Tag Archives: trump

Vaccine Fail: U.S. CDC says spray flu vaccines don’t work, British health officials push for more spray vaccinations! Whose scientific data should you trust?

18 OCT 2017 /21:09 UTC-07 Tango 06 (27 Mehr 1396/28 Muharram 1439/30 Geng-Xu 4715)

Apparently few people in the United States know that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) is advising against the use of nose sprays for flu vaccinations, while the British empire (Commonwealth of Nations) is pushing for increased use of nose sprays.

In the United States, it was discovered three years ago that the active virus nasal spray FluMist doesn’t work anywhere as good as the manufacturer claimed it did.  Since then the company has been trying to fix the problem but to no avail, resulting in the U.S. CDC officially advising against the use of it.   Here’s some CDC factual data on both FluMist and traditional inactive virus shots: FluMist has a 97% failure rate (only 3% effective), flu injections have a 37% failure rate (63% effective).

(2016: Utah girl dies from H1N1 after getting FluMist vaccine!)

Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization claims their studies say the active virus nose spray vaccine works, but admits it’s not as good as inactive virus vaccines given with a needle.   And here’s some contradictory policy changes; state health officials in Alberta will no longer provide ‘free’ FluMist spray vaccines for children, and for the second year in a row Saskatchewan will not offer FluMist at its taxpayer funded clinics.  A flustered doctor Allison McGeer, working at a hospital in the state of Ontario, said “…my advice is really there’s not much difference between the vaccines. So just get a vaccine, whichever one is least intrusive to your life.”

In the United Kingdom, Big Brother-Sister health czars actually ramped up the use of active virus spray vaccines for children!   The taxpayer funded National Health Service now includes children aged two to eight in the now proven (by U.S. studies) to-be-a-failure nasal spray vaccination program.   And to show you how unscientific the NHS is, in a recent statement an official said vaccines are made with dead viruses.  That’s false!  There are active virus vaccines and inactive virus vaccines, you can’t truly kill a virus.

Sidenote; the exalted British NHS just banned people from getting surgeries if they’re smokers or too fat!

Oh but wait, even highly edumacated U.S. doctors apparently say vaccines are made with dead viruses.  Here in eastern Idaho a local doctor was paraphrased by a local TV station as saying ‘the flu vaccine is a dead virus’.  Even at the national level NBCNews stated “the viruses in the vaccine are dead.”   Fact; an inactive virus is not ‘dead’.

Viruses are always dormant outside a host’s body, it’s your blood, or some other liquid medium, that brings them to ‘life’.  This is why vaccines are referred to as active or inactive (using the words ‘live’ or ‘dead’ is not only inaccurate but misleading).  ‘Active’ means the virus in the vaccine is in a medium that is keeping it active, while ‘inactive’ vaccines mean the virus has been rendered permanently inactive (or so they hope).

Some viruses are easily inactivated while others are not, which is one reason why it takes so long to develope new inactive vaccines to fight off the latest diseases.

Here’s what Sam Moss, a lab researcher, said: “So this is a virus: so good at hijacking other organism’s cellular machinery that they doesn’t need to do anything else, they can just be inactive and bank on a few viral particles more or less randomly getting to the right place (the door knob) and taking over and replicating like crazy.

And here’s what molecular biologist Cath Ennis said: “This is also why viral infections are so hard to treat – most of the possible targets you could inhibit to stop the virus from replicating are the host cell’s own proteins, so you can’t inhibit them without damaging the rest of the host’s body as well.

Biochemist/Food Specialist Stijn Hommes: “For a virus to be active, it needs to replicate. A virus can’t replicate if it’s not in a host cell that can shoulder most of the work. There is no mechanism. It’s simply impossible for a virus to do anything without the right surroundings.”

Professor Vinod Kumar Nagaram, Department Of Microbiology College of Veterinary Science in Tirupati, India: “…sun heat can inactivate many virus. Little can be done when they are inside the host, there are some antiviral drugs which are not very effective.” 

Doctor Ray Duncan: They aren’t alive in the first place, but let’s ask rather, how are viruses inactivated or made non-infectious?”

ScienceABC: Can Viruses be Killed?

BBCScience: “Our immune system works by recognising the proteins on the surface of the virus. But in certain types of virus, these proteins keep changing as the virus mutates, so a vaccine developed one year might not work the next.”



VACCINE FAIL: UN-WHO says Australian Horror Flu caused by ineffective vaccinations, yet Aussie officials deny it! 



U.S. tax spending fails in Somalia, violence literally exploding!

17 OCT 2017 (12:58 UTC-07 Tango 06) 25 Mehr 1396/26 Muharram 1439/28 Geng-Xu 4715

The U.S. Air Force’s 449th Air Expeditionary Group began deliveries of aid to Somalia from a base in nearby Djibouti.   It’s in response to the most intense vehicle-borne bomb attacks in Somalia’s history, which exploded this past weekend, killing more than 3-hundred people.

British empire news media now says the bombings were vengeance for an August military operation led by the United States, which resulted in at least ten civilians being killed.  This past weekend’s bomber was a U.S. backed Somali soldier who wanted vengeance for the botched U.S. raid that hit his home town.

The typical ‘terror’ group in Somalia,  al-Shabaab (The Youth), never claimed credit for the bombings, which is not normal, yet western news media automatically blamed the bombings on the group.

Barack Obama got the ball rolling with U.S. occupation of Somalia during his regime, but Donald Trump, who in 2015 said “We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world”, ramped up U.S. military ops since taking office.

Despite spending billions of U.S. tax dollars, per year, using hi-tech weaponry to supposedly to defeat backward ‘terrorists’ in Somalia, the situation is only worse now that U.S. trained Somali government troops are joining the fight against the U.S. occupiers.  Same thing happened in Afghanistan.

BBC: U.S. citizen survives bombings, but loses family






Utah’s secret(?) Weapon of Mass Destruction event in East Idaho!

Utah Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Annie Edwards, 14OCT2017.

Over the weekend of 13-15 OCT 2017 a WMD training event was held in southeast Idaho.  It took place near the small city, and supposedly Idaho’s “Oldest Town”, of Franklin (located southeast of Napoleon Dynamite’s city of Preston) and involved the Franklin County Emergency Medical Services, Utah’s Davis County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue team and Utah Air National Guard 151st Medical Detachment-1’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high-yield Explosive (CBRNE) Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP) team.

Official video explainer of the WMD ‘Tough Blooder’ event in southeast Idaho:

More video of Utah CBRNE militia training in Idaho:



Operation Jupiter: Nigerian military Yellow Fever vaccine campaign!

17 OCT 2017 (05:07 UTC-07 Tango 06) 25 Mehr 1396/26 Muharram 1439/28 Geng-Xu 4715

Just days after invading Biafra in an attempt to force a supposed Monkey Pox vaccine upon villagers, the U.S. backed Nigerian Army has launched a new Yellow Fever vaccination campaign within its own borders.

This announcement came from the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO).  According to WHO It’s part of a campaign to force at least 874-thousand people to get vaccinated, however, the Nigerian government says they plan on pushing 960-thousand vaccinations over a ten days period!  Cases of Yellow Fever have been reported in two Nigerian states, but health officials admit they have no way of knowing exactly how many people are sick.   Amazingly, in just three days they claim they’ve already inoculated 200-thousand people!

Nigeria is getting its vaccines from the International Coordination Group (which gets help from Bill & Melinda Gates founded Gavi The Vaccine Alliance).

I’ve discovered that oil rich, U.S. and European supported Nigeria has become a classic Operation Jupiter conspiracy,  becoming a hotbed of recurrent diseases and of new mystery diseases.  In the past few weeks outbreaks of deadly MonkeyPox, hemorrhagic Yellow Fever, hemorrhagic Lassa Fever, etc.  In fact, the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria just stated “Our Association is miffed at this development which has exposed Nigerians to preventable and treatable diseases.”

The Association actually blamed the outbreaks of deadly diseases on the government’s initial resistance to forcing a vaccination program on the public.  Yet, suddenly the Nigerian government is going whole-hog on forcing people to get shots.   Mmmm, has Operation Jupiter entered the extortion by biological warfare phase?

In regards to the case of forced MonkeyPox vaccinations in Nigeria and Biafra, a Nigerian newspaper is reporting that the government “has denied executing vaccination against Monkeypox” claiming “the disease had no vaccine”.

In August of this year, the U.S. Air Force conducted African Partnership Flight Nigeria, a training op for several African countries to prepare for a major medical emergency requiring aero-medevac of mass casualties.



Operation Jupiter: Military imposed vaccination program kills three!

16 OCT 2017 (04:09 UTC-07 Tango 06) 24 Mehr 1396/25 Muharram 1439/27 Geng-Xu 4715

“MASSOB has condemned the forceful immunization and administration of unknown drugs to Biafran children by medical personnel of Nigerian Army, which led to the unconfirmed death of about three children in Ozubulu, Ekwusigo Local Government Area, Anambra State. “We see this camouflaged medical humanitarian service of Nigerian Army as another dimensional step to cause annihilation of the people of Biafra. This  annihilation exercise can be described as Operation Python Death…..

….our intelligence agency have confirmed that the source of the immunization drugs were brought from Iran without the due process of clearing of imported goods, our intelligence report also proved that NAFDAC was sidelined before administration of the killer poison. The poisonous substances administered in Ozubulu are out rightly different from the medical drugs administered in Nkwegwu, Isukwuato and Mbaise. This is a biological warfare waged against our people by Nigeria state.-Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra

In the predominantly Christian African country of Biafra, U.S. backed soldiers from oil rich Nigeria tried to force Biafran children to be vaccinated against so-called Monkey Pox.  It’s apparently in response to an outbreak of MonkeyPox in Nigeria, and calls into question the sovereignty of other countries who don’t want to take part in mass vaccination programs.

Local news media reported that Nigerian troops invaded Biafraland and Anambra State with the goal to “inject their children to death”.   In response families pulled their kids from school and disappeared, leaving almost nobody to be vaccinated.

Indigenous People of Biafra leaders announced that the frustrated soldiers had left, but they “would raise the alarm immediately” if they returned.  

USAfriCom (U.S. Africa Command) recently discussed with the Nigerian military plans for an African Land Forces Summit in 2018.



“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt


“tragically pathetic” 12,000 jobs instantly killed! : Sears Kmart death spiral, October 2017

I have to say this sounds more and more like a pathetic charade every day. I find this all to be tragically pathetic. Very, very sad.”-Mark Cohen, Sears Canada CEO from 2001-04, now at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business

tbnewswatch.com: Sears plans to close all Canadian locations

bloomberg.com:  Court approves shutdown, 12-thousand jobs gone by Xmas as Sears Canada dies!

Globalnews.ca: Sears Canada won’t honour warranties after Oct. 18

Market Insider: RioCan REIT Announces Agreements With Sears Canada

bloomberg.com: Berkowitz Liquidates Hedge Fund That Owned Sears Holdings

Lowell Sun: Three men charged in Sears appliance scam that covered three states since 2008

Crain’s Chicago Business: Lampert floats Sears another $100 million

Chicago Tribune: Sears borrows additional $40-million from Lampert

Bloomberg: Sears burns through latest $200-million USD loan

Business Insider: Sears borrows another $60-million from Lampert

From now on you can blame IBM’s Internet of Things (IoT) for problems getting your Sears warrantied appliance fixed: Sears, Golden State Foods Drive Field Services with IBM IoT

But wait, Sears just stopped selling appliances? The Wall Street Journal: Sears Stops Selling Whirlpool Appliances

CNNMoney: Sears’ iconic Craftsman tools coming to rival Lowe’s

It’s been revealed that Sears Holdings ramped up selling-off active stores.  Those stores that’ve sold are not being counted as part of this year’s Sears Holdings shutdowns as they are now legally owned/operated by property re-developing companies, who plan on shutting them down in the near future.

It’s been revealed that evil GGP (General Growth Properties, I know they’re evil ’cause I worked for them, they’re the ones who ran-off most of the stores in the Pine Ridge Mall with outrageous rents/fees) bought eight more Sears stores from Sears Holdings-Seritage Growth Properties, and bought a 50% stake in another five Sears stores.  GGP’s plan (as with their past purchases of Sears stores) is to redevelop those stores.

Arkansas: The Jonesboro Sears Auto Center suddenly shutdown on 14 OCT 2017, without warning.  Sears Holdings stated they were not willing to renew the lease.  The Jonesboro Sears store shutdown earlier this year, but at that time Sears Holdings claimed they had no intentions of shutting down the Auto Center.

California: The new owner of the iconic Boyle Heights Sears building (on 13 acre property that at one time employed 1-thousand Sears employees) is about to embark on a radical re-development of the property which will include 3-thousand new residential units, an artificial lake, a luxury hotel, event center, etc.   The Eureka Kmart shutdown at the beginning of October, but local news media posted video showing it’s already vandalized.  Local news media reporting that the  Santa Rosa Kmart joined the many victims of the raging wildfires in The Golden State.  In Corona and Ontario, the franchised Sears Outlet stores are now under direct management of Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores, no explanation given.

Florida:  Sears Holdings lackey Seritage Growth Properties announced it will shutdown its huge Sears store and Auto Center at the  Westfield Broward (aka Broward Mall) in Plantation.  It’s part of a $20-million USD plan to turn the 55-thousand square meters (180-thousand square feet) store into smaller retail and restaurant spaces, which will include a much smaller Sears operation (the Auto Center will not return).  No word on when the shutdown/redevelopment will take place as the plan must be approved by city zoning, but Seritage Growth Properties boasts that it already has new, smaller, tenants lined up.

Georgia: It was revealed that the active Northlake Mall Sears store, in Atlanta, is owned by Texas based re-developer ATRCorinth who plans on major redevelopment of the building at some undisclosed time.

Guam:  A 21 years old female Kmart employee charged with left after being caught trying to walk out of the store without paying for underwear and body paint.

Illinois:  The 41 years old Orland Park Sears is about to get smaller as Sears Holdings-Seritage Growth announced the top section of the huge store will be turned into an ten screen AMC movie theater, no estimated date for completion was issued.  The city of Pekin has convinced the state to include the vacant Kmart property in the taxpayer funded Southern Tazewell County Enterprise Zone, which gives businesses a five years tax break for setting up shop ‘in the zone’.    In Tinley Park the franchised Sears Outlet store on Harlem Avenue is now under direct management of Sears Holdings-Hometown and Outlet Stores, no explanation given.

Kansas: In Lexana the franchised Sears Outlet store on Mauer Road is now under direct management of Sears Holdings-Hometown and Outlet Stores, no explanation given.

Kentucky: In Louisville, the Sears store in the Oxmoor Center shutting down by mid-January 2018.

Massachusetts: The operator of the nine years old Hadley Sears Hometown Store has laid off his two employees and put the store, and the land, up-for-sale.  Local news reports say the franchise owner/operator once had ten Sears Hometown stores across Massachusetts and Rhode Island, but the Hadley location is his last one.

Michigan:  Saint Clair Shores Kmart shutting down, 127 jobs gone in January 2018, after the lease was transferred to grocery store operator Kroger, who plans on redeveloping the property!

Minnesota: The 50 years old Saint Cloud Sears store in the Crossroads Center shutting down by mid-january 2018, ending 90 years of Sears in Saint Cloud.

Missouri: In Fenton the franchised Sears Outlet store on Gravois Bluff Boulevard is now under direct management of Sears Holdings-Hometown and Outlet Stores, no explanation given.

Nebraska:  Local news media reporting that the franchise owner-operator of the North Platte Sears Hometown Store suddenly quit after the landlord refused to renew the lease, Sears Holdings took over the store and claims they will find a new location.  In Omaha, the Kmart on 50th and L Streets shutting down right after Xmas, local news media say its the last Kmart in the city, and apparently there’s only one other Kmart in the state.

Pennsylvania:  The Whitehall Kmart in the MacArthur Towne Center shutting down right after after Thanksgiving, the property was sold to a retailer called At Home Stores.  Yet more proof the shutdowns are part of what I call the REIT conspiracy as local news media revealed that the owners of Millcreek Mall had already developed plans to chop up the Sears store by the time the official shutdown announcement was made at the end of 2015.

Tennessee:  Taxpayers are being raped of $7.45-million USD as Nashville Metro is buying a vacant Kmart for the purpose of creating a massive police-state police precinct!   It’s been revealed that the blighted city of Memphis is putting all bets on economic recovery on taxpayer burdening apartment projects and piddly retail developments like a new Sears Hometown Store.  Sears Hometown stores typically employ less than a dozen people with part time hours at minimum wage.

Texas:  The active Richardson Square Sears store was just sold to re-developer ATRCorinth, who plans on shutting it down when the short-term lease expires.   In Houston, the iconic Sears at 4201 Main Street shutting down by the end of January 2018.

Washington:  The Tukwila and Tacoma franchised Sears Outlet stores are now under direct control of Sears Holdings, no explanation given.

West Virginia: Kmart is paying the state Attorney General’s office $100-thousand USD as part of a settlement for violating the state’s pharmacy laws.   Kmart still denies it violated the law.  Rite Aid,  Kroger, CVS and Walgreen also made settlements.

Wisconsin: The Caledonia (Racine) Kmart in danger of being shutdown as it just made the ‘for sale’ list.  Local news media discovered the property is being offered at two-thirds less than the assessed value!  It was revealed that during a closed-to-the-public meeting the ‘elected’ officials of the city of Brookfield discussed using a $6.55-million USD property tax funded grant to help redevelop the vacant Brookfield Square Sears, the money would be used for road construction and environmental cleanup of the site.

SEARS KMART DEATH SPIRAL, SEPTEMBER 2017: “REMORSEFUL”, list of store closures since 2011

“I’m getting out!” “we just can’t make it, we won’t make it.”: U.S. Retail/Banking/Service sector collapse, September 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss announcements and shutdowns made or announced in September 2017:

Alabama: In Albertville, after 69 years Whitten’s Town & Country Clothes shutdown.

Alaska:  PenAir now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, flights to Oregon and Colorado canceled.  In Juno, after 32 years outfitter Invisible World shutdown blaming the cost of operating a brick-n-mortar store: “When the market was really good, I could basically run a seasonal part time business and make enough money to do my writing. That’s no longer possible.”-Stuart Cohen, owner

Arkansas: Bentonville based, ‘christian’ founded, Walmart-Sam’s Club announced 7-hundred layoffs planned for ‘back-office’ jobs at Sam’s Clubs across the country!  In Fort Smith, after five years movie-restaurant concept MovieLounge shutdown.

 California: After 33 years Hayfork Video Rental shutdown.  Singapore owned Zetta Jet now chapter 11 bankrupt busted in Burbank, after an executive was accused of stealing company money (among other things).  A San Diego based company once touted as ‘the saviour of retail’ is now part of the Zombie Jesus Apocalypse!  Appliance retailer Pirch suddenly began shutting down most of its stores across the U.S. as part of a new plan to refocus on California ops only, hundreds of jobs lost by Thanksgiving!  In August, Pirch boasted sales that rivaled Apple Inc stores.  Schizophrenic San Francisco based clothier GAP shutting down 2-hundred more namesake and Banana Republic stores, however, claims it plans to open 270 new Old Navy and Athleta stores.  Total Woman Gym + Spa shutdown its Enchinitas location, 59 jobs gone.  Event venue Eventbrite suddenly laid off 47 people in Oakland and San Francisco.

Connecticut:  Sterling National Bank eliminating six jobs in Norwalk, right after Xmas.

Florida:  Luke Brothers eliminating 55 jobs by Xmas.

Idaho:  While the state’s Department of Labor boasts record low unemployment numbers, and despite some rural counties reporting record low population numbers, the U.S. Census Bureau is reporting record numbers of homeless people in the sparsely populated Gem State and it’s only going up!  Also, a state run homeless Point-In-Time counting program claims a 10% drop in homeless people since 2016, but the Vice President of Housing and Support Programs, Brady Ellis, admits “We believe there’s a considerable number of more homeless individuals…..a lot of variables there in terms of identifying them and being able to include them in the numbers we use.”  It should also be noted that the Point-In-Time homeless survey counts only those people who are willing to answer the survey questions.   East Idaho News recently conducted an experiment to see how beggars were being treated in eastern Idaho.

Homeless in Idaho related:  Despite Mormon dominated Pocatello City Council, and the Bonneville Neighborhood Association, denying her request to open a homeless shelter Pastor Jacqualine ‘Big Momma’ Thomas is still at it!  



Illinois:  “I’m getting out!” says Rik Mallin about his home state and never ending across-the-board tax hikes, including the latest 32% hike in state income tax!  The U.S. Census Bureau says Illinois is losing the most citizens of any other state,  because of tax hikes and the suck-ass-economy.  In Rockford, after 33 years Enders Flowers shutting down in October, so the long-time owner can retire.  In Bloomington, after 63 years Hobbyland shutting down in October, after a failed attempt to sell the store.

Indiana: In Indianapolis, Vital Skates roller skate shop announced on Facebook it was shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Kansas: In Wichita, after only three years Party Zone Supply Store shutdown, the owners blaming the size of the store saying “In a nutshell, we underestimated…..”

Massachusetts:  In Dartmouth, after 41 years Ustinov Jewelers shutdown.  In Worcester, after 235 years(!) Elwood Adams Hardware shutdown without explanation, and yes, they have a website.  Staying in Worcester, after 89 years the pissed-off owner of Shack’s Clothing say he’s forced to shutdown by outrageous property tax: “It had nothing to do with business and everything to do with tax assessments……We sold the building….I’m retiring, I don’t care. I’ve been doing this for 47 years and have seen the city deteriorate, little by little.”-Jeffrey Shack

Michigan:  Chemical Financial Corporation eliminating at least 230 jobs and shutting down dozens of offices in Michigan and Ohio due to its 2016 merger with Talmer Bank!

Minnesota: Christian founded Walmart shutting down its 30 years old store in Blue Earth by the beginning of October, apparently due to lack of profits (prophets?).

Missouri:  Iconic Rothman Furniture shutdown all remaining stores after 90 years in Missouri and Illinois, the remaining 230 jobs gone!  The CEO didn’t blame the internet: “My competition is no longer local guys that are doing similar volumes as I am……We’re competing against multi-billion dollar national organizations.”-Jay Steinback

New York: NYC based Too Big to Jail JPMorgan created 2-thousand-5-hundred new jobs, in Poland!   Sterling National Bank and Astoria Bank issued multiple shutdown WARNs, 230 jobs threatened by the merger of the two banks!  At JFK Airport, ABM Aviation issued a shutdown WARN for its contracted security ops, 560 jobs gone by Thanksgiving!  OfficeMax shutting down its Batavia location.  A company that helps people deal with Social Security insecurity, Binder & Binder, shutting down offices in Queens and Hauppauge with at least 2-hundred people losing their jobs by Xmas!  Local news reports say Binder & Binder also shutdown offices in the state of Florida.  In Potsdam, Northwoods Outfitters shutdown after 23 years, the owner says its time for him to enjoy the outdoors.  Consumer ‘intelligence’ company Greenwich Associates shutting down its office in Cheektowaga, 149 jobs gone by Thanksgiving!  Echo Farms Golf Club shutting down after a failed lawsuit by locals who wanted to stop the redevelopment of the property, it’s being turned into apartments. More proof the vinyl revival was a lie! In Geneva, after 40 years Area Records and Music shutting down when the inventory is gone.  What housing market recovery?  Yet again, mortgage giant PHH Mortgage issued a shutdown WARN, this time for “remote employees” in Williamsville.   Chandler Hotel issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC hotel-restaurant ops, 60 jobs gone right after Xmas.  In Melville, FedEx is shutting down its Corporate Services, 61 jobs gone by May 2018.  DynaServ International lost a major contract, at least 114 jobs gone by Xmas!  In Dansville, McCarthy Tire Service shutting down, 33 jobs gone by Xmas.

North Carolina: In Raleigh, after 32 years Home Comfort Furniture & Mattress shutdown.  Professional portrait studio Portrait Innovations now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, 63 stores suddenly shutdown.   Too Big to Jail California based Wells Fargo added more layoffs to its never ending list in Charlotte, this time Wells Fargo refused to say how many employees would become unemployed.   In Lynn, after 17 years Tryon Mountain Hardware shutdown, the property was sold, the Christian hardware owners saying “God has a plan” in reference to their sudden ‘retirement’.  In Statesville, Saslow’s Jewelers shutdown its Signal Hill Mall store.  Also in Statesville, clothier Salice Boutique shutting down, the owner said it was better to spend time with family than continue playing the look for a cheaper rent location game, again: “We’ve moved three times, and rather than keep this up, it’s just too much for me to handle.”-Kristen Greer

North Dakota: In Bismarck, after 20 years the owners of One World announced on Facebook they’re shutting down.  Also in Bismarck, Juke Joint Comics shutting down in October: “Unfortunately rent goes up, bills go up. Our products is a fixed price product, and there’s nothing we can do about that.”-Mike Swenson, owner

Ohio: What housing market recovery?  Too Big to Jail People’s Bank shutting down its central Ohio mortgage office, 31 jobs gone. 

Oregon: In Beaverton, after 25 years the year-round Halloween Warehouse shutting down because “The economy. It’s just gone way downhill and we just can’t make it, we won’t make it.”

Pennsylvania: In York, after 30 years Adventure Cycling and Fitness shutdown due to a co-owner’s health problems.  Too Big to Jail BB&T shutting down two bank offices in Berks County, in time for Xmas.   Moyer Electronics shutdown its 70 years old store in Hazelton: “There is no longer a need for consumer electronics. It is too expensive to run a shop. The new stuff sells so cheap you can’t afford to fix it.”-Bill Moyer

Rhode Island: After 93 years family owned chain store Benny’s announced on its website it’s calling it quits, 31 stores and a distribution center shutting down, the owners say competition is forcing them to retire, 751 jobs gone in time for Xmas!  In North Providence, after 56 years Andor’s TV & Furniture (which has a website) shutdown because the owners say they want to try something different.

South Carolina: In Columbia, after only about a year Palmetto Twist monogramming and gift boutique shutdown.   After 15 years Bluffton Bicycle Shop shutdown by Hurricane Irma, the owner said he was still struggling to financially recover from Hurricane Matthew in 2016.  Aiken based Prestige Appliance now chapter 7 bankrupt and dead, suddenly shutting down all stores in South Carolina and Georgia. Local news media says many angry customers want to know where their appliances are.

Texas: In Amarillo, ‘landmark’ Wyndham Garden Hotel shutdown without warning, unnamed employees revealed the shutdown to local news media.  Those employees also claim they haven’t been paid for at least three weeks!  In San Antonio, River Walk gallery of Garcia Art Glass shutdown, the operators didn’t want to renew the lease “because we’re doing a lot more on social media.”  Dallas based Neiman Marcus shutting down ten of its Last Call stores as part of a plan to refocus on its namesake stores, 241 jobs gone!

Vermont: After 60 years of selling made in the U.S.A. only products the owners of Kibby Equipment gave up, because not enough people want to buy made in the U.S.A. products. Also, they tried selling the business but nobody wanted to buy it.

Washington: In Poulsbo, after 60 years James Lumber and Ace Hardware shutting down in November.

West Virginia: Too Big to Jail BB&T eliminating 56 jobs in Charleston.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification


SEARS KMART DEATH SPIRAL, September 2017: “Remorseful”




U.S. government shenanigans, September 2017: “I’m not stupid!”

U.S. food crisis, September 2017: “WE’RE SPREAD TOO THIN, HONESTLY.”


“I’m not stupid!” Famous last words of a taxpayer funded CEO: U.S. government shenanigans, September 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for September 2017:

California: After 47 years the taxpayer funded San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery shutdown, it’s known for its transsexual displays.  But don’t think it’s dead and gone, taxpayers are funding a new sexual alternative artist display space in the War Memorial building.  To me sexual identity is more personal than religious identity, therefore government should not be involved, especially regarding the spending of tax dollars to promote it!

Connecticut: Municipalities warning of mass layoffs due to an expected, and dreaded, massive cut in state taxpayer funding. 

Florida: Taxpayer funded Fluor Federal Solutions eliminated 145 jobs at Naval Air Station Pensacola!

Idaho:  A lawsuit by Shoshone-Bannock Tribes revealed that chemical company FMC stopped paying for the storage of hazardous waste on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation (known as Eastern Michaud Flats Superfund site).  FMC paid the fees until suddenly tearing down its chemical factory and abandoning the site in 2002, yet continued to store hazardous waste there.  A federal court ruled FMC owes the tribe $19.5-million USD.

After years of claiming the economy was growing, and denying there was a growing homeless problem, and of treating homeless people like criminals to be rounded up and put in ‘concentration camps’, and despite officially record low unemployment numbers, the city of Boise, students at Boise State University, and Ada County, are relenting and spending millions of taxpayer and donor dollars building first ever dedicated homeless services called Our Path Home and New Path Community Housing!  And in a No-Shit-Sherlock! moment a homeless advocate admitted that past homeless policies, which basically criminalized people for being homeless, failed to stop homelessness: “Though we were well-intentioned, we as a community were retraumatizing the same population we were trying to help. It’s a very traumatic process to be, let’s say, discharged from a hospital to an emergency shelter, to putting your name on maybe 13 waiting lists around the county, to having to retell your story 13 times, to not being sure when your name next comes up on the list.”-Wyatt Schroeder, CATCH of Ada County

Related; privately run homeless shelter rejected:   The Mormon dominated city of Pocatello promptly revoked the temporary operating permit for the planned Big Mama’s homeless shelter after an area Muslim doctor made a huge donation to the project. 

The Gem State’s worsening problem with its foster care Guardians ad Litem (GaL) program resulted in the legislature increasing taxpayer funding by 75% (most GaLs are private volunteer organizations), and it made national news with U.S. News & World Report. 

More shenanigans for Idaho’s prison system after a man arrested for driving intoxicated was put into a cell with a convicted mass-murderer.  Yep, the mass-murderer killed the drunk guy!

The new owner of the only funeral home in Valley County discovered that the former county coroner was ‘disappearing’ the bodies of locals who recently died.  Eventually an investigation by Idaho State Police was launched.  However the new owner of the funeral home said this “We were getting calls from families wanting to know where their loved ones were. I didn’t have any clue where the bodies were…..    He was keeping the bodies at his home in the coroner’s truck….”   Apparently the former coroner, Nathan Hess, was selling the bodies in Boise because he’s been charged with “using public position for personal gain”.

For the third time in a row another sudden resignation of a public official, this time over sexual harassment and even “violence”.  It was revealed that in August that the Controller’s Office Chief of Staff Dan Goicoechea suddenly resigned after an investigation was launched into claims by a state employee of “sexual advancements” and “threats of violence” by Goicoechea. The employee said she was not the only one threatened and that such acts had been ongoing with other employees before she was hired.  What’s also interesting is that state government officials waited a month before revealing the resignation.

Another ‘elected’ official revealed to be lying, this time about her residency status.  From 2010 to 2016 Priscilla Giddings claimed residency in Ada County, according to property tax records, yet she was elected as the state representative for Idaho County in 2016.  State law says you must reside in the county you want to represent for at least one year before running for state office.  State law also says you can claim property tax exemption only for the home you live in.

Despite ‘elected’ leaders constantly claiming growth in the state, the population in the Clark County is officially crashing and burning.  The U.S. Census Bureau ranks Clark County among the 15 most sparsely populated counties in the United States at only one person for every two square miles!  The population has been declining since 2000 (which, as I’ve written before, is when the economy went south for Idaho, and has yet to recover), and is expected to continue declining (there’s only 860 people currently in the county).  Declining local populations are another reason why state leaders are accepting additional federal bribes, I mean funding to take in immigrants and refugees at record numbers.

Crashing local population numbers might be one reason Idaho leaders are boasting record low unemployment numbers!

Illinois: Illinois Policy Institute estimates that one Illinois resident leaves the state forever every five minutes!  Chicago Tribune reported In 2016, Illinois lost 37,508 people, putting the state’s population at its lowest level in nearly a decade, according to U.S. census data”,  and that’s on top of the record of approximately 2-million citizens who left between 1985 and 2015!  The report blames government:  “Some of those who are leaving Illinois say they’re frustrated with their tax burden……..Illinois lawmakers passed a spending plan over the summer, one that involved a 32 percent income tax hike for residents.”   Speaking of taxes, Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office laid off an undisclosed number of employees due to lack of taxpayer funding, leaving metal detection scanners in county facilities with nobody to operate them.

Massachusetts: In Worcester, after 89 years the pissed-off owner of Shack’s Clothing say he’s forced to shutdown by outrageous property tax: “It had nothing to do with business and everything to do with tax assessments……We sold the building….I’m retiring, I don’t care. I’ve been doing this for 47 years and have seen the city deteriorate, little by little.”-Jeffrey Shack

Montana: Polysilicon producer REC Silicon suddenly laid off 30 people, blaming trade disputes between the governments of the U.S. and China.  What was that about Trump saving the coal mining industry? A U.S. District judge halted Signal Peak Energy from mining a 176-million-ton federal coal reserve, 80 jobs lost between October 2017 and March 2018.

New Jersey: City of Trenton laid off 64 firefighters due to a lack of $5-million USD in taxpayer funding.

Pennsylvania:  Luxembourg based but U.S. tax dollar funded ArcelorMittal eliminating 150 jobs at its Conshohocken steel factory, blaming it on crashing demand, especially from the U.S. military (apparently the company supplies a lot of steel for MRAPs and ships), plus competition with cheaper imported steel!   Formerly Japan owned (Toshiba) now bankrupt taxpayer funded nuclear power industry giant Westinghouse announced it will eliminate at least 1-thousand-5-hundred jobs, on top of the at least 7-hundred jobs killed in the past few months!  Apparently this is what elitist CEO Jose Emeterio Gutierrez meant when he claimed he was reorganizing Westinghouse to be a ‘servant led’ company, when asked to explain the layoffs he replied “I’m not stupid!  …..we have to do something.” 

Texas:  Taxpayer funded L3 Aerospace Systems eliminated 124 jobs in Waco in an effort to “…maintain our operational focus on providing our current U.S. Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and international customers…”!

Virginia: Road construction-Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel project forcing the Chesapeake Grill to shutdown.

Washington: County taxpayer run Poulsbo Recycle Center shutdown due to the land being sold for $1.2-million USD.  Kitsap county public works admitted they needed the money and that the recycling ops were costing them too much to operate.  However, they also claim the money from the sale of the property will be used to expand household hazardous waste collections.

Washington DC: U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs fired the medical director of Washington D.C. VA Medical Center, Brian Hawkins, for a third time this year!   The D.C. VA director was first fired back in July for improper use of personal emails, but was hired back after he filed a lawsuit.  In April he was fired a second time (from his administrative duties, but kept working for the VA) for the unsanitary conditions of the hospital.  This time he was fired as a result of the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans August 2017: “EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY”



“market turndown, industry-wide”: U.S. Industrial/Mining/Logistics layoffs, September 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in September 2017.

Denmark based Lego killing 1-thousand-4-hundred manufacturing/distribution/sales jobs in Europe and the United States due to crashing sales (supposedly Lego’s big sales boom is happening only in China)!

Arkansas: Alton Bean Trucking now bankrupt busted with debts as high as $10-million USD.

 California: Silgan Containers issued a temporary layoff WARN, 162 people in Riverbank jobless by Thanksgiving!  Boeing issued yet more layoff WARNs for Huntington and El Segundo, 33 jobs gone by Thanksgiving.  Graphic Packaging International issued a shutdown WARN for its Santa Clara operations, 127 jobs gone by Xmas!  Trio Engineered Products issued a shutdown WARN for its Adelanto ops, 30 jobs gone after Halloween.

Connecticut: Kaman Aerospace/Composites issued a shutdown WARN for its Bloomfield location, 40 jobs gone starting in November.

Florida: Transdev On Demand issued a WARN for its Saint Petersburg location, 39 jobs gone by November.

Indiana: What automotive industry recovery? California based Vance & Hines eliminating 70 jobs at its motorcycle parts factory in Brownburg, by Xmas.  The company said it was moving production elsewhere but didn’t say where.  Harman Professional-Crown International laying off 115 audio equipment makers in Elkhart by June 2018, as part of consolidation operations!  Matthews International’s killed 40 jobs at its casket factory in Aurora, as part of its take-over of Aurora Casket in 2015.

Maryland: Triumph Thermal Systems-Electronics Control eliminating 96 jobs between December 2017 and August 2018.  Lutech Resources suddenly eliminated 36 jobs back in August.  McArdle Printing  eliminated 77 jobs.  What housing construction industry recovery? Fibrwrap Construction Services eliminating 31 jobs.

Massachusetts: Turners Falls Paper Company-Southworth Paper shutdown two aged mills without warning at the end of August, at least 120 people suddenly unemployed and without final paychecks!  By the end September the company finally filed for bankruptcy, and the employees filed a lawsuit.

Michigan: What automotive industry recovery? Reports say that a worker strike at one of General Motor’s (GM) Canadian factories will result in layoffs at its parts factory in Flint.

Missouri: Venator (Huntsman Pigments & Additives) shutting down its factory in Lemay, 50 jobs lost to consolidation operations. 

New York: Ever wonder who makes those public toilet partitions? After 66 years of guarding your privacy in the loo Knickerbocker Partition suddenly sold-out to a competitor, 58 jobs gone by December.   In Batavia, shoe maker P.W. Minor eliminated at least 18 jobs in an attempt “to remain solvent”, the company president claims he’s been spending his personal money to keep the shoe factory running.   Remington Arms suddenly laid off 55 people in Ilion “due to market turndown, industry-wide”.  Local news media say it’s the second round of layoffs this year for the gun maker.  Trump’s favorite HVAC company Carrier eliminating an unspecified number of jobs at its research ops in Dewitt.  Cascades Containerboard Packaging issued a shutdown WARN for its Maspeth location, 148 jobs gone between November 2017 and December 2018!

North Carolina: What housing construction industry recovery?  British empire Australia based BlueScope Buildings North America suddenly shutdown its factory in Laurinburg, despite recently getting taxpayer incentives to expand, 76 jobs gone due to consolidation ops caused by low sales.

Ohio:  What automotive industry recovery?  Ford is extending its furlough (temporary layoff) of 140 people involved with F-650, F-750 production due to continued low sales!  The new owners of automotive liquids/paint can maker Bway shutting down its factory in Hubbard, at least 55 jobs gone in November, no reason given.

Oklahoma: Samson Resources II issued a shutdown WARN for its Samson Lone Star ops in Longview, 60 jobs gone by Xmas.   Crosby Group suddenly laid off 51 people as a “result of the sale of the facility and related assets”.

Oregon: Corporate shoe maker (now a suspect in basketball corruption) Nike continues a new round of layoffs as part of its plan to kill 1-thousand-4-hundred jobs: “In June 2017, we announced that we will be shifting to the Consumer Direct Offense, a new company alignment that allows Nike to better serve the consumer personally, at scale. As part of that restructuring, Nike undertook workforce reductions in July and is now implementing an additional round of workforce separations.”

Pennsylvania:   Dura-Bond eliminating 180 jobs at its steel factory in Steelton, blaming it on cheap steel imported from India and Canada, as well as crashing demand for steel pipes for the oil industry!  Venator (Huntsman Pigments & Additives) shutting down its factory in Easton, 80 jobs lost to consolidation ops.  Supposedly employee owned paper maker Appvion (Appleton Papers) outsourcing its distribution ops to a cheapo paying contractor.

Tennessee:  What automotive industry recovery?  General Motors (GM) furloughing at least 280 people at its mid-sized SUV factory in Spring Hill, due to crashing sales!  Local news media reported that the affected third shift at the factory normally employs 1-thousand people!  The local news report did not indicate if this was in connection to the GM worker strike in Canada, other reports say that the worker strike at one of General Motor’s (GM) Canadian factories will result in layoffs at its engine parts factory in Spring Hill.  Caterpillar shutting down its assembly line in Dyersburg, affecting 155 jobs at two locations!

Texas:  Maker of work clothes Ironclad Performance Wear now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and for sale.  In Beaumont, industrial construction company CB&I blaming Hurricane Harvey for forcing it to end 455 local jobs!  Damage to the factory by Harvey is such that production has to be moved elsewhere.  Fluor Enterprises suddenly laid off 274 people from its M&G Resins factory, apparently on temporary orders from M&G Chemicals!  Offshore oil driller Seadrill now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  It’s biggest creditor, Germany’s Deutsche Bank, is owed $1.74-billion USD.

Washington: Turners Falls Paper Company-Southworth Paper, the 178 years old paper maker that shutdown its Seattle greeting card maker Madison Park Group without warning or final paychecks last month, finally filed for bankruptcy protection.  30 jobs were suddenly killed.  According to court documents the company administrators asked the federal court to use what remaining assets there are to pay the former employees their back-due wages.  Associated Materials issued a shutdown WARN for its Bothell location, 87 jobs gone after Thanksgiving.   Boeing issued yet more layoff WARNs for Puget Sound, 18 jobs gone by Thanksgiving.

West Virginia:  ERP Environmental Fund laid off 59 coal miners in Marion County, blaming the ‘market’ and the condition of the mine.

Wisconsin: Supposedly employee owned paper maker Appvion (Appleton Papers) outsourcing its warehouse ops in Appleton to a cheapo paying contractor.  Pioneer Metal Finishing shutting down its ops in Oshkosh, 52 jobs gone in time for Thanksgiving due to consolidation to other U.S. and Mexican factories.  Ryder shutting down its fleet service ops in Beaver Dam, 1-hundred jobs gone in time for Xmas!

Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, August 2017: “GUT-WRENCHING DECISIONS” 

“Making someone feel uncomfortable is not coercion.”: U.S. Christian Rapture, September 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns, layoffs and Rapture oddities for the Gregorian month of September 2017.

Religion News Service: American Christianity’s divisions go all the way down

Voice of America: Record Low Numbers of White, Christian Americans

ChristianityToday: “An estimated 30,000 congregations shut their doors in the United States from 2006 to 2012.”

It’s been revealed that for-profit (not for-prophet) Cinemark movie theaters rents-out(?) its theaters for local church events in the ‘Bible Belt’ of the United States, enticing people to attend with coffee, soda and popcorn (apparently at a price), and asking people to make donations via social media: “Cinemark actually does this across the Bible Belt.”-Ross Jackson, Cinemark manager in Abilene, Texas

Alabama: Welcome Springs Baptist Church almost burned down, a man arrested and charged with arson.

Alaska: The main stream real-fake news media likes to complain about catholic Donald Trump’s ‘Russia connection’, and then you have evangelical Alaskan (originally born, and partially educated, in Idaho) Sarah Palin’s “I can see the Soviet Union from my house” statement (never-mind that the Soviet Union died in 1991), but in Old Town Kenai the local Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Church just got about $12-thousand USD from a U.S. based Russian Orthodox organization, to restore the 111 years old church.  Uh oh, ‘Russian’!!!

Arkansas: The Immanuel Baptist Church trying to fight skyrocketing crime with a Bible Truck, which hands out things like light bulbs and backpacks to low income families.   Bentonville based, ‘christian’ founded, Walmart-Sam’s Club announced 7-hundred layoffs planned for ‘back-office’ jobs at Sam’s Clubs across the country!

California: ‘Christian’ owned Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center eliminating 55 jobs in October, due to the ‘exit’ of California Laboratory Associates from The Golden State.  ‘Muslim’ Zaytuna College is now the proud owner of the 65 years old Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, in Berkeley.  In contrast to ‘christian’ colleges, Muslim colleges are experiencing rapid growth in enrollment.

Colorado: In Lakewood, the owner of Masterpiece Cake asking the U.S. Supreme Court to honor his 1st Amendment religious right to refuse service to homosexuals. This is because the state government forbid Masterpiece Cake from making anymore wedding cakes for anybody until the owner accepts state law that forces businesses to serve homosexuals.   A former honor student is accusing Delta High School of violating the U.S. 1st Amendment by deliberately dumbing down students’ grades based on their religious beliefs, thereby preventing those students from qualifying for college scholarships: “Not only did they change her grades, they took away her recommendations and they ostracized her!”-Jeffrey Springer, attorney

Apparently administrators with Delta High School, which is a public school not private, claimed they could impose their ‘christian’ beliefs on students because the school did not receive federal tax dollars.

Florida: In Fort Lauderdale, Holy Cross Hospital suddenly laid off 23 people due to crashing admissions since ObamaCare-ACA went into effect.

Idaho: Tennessee based RCCH HealthCare Partners suddenly laid off 62 people at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston, as a result of the ‘christian’ Lewiston hospital being taken over by for-profit (not for-prophet) RCCH in May.   Children’s Healthcare is a Legal Duty (CHiLD) claims that in this overwhelmingly christian state More children die because of faith-based medical neglect in Idaho than in any other state.”

In Mormon dominated Jefferson School District 251 parents demanded George Orwell’s 1984 be banned for its sexual content. After an even bigger outcry from those who objected to such a violation of the U.S. 1st Amendment, school administrators stated “…it is simply not true that 1984 has been banned at Rigby High School.”  

Illinois:  After more than 90 years South Chicago Young Men’s Christians Association (YMCA) shutdown due to crashing membership, which is being blamed on massive unemployment which is causing the local population to disappear.  Springfield taxpayers are being stuck with at least an $8.6-million USD bill to rebuild the First United Methodist Church, at Fifth Street and Capitol Avenue, into a residential-commercial project.  In Moline, after 111 years the First Christian Church shutdown due to financial problems caused by Raptured(?) members, the property was sold.

Kansas:  What was that about separation of church and state? The state taxpayer funded Topeka Correctional Facility being sued by female prisoners for blasting them with ‘christian’ propaganda on a daily basis, which would be a violation of the U.S. 1st Amendment.  The lawsuit describes the prison as being decorated as if it were a church, with giant crucifixes, constantly playing ‘christian’ movies and with ‘christian’ slogans posted on walls everywhere.  Prisoners are punished for removing the slogans.

Massachusetts: The city of Boston facing a lawsuit after forbidding a Christian group from flying a Christian flag at city hall.  The city allows non-religious groups to fly their flags during certain events, but refuses religious flags on the grounds of the U.S. 1st Amendment.  A ‘christian’ legal group says by not allowing religious flags while allowing non-religious flags during public events the city is discriminating, which is also a violation of federal law.

Minnesota:  Christian founded Walmart shutting down its 30 years old store in Blue Earth by the beginning of October, apparently due to lack of profits (prophets?).   Peace United Church of Christ, in Duluth, joined the growing Sanctuary Church movement protecting illegal immigrants.

Missouri: The Mormon alternative Community of Christ (aka Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) sold its supposedly 187 years old first edition Book of Mormon to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Utah, for a whopping $35-million USD! LDS leaders say it’s the most complete early edition of the Book of Mormon (78% complete), which should cause doubt as to the what’s in the current Book of Mormon.

Nebraska:  Food insecurity is such a problem in Grand Island that Food Bank for the Heartland and Trinity United Methodist Church began running a mobile pantry to deliver food directly to families.

New Jersey: Saint Joseph’s Medical Center ending its DSS Program, eight people unemployed in time for Halloween.

New York:  A man broke into the First Unitarian Church of Rochester, and then suddenly died!  Church officials say he was acting violent, he was sliced up by the broken glass, police sent him to the hospital were he was pronounced dead.   15 women now accuse Catholic Holy Cross school of sexually abusing students between 1973 and 1994, “in unimaginable ways”.

North Carolina:   In Lynn, after 17 years Tryon Mountain Hardware shutdown, the property was sold, the Christian hardware owners saying “God has a plan” in reference to their sudden ‘retirement’.    A missing teenager was found dead, buried on the property of the East Stonewall AME Zion Church in Charlotte.  The teenager went missing two weeks prior after failing to show up for work on a military base in Virginia.  A man mowing the church’s lawn made the discovery, police will not release anymore info.   The battle over local governments openly taking part in ‘christian’ prayer escalating to the U.S. Supreme Court after an appeals court ruled in favor of the ACLU.  Arrogant Rowan County vice-chairman Jim Greene swore that they were not promoting a single religion or ‘coercing’ anybody towards Christianity saying “Making someone feel uncomfortable is not coercion.”  However, a supportive county resident slipped up by adding “Thank god we’ve got commissioners who still believe in Christian values.”

Ohio: In Bellaire, after 54 years Rigas Restaurant shutdown, apparently because the ‘christian’ matriarch of the family owners simply decided “I think it’s time to close.”  The family told local news they didn’t want to argue with her since she’s the one who started the restaurant.

Pennsylvania: Lehigh County guilty of violating the Constitution.  A U.S. federal judge ruled that the 73 years old county seal is unconstitutional because it has a ‘christian’ crucifix and the ‘old courthouse’ (which doubled as a church) as its central images.  It should be noted that Christians were among those who filed the complaint against the county.  Westboro Baptist Church plans to protest the legalization of homosexuality starting in October.  The protests will be held at both public-taxpayer funded and christian schools.

South Carolina:  The steeple of the Cumberland AME Church caught fire, the cause is under investigation.  Another church was set on fire, the Bible Baptist Church, cause yet to be determined.  A building on the Saint Joseph Catholic Church property, in West Ashley, was also set on fire.  Local news media reported a shootout between a man and a security guard started at the Grand Strand Baptist Church and ended up at a nearby restaurant, at least one person hospitalized, no other info available.   Salem Black River Presbyterian Church defaced with ‘satanic’ symbols.

Tennessee:  A disgruntled ‘dreamer’ from Sudan shot-up a “multi-ethnic” church, wounding six people (including himself) and killing one.   What was that about separation of church and state?  The congregations of Temple Church of God in Christ and Church of God in Christ have been at odds over who should become the new pastor of a church in Fayette County, so much so that the state Supreme Court had to make the decision!  Lower courts had refused on the grounds their involvement would violate the U.S. 1st Amendment.  The state Supreme Court focused solely on the property dispute, which ultimately settles the dispute over who should be the boss of the Fayette County church.  In Cool Springs, after less than five years the Puffy Muffin shutdown, the ‘christian’ owner blamed lack of employees saying “…the Lord directs all of our steps……   And we’re spread too thin, honestly….    You can teach cooking and you can teach baking, but really you need people who are skilled….” 

Texas:  Mormon Glenn Beck’s Irving based The Blaze network laid off “…just over 20 percent of the combined workforce of Mercury Radio Arts and TheBlaze.”  In Austin, First United Methodist Church refusing to conduct heterosexual marriages until its national leadership accepts and allows homosexual marriages.   In Tyler, after 64 years the local Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) shutdown, explaining on Facebook that its was “due to lack of resources”.    Mega-money-making-church operator Joel Olsteen called out for being a hypocrite for not allowing his 16-thousand-8-hundred-seat Lakewood Church, in Houston, to be used as a shelter for Hurricane Harvey victims.  He finally relented, but apparently banned anybody who was not ‘christian’ from using his church as a shelter, because weeks later, in September, he finally allowed the congregation of a nearby flooded synagogue to use his church.   “No man can work for two masters, for either he will hate one and will love the other, or he will honor one and the other he will ignore. You cannot work for God and for money.”-Matthew 6:24, Aramaic Bible

Utah: Former nurses of Salt Lake City based Mormon Intermountain Healthcare (formerly called The Health Services Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) accuse their former ‘christian’ employer of deducting 30 minutes of pay for lunch breaks, even though most nurses never get an actual meal break. The U.S. Department of Labor is investigating.   Mormon leaders again renege on yet another church policy, this time they’ve lifted a 60 years old ban on caffeinated soda-pop at their exalted Brigham Young University (is it because the LDS church is heavily involved in the soda-pop industry, which has been losing money?).  Social media posts revealed how excited those deprived (depraved?) young Mormons are now that they’re officially allowed to drink caffeinated pop.

Virginia:  In Lexington, history denying Robert E. Lee Memorial Church  got rid of its namesake statue, and also went back to its older name Grace Episcopal Church.  Robert E. Lee was an elder in the church.

Washington: Law enforcers now offering a $20-thousand USD reward for info concerning the 2016 arsons of three churches in Clark County.  Despite a year of investigating, and pics & video of the suspect made public, police still haven’t caught ‘him’.


“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua [Jesus of Nazareth] entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”