Category Archives: Opinion

China refuses to pay U.S. debt

“The U.S. wants China to pay its economic bills by raising the value of the yuan. This is preposterous!”-Zhang Yansheng, Institute of Foreign Economics

Officials from China and the United States are meeting this week to discuss, what else, economic issues.  Many U.S. officials want the Chinese to raise the value of their money, the yuan, in order to help the U.S. dollar.  But the Chinese say bullsh*t!

Ma Xiaoye, of the China Foundation for International & Strategic Studies, says U.S. leaders created the economic problems, so “How can the U.S. count on a foreign currency to solve them?” Zhang Yansheng added “The U.S. should take responsibility for its own policies, instead of asking China to pay for it.”

The U.S. wants China to raise the value of their money, against the U.S. dollar, to help fight inflation in the United States.

Chinese analysts say the problem is that every time the Federal Reserve implements a quantitative easing (QE) policy, it sends “hot money” into the world economy creating “market bubbles”, which is what China does not want.

Maybe if the Federal Reserve stops issuing money that really isn’t there, the Chinese might decide to raise the value of their money.

U.S. corporate executives continue to make bank, while the rest of us struggle

A report by Standard & Poor’s shows that while the workers of the United States continue to struggle, the corporate leaders are raking in the dough.  In fact corporate executives are making more now, than they did before the 2007 market correction.

S & P’s 500 reports that in 2010, the average yearly salary of a corporate executive was $9 million, NOT counting bonuses.  That’s a 24% increase over 2009.  Are you making that much?  Did you get a 24% raise?

The S & P’s report proves you are not making that much.  The report says the average worker got a piddly 3% increase in pay.  The average pay for those who are employed is $40,500 per year (41% earn less than the average).  That’s only one half a percent of the average salary for a CEO.

When are workers going to wake up?  Who is really doing the work that makes the corporations money?  It’s NOT the executive officers!


Oil prices drop, suddenly there’s a new oil disaster, big pipeline leak in Canada

Ever since the supposed raid to kill bin Laden was announced, oil prices have been falling.  In fact, May 5, oil is about $99.00 per barrel for WTI.

Guess what, now there’s a huge leak in a big oil pipeline in Alberta, Canada.  How convenient.  Not only that, but officials who control the Plains Midstream pipeline claim the leak started on April 29!  So far, 4.5 million liters (1.2 million gallons) of oil has leaked out.

Crazy idea: Raid on Osama bin Laden compound part of Witness Protection Program

Why does the information about the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan, continually change?  Why did they dump his body in the ocean for bogus reasons?  Did they dump his body?

First they said they shot him in a fire fight, that was later changed to, “he was resisting”, and then his daughter, and witnesses come out and say there was no resistance.  Now Obama officials back that claim up, saying that of all the people killed in the compound only one was armed.  Bin Laden’s daughter also says he was shot after being put on the helicopter.

Obama officials tried to use excuses about observing Islamic law when they dumped him in the ocean.  But I’ve shown how their claims of respecting religious laws are bogus.  Claims that bin Laden’s body would be a made into a “shrine” are bogus, because he, and other members of al-Qaeda are Whabbi Muslims, who do not practice such things.

Now realize that the United States has been involved with Osama bin Laden ever since the 1980s.  He was our boy during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.  After that war was over, any attempt to “get Osama” was piddly and failed.  There are documented statements from intelligence officials, going back decades, that say they knew where he was, and that he was working for us.

So my crazy question is this: Was this suspicious sounding raid to kill Osama bin Laden really a cover up for an elaborate witness protection program? Assault the compound with two helicopters, guns blazing, take bin Laden and make it look like you kill him, say you dump his body at sea, and really he’s now living somewhere in a guarded witness protection program, because he has too much dirty info on the U.S. government (and he’s rich you know).

By the way, did anybody forget that the bin Laden family are buddy buddy with several U.S. officials, including former President Bush Jr?

Obama administration flip flops on bin Laden raid info, bin Laden’s daughter says he was killed AFTER capture

Ever since the announcement that Osama bin Laden was dead, the Obama administration has been flip flopping on the details.

First they said bin Laden was killed in a fire fight.  Then they said he was resisting, but not armed (how does a sick 54 year old man resist without weapons?).  They said he used a wife as a human shield, they flopped and said she willingly rushed at the U.S. forces.  First they said she was dead, now she was just wounded in the leg.

What’s up Obama?  I thought you guys watched the whole thing live?  You issued a pic of your cabinet supposedly watching the event live?

Now Pakistani officials say Osama bin Laden’s young teen daughter witnessed the whole thing and says her father did not resist, and that U.S. forces killed him AFTER they got him on the helicopter.  Is this the real reason they dumped his body in the ocean, to cover up how he was killed?

Not a single bullet was fired from the compound at the U.S. forces and their choppers.”-Pakistani security official

Pakistani officials, and locals living in the area, say only the U.S. forces were doing the shooting, no shots came from anyone in the bin Laden compound.

Here are the latest statements from Obama’s officials: “…rushed the U.S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed.” “Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed.” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney



Occupy America: Why are Diesel fuel prices so high? Diesel commodity futures trading less than Gas, even with low sulfur refining

Read my November 20, and November 5, 2011, postings about current diesel prices.  It’s bad news, it explains why prices are only going up, and how fracking of natural gas is really for fuel production.

May 3, Diesel fuel prices are higher than gas, at the pump.

In Idaho, as of May 3, most gas stations are selling Diesel for about $4.15 per gallon.  The highest is $4.50 near Mountain Home.  That’s way higher than gas.  Most gas stations are selling gasoline around $3.65 per gallon, with the highest at $4.00 near Hailey, Idaho.

Yet Diesel futures are selling for less than gas futures on the commodities market.   As of May 2, gas futures, for June delivery, were at $3.34 per gallon.  Compare that to Diesel NY at $3.29, and Diesel Gulf at $3.31 per gallon.

So why is Diesel so much higher at the pump?

Many websites say it’s because Diesel must be refined to low sulfur standards.  That doesn’t explain the higher price at the pump!  The commodity prices paid are for already refined Diesel, so the claim that low sulfur refining is the cause doesn’t work.

Some people say it’s because Diesel is actually in higher demand than gasoline, due to industry (like trucking & airlines, “jet” fuel is actually a form of Diesel/Kerosene) and the military (possibly the biggest user of Diesel, thank the War on Terror).  That might be, but normally the commodity price reflects anticipated demand.

Some journalists have asked oil executives about fuel costs, but oil executives can only talk about the price of refined fuels sold on the commodities market, not at the pump.

What about taxes?  It turns out that taxes for Diesel are more than taxes for gasoline.  In Idaho the average (January 2011) pump tax (combined state/federal) for Diesel is 49.4 cents per gallon.  For gas, in Idaho, it’s 43.4 cents.  That’s only a 6 cents per gallon difference, so that doesn’t explain the 50 cent per gallon difference in the pump price of Diesel vs gasoline ($4.15 for Diesel minus $3.65 for gas).

By the way, California has the highest tax rates in the country for Diesel at 76 cents per gallon, and gas at 66.1 cents.  That’s because California has higher local and state taxes on top of the federal taxes.

So, the only conclusion I can come up with is that Diesel fuel prices, at the pump, are higher than gasoline due to higher taxes for Diesel, and maybe  higher demand for Diesel (again that’s usually what drives commodity prices, before it gets to the pump).  Maybe gas stations are trying to make up for their extremely slim profit margins on gas prices by jacking up the more stable Diesel prices?

Don’t blame Pakistan. U.S. knew for years where Osama bin Laden was, because “he was your operator”

“Look everybody knew that Osama bin Laden was hiding out in Pakistan. Al-Qaeda and Taliban have officers with practically, publicly known addresses and that was no secret that the ISI and other factions of the Pakistani military were backing this and this was not secret. That enormous amount of Saudi money was supporting these operations including al-Qaeda.”-Jeff Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review

There’s growing calls for action against Pakistan for “hiding” Osama bin Laden. But the truth is that the U.S. government knew bin Laden was in Pakistan, or at least being protected by Pakistan, for years, if not decades.

In October 2010, The Guardian published an article in which an unnamed NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) officer said bin Laden was in Pakistan and that “Nobody in al-Qaida is living in a cave.”

An NBC interview of current Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari (husband of assassinated Benazir Bhutto), aired in May, 2009, in which President Zardari said the U.S. government always knew where bin Laden was in the past, saying “…he was your operator.” He believed bin Laden was now dead because: “I’ve asked my counterparts in the American intelligence agencies and they haven’t heard of him in seven years.”

David Frost interviewed Benazir Bhutto in November 2007, and she said bin Laden was dead.  She was explaining that a failed October 2007 assassination attempt on her life could have been carried out by “…Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden.”

ABC news aired a story in February 2007, in which they say the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) said bin Laden was in Pakistan: “…to the best of our knowledge that the senior leadership, No. 1 and No. 2, are there, and they are attempting to re-establish and rebuild and to establish training camps.”-Mike McConnell, Director of National Intelligence

CBS news, in a January 2002 report, not only said bin Laden was in Pakistan, but was near death because of failing kidneys.  According to the reporter, even the President of Pakistan knew: “But it was Pakistan`s President Musharraf who said in public what many suspected, that bin Laden suffers from kidney disease, saying he thinks bin Laden may be near death. His evidence, watching this most recent video, showing a pale and haggard bin Laden, his left hand never moving.”-Barry Petersen, CBS correspondent

On August 22, 2001 (weeks before September 11, 2001) The Asia Times published an article that said the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were in negotiations for the capture of bin Laden, in order to avoid …the secret deployment of US special forces in northern areas, for an operation inside Afghanistan to apprehend bin Laden ‘dead or alive any time soon’.”

You can go back all the way to the 1980s, when the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan worked together to bring Osama bin Laden to Afghanistan to create what would become the Taliban, and al-Qaeda.  Ahmed Rashid, respected expert on Afghan issues, quotes bin Laden in his book “Taliban” (first published in 2000): “I settled in Pakistan in the Afghan border region. There I received volunteers who came from the Saudi Kingdom and from all over the Arab and Muslim countries.  I set up my first camp where these volunteers were trained by Pakistani and American officers.”-Osama bin Laden

So from the beginning, all the way back to 1980, Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan, by his own words.  The fact that he was supported by not only the Saudis and Pakistanis, but the United States, should cause concern, and doubt about what any of the governments of those countries now say about bin Laden.  There are many more statements by public officials from the U.S. and Pakistan that show, if anything, the public has been lied to from day one. 


U.S. officials admit they “dumped” Osama bin Laden’s body, more bullsh*t!

“You wouldn’t want to leave him so that his body could become a shrine.”-unnamed official

According to a Reuters report, bin Laden’s dead body was dumped so it would not become a symbol, or inspiration for would-be militants.  This is more bullsh*t!  Muslims do not keep bodies on display!  ALL Muslims are to be buried in the ground, if possible.   Somebody give me an example where a Muslim was dug up and used as symbol of inspiration, or a “shrine”!  That is another violation of Islam!

It’s starting to sound like Obama officials, who are obviously ignorant of the ways of Islam, are scrambling to come up with explanations as to what happened to the body.   This also proves that Barack Obama is NOT a Muslim!

Obama ignores pleas for help from Texas Governor, FEMA out of money

“If you hit Houston with a Category 4 or 5 (hurricane), and we’ve only got a couple billion dollars in the rainy day fund, instead of going in and rebuilding and recovering, we’re talking about bankruptcy. That’s the choice that we have here.”- Rick Perry, Governor of Texas

Texas Governor Rick Perry asked President Obama for help, two weeks ago, in fighting the biggest fires in Texas history.  Obama has not responded.

FEMA is still trying to reply to the request for help from Texas.  The problem? No money!  Rachel Racusen, FEMA spokeswoman, says they’ve approved 22 grants to help local firefighting agencies, by there’s no money to fund the grants.

Maybe FEMA would have the money if our government wasn’t so happy with spending it on wars?


Mexicans don’t trust their government, cops or religion

An annual Enadis 2010 survey, released on April 12, reveals Mexicans don’t trust the police or religion.

The survey asked what Mexicans fear most. Number one was violent robbery, followed by violent act by drug gang, and at number three; being a victim of the police or other government enforcement agencies.  Gee, the government is a criminal organization?

The survey also asked Mexicans who they thought were the most intolerant.  The police came in with the most votes, followed by religious organizations.  Wow, the two groups that’re supposed to be protective and supportive of human rights are actually the worst violators of human rights?

I wonder if this War on Drugs has anything to do with it?