Tag Archives: China

MERS: China & U.S. claim to have cure! Death in Germany! 6-thousand+ people now under Medical Martial law!

17 June 2015 (01:39 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Kordad 1394/29 Sha’ban 1436/02 Ren-Wu (5th month) 4713

The virus has not yet behaved any differently to what has been observed in the Middle East, it is still only spreading in hospital settings and has not fulfilled the conditions of community transmission.”Christian Lindmeier, UN World Health Organization

A 65 years old Middle East Respiratory Syndrome victim died in a Lower Saxony hospital, in Germany.  German health administrators are now claiming the man did not die from the virus itself, but secondary infections.  They say the man got sick while in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).  So far 2-hundred Germans have been tested for MERS.

KSA reports the death of a 77 years old man from MERS.

Confirmed number of MERS cases in Republic of Korea (RoK) now at 162. All are connected to hospitals or ambulance services. Deaths from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome now at 20.  It’s being pointed out that the deaths involve people who were suffering from other medical problems.  19 people have been declared cured and released from hospitals.

RoK has locked down/quarantined 6,508 people as of 17 June, that’s an increase of 922 from the day before! 

Administrators with China’s Fudan University and U.S. National Institutes of Health claim to have developed antibodies to MERS.  They say the m336 antibody worked well in tests on non-human animals.

Spawn of Operation Jupiter?

Need a new head? Doctor claims he can do it, will prove it using monkeys!

15 June 2015 (14:53 UTC-07 Tango 01)/25 Kordad 1394/27 Sha’ban 1436/29 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

“It’s very complicated. You have your own head but another’s body, so who are you and who is your family? We don’t know what will happen. But the fact humans ‘can’ do the surgical procedure in the future does not mean they ‘should’ do it.”Wang Yifang,  Institute of Medical Humanities at Peking University

A doctor claims he has successfully transplanted heads on mice, and is preparing to do it with monkeys!

Ren Xiaoping, at Harbin Medical University in China, says he and his team have successfully transplanted 1-thousand mice heads, since 2013.  But he admits they didn’t live very long afterwards.  Basically the real problem lies with the body rejecting the new head: How to reconnect the donor and recipient spinal cords, how to keep the brain alive during the transfer and how to prevent the body from rejecting the head are all technical difficulties we need to overcome.”

The chinese are not the first to try and transplant heads.  In 1970, U.S. doctor Robert J. White tried it on a monkey, and it worked for a few days, until the body rejected it and died.

Then there’s Italian doctor Sergio Canavero who says he will try the first human head transplant in 2017, on a Russian man.  

Jiang Jinsong, with the Institute of Science, Technology and Society of Tsinghua University, blasted the attempts to transplant heads because the experiment “…needs countless head transplants on animals…..it’s unnecessary and cruel.”

Saber Rattling against China about territorial claims? Once again it’s about the oil, the huge oil reserves right underneath China! It’s why China is on the warpath against Uygur Muslims!

11 June 2015 (01:12 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Kordad 1394/23 Sha’ban 1436/25 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

“China is where all the growth in oil, gas and coal is going to be coming from.”-Lin Boqiang, PetroChina consultant

“China is the third country to achieve shale gas production capacity after the U.S. and Canada.”-Zhai Gangyi, Oil & Gas Resources Survey Center

For years we’ve been told China has no petroleum, but a new oil survey says otherwise.

The China Shale Gas Resources Survey says China is sitting on 25-trillion cubic meters of natural gas.  That’s 6-trillion more than what the United States is sitting on!

The Chinese government is already spending millions of USD developing the shale fields.  China’s state-owned Sinopec is already extracting the gas: We produce 20 to 40 cubic meters of shale gas every day. That meets just about 50 thousand household’s energy demand for one day.”-Ouyang Liming, Jianghan Oilfield 2nd Shale Gas Platform

Analysts point out that most of China’s shale petroleum is inside mountains, and China does not have the water resources that the United States has.  However, Chinese scientist are trying to create waterless fracking technology.

So what part of China has the most petroleum?  Why, the very region where China is stealing land from the native Uygur Muslims.

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is being turned into a massive energy hub.  Not only does it have the most natural gas, it also has the most oil and coal of all the territories controlled by China.  The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that 40% of China’s petroleum reserves are in the Uygur region.

By the end of this year Uygur natural gas production is expected to hit 30.5-billion cubic meters.  There’s so much natural gas in the area that U.S. based General Electric (GE) is building nine small-scale LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) plants.

Not only is the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region sitting on a lot of oil, but according to PetroChina consultant Lin Boqiang “…all the imported resources from Central Asia, oil and gas, go through Xinjiang and then get distributed from there.” 

This massive new oil production and transportation system is what President Xi Xinping is talking about when he mentions “The New Silk Road”.

Operation Pacific Pathways: Obama preps for war with China

Ebola? More likely it’s about all that new found oil

Who buys Islamic State oil? Israel, Jordan, Turkey, United States

ready to invade Syria… It’s about the oil! 

Yemen? It’s about the oil! 

Africa? IMF says it’s all about the oil, baby!

Another $1.3-billion for Afghan oil!

Red Horse, Leviathan & the real reason for War with Iran!

White Horse, Black Horse & controlling the international oil market (the Beast).

More proof it’s about the Oil, not civilians, in Libya 


MERS continues escalation! Chinese healthcare worker infected! UN says stay away from hospitals!

11 June 2015 (00:38 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Kordad 1394/23 Sha’ban 1436/25 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

As patients developed symptoms, they visited big hospitals with better facilities and equipment without any prior notice. It resulted in infections of medical staffs and families of the patients…..”-Lee Jong-koo,  JW LEE Center for Global Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine

The fact that almost all new cases of MERS were contracted in hospitals the UN’s World Health Organization is warning that emergency room procedures need to change.  Lee Jong-koo is working with a UNWHO team investigating why so many people are getting sick in hospitals.

Preliminary results suggest that what happened was at the beginning a few people who got sick sought help through hospital ERs.  They came into contact with many healthcare workers before being diagnosed with MERS.  Those healthcare workers got sick and then spread it to other healthcare workers.

UNWHO investigators are suggesting new ER procedures, such as  limiting contact between healthcare workers and incoming patients, until a diagnoses is made.  Also, constantly transferring ER patients from room to room should be stopped, and patients should be kept separated from other patients.  Basically ERs need to start operating as if there’s an epidemic taking place all the time!

Republic of Korea now reports 122 confirmed cases.  The new cases include a migrant healthcare worker from China.

The Chinese woman got infected after caring for a sick Korean.  As is the trend all new cases were exposed to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome while they were in a hospital.

In China’s Hong Kong, health administrators reported that 31 of 33 people tested for MERS are negative.  Apparently they are still waiting for results for two people.


Kit Bashing: 3D Printer helps save ‘Siamese Twins’ by creating plastic model!

11 June 2015 (00:17 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Kordad 1394/23 Sha’ban 1436/25 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

“With the 3D model, we could better understand the actual anatomical structure of the twin girls’ conjoined parts. And it helped us to decide on a more precise starting point…”-Zheng Shan, chief surgeon

A 3D printer helped Chinese medical personnel separate two girls joined at the butt.

Healthcare workers at the Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, in Shanghai, used MRI and  CT scans, in conjunction with the printer, to map out and create 3D models of the infant girl’s hips and spines.  They used the models to practice ‘virtual’ operations, before performing the actual separation.

The concern was that it appeared that the last part of the girl’s lower intestine were fused into one.

So far the operation is considered successful, but doctors are waiting three days to make sure the girls are recovering well, before making an official proclamation.

Medical Martial Law: MERS escalates, hospitals & doctors blamed! China sounds the alarm!

10 June 2015 (04:23 UTC-07 Tango 01)/20 Kordad 1394/22 Sha’ban 1436/24 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

U.S. military ally Republic of Korea (RoK) claims 109 people are confirmed infected with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS.  Nine people have died.  It should be noted that all new cases are blamed directly on local hospitals!

As a result, dictatress, I mean presidentPark Geun-hye has cancelled her trip to the United States.

The Samsung Medical Center in Seoul has been accused of being a “super spreader” of MERS.   Public health administrators urged Koreans to check if the hospital they want to use has been hit by MERS, in other words stay away from hospitals.

The following South Korean hospitals are infected with MERS: Pyeongtaek Saint Mary’s, Samsung Medical Center, Konyang University, Daecheong, Hallym and South Chungcheong Province.  A total of 24 hospitals have been identified by administrators as being infected, or have treated people infected with MERS.

Korean health administrators also said all people with pneumonia symptoms will be treated as if infected with MERS, as a precaution.

MERS might have been spread to another U.S. military ally, Philippines, after two doctors (a husband and wife doctor team) from Korea, and possibly exposed to MERS, spent the weekend in the island country.  The two doctors are back in RoK and have finally been put in quarantine.

Originally the husband and wife doctor team refused to obey an order to self quarantine because they weren’t showing symptoms, and they left for Philippines anyway.  Local news reports say they “reacted violently” to the idea of being quarantined.  But when they returned they were forced into quarantine.  It turns out a patient they treated at their Korean orthopedic clinic is infected with MERS, which is why the doctors were ordered under quarantine.

China’s Macao Special Administrative Region has declared a High Alert for MERS.  This means residents must wear surgical masks when entering hospitals.  The Disease Prevention and Conservation Center is making preparations for two mass quarantine centers, and asked people to stop traveling to Korea.

The United States has tens of thousands of military personnel in both RoK and Philippines.

MERS as excuse to round up thousands of people!

World War 3, Operation Pacific Pathways: Obama preps for war with China, at same time sells China nuclear materials!

13 May 2015 (14:54 UTC-07 Tango 01)/23 Ordibehesht 1394/24 Rajab 1436/25 Xin Si (3rd month) 4713

“…freedom of navigation does not give one country’s military aircraft and ships free access to another country’s territorial waters and airspace!”Hua Chunying, spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry, in response to Obama’s new war plans

Obama regime’s Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, says the U.S. Navy will deploy a fleet to the South China Sea to challenge China’s ops in the Spratly Islands.   Carter says the Obama regime is using the excuse of protecting “freedom of navigation” and “world trade”.

Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia will join the U.S. Navy in increasing joint patrols of the South China Sea, using the excuse of fighting “piracy”.

Former enemies Vietnam and United States have been holding joint naval drills at least since 2012, this is the year China took control of Scarborough Shoal within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.  However, according to U.S. Naval War College “Starting in 2010, the U.S. and Vietnam accelerated this process effectively forming a partnership on several fronts. The Obama administration identified Vietnam as one of the new partners to cultivate as part of its ‘rebalancing’ of U.S. priorities toward the Asia-Pacific region, a move commonly referred to as the U.S.’s ‘pivot’ to the Pacific.”  Adding that “The U.S. and Vietnam should continue to develop military ties regardless of China’s concerns.”

In April this year, the U.S. Navy conducted five days of war games with Vietnam.   In recent months Vietnam and China had several run-ins (literally) between fishing and military boats.

Also in April, the U.S. and Philippines conducted their biggest joint war games in the past 15 years, called Operation Balikatan. The Obama regime stated the war game is part of their Pacific Pathways strategy.

Former enemies Japan and Philippines have been holding joint naval drills specifically to take on China: “Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, and assorted other states are threatened by China’s behavior…….the Philippines and Japan are jointly making an important statement about how seriously they view China’s actions.”-Michael Tkacik, Stephen F. Austin State University

China recently stated they reserve the right to create a Air Defense Zone over what they say are their territories of the South China Sea.  This is in response to constant overflights by military spy planes of other countries such as the United States and Philippines.

The British empire country of Australia responded by warning China that the lucrative trade deals between the two countries could be threatened if China continues its work in the Spratly Islands.

At the same time that the Obama regime is gearing up for war with China, Obama is selling nuclear tech to China!  On 12 May 2015, Obama pleaded with the U.S. Congress to renew a 30 years deal to continue selling nuclear technologies to China!   This comes as senators express concern that China was using the nuclear tech to create weapon systems, in violation of the deal.   And this while the Obama regime continues to threaten war on Iran, using the excuse of preventing Iran from developing their own nuclear tech!

Obama Reneges on ending Iran sanctions “even if we reach a nuclear deal”! 

Japan & U.S. create “Grey Zone” war zones! Vague justifications for war with China!

U.S., Australia & Japan invade Vietnam

India deploys navy to counter China

U.S. sending 60% of naval fleet to South China Sea oil fields! 

India & Vietnam to join forces against China

More Economic Decline: Idaho’s failed Hoku leads to 1st Chinese company to default on loan payments? Evidence of economic warfare by United States?

22 April 2015 (10:19 UTC-07 Tango 01)/02 Ordibehesht 1394/03 Rajab 1436/04 Geng Chen (3rd month) 4713

“Our company suffered huge losses in 2014…..Our company has lost financing ability and suffered from a capital shortage. We can’t raise enough money to repay interest, despite all the efforts we have made.”-Baoding Tianwei

For the first time a government controlled Chinese company has defaulted on a massive loan.  Tianwei says it can’t even make the interest payment of 85.5-million yuan ($13.8-million USD)!

If you’ve followed my reports on the failed polysilicon factory in Pocatello, Idaho, then you’d know that Tianwei became the default owner of the troubled Hoku Materials plant, by becoming the only financier of the operation.

Hoku Materials (originally owned by Hoku of Hawaii) was to produce polysilicon for use in solar power products.  The Chinese solar power industry was happy to get involved, but in 2013 market prices for polysilicon hit record lows, then “…the Obama administration jacked up tariffs so high on Chinese polysilicon companies that it wasn’t worth it to do business in the U.S.”

Was the increase in tariffs by the Obama regime, which finally killed the Hoku Materials factory in Idaho, nothing more than economic warfare against China?

Tianwei operates a group of companies known as China South Industries Group, Tianwei Group, Tianwei USA, Tianwei Solution and Baoding Tianwei Solar Firms.

More Economic Decline: New owner of Pocatello’s Polysilicon factory gives up

More Economic Decline: New owner of Pocatello’s Polysilicon factory gives up, starts chopping up the former Hoku Materials factory!

17 April 2015 (15:57 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Farvardin 1394/28 Jumada t-Tania 1436/29 Geng Chen 4713

“We did a worldwide marketing effort to sell the plant. We obviously wanted to find a user.  It’s a damn shame!”-Mark Fleischauer,  JH Kelly senior vice president, Idaho State Journal interview

After a little more than a year, the winning bidder for the failed Hoku Polysilicon Materials factory has given up trying to find an operator, and is now chopping up and selling off the factory bit by bit.

JH Kelly is the contractor hired by Hoku to build the factory in Pocatello, Idaho.  Hawaii based Hoku failed to pay JH Kelly about $25-million USD for the work, and then JH Kelly spent their own $8.3-million buying the failed factory (which was valued at $700-million).

The entire Hoku Materials story is an example of optimistic thinking run wild, involving local and state administrators basically giving away the land for the factory, to company administrators failing to understand the polysilicon market and becoming financially dependent on Chinese sources of money, which was finally ended when the president of the United States imposed heavy tariffs on products tied to Chinese solar power companies.

Read More about the Hoku Materials saga, beginning with: Unpaid contractor is winning bidder for abandoned Hoku….again! 

Iconic Coca-Cola says America is goin’ down!

26 December 2014 (16:20 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Rab al’Awwal 1436/05 Dey 1393/05 Bing-Zi (11th month) 4712

“We’re all living in Amerika, Amerika, ist wunderbar!……Coca Cola, sometimes War!”-Rammstein

2015: Atlanta, Georgia, based iconic Coca Cola announced it is cutting $100-million AUD from its Australian ops in 2015, killing off at least 250 jobs in the Land Down Under! Coca Cola already killed off at least 157 Australian jobs for 2014! But wait there’s more! Coca Cola is also killing off 2-thousand jobs in the United States, before the end of January 2015! Company administrators say the U.S. economy is so bad they’re forced to cut $3-billion USD by 2019!

But while Coca Cola is massively shutting down its ‘western’ operations, it’s spending bank in Palestine, despite an Israeli economic blockade.

2014: Coca-Cola shutdown a Montana bottling plant, with little notice.

Coca-Cola making U.S. National Guard sick?

In Sacramento, California, Coca Cola laid off about 47 employees. Last year they laid off 60 employees. 

Coca Cola shutdown a Missouri bottling factory, 102 jobs lost!

coca cola

2013: Coca-Cola shutdown a Wisconsin factory

Coca-Cola shutdown a California bottling op

2012: “December 21 should be the end of Coca-Cola.”

2011: Coca Cola raises prices

Coca Cola getting paid by Obama regime to send kids to school in China

China prevents Coca Cola from taking over Chinese companies

2010: From Russia to Coca Cola