlake Village, 65 jobs gone
after three years Skool Japanese Gastro Pub suddenly shutdown due to lack of business
Walmart shutting down a San Jose Neighborhood Market, 83 jobs gone by April
After only 15 years Phantom Rivers Wine shutdown due to the age of the owners
Café Bizou shutting down its 25 years old Sherman Oaks location
COLORADO: Mystery kidney disease affecting farm workers blamed on climate and agriculture chemicals
Starbucks shutdown one of its Colorado Springs locations, no reason given
State Department of Military and Veterans Affairs employees teamed up with National Guard personnel to march to Fight Hunger, 15MAR2019. It’s the third year for the Fight Hunger march, in which the donated food was carried in their backpacks.
Rita’s Italian Ice shutdown to allow a next door restaurant to expand
DELAWARE: Invasive bug causes $8-billion in economic damages, police-state searches being conducted
Hemp investors wine about bureaucratic red tape
The realities of marijuana farming results in a big pain in the grass: “I’m not against medical marijuana by no means. If it helps someone who’s sick, that’s great, but why should it affect my life? I can’t even have peace at my own home! I don’t like the strong smell of marijuana either, and you can see kids holding their noses at school bus stops, but that’s not even the biggest issue I’m having. It’s the noise. It’s unbearable really and it’s 24/7.”-Ted Miller, lives next to new marijuana farm
As the food insecurity in the U.S. refuses to go away, in Florida another Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules (from my old USAF ‘alma mater’ Dyess AFB, Texas) was loaded with food and other supplies for refugees from a sanctioned country, in South America. Information from USAID stated that in February at least enough food for 10-thousand people has been shipped to rebel Venezuelan distribution operations in Cúcuta, Columbia:
GEORGIA: The Peach State’s ‘right to farm’ law feels threatened after court ruling
GUAM: List of most destructive invasive species affecting Guam
House plant sales being blamed for invasion of non-native fire ants
Equine Herpes Virus as been diagnosed in Idaho, after the horse traveled through Arizona and Utah
Local farm uses geothermal heat to grow veggies in Winter
Magic Valley now home to crickets-for-food farm
ILLINOIS: Future of farming will require farmers to get ‘off-farm’ jobs
$700-thousand federal tax dollars going to ‘specialty’ farms in Illinois
After five years ‘high-end’ Standard Market suddenly shutdown its store in Naperville
After 30 years Shoeless Joe’s Ale House & Grille shutdown
Schnucks shutting down a grocery store in Belleville, in connection to last year’s take over of local Shop-n-Save stores
INDIANA: Aramark food service contractor issued a WARN, 2-hundred jobs threatened in Indianapolis!
IOWA: The state Alcoholic Beverage Division issued a WARN, 39 jobs in Ankeny gone in April.
How America’s food giants swallowed the family farms, in Iowa
Oil company wants to run pipeline across farms
KENTUCKY: Hemp farming explodes, leading the nation
MAINE: Lobster catch brings big money
New state tax refund for maple syrup and honey?
MARYLAND: As many as 36 Shoppers Food & Pharmacy stores shutting down!
State senate considers banning Chlorpyrifos
Lawmakers overide governor’s veto, new minimum wage affecting farm labor costs
MASSACHUSETTS: Elizabeth Warren wants to stop the growth of corporate farms
Lefty’s Brewing shutting down due to the health problems of a co-owner
After 38 years Quarterdeck Seafoods shutdown
Cereal maker Post shutting down its Weetabix factory in Clinton, 181 jobs gone by July!
After 38 years of breakfast Sorella’s shutdown due to part of the building being sold-off
MICHIGAN: Boersen Farms sued yet again, for failure to pay its debts
TreeHouse Foods closing Battle Creek plant, more than 50 jobs affected
Hideout Brewing Company shutdown after 13 years due to failed attempts to sell it
After 11 years Dolce Vita Italian suddenly shutdown
After 65 years Pasquale’s Restaurant shutting down
After 40 years iconic Ginopolis shutdown
Last year corporate officials of Country Kitchen shifted focus in an effort to boost sales; cutting operating hours and serving breakfast only. Apparently that effort failed as the nearly 50 years old Detroit Lakes Country Kitchen was shutdown and the property put-up for sale.
MINNESOTA: Cokato Plant-Faribault Foods issued a WARN, 102 jobs threatened, date as of yet to be set! Farm retailer Mid-States Distributing issued a WARN for its ops in Mendota Heights.
Local farm income lowest in 23 years
Cryptosporidium parasite detected in Minnesota groundwater
MISSOURI: Schnucks shutting down two of its grocery stores in Saint Louis, at least 130 jobs affected!
New state laws changing farming
Flooding caused a bottled water shortages, among other problems, alleviated with the help of the National Guard.
NEVADA: outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus
NEW HAMPSHIRE: 200 years old farm now ‘protected’ by taxpayers
Cows and calves mysteriously dying
NEW MEXICO: USAF contaminates groundwater near Clovis, downplayed by state officials
NEW YORK: Food service contractor Aramark issued a WARN, 193 jobs threatened due to loss of contract with Clarkson University! Kuni’s Corporation issued shutdown WARNs for several of its Ikinari Steak joints across The Big (rotting) Apple, at least 70 jobs gone by the end of May. Online food delivery company Instacart issued a shutdown WARN for several locations across The Big (rotting) Apple, about 250 jobs gone by mid-May! Art Food issued a temporary shutdown WARN for three of its The Cafes at MoMa, at least 121 jobs gone by mid-June due to renovations!
More than 1,300 dairy farmers in New York went out of business from 2007 to 2017
Hart’s Local Grocers shutdown in Rochester due to crashing sales
NORTH DAKOTA: State lawmakers change the definition of meat!?
After 50 years White House Cafeteria shutdown to focus on catering only
Even upscale steakhouse Boi Na Braza shutdown due to not being able to afford the lease
LaScola Italian Grill shutdown after 12 years
IGA shutdown a 37 years old grocery store in Willard
Schwebel’s shutting down a bakery in Solon, 2-hundred jobs gone!
OKLAHOMA: Allen’s Coney shutting down after 35 years due to needing to find a new affordable location
Wheat, canola planted acres are down
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus at Oklahoma Youth Expo
OREGON: Another record year for hemp
U.S. FDA begins on-farm inspections
Legislative attempt to end ‘right to farm’ for dairies
PENNSYLVANIA: Lanternfly quarantine zone expanded
Online food delivery service Maplebear-Instacart issued shutdown WARN for several locations, 56 jobs gone by mid-May.
After 27 years restaurant Katana shutdown
Grocery Outlet Bargain Market shutdown, no reason given
ShopRite suddenly shutdown a 30 years old grocery store blaming it on the city’s beverage tax, saying “We lost a lot of customers”, warning “once this area closes, it will become a food desert.”
PUERTO RICO: Productos La Aguadillana Recalls Breaded Chicken Products Due to Possible Foreign Matter Contamination
RHODE ISLAND: $270-thousand in taxpayer funded grants for food businesses
SOUTH CAROLINA: After more than 12 years ‘dog-friendly’ Parson Jack’s Cafe shutdown due to rising rent and cost of labor
Despite an increase in sales of CBD products, it’s actually illegal
SOUTH DAKOTA: The five years farm economy decline continues
TENNESSEE: EHV-1 spreads to Tennessee horses
Beetles threaten tree industry
Walmart shutting down its Neighborhood Market in Morristown, 77 jobs gone in April
after 58 years Bill Martin Foods shutdown
After four years Deezie’s Hot Chicken shutdown to focus on food truck ops
Shoney’s shutdown a 38 years old Knoxville restaurant due to the rent being jacked-up
TEXAS: Texas Fails To ‘Get The Lead Out’ Of Drinking Water
Jesse’s Taqueria #2 on East Villa Maria Road in Bryan suddenly shutdown
After only a year and a half Angus Burgers shutdown its Wichita Falls location without warning
In El Paso, Border Patrol personnel gave out taxpayer funded food and water to illegal immigrants who surrendered.
UTAH: Even god couldn’t stop Even Stevens sandwich chain from going chapter 11 bankrupt busted
State Department of Agriculture and Food issues warning over EHV-1
VERMONT: After more than four decades iconic Bently’s Restaurant shutdown due to not being able to pay the new lease
VIRGINIA: Younger farmers dealing with increased stress
Strawberry Street Cafe shutdown after more than 40 years to make room for a “new concept”
Dog-n-Burger Grille shutdown (with a name like Dog-n-Burger I’m not surprised, but the ‘dog’ referred to hot dogs, not actual dogs)
Omaha Steaks suddenly shutdown its grocery center in Short Pump
WASHINGTON: Washington Beef recalls Ground Beef Products due to Possible Foreign Matter Contamination
Washington DC: USDA gives 49 states and three territories, 66-million tax dollars for pest detection and surveillance.
Despite trade war with China, USDA predicts increased income for farmers, economists say whoa
U.S. & EU heading for a food fight
WISCONSIN: After almost 44 years Alt n’ Bach’s Town Tap shutdown
Governor wants taxpayers to fund dairy and hemp farms
Report on fungicide reveals the ‘experts’ who make the chemicals don’t actually know how it works!
WYOMING: Popular Coffee Depot shutdown
University of Wyoming declares there are too many heritage apple trees in the state!
Industrial hemp farming now legal under state law