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World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 01 July 2013: One thousand Afghans died for the United States in June!

In Parwan Province, Charikar city, a suicide bomber attacked the governor’s compound.  At least three people wounded.

In Baghlan Province, Burka District, Mujahideen assassinated the district police chief and his body guards with a remotely detonated bomb.  Locals say the U.S. backed police chief was oppressive.

In Kunar Province, Forward Operating Base (FOB) Joyce, U.S. soldiers are packing up equipment, rushing to get the hell out: “This is what leaving looks like. This base in southern Kunar province is overrun with a mad crush of soldiers and equipment preparing to hit the long road home.”-Stars and Stripes, military news media source

In Nangarhar Province, government officials say they arrested a suicide bomber from Pakistan.  The U.S. Army’s FOB Connolly was turned over to Afghan government forces.   U.S. commanders on the ground say the Mujahideen always return after the U.S. runs them out of town, it’s because the people of the area don’t trust the government: “A large contingent of the population aren’t supporters of GIROA [Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan] because they lost their livelihood.”-Captain Justin Liesen

A recent survey by International Institute for Democracy showed that 48% of Afghans support negotiations with Mujahideen, and almost all Afghans do not trust the U.S. backed centralized government.

In Kandahar Province, Maiwand District, Mujahideen claim to have ambushed a U.S. military convoy.

USMC General Joseph Dunford said “We are no longer conducting unilateral operations. We conduct security operations, route clearing and retrograde operations.”

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is trying to convince Azerbaijan to take part in post 2014 military missions in Afghanistan.  Back in May Azerbaijani officials publicly stated they had no desire to join NATO.

NATO announced that June was the deadliest month, so far this year, for NATO/ISAF forces.

The Afghan Interior Ministry announced that 299 Afghan National Police (ANP) and local police were killed last month!   618 were wounded!  At least 180 civilians were killed as well!  753 Afghans (Mujahideen) who oppose the U.S. backed government were killed, 357 wounded, 305 captured!  And the arrogant people of the U.S. don’t think the Afghans are suffering enough!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: Thousands of Mujahideen preparing for new offensives! U.S. cuts supplies for MASH units yet buys Russian ‘copters!

18 June 2013/09 Sha’ban 1434/28 Khordad 1391/11 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Parwan Province, Bagram air base was hit by artillery attack (early reports said it was a rocket), four U.S. personnel killed, several wounded.  The attack was confirmed by U.S. Department of Defense.  U.S. forces conducted a search operation to find the source of the rocket attack.

In Kandahar Province, Maruf District, a U.S. drone (UAV) crashed.  Afghan and U.S. government officials blame it on “technical problems”, but Mujahideen say they shot it down.   Provincial government officials also say eight Mujahideen killed by NATO/ISAF forces.

In Kabul Province, Kabul city, a suicide bomber blew himself up near the Independent Human Rights Commission office, killing at least three people, and wounding four security guards and one girl.  Officials say the target was a politician, but he survived.

In Logar Province, locals report three teenagers killed by NATO/ISAF airstrike.

In Farah Province, Bala Buluk District, Mujahideen claim they’ve shot down yet another U.S. helicopter in that district.  Mujahideen say U.S. attack helicopters were responding to their attack on U.S. armored vehicles.

Senior Obama administration officials said the U.S. will meet with Mujahideen in Doha, capital of Qatar, in the near future.  It’s been revealed by Norwegian government officials that Norway has been hosting secret talks between U.S. and Afghan government officials and Mujahideen, something U.S. officials have always denied.

The Afghan puppet government is now officially in charge of all occupation military operations.  NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said NATO will no longer plan, execute or lead combat operations in Afghanistan.

The U.S. state of New Hampshire revealed that 43 members of their state militia Army National Guard C Company, 3rd Battalion 238th Aviation Regiment, is undergoing training for deployment to Afghanistan.

United Kingdom Ministry of Defence officials say that after the end of 2013 their Red Coat troops will no longer take part in combat operations, they will focus on training Afghan personnel only.

U.S. ambassador to Canada, David Jacobson, admitted it was he who convinced Canadian officials to keep their Canuck troops in Afghanistan for as long as they have.  The admission comes as Canada sends their final troop deployment to Afghanistan.  At least 900 Canucks deployed for Operation Attention.

17 June 2013/08 Sha’ban 1434/27 Khordad 1391/10 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Jowzjan Province, war criminal and U.S. puppet ally, Abdul Rashid Dostum, ordered his minions to attack the provincial governor.  Dostum’s minions also attacked the Afghan government’s National Directorate of Security (NDS) compound.  Provincial officials say they do not know why such an ‘insider’ attack was ordered.

In Nuristan Province,  Mujahideen announced that they’ve assembled thousands of troops to launch a major offensive in that province.  Provincial officials confirmed that thousands of Mujahideen have gathered in Kamdish and Bar-g-Matal districts.  Government officials say Pakistan is supporting the Mujahideen offensive.

In Laghman Province, Mujahideen attacked a supply convoy with RPGs and machine guns.  Two trucks destroyed, three drivers killed, several people wounded.

In Maidan Wardak Province, provincial government officials reporting hundreds of Mujahideen from Pakistan observed gathering for offensive against U.S./Afghan government forces.

In Helmand Province, Lashkargah city, a suicide bomber tried to assassinate the local police chief.  Apparently only the bomber was killed, one cop wounded.

In the U.S. state of Virginia, a drive is on for volunteered supplies for U.S. MASH units: “Afghanistan MASH units are in GREAT NEED of sheets! These units treat and house our military service men and women who are wounded in battle and their linens are all but gone! They are using torn, worn and blood and other bodily fluid stained sheets over and over again.”-RoxAnne Christley’s Operation Bedsheet

In the U.S. state of Iowa, about 50 members of the state militia Army National Guard 211th Air Ambulance unit returned home from Afghanistan.

In the U.S. state of Minnesota, more than 100 members of the federal U.S. Army Reserve 203rd Transportation Company deployed to Afghanistan.

In the U.S. state of California, a Canadian private security contractor is being sued for the wrongful death of at least one U.S. citizen in Afghanistan.  Tundra Security is being accused of failing to following their own company policies when they re-hired an Afghan who was fired for making threats against U.S. co-workers.  That Afghan then killed or wounded several U.S. co-workers on Forward Operating Base Frontenac.

Russian news media reveals that U.S. taxpayers have paid for 30 Russian made Mil Mi-17 type helicopters.   The U.S. Department of Defense bought the helicopters for the Afghan government, at a cost to U.S. taxpayers of $500 million USD!

16 June 2013/07 Sha’ban 1434/26 Khordad 1391/09 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, a USMC Lance Corporal was killed.  However, the U.S. Marine Corps is investigating just how he was killed.  They would only say he was killed  “…while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province.”

In Badghis Province, six local cops in Panirak village, Bala Murghab District, joined the Mujahideen.

In Farah Province, the Afghan National Army (ANA) Special Operations Command claims to have killed five Mujahideen.

In Uruzgan Province, Chura District, six people killed, four wounded after they drove over a landmine.

In Logar Province, Mohammad Agha District, ANA officials claim they killed 15 Mujahideen, and captured five others.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: U.S. General says no 2014 pullout! U.S. starving its own troops! NSA predicts future events based on Afghan potato prices!

15 June 2013/06 Sha’ban 1434/25 Khordad 1391/08 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Maidan Wardak Province, Syed Abad District, local reports that U.S./NATO/ISAF forces kidnapped three high school students from the same family.

In Paktika Province, Janikahil District, a police van was blown up with a remote detonated bomb.  Five cops killed, seven wounded.

In Baghlan Province, 200 German NATO troops pulled out of their Observation Post North.

In Badakhshan Province, locals say that after a battle between Afghan National Army (ANA) and Mujahideen, the ANA conducted home invasions, and seized the homes of villagers for their own use.

In Nangarhar Province, Hisarak District, 22 ANA soldiers joined the Mujahideen.

120 U.S. state of Missouri Army National Guard troops deployed to Afghanistan.

130 U.S. state of Illinois Army National Guard troops returned home from Afghanistan.

14 June 2013/05 Sha’ban 1434/24 Khordad 1391/07 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Nangarhar Province, U.S. forces claim they’ve “targeted” a al Qaeda operative.  This makes the ninth al Qaeda operative targeted this year.  U.S. officials are using these claims to show that al Qaeada is alive and well, and the U.S. should not pullout.

In Maidan Wardak Province, Saeed Abad District, three U.S. troops wounded during a firefight with Mujahideen.  Reports say five Mujahideen killed.  Mujahideen claim the U.S. personnel were killed.

In Badghis Province, Bala Morghab District, three Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers killed when their vehicle drove over a landmine.

In Khost Province, eight people killed when they drove over a landmine.  They were on their way home from a funeral.

In Kandahar Province, government officials say an Afghan border cop was killed by a Pakistani artillery strike in Maruf District.

In Kunar Province, NATO has denied the results of a United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) investigation, which accuses NATO of killing three children.  The incident took place on 06 June.

In Daykundi Province, Daykundi District, at least 17 ANA troops joined the Mujahideen.

USMC General Joseph Dunford says the U.S. can not pullout of Afghanistan in 2014:  “The gains that we have made to date are not going to be sustainable without continued international commitment. We are not where we need to be yet.”

12 U.S. state of Ohio Army National Guard troops returned home from Afghanistan.

From the U.S. state of California, a mom is sending food to her son in Afghanistan because the U.S. Department of Defense has cut meals for military personnel: “They are doing deconstruction of the forward operating bases. So they’re doing heavy work all day long. And they had no breakfast and they are going to the jobs hungry!”-Nina Eusebio

13 June 2013/04 Sha’ban 1434/23 Khordad 1391/06 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, Musa Qala District, two Afghan National Police (ANP) were killed along with four local cops.  Their vehicles and weapons were missing, Mujahideen are suspected.  Also, it’s been revealed that a USMC K-MAX unmanned helicopter crashed northeast of Camp Leatherneck.  It happened on 05 June, but USMC officials will only say they’re investigating the cause.

In Laghman Province, Alishang District, ten contracted security guards and one cop joined the Mujahideen.  Their names were publicized.

In Badakhshan Province, Mujahideen have launched an offensive to take control of villages under control of government forces.   Mujahideen claim to have liberated the villages of Kori, Katow, Khorak, Kahir and Asp.  Also, in Jaram District, 35 ANA soldiers joined the Mujahideen.

The U.S. Department of Defense stated that 2220 U.S. personnel have been killed in Afghanistan, so far.

UNICEF reports that the number of children being killed in Afghanistan has increased 27% compared to the same time last year.

The Afghan Ministry of the Interior claims 50 Mujahideen were killed, 15 wounded and 18 captured in operations in Kunar, Kunduz, Jawzjan, Kandahar, Logar, Ghazni, Paktika, Nangarhar and Helmand provinces.

The Afghan government has released 2156 prisoners from the formerly U.S. run Bagram prison.  The Karzai government says investigations revealed that the thousands of prisoners the U.S. detained, had no evidence of their involvement in militancy.

According to Wall Street Journal articles, based on conversations with Edward Snowden, the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has a data sifting program called Real Time Regional Gateway (RTRG).  RTRG is used to make predictions on possible future terror attacks.  Here’s the kicker, the program includes data sources as remote as road traffic and potato prices in Afghanistan!  The WSJ says their sources claim RTRG has a 60-70% success rate!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: U.S. troops gettin’ whacked! Bodies of people kidnapped by U.S. forces found! More proof the U.S. ain’t leaving!

03 June 2013/24 Rajab 1434/13 Khordad 1391/25 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

In Paktia Province, Samkanai District, a suicide bomber blew himself up, killing 15 people and wounding 25.  Ten of the 15 killed were children on their way to school.  In Zurmat District, Afghan National Army (ANA) says six Mujahideen were killed by U.S./NATO/ISAF attack helicopters.  And local U.S. news reports revealed that a U.S. Army Specialist (that’s an Army rank), and a 2nd Lieutenant were killed.  They were part of the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, based in Tsamkani.   The local U.S. news reports say the U.S. Army reported that the foot patrol was hit by a suicide bomber near the border with Pakistan.

In Nimruz Province, Khashrood District, the district governor says a U.S. convoy hit a landmine, U.S. troops were killed.  No confirmation from ISAF.

In Laghman Province, a family of eight were killed when they drove over a landmine.

02 June 2013/23 Rajab 1434/12 Khordad 1391/24 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

In Maiden Wardak Province, the bodies of six Afghans last seen being kidnapped by U.S. SOF seven months ago, were found.   They were found near a now vacant U.S. military base in Nerkh District.

In Helmand Province, Lashkar Gah city, the U.S. Army reported that a SOF Warrant Officer was killed by an explosion.  He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group.

In Uruzgan Province, four people killed, eight wounded when the van they were riding in drove over a landmine.

01 June 2013/22 Rajab 1434/11 Khordad 1391/23 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, Maiwand District, a Louisiana Army National Guard Specialist was killed by explosion.  He was part of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, where he was an assistant gunner and vehicle commander on an MRAB (Mine Resistant-Ambush Protected vehicle).

In Ghazni Province, a U.S. Army Staff Sergeant was killed by RPG (rocket propelled grenade).   He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division.

In Paktika Province, Sharan city, the U.S. Army is investigating the death of a Private First Class.  The PFC was assigned to the 210th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division.  He was a mechanic, the Army did not give anymore details.

In Ghor Province, Dolaina District, three people killed, 11 wounded, after the vehicle they were in drove over a landmine.

Iranian news media reported: “The delegation which consists of members of Taliban’s political mission in Qatar and is headed by Tayyeb Aqa has already held talks with the security officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tehran.”

Former USMC General John Allen has recommended that in addition to the U.S. personnel that will remain in Afghanistan after 2014, a new “bridging force” should be created: “For two to three years after 2014, the United States may need an additional force package of several thousand personnel to help the Afghans finish building their air force, their special operations force and certain other enablers in the medical realm, in counter-IED capability and in intelligence collection.”

A report by the Center for a New American Security says Pakistan will remain the key player in controlling Afghanistan.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: Secret prisons revealed! More proof drug use increase is part of evil U.S. plan! Rumsfeld says it’s not combat!

31 May 2013/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kapisa Province, witnesses say a U.S./NATO drone strike killed six people and wounded 12 others.  Most of those killed and wounded were women and children.

In Nuristan Province, local government officials say Pakistan shelled Kamdish District.  One person killed, two wounded.

In Ghazni Province, major battles reported between Mujahideen and pro-government forces.  Both sides reported dozens of killed and wounded.

Mujahideen continue to swear they were not behind the attack on the Red Cross in Jalalabad: “….the Islamic Emirate wants to make it clear to everyone that it had no hand in the attack on….the ICRC office in Jalalabad city and neither does it support such attacks.”-Qari Yousuf Ahmad

In an interview with Politics Confidential, evil Donald Rumsfeld admitted the long term occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq are failures: “Well, it’s not combat….the Department of Defense…is not organized and trained and equipped to nation build…..Don’t leave the impression that you can run a country that you can’t run.”

30 May 2013/20 Rajab 1434/09 Khordad 1391/21 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Maiden Wardak Province, a U.S. Army Staff Sergeant was killed after the vehicle he was in drove over a landmine.  The Texas man was assigned to the 68th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion, 43rd Sustainment Brigade, 4th Infantry Division out of Fort Carson, Colorado.

In Kapisa Province, Afghan National Army launched an offensive against Mujahideen.  They claim they’ve killed four Mujahideen and captured 86.

Just a few days after saying they weren’t leaving Afghanistan, the International Committee of the Red Cross has suspended operations in eastern Afghanistan: “As a consequence of the attack… all our activities have been frozen and our office in Jalalabad is closed.”

The U.S. Department of Defense is investigating whether a USMC General deliberately relaxed security at the Camp Bastion/Camp Leatherneck, in Helmand last year.  The joint base was attacked, people killed and at least $200 million USD in damage to U.S. aircraft.  Last month is was revealed, after a U.K. investigation, that British run guard towers were unmanned on the night of the attack.

29 May 2013/19 Rajab 1434/08 Khordad 1391/20 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Ghazni Province, police say a man detonated a bomb near a school, wounding two boys and one girl. Police say they shot and killed the man.

In Panjshir Province, six or seven men dressed in Afghan National Police uniforms attacked the provincial government compound.   At least one of them was wearing an explosive vest, and blew himself up.  The others were killed in a gunbattle: “Six militants armed with suicide vests and weapons stormed the provincial governor compound at around 3am local time in Bazarak city. The attack and counter-attack claimed the lives of all attackers and one policeman.”-Rohullah Yousufi

In Helmand Province, Camp Bastion, a secretly run prison was revealed.  The U.K. Red Coats have been holding Afghans for at least 14 months, without charge, violating current agreements with the government of Afghanistan.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad City, the Red Cross building was attacked, at least one person killed, several people wounded.  Government officials blame Mujahideen, but Mujahideen say it was not their doing.

Reports out of Afghanistan say the number of drug addicts has increased right along with the increased production of opium.  The Afghan Counter Narcotics Ministry points out that the majority of people in Afghan prisons are there on drug charges.  The Ministry also backs up past claims by Iran and Russia, that more and more Afghans are being pushed into drug trafficking into other countries:  “Around 3 million people are involved in drug trafficking across the country…”-Abdul Khalil Bakhtyar, Counter Narcotics Ministry

Afghan officials point out that the provinces that have the biggest opium production are under direct U.S./NATO/ISAF control: “90% of opium have been producing at Helmand, Kandahar, Farah and Urzgan Provinces…”-Zabi Ullah, Counter Narcotics Ministry

An opium addict said it best, revealing the possible true motive for the drug explosion under the watch of the United States: “I am happy to die rather than to be alive. If you wish bad luck to your enemy wish him to become addicted to opium or heroin, as there is no other greater punishment rather than being addicted.”-Noor Mohammad, Kapisa Province

Another report, from Reuters, backs up claims made by Iranian border police over the years; the U.S. drug meth (methamphetamine) is being made and trafficked through Afghanistan.  According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, meth use in Afghanistan tripled in 2012.   Afghanistan is already a violent place, now imagine large numbers of Afghans addicted to a drug that turns people into paranoid homicidal maniacs: “If this country gets addicted to meth, there will be a big problem!”-Peter Bottomley, UNODC

Unnamed ignorant and pathological liars within the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (plenty of reports showing the DEA is actually a major drug dealer) told Reuters reporters that the meth was coming from Iran!

World War 3, Asian Front: More taxpayer money given to Afghanistan! Pakistani fighters replacing U.S./NATO troops! Proof the drugs are being used by the Americans!

28 May 2013/18 Rajab 1434/07 Khordad 1391/19 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

It was revealed that the government of Japan will give Afghanistan $30 million USD worth of their taxpayers’ money, supposedly for road construction equipment.  

In Nangarhar Province, the Afghan senate chairman secretary was assassinated.  Local police do not know who did it: “Shafiqullah, secretary of Afghan senate chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar was shot dead by unknown gunmen in Lalma area in Chaparhar district…”

In Kandahar Province, seven cops were killed at a checkpoint.  Some reports say it was done by a fellow cop, other reports say two Mujahideen attacked the checkpoint.   Also in Khakrez District, a Afghan National Army convoy ran over a landmine, killing three people and wounding three.

In Parwan Province, Qarabagh District, eight people killed, three wounded by a remote detonated bomb.  Police say the managing director of Afghan Wireless Communications Company was the target.  Mujahideen say they were trying to hit a U.S. convoy that was expected to come through the same area.

The European Union extended the European Police Mission in Afghanistan until 31 December 2014.

U.S. based Ace Hardware announced it will open 15 stores in Afghanistan, over the next ten years.

27 May 2013/17 Rajab 1434/06 Khordad 1391/18 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, Panjwai District, local police are reporting that as U.S./NATO personnel abandon bases in the area, fighters from Pakistan are taking their place: “Taliban militants from Pakistani Madrasas have been deployed in Panjwai district which has created issues for the local residents. Their deployment comes amid withdrawal of coalition forces from Moshan and Talokan areas…”-Fazal Mohammad Ishaqzai, Panjwai District Police chief

In Jawzjan Province, Darzad District, the district governor was wounded in an assassination attempt.  Two other people were wounded when a teenaged suicide bomber blew himself up.

In Farah Province, Bala Bolok District, two people wounded after a suicide attack on a Italian/NATO convoy.   Mujahideen claim five Italians were killed.

26 May 2013/16 Rajab 1434/05 Khordad 1391/17 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Daykundi Province, Mujahideen claim they’ve liberated the village of Nur Khanwalo.

In Parwan Province, Bagram City, a member of the U.S. Louisiana Army National Guard was killed when his vehicle was hit by an RPG.   According to Louisiana news reports, his family knew of his death before the U.S. Army confirmed it!

In Ghazni Province, Ghazni City, reports of battles between Mujahideen and NATO/ANA forces.   In Gilan District, government officials claim they’ve killed 28 Mujahideen, and wounded 17 others.

The Afghan Defense Ministry claimed that in the past month they have killed 443 Mujahideen, and lost 100 Afghan National Army troops.  They also said 2224 battles/operations took place.

The U.S. Department of State has ordered all U.S. contractors in Afghanistan, and Israel, to undergo drug testing.  The drugs being tested for are opiates, amphetamines, steroids, cocaine and other hard drugs.   There are reports that drug abuse by U.S. contractors is on the increase.


World War 3, Asian Front: Mujahideen target CIA in Afghanistan! Turkey joins Mujahideen? USMC allows Mujahideen attacks?

25 May 2013/15 Rajab 1434/04 Khordad 1391/16 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Logar Province, Baraki Barak District, Mujahideen claim to have killed two U.S. personnel, and wounded three others in a half hour long firefight.

In Kabul City, a suicide bomber killed only himself, according to police.  Government officials are blaming several days of attacks in Kabul on Pakistani groups.  The Afghan Interior Ministry is calling for all out war with Pakistan: “The main sanctuaries based on the other side of the border in Pakistan should be destroyed…..increase pressures on the government of Pakistan specifically on its military…”-Sediq Sediq

A group called Turkistan Islamic Party is  taking credit for several suicide bomber attacks in Afghanistan.   The Turkey based group is not fighting to liberate Afghanistan, but to  “…make polytheism disappear from the surface of the earth, and to make His religion the only religion on earth…”

The International Committee of the Red Cross says it will not leave Afghanistan unless the situation becomes “totally hostile”.

24 May 2013/14 Rajab 1434/03 Khordad 1391/15 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, Sangin District, Mujahideen say they’ve repelled a joint U.S./NATO/ANA offensive.  They claimed to have destroyed six vehicles, captured other vehicles and even shot down a helicopter.

In Kabul City, a group of Mujahideen launched an attack.  Reports say between one and 44 people were killed, dozens wounded.  Mujahideen used bombs and guns.  Mujahideen say they were targeting a U.S. CIA/ISAF safehouse.

In Ghazni Province, Andar District, as many as 12 people were killed when a bomb exploded in a Mosque.  Also, in the same district two people were killed by another explosion.  Local police say everyone killed were Mujahideen.

Douglas Lute, adviser to President Barack Obama on Afghan policy, has been nominated to take over NATO.

23 May 2013/13 Rajab 1434/02 Khordad 1391/14 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kunar Province, Watapur District, reports that three U.S./NATO personnel and two Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were killed while trying to disarm a bomb.  One person wounded.

In Paktika Province, Sharana City, Mujahideen claim they killed two U.S./NATO SOF personnel, and wounded three others.

In Maiden Wardak Province, Syed Abad District, a U.S./NATO/ANA supply convoy was ambushed.  Six security guards killed, four wounded.  Five of the estimated 15 supply trucks were destroyed.

In Kabul City, Mujahideen attacked the Afghan Interior Ministry building.  Reports say at least four people were killed.

According to the Military Times, U.S. Marines in Helmand Province are “…mostly standing by as the Taliban launches attacks in the region.”

President Hamid Karzai has sent a military wish list to new found military ally, India.  Reports say the list includes heavy artillery, transportation vehicles and other equipment.  I wounder where Afghanistan is getting the money to buy that stuff?

World War 3, Asian Front: More bullshit for taxpayers funding the War in Afghanistan!

22 May 2013/12 Rajab 1434/01 Khordad 1391/13 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Herat Province, witnesses say U.S. personnel killed two seminary students.  Witnesses say a group of students were attending a ceremony when the U.S. troops open fired into the crowd.

In Parwan Province, Bagram District, witnesses say a U.S. led home invasion resulted in four people being kidnapped.

In Paktika Province, Khushamand District, Mujahideen claim they killed three U.S. special operations forces, when they blew up the SOF armored vehicle.

In Ghazni Province, an explosion took place at a bus station in the capital city.  Five people killed, 20 wounded.  Local police do not know who set off the bomb, or why the bus stations was targeted.  Later in the day another explosion hit Ghazni Province, killing seven people and wounding 13.  It was caused by a suicide bomber.

In Helmand Province, an explosion went off near a private hospital.  One person killed, and three wounded.

In Farah Province, three people killed and two wounded, after they drove over a landmine.

After first saying no, the United Kingdom has decided to allow immigration visas for 600 Afghans (and their families) who worked for Red Coats as interpreters.  But wait, there’s more for the British taxpayers!  Those Afghans moving to Britain will have their travel expenses paid for, as well as three months of living expenses. For those Afghans who worked for the Red Coats, but do not qualify for immigration, the U.K. government will offer 18 months of full pay to be trained for a new job in Afghanistan!  What was that about the U.K. government being broke?

21 May 2013/11 Rajab 1434/31 Ordibehest 1391/12 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, Sangin District, several police outposts were attacked by Mujahideen.  Reports say as many as 40 cops killed.  Police officials say the Mujahideen were helped by personnel from Pakistan and Chechnya.  Mujahideen say the attack was a two day operation, that resulted in dozens of cops killed, destroying seven outposts, nine vehicles were also destroyed.

In Herat Province, Obe District, seven cops were killed, two wounded, when they drove over a landmine.

20 May 2013/10 Rajab 1434/30 Ordibehest 1391/11 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, Girishk District, witnesses say U.S. led personnel conducted a home invasion, kidnapping an elderly person.

In Baghlan Province, a suicide bomber blew up near the provincial council compound.  14 people were killed, including the provincial council chief.  Nine people wounded.

In Kapisa Province, Tagab District, reports that eight people killed, several wounded, by a U.S. drone strike.

In Kandahar Province, locals say U.S. personnel conducted several home invasions in Kandahar city.  Several people were kidnapped and women, children and even religious leaders were harassed.   Property was damaged.

World War 3, Asian Front: U.S. taxes pay for Russian weapons! China, India & Pakistan preps to take over Afghanistan!

19 May 2013/09 Rajab 1434/29 Ordibehest 1391/10 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Logar Province, a U.S. NATO C-130 transport made a hard landing.  ISAF gave no more information.   Mujahideen claim they’ve destroyed three armored vehicles in a battle against “invader troops”.

In Ghazni Province, Moqor District, Mujahideen attacked police checkpoints, killing at least six local cops, and wounding four others.    Mujahideen also claim that five “invaders” were killed when their dismount patrol stepped on a landmine, in the capital city of Ghazni.

In Sar-e Pol Province, reports that a car bomb exploded in the governor’s compound.  No details on casualties.

In Maidan Wardak province, Syed Abad District, Mujahideen claim to have destroyed 14 supply vehicles and killed 26 people, as well as wounded 10 others.  They say it’s the single worst day for the U.S./NATO invaders so far this year.

The Afghan government has decided to buy five Ukrainian built Antonov An-74 military transport aircraft.  There was no details as to where the money to buy them was coming from.

According to reports from India, China is pushing India and Pakistan to settle their disputes and join China in taking over Afghanistan after the supposed 2014 U.S./NATO pullout.

In Kandahar Province, Canada has sent 15 soldiers to investigate more than 375 shipping containers that never made it back to Canada!  The containers full of military spare parts were left in Kandahar (after Canadian forces pulled out of that area), because they were not considered “seaworthy”.  Some critics say the containers were left because the Canadian government could not afford to pay the cost of shipping them back to Canada.

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In Kunduz Province, Kunduz city, reports that U.S. led Afghan forces conducted a home invasion, kidnapping two people after ransacking their house.

In Farah Province, Bakwa District, an Afghan National Army vehicle ran over a landmine, killing four soldiers.  In Khak-e-Safid District, the district police chief was assassinated by gunman on a motorcycle.

In Khost Province, an explosion killed one border cop, wounded three other cops, and wounded six civilians.

In Paktika Province, Yahya Khel District, one person was killed and four wounded after they drove over a landmine.

In Boise, Idaho U.S.A., 20 members of the U.S. Army Reserve’s 949th Transportation Detachment said goodbye as they deployed to Afghanistan.

It was reported that Afghanistan’s Amu Darya basin oil fields will begin commercial production in about two months.  The China National Petroleum Corporation controls that area.

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In Kandahar Province, two explosions killed at least nine people, and wounded 70 others.   The first explosion was caused by a suicide car bomber, the second was a remote detonated bomb inside a car.   Other reports say it was two motorcycle bombs and one car bomb.  One report says the target was the family of President Hamid Karzai.

Russian state arms exporter Rosoboronexport plans to deliver 12 Mil Mi-17 helicopters to Afghanistan by the end of 2013.  The $367.5 million USD deal was actually paid for by the U.S. Department of Defense, with an option to buy another $600 million worth of Russian helicopters!

Russia is considering returning troops to patrol the Tajik-Afghan border.  Russia ceased border patrols there in 2009, but officials say illegal drug trafficking and violence has increased since then.  They blame the United States for not securing Afghanistan.

According to Indian news media reports, the government of India is considering sending troops to Afghanistan: “It is in India’s interest to enhance security and defense cooperation with Afghanistan.”-unnamed officials with Indian External Affairs Ministry

700 Canucks are preparing for Operation Attention, supposedly the final Canadian deployment to Afghanistan.  They begin deploying over the next six weeks.

World War 3, War on Terror: So they killed bin Laden? So what! U.S. says the war will go on for 20 more years!

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This is the most disturbing hearing I’ve been to in some timeYou guys have rewritten the Constitution today!  You guys have invented this term, ‘associated forces’, that’s nowhere in this document.  It’s the justification for everything, and it renders the war powers of Congress null and void!“-Angus King, U.S. Senator from Maine, upon hearing the U.S. Defense Department’s plans to continue the War on Terror

A year ago John Brennan, U.S. CIA boss, said “…the al Qaeda core is no longer relavant.”  Two months ago James Clapper, director of U.S. National Intelligence, testified to the U.S. Senate saying al Qaeda is “…probably unable to carryout large scale, complex attacks on the west.”  But, just a couple days ago Michael Sheehan, assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict, said the U.S. led War on Terror will last another “…10 to 20 years.”

Senator John McCain revealed one of the new fronts in the War on Terror: “…North Africa…”

Sheehan also revealed a new front in the War on Terror, the United States, when he said the War on Terror stretches “…from Boston to the FATA [Pakistan].