Category Archives: Technology

World War 3: Israel caught spying on Obama regime, and you! I warned you! The U.S. is nothing but a prison punk for the Israeli’s pleasure!

04 August 2014 (14:15 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Shawwal 1435/13 Mordad 1393/09 Ren-Shen 4712

Back in June I wrote how the technology to use your cell phone to spy on you comes from Israel.  In fact, Israel is the first step in producing the guts of your cell phone.  Not only that, but Israeli companies recycle old phone guts to make that spy tech, then you suckers end up paying outrageous amounts of cash for a ‘new’ phone that spies on you!

German news media reporting that not only did German spymasters  catch the Obama regime spying on Angela Merkel, but they’ve caught Israeli officials spying on the Obama regime!

“The U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been intercepted by the Israeli secret service during the peace negotiations in the Middle East……

…..Kerry had spoken regularly with senior counterparts……not only encrypted lines but also ordinary phones……were listened to. The government in Jerusalem has used the information in negotiating a diplomatic solution to the Middle East.”-Der Spiegel

Despite the fact that Israel regularly spies on the U.S., the U.S. Congress just approved spending even more taxpayer dollars on the Israeli warmachine.  Sounds like your ‘elected’ U.S. officials are nothing but prison punks for the Israelis!

Pocatello Airport 02 August 2014: Best damn FREE airshow, yet!

Who knew that this free airshow would also be the last for Idaho’s Pocatello Airport?

Click pics to make bigger, photos by AAron B. Hutchins:

The MiGs and Fury gave an awesome dogfight display over our heads (my cheap-o cam is not good enough to take pics of far away/fast moving object) .  The MiG-17 had its afterburner going most of the time.  Must praise the sponsors of this FREE airshow: Pocatello Regional airport, AVCenter/AVFuel, Citizens Community Bank, FMC, RockLandWindFarm, BadlandsBattlefield, TO Engineers, Home Depot, Community Animal Hospital, D.L. Evans Bank, Hertz, JRM Foundation, Idaho Power, Petersen Inc, Portneuf Medical Center, Sanctuary Wealth Management, Allstate, Bank of Idaho, Clarion Inn, Connections Credit Union.


Martial Law U.S.A.: Utah, home base for massive NSA data center, training National Guard to spy on you using LLVI!

The official logo of Low Level Voice Intercept.

22 June 2014 (03:45 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Sha’ban 1435/01 Tir 1393/25 Geng Wu 4712

Currently, Utah’s Camp Williams militia training center is hosting (yet again) the yearly Panther Strike military intelligence wargame.  The training involves U.S. Army, Army Reserve, National Guard units from at least 20 states, and even the British Empire (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom).

Forward Operating Base Gamberi, Afghanistan, January 2014.

One of the training exercises involves training up state militia  (National Guard) Signals Intelligence units in the art of Low Level Voice Intercept (LLVI).

LLVI training at the National Training Center (NTC) at Fort Irwin, California, 2013.

Most LLVI teams are made up of four personnel armed with equipment that can home in on radio, cell phone or other voice transmissions.  The teams also undergo training similar to scout-recon/forward observer units; deploying behind enemy lines, or surviving for weeks on their own without support from home units.   The LLVI training at Camp Williams includes mounted and dismounted operations, air insertions as well as radio and cell phone intercepts.

Camp Williams has included LLVI training in their Panther Strike exercises since 2010, and now camp officials proudly claim they are the top LLVI training center for the U.S. Department of Defense.

Official U.S. Army LLVI Afghan ops video report from 2013:

Martial Law U.S.A.: Utah not only home to massive NSA data centers, but to massive military intelligence wargames aimed at you?

16 June 2014 (08:37 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Sha’ban 1435/26 Khordad 1393/19 Geng Wu 4712

Is it any coincidence that in the state considered to be the Mormon capital of the world, not only are there massive data collection centers run by corporations and government contractors, but massive yearly military intelligence wargames as well?

Edward Snowden proved that most of the spying by the National Security Agency is actually being done on U.S. citizens, and the NSA’s main data collection center is located on Camp Williams, Utah.

‘Intelligence collectors’ board a UH-60 Black Hawk during Panther Strike 2014 at Camp Williams, Utah. California Army National Guard photo Specialist Brianne M. Roudebush, 18JUN2014.

(I attended PLDC [pronounced p-l-d-c] and BNCO [pronounced b-knock] at Camp Williams)

A simulated forward operating base (FOB) on Camp Williams. Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Robert D Walden, 17JUN2014.

But there’s something else happening at Camp Williams: Operation Panther Strike.  Why?  “For the current conflicts we’re involved in, Utah provides some critical elements of realism. Salt Lake is at the same elevation as Bagram Airfield there in Afghanistan, and many soldiers comment on the similarities in the terrain. The exercise also tends to gravitate here because there is a lot of command support, and investments have been made to have all the necessary infrastructure in place.-Colonel Derek Tolman, 300th MI Brigade, Utah

California Army National Guard photo by First Lieutenant Jan Bender, 09JUN2014.

Panther Strike is a yearly wargame involving military intelligence units from the U.S. Army, Army Reserve, National Guard units from at least 20 states, and even the British Empire (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom)!

Panther Strike started in 2003 in Florida, then moved to Utah in 2005.

Canadians joining in the Panther Strike fun on Camp Williams. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Brock Jones, 11JUN2012.

Then in 2012 it evolved into a global event, becoming the “premiere”  military inteligence wargame: “In previous years, there was more of an emphasis on Warrior Tasks and battle drills than you see in Panther Strike 2012. We really wanted to make this an intelligence-centered exercise.  By making Panther Strike more of an intelligence exercise, we’ve gotten a lot of attention from within the intelligence community, and a lot of support.  For example, Intelligence Security Command has a lot of resources and assets that we have been able to tap into and coordinate for this exercise. A lot of our training teams that came out are INSCOM teams, or are from INSCOM units, which brings a level of legitimacy to the exercise.”-Captain Timothy Kelley, 142nd MI Battalion, Florida

“This is the premiere military intelligence training exercise in the country where you will have signal intelligence, human intelligence, counterintelligence, imagery intelligence and all-source coupled with coalition partners. Soldiers coming to this exercise had the opportunity to work not only with the latest equipment and software; they had the opportunity to train using the full spectrum of intelligences available both in the Guard and in the active component.”-Major Scott A. Chalmers, 300th MI Brigade, Utah

Panther Strike 2014 recently kicked off at Camp Williams.  It involves more than 600 personnel from several federal and state military units, as well as from the British Empire (Australia, Canada and United Kingdom).

Panther Strike 2015  plans to bring in more foreign military units.

Official logo of Low Level Voice Intercept.


Mazda’s new 65+ MPG Diesel, but don’t expect to see it in the anti-Diesel car United States!

13 June 2014 (13:17 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Sha’ban 1435/23 Khordad 1393/16 Geng Wu 4712

Mazda claims it has a new 1.5 liter turbo diesel engine that got an impressive 28+ Kilometers Per Liter (about 65+ Miles Per U.S. Gallon) in their test car!  And Mazda says it will be the cleanest burning diesel engine available worldwide in 2015, claiming no NOx system is required!

Well, worldwide doesn’t mean anti-diesel car United States.   In fact the state of California is making it near impossible to even sell new diesel cars, due to their asinine and ever tightening state EPA rules.

Mazda says their main market for their new diesel powered cars will be the diesel loving European Union, as well as any other country that loves saving money and the environment.  Did you known that diesel exhaust soot can be captured (Diesel Particulate Filter) and then used as fertilizer for your plants?  It’s carbon!

The tiny new Mazda diesel engine reportedly produces 77 kW (105 hp) and 250 Nm (184 ft lb) of torque.  It will be available in the 2015 Mazda 2.  Look out Volkswagen!

clean burning Diesel powered CX-5 Crossover, better MPG than Hybrid SUVs