Tag Archives: pakistan

False Flag Op? Interpol issues warning!

04 August 2013 (14:56 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Ramadan 1434/13 Mordad 1391/28 Geng-Shen (6th month) 4711

Following a series of prison escapes across nine INTERPOL member countries in the past month alone, including in Iraq, Libya and Pakistan, the INTERPOL General Secretariat headquarters has issued a global security alert advising increased vigilance.

With suspected Al Qaeda involvement in several of the breakouts which led to the escape of hundreds of terrorists and other criminals, the INTERPOL alert requests the Organization’s 190 member countries’ assistance in order to determine whether any of these recent events are coordinated or linked.

INTERPOL is asking its member countries to closely follow and swiftly process any information linked to these events and the escaped prisoners. They are also requested to alert the relevant member country and INTERPOL General Secretariat headquarters if any escaped terrorist is located or intelligence developed which could help prevent another terrorist attack.

Staff at INTERPOL’s 24-hour Command and Coordination Centre and other specialized units are also prioritizing all information and intelligence in relation to the breakouts or terrorist plots in order to immediately inform relevant member countries of any updates.

August is the anniversary of violent terrorist incidents in Mumbai, India and Gluboky, Russia as well as in Jakarta, Indonesia. This week also marks the 15th anniversary of the US Embassy bombings in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in which more than 200 mostly African citizens were killed and 4,000 others injured.

In recent years, terrorist attacks focusing on diplomatic facilities in Afghanistan, Greece, India, Kenya, Libya, Pakistan, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey and Yemen have also resulted in hundreds of casualties of all nationalities.

The US State Department has also issued a global travel alert in response to credible intelligence suggesting that Al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks between now and 31 August, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. In addition to the US authorities announcing the one-day closure of more than 20 diplomatic missions on Sunday 4 August, the UK Foreign Office has also confirmed the closure of the British embassy in Yemen on 4 and 5 August.

-International Criminal Police Organization, 04 August 2013

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 19-20 July 2013: Australia officially treating polictial refugees as invading criminals! Israel steps up drone use in Afghanistan!

In Helmand Province, Maraj District, at least four people killed, 11 wounded, by an explosion.  Also, a civilian and a cop were killed during an attack by Mujahideen.  Reports of a day long battle in Sangin District.  Two armored vehicles destroyed, 13 military personnel killed, nine wounded.

In Ghor Province, Cheghcharan city, Afghan National Police (ANP) shot and wounded at least three people during an anti-U.S. demonstration.  People are protesting the U.S.-Afghan Bilateral Security Agreement (post 2014 U.S. troop presence).   There are reports that attacks were launched against NATO/ISAF airbases.

In Maidan Wardak Province, Syed Abad District, reports that two U.S. personnel were killed in an attack by Mujahideen.  Three civilians were wounded.

The new Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd, who took over in a political coup by the way (where was the U.S. media on that one?), announced that political refugees, especially those from Afghanistan, will not be allowed into Australia.  Australia will now deport all refugees to the small island nation of Papua New Guinea.  How nice of the British Empire Land Down Under, especially since Australia has a hand in creating the humanitarian disaster known as the War on Terror in Afghanistan!

In Nangarhar Province, Shirzad District, villagers report that U.S. led forces conducted an Israeli style home invasion.  The local prayer leader and three others were kidnapped.

In Paktika Province, three children and two women were killed when their home was hit by an explosion.  Four other people were wounded.  Local police suspect that the house was used by Mujahideen to store bombs, and the kids must’ve played with one of the bombs.  The dumb cops are just speculating, how would they know unless they had an undercover cop there.

In Farah Province, Afghan news media reports three people wounded by a roadside bomb.

In Paktia Province, Wazi Zadran District, Mujahideen claim to have shot down a NATO/ISAF recon drone.

Israeli news media reporting that Israeli drones have become the dominant UAV in Afghanistan!  Since when did Israel declare war on Afghanistan, and when did they become a part of ISAF?  According to the Israeli reports, NATO/ISAF member Germany is the fifth operator of the Israeli drone in the Central Asian Country.  Australia, Canada, Spain and France also use Israeli made drones.  So, nobody wants to use the expensive U.S. made UAVs?

The Washington Post reported that U.S. military equipment is not being allowed to leave because of Afghan customs duties!  Afghanistan’s Department of Customs charges $1000 USD per shipping container, and U.S. officials refuse to pay.  The U.S. news media is calling the customs duties a “tax”.

In Herat Province, Gulran District, Gulab village, U.S. led forces conducted home invasions.  Motorcycles were destroyed, six people kidnapped, and valuables stolen.  And Afghanistan’s national security adviser, Rangin Dadfar Spanta, blames Pakistan for the assassination of his brother.

It was confirmed by the U.S. FDA, that a vaccine for malaria caused a U.S. Army soldier to murder civilians.  The FDA was notified by the drug maker, who in turn was notified by the pharmacist who supplied the vaccine.  U.S. Army regs state that soldiers with past head wounds can not be given the vaccine because it makes them homicidal maniacs!  A former U.S. Army doctor’s own investigations have revealed that U.S. Army medical regs are being ignored!

Norovirus / Tummy Bug update, 02 August 2013: Airline flight from vomiting hell! 9 people dead, 150 sick in Canada! Hundreds sick at Washington campgrounds!

At least 26 people were quarantined in Australia after a gut wrenching flight from Chile.  Paramedics met the 747 when it landed in Sydney.  Health officials say the sick people were part of the same tour group.  Norovirus is suspected.  Also, in Wodonga The Grange old folks home was “locked down” for a week because of a major gastroenteritis outbreak.  Employees went to the local news media after officials with The Grange lied and said it was just a dozen people sick.  Turns out at least 70 residents and 12 employees were sick.  An unnamed employee said management didn’t even try to pick up the slack to compensate for the sick employees: “Work has increased tenfold. There has been no recognition from management. No one is saying we’re doing a great job. It’s a hard place to work at the moment.”

Nine people have died and 150 sickened after an outbreak at an old folks home in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada!  Health officials suspect the deadly outbreak is caused by norovirus.

And just south, in the state of Washington, U.S.A., the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department is investigating an outbreak at a YMCA campground. About 80 people are sick with norovirus like symptoms.  And 120 people sickened at a Christian campground in Whatcom County!  Health officials are blaming norovirus. They say the outbreak actually started at the beginning of July, but for some reason is only now being made public. About one week ago they did warn residents to be careful as there were “clusters” of cases being reported.  In the same county, people reported tummy bug symptoms after a chile contest on Lummi Island.

The U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease claims to have  discovered an antibody that can neutralize human norovirus.  Their study involved the use of immune cells of chimpanzees.

More bad news for plant eaters!  Recent parasite infections are being blamed on bagged salads!  In the United States the cyclospora outbreak has hit 16 states and at least 380 people!  In Iowa and Nebraska, health officials say they’ve traced the parasite to bagged salads.  At this point they’re not releasing the name of the brand of packaged salads.  You can only get sick by eating food or drink contaminated with the parasite.

In Arkansas U.S.A., another parasite has eaten the brain of a girl.  It’s called amoebic meningoencephalitis.  It’s a type of meningitis caused when an amoeba goes up your nose into your brain.  Officials think she got infected while swimming at Willow Springs Water Park.  One of the first signs is vomiting, which could cause people to think it’s a tummy bug.   The 12 years old girl has been placed in a medically induced coma.  If she survives she will be only the third person to do so.

Yogurt and flavored coffee lovers watch out, bugs are being used as food coloring in U.S. food products! According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, cochineal insects are being used to color flavored coffees and yogurts.  There are reports of people having allergic reactions, such as vomiting.  Starbucks announced last year they would stop using the red bugs in their strawberry flavored Frappuccino.  And you thought they were real strawberries.  Officials with Dannon yogurt says the U.S. FDA approved the use of the bugs as a substitute strawberry (carmine) coloring, so they are not going to stop using them!

And more bad news for plant eaters: A Washington U.S.A. woman and her 3 years old daughter were sick for seven months from oatmeal.  At first it was blamed on the standard tummy bug, turns out it was fungal mycotoxin poisoning.  It wasn’t doctors who figured it out, it was the suffering woman.  She was about to make her son a bowl of oatmeal, which he rarely ate, but she noticed he would get sick with similar symptoms when he ate it.  Upon closer inspection of the Western Family brand oatmeal container she found a clump of toxic mold in the oatmeal.

New Hampshire U.S.A., one man has been infected with two rare viruses, Jamestown Canyon virus and the Powassan virus.  Mosquitoes and ticks spread the disease.  The signs are sudden severe headache, fever, vomiting and paralysis.

And in Iowa U.S.A., health officials reporting at least 26 cases of infection from a rare form of salmonella.  Officials say this form of salmonella is related to poultry and is easily confused with the cyclospora parasite.   Also, Polk County Department of Public Health is reporting another parasite outbreak, this time cryptosporidium.  At least 68 cases so far.  You get it from contaminated drinking water or swimming pools.

Bad news for beef eaters: There are reports that the Lone Star Tick is making its way north, from the southern U.S. states.  The bad news is that apparently the bite of the Amblyomma americanum can render you allergic to beef!  Symptoms are vomiting, abdominal cramps, hives, anaphylaxis and death.

In the African country of Nigeria, reports of at least 104 cases of gastroenteritis.  Health officials blame poor hygiene.

In the new administrative district of Bandipora, in Jammu and Kashmir, India, at least 75 cases of gastroenteritis.  Apparently people are rising up in protest because government officials supplied them with contaminated water.  The angry people actually forced Public Health Engineering Department employees to drink the contaminated water!  Health officials are now telling people to boil the water.  In Mumbai city, 40 cases of cholera, and 2481 cases of gastroenteritis, were reported in July.

Pakistan reported a 39% increase in gastroenteritis, from December through January.  (they also reported a 90% increase in snake bites!)

British Empire Owns the United States: Forces U.S. taxpayers to fork over $150 million for spy data!

02 August 2013 (19:39 UTC-07 Tango 01 August 2013)/25 Ramadan 1434/11 Mordad 1391/26 Geng-Shen (6th month) 4711

According to leaked U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), dated 2010, the United States Department of Homeland Security/NSA gave the United Kingdom $150 million taxpayer dollars in the past three years for ‘intelligence’!   This is according to the British news source The Guardian.

The money is going to the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).  According to the leaked NSA documents, a GCHQ official calls the U.S. payments an “investment”.

The documents show that U.S. taxpayers are funding half of the British spying operations in Cyprus.  Remember Cyprus?  That’s the country that suddenly went belly up, and massive bailouts of the government took place, while many people had their bank accounts seized to pay for the bailouts!  It’s all connected to the recently discovered massive petroleum field in the Mediterranean (known as Levant Basin Province, aka Leviathan).

Ironically, even though the U.S. is paying the U.K. for spy data, according to the NSA documents 60% of the British Empire’s internet and phone spying is actually being done by the U.S. NSA!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 15-16 July 2013. More proof the British-U.S. Empires are behind boy sex slaves & opium! More proof the U.S. ain’t leavin’!

Afghan news media reporting that an Afghan National Army (ANA) soldier has escaped from prison.  He was arrested last week after killing a Slovak-NATO soldier, and wounding at least three others.  The reports say his escape was facilitated by other ANA soldiers!

ISAF reports that a U.S. led NATO troop was killed by “direct fire” in eastern Afghanistan.  Mujahideen have reported killing several U.S./NATO personnel in eastern provinces, but they don’t give enough details regarding how they were killed.

Despite U.S. news media reports saying Mujahideen attacks are down, the Afghan Defense Ministry admitted they are actually up!  Afghan General Zahir Azimi also admitted that currently the Afghan government forces can not handle the increased attacks by Mujahideen.  This is in direct contradiction with ISAF General Heinz Feldmann, who said Afghan government forces were ready to take over from U.S./NATO.

Another ISAF commander, Major General Dieter Warnecke, revealed that U.S. led NATO/ISAF has military plans for Afghanistan past the 2014 pullout date: “Much of this work will continue into the NATO Resolute Support mission in 2015.  I’m convinced about it. Our strong international commitment to this nation and to the Afghan people will endure.”

Officials with the Afghan Defense Ministry say they’ve caught Pakistani troops/insurgents who’ve infiltrated the ANA using fake ANA ID cards!  Afghan General Taj Mohammad Jahid made the announcement on Radio Free Europe.

In Ghazni Province, a 12 years old boy blew himself up with a bicycle bomb near an ANA/NATO military convoy.  He was killed, an Afghan cop was wounded.

In Helmand Province, Nawzad district, Mujahideen say they destroyed a Georgian/ISAF tank, killing the crew.  And in the United Kingdom/United States controlled area, in Sangin town, a British journalist revealed institutionalized sexual abuse of boys by police.  The issue has many Canadian soldiers in therapy.  Canadian soldiers were told to ignore it, and they claim even U.S./U.K-NATO personnel took part in the child sex crimes.  A U.S. Marine Corps Major tried to confront local police about it but was rebuked.  The British journalist spent six years documenting the war under the U.K./U.S., including the sex crimes.  He has released a documentary called This is What Winning Looks Like!  By the way, Sangin town is also considered a major hub of opium production!

In Baghlan Province, Baghlan-e-Markazi District, NATO/ISAF forces conducted home invasions.  One person killed, two kidnapped.

In Kunar Province, reports that people are abandoning their villages because of repeated U.S./NATO airstrikes.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad city, a motorcycle bomb exploded, killing two people and wounding three.  One person killed worked for Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS, domestic spy agency) and the other person killed was a Afghan National Police (ANP) officer.

The Afghanistan National Archives revealed they have 7000 historical documents pertaining to Iran, documents not currently found in Iran.  Afghan officials say they will send Iran digital copies of those documents.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 13-14 July 2013.

In Logar Province, Mohammad Agha District, Afghan and NATO/ISAF forces killed ten people in Mazgin village.  Afghan government officials called them militants, and said the militants had attacked the Ainak copper mine.  Two of the militants were foreigners.   In Kharwar District, Mujahideen say they shot down a NATO/ISAF helicopter.

In Nangarhar Province, reports that a military convoy hit a massive landmine.  Afghan government officials say a tank was destroyed and U.S. medivac ‘copters were called in.  Mujahideen claim the explosion killed the crew in the tank.

In Kandahar Province, Arghistan District, Afghan border police say they killed 12 Pakistani militants who attacked them.

In Paktia Province, reports that 12 people were killed by NATO/ISAF airstrike.  In Jani Khail District, 26 contracted security guards joined the Mujahideen.  The defections were the result of Mujahideen releasing four captured security guards/mercenaries unharmed.

Afghanistan and Turkmenistan signed onto the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan and India (TAPI) gas pipeline project.  It’s a 30 years deal.

In Helmand Province, Camp Bastion, BBC reporting that British Red Coats have begun pullout operations. The Theatre Logistics Group is scrambling to get military vehicles prepped for the long journey home to United Kingdom.  The BBC reports that the British retreat actually started in October 2012!

According to the BBC, 21 British Red Coats killed themselves while on duty in Afghanistan in 2012.   Another 29 Afghan veterans killed themselves back home in Merry Ol’ England.

A Transparency International report said the U.S. backed Afghan justice system is the most corrupt government organization in all of Afghanistan.  Of course the U.S. backed Afghan Supreme Court denies it.

Confusing reports: The Afghan Foreign Ministry says they’ve officially suspended post 2014 Bilateral Security talks with the Obama administration, yet, a spokesman for President Hamid Karzai says a special committee will be formed to continue such talks.

Norovirus / Tummy Bug update, 24 July 2013: Rabies misdiagnosed as tummy bug, kills several! Fear forces family to remove stomachs!!! More reasons to be a meat eater!

In Maryland U.S.A., it’s been revealed that people who got organ transplants are dying from rabies.  The latest victim died in February this year.  The North Carolina man who donated his organs had been diagnosed with a tummy bug called ciguatera, from eating contaminated fish.  Turns out he had rabies, which can have symptoms similar to tummy bug.  Three organ recipients have been successfully treated for rabies.  A report says this is not the first time this has happened in the U.S. (at least three other documented cases where several people died), and issued a warning: “This transmission event provides an opportunity for enhancing rabies awareness and recognition and highlights the need for a modified approach to organ donor screening and recipient monitoring for infectious encephalitis.”-report co-authored by U.S. CDC, published in Journal of the American Medical Association

The U.S. CDC has confirmed that this year’s norovirus outbreaks are dominated by the GII.4 Sydney strain (as I wrote months ago).

In eight U.S. states at least 275 people are sick from a protozoa called cyclospora.  10 people hospitalized.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is trying to find the source.

In Washington U.S.A., the Seattle Parks and Recreation closed the Lincoln Park wading pool after children got sick.  They suspect norovirus.  Public pools are chlorinated, but the normal chlorine levels are not high enough to kill the new strains of tummy bugs.

In Massachusetts U.S.A., a family has removed their stomachs.  They have a genetic mutation known as CDH1.  It causes diffuse gastric cancer, which normally shows up when it reaches stage 4, meaning too late for treatment.  They’ve had several relatives die from it.  Stomach cancer is the number two cause of cancer death around the World.

In the U.S., the National Pork Board is investing $800000 USD to fight a killer pig virus called porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED).  It’s fatal for suckling pigs, and 346 cases have been confirmed in 14 states.  It’s been determined that it’s being spread when transporting pigs to markets or slaughter houses.  Right now the pork industry is being told to handle all pigs as if they were bio-hazards.  Pig meat is safe to eat when cooked properly.

Wisconsin U.S.A., reporting an invasion of Lone Star ticks, which cause ehrlichiosis.  The disease has symptoms similar to influenza and tummy bugs.  Health officials suspect the new ticks are surviving through the warmer winters.

In Canada, health officials are warning you to protect from insect bites, some of which cause tummy bug like symptoms.  Blood sucking insects spread diseases from human to human.

In Taranaki, New Zealand, cases of cryptosporidiosis are skyrocketing.  Last year they had none, this year 24 cases so far.  It usually spreads when a sick person swims in a public pool.  Treatment is the same for norovirus, drink plenty of water.

Health officials in Taiwan reporting that norovirus outbreaks are getting larger every year.  They’ve identified GII.4-2006b and GII.4-New Orleans.

In United Kingdom, more reasons to stay out of hospital.  The Royal Blackburn Hospital is apparently intentionally killing patients through neglect and harassment.  A old woman was admitted with tummy bug, but then died.  Her family says the staff ignored her, intentionally moved her to new rooms in the middle of the night, and she even wound up with injuries that she didn’t have when she went in.  The woman called the Royal Hospital “hell on earth”.  A government investigation backs up the family’s claim, saying the Royal Hospital has the highest death rates in the U.K.

Wards in the Royal Bolton Hospital and the Coronary Care Unit in U.K. have been closed.  It’s blamed on tummy bug, but hospital staff are not sure how many people are sick.

Health alarms are ringing in the U.K., after reports that the upcoming winter will see more delays in getting help at the hospital. It’s blamed on huge reductions in staff at Accident & Emergency (A&E) units across the U.K. due to funding cuts.   Also, a disease that can have tummy bug like symptoms being warned about.  It’s the killer coughing bug, called pertussis or whooping cough.  This year’s cases are up ten times from 2008.

In Scotland U.K., officials with Health Protection Scotland reporting massive increase in two or more linked cases of illnesses.  Cases of people being sick with more than two diseases at the same time is up 40% from last year.  Norovirus is the most prevalent co-infector, salmonella the second most prevalent.  68% of cases took place in nursing homes and 28% in hospitals.

U.K. news media have been circulating a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study that says 50% of all tummy bugs are caused by raw fruit and veg!  It’s usually the fertilizers used on the plants, which can actually absorb the pathogens through their roots, meaning in some cases you can’t just wash it off ’cause it’s inside the plant.

In Russia, norovirus has been found in frozen raspberries from the Netherlands.  Russian officials are warning of norovirus infections of frozen berries from Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.

Pakistan reporting a tummy bug outbreak in Panjpai.  At least 67 people sick.  Several people died. In Punjab, a child died from tummy bug.  Health officials say the disease is being spread by the water supply, at least 200 people sick.

In Madhya Pradesh, India, at least ten people sick from cholera.  Government officials say it’s taking place in “unauthorized” communities, whose water source is contaminated.  In Maharashtra, 31 more students have been admitted to hospital. This is the place where elementary and junior high students were poisoned by their school lunch.  22 children have died so far.  It’s blamed on a deadly pesticide (which is banned in the U.S.) that somehow got into their food.  The school principal has been arrested after an employee said she was forced by him to serve the food even after she discovered the contamination.  Also, in the same state of Maharashtra, health officials are reporting increased cases of cholera, specifically in the city of Mumbai.  Officials there are concerned because they had no cases last year. Also they report increased cases of typhoid and hepatitis.


Gold from Cosmic Stellar Collisions! Proof the ancient Sumerians were right?

19 July 2013 (21:06 UTC-07 Tango 18 July)/11 Ramadan 1434/28 Tir 1391/12 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

We estimate that the amount of gold produced and ejected during the merger of the two neutron stars may be as large as 10 Moon masses….”Edo Berger, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Astronomers think they found the origin of gold; colliding dead stars.  The study will be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

According to Zecharia Sitchin’s translations of ancient Sumerian/Akkadian writings, God the Father Sun, called Apsu, created the planets including the now dead Mother Goddess Tiamat.  The tradition of giving a bride a gold ring comes from the ancient Akkadian myths, for Father Sun had the messenger planet Mummu (Mercury) present Tiamat with the gift of gold.  In other words, the Sumerian/Akkadian ‘myths’ (written down several thousands of years before Jesus of Nazareth was born) correctly stated that gold originated from stars!

“When in the Above the gods in the heavens had not been called into being,
And in the Below Ki, the Firm Ground, had not yet been named,
Alone in the void there existed Apsu [our Sun], their Primordial Begetter…….Tiamat, the Mother of All, as a spouse for himself he fashioned.
A celestial mother, a watery beauty she was indeed!
Beside him Apsu little Mummu then brought forth,
As his messenger he him appointed, a gift for Tiamat to present.
A gift resplendent to his spouse Apsu granted:
A shining metal, the everlasting gold, for her alone to possess!-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Apparently it was the interaction between the Sun and this gigantic terrestrial planet called Tiamat that resulted in the creation of the other planets of our solar system.  Yet positions of power had to be established, and Tiamat considered usurping Apsu.

“At that time, Nibiru had not yet been seen, The Earth was not yet called into being.  Mingled were the heavenly waters; by a Hammered Bracelet [asteroid belt] they were not yet separated.  At that time, circuits [planetary orbits] were not yet fully fashioned; The destinies of the gods were not yet firmly decreed……Tiamat, getting no rest, was aggrieved and raged.  A throng to march by her side she formed, A growling, raging host against the sons of Apsu she brought forth….”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Tiamat challenged Apsu’s reign, and threatened the security of those planets that would not join her.  Hold on now, this sounds like the origins of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic myth of the great battle between God/Apsu? and Lucifer/Tiamat? over the creation of Jesus/Nibiru!  Apsu gave birth to a savior son, to kill Mother Goddess Tiamat. The savior planet (literally the son of the Sun, or son of God since the Sun was/is considered God) was called Nibiru and its description sounds like a failed star.

“…in the heart of the Deep a god was engendered, In a Chamber of Fates, a place of destinies, was he born.  By an artful Creator was he fashioned, the son of his own Sun he was…..His head to doubled size grew larger, four members [the four horsemen of Revelation] at his sides he sprouted. He moved his lips in acceptance, a godly fire from them blazed forth….Let Nibiru be your name, as Crossing [the Sign of the Cross, Iron Cross, Svastika] forever known!……Tiamat, she who bore us, now detests us; She has set up a warring host, she is furious with rage.  Against the gods, her children, eleven warriors [planets, in the Judeo/Christian/Islamic myths the fallen angels] march by her side……Let Nibiru become our Avenger! Let him vanquish Tiamat, let him save our lives!”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

According to the study by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, gold is created when stars literally collide:We’ve been looking for a ‘smoking gun’ to link a short gamma-ray burst with a neutron star collision. The radioactive glow from GRB 130603B may be that smoking gun.”Wen-fai Fong,  graduate research student

“Now this is the account of the Celestial Battle, And how the Earth lead come to be, and of Nibiru’s destiny……Face to face they came, Tiamat and Nibiru; against each other they were advancing……The Lord [Nibiru] spread his net [electromagnetic/gravitational field], to encompass her he cast it; With fury Tiamat cried out, like one possessed she lost her senses.  The Evil Wind [electromagnetic radiation from Nibiru, which is an extremely dense magnetic planet], which had been behind him, Nibiru drove forward, in her face he let it loose…..The Evil Wind charged her belly, into her innards it made its way…..Through the opening Nibiru shot a brilliant arrow a lightning most divine.  It pierced her innards, her belly it tore apart….into two parts he split her, her chest from her lower parts he separated.
Her inner channels he cut apart, her golden veins he beheld with wonder.”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

According to the Sumerians/Akkadians Tiamat was the only planet in our solar system with such a concentration of gold.  Nibiru, with the help of his four companions (aka the four cardinal winds/directions, four horsemen of the apocalypse), dismembered Tiamat, but she was so big that after flinging her head into deep space and smashing up a large chuck of her body to create the asteroid belt, there was enough left to create a new planet: Earth.

“Passing again in Apsu’s region, of the Sun’s missing spouse he thought with remorse.  He gazed upon Tiamat’s wounded half, to her Upper Part he gave attention; The waters of life, her bounty, from the wounds were still pouring.
Her golden veins Apsu’s rays were reflecting…….He addressed words to Apsu, to him thus saying: With your warming rays, to the wounds give healing!….Apsu to the words of Nibiru gave heed: Let the Earth join my family,
Ki, Firm Land of the Below, let Earth her name henceforth be!”-Second Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

By the way, the Moon was one of Tiamat’s minions.  This is why the Moon has negative symbology in some myths.  The now dead Moon was caught up in the new Earth’s gravitational field as it journeyed to it’s new home between Venus and Mars.

After the Cosmic Battle, where did all the gold go?  In the asteroid belt and on Earth!  The asteroid belt is too unstable to safely mine for gold, so the Earth has been subject to intense gold mining operations for hundreds of thousands of years, originated by the humans from Nibiru.  In South Africa, gold mining is known to have existed as far back as 5000 BC!  Bronze Age Egyptian rulers were told that gold was more plentiful than dirt in southern Africa.  Today, African gold veins are still considered the biggest on Earth, in fact South Africa still holds 50% of the World’s gold reserves!  South Africa’s Witwatersrand mine has the World’s largest deposits!

“In the sky chamber Ea over mountains and valleys traveled, The lands by oceans separated he with the Scanner examined.  Again and again there was the same indication: Where dry land from dry land apart was torn……Golden veins from Earth’s innards were abundant!  Abzu [over time the region becomes the continent of Africa], of Gold the Birthplace, Ea to the region the name gave…..With gold Earth indeed is filled……Abzu it shall be called, can an abundance of gold be gotten!……In the Abzu the soil they tested. Gold there was indeed; with much soil and rocks it was commixed….”-Fourth Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

Thus begins the long history of Earth being used by extraterrestrials to mine gold.  People should wonder, gold had no practical use until the 20th Century.  Why where ancient kings and queens (who claim divine right, meaning ordained by God/gods/extraterrestrials) so obsessed with gold?  Why do ancient myths around the World associate gold with the Sun and the gods?  Why even now, are modern elites obsessed with gold?  (el-ite, from the Sumarian/Akkadian extraterrestrial human/god EL)

“The gold from Earth’s innards to obtain, the gold from the admixture to separate, By skyships and chariots to be carried, from landing places [like Jerusalem/Al Quds] tasks to perform.  Who of the settlements in charge will be, who of the Abzu shall take command?”-Fourth Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

“…the fields diminished their yields [electromagnetic field weakens], fruits and grains lost abundance.
From circuit to circuit [complete orbit], nearing the Sun heat grew stronger; in the faraway abode, coolness was more biting [climate change]……In the atmosphere a breaching [ozone hole/thinning?].…From circuit to circuit Nibiru’s atmosphere more breaching suffered……ways to bandage the wound were urgently considered.  A new shield to embrace the planet was attempted……..to use a metal, gold was its name. On Nibiru it was greatly rare…..It was the only substance that to the finest powder could be ground; lofted high to heaven, suspended it could remain [chem trails].  Thus, with replenishments, the breach it would heal, protection make better.”-First Tablet, Lost Book of Enki

The problem was that the chem trailed gold didn’t stay in Nibiru’s atmosphere permanently, requiring constant recharging with new gold from Earth.  This is where the myth of the savior god returning to Earth periodically, comes from.  The next time Jesus, I mean Nibiru is scheduled to make a gold pick up from Earth is when the zodiacal age of Pisces gives way to Aquarius.   And now you know why the Earthly elites are so obsessed with hoarding gold!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 05-06 July 2013: Germany to win biggest slice of $3 trillion pie! Cops killing cops! NATO child sex crimes witnessed by Canadians!

In Paktia Province, Gardez city, local officials say a U.S. airstrike killed two security guards and wounded one.  They were guarding a construction site.  Local officials say the airstrike was called in by U.S. forces on the ground.

In Nuristan Province, Mujahideen launched coordinated attacks against government checkpoints.  Reports say at least 20 Mujahideen were killed or wounded, while 21 Afghan government forces were killed or wounded.

In Helmand Province, Gerishk District, Mujahideen say they attacked a U.S./NATO FOB with eight mortar rounds, as U.S./NATO personnel abandoned the eight years old Forward Operating Base.

In Faryab Province, Qisar District, Mujahideen claim to have liberated the Bazaar Shakh area.  Three Afghan government troops killed, one wounded.  One Mujahid was shot dead.  Also, in Pashtoon Kot District, three days of battles left at least 55 people dead.

In Paktika Province, Sharana city, Mujahideen attacked an Afghan military convoy with machine guns and suicide bombers.  15 government personnel were killed and four vehicles destroyed.  Of course, two suicide bombers also killed.

In Kunar Province, Surkani District, Mujahideen claim to have killed three CIA agents and wounded two others, as well as destroy an armored vehicle.  The CIA operates the Counterterrorist Pursuit Team (CTPT)

Pakistan claims that Afghanistan fired 50 artillery rounds on Angoor Adda village in South Waziristan.  At least five people wounded, and 30 homes damaged. This claim comes as the New York Times says Afghan President Hamid Karzai wants U.S. personnel to remain not to fight Mujahideen, but to help fight Pakistan!

India has rejected Afghanistan’s request for weapons.  India is willing to supply the Afghan government with non-lethal military aid.

German news source, DPA, said companies from India, United Arab Emirate, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Poland and Turkey are vying for control of Afghanistan’s mineral resources.  In the next seven months contracts worth $20 billion USD will be finalized.  However, the untapped natural resources of Afghanistan are estimated to be around $3 trillion!  Germany is looking to be the top contract winner: “We have intensified our cooperation with Germany. There are already a number of German consulting companies active in Afghanistan.”-Wahidullah Shahrani, Afghan Minister of Mines

The Afghan Interior Ministry said “Afghan National Security Forces conducted a series of cleanup operations in Baghlan, Faryab, Ghazni, Kunar and Paktia provinces, killing nine Taliban militants and wounding two others. Six more armed men were also arrested over the past 24 hours.”

In Uruzgan Province, 12 cops were killed, five wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up in a dining facility.  The suicide bomber was a cop turned Mujahid!

In Kandahar Province, Spin Boldak District, a suicide bomber from Pakistan killed at least one cop, and wounded two cops and six civilians.  Some reports from the U.S. say dozens of people were killed.

A journalist from Denmark concluded that the western media is lying about what is really happening in Afghanistan: “We saw pictures of progress, hairdressers, middle-class Afghans enjoying coffees and food in new restaurants….there were unfortunately suicide bombers….but there were no military offensives, with tanks attacking neighborhoods or planes bombing villages…..The war in Afghanistan has had very severe consequences for the civilians in rural Afghanistan where the media are not present. There are far more victims there of aerial bombardments…..it casts a very disturbing light on how the media work with stereotypes which serve to dehumanize people….”

Earlier this year, the Danish journalist released a documentary film about the war from the point of view of Afghan villagers in Helmand Province.  It’s called My Afghanistan-Life in the Forbidden Zone.

In Farah Province, two days of battles in several districts resulted in six armored vehicles destroyed, at least 20 people killed, 15 wounded.  Mujahideen claim to have captured a UAV (drone)!   There are reports that several homes were destroyed and civilians wounded.

In Logar Province, Muhammad Agha District, a four hours battle raged between Mujahideen and Afghan and U.S./NATO forces.  Reports say at least 11 Afghan/NATO troops killed, nine wounded.  Three Mujahideen were killed.  Mujahideen claim they captured three armored vehicles and three ‘satellite’ radios.

Canada is investigating claims that their soldiers were ordered not to report homosexual crimes involving Afghan boys known as Dancing Boys.  A Canadian news source says they interviewed “…three Canadian soldiers, three Canadian Forces chaplains, and a lieutenant colonel who all said they had either first- or second-hand information about the alleged sexual attacks in Afghanistan.”

The sex crimes were first reported five years ago when Canadian troops began seeking counseling after witnessing the sex crimes against children.  The crimes involve not only Afghan government personnel, but U.S./NATO/ISAF personnel as well.  The Canadian military says the investigation is taking so long because it is “complex”.



World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 02 July 2013: Cell phone companies in bed with Mujahideen! Afghanistan of today is the result of a hundred years of attempts to ‘Westernize’ the country.

In Nangarhar Province, Qaraghahi area, a female U.S. Army combat documentation specialist was killed, supposedly in a non-combat incident.  The U.S. Army is investigating.  In Mohmand Darah District, Mujahideen say they destroyed a tractor trailer hauling an armored vehicle.

In Farah Province, Pusht-e-Koh District, three civilians killed when they drove over a landmine.  Also, two civilians were shot dead by unknown attackers.

In Kabul Province, Kabul city, Mujahideen attacked the compound of a U.S./NATO military contractor.  Four suicide bombers blasted their way in.  Then gunmen attacked.  Afghan government forces battled the attackers for at least an hour.  All attackers killed, and four of the contractor’s security guards and two civilians were killed.  Other reports claim it was a NATO/ISAF compound.

In Kandahar Province, Mianisheen District, locals say a U.S./NATO airstrike left four people dead and dozens wounded.  No comment from ISAF.

The Centre of Research on Globalization is publishing articles explaining why modern Afghanistan has seen such turmoil since the beginning of the 20th Century.  The first article talks about radical reforms meant to westernize Afghanistan by ending their feudal system at the beginning of the 20th Century.  Then came the radical western style property reforms that resulted in the 1978 revolution, followed by the Soviet invasion in 1979.

Iranian news media revealed that several telecommunications companies, from Arab countries, are bribing Afghan Mujahideen not to destroy their cell towers.  A rep from Etisalat admitted “Each antenna costs $30,000, but bribing the Taliban and continuing their activities will bring better revenues for company officials and, hence, they accept Taliban’s demands.”  Iranian intelligence says it’s this cooperation between cell phone companies and the Mujahideen that has greatly increased Mujahideen ability to coordinate attacks.  Essentially the cell phone companies are providing free service to the Mujahideen.

Pakistan, the World’s largest refugee hosting country, announced they will allow the 1.6 million Afghan refugees to stay longer, by issuing new Proof of Refugee (PoR) ID cards.  And the arrogant people of the U.S. doesn’t think Pakistan does enough.