26 March 2016 (04:06 UTC-07 Tango 01) 07 Farvardin 1395/16 Jumada t-Tania 1437/18 Xin Mao 4714
Why isn’t ‘western’ news media covering the scandalous news out of Belgium? The Interior Minister just accused the Belgian police of a False Flag operation!
False Flag operations don’t just mean the government was directly behind a terrible incident, it can also mean law enforcers know something bad is going to happen and then intentionally do nothing about it. That’s exactly what controversial Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon revealed yesterday! (and he’s not just controversial for getting caught numerous times digging for nose goblins)
At the beginning of the month, Turkey and Belgium held a forum in which they pledged to increase anti-terrorist cooperation between their security forces. Isn’t it interesting that just two weeks later Belgium gets hit with attacks that supposedly involve terrorists that Turkey tried to warn Belgium about?
Jambon revealed that in June 2015 Turkish police informed Belgian police that a known Belgian terrorist, Ibrahim El Bakraoui, was heading to Syria. A previous news report revealed that El Bakraoui had been deported from Turkey to Netherlands in August 2015, by January 2016 he was back in his home country of Belgium. Jambon says further investigations connected El Bakraoui to the Belgian terror cell that conducted Tuesday’s kamikaze bombings. However, he accuses Belgian police of deliberately halting their tracking of El Bakraoui weeks before the attacks!

This map looks like the current route for refugee/immigrants, however, it’s actually from an education website showing the 20th Century route taken by most international students from Middle East! Interesting.
Belgian police fired back at Jambon accusing him of “jeu politique” (dirty politics)! Belgium’s SFLP (Syndicat Libre de la Fonction Publique) Police claim they’re inability to ‘properly’ track the terrorists is the result of a reduction in staff of 22%.
It should be noted that Belgium’s national police underwent ‘reforms’ in 2001 due to a scandal involving massive child sex crimes including torture deaths! It should also be noted that a couple of days ago Jan Jambon tried to resign from his government job, but the Prime Minister denied the request.
In November 2015, Jan Jambon revealed that so called ‘Islamic State’ operatives were using Sony’s Playstation 4 video game console to communicate, because “it’s very difficult…to decrypt…”
Belgian news media are reporting inconsistencies with the official government version of the timeline of events on Tuesday.
Martial Law Failure: Massive Kamikaze bombings hit NATO capital Belgium!