Category Archives: Technology

Government & Media Hypocrisy: Pakistan launches purpose built Ballistic Nuclear Missile; where’s the outrage, where’s the sanctions, where’s the UNSC resolutions?

April 13, 2012, North Korea launched a satellite (not a ballistic missile as western media continued to report!), which ended in failure, yet didn’t fail to bring world wide condemnation.

April 25, 2012, Pakistan launches an improved Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), yet no one cares?   Pakistan has nuclear weapons, yet no one cares that they’ve successfully tested an improved missile designed to carry nukes?

This launch comes less than a week after India successfully launched their first ever ballistic missile.

Here’s what the western members of the UN Security Council had to say about North Korea’s 4th non-weaponized rocket launch: “…[it’s a] provocation, threat to international stability, and another violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.”

On April 17, 2012, the UNSC increased sanctions against North Korea for launching a non-weaponized rocket!

So far, here’s what the UNSC said about India’s first ICBM launch:

Yeah I thought so you hypocritical SOBs!!


Corporate Evil: Did Monsanto create mutant wild dogs in Vietnam? Vietnam’s Kanup 480 SL is called “Roundup” in the United States.

Farmers in Vietnam, who’ve only just started using herbicides in the past two years, are suffering from terrible symptoms, even dozens of deaths.  On top of that, and seemingly in coincidence, wild mutant dogs have been terrorizing villages, attacking and killing domestic animals.

Local Vietnamese media reports are now blaming an herbicide that farmers were tricked, I mean convinced, into using.  Most of the farmers had never used herbicides before.

In Vietnam the herbicide in question is called Kanup 480 SL.  It’s made by a company called Thang Bac Giang (Vithaco).   Turns out that Kanup 480 SL is the very same herbicide known as Roundup in the United States.

Roundup was patented in the 1970s by Monsanto.  The patent expired in 2000.

Here’s the thing: In 1996 Monsanto was sued by the state of New York for lying about the safety of its products.  In 2007 Monsanto was convicted by the European Union for lying about Roundup being safe and biodegradable.  It turns out that Roundup is not safe or biodegradable (under European standards). The main ingredient, isopropylamine salt of glyphosate, is “dangerous for the environment” and “toxic for aquatic organisms”.  Another ingredient of Roundup is polyethoxylated tallow amine, it is known to be highly toxic to animals (humans are animals too, you know).

Lab test showed animals that were contaminated with Roundup resulted in mutated offspring.  Some media reports say Monsanto knew of this as early as 1980.  It’s interesting that the wild mutant dogs in Vietnam showed up in the very same areas that Kanup 480 SL is being used.

There have been dozens of studies on Roundup, showing it causes mutations and death. How much Roundup does it take to kill a human?  It depends, but studies have found as little as 85 ml could kill you, while some people have survived accidental doses of as much as 500 ml. The latest study was in 2009.

Another interesting point: Monsanto is also behind genetically modified plants (which involve using deadly bacteria to make the modifications stick).  The modified food crops are meant to be resistant to Roundup.  However, some of these crops (the first being Soy) cross pollinated with weeds and created super weeds.  The super weeds can not be killed with Roundup, however many people don’t know that and will just spray more and more Roundup.

I still deal with weeds the old fashioned way; I pull them up with my hands, or run over them with my electric lawn mower, or chop them down with a weed whacker.

Why just yesterday, after writing my article on the Mystery disease, I saw employees of the city of Chubbuck, in Idaho, busy with their yearly spraying of Roundup in the park adjacent to my back yard.  They like to run that crap along the fence lines of everyone’s property that butts up to the park. It’s so strong you can smell it.

I used to work for a retail property management company. The boss was obsessed with using Roundup, even on a single weed that was growing in the middle of a parking lot that could hold a hundred cars!  In less time than it took to mix the Roundup, then prime the pump and go about spraying, I was able to simply pull the weeds out of the asphalt. But I actually got reprimanded for that!

People in the United States better wake up and stop smelling the Roundup before you can’t smell the Roses anymore!

Warning!  Roundup’s warning label is misleading.  It basically says Roundup is just an ‘irritant’. Yet, on some Roundup warning labels (on their larger containers) it tells you to immediately call your local poison control center for help!

Corporate Evil: Mystery disease kills children, people can’t build immunity to it, military involved, entire district quarantined, mutant dogs killing pets. Kanup 480 SL. Quang Ngai Province is Cursed!

“The development of the disease at Ba Dien commune is really complicated and critical; the numbers of new cases and recurrence cases are increasing dramatically.”-Han Phong, People’s Committee in Ba To District

April 22, 2012, health officials in Vietnam are asking for help from the United Nations, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in trying to identify and treat a skin disease that’s already killed 27 people including 19 children.

More than 100 people are hospitalized.  At least 171 people are infected.  Many people are getting sick a second time (29 so far), which indicates that you can not build an immunity to it!

Last year the province recorded more than 150 people with similar symptoms.

Vietnam’s Ministry of Health says the virus spreads through direct contact with an infected person’s oral discharges or saliva, the fluid from burst blisters or the feces.

You end up with a high fever, loss of appetite and a rash that covers the hands and feet.  If treated right away people seem to get better, but those who wait too long end up with liver problems and eventually multi-organ failure.

Vietnam’s Military Chemical Institute is now investigating the Ba To District of Quang Ngai Province.  There are reports the district is now under quarantine: “We have to block the entrances here to stop patients from getting out and spreading the disease. Since we don’t know what caused the disease, we will have to rely on our rituals and prayers.”-Pham Van Tray, Reu village

Quang Ngai Province is that area where the infamous My Lai Massacre took place at the hands of U.S. Army soldiers.  The same province saw forced relocation of Vietnamese villagers, by the U.S. and its puppet government of South Vietnam, in the name of protecting them from the “commies”.

In May, 2011, another district in the same Province was harassed and terrorized by an unknown beast.  Roaring sounds and strange footprints were found at the base of the Dinh Mountain in Son Tra Commune.  At least 20 dogs were killed, most were found with their heads and internal organs missing.

In Lao Cai Province people claimed to have seen the beast that’s killing pet dogs, and other domesticated animals.  They said it is a mutant dog, tall with a fur coat varying in description from white spots to yellow stripes.

This year fires torn through two huge markets, in the provinces of Quang Ngai and Quang Binh, causing about $300,000 USD in damage.

Also this year, farmers on central Quang Ngai Province‘s Ly Son Island, known as the garlic kingdom, have suffered their biggest crop failure ever.  Farmers lost 80% of their garlic to unusually heavy rain!

(now you see why I say they’re cursed)

Back to the killer “virus”.  I say “virus” because there are reports that the reason the Military Chemical Institute is involved is because some officials think the “virus” is really an herbicide called Kanup 480 SL.

Another report said that most farmers in the area started using herbicides only two years ago, that’s when the symptoms began (and sightings of mutant feral dogs).

Many reports say the herbicide is made by the United States, however my research revealed that it is made by a Vietnamese company called Thang Bac Giang (Vithaco), not the other company that’s being named in most reports (there are several companies using the misreported name, one of which turns out to be a major textile manufacturer).

The primary ingredient in Kanup 480 SL is Glyphosate IPA Salt 480gr / l.   It was patented by U.S. corporation Monsanto in the 1970s.  It is widely used in the United States.  Lab tests on animals revealed mutations, which could explain the mutant dogs killing people’s pets in Vietnam.  U.S. lab studies were supposedly inconclusive as to what happens to humans who’re contaminated with it.

According to some poor translations of local Vietnamese news media, most people who are sick, or who died, had just finished spraying their fields with Kanup 480 SL.   From what I read, it seems like many did not mix the chemical properly and used it in concentrated form.

This might be another case of a corporation that tricked farmers who had never used chemicals in their life, into buying a new fangled contraption (Kanup 480 SL).  The local reports I read say the farmers in Quang Ngai Province only started using the herbicide in the past two years, and it really looks like they do not understand how to use it, or how harmful it could be.


Terror Drones: April 16-22, Iran copies Stealth Drone shares info with Russia & China. Seattle & Ogden using drones. Illinois National Guard RQ-7B. CIA wants to kill everyone!

April 22, 2012, Iranian military officials announced they have successfully reverse engineered the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth UAV, captured from the United States in December last year.

Iranian officials gave several clues to prove they recovered data from the aircraft’s computers.

1: Drone parts had been transferred to California for technical work in October 2010. The drone was later transferred to Kandahar, Afghanistan in November 2010.

2: The drone had experienced some technical flaws in its Kandahar flight in November, but U.S. experts failed resolve the problems. The RQ-170 was then sent back to an airfield near Los Angeles in December 2010, for tests on its censors and parts. The drone had a number of test flights there.

3: The spy drone’s memory revealed that it had flown over Al-Qaeda Leader Osama bin Laden’s hideout in Pakistan two weeks before his death.

“Had we not accessed the plane’s soft wares and hard discs, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve these facts.”-Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Forces

Iranian officials also confirmed that Russia and China are requesting that Iran share the info recovered from the RQ-170 Sentinel.  Iranian officials said many countries were asking for details on the U.S. stealth drone, but Russian and China had are being most insistent.

To show you how stupid U.S. officials are, U.S. Senator (and warmonger) Joe Lieberman called the claims “Iranian bluster.”

Facts are that during the 1980s Iran reverse engineered every U.S. and British weapons system they had, including the F-14 Tomcat and its Phoenix missiles!

Of course the Soviets helped. The proof is the fact that by the end of the 1980s the Soviets had exact copies of U.S. air to air missiles, including the Phoenix, as well as the radar system used on the F-14!

Iran has been building their own “new builds” of F-5s (including a twin tail version), F-14s (one British intelligence source had counted the number of F-14s Iran now has and concluded that the amount could only be explained by Iran building their own Tomcats), as well as developing their own medium altitude anti-aircraft missile based on the U.S. Hawk system.

Iran’s own Main Battle Tank (MBT), the Zolfaqar-3, is the result of combining technologies from U.S. M60 tank, British Chieftain tank and the Soviet/Russian T-72.  In other words; the Iranians are more than capable of reverse engineering the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth UAV.

April 21, Illinois National Guard has been operating UAVs within the U.S.  The unit is called Shadow Platoon and operates RQ-7B drones.

April 19, reports out of Pakistan said the United States is considering allowing Pakistani military to jointly operate U.S. assassination drones.

On April 19, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has officially requested for permission to kill anyone in Yemen!

According to an unnamed U.S. source, the CIA wants expanded authority to kill, even when it does not know the identities of those who could be killed!  Apparently it is because U.S. assassination drone operators are having a hard time telling who’s the bad guy in Yemen!

U.S. Secretary of Defense, numb nuts Leon Panetta, flat out lied and said all the people killed by drones were planning on attacking the United States:  “Our target there represents those terrorists, or those al-Qaida terrorists that involve a threat to this country, and there are very specific targets. This is not broad based. We are not becoming part of any kind of civil war disputes in that country. We are very precise, and very targeted and will remain pursuant to those operations.”

An international legal expert countered by stating the drone strikes are a violation of international law:  “In other words, the CIA is seeking to escalate an already unlawful campaign of targeted killing at the very time Yemen needs support building the rule of law and ending violence and military conflict. The last time the CIA had this much freedom to kill was in Vietnam. It killed 25,000 people, and the U.S. lost the war!”-Mary Ellen O’Connell, American Society of International Law

April 18, U.S. drones killed five people in Yemen.

April 17, U.S. drones kill 31 people in Somalia.

April 16, three people killed by U.S. terror drone strike in Yemen.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved a license for the Seattle Police Department to operate UAVs.  The approval was signed by President Obama back in February.

Since 2006, the FAA has issued as many as 750 UAV licenses, or permits, to 56 local governments through out the country. It took a lawsuit by the Electronic Frountier Foundation to force the FAA to reveal who is getting the permits.

Out of the 56, 22 are law enforcement agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security.  23 have law enforcement duties, such as universities who’s campus police are using the drones.

Here’s a short list of U.S. police departments licensed to operate UAVs: Arlington, Texas; North Little Rock, Arkansas; Queen Anne’s County, Maryland; FBI; Gadsden PD; Georgia Tech PD; Mesa County, Colorado; Miami-Dade, Florida; Montgomery County, Texas; Ogden, Utah; Polk County, Florida; Otter Tail County, Minnesota; Herington, Kansas.




Government Evil: Former USMC Vietnam veteran says Republicans behind Ritual Animal Sacrifice by military contractor Tier 1 Group. It’s bigger than anyone would guess

“There is a lot of money, a lot of big Republican politics behind this, a lot of power…”Gordon Duff, USMC Vietnam veteran, responding to the whistle blower video showing gruesome animal sacrifice at the hands of U.S. military contractors!

Tier 1 Group founded in 2005 by Cerberus Capital Group (run by Steve Feinberg, aka Stephen A. Feinberg), who also owns Remington Arms, Bushmaster Firearms and DPMS Panther Arms.

Cerberus gets its name from the ancient Greek multi-headed dog who guards the world of the dead.  It’s job is make sure those who die never escape to be re-born.

Republican Dan Quayle is a promoter of Cerberus Capital group.   John W. Snow (former Bush Jr administration) is chairman of Cerberus. Donald Rumsfeld has also worked for Cerberus.

Cerberus and Bernard L. Madoff worked together to take over and rip off other corporations.  Cerberus also runs the infamous DynaCorp.

Prominent U.S. Marine Corps veteran Gordon Duff says this animal sacrifice is all part of secret evil Republican agenda: “…hundreds and hundreds of defense groups, or military contracting groups set up by the people in the Republican Party.”

The question is: Why?  (The rational minded USMC veteran, Gordon Duff, couldn’t hazard any speculation on why such a thing is being done)




Government Evil: Sadistic U.S. military contractor practices Ritual Animal Sacrifice in the name of “training”, your tax dollars paying for it! Dare to watch the gruesome video

A U.S. Coast Guard whistle blower secretly videoed the gruesome animal sacrifice done by military contractor Teir 1.

The video was posted on YouTube, but is deemed so gruesome you must confirm you’re an adult to watch it!

In the name of conducting medic training for the U.S. Coast Guard, Teir 1 contractors used knives, guns, chainsaws, axes, and other torture devices to slowly and painfully kill goats.

The goats are alive when the ritual torture begins.  They break bones, cut off limbs, slash and stab various parts of the goats, and even shoot them in the face.  You can see and hear the goats in pain.

You can also hear Teir 1 personnel laughing about it.

Here’s the thing, supposedly the U.S. Army’s Rascon School of Combat Medicine, at Fort Campbell, does not use animals in its training program and has even publicly stated that “training on simulators is more realistic to providing care for a person than training on animals.” Supposedly the U.S. Air Force’s Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills, and the U.S. Navy’s Trauma Training Center, do not use animals.

So if “training on simulators is more realistic” why is a military contractor committing ritual animal sacrifice?  Because the United States is full of sick M-F-ers!!!

If you don’t want to go through YouTube’s adult verification you can see the gruesome video here, I dare you!

Oil & Gas Prices: New oil spill in Gulf of Mexico. Oil market bubble bursting? Blame War for your high prices! U.S. backed Oil War continues in Sudan. India #1 buyer of Iranian oil

“The U.S. Coast Guard is conducting an over flight assessment for a report of a rainbow sheen approximately one mile by 10 miles spotted near the Mississippi Canyon block 807 in the Gulf of Mexico……trying to identify the responsible party.”-Petty Officer Bill Colclough, U.S. Coast Guard

April 12, 2012, the USCG is investigating a report, by Royal Dutch Shell, of an oil spill located between two Shell off shore platforms, near the U.S. state of Louisiana.

Shell says it is not coming from its Mars and Ursa rigs.  It could be natural seepage.

The International Energy Agency says international oil stockpiles are so high, and demand is so low, that it expects oil prices to continue to drop.

Isn’t it funny how not even a  year ago the oil industry “experts” kept telling us that demand was still high, and that we could expect $150 per barrel, or more?

“Easing first quarter 2012 fundamentals have seen prices recently lose most of the $5 per barrel they gained in March. The muted impact so far is partly because much of this extra supply has been stockpiled on land or at sea.”-IEA statement

But don’t expect lower gas prices, as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries said, the Northern Hemisphere summer driving season is always used as an excuse to raise prices: “U.S. oil demand remains a key uncertainty to the existing demand assessment. The upcoming driving season might be affected by high retail gasoline prices and the pace of the economic recovery.”-OPEC statement

The International Energy Agency says consumers can blame the high fuel prices on wars and rumors of wars: “We cannot discount the possibility that prices will remain high so long as geopolitical uncertainties remain.”-IEA statement

Sudan launched an offensive to re-take the largest oil field from South Sudan: “Within the next 72 hours, we shall have pushed all of their troops out of our territories.”-Rabie Abdelaty, Sudanese spokesman

The Heglig field produces about 60,000 barrels per day.  Last week U.S. supported South Sudan captured the Heglig.

India has just surpassed China, as Iran’s number one oil buyer.  In the first quarter of 2012 India imported 433,000 barrels per day from Iran.  China’s import rate for Iranian oil was only 256,000 bpd.  That’s according to  Petrologistics.

It could be that China had made a huge oil deal with Russia, but now Russian courts could threaten that deal.

Russian prosecutors are investigating the 30 year deal, over a discount giving to China.  That discount results in a reduction in profits, over the 30 years, of $3 billion USD.  Many Russians are not happy about that.

China imports 300,000 bpd from Russia’s Eastern Siberian oil fields.





Pacific Ring of Fire: Busy April 11, 2012; Indonesia, Mexico and U.S.A.

April 11, 2012, has turned out to be a busy day for magnitude 5+ earthquakes, around or adjacent to the Pacific Ring of fire.

Oregon, United States, experienced a 5.9 quake just off its coastline.

Alaska, United States, had a 5.5 quake.

Michoacan, Mexico got hit with a 6.5 quake.

The Banda Sea area (east of Indonesia, north of Australia) had a 5.3 quake.

And then there’s Sumatra, Indonesia, and the Indian Ocean area.  32 quakes ranging from magnitude 5 to 8.6 in just 24 hours!

The west coast of the northern island of Sumatra got hit the most and the hardest: 22 times, including an 8.2 magnitude and an 8.6 magnitude!

The North Indian Ocean got hit ten times, including a 6 magnitude quake.

Altogether, at least 36 magnitude 5 or greater earthquakes around, or adjacent to the Pacific Ring of fire in a 24 hour period (using USGS records).

World War 3: Iran reveals military upgrades; stealth detecting radar, laser targeting and gatling guns

April 11, 2012, Iranian military officials announced their indigenous tank, Zolfaqar-3, has been upgraded with the latest in laser targeting.

The Zolfaqar tank (not to be confused with many other Iranian weapons using the same name) was developed over the decades by experimenting with U.S. M60 tanks, British Chieftain tanks and Soviet/Russian T-72 tanks.

The production version looks a lot like the U.S. M1 Abrams but armed with a Russian 125mm auto-loading main gun.

It probably uses the same “chobham” armor that the British Challenger tank uses, as it was Iranian engineers who developed it and then requested the British company Vickers to make them a new tank with it.  That tank became the Challenger, but it never made it to Iran because of the 1979 Revolution.

The Zolfaqar-3 reportedly weighs 36 metric tons (39.6 tons) and has a 780 hp diesel piston engine (the U.S. M1 has a 1,500 shp turbine/jet engine which uses diesel).

Iran has built their own version of the M134 Minigun.  The Iranian gatling gun fires 7.62mm bullets (not sure if its x39mm, or x51mmNATO, or x54mm) at a rate of 4000 to 6000 rounds per minute (it’s designed to take out a lot of troops in one pass).

Iran announced this weapon in 2010, but they are claiming that all their military units, designated to use the minigun, are now equipped with it.

Iran has also developed a radar system designed to detect stealth aircraft. Iranian media reported that the radar can detect aircraft with a “very low radar cross section”.

The new radar is called Samen, and is due to begin operations by March 19.



Iran major exporter of Cement & Carpets

“Today our country has become a main exporter of cement. By launching the second phase of Orumieh cement factory, Iran’s cement production capacity increased by one million tonnes!”-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran

With the end of the Iranian year (on March 19, 2012) came news of increased exports of products other than oil, and despite U.S. and European sanctions.

Cement and clinker (a kilned then quenched cement product) has increased 17.44% and reached 10,119,780 metric tons (11,154,960 tons)!

In August 2011, Iran became a world exporter of cement.

In March 2012, Iran revealed it had developed “smart cement” which could withstand the impact of a bunker busting bomb. The smart cement was originally developed to counter the shaking of earthquakes, which Iran is prone to many.

Hand made rugs are one of Iran’s biggest sellers.  In the United States they’re called Persian rugs.

An estimated 1.2 million people in Iran are employed in the hand made rug industry.  They produce five million square meters of carpets, 80% are exported!

In the past year Iran exported $560 million USD worth of Persian rugs.