Official video explainer of Cold War era Integrated Combat Turn, making a return to fight ‘near peer threats’:
Official video explainer of Cold War era Integrated Combat Turn, making a return to fight ‘near peer threats’:
At the Orchard Training Area (OTA, aka Orchard Combat Training Center-OCTC) the Idaho Army National Guard is preparing for the 116th Calvary Brigade Combat Team’s upcoming rotation at the National Training Center (Fort Irwin), California, later this year.
Photo via Idaho Army National Guard. I’ve seen a lot of model dioramas with polished metal cases for the 120mm rounds, that is wrong, the case is a clear combustible plastic, the light grey color is the charge inside.
“Gunner! Sabot, tank!”
“On the way!”
A lot of ‘Metal Case Bases’ (we call them AFCAPs). Anybody experience an AFCAP separation from the case while trying to load it? I have, it sucks, there goes your whole gunnery run!
Upgraded British empire made (BAE Systems) Idaho National Guard M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) conducting ‘live fire’ exercises at Orchard Training Area (OTA, aka Orchard Combat Training Center-OCTC).
Idaho Army National Guard’s Alpha Company, 116 Brigade Engineer Battalion, prepping for ‘rotation’ to National Training Center (Fort Irwin), California, later this year.
Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of United States Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for September 2018:
U.S. Has Highest Share of Foreign-Born Since 1910
At Camp Foster, Japan, military personnel became U.S. citizens, LEGALLY, 06SEP2018.
ALABAMA: Selma City Council passes $17.4 million budget
ALASKA: Anchorage budget proposal relies on taxes, revenues, cuts
ARKANSAS: 15 migrants arrested
CALIFORNIA: Rape suspect arrested, turns out he’s a ‘Safety Specialists’ at UC Berkeley!
On-duty Kern County deputy arrested for allegedly being on drugs
Court rules San Bernardino County Sheriff’s deputy violated the Fourth Amendment rights of students
Deputy arrested for violating probation
Retired cop arrested for grand theft auto and threatening other cops
Stanislaus County Supervisor has DUI arrest record
150 Undocumented Immigrants, Most of Them With Criminal Records, Arrested in 3-Day Operation
Deep in red, Sacramento City school district’s budget rejected
COLORADO: Denver unveils almost $1.5B budget proposal
U.S. Coast Guard captures 11 migrants and three human traffickers off Boca Raton, 08SEP2018.
Two City of Clearwater employees arrested for stealing from the taxpayers
police lieutenant arrested, accused of molesting little girl
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputy arrested for possessing and sharing child pornography
Police Officer arrested for disorderly conduct at restaurant
corrections trainee charged with sexual misconduct
Prison guard arrested for drugs and bribery
Gainesville Regional Utilities jacked-up by 2%
Tampa approves more than $1-billion budget
Bradenton passes record budget. Yes, you will pay more
GEORGIA: deputy kept job despite child cruelty arrest
Deputy arrested for illegally selling guns
Police admit gangs are behind gun violence
Department of Corrections investigating prisoner deaths
IDAHO: Budget office warns Idahoans may face bigger tax bills
2019 state education budget proposal includes $19.1 million for police-state ‘student safety’
proposed teacher raises revised, after error found in budget
Death, understaffing claims prompt another investigation of taxpayer funded ‘treatment’ center
Nampa asks for volunteers to scare away crows
Taxpayers forced to pay $78000 to national search firm to find next U of I president
Deputy quits job after being arrested for being drunk
Indianapolis Police & Fire demand more taxpayer funding
IOWA: 2018 budget surplus a higher than expected
LOUISIANA: Five Deputies arrested for beating and raping prisoners!
Opelousas City Council increases taxpayer funded budget
KENTUCKY: 16 U.S. Army soldiers at Fort Knox became U.S. citizens, LEGALLY, 19SEP2018.
In Boston, 24 military personnel became U.S. citizens, LEGALLY, 20SEP2018.
MINNESOTA: Big budget cuts, layoffs at White Earth reservation, including police force
MISSISSIPPI: 16 prisoners die
Pascagoula jacks-up taxes in effort to stop mass layoffs and reduce $14-million deficit
MISSOURI: City of Jefferson to buy new cop cars and rezone 139 properties
NEW HAMPSHIRE: State’s growth dependent upon foreigners as more citizens left the state, than moved in, from 2002-2012.
NEW JERSEY: Newark Liberty International Airport eliminating 8-hundred jobs due to United Airlines suddenly changing its ground handling contract!
NJ cop arrested on charges of luring underage children for sex
NEW MEXICO: Every month state taxpayers forced to fund secret lawsuit settlements!
deputy arrested outside Santa Fe bar
Border Patrol Agent Arrested in Connection With Murders of 4 Women
NEW YORK: 7 New York Police Officers Arrested
Police sergeant, firefighter, nurse among 24 alleged child predators arrested in sting operation
Male prison guard arrested for having sex with prisoner
Female prison guard arrested for raping prisoner
OHIO: Sandusky cop arrested on felony charges
Mahoning County Sheriff’s Deputy arrests Lisbon City Police Officer
Corrections officers disciplined after prisoner escapes
OKLAHOMA: Colonel Christopher A. Hussin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Tulsa County Drainage District 12 Levee Commissioner signed a Cost Sharing Agreement for the $3-million taxpayer funded Tulsa-West Tulsa Levee System Feasibility Study. The levee was first built in the 1940s and apparently is in need of updating if it’s to continue as a flood control system.
Thousands of Oklahomans switch political party affiliation
senator convicted of child sex trafficking sentenced
PENNSYLVANIA: Taxpayer funded for-profit prison contractor GEO issued a shutdown WARN (Worker Adjustment Retraining Notification) for its Walker Hall operations, 27 jobs gone right after Thanksgiving.
Corrections officer accused of smuggling drugs
SOUTH CAROLINA: Prison guards arrested for drug smuggling
TENNESSEE: Correctional Officer Accused Of Smuggling
TEXAS: Arrests of Bexar County cops sets new record in 2018!
Bexar County deputy arrested on drunk driving charge; 17th deputy criminally charged in 2018
Deputy arrested on DWI charge gets fired
Dallas police officer who shot neighbor dead arrested
El Paso County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested an El Paso City Police officer for deadly hit-&-run
Wise County deputy arrested for assault
Border agents in South Texas saw increase in migrant families make illegal crossings
San Antonio adopts $2.8-billion budget
Amarillo increases taxes to hire more cops
UTAH: Firefighting group expresses concern over prisoner rape arrest
WASHINGTON: Female prison guard arrested for having sex with prisoner
Seattle unveils $5.9 billion budget proposal
Spokane Public Schools to pay for teacher pay raises by forcing teachers to retire early
Washington DC: Ice arrests more than 40 people trying to sponsor migrant children
Border arrests of migrant families increase 38 percent
Indians (from India) arrested for illegally entering U.S. nearly triples
New TRAC Report Shows Where ICE Arrests Occur
ObamaCare-ACA death spiral, September 2018: “DANGEROUSLY LOW”
U.S. government shenanigans, August 2018: ARE COPS THE NEW #1 ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE? IDAHO RAPES TAXPAYERS!
Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of United States Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for August 2018:
Civil Asset Forfeiture: A Guide to Policing For Profit.
USA Today: Prisoners nationwide go on strike to protest ‘modern-day slavery’
ALABAMA: Warrior police officer arrested for 2nd time in 2 years
Retired Drug Task Force cop turns out to be a drug dealer
Sanitation and gas tax dominates
ARIZONA: Video update of National Guard support ops for U.S. Customs and Boarder Protection (Border Patrol) at Port of Nogales, Operation Guardian Support:
CALIFORNIA: Taxpayer funded General Dynamics eliminating 1-thousand-493 NASSCO jobs (according to official WARN) in San Diego, by the end of September, supposedly due to an accident involving a USN ship and a new floating dry dock! Electronic voting software company Everyone Counts eliminating 18 jobs in La Jolla. Texas based prison contractor ISI Detention Contracting Group suddenly halted ops in Orange, 27 jobs suddenly gone.
Border Patrol cop arrested for ‘strangling’ traveler
Whittier police officer arrested for sexually assaulting 2 minors
Politician and his wife arrested for illegal use of campaign money
California spends more than half its yearly taxpayer funded fire budget in one month!
COLORADO: Fort Collins expects slowing tax revenues, despite legalized ganja
FLORIDA: Taxpayer funded GCR eliminating 35 jobs at Cape Canaveral, in September. Taxpayer funded Lockheed Martin-Sikorsky eliminating 5-hundred jobs, in Jupiter, by the end of December!
Police officer arrested, accused of breaking prisoner’s leg
Prison guard arrested for drugs
Yes, Rick Scott did cut $700 million from Florida’s water management
GEORGIA: congressional candidate arrested for murder
congressional candidate sentenced to six months in jail
GUAM: New Island Sustainability Community Advisory Board formed
IDAHO: Taxpayer funded software problem closes driver’s license offices, hinders police
FBI arrests ten people for selling fake cellphones
One Third of Middleton police department serves in Idaho Army National Guard
Idaho prisons mulling 20 percent taxpayer funded budget boost
Canyon County blames massive budget increase on prison overcrowding
South Idaho deputy’s shooting of family dog investigated
Idaho schools chief’s new security plan may cause chaos
State leaders report a surprise $100-million increase in tax collections!
State government sells-off 51 Priest Lake properties for $26-million
Kootenai County wants to jack-up property taxes
Idaho County wants to jack-up property taxes
City of Meridian reduces budget yet jacks-up property taxes
Twin Falls reduces budget yet jacks-up property taxes
Idaho Falls police demand more taxpayer funding
Boise Fire Department ‘loses’ $17-million in taxpayer funding!
Lewiston Airport sees increase in operating costs, yet suffers 60% decrease in flights
Problems getting worse for the now taxpayer funded Portneuf Wellness Complex (I must point out this ‘wellness complex’ was originally built without Bannock County taxpayer approval as it was touted as being funded with donations)
Bannock County official placed on paid administrative leave
Pocatello’s massive taxpayer burdening Northgate interchange project delayed until at least next summer
Pocatello’s community access channel will shut down
Zimbabwe man who lived in Pocatello for 15 years to be deported
Troubled University of Idaho reports big drop in funding for athletic programs
College of Idaho warns of budget cuts and layoffs due to crashing enrollments and funding
ILLINOIS: Politician’s campaign staffer arrested for attacking political opponents
INDIANA: Arrest caught on video ends with cop being fired
LOUISIANA: Saint Tammany Parish laying off 21 people, as part of an earlier warning that as many as 40 Parish employees would lose their jobs due to local sales tax collections crashing by millions of U.S. dollars.
10 new laws that could affect your daily life
Oak Grove cop charged with rape
Shreveport police officer arrested
MARYLAND: Baltimore cop resigns after ‘disturbing’ video
MICHIGAN: County cop arrested for being drunk and fighting with city cops
MISSISSIPPI: 12th Mississippi prisoner Dies in August
MISSOURI: Ferguson officer fired for stalking, assault
NEVADA: 911 dispatcher arrested
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Top Democrat arrested for domestic violence
NEW JERSEY: Mail-order cocaine and a top cop’s arrest spark new calls to kill an entire police department!
NEW MEXICO: Oil boom drives tax revenues to record high
NEW YORK: Taxpayer funded General Dynamics eliminating 31 CSRA InfoTech(IT)-national security jobs in Fort Drum, by the end of October, officially due to loss of contract.
Cop arrested for grabbing women
NORTH CAROLINA: Dozens of people arrested in one county for ‘illegal voting’!
congressional candidate arrested on stalking charges
OHIO: Cop arrested, charged with drug trafficking
Female corrections officer arrested
OKLAHOMA: taxpayer funded Veterans Center doctor arrested for attacking a taxpayer funded cop
Cop arrested, accused of choking son
PENNSYLVANIA: Prison guard arrested for drug smuggling
SOUTH CAROLINA: Cop charged with killing his wife
TENNESSEE: Lack of tax revenues threaten police departments
County promises no tax increases or budget cuts, in return for selling taxpayer owned hospital
TEXAS: Entire police force turns out to be criminal gang as Series of indictments nearly wipes out Llano Police Department
Female cop arrested twice in 3 weeks
police officer found guilty of murder
Cop arrested Just 10 Days After Being Sworn-In
Cop spending just 15 years in prison for killing high school student
Mansfield mayor demands tax relief for home owners
VIRGINIA: Taxpayer funded General Dynamics eliminating 101 CSRA InfoTech(IT)-national security jobs in Chesapeake, by the end of September, as a result of taking over taxpayer funded CSRA this year!
Police Officer Arrested in Death of Baby Daughter
WASHINGTON: eighth prisoner to die in Spokane County custody
cop arrested again in domestic violence case
Spokane police officer pleads guilty
police sergeant sentenced to 7-years in prison for sexually assaulting another cop!
Washington DC: CIA officer faces arrest
Former head of CDC (and Obama lackey) Tom Frieden arrested
Congressmen arrested for Insider Trading
How many of Donald Trump’s advisers have been convicted?
Three Men Arrested for Impersonating Senate Staff
Trump gives $717 billion taxpayer funded military bill a green light
Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees
Senate increases taxpayer spending on the National Institutes of Health to $39-billion!
Federal budget deficit increases 79%
WYOMING: Greybull police officer arrested on federal charge
Drugs, the American Way, August 2018: ‘SEVEN DAYS OF HELL’ ‘1.5 MILLION LETHAL DOSES’
Dumbing Down the U.S.A., August 2018: BARRICADES, ACTIVE SHOOTERS & MAGA
ObamaCare-ACA death spiral, August 2018: “SIGNIFICANT FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES”
U.S. government shenanigans, July 2018: TAXES & NEW LAWS PROVE IT’S NO LAND OF THE FREE!
29OCT2018 (16:14 UTC-07 Tango 06) 07 Aban 1397/18 Safar 1440/21 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4716
The latest (incomplete list) main stream news media reports proving there’s a vaccine war, and now most vaccine failures are being blamed on ‘incompetent’ healthcare workers! Ultimately it’s still about the money!
Does Prior Flu Vaccination Impact Subsequent Vaccine Efficacy?
High-Dose Flu Vaccine (four times more flu microbes per shot)
Vaccine confidence low in Europe
Does prenatal Tdap vaccination increase autism risk?
BRITISH EMPIRE (COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS): Australia; Sydney suburbs dragging down Australia’s record vaccination rates
Melbourne start-up Swoop Aero wins first contract to deliver vaccines via drones
Sydney pharmacist to face court over alleged vaccine smuggling
Canada; Toronto Sun newspaper pulls column skeptical of vaccines (I believe it was an article claiming that not all government approved vaccines were actually tested)
University of Waterloo study proves vaccines + incompetent healthcare workers cause SIRVA
Tornadoes delay delivery of flu vaccine in Ottawa
India; Are funding cuts to doctors deciding what vaccine your baby gets?
Rabies vaccine crisis worsens as Indian makers stop supplies
Drug maker accused of contaminating polio vaccines
UN’s World Health Organization plays down risk to Indian children from tainted polio vaccine
Botched vaccination claims 2-month-old’s life, 3 infants critical
After death of 23 Asiatic lions, Gujarat starts vaccination drive
Samoa: Samoan nurse charged with manslaughter in vaccine deaths
United Kingdom; Taxpayer funded healthcare operation screws up distribution of flu shots for old people!
NHS denies flu vaccine shortage amid complaints
MPs ‘shocked’ by low flu vaccine rates among social care staff
Pork gelatine use in NHS vaccines ‘disappointing’
Chinese regulators fine drug firm €1.1bn for failed rabies vaccines given to humans
Vaccine maker Sinovac Biotech accused of falsifying official documents!
Number of faulty children’s vaccines in China surges to over 900000
Outrage in China over thousands of faulty mandatory vaccines for children
Parents of Vaccine-Stricken Children Vow to Keep Up Campaign Amid Scandal
CONGO: More of what I call Operation Jupiter as it was revealed by U.S. Department of Defense sources that the new ebola vaccine was created by the U.S. military’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Chemical and Biological Technologies Department. Not only was the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine co-created by the U.S. military it got approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and profit making rights to produce and sell the vaccine went to drugs company Merck! The people of the Democratic Republic of Congo are being used as test subjects for the vaccine in what could be called operation Ring of Hope.
COSTA RICA: U.S. doctor tries to connect lack of vaccinations with high crime in the Central American country!
HAITI: New vaccine launched in Haiti
ITALY: children missing school due to confusion over vaccine policy
U-turn on mandatory vaccination shocks the scientific community
MEXICO: The socialized healthcare system makes vaccinations mandatory, yet in the past few weeks taxpayer funds have been spent promoting vaccinations, suggesting an increase in the number of people refusing to get shots. In years past I’ve reported how thousands of people in Mexico still get sick, and even die, of influenza despite mandatory flu shots.
Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad (MCCI) reports that government stats on vaccination rates are bold lies, when compared to UNICEF data. In reality, Mexico’s socialized healthcare system is a failure when it comes to mandatory vaccination rates!
MCCI also discovered that Mexico’s socialized healthcare system has become yet another Class Warfare way of making the elites rich and screwing-over the poor taxpayers: “We detected a weak guiding activity on the part of the SH [Secretary of Health], which has favored a monopoly of sale during the last 15 years, which has led to purchases at a premium of around 287% above the international reference price and generated a variation and discretion in the purchase price in the states of up to 31% additional.”
Ministry of Health guarantees vaccines after passage of “Willa”
130-million taxpayer Pesos spent on vaccines in the first 20 days of the official flu season!
Only 987 thousand flu shots available in Mexico City?
4.2 million flu, tetanus, measles, HPV vaccines in Edomex
‘ultra-clean’ chicken eggs used for new flu shots
App to know everything about the child’s immunization schedule
Man makes millions by monopolizing National Week of Canine and Feline Anti-rabies Vaccination
Mumps outbreak, blamed on vaccine shortage
PHILIPPINES: Former Health Secretary Janette Garin failed to appear for Department of Justice ‘vaccine’ probe
Scandalous Dengvaxia vaccination program in schools now heads to court
ROMANIA: Video of what I call Operation Jupiter as U.S. Army vaccinates U.S. military personnel occupying Romania in anticipation of an influenza outbreak around the Black Sea area:
UNITED STATES: More of what I call Operation Jupiter as Fort Belvior, Virginia, based Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Chemical and Biological Technologies Department began promoting its new DNA based vaccine research: “The U.S. Department of Defense is currently developing DNA vaccines to protect against a variety of viral threats including alphaviruses, filoviruses and hantaviruses.”
In Florida, U.S. Naval Hospital Jacksonville conducted a series of mass vaccinations of healthcare staff and active duty personnel as part of a ‘war game’ to prepare for a pandemic (do they know something?): “We train like we fight. We’re honing our quick-response capabilities, in case there were ever an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease.”-Dana Shropshire, emergency management officer
CDC’s handling of polio-like illness criticized by its own advisers
6 children dead, 12 sick after virus outbreak at New Jersey healthcare facility
Anti-vaccine billboards appear in several states
“Vaccines can kill” billboard in California featuring nurse’s dead son
California nurse claims vaccines are sending infants to the NICU, says its now ‘routine’!
Arizona cancels vaccine program after backlash
Maine offers free Hep-A vaccines
Hep-A outbreak in Florida results in free shots
Tennessee vaccine airdrops to begin soon to fight raccoon rabies
In Texas, Shingles vaccine in high demand resulting in shortage
vaccination exemption rates in Texas school districts
Fewer people got flu vaccines last year
vaccination rates in U.S. children keep dropping
Kaiser Health admits “mismatches in the vaccine” is why so many people don’t benefit from flu shots, and suggests Best Ways To Avoid The Flu, Beyond The Vaccine
161000 Dentists Support Increasing HPV Vaccinations
When it comes to vaccines, celebrities often call the shots
Federal Appeals court allows nurse to sue former employer over her refusal to get vaccinated!
U.S. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program reports SIRVA caused by vaccine shots on the rise due to incompetent healthcare workers
Texas nurse fired for posting pro-vax statement on anti-vax site
If vaccines are so safe then why is there a U.S. Department of Health created National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
Half of All New Federal Vaccine Cases Allege Injury From Shots Given Incorrectly
U.S. ‘vaccine court’ pays billions to vaccine victims
Federal tax dollars protect big pharma from dangerous vaccination lawsuits
MORE PROOF ITS ABOUT MONEY: Global Human Vaccine Market 2018-2022
Global Flu Vaccine Market Demand 2018
United States Influenza Vaccines Market
Vaccines Market Worth $50.42 Billion by 2023
Global Polio Vaccines Market 2018-2022
Children Vaccination Market Will Witness Substantial Growth
Global DNA Vaccine Market 2018
Fast growth forecast for pneumococcal vaccines market
Global Rotavirus Vaccine Market To Grow at 12.5 %
Preventive and Therapeutic Vaccine Market
Global Rubella Vaccine Market 2018-2025
Dengue Vaccine market has been estimated to be valued at US$ 249.3M
Companion Animal Vaccines Market Research Report
Search Blind Bat News for past articles on Operation Jupiter.
Incomplete list of reports from 24SEP2018 through to 25OCT2018.
There Are 40 Volcanoes Erupting On Earth Right Now. Here’s Why
Earth enters ‘CRITICAL’ period
MEGA tremor ‘to strike over Christmas period’?
Why Earthquake Magnitude Is Not What You Think It Is
Earth’s Magnetic Fields Could Give Lightspeed Warning of Earthquakes
Tasmania; Newly discovered chain of underwater volcanoes used by whales to migrate?
British Columbia; Several 6.5 quakes reported near Vancouver Island
New underwater earthquake early-warning sensors
CHILE: 5.0 quake
How an earthquake in CHILE could trigger a tsunami big enough to strike AUSTRALIA
COLUMBIA: 4.4 quake
COSTA RICA: 4.8 quake
ECUADOR: 5.0 quake
FIJI: 6.2 quake
GUATEMALA: 5.3 quake
U.S. President Donald Trump put U.S. Marines and Navy personnel on disaster relief standby in Honduras, 26SEP2018 (does he know something?).
INDONESIA: volcano almost WIPES OUT boat tour
Anak Krakatau volcano activity increases
Volcano erupts days after devastating earthquake
liquefaction blamed for building collapses
45-thousand pregnant women and one big earthquake
The Science of Indonesia’s Surprise Tsunami
U.S. President Trump increased U.S. disaster relief to Indonesia by extending the tour of duties of USAF personnel helping with USAID deliveries.
JAPAN: Kuchinoerabu-jima volcano news & activity updates
Fukushima rocked by 5.0 magnitude quake off coast
Japan orders maker to fix failed quake shock absorbers
Video report of USAF earthquake supply deliveries for Hokkaido:
KOREA: earthquake rattles Gyeongju
2017 bomb test set off later earthquakes
MEXICO: Volcano spews ash on Mexico City
Huge 2017 Earthquake Split A Tectonic Plate, shocking ‘experts’
NEW CALEDONIA: 6.3 quake
NEW ZEALAND: Big fail at basic earthquake prep!
New Zealand’s next big earthquake is going to strike
PANAMA: 3.6 quake
PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 7 magnitude earthquake
PHILIPPINES: Eruption of the world’s deepest undersea volcano
RUSSIA: 6.7 quake
TAIWAN (REPUBLIC OF CHINA): likely to experience magnitude 7.0 or higher earthquake soon
UNITED STATES: 18 U.S. volcanoes considered a ‘very high threat,’ USGS says
New west coast ShakeAlert system
Japanese Tsunami: U.S. Pacific Northwest Dodged ‘Proverbial Bullet’
Alaska; Two Unprecedented Earthquakes Shake Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
Quake triggers massive highway mudslide
California; California supervolcano: Yellowstone is not the real danger
NASA discovers 217 MILE-LONG fault
Earthquake drill stills playgrounds
900K San Diegans participated in earthquake drill
Hawaii; East Rift Zone Inflation Continues
Earthquakes Are Taking Place On Kilauea Volcano
Volcanic Ash Raised New Concerns
New property tax rate for people living in volcano zone?
Island farmers lost $28M from damages caused by volcano
USAF personnel plan disaster relief ops at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, 13OCT2018.
Northern Mariana Islands;
U.S. Navy personnel conduct disaster relief ops on the U.S. Commonwealth, 22OCT2018.
Oregon; Faults discovered on Mount Hood could trigger 7.2 quake
Utah; earthquake hits near Bountiful
Wyoming; Yellowstone eruption would be ‘DISASTER for humanity’
U.S. would be history if Russia nukes Yellowstone volcano
VANUATU: 3 active lava lakes in Ambrym volcano
Apparently god isn’t too happy with ‘his’ christian hi-tech dominated United States Air Force.
Video, Tyndall Air Force Base aircraft hanger destroyed:
Video 823rd REDHORSE review of damage, Panama City and Tyndall AFB, 12OCT2018:
Video address on 11OCT2018 by General Mike Holmes, telling the personnel and residents of Tyndall that the damage is so bad that nobody can return:
Video, evacuation of F-22 and T-38 aircraft on 08OCT2018:
Tyndall’s F-15 ‘gate guard’ failed to stop Hurricane Michael from steam rolling over the Air Force Base
Ironically, in September Tyndall AFB was a safe haven for USAF F-16s from Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, escaping Hurricane Florence.
06OCT2018 (17:27 UTC-07 Tango 06) 14 Mehr 1397/25 Muharram 1440/27 Ren-Xu 4716
“Most distant objects all swing out in one direction, in a very strange way that shouldn’t happen….the only way we could get them to swing in one direction is that there is a massive planet…keeping them in place…”-Mike Brown, Professor of Planetary Astronomy
In time for All Hallow’s Evening (Celtic harvest festival, which is fitting because not only is Nibiru a Messiah Planet, it’s also a Reaper Planet) astronomers finally revealed that they discovered what could be Nibiru, or a Nibiru (actually, there’s lots of those thing in the Oort Cloud)!
Astronomers are actively looking for what the ancient Sumerians called Nibiru, a planet that lives in the Oort Cloud (farther away than the Kuiper Belt) and periodically ‘crosses’ through the Plane of the Ecliptic, causing massive catastrophes to any inner solar system planets it comes near to (or impacts).
The discovery was revealed in The Astronomical Journal, number 4, volume 156, October 2018. The exo-planet was named The Goblin. It’s two and a half times farther away from the Sun than is Pluto.
For more technical information about The Goblin read New dwarf planet nicknamed The Goblin.
Video explainer how astronomers came to believe the Sumerians at
“The object itself is likely to be more massive than the Earth, probably a little less massive than Neptune…… Its orbit, unlike the orbits of the known planets, is not nearly circular….20 times bigger than the orbit of Neptune. ….the orbital period of this punitive ninth planet is 20-thousand years!”-Konstantin Batygin, Assistant Professor of Planetary Science
“…the invader itself became a member of the solar system, a 12th member because they [Sumerians] counted the Sun, the Earth, its Moon, and not nine but ten planets…. This is really the tenth planet which is the 12th member of the solar system…. …each time that the planet Nibiru, that was usually depicted as a winged disc, was on its way back to our vicinity…..the symbolism…changed…to the cross… …the orbit of Nibiru roughly 3-thousand-6-hundred years…”-Zecharia Sitchen, The End of Days (first published in 2007) lecture
Video of Zecharia Sitchen (1920-2010) giving one of his last lectures (The End of Days lecture), explaining the concept of Nibiru and the creation of Earthing civilization:
“At that time, in the heart of the Deep [Oort Cloud?] a god was engendered, In a Chamber of Fates [The Sun?], a place of destinies, was he born. By an artful Creator was he fashioned, the son of his own Sun he was. From the Deep where he was engendered, the god from his family in a rushing departed; A gift of his Creator, the Seed of Life, with him away he carried. To the void he set his course; a new destiny he was seeking. The first to glimpse the wandering celestial was the ever-watchful Antu [Neptune, Virgin Mary?]. Alluring was his figure, a radiance he was beaming, Lordly was his gait, exceedingly great was his course. Of all the gods he was the loftiest, surpassing theirs his circuit was. The first to glimpse him was Antu, her breast by child never sucked. Come, be my son! she called to him. Let me your mother become! She cast her net and made him welcome, made his course for the purpose suited. Her words filled the newcomer’s heart with pride; the one who would nurse him made him haughty. His head to doubled size grew larger, four members at his sides he sprouted. He moved his lips in acceptance, a godly fire from them blazed forth. Toward Antu his course he turned, his face to An [Uranus, John the Carpenter?] soon to show. When An saw him, My son! My son! with exaltation he shouted. To leadership you shall be consigned, a host by your side will be your servants! Let Nibiru [Shepard, Messiah, Reaper, Judgement Day, Jesus of Nazareth?] be your name, as Crossing [crosses the Plane of the Ecliptic, Cardinal Directions, Sign of the Cross?] forever known!”–Lost Book of Enki, from Tablet Two (first published in 2002)
Zecharia Sitchin: The 12th Planet, book 1 (first published in 1976)
2013: Is ISON really dead?
“Our military leaders bring state and local officials, school administrators, and teachers up to visit the academy and cadets to demonstrate the good return on investment that is happening up here. When they see firsthand the hundreds of lives this program positively effects each year, the program sells itself.”-Collier Lipple, executive officer to the adjutant general of Idaho, and notice the salesman lingo he uses to promote the covert child soldier program
In the Christian dominated (67% according to Pew Research Center, but predominantly ‘Mormon’ LDS by 19%, then Catholic by 10%, all other ‘christian’ denominations come in at less than 6% each) U.S. state of Idaho children are undergoing military training, at taxpayer expense.
It’s called the Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy. The NG in ChalleNGe is capitalized because the U.S. Department of Defense funded program is run by the state militia (National Guard). It’s just one of 40 similar Department of Defense ‘child soldier’ programs operated across the United States.
By September 2018, Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy got its largest number of ‘cadet’ enrollments for a single 22 weeks-long program; 135!
This is concerning, not because it looks like child soldier training, but because Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy is for youth considered ‘at risk’ of becoming ‘failures’ (according to the standards of the ‘christian’ dominated state government), and the National Guard reported that the current enrollment of 135 teenagers is the largest ever since the program started, that implies the number of at risk youth is only going up in Idaho.
According to press releases, the goal of 1-thousand Idaho teenagers graduating from the Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy is about to be met. Most of them have come from the Treasure Valley (Boise metro) area of Idaho.
I’m not against military training for youth, I couldn’t wait to join the military, always obsessed with armored vehicles since before kindergarten, so I joined when I was 17 back when you didn’t need to be a high school graduate. It wasn’t until about 1984-85 that Congress required military enlistees to be high school graduates.
Ideally military training for youth should be voluntary, for those who know it’s the career path for them, it should be a last resort for kids considered ‘failures’. Back during the undeclared Cold War there were lots of people who were forced to join the U.S. military as an alternative to a prison sentence for a crime they committed. Some of those guys did well, even said it saved their lives, but there were those that were so criminal minded (some to the point of rape and murder) they ended up in Fort Leavenworth (military prison).
Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy was started in January 2014, ordered by gov’na C.L. ‘Butch’ Otter to push through 1-thousand ‘failures’ by December 2018. But who should be blamed for these child failures? Idaho Air National Guard Master Sergeant, Becky Vanshur, wrote about the program saying at one point “… they learn to adjust to the physical, mental, and social discipline….. …emphasizes self-discipline, self-esteem, education, and the development of healthy lifestyles.” Gee, isn’t that what they’re supposed to be learning from their church, schools and parents?
I know ‘christian’ parents here in eastern Idaho that couldn’t handle their own children, they even resorted to calling the police to have them ‘detained’ in the county jail for failing to obey them (Juvenile Incorrigibility). And it’s christian (especially Mormon) families that seem to have the most problems with their children, I know people that work in the juvi detention for Bannock County who’ve told me (no names given because law enforcement employees could lose their jobs for talking publicly about anything they see, or hear, on the job) the overwhelming majority of kids detained come from Mormon families (the overwhelming majority of eastern Idaho law enforcers are Mormons, so they should know).
see related: In Mormon dominated School District 25 (aka Chubbuck/Pocatello) students experiencing skyrocketing disciplinary problems, “More children were expelled… …and even elementary students got in trouble more often for threats, drug possession and sexual offenses.”