Category Archives: Technology

Class Warfare: Preps for New U.S. Civil War, Evil puppet of Elites U.S. Homeland Security hordes lethal ammo, you are the target!

“It simply does not make sense that they [DHS] would need so much ammunition. If the United States was ever invaded, it would be the job of the U.S. military to defend the country.”

A recent article by Business Insider revealed that the Republican created U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as well as the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), are hording ammo.

The ammo includes an open bid for 175 million rounds of .223 caliber (5.56 x 45 mm)! This round is used in Mini 14s and in the M16 family of weapons.

They are also stocking up on 450 million rounds of a special made .40 caliber Smith & Wesson pistol round!!!  The bullets are specially designed to ensure a kill because they are “A specially designed hollow-point tip won’t plug while passing through a variety of barriers…”.  They are known as Tactical HST rounds.  Ammo manufacturer ATK says they are designed for “optimum penetration for terminal performance.”

People of the United States, think about it!  Why would ICE and DHS need so much pistol and rifle ammo, that was designed specifically to guarantee a kill?









Class Warfare: Elitist Canada to increase the cost of college, again! This time by 75%! University is a “privilege”?

Provinces across Canada have been increasing the cost of college, just as their neighbors to the south (U.S.A.) are doing.

Currently the cheapest place for Canadians to go to college/university is Quebec. As of March 2012, the average yearly cost for attending college in Quebec is $2,519 CAD ($2,539.91 USD).  But provincial officials want a 75% increase over the next five years!

One student pointed out that college students in Quebec have less debt than other Canadians, and implied that forcing young Canadians into debt was the intent“Tuition fees are lower in Quebec than the rest of Canada, but so is the student debt, which is a good impact of low tuition fees.”-Hugo Bonin, attending Concordia

Many people are torn over whether college should be made more expensive, or free.  Many with an elitist attitude say it is a “privilege” not a “right”.  Well in actuality it’s neither!  If our business leaders, and government leaders, are constantly harping about the lack of “skilled” employees, and they are constantly pushing grade school students to “Go On” (higher education campaign slogan used by the state government of Idaho, U.S.A.) so that we can be more competitive in the global economy, then it is not a privilege or a right, it is a requirement!

Why should we pay for college (more like getting into massive debt for life) for the benefit of industry and government?  Unless our leaders are lying to us (would they?) it is obvious that higher education is now a requirement, which means if they want qualified workers then they need to pay for the education to create the qualified workers, goddam it!

So how much is the average price of a “privileged” higher education in the rest of Canada?  $5,366 CAD ($5,410.55 USD)!

What Economic Recovery? Hewlett Packard going down, HP to cut even more jobs in Boise?

“We didn’t make the investments we should have during the past few years to stay ahead of customer expectations and market trends. As a result, we see eroding revenue and profits today.”-Meg Whitman, CEO of HP, February interview

There’s rumors that Hewlett Packard is considering merging its computer production, with its printer production.  Boise, Idaho, is home to a huge HP compound that includes  printer manufacturing.

Analysts say they don’t know what good will come from such a merger, but agree that people are going to lose their jobs: “HP has some massive structural fixes that they need to make, and this doesn’t come close. I don’t see how this changes anything apart from probably giving you an excuse to cut some heads and cut some costs.”-Rob Cihra, Evercore Partners

World War 3: Germany sells more Dolphin Submarines to Israel

March 20, 2012, Germany’s Defense Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, announced that Germany will sell Israel at least one more Dolphin submarine.

The Dolphin submarine is made specially for Israel, and is a smaller version of the 209 class sub.  It can carry SLCM (submarine launched cruise missiles) which can be armed with nuclear warheads.  Oh, but I don’t hear any Western powers complaining about that!

Not only is Germany selling more of these submarines to Israel, but according to an unnamed source in the German government, they’re covering one third of the cost (about $178 million) and providing easy loans to Israel in order to pay for the rest!

Israel has three of the 2,800 mile range submarines, with two on order not counting this latest announcement.


Nissan to bring Datsun back to life

Up until the mid 1980s Nissans were sold in the U.S. under the Datsun name.  Now Nissan is reviving that brand, but not for the United States.

Nissan says Datsun vehicles became known as cheap but reliable cars.  They are reviving the brand name for the Indonesian, Indian and Russian car markets.

Datsun started in 1931 as DAT motors. Its smaller cars were called DAT-son, as in son of DAT.  In 1933, Nissan took over the company and changed the name to Datsun, because the Japanese Emperor is considered a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu, and because ‘son’ means loss in Japanese.

The cars will be made in factories in those countries.  Indonesia is now the number one car market in South East Asia, 890,000 vehicles were sold there in 2011!



World War 3: Obama issues National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order. The closest thing to Martial Law yet! Controls food supply! Preps for Total War!

Very quietly, on March 16, 2012, Nobel prize winning U.S. President Barack Obama issued a new Executive Order: National Defense Resources Preparedness.

If you think the military industrial complex is big now, guess what!

The bulk of the Order focuses on creating a full blown Total War military industry.  Obama stresses the need to “improve the efficiency and responsiveness of the domestic industrial base to support national defense requirements” and “to foster cooperation between the defense and commercial sectors for research and development and for acquisition of materials, services, components, and equipment to enhance industrial base efficiency and responsiveness.”

The Order establishes the officials who will lead the Defense Production Act Committee, and orders the Secretary of Commerce to co-operate with the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Homeland Security!

It also orders six Departments to begin prioritizing and allocating resources respective to food, health care, transportation, resources for industries, and even water supply (assigned to the Department of Defense)!

“The Secretary of each agency delegated authority under subsection (a) of this section (resource departments) shall plan for and issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources and establish standards and procedures by which the authority shall be used to promote the national defense, under both emergency and non-emergency conditions.”

The Order even gets into the details of providing loans to companies involved with providing for National Defense!

It makes the Secretary of Defense the go to man for funding, as he is now acting  Defense Production Act Fund Manager.

The Order places the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of the National Defense Executive Reserve (NDER), including the “…establishment, recruitment, training, monitoring, and activation of NDER units…”

The Secretary of Labor, and the Secretary of Defense, will “…collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal of the Nation’s workforce…”  and develop “…policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services…”

“Executive Order 12919 of June 3, 1994, and sections 401(3) (4) of Executive Order 12656 of November 18, 1988, are revoked.”

Executive Order 12919 deals with national defense industrial resource policies and programs.   Executive Order 12656 deals with emergency preparedness responsibilities.

The major differences between this National Defense Resources Preparedness, and those made in the past, is the use of the term “non-emergencies”, several times in the order.  Also, the desire to control food & water supplies as well as health care and transportation.

From Section 201: “…to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense…”

This is for real people! This is basically an order that puts the United States in a Total War stance. “Total war is the practice of war where nearly all the resources of a society are employed to defeat an opponent.”Silvapages







Oil & Gas Prices: U.S. oil sanctions have actually increased Iranian oil sales! Saudi oil sales increase! Algeria oil increase! Ecuador oil increase! Iraq planning to avoid Strait of Hormuz

According to the Joint Organization Data Initiative (JODI), Iranian oil sales have gone up since the United States started their sanctions games last year!

In January 2012, Iran exported 2.265 million barrels per day. The highest since December 2008!

Of course part of the increase is from customers stocking up now, ’cause they’re afraid the Iranian oil supply will end due to new sanctions and a possible war (again, no thanks to the United States, European Union and Israel).

Those same sanctions, and threats of war, have also increased Saudi Arabian oil sales to the United States.  U.S. officials managed to get Saudi officials to change their minds about not increasing oil production, at a recent IEF meeting.

Canadian media reporting that Saudi oil exports to the U.S. have already increased by 25%.

Algeria and Ecuador have also increased oil production.  Algeria by 18%, Ecuador by 41%!

All this comes at a time when oil industry leaders say there is plenty of oil in the system. It could be a sign of stockpiling before the Third World War gets going full throttle.

Iraq is preparing by planning oil shipment routes that will avoid the Strait of Hormuz. They plan to build new pipelines to Turkey: “Short and mid-term plans will be through boosting crude pumping and upgrading export capacity via Ceyhan port in Turkey. Also to increase the number of trucks that are shipping crude.”-Iraqi government statement


Idaho’s Hoku Materials better get its rear in gear, Customers who have prepaid are getting impatient could go elsewhere

“For Hoku and its majority shareholder Tianwei New Energy Holdings, things cannot be worse.”-Rober Dydo, CEO of Solar PV Investor

March 18, 2012, customers who have pre-paid for Hoku’s polysilicon are getting restless.  One buyer, Jinko Solar, has already reduced their original purchase contract of ten years down to eight.  And there’s rumors they want to reduce it even more.

Hoku also owes two other buyers, Hanwha Solar One and Solargiga.  In total the three customers already paid Hoku $140 million!

To make matters worse, Jinko Solar is the only Chinese customer that is not in trouble financially.  This means that Hanwha Solar One, and Solargiga, are more likely to cancel their contracts all together.

To top everything, Hoku Materials, in Pocatello, Idaho, is still not ready for production and the delays are only costing more money: “The current estimate for the cost of facility is now $600 million to complete Phase I of 2,500 metric ton (MT) of capacity. Phase II with the complete capacity of 4,000 MT will cost another $100 million to complete. All told the $700 million dollar price tag is 70.7% more than its previous estimate…-Michael Lofing, CPA and market analyst


Government Evil & Corporate Welfare: Republican controled Congress gives Oil Industry $4 billion in taxpayer subsidies

How would you like to own a business that’s making money hand over fist, and get paid by the government on top of that?  The Oil Industry is!

People are literally going hungry in the United States, and Republican controlled congress keeps cutting welfare for the poor, yet the Oil Industry gets 4 billion of your tax dollars every year!!!

“…the United States government provide a heavy public subsidy to petroleum companies, with major tax breaks at virtually every stage of oil exploration and extraction, including for the costs of oil field leases and drilling equipment.-WikiPedia

Now realize the Oil Industry has been reporting record profits for the past few years.  Recently Exxon Mobil CEO, Rex Tillerson, said his company is spending billions to extract new sources of oil.  But wait, if the U.S. taxpayer paid subsidy is supposed to cover those costs, then who’s money is really going where?

On top of the $4 billion taxpayer subsidy, here are a few more tax breaks for the Oil Industry, and its investors:

Enhanced oil recovery credit. Covers the costs to “enhance” a well’s oil or natural gas production.

Non conventional source fuel credit. Tax credit for production of “qualified” fuels such as oil shale, tight formation gas, and certain synthetic fuels produced from coal.

Lease Operating Expense. Covers the day to day costs involved with the operation of a well, and re-entry, or re-work, of an existing producing well.

Intangible Drilling Costs. Labor, drilling rig time, drilling fluids etc.

Intangible Completion Costs. Labor, completion materials, completion rig time, fluids etc.

Depletion Allowance. Investors in a producing well are allowed to shelter some of the gross income derived from the sale of that oil/gas.  Generally 15% of the well’s annual production can be sheltered from income tax.

So don’t feel sorry for the A-holes!

World War 3: U.S. citizen, posing as travel agent, caught illegally mapping Chinese cities which just happen to be near military bases

The Xinjiang Bureau of Surveying and Mapping has revealed that they detained a U.S. citizen after he was caught using two GPS devices to map out cities in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

The detention happened back on January 31, 2012.  Chinese officials say he collected and stored over 90,000 geographic coordinates using his GPS receivers.

Officials with Xinjiang Bureau of Surveying and Mapping were tipped off in August 2011, after several people told them they had spotted a U.S. citizen using GPSs around a local military base.

China’s National Administration Bureau of Surveying and Mapping confirmed the man did not have permission to do any GPS mapping of China.  The U.S. citizen claimed he was establishing routes for tourists from the United States!