Tag Archives: pakistan

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 06-08 September 2013: Pashtuns warn of major war after 2014 U.S.-NATO pullout! Germany preps for future wars!

Kunar Province, Watapur District, a U.S. drone strike on a bus kills 15 people.  U.S. officials claim all were militants, however, the local government says at least nine of those killed were innocent civilians.  Officials also say most of the ‘militants’ killed were not Afghans, but ethnic Arabs.  However, local Mujahideen say all those on the bus were civilians and not militants.

Maidan Wardak Province, Maidan Shar city, four National Security Directorate (Afghan version of Homeland Security Department) agents were killed by suicide bomber.  Local police reported that Mujahideen are getting better at targeting government employees.  Mujahideen claim they were targeting the Wardak Provincial Reconstruction Team.  The Wardak PRT is operated by Turkish NATO forces.  In Chaghto District, reports that a U.S. led government forces Israeli style home invasion resulted in six people being kidnapped.  In Nirkh District, Mujahideen report routing a U.S.-Afghan government offensive.

Zabul Province, Shahjoi District, U.S. led government forces conducted another Israeli style home invasion in the middle of the night.  Two civilians killed.

Badakhshan Province, Wardoj District, Afghan National Army claims its Operation Hindukush has killed 24 Mujahideen.  Mujahideen say it’s the U.S. backed government that lost 25 troops, only five Mujahideen killed, eight wounded by U.S. airstrikes called in by government puppets.  In Jaram District, Mujahideen attacked a government FOB, claiming to have killed four U.S.-Afghan puppet soldiers, and wounding seven others.

Helmand Province, Marjah District, Mujahideen report they’ve launched operations to take control of the district.  So far they report capturing two government checkpoints/FOBs.  In Babaji District, three people were kidnapped during U.S.-Afghan government Israeli style home invasion.

Ghazni Province, Andar District, local cops report an attack by Mujahideen on one of their checkpoints.  They claim to have killed ten Mujahideen, and wounded four.   Also, Mujahideen freed a female parliament member in exchange for seven prisoners (three men and four women) held by the government.  What’s unusual about this case is that the female politician’s own family denied she had been kidnapped!  In Khogiyani District, locals say U.S. forces kidnapped four people in a night time Israeli style home invasion.

Herat Province, people began attacking the Iranian consulate, saying their visa applications are not being handled properly.  Local police responded by shooting into the crowd.  One civilian killed, two wounded.  Two cops wounded.  In Shindand District, Mujahideen say they shot down a training aircraft, killing the instructor pilot and student pilot.

Kandahar Province, Maiwand District, reports that U.S.-Afghan government artillery rounds hit a village.  Five people killed, four wounded, all children.

Administrative Director of the FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas, in Pakistan) Research Center, Mansur Khan Mahsud, says Pashtun Mujahideen are preparing for a major civil war in Afghanistan after the supposed U.S.-NATO 2014 pullout.  The civil war could reunite Pashtuns in Afghanistan and western Pakistan.  Prior to the interference of the British empire western Pakistan was part of the majority Pashtun area of Afghanistan.  Typical of  British meddling they split the Pashtuns when they created Pakistan. Mehsud warned a major war to return the Pashtuns to their former power and status is on its way: “Everyone knows that when NATO and the American troops leave Afghanistan there will be fighting between Pashtuns and non-Pashtuns.”

Germany’s involvement in Afghanistan is preparing it for future wars: “In future, we need a clear strategy on what we want to achieve with a mission.  And we then need sufficient means to make it happen.  For years, the Bundeswehr wasn’t equipped to deal with combat situations.  It wasn’t until many lives were lost [in Afghanistan] that we started to change our focus.”-Roderich Kiesewetter, Christian Democrat member of parliament

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 04-05 September 2013: Cops killing children, for fish! More tax dollar waste!

Parwan Province, Bagram airbase, a New York Air National Guard Staff Sergeant was shot and killed by Mujahideen.

Logar Province, at least 12 people killed by U.S.-NATO airstrikes.  In Baraki Barak District, reports that a U.S.-NATO-ISAF convoy hit by explosion, killing three people.

Maidan Wardak Province, reports that people have been killed by U.S.-NATO airstrikes in the middle of the night.  In Jaliz District, three people kidnapped during U.S.-Afghan government Israeli style home invasions.

Ghazni Province, a tribal leader was assassinated.  The assassins say they thought he was the local police chief.

Baghlan Province, Doshi District, eight cops were arrested for killing six children.  The Afghan Interior Ministry said the dumb ass cops were using rockets to blast fish out of a lake!  One of the rockets landed on the other side of the lake, exploding near a group of children.

Kabul Province, Kabul city, police shot and killed two men.  They claim the Pakistani men attacked people at a Shia Mosque.  Three civilians wounded.  In Sarubi District, reports that a stray mortar round killed two villagers.

Zabul Province, Shahjoi District, several villages were victims of U.S.-Afghan government Israeli style home invasions.  One person killed, one wounded.

Nangarhar Province, Khogiyani District, a U.S.-Afghan government Israeli style home invasion resulted in three villagers kidnapped, and their valuables stolen.

Mujahideen report that at least 55 Afghan National Army and National Police personnel switched sides and became Mujahideen.

A female employee of Azizi Bank transferred $1.1 million USD into a relative’s account and then left the country with her family.  INTERPOL is now searching for the former bank employee.

After four months, Pakistan is resuming the transportation of oil to U.S.-NATO-ISAF personnel in Afghanistan: “We resumed these supplies from today after hiring the services of a private firm, which will provide security to our convoys from Karachi to Torkham.”-Azad Khan Afridi, transportation contractor

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) has been invited to take part in developing Afghanistan’s natural gas fields.

The evil terrorist organization, known as U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is accused of “reckless disregard toward the management of U.S. taxpayer dollars.”  The claim comes as a result of an independent audit by Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR).  SIGAR says USAID wasted $236 million tax dollars on a health program in Afghanistan.  USAID simply gave the money to the Afghan government, without any oversight as to how the money would be spent!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 01-03 September 2013: Thousands more Afghan cops sacrificed for the United States! Obama cuts pay for U.S. personnel!

Paktia Province, five people killed by U.S.-NATO airstrikes.  Government officials say they were militants, but villagers disagree. The day before, another U.S.-NATO airstrike killed 16 people in Wuza Zadran District.  Local government officials say half of those killed were from Pakistan.

Ghazni Province, PRT-Ghazni, reports that U.S.-NATO-ISAF personnel abandoned the base.  Mujahideen have been launching steady attacks for several weeks.  Witnesses say the U.S. led personnel set fire to any equipment they left behind.  In Shulgar District, reports of an Israeli style home invasion.  Cash and cell phones were stolen.

Nangarhar Province, Torkham town, Mujahideen attacked a U.S.-NATO-ISAF Forward Operating Base (FOB).  They say they destroyed 94 supply trucks and 166 armored vehicles in a five hours long battle.  At least three Mujahideen killed.  The U.S.-NATO-ISAF FOB sits on the border with Pakistan.  Reports said U.S. led airstrike were called in.

Helmand Province, Girishk town, government forces and Mujahideen fought for several hours.  Local police claim they killed 25 Mujahideen.

Herat Province, Guzara District, Afghan National Army claims to have killed seven Mujahideen.

Badakhshan Province, Barak District, four body guards of a local mayor were killed when their convoy was blown up.  One cop wounded, the mayor was not hurt.

Maidan Wardak Province, Mujahideen report attacking a U.S.-NATO-ISAF military convoy.  Mujahideen say they killed 15 personnel.

Khost-Gardez Pass, Camp Wilderness, the Huffington Post revealed that U.S. forces have been exchanging artillery fire with Mujahideen for several weeks.  One platoon of U.S. artillery reported that they’ve fired at least 600 rounds in just a few weeks.  U.S. air strikes are being called in as well.  Interestingly, and reminiscent of Vietnam, very few confirmed kills are made.  The same can be said for the Mujahideen gunners.

Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry reports that in the past six months 1795 Afghan National Police personnel were killed, and 2700 wounded, while fighting for the gott damned United States!  That’s double last years rate!!!

The Obama regime has kept their promise to cut pay raises for U.S. military forces.  It’s part of Obama’s Fiscal 2014 Budget.  The expected pay raise was pathetic anyway.  The Congress set it at 1.8%, but Obama used his executive privilege to cut it to 1%.


World War 3, West Asian Front: Russia declares war on Saudi Arabia over Syria & Iran! Saudi forces now on level 2 alert! Pakistani Muslims now threatening Russia!

01 September 2013 (13:10 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Shawwal 1434/10 Shahrivar 1391/26 Xin-You (7th month) 4711

“The Saudi Army is on full alert since today due to the increased possibility of a military attack by the U.S. military against Syria. The ground force operations command of the Saudi Army has ordered all the military units in Saudi Arabia to stand at a level 2 alert and fears were bolstered by recent statements by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in terms of a possible military strike against Saudi Arabia by Moscow.”-attributed to Al-Ahd News Network

In response to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) bribe, offering oil rich Russia a chance to control the global oil market if it allowed western countries to attack Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued an “urgent action memorandum” authorizing  “massive military strikes” against KSA in defense of Syria.

Al Ahd News Network says that Putin specified Riyadh and Doha as the main targets of a Russian attack.  Al Ahd cites other Middle East news outlets as their sources, which can not be easily researched.

A Lebanese newspaper, As-Safir, said the U.S. ally KSA threatened Putin by revealing they are in direct control of terrorists in Chechnya, and if he didn’t go along they would order a massive terrorist attack on the Russian Winter Olympics: “…I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us….”-Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Intelligence Agency

Since the United States and KSA are such strong allies this is more proof that the U.S. is behind al-Qeada.  Don’t forget the KSA is part of the triad known as the U.S. petrodollar system, which is the only thing propping up the value of the U.S. dollar.

Bandar stressed a U.S. led war on Syria was the only option left, in the minds of western leaders, and made more threats against Russia: “….you have to stop giving [Syria] political support, especially at the UN Security Council, as well as military and economic support.”

Putin responded “Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters!”

United Kingdom’s The Telegraph News confirmed that KSA was trying to ‘win over’ Russia to the dark side of the U.S./U.K. led empire.

KSA also demanded that Putin stop supporting Iran.  Putin responded “We support the Iranian quest to obtain nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes.  And we helped them develop their facilities in this direction….Russia is completely opposed to the UN Security Council imposing new sanctions on Iran.  We believe that the sanctions imposed against Iran and Iranians are unfair and that we will not repeat the experience again!”

The declaration of war on KSA by Russia now has a major religious group in Pakistan, Jamiat Ahle Hadith, declaring war on Russia.

World War 3, East Asian Front: TriLateral Imperialism as the U.S. mulls allowing Japan to invade Korea!!!

28 August 2013 (12:06 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Shawwal 1434/06 Shahrivar 1391/22 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

The TriLateral imperialist member leaders of Europe, North America and East Asian will allow Japan to draw up invasion plans of Korea!

In the country of Brunei a meeting of defense (war pigs) officials is taking place, and it’s led by trilateral leader United States (the 2013 Association of Southeast Asian Nations defense ministers meeting).  According to Japanese news media the Japanese Defense Minister, Itsunori Onodera, asked U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel for permission to draw up attack plans against Korea, specifically the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (aka North Korea).

Officially both the U.S. and Japanese leaders claim it’s necessary to counter any missile strike threat from Korea.  This would mark the first time since the Second World War that Japan would openly plan to invade another country!

The current right wing neo-imperialist government of Japan says they do not want to play second fiddle to the United States when it comes to Korea, they want the option of unilateral military action.

Koreans should be upset, whether they live in the north or in the U.S. puppet south, because Japan has a history of invading and occupying Korea: 1st invasion Gregorian year 1592, 2nd invasion 1597.  It was those first invasions that created in the minds of Japanese that Korea belonged to Japan.

The Japan-Korea Treaty of 1876 was an imperialist move by Japan, using the rule of law at that time (proof that the ‘rule of law’ can be pure evil) to subjugate Korea to their rule.   That process involved destabilizing Korea, much like what the U.S.-British empire is doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt and Syria.  (destabilizing an area prior to imperial take over is an age old British empire tactic.  in military terms it’s the same concept as softening up the target area before invasion.)

Japan occupied Korea from 1905 to 1945, and has yet to pay for all the atrocities it committed against the Koreans.



World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 08-09 August 2013: World Bank & Sweden giving away more money! U.S. admits drug war a failure! U.S. using Afghanistan to push India & Pakistan into war?

In Logar Province, Azra District, major battles leave at least 211 people dead!  The Afghan National Army says they’ve been fighting militants who are not Afghans.  20 of those insurgents have been captured.

In Kabul Province, Kabul city, three Chinese citizens have been killed, two kidnapped, after an Israeli style home invasion of their apartment.  There are no apparent motives.

In Nangarhar Province, Ghani Khel District, an explosion killed 14 civilians and wounded four others. It happened in a cemetery.  Someone planted a bomb and when a family came to pay their respects it blew up.  Most of the victims are from the same family.

Mujahideen claim they’ve launched rocket artillery attacks against Bagram, Jalalabad and Kandahar airbases.  No other details given.

Not so neutral Kingdom of Sweden is promising Afghanistan $130 million USD every year until 2019!!!  Up ’till now Sweden has been giving away $92.3 million!  Sweden also stated it will keep 200 troops in Afghanistan after the 2014 NATO pullout.

The United States Department of Defense admitted the war on drugs in Afghanistan is a failure: Due to bad weather [not U.S. actions], the 2012 poppy yield was lower than previous years…….The 2013 poppy harvest is expected to expand considerably over 2012 due to improved weather conditions, increased prices and the drawdown of ISAF security forces…”-Defense Department report to Congress

U.S. Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, James Dobbins, stated that Pakistan’s concerns over the growing presence of India in Afghanistan “…aren’t groundless. They are simply, in our judgement, somewhat exaggerated.”

The U.S. based World Bank has given Afghanistan yet more free money, this time $50 million: “This particular grant will help the government maintain growth momentum during the transition and beyond.“-Paul Edwin Sisk

Perhaps the key to getting free money is become a puppet/failed state?

Click here to see pics of a prosperous Afghanistan from the 1960s-70s, before the Soviet and U.S. occupations.

Obama side steps War

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 04-05 August 2013: Comedy of errors = U.S. kills teachers & cops! U.S. destroys life of UN security guard! Iran promises Karzai military help! India sends more cash!

In Ghazni Province, reports that U.S. forces shot and killed a grade school teacher.  Villagers say the U.S. forces also shot at cops who were responding to the shooting, one cop killed, four wounded.  The teacher was working in an orchard when he was shot.   Mujahideen report that what happened was that U.S. forces were arriving late to a battle between Mujahideen and Afghan National Police (ANP).  Mujahideen observed what happened, saying the U.S. forces thought the teacher, along with other civilians working in the orchard, were Mujahideen and shot at them.  Then the ANP responded, thinking the Mujahideen had returned.  The result was that U.S. and ANP fought each other.  Mujahideen had a good laugh watching the comedy of errors!

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad city, another round of explosions.  28 people wounded.

In Uruzgan Province, Tarinkowt city, an Afghan National Police (ANP) cop was shot and killed by other ANP personnel when he tried to bomb a bank where fellow cops were collecting their monthly pay.

In Kandahar Province, Kandahar city, four civilians killed, 27 wounded by a car bomb.  Other reports say it was a bomb hidden in a livestock cart.

Mujahideen report that at least a dozen ANP cops from several provinces joined the Mujahideen.  Some of those joining the Mujahideen included front line officers.

There have been many explosions in Afghan cities, many of which the Mujahideen do not claim the credit.  Mujahideen do take credit for explosions against government targets.  Yet another religious group has condemned suicide bombing.  The Ulema Council of Afghanistan declared suicide bombing as illegitimate in the religion of Islam.  The fact that so many religious leaders condemn suicide bombings makes you wonder who’s really behind the suicide bombings.

Flooding has hit nine Afghan provinces, including Nangarhar, Kabul, Khost, Laghman and Nuristan.  At least 84 people dead.

In the British empire country of Australia, one man pled guilty to sending harassing letters to families of dead Diggers.  He said it was his way of protesting the false War on Terror in Afghanistan.  He called the dead Diggers child killers, which in some cases is actually true, however the families of the dead Diggers didn’t want to be reminded.

India has promised Afghanistan another $100 million USD in cash: “After providing $20 million funds, we are again pledging $100 million in fresh aid, but the funds will be spent on small development projects which will boost the principles of social economy, since India wants a solid and strong Afghanistan.”– Amar Sinha, Indian ambassador to Afghanistan

The Secretariat of the National Security Council of Iran has signed a long term  strategic cooperation Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Afghanistan National Security Council.  It was signed before the inauguration of the new Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani.  The MoU includes military/police cooperation, information sharing and economic activities.

The reporter who was publicly beaten by the very governor of Parwan Province he accused of corruption, has asked the Afghan government for help: “Since the ministry of interior affairs of Afghanistan is responsible to provide security for the citizens of Afghanistan, and similarly each citizen has obliged to assist police, therefore, I, Nasratullah Iqbal, an ordinary citizen of Kabul city and reporter of Bokhdi News Agency would like to bring to the attention of interior ministry that my life is in risk, and request the ministry to take legal actions to prevent my own and my family’s concerns in this regard.”

A former Afghan UN security guard went public with the story of how U.S./ISAF destroyed his life.  In April 2008, as he was passing a U.S./ISAF convoy he was shot by U.S./ISAF personnel.  They claimed he was a suicide bomber.  He lost the use of one leg.  The United Nations fired him from his security guard job because he couldn’t walk.  His four children were kicked out of a private school because he could no longer pay, they were bullied out of a public school.  This week he spent hours in line at a local court, trying to stop his family’s eviction from their home.  His story is considered typical.  So much for the United States occupying Afghanistan in the name of security and stability.

It’s been revealed that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Pakistani officials to discuss a new official office of the Mujahideen (Taliban).

Ever since the Marine Corps Times revealed that Cragslist has become the place for military personnel to find gay sex partners in Iraq and Afghanistan, the newspaper is now warning that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service in Afghanistan are now posing as homosexuals to catch the gay sex posters.  The U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) forbids even heterosexual sex in combat zones!

According to The Fiscal Times, Obama’s threat to pull all U.S. personnel out of Afghanistan (Zero Option) is actually a cover to try and save the broke U.S. government $112 billion!

A recent U.S. News & World Report revealed that many U.S. personnel killed or wounded in Afghanistan are college graduates who joined the military to payoff their massive student loans.  I write this because I’m still amazed by how many U.S. citizens think federal student loans (misleadingly called Federal Student Aid) equals free college education.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 02-03 August 2013: Major battles in Nangarhar, hundreds killed! Nearly 100 killed by Mother Nature!

In Nimruz Province, Delaram District, 25 NATO supply trucks were destroyed in an ambush that lasted one hour.

In Maidan Wardak Province, Sayedabad District, Mujahideen reported they observed several NATO/ISAF tanks stop, the crews dismounted and appeared to be in a meeting.  Mujahideen launched their attack at that point, killing four NATO/ISAF personnel and wounding several others.  U.S./NATO airstrikes were called in, killing at least two Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, Maiwand District, seven family members were killed when the van they were in drove over a landmine.  Three others were wounded.

In Faryab Province, Maimana city, about 300 people protested the rape and murder of a 12 years old boy.  The people accused the police of the crime, because it was reported that the crime took place near a police check point.

In Nangarhar Province, Shirzad and Khogyano districts, a major battle between Afghan National Police (ANP) forces and Afghan Mujahideen.  Government sources say 76 Mujahideen killed, 22 Afghan cops killed.  Mujahideen say they killed 84 cops, destroyed 13 vehicles and captured 16 vehicles. In Jalalabad city, the Indian consulate was hit by an explosion and gun battles.  At least eight people killed, 21 wounded.  Western news media said it was a suicide bomber, but local Afghan media said there was no confirmation of that.  Indian officials insinuated the attack was planned by Pakistan.  In Bati Kot District, NATO officials said they will investigate why they were asked to bomb a ANP building.  The Afghan National Army (ANA) called in the airstrike, saying the people around the building were Mujahideen.  At first it was reported that four cops were killed, but NATO stated they killed five cops.

In Ghor Province, Charsada District, ANP says a firefight left four Mujahideen dead.  ANP officials said they defused several bombs afterwards.

I recently heard a U.S. attorney say flooding is rare in Afghanistan. In Kabul Province, Surobi District, four villages were hit by massive flash flooding.  At least 96 people killed.  The bodies of 40 have been recovered. 430 homes and businesses were destroyed.  Also, the Washington Post confirmed that the U.S. is still controlling part of the infamous Bagram prison, or Second Gitmo.  At least 67 non-Afghans are being held there.

An investigation into Afghanistan’s child prisons, by The Guardian, revealed that the common child criminal is illiterate, but those who have joined the Mujahideen are the most well educated kids in Afghanistan!!!  The report also shows what I’ve stated before; education for boys isn’t anymore better than education for girls.  According to the Red Coat article, the only education source for most Afghan boys are Madrasas in Pakistan.  They come back literate but with bombs.  The Guardian article also said children are abused in the child prisons.

A few days ago the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) confirmed that U.S. tax dollars are going to Afghan contractors known to support Mujahideen.  Now, they’ve revealed just how much taxpayers have been ripped off in this latest U.S. military led scam: “Dating back to 2008, SIGAR has identified more than $150m in reconstruction contracts and sub-contracts that have been awarded to companies known to be providing material support to insurgent and terrorist organizations in Afghanistan.”-John Sopko, SIGAR


World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 29-30 July 2013: More proof Afghanistan is U.S./U.K. hot spot for gay sex! U.S. increases airstrikes! More proof the corruption is United States!

In Parwan Province, U.S. News & World Report stated that three USAF airmen were wounded in a explosion at Bagram airbase.  The airman are part of the 755th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron. The explosion ripped through the airmen’s outrageously expensive Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle.

In Paktia Province, reports that three villages were bombed by U.S./NATO airstrikes.  At least 65 people killed. NATO/ISAF said they were all Mujahideen.

The Afghan National Army (ANA) claim they’ve killed 140 Mujahideen in Logar, Paktia and Nangarhar provinces.  It was part of Operation Simurgh.  The Afghan Ministry of Defense says many of those killed were Pakistani.

In Logar and Kunar provinces reports of U.S. airstrikes.  At least 80 people killed.  Afghan government sources are saying the airstrikes are being called in to stop human wave attacks by Mujahideen.

Also in Logar Province, Pul-e-Alam, a U.S. Army Specialist was killed by indirect fire.  He was part of the 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division.  Mujahideen reported the bomb attack, but they claim five U.S. personnel were killed.

In Zabul Province, Shahjoi District, an explosion killed nine people and wounded 12 others.  The bomb was meant for the local Afghan National Police (ANP) commander, who was among those killed.

In Kandahar Province, Spin Boldak District, an explosion killed a woman and her two daughters.  In Panjwayi District, and explosion killed one woman.  Also, the sons of a police commander assassinated by Mujahideen, conducted a home invasion retaliation, killing a man and his two sons.  However, Mujahideen say the man and his sons were not involved in their assassination of the cop commander.

In Kunduz Province, Dashte Archi District, the villages of Haji Zarghoon and Haji Sarfaraz were subjected to Israeli home invasions by NATO/ANA troops.  Six people kidnapped.

In Laghman Province, four villagers were kidnapped by government officials, who’re now asking the village elders to pay a large amount of money for their freedom (25000 Afghani per kidnap victim).

An Afghan diplomat has been kidnapped in Pakistan’s Baluchistan Province.

According to U.S. military news sources, such as Marine Corps Times, Afghanistan has become the craigslist hot spot for homosexual sex!  That is a direct violation of the U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which forbids even heterosexual sex in combat zones!  This is just another revelation in the decline and fall of the morality of the United States.  Other news sources have reported on homosexual crimes being committed upon Afghan boys by U.S./NATO personnel.  Even the Canadian military has sealed their scandalous investigation into it!

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) confirmed that U.S. tax dollars are going to Afghan contractors known to support Mujahideen.  SIGAR blamed the U.S. Army Suspension and Debarment Office, which refused to cancel 43 contracts linked to the Mujahideen.  “I am deeply troubled that the U.S. military can pursue, attack, and even kill terrorists and their supporters, but that some in the U.S. government believe we cannot prevent these same people from receiving a government contract.”-John Sopko, SIGAR

Also, SIGAR revealed that $47 million tax dollars went down the toilet in a USAID program called Stability in Key Areas Program.  SIGAR says it was a failure because there’s still no stability in Afghanistan.  SIGAR says it’s because not one dollar went to those who were supposed to get it: “…Although USAID had disbursed approximately $47 million for the four SIKA contracts as of March 31, 2013, none of the funds had gone to grants that fund community projects….”

So who got the $47 million?  DAI of Bethesda, Maryland, and AECOM of Los Angeles, California.

The Christian Science Monitor reporting that a dam being built by the taxpayers of India could mean war with Iran and Turkmenistan.  The Salma Dam could be complete by the end of 2014 (the same time U.S./NATO is to draw down). It blocks rivers that flow into Iran and Turkmenistan.  The dam will allow local Afghan farms to increase production and will generate electricity.

The U.S. Department of Defense admits that 2241 U.S. service members have died since the start of the War on Terror in Afghan.

World War 3, False Flag Op?: United States orders 2000 Marines on alert! USN to surround Yemen!

05 August 2013 (15:36 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Ramadan 1434/14 Mordad 1391/29 Geng-Shen (6th month) 4711

“I’ve spent 21 years in the CIA, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen 22 embassies closed simultaneously. This is very, very unusual.”-Robert Baer, former U.S. CIA officer in the Middle East

Reports that Barack Obama has put 2000 rapid reaction U.S. Marines, based in Italy, Spain and in the Red Sea area on high alert.

Israeli sources report that the U.S. Navy has been ordered to surround the coastline of Yemen.  Yemen is supposedly the source of the major al Qaeda threat that has caused dozens of western countries to close hundreds of embassies around the World.

I’ve posted that this is blow back from U.S. backed al Qaeda for the U.S. led War on Terror, and the fact that the U.S. Congress refused to let Yemenis held in Gitmo return home, even though the military courts ruled them not to be terrorists!

A political analysts says this is just more False Flag BS: “There is a hidden agenda of course behind it and that is to keep the so called War on Terror going and to do that they need to periodically check and see if people still believe this kind of nonsense.”-Kevin Barrett, Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11

False Flag means your government is actually behind it, or allows it to happen, for ulterior motives.