Tag Archives: education

The Good, Bad, Ugly: Even in the non-human animal world you gotta be Kawaii to be loved!

07 March 2016 (13:37 UTC-07 Tango 01) 17 Esfand 1394/27 Jumada al-Ula 1437/29 Xin Mao 4714

“…how many species of native bats and rodents we have….We know so little about them…..But everyone knows what a koala and kangaroo looks like.”-Trish Fleming, Murdoch University

A new study from the British empire’s Land Down Under reveals extreme bias when it comes to studying, and even saving, the Earths non-human animals: Even biologists and philanthropists avoid the ugly ones!


“Since European settlement (in Australia) we have lost about 20 species of mammals, we have about another 20 odd in grave danger of extinction. I think it would be tragic if we ended up causing the extinction of even more without even knowing anything about them.”-Bill Bateman, Curtin University

In another proof that there is such a thing as Uglyism, researchers discovered that the people who fund scientific and conservation research avoid ‘bad’ and ‘ugly’ animals.  Yes, with all that hype about “saving the planet” animal saving charities actually ignore the ‘bad’ and ‘ugly’ ones! Discrimination!


The study is to be published this week in the Mammal Review.  Researchers discovered that Uglyism makes up the majority of beings on planet Earth (45% of animals reviewed in the study are considered ugly).


Perhaps that’s why Kawaii is so popular, cuteness in nature turns out to be a rarity.  But be warned, too much Kawaii from Japan will make you wanna beat those giggly-jiggly-overly-optimistic-beings with an ugly stick!

KAWAII (no, I don’t think so):  


“This sudden decline in demand was unexpected.” Idaho’s youth get the hell outta Dodge! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 05 – 06 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Arizona: In Phoenix, Fuego Bistro shutdown its CityScape location.  In Glendale, after 46 years restaurant La Peria shutdown due to not being able to pay its rent.  In Scottsdale, Stingray Sushi shutdown.  RT O’Sullivans sports bar-eatery shutdown on U.S. 60.

California: Illinois based drugs maker Baxalta eliminating 1-hundred jobs in Thousand Oaks by May, due to being taken over by an Irish company.  In Stockton, S-Mart grocery store shutting down mid-month, 50 jobs lost due to lack of profits.

Connecticut:  More proof of Depression; the city of Bridgeport eliminated 24 jobs due to lack of tax revenues.  Administrators warned “There may be more than that.”  And here’s another reason why tax revenues will continue to go down,  battery maker Duracell warns it will move its Bethel HQ to Illinois due to being taken over by job killer Warren Buffett.

Florida: Tomato Land Farmers Market store-restaurant shutting down next month, due to the property being sold-off.  In Tampa’s Ybor City, after 33 years The Spaghetti Warehouse Restaurant shutting down on Wednesday. No specific reason was given, but in 2010 the Church of Scientology became the new landlord.

Idaho:  Good news if you hate loan sharks, bad news if that’s how you make your living; according to the state Department of Finance the number of ‘licensed’ payday loan business crashed by 34% in 2015!  More will shutdown as new tougher federal laws go into effect: “What we are hearing and reading nationally is the lenders are saying they cannot afford to stay in the business.”-Mike Larsen, Idaho Dept. of Finance Consumer Finance Bureau

The Idaho Department of Labor admits that many Idahoans born between 1980 and 2000 are fleeing the Right to Work (you over) Gem State, and the biggest reason is the same reason I’ve heard since arriving in 1997, not enough good paying jobs: “People want to stay here, but there aren’t many options or much industry available in Idaho.  We’ve been avoiding this issue for a long time, because our employers don’t like to hear it: We don’t pay well!”-Ken Edmunds, Idaho Department of Labor

Back in 2003 I interviewed several Idaho State University Alumni who graduated in 1973.  They all stated they were making more money back in the 1970s.  One social sciences graduate stated he continued working at his loading dock job because he was making more money than what he would get with his sociology degree, but once Idaho became a Right to Work state (in the 1980s) everything went to hell.  As a dock worker in Pocatello (on Garrett Way) he was making $15.00 per hour in the 1970s, and that’s not adjusting for inflation!  He wasn’t married and his rent, utilities and food was so cheap by today’s costs that he felt like he was living in luxury.  By 2003 most of the distribution/warehouse jobs left the city, and at his age he was lucky to find a job that paid him $7.00 per hour.  He said the only reason why he wasn’t homeless was because he paid-off his cheap mobile home in the late 1970s and was still living in it.  Many of the older Pocatellans I interviewed wondered how young adults were surviving financially.   For decades local and state level politicians promised to bring god paying jobs to the state.  In Pocatello and Chubbuck there is a covert push to make the area a warehousing/distribution hub again, but the average starting wage for such jobs is between $10 and $15 per hour.  When adjusted for inflation that’s way less than what the same jobs paid in the 1970s!

Illinois: In Moline, Ryan’s Steakhouse shutdown without warning, pissing off employees.  The restaurant was shutdown officially for an “asset inventory”, but then, the employees were told they could pick up their final paychecks!  A local TV news report said one employee was told of the layoff after she clocked-out to go home.

Kentucky: An example of what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs (REL), Carmeuse Lime and Stone eliminating 76 jobs in Maysville, blaming it on a customer who suddenly announced it will shutdown a coal fired power plant in Pennsylvania: “FirstEnergy is the largest customer for Carmeuse’s Maysville Operation and the idling of the Bruce Mansfield power generation capacity has caused a significant and abrupt decline in demand for our products. This sudden decline in demand was unexpected.”    

Minnesota: Stillwater School District shutting down three elementary schools. Interestingly administrators blame increasing enrollment!  They claim they’re shifting children out of older schools into new buildings designed to handle more students.

New York: In NYC, after 29 years never ending building remodeling by the landlord killed-off Cardiology gift store: “We lost all the morning business. It’s a struggle every month to make the rent.”-Richard Barbosa

Pennsylvania: FirstEnergy suddenly shutting down its Bruce Mansfield power generation plant, after asking PJM Interconnection to grant a surcharge rate increase to its utility customers, and after claiming it spent $450-million USD on upgrades last year.  The news of the sudden shutdown was revealed by a major supplier in Kentucky.  385 jobs threatened! 

Texas: Aluminum maker Alcoa announce more layoffs, this time a second round of layoffs at their Howmet Castings ops in Wichita Falls.  They already laid off 60 people back in January, no numbers given for this section round of job culling.

Virginia: In South Richmond, after less than six months White Horse Tavern shutdown due to lack of dinner sales.  News reports say yet another restauranteur is about to take a whack at opening an eatery in the same location.

In Richmond, low income daycare Southside Child Development Center shutting down in June: “Funders are saying that they just can’t continue to support us without us being able to support ourselves, which is a hardship when you deal with the families that we serve.”-Sheila Pleasants

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

03-04 March 2016: “unsustainable”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Potential Presidential candidate kills 1,000 jobs! 2016 kills big sales for Kroger! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 03 – 04 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

California: Saddleback Memorial Medical Center shutting down in May.  Administrators say ObamaCare has driven away so many patients that it’s now “unsustainable”.  Japan based video game maker SEGA (SEGA was created in the U.S. territory of Hawaii in 1940, where it made slot machines) revealed they eliminated an undisclosed number of jobs from their San Francisco SEGA Networks ops.

Colorado: Russia based steel oil pipe maker EVRAZ expanding their job destruction to Pueblo, 70 jobs lost to low oil and steel prices.  This is on top of the 230 jobs in Oregon.

Connecticut: In Stamford, after 50 years Pat’s Hubba Hubba restaurant shutting down by the end of the month.

Illinois: In Lake Zurich the Sears Appliance & Hardware shutting down by the end of April.  John A. Logan College eliminating 55 jobs claiming to be short $7-million USD.  Protesting students pointed out that certain departments are not suffering job losses and that school executives refused to say why.   Computer Systems Institute shutting down campuses across the state, eliminating 172 jobs between now and September!  In Chicago, Computershare issued a layoff WARN, 56 jobs lost by the end of April.  Food giant Tyson issued a shutdown WARN, 170 frozen food jobs eliminated between April and August!  In Elk Grove Village, food service company Sodexo issued a shutdown WARN, 54 jobs lost by the end of April.  Also in Elk Grove Village, Arrow Plastics shutting down after being sold-off, 165 jobs lost by mid-April! In Westmont, IlliCare Health shutting down due to loss of contract, 68 jobs lost by the end of this month.  In Bensenville, Tek-Cast issued a shutdown WARN, 119 jobs lost by mid-April! Deer Run Mine issued a layoff WARN, 84 jobs lost between March this year and January 2017 (blamed on a “natural disaster”).  Joliet Generating Station eliminating 94 jobs between April and October.  Bankrupt Sports Authority shutting down their Romeoville store in April, 66 jobs lost (for a list of all the Sports Authority stores being shutdown as part of the bankruptcy, click here).  TDC Filter shutting down their Bolingbrook factory, 91 jobs gone by the the end of this month. In Rochelle, Ryder truck rentals issued a shutdown WARN, 2-hundred jobs lost by the end of April!  The Kewanee child prison being consolidated with other prison ops, 203 jobs lost by July!

Maryland: In Amherst, beef eatery White Hut shutting down by the end of the month.  The family owners say sales have only been “modest” and not enough to justify renewing the lease.  They hope their flagship Great Depression era restaurant in West Springfield doesn’t meet the same fate.

Massachusetts: Framingham based, Mitt Romney (yep, the very same Mormon guy who’s threatening to run against Donald Trump) co-founded Staples announced it is shutting down an additional 50 stores.  Mitt Romney’s Staples has shutdown 242 North American stores in the past two years, and eliminated 1-thousand jobs between November 2015 and January 2016!

Minnesota: Dow shutting down their warehousing ops at their GMO seed factory in Olivia, 25 jobs lost.  However, GMO “Research and Development (R&D) activities will continue at the site.” 

New York: Solar equipment supplier Direct Energy shutting down their Henrietta operations, 53 jobs lost in May.  Too Big to Jail Goldman Sachs eliminating 43 jobs in May, they accuse the employees of being “under-performers”!   Berkley Publishing Group revealed they eliminated an undisclosed number of jobs last week, blaming crashing paperback book sales.  News reports say the book publisher has been eliminating jobs since Summer 2015.

Ohio: Grocery store giant Kroger warning investors that same store sales crashed in the last three months of their fiscal 2015 (for the entire year their sales were still up)!  Kroger owns stores that sell more than just food, but administrators warn that across the board sales will be down for 2016, which breaks Kroger’s record of more than 12 straight years of sales increases!  Kroger administrators blame competition, and deflation which will kill profit margins.

Oregon: The Kroger owned  Fred Meyer distribution center in Clackamas is threatening 2-hundred jobs, as Kroger decided to find a new contractor to provide the labor!

Texas: God powerless to stop ‘his’ 30 years old Central Christian Academy from shutting down. Church leaders blame The Rapture, I mean declining church membership for forcing them to sell the school property (told you before, this proves money is the true god).

Utah: British empire United Kingdom based Rio Tinto eliminating about 2-hundred jobs at their Kennecott mine, blaming low prices for metals!

Vermont: Entergy eliminating 97 jobs at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant due to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission eliminating the ten mile emergency evacuation zone.

Virginia: After 89 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) clothier Young Men’s Shop shutting down.  The owner said that despite most of his clothing being made in the U.S. more and more people buy off internet.

Washington: Seattle based retailer Nordstrom’s revealed they eliminated ten IT jobs, last week.  This is despite the fact that Nordstrom’s internet sales have gone up.

Wisconsin: OEM Fabricators laying off 34 people in Baldwin as the company shuts down in April.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

02 March 2016: “We have to remove ourselves from what once was.”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!

Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.” 

“We have to remove ourselves from what once was.” No help for those who work for God? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 02 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

What housing market recovery? “…under the new federal real estate settlement procedures that took effect late last year, an unexpected problem is taking shape: Many lenders and title companies are refusing to provide copies of the final closing documents to real estate agents representing home buyers. That, in turn, is threatening to jeopardize one of the traditional services agents perform for their clients: scrutinizing closing statements for inaccuracies that could cost them money or delay the settlement unnecessarily.”-The Washington Post

California: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high tech for your demise; Palo Alto based ‘cloud’ computing company SurveyMonkey eliminating 1-hundred jobs, saying “The products and solutions in place were not going to generate long-term value for SurveyMonkey.”  

Colorado: Just a few days after Blind Bat News was told by an unnamed Kmart employee of pending shutdown, Sears Holdings confirmed they will shut down the Fort Collins Kmart, 33 jobs lost in May.    Englewood based Sports Authority now officially chapter 11 bankrupt busted. Last month I wrote that they were shutting down 140 stores, on top of the shutdowns already conducted.

Illinois: Troubled drugs maker Abbott Laboratories about to fire U.S. workers and replace them with migrants from India: “-You have given 180 U.S. employees 60-days notice, and their last day of employment at Abbott Labs will be April 22, 2016.

-To add insult to injury, the Abbott Labs IT staff who will be laid off will first be forced to train their replacements.

You have awarded Wipro Ltd, a large Indian outsourcing firm, with a contract to take over the jobs of these American workers.

-You are offering the U.S. workers severance of a week’s pay for each year they spent at the company, but in order to receive this severance you are requiring these employees to sign away their right to sue or disparage the company. The severance packet you gave your workers contains a full-page ad listing jobs at Wipro.

-The people you are laying off have stellar experience, credentials, and performance reviews, and some have been with your company for 15-20 years.”-Dick Durbin, U.S. Senator

Maine: In Portland, God is powerless to stop economic warfare within ‘his’ own church! Non-profit Good Cause Thrift Shop being shutdown by its owner, the Catholic girls only Catherine McCauley High School, which claims it’s an economic decision.  According to Maine’s employment law, if you work for God’s non-profits you do not qualify for unemployment assistance!  A local news report revealed the employees were ordered by ‘christian’ leaders not to reveal the shutdown, but the employees basically said ‘bullshit on that’!  (that’s why we know about it)

Maryland: After 58 years Harbin Farms shutting down due to A-Hole zoning rules which will impose at least $375-thousand USD of property upgrades upon the family owners: “We’re probably going to move. We have to remove ourselves from what once was.”-Kim Taylor

Minnesota: Ferrara Candy shutting down their Winona factory and consolidating to its factory in Illinois, more than 120 Minnesota jobs lost!  

Nebraska:  In Lincoln, after 21 years Doozy’s sandwich shop shutting down: “There are a number of reasons….We have other jobs and other things happening.”-Tafe Sup Bergo, co-owner

New York: New York LaGuardia Airport Marriott hotel coming under new management, 191 jobs threatened by the end of May!  Japanese company Canon Solutions lost their contract with New York Life, 38 jobs lost by the end of May. In Saratoga Springs, after only seven months restaurant Spa City Trifecta shutting down tomorrow “Due to the fact that the restaurant is no longer permitted to use its smoker on the premises…”  Germany based Siemens Dresser-Rand eliminating jobs at their Wellsville factory, so far they won’t say how many.  

Reports that Armonk based IBM began eliminating more jobs, just a month after reducing their six month severance plan down to just one month.

Oregon: Pinnacle Workforce Logistics issued a WARN, they’re eliminating 190 jobs in Clackamas by April!

Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh-Post Gazette warned unionized employees of mass layoffs, apparently due to efforts to bribe (voluntary buyouts) more than a hundred people to quit have failed.

Tennessee: Kroger shutting down their Memphis grocery store on South Perkins, admitting they built too many Kroger stores, several within a mile of each other!

Washington: Apollo Education-University of Phoenix shutting down their Seattle operations, 46 jobs lost by the end of April.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

01 March 2016: “Our outlook for 2016 reflects the weakening in the industrial economy that began broadly impacting our businesses late last summer.” 

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed!  Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”  

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Operation Jupiter: Massive Syphilis outbreak near U.S. military base! Not 1st, 2nd or 3rd time U.S. govt spread the disease!

02 March 2016 /19:21 UTC-07 Tango 01 (13 Esfand 1394/23 Jumada al-Ula 1437/25 Xin Mao 4714)

In Nevada’s county of Clark there is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) raging out of control.  Most main streamer news sources are focusing on the famous city of Las Vegas, insinuating its the source.  But there is another source, a source which has been guilty in the past of intentionally spreading syphilis, the Christian dominated U.S. military.

Clark County is also home to Nellis Air Force Base.  The U.S. military has a nearly 1-hundred years history of playing around with sexually transmitted diseases.  Regarding syphilis, in 2010 president Barack Obama officially apologized to the people of Guatemala who were intentionally infected with syphilis, and other STDs, by U.S. government medical personnel.

Under the direction of the U.S. Public Health Service, from 1946 to 1953 the U.S. government infected more than 1-thousand people, most against their will as many were prisoners and some were children as young as ten, under the guise of developing treatments to protect U.S. military personnel from infected prostitutes.    Another 5-thousand 128 people, some as young as only one year of age, were used in antibodies studies.  U.S. military personnel from the Guatemala Air Base were also used as guinea pigs.

The sick experiment wasn’t made public until the personal documents of one of the scientist were donated to the University of Pittsburg after his death in 2003.  But wait, the Guatemala scandal wasn’t the first time your government intentionally spread the disease.

The Guatemala experiment was based on an earlier experiment on prisoners in Terre Haute, Indiana, from 1943-44.  In that case we’re supposed to believe the prisoners volunteered for the job.  Realize that 1943-44 was in the middle of the Second World War and Congress had officially declared war, which is Martial Law.  Under martial law you have no freedoms, the military is in charge an overrides the Constitution.  But wait, the Indiana prison experiment wasn’t the first time your government intentionally spread the disease.

As far as we know, the first time the U.S. government intentionally spread syphilis started in 1932.  It was called that Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, and it lasted until 1972!  It involved the ‘black’ Tuskegee University and hundreds of poor ‘black’ men.

Even though the government claimed they were providing free medical care, it was revealed that government officials refused to treat the subjects with the anti-biotic penicillin (even after it was proven to be an effective treatment).

By 1947 penicillin was the standard treatment for syphilis, yet, the U.S. Public Health Service refused to treat the infected men, even decades later.  The Tuskegee experiment ended in 1972 only after a whistleblower leaked details of it to the news media!  In 1997, president Bill Clinton officially apologized for the scandal.

Operation Jupiter: Hundreds of people exposed to AIDS and Hep B & C in U.S. hospital!

Christianity: Unity challenged by “sexual services” of church leaders! 

Terminator: Israel on verge of creating All Seeing, Knowing, Powerful satellite to control the World!

02 March 2016 (15:05 UTC-07 Tango 01) 12 Esfand 1394/22 Jumada al-Ula 1437/24 Xin Mao 4714

“And he will be established like the moon for eternity, a faithful witness in Heaven.”-Psalms 89:37, Aramaic Bible

Israeli tech company SkyFi claims it is on the verge of completing a “nano satellite” system that will be able to connect to any internet based device anywhere in the world, even locations that are currently ‘out of service’.

There are estimates that 4-billion people on Earth cannot access the internet due to lack of local service (this seems high as it would mean only 3-billion people are connected to the internet, belying all that main stream media hype about everybody being online-social media-bullshit).

The official motivation for the new all powerful eye in the sky nano satellites is to bring those 4-billion unfortunate off-gridders into the web of the beast: “We are planning to launch 60 nano-satellites that will cover the entire planet, working together in constellation that will offload tasks to each other as needed. Each satellite will cost a million dollars, so 60 nano-satellites will cost the same as one full-sized satellite, with the advantage of being able to spread them around the globe and connect them in a network that can work together.”-Raz Itzhaki Tamir,  SkyFi ceo

SkyFi claims their nano-satellites have incredibly fast communication speeds, a gigabyte per second!  That’s far faster than any satellite in orbit now: “This type of solution will conquer the market, because it addresses some of the most serious and bothersome issues for satellite operators.”-David Pollack, Spacecom ceo

A proof of concept launch will be conducted next year.  Chinese news reports said the SkyFi system could eventually think for itself, Reuters calls them “smart satellites”.  If it works then just imagine what could be done with a potentially autonomous satellite network that can access everything, everywhere on the planet!

Here’s a report that might explain Israel’s true reason for creating such a satellite system: Israeli troops relying on Waze app blunder into Palestinian area

And here’s one that might explain why the U.S. would support such a network: “‘The coordinates recorded on the GPS devices taken from the 10 U.S. marines confirmed their trespassing’ into waters off heavily-guarded Farsi island…”

Mo layoffs with no final pay! Mo oil industry BS! GEICo Gecko shafts you with Green Weenie! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 01 March 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Delaware: More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high tech for your demise; software company SevOne revealed that it eliminated about 50 jobs last week.

Florida: In Fort Lauderdale, “notorious” Tropicana Motel shutting down after 60 years.  It’s being replaced with a giant expensive hotel.

Georgia: In Albany, after five years Christian owned (Flint River Presbytery) non-profit Bare Bulb Coffee shop shutting down due to road construction that killed customer traffic.

Illinois: Chicago Public Schools laid off 62 people on Monday.  The village of University Park eliminating 50 jobs due to “Mismanagement of funds, borrowing and never paying it back. Now we have a poor rating, and we can’t borrow money.”

Indiana: Texas based Trinity Containers shutting down their Quincy ops starting in May.  72 jobs lost due to a sudden decline in demand for their propane tanks.  It should be noted that Trinity reported a record 4th quarter 2015 profit of $200-million USD!  However, administrators said despite the 2015 profit “Our outlook for 2016 reflects the weakening in the industrial economy that began broadly impacting our businesses late last summer.”

Maryland: Plastic container maker Graham Packaging shutting down its Baltimore operation,  79 jobs lost by the end of Summer.

Massachusetts: 79 jobs lost as the Fall River Kmart shuts down in May.  More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high tech for your demise; software company Avid Technology eliminating $68-million USD in jobs and services, blaming bad management decisions such as failing to keep up with new technological developments!

Mississippi: In Quitman (yep, that’s the city’s name), Solvay Biomass Energy revealed it laid off 32 people last week.  They can’t compete with cheap oil prices.

Nebraska: Omaha based job killer ‘christian’ Warren Buffett says vehicle insurance rates are going up due to increased accidents.  He should know, the insurance industry is his forte.  Buffett got his start with GEICo, which stands for Government Employees Insurance Company, in a ’round-a-bout way making his first fortune off taxpayers.

New York: In NYC, Iowa based marketing company Meredith Corporation revealed they laid off 29 people last Friday.  EmblemHealth Services shutting down their Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 82 jobs lost beginning at the end of May.   It’s blamed on a lost contract.  More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high tech for your demise; Manifest Digital shutting down its Saratoga Springs office, as a result of its merger with McMurry/TMG.

Ohio: 78 jobs lost as the Lancaster Kmart is shutting down in May. 18 jobs lost as the Dixie Highway Sears Appliance & Hardware shuts down this Friday.

Oklahoma: D&L Oil Tools laid off 78 people, blaming low oil prices.

Pennsylvania: After suddenly laying off ambulance technicians in New York, with no final paychecks, TransCare suddenly shutdown their Monroeville facility, 120 people out of work and with no paychecks!  Local TV news reports reveal even more bad news for employees. 

Rhode Island: Memorial Hospital announced it must eliminate an undisclosed number of employees, and shutdown a birthing center, a surgical department and intensive care unit.

South Carolina: 61 jobs lost as the North Augusta Kmart is shutting down by May.

Texas:  Investor’s Business Dailey issued a WARN saying at least 14 people in Plano will become jobless by the end of April.  Luminant Mining Company issued multiple WARNs, 80 jobs lost by the end of April.  Denmark based Maersk Drilling laid off 35 people in Houston. Also in Houston, Boeing plans to layoff at least 15 people by the end of April.  Grapevine based oil field service company Green Hunter Resources now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

Virginia: In Radford, after 17 years Wade’s Foods shutting down, the owner blames skyrocketing costs and competition with big corporate stores, more than 50 jobs lost.  Local news says plans to shutdown were made last year.

Washington DC:  U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA) reporting that despite the tens of thousand of U.S. oil industry layoffs and hundreds of rig shutdowns, U.S. oil production in the Gulf of Mexico will hit record levels in 2017.  The EIA expects Gulf of Mexico production to hit 1.9mbd (million barrels per day), and that’s separate from the Obama regime’s plan to authorize a 45 million acre expansion of oil operations in the Gulf!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

28 -29 February 2016: “took a knife and cut my heart out”

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Syrian ‘Ceasefire’ False Flag calm before U.S. invasion Storm! NATO Turkey strikes Syrian Christians? Iran is ready for War!

01 March 2016 (07:13 UTC-07 Tango 01) 11 Esfand 1394/21 Jumada al-Ula 1437/23 Xin Mao 4714

“It was discussed two weeks ago in Brussels…   …Once this is organized, and decided how many troops and how they will go and where they will go, we will participate in that.”-Brigadier General Ahmed Asseri, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia discussing U.S. led NATO invasion plans for Syria

It’s not just generals of U.S. ally Kingdom of Saudi Arabia admitting to a done-deal-U.S.-NATO invasion of Syria, but Iran’s war office says the whole Russian/U.S. imposed ‘ceasefire’ is a pretext to get rid of the elected Syrian government, and warns of all out regional war: “The Americans’ objective in supporting ceasefire in Syria is not benign, and their main aim is to change the legitimate government in the country. The Americans failed to remove Bashar Assad through the war waged by their proxies. They have now taken the issue to the UN Security Council and decided that Assad must not remain in power and a hand-picked American regime is installed. The Islamic Republic of Iran is absolutely opposed to the Americans’ plan.”-Ali-Akbar Velayati, adviser to Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Ayatollah is the Commander in Chief of Iran’s military

The Russian’s accuse the Obama regime’s so called “Plan B” as being nothing more than False Flag ops to violate the ceasefire to justify U.S.-NATO intervention: “As for Plan B, we know that our American colleagues and especially their security agencies would devise various scenarios in case of this or that development……to disrupt the [ceasefire] process that has begun.”-Sergei Ryabkov, Deputy Foreign Minister

Russian news media covering the war in northern Syria/Rojava reporting new artillery strikes coming from NATO member Turkey.  About eight artillery rounds impacted near the town of Kessab (Kesseb), Latakia Province.  Kessab has a large Armenian Orthodox Christian   population, who have strong connections to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Syrian military says the artillery was being fired by U.S., U.K., Israeli, Saudi created Al-Nusra Front from the Turkish side of the border.  There are reports that journalists from Bulgaria, Canada and China are among the wounded.

Reporters noted that the area targeted by the artillery in Turkey not only had Syrian military forces, but Russian military advisors.  Latakia Province is also home to a Russian Navy port, as well as the air base used by the Russian Air Force.  Only civilians and journalists were hit: “We spoke to local residents, they spoke about their hopes for peace, and it all changed in the blink of an eye, we heard what could be artillery fire, or maybe they were grenades. Everybody fell to the floor.”-Boris Kuznetsov, reporter

It should be questioned why an area with a largely Armenian Christian population, with connections to Russia, is constantly being targeted by insurgents coming from NATO-Turkey (and don’t forget Turkish genocide against Armenians 101 years ago, which Turkey still denies).

Yemeni Mujahideen with a French made Leclerc tank, which they captured from invading Saudi forces.

NATO Turkey reveals plan to annex northern Syria, Rojava!

“took a knife and cut my heart out” Landlords stab tenants in the back! “wild swings in currency” killing shoe stores? : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 28 – 29 February 2016

Incomplete list of job loss announcements and shutdowns.

Alabama: ‘Elected lawmakers’ have shit-canned a proposal to increase minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.  The minimum wage increase was an attempt by the ‘lawmakers’ of the city of Birmingham to increase living standards for the residents, but state level ‘lawmakers’ stepped in and passed their own law forbidding cities from setting their own wage standards!

California: Ojai Unified School District is deciding the fate of five elementary schools due to what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome and (this is so typical of California) the school’s property values!  Local news reports say greedy school administrators have already met with local real estate agents about selling off the schools!  By the way, last year it was discovered that embezzlement was being conducted by some Ojai district employees.  A reader, and Kmart employee, says the City of Commerce Kmart is shutting down. Several district managers for California Kmarts have been laid off as well.

Colorado: A Kmart employee in California notified Blind Bat News that Sears Holdings plans on shutting down another Kmart in The Centennial State.  Yet another Denver restaurant shutdown.  After 12 years popular Gypsy House Cafe shutting down mid-March due to the greedy property owners selling out without warning the operators of the Cafe.

Connecticut:  Fairfield based federal tax dodger General Electric (GE) just admitted its mass U.S. job culling (through off-shoring of jobs, layoffs and selling their assets) has resulted in their lowest level of U.S. employment in more than two decades!   In 2015 alone GE eliminated 11-thousand U.S. jobs!  GE says it currently employs 125-thousand U.S. citizens, a number not see since 1993! And great news for investors; GE plans to continue to U.S. job destruction!

Florida: Troubled Aramark issued a shutdown WARN for its Florida Gulf Coast University ops, 288 jobs lost by May!  Aramark has been downgraded by investment analysts, and an Aramark prison food service supervisor in Michigan was sentenced to prison time for hiring a prisoner to attack another prisoner!   

Illinois: Local news reports say Chicago Public Schools is expected to begin ‘mid-year’ mass layoffs, today.  Western Illinois University eliminating an additional 1-hundred jobs!  They laid off 30 people in January.  Unconfirmed reports to Blind Bat News that Hoffman Estates based Sears Holdings is shifting most full time employees to part time, calling it a necessary “realignment”!  Also, district and regional management jobs across the country are being consolidated, hundreds of managers will become unemployed!  Without warning, Chicago based Starcom MediaVest Group laid off 80 people.  Administrators called the layoff ‘routine’, implying it had nothing to due with the loss of a major client; Walmart.

Indiana: Traderbakers flea-market in Evansville shutdown after the building they were in was sold out from under their feet.  Yes, even their lease was sold to a major corporation who then said ‘get out’!

Maryland: In Arlington, after five years Tweet Tweet toy store shutting down for “personal reasons”.

Michigan: Battle Creek based shoe seller Wolverine Worldwide announced they must shutdown 1-hundred stores in 2016, that’s on top of the 104 stores they shutdown in 2015!  Their brands include Stride Rite, Merrell, Sperry, and Saucony, and now dead Patagonia Footwear and Cushe.  They also sell the Sebago brand of shoes loved by British empire princess Kate, and their CAT brand shoes are even promoted by the false working class spokesman Mike Rowe.  Interestingly Wolverine Worldwide reported “Performance of our retail stores has improved significantly…”, but blamed the mass store shutdowns on currency wars for “wild swings in currency” that they think will adversely affect their revenues. This is because of where their shoes are made versus where they sell them.  What automotive industry recovery? In what I call Ripple Effect Layoffs, Grand Rapids Plastics eliminating 85 jobs due to the loss of a major customer; Fiat Chrysler.

New Jersey: Enclara Health issued a WARN for their West Deptford operations, at least 1-hundred jobs lost by May!

New York: What automotive industry recovery? In Massena Hamilton’s Automotive Service Center shutting down due to a greedy landlord: “Our building was sold from under us that we faithfully paid and kept up for the past 8 years. It saddens me cause of the loyal and faithful friends and customers we have grown to know and like. It feels like someone took a knife and cut my heart out…”-Kevin Hamilton

North Carolina: In Durham, after 12 years restaurant City Beverage shutdown. Local news reports say the owners have failed to pay $1-million USD in state & federal taxes!  

Two Hawk Employment Services being sued, accused of illegal pre-employment medical inquiries and then using the information to destroy job applications and deny employment!  The accusation comes from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Two Hawk Employment is a privately owned company.

Ohio: The city of Niles eliminated 12 jobs, including most of its police detective positions.

South Dakota: God powerless to stop the shutdown-consolidation of 41 of ‘his’ churches!!!   The Catholic Diocese of Sioux City will begin the drastic operation in Summer 2017, blaming The Rapture, I mean declining membership which results in declining revenues, inadvertently revealing their true god is money.  Some of the surviving consolidated churches won’t even operate on a weekly bases!

Texas: In Dallas, after less than a year restaurant Hickory & Fry shutdown.  Apparently residents of Dallas-Fort worth can’t handle the concept of a tapas bar (reports say it was the only one).  Houston base food distribution giant Sysco says they have to kill more jobs, this time 1-thousand 2-hundred employees will become unemployed over the next 15 months!  Administrators say the economic environment is forcing them to find ways to increase profits without relying on sales (because sales suck).

Virginia: After 137 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions), more proof the true god is money as the Belle Haven Presbyterian Church announced it will shutdown after the ‘pagan’ Ishtar inspired holiday of Easter: “It’s for sale, someone can turn it into a restaurant if they want to.”-Nancy Bunce, church treasurer

Washington: Maslow Media Group shutting down their Seattle ops by the end of April.

Washington DC: Proof we’re in a deflationary depression?  The U.S. Postal Service is dropping the price of a postage stamp for the first time in 97 years, or is it?  In April the cost of a Forever stamp might drop from 49 cents to 47 cents.  I must point out that the last price increase was only temporary and that time has expired, which is why it should be coming down. However, postal officials are actually begging Congress not to go forward with the price drop.        The president of the United States, Barack Obama, claims his first ‘real’ job was scooping ice cream in Hawaii: “…it taught me some valuable lessons: Responsibility. Hard work. Balancing a job with friends, family, and school.”  My first real jobs (after graduating High School a year early) were part time as a 12F (MOS no longer exists, consolidated with 12B) in the California Army National Guard and as a full time civilian contracted bombing range technician at Edwards AFB!  So Obama becomes president and now I’m unemployed! What does that teach me?

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

27 February 2016: “They are laying off workers, cutting out their hours, their pay and their rights, and now they can no longer afford living!”-Stephanie Padilha, American Apparel employee 

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

Idaho Mormon ‘lawmaker’ says Rape & Incest won’t get you pregnant!

28 February 2016 /22:15 UTC-07 Tango 01 (10 Esfand 1394/20 Jumada al-Ula 1437/22 Geng Yin 4714)

The true ‘beast’ is Christianity!

A highly rated Right to Work (you over) ‘christian lawmaker’, from southern Idaho, straight up said rape and incest will not get the victim pregnant “because of the trauma of the situation”!   Pete Nielsen then explained he read that claim years ago, but can’t remember we’re it came from.  I can tell you where he read that bullshit!  It’s an old Mormon belief, I’ve heard it from frustrated ex-Mormon co-workers when I worked at the Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck.

Those co-workers were discussing how they are the creation of adultery and were “shipped off” to eastern Idaho Mormon families  by their adulterous Utah parents.  It was part of an LDS program decades ago in which babies born in Utah, as a result of incest or adultery, were adopted out to Mormon families in eastern Idaho.  My co-workers also said it is why the per capita rate of people with genetic problems is so high in eastern Idaho.

The ‘honorable’ Pete Nielsen voted to ban local municipalities for raising the minimum wage.  He abstained from voting on the Girl Scout cookie tax repeal.  Increased fuel tax and vehicle registration fees.  He is endorsed by a ‘christian’ group called Idaho Chooses Life.      The American Conservative Union rates him 83%.  Idaho State Independent Living Council rates him 80%.  Idaho Freedom Foundation rates him 91%.

For more proof of Mormon sexual bullshit, here’s some links to stuff I didn’t write:

Utah Mormon Missionaries Rape 12 Years Old Girl

For College-Age Mormons, Sexual Violence Is a Religious Problem

In the Fundamentalist Mormon Church Rape Is the Only Path to Childbirth


When there is abuse and incest and the Bishop is told and does nothing, it feels like being abused all over again. My now ex husband(by the way who is a current temple card carrying member)was removed from the house for domestic violence. That following day my bishop at the time called me to hear my side(he was friendly with my ex). Later the bishop had me interviewed in his office and told me that he could not do anything until the court made a decision and basically his hands were tied. Well, I later told him my ex plead no contest and was ordered to do the domestic violence classes. The bishop said that he was no longer a member of his ward and nothing could be done about it.
Then my daughter was doing visitations with him per Utah parent time codes. My ex was sexually abusing her during his parent time. At four years old she told me that her daddy was licking her private parts and peeing on her. DCFS found him guilty, and the whole court system is messed up in regards to them more worried about parent time than the welfare of the child. As a mom, because there are sick people out for revenge against their ex’s, it makes validation extremely difficult and I was constantly treated as if I was out for revenge because of the divorce etc…My ex’s other daughter from a previous marriage tried to commit suicide when my daughters abuse came into the open. This other daughter of his was finding it hard to live with the sexual assaults by her father and the effect it was having on her life. In Utah you can basically have sexual relations with your child as long as you don’t leave DNA or tear up the child who is under the age of 6 because they are to young to put into the court setup. To this day, not one action has been done within the Mormon church against this man, and it is just another way to abuse the victim. I am having my records removed and am on my way to another state. I am snubbed because I don’t go to church since all of this has occured, and the more I have found sick and wrong within this church. My ex is doing all he can to push his parental rights, my daughter vomits every time she finds out she has to see him for supervised parent time. And I am having to mess with the court system to move.

Heavenly Incest believed by older generations of LDS men  

Joseph Smith always publicly condemned polygamy (calling it ‘a false and damnable doctrine’), and denied he was a polygamist. But secretly he married his own foster-daughters; the Lawrence sisters, Maria and Sarah, ages 16 and 14. He secretly married women already married to other men….When a ‘wife’ got pregnant he quickly married them off to another man.

“…Jim Bob failed to hold his son Josh accountable for sexually assaulting four of his underage sisters….plus an additional underage female victim…” 

But don’t worry, it’ not just Mormons:

Christian U.S. military behind child porn and sex abuse! 

Idaho Christians call cops to arrest girl exercising her 1st Amendment Rights! 

Muslim mother of 5 children stabbed to death, California Christian killer left note 

Texas Christians murder U.S. soldier for refusing Christianity! 

Christian Audience cheers Christian governor Rick Perry’s Texas execution record 

Christian Mennonites used animal drugs to gang rape their own women 

More reasons why Christianity is The Beast:

call for Christian Unification & Crusade Against Muslims 2016

Pope & Patriarch officially call for new Christian Crusade against Muslims!!! 

Catholic & Orthodox churches to unite, thanks to Islamic State!

BYU Idaho bans men’s hairstyle! Proof of false Christians! 

French Christians ban Syrian Christians!

‘Christians’ tempting Fate by tempting their God!

Christians continue to throw their cash to the Money Changers in the Temple! 

poll shows most U.S. Christians support genocide by Jew! 

Christians join cops demanding gun owners “giveback” their guns, in exchange for a gottdamned flower!

Idaho Christians ban book about Native Americans!

Tens of thousand of mostly Christians killed in the name of ‘christian’ U.S. instigated False Flag Drug War in Mexico!

Pope Francis says ideological Christians are sick in the head!

Radical Christians controling U.S. nuke arsenal?

Even Egyptian Christians denounce the United States!