Tag Archives: China

To Destroy U.S. Dollar: Yet another U.S. ‘ally’ abandons U.S. dollar for Chinese Yuan! China blames USD for bad economy!

01 December 2014 (12:38 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Safar 1436/10 Azar 1393/11 Bing-Zi 4712

“If the won-yuan market matures, transaction costs for the two currencies will fall and the bilateral trade will rise, contributing to economic growth for both countries.”-Lee Ju-yeol, Bank of Korea

An east Asian ally of the United States, Korea (south), has stopped using the U.S. dollar for international trade deals!  At least when it comes to buying products from China.

The Bank of Korea has begun officially trading in Chinese yuan (aka renminbi), and admitted it was to get away from the U.S. dollar!  The Republic of Korea’s won to People’s Republic of China’s yuan trading system was test run last week.

The Bank of Korea has approved 12 smaller Korean banks to directly trade won for yuan.

Chinese administrators said that under the old U.S. dollar (USD) system converting from one local currency to the USD then back to another local currency actually doubled the cost of the products purchased.  In other words, the USD is a main reason why the World economy sucks!

Anybody notice the main streamer U.S. news media rarely (if ever) talks about the World’s rejection of the U.S. dollar?

Germany & Russia fully embrace Chinese Yuan!

World War 3 Afghanistan, 05 – 09 November 2014: U.S. Army ‘loses’ $420-million worth of equipment, which turns up in the hands of Islamic State! Operation Twinkie can’t save original Twinkie factory! Government admits ‘civilians’ killed by Mujahideen were anything but! More Vets being killed in the U.S.!

Helmand Province: In Nawa District, battles killed at least 16 people and wounded two.

Jawzjan Province: In Aqcha District, reports say two men not from the province were ‘executed’ by vigilantes for unknown reasons.  Some reports say the two men were executed by Mujahideen for being traitors.

Kabul Province: In Kabul City, a Kamikaze bomber managed to get into the police chief’s office and blow up.  At least one person killed and six wounded.  Police say the bomber was dressed in a “civilian suit”.  Prosecutors have declared the nearly $1-billion USD Kabul Bank scandal “resolved” after recovering only $300-million of the stolen international taxpayer funds!  Investigators claim they know where another $600-million in assets are located.  At Camp Morehead the new NATO secretary general,  Jens Stoltenberg, told Afghan military personnel “… you will not stand alone. NATO and our partners will continue to support you…”  But just in case, the President of Russia has once again told the Afghan government that if the U.S.-NATO fully withdraws, and the Afghanistan government still needs outside military help then Russia is there for them.

Kapisa Province: A 38 years old female teacher killed herself.  Relatives say the stress of the U.S. occupation was too much for her.  Ministry of Health administrators say at least 9-thousand people killed themselves in the past year!

Paktia Province: For years the U.S. puppet government in Afghanistan has accused Mujahideen of deliberately targeting civilians, a claim Mujahideen have denied.  Now, for the first time puppet government administrators admit that many ‘civilians’ killed by Mujahideen were actually government agents, officials or security contractors!  Most recently in Zurmat District Mujahideen executed 11 people for being government spies.  The U.S. controlled puppet government initially said they were all “civilians murdered” by Mujahideen.  Now, government administrators admitting the men were indeed contracted security personnel.  If you work for the government, even as a contractor, you are no longer a civilian!

Takhar Province: A woman was arrested for killing her one year old child.  Police are investigating to see if it was due to domestic violence or extreme poverty created by the U.S. occupation.

China has delivered $1-million worth of equipment to Afghanistan, ostensibly to fight the record levels of opium production under the U.S. occupation.

The NATO member and closet wannabe British empire member Kingdom of Norway has pledged even more taxpayer funding for Afghanistan.  This time $110-million for 2015.

In the British empire United Kingdom, a three time veteran of the Afghan occupation was beaten up when he tried to save a taxi driver from being assaulted, then, when he showed up in court to testify against his attackers the judge ordered him to remove his military awards from his jacket!  To add insult to injury, the A-hole judge allowed the two accused to continue wearing poppies, which they claimed proved their support for veterans!

The U.S. Department of Defense estimates that so far this year 4634 Afghan puppet government personnel were killed fighting for the United States.  Last year it was about 43-hundred government personnel killed.  And don’t forget all the civilians that governments don’t count, so that’s at least ten thousand Afghans per year being sacrificed for the United States!  And you silly ‘American’ taxpayers still don’t think Afghans have sacrificed enough for your ‘security’?

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) revealed that the U.S. Army officially lost $420-million worth of equipment in Afghanistan, just in fiscal year 2013!!!  Russian news sources say it’s probably even more than that, and that most of it wound up in the hands of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, which would explain their sudden and heavily armed appearance in 2013.

In the U.S. state of Idaho, two Afghan occupation vets died when their Idaho Army National Guard AH-64 Apache gunship went down near Gowen Field in Boise (probably in the OTA).  The two men were senior warrant officers, with decades of helicopter experience.  The cause of the crash is currently unknown.

In the U.S. state of Missouri Operation Twinkie, lead by the mom of a National Guardsman deployed to Afghanistan, gave a lot of deployed militia personnel high fructose corn syrup ‘sugar’ rushes, but did nothing to stop Hostess from shutting down the original Twinkie factory in Schiller Park, Illinois.   Last year mom led Operation Twinkie raised enough donations to send at least 2-thousand boxes of Twinkies and cupcakes to Guard personnel in Afghanistan.  This year Op Twinkie is trying to beat last year’s number of boxes shipped, but Hostess has already killed 400 jobs by shutting down their Schiller Park factory in October!

Afghanistan, 01 – 04 November 2014: Obama helps Iran make money!

Obama tells another big lie: Off shoring U.S. jobs creates U.S. jobs?

10 November 2014 (02:46 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Muharram 1436/19 Aban 1393/18 Yi-Hai 4712

At today’s meeting of APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) leaders, Barack Obama straight up said that the creation (off-shored from United States?) of billions of jobs in the Asia Pacific region “supports millions of jobs in America”!

In 2012, a Economic Policy Institute report revealed that between 2001 and 2011 an impressive 2.7-million U.S. jobs were off-shored to China!  That’s 2.7-million jobs destroyed, not “supported” mister ‘president’, within the United States!

In 2011, the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation estimated that the adoption of new standardized business leasing rules, between Asia, North America and Europe, could kill off another 190-thousand to 3.3-million U.S. jobs!  (is this the real reason traditional brick-n-mortar stores are being shutdown?)

Apparently the Obama regime thinks by making things easier for Asian countries to do business with the U.S. that it will result in more U.S. jobs.  Anybody remember NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?  Remember the independent presidential candidate who said there would be a “Giant sucking sound” of jobs going to Mexico?  Turns out that NAFTA was directly responsible for killing off 1-million jobs in the United States!

A recent report says not only did NAFTA not keep any of its promises for U.S. workers, but it actually did the reverse; it destroyed the U.S. economy.  The report warns of even more dire consequences as a result of the new Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The TPP is one of many trade deals being considered by the United States and APEC.

During Obama’s APEC speech, on 10 November 2014, he repeated a false claim that he made the day before during a CBS Face the Nation interview: “…we’ve created more jobs in the United States than every other advanced economy combined since I came into office.”

Obama is insane!  He’s obviously suffering from what I call Marie Antoinette-ism.  She’s the queen who had her head cut off because she actually thought the French economy was great, even though starving and dying mothers and their children littered the streets of Paris!

According to a Tampa Bay Times report, Barack Obama isn’t even close to being correct about his claim to have “created more jobs in the United States than every other advanced economy combined”!

The journalists used International Monetary Fund data to show that the U.S. has not created more jobs than other ‘advanced’ economies, in fact it’s the other-way-round!

Why is the president of the United States so incredibly out of touch?

World War 3 Afghanistan, 29 – 31 October 2014: China gives away even more! Millions in U.S. taxes continue to disappear, with proof the U.S. is creating a prison planet! U.S. will use Afghanistan as FOB against China, Russia & Iran! Rare vampires make appearance!

Kabul Province: Near Kabul City, the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan’s Reconstruction (SIGAR) discovered that $10-million USD in taxes meant for the expansion of the Pol-e-Charkhi prison, disappeared!   Supposedly the money was given to a company based in the U.S. ally nation of Qatar (Al Watan Construction Company aka AWCC).  SIGAR investigated the fraud when independent journalists documented the haphazard construction work on video.  To show you that the Obama regime is behind the creation of a prison planet, the Pol-e-Charkhi prison expansion project came at the request of the U.S. Department of failed State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.  In Kabul City, a hand grenade exploded at a checkpoint in the 5th police district, three civilians wounded.  The Kabul Police Department has now declared the private ownership of military/police uniforms to be illegal.  Stores selling uniforms must hand them over to the police.   In another part of the city, a wrestling champion was assassinated. And in another part of the city, a Tae Kwon-do champion was also assassinated. Police say they have no clues as to who is killing off national athletes.   NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) revealed one of their personnel was killed, however they refuse to give details, other than claiming it was not from combat.

Afghan news media reporting that Afghans are being recruited to fight for both the Islamic State in Syria, and for the government of Syria.  It’s estimated that 3-thousand Afghans are fighting each other in Syria.

The Wildlife Conservation Society reports a rare vampire deer has appeared in Afghanistan.  It’s a type of musk deer, instead of antlers it grows saber tooth cat like fangs.  The last documentation of the fanged musk deer in Afghanistan was 60 years ago.  It is considered an endangered species.

Kandahar Province: In Maiwan District, once again, government officials say Mujahideen blew themselves up by accident while making bombs.  Three people killed.

Kunar Province: Government officials say 11 artillery rounds fired from Pakistan impacted in Sarkano District, wounding two women.

Logar Province: After a year and a half, Mujahideen released a Russian helicopter pilot they captured.  They said it was because he became sick, and he promised never to work in Afghanistan again: “…due to health reasons and after reaching an understanding with the concerned country and after taking an oath that he shall never work with the Kabul regime in Afghanistan under any pretext but shall immediately leave for his country….Similarly, a solemn promise was also taken from his Afghan counterpart that he shall never carry out activities detrimental to the Mujahideen and in support of the invaders.”-Mujahideen/Taliban/Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan statement

Russia’s Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation has announced the U.S. taxpayer funded deal to deliver 63 Russian made Mil 17V-5 helicopters has been fulfilled.  But there’s still another 12 U.S. made helicopters on the way.

The British empire Australian Department of Defence has declared Afghanistan to be safe, justifying a cut in its combat pay for Diggers.  But wait, the cut in pay also applies to those Diggers now being sent to fight Islamic State in Iraq!

China has promised the new Obama regime puppets, now controlling the government of Afghanistan, $327-million in additional aid through 2017!  That’s on top of the $81-million being paid out this fiscal year.  The Obama regime is happy: “China’s view of engaging in Afghanistan over the course of these past few years has really changed significantly, and in our view, in a very positive direction. It’s a real demonstration of China’s commitment to Afghanistan, to its role in the region and one that we greatly welcome.”-unnamed U.S. Department of failed State official, quoted by Reuters

California U.S.A. based Afghan-Pakistan think tank, New World Strategies Coalition (NWSC), says the U.S. will keep military/intelligence personnel in-country, to use Afghanistan as a Forward Operating Base to spy on other countries: “Afghanistan used to be a ‘buffer state’ and will now be transformed into an ‘observation tower’. It is in a perfect strategic location for the United States to monitor nuclear Iran, nuclear Pakistan, Russia and China.”-Khalil Nouri, co-founder NWSC

The U.S. state of South Carolina has declared they have no Guard personnel deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, and they’re glad: “It’ll the first time now in a little over a decade that all those soldiers and airmen will be back on American soil, it’s real good news for us.”– Brigadier General R. Van McCarty

About 24 militia-personnel of the Army National Guard’s 814th Medical Company Area Support (North Dakota U.S.A.) returned from Afghanistan.  The unit has been slowly returning home since the beginning of the year.

About ten militia-personnel of the Army National Guard’s Fixed Wing Operational Support Airlift Command Detachment 18 (New Hampshire U.S.A.) deploying to Afghanistan.

Influenza Update, 17 October 2014: Deadly Flu is spreading fast in the United States, a 4th death! More vaccine shortages! U.S. Army conducts mass vaccinations!

China: A report published in Cell Research says honeysuckle tea can fight influenza, and maybe ebola.

Qatar: For the first time U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-Southwest Asia of the 3rd Medical Command (Deployment Support) Operational Command Post (Forward) conducted three days of mass influenza vaccinations of U.S. military personnel.

United Kingdom:  London and Middlesex reporting cases of influenza A.

United States: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, North Dakota and New Hampshire join Idaho, Montana, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and North Carolina in reporting flu cases.

Illinois reporting a four years old boy died from flu, making him the 4th victim of the U.S. 2014-15 flu season.  It happened fast, his mother had given him ibuprofen and he finally fell asleep, but never woke up.  Health officials say the other children in the family are now sick.  Health officials also ordered police who responded to the home to decontaminate themselves!

Iowa reported cases in three counties.   There are no Iowa health laws that require medical care providers to report influenza cases to state or federal officials.

In Florida, a man first thought to have ebola actually has the flu.  He was treated at Holmes Regional Medical Center.

USA Today has tips on how to tell the difference between the symptoms of flu and ebola.

The Michigan Department of Community Health reports cases of H1N1, H3N2 and influenza B.

Health officials in Missouri reporting a shortage of nasal spray vaccines for children.  Forest Park Pediatrics reports they are out of nasal spray vaccines.  New shipments aren’t expected until mid to late November.

And what about all those PSAs and news media reports begging sick workers to stay home?  When I was younger I remember always being screamed at by my bosses, over the phone, whenever I called in sick.  In Tennessee, the yearly Staples Annual Flu Survey reports that 60% of workers go to work sick with flu, and it’s the fault of the employer: “In my experience, employers expect you to be there no matter what. So for a lot of those people, it isn’t an option.”-Karen Milliner, former data management worker

Various state public school officials are asking parents to keep their sick kids home.  However, there’s a Catch 22 if your kid misses too many days; the school loses taxpayer funding, unless you get a doctor’s excuse for your sick kid.

Remember, Idaho was the first U.S. state to report flu deaths, followed by North Carolina.  


World War 3: Iraq has proof Islamic State issued Chinese guided anti-aircraft missiles from U.S. backed Qatar!

10 October 2014 (03:08 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/18 Mehr 1393/17 Jia-Xu 4712

Iraq’s Ministry of Defense reports that one of their Russian made Mil Mi-35M Hind gunships was shot down by so called Islamic State insurgents, with guided missiles given to them by U.S. ally Qatar!  Also, a U.S. made Bell 407 was shot down!

The missiles are made in China and are called FN-6.



Reports say Qatar delivered two shipments of Chinese FN-6 missiles to Islamic State in Syria, where U.S. backed anti-Syrian government insurgents used them to shoot down Syrian aircraft.  Today’s report from Iraq (and published by Jane’s) is the first time Iraqi aircraft have been shot down by Islamic State using Chinese missiles supplied by U.S. allies.

The Iraqi Mi-35M was shot down on 03 October 2014, and the Iraqi Bell 407 was shot down on 08 October.  The U.S. created ‘Islamic State’ has also posted pics of their Iraqi shoot downs to the internet.

U.S…..directing Islamic State for future biological attack!

World War 3: Japan & U.S. create “Grey Zone” war zones! Vague justifications for war with China!

08 October 2014 (12:27 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/16 Mehr 1393/15 Jia-Xu 4712

The defense departments of United States and Japan just concluded another round of war planning, and the main focus seemed to be the fleshing out of what they’ve been calling Grey Zones.

These are described as non-combative “infringement” upon geographic areas  and air space that are in dispute as to who has legal control, or any non-combative ‘perceived’ infringement against “national security”.  Basically these so called Grey Zones could be used as justification for war with China.

Sun Tzu (Sun Zi) once taught that when a country becomes weak internally they compensate by saber rattling, or even going to war.

The Japan-U.S. Grey Zone excuse as been in the planning for years now, initiated by Japan, and it is aimed directly at China.  Defense planners have openly blamed the need for such saber rattling on the economic demise of the United States: “Based upon a strategic assessment that portrays the US in relative decline and international public goods (the high seas, including exclusive economic zones, airspace, outer space and cyberspace) deteriorating, Japan has placed new emphasis on developing its own capability to deter China in the ‘gray zones’ of disputed territories and waters near its southern island chain.”-JAPAN’S 2010 NATIONAL DEFENSE PROGRAM GUIDELINES: COPING WITH THE “GREY ZONES”, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies April 2011

U.S. and Japanese military officials say they will publicize a new finalized defense cooperation agreement by the end of 2014.  It appears Japan is adopting the vague U.S. excuse of ‘national security’ for their war plans.

‘Security’ is a vague intangible concept.  What makes one person feel secure makes another person feel insecure.  Nearly half the people of the United States are against owning of guns by fellow citizens, which actually violates a primary Constitutional Right of being a U.S. citizen.  The anti-gun half of the U.S. population constantly state that they would feel more ‘secure’ if guns were banned, except when it comes to guns for the sadistic police.

The other half of U.S. citizens point out that the sole reason why the founders of the United States made the radical and still Revolutionary decision to allow gun ownership by citizens was precisely for maintaining ‘security’ of not only individuals, but for the entire country and even against those sadistic cops!

Pale Horse, October 2014: Ebola, Entero, MERS, Noro, just want to remind everybody in the Northern Hemisphere it’s the start of the annual killer Flu Season as well! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha!

“I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.”-Revelation 6:8

World War 3: European Union Joins China to destroy U.S. dollar!

30 September 2014 (05:09 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/08 Mehr 1393/07 Gui-You (9th month) 4712

Today, China and European Union (EU) begin trading each other’s currencies directly, circumventing the almighty U.S. dollar!

Greece joins China to destroy the U.S. dollar!

Germany joins China to destroy U.S. dollar!


Total collapse!

British Empire joins Russia to destroy U.S. dollar!

“Your tyranny I was part of is now cracking on every side. And your own life is in danger, your empire is on fire!”-Gripped by Fear by Front 242, 1991

World War 3 Africa: France joins Obama Regime, will establish new military bases under the False Flag of fighting Ebola! Blame Charles de Gaulle?

19 September 2014 (16:00 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/28 Shahrivar 1393/27 Gui-You 4712

As part of France’s responsibilities towards Africa to set up a hospital in the coming days in the forests of Guinea, in the heart of the outbreak.”-François Gérard Georges Nicolas Hollande, 24th president of 5th Republic of France

“Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third power.”– Jacques René Chirac, 22nd president of 5th Republic of France

“Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century.”-François Maurice Adrien Marie Mitterand, 21st president of 5th Republic of France

What Hollande failed to mention is that hospital is a military hospital that will be part of a new French military expansion in Guinea (not to be confused with its neighbor Guinea-Bissau or Equatorial Guinea).

Just what does Hollande mean when he says it’s part of “France’s responsibilities towards Africa”?

Is he referring to the French court established fact that French oil company Elf Aquitaine (Elf Petroleum, now known as Total) deliberately incited civil wars in west African countries because it made access to oil dirt cheap?  (see also Oil and War: The Case of Elf in Congo and Angola)

Or, is he talking about France’s decades long efforts to retain direct control over its former African colonies?

France already has a military base in Guinea, but is set on expanding it, and that new hospital is part of the expansion.  But did you know France has imposed a ‘independence tax’ on the people of Guinea?

Guinea declared independence from French colonial rule in 1958, and Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (1st president of the 5th Republic of France which he founded in 1958 [note that this is when French controlled colonies began demanding independence], and co-prince of Andorra)  responded by destroying all the economic infrastructure France had built up in Guinea.  As a result at least 13 other French African colonies agreed to pay a perpetual tax to France to guarantee that France would maintain their economic infrastructure in exchange for ‘independence’.  The French call the tax ‘repayment of colonial debt’.

Mawuna Remarque Koutonin wrote a detailed article explaining that France has been behind most of the civil destruction in western African countries, as a way to control them through chaos:
“In fact, during the last 50 years, a total of 67 coups happened in 26 countries in Africa, 16 of those countries are french ex-colonies, which means 61% of the coups happened in Francophone Africa.”

Most of those coups were against new African governments who were about to stop their “colonial debt” ‘reparations’.  The discovery, since the 1990s, of potentially huge petroleum reserves which just happen to be in, or just offshore from, ‘former’ French colonies is now the driving force behind the return of European Imperialism in Africa.

Don’t forget that I wrote about how many Liberians believe the ebola outbreak is a False Flag to justify the return of western imperialist domination of Africa.  It should also be noted that at the beginning of the current outbreak many doctors stated that the ebola they were fighting was not like any previous strain of ebola known at that time.

Now go and read the book Guns, Germs and Steel (one of many books that try to wake up the general public to such warfare) to see that imperialist powers (now known as Globalists) deliberately used diseases to kill off thousand of people in order to conquer new territory.  (this is known as Biological Warfare in military terms, part of the NBC or Nuclear, Biological, Chemical ops)


War on Terror is really Christian ‘West’ trying to destroy Muslim ‘East’? Or, is it oil? 


preps for oil war with China!

G8….Reveals Global goals through Africa conquest! 

proof that Obama is an oil man