Tag Archives: pakistan

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 19-21 October 2013: U.S. Navy killing their own? Italy bugging out? Obama increases drone strikes! More proof Red Coats are evil! NATO turns to Russia for help! Afghans dream of China!

Helmand Province: In Lashkar Gah (aka Bost) the U.K. Ministry of Defence withdrew a “police mentoring team”.  MoD officials said the are “stepping back” their training of Afghan cops.  A U.S. Marine Lance Corporal, from Louisiana, was killed by explosion: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan.”

Kabul Province: In Kabul City, a magnetic bomb exploded on a car, killing the driver.  The Chinese government held a speech contest titled My Chinese Dream.  Two Afghans tied for top prize. Basically the Chinese Dream is what the American Dream used to be; education and prosperity for the average person.

Kandahar Province: In Spin Boldak District, Afghan border police say Mujahideen from Pakistan attacked a border check point.  Two Afghan border cops killed, one wounded.  Ten Mujahideen killed.

Kunar Province: Reports that 20 people killed by five U.S.-NATO drone strikes, over the past four days.  Possibly as a result of relentless U.S. airstrikes, a top Afghan Special Forces commander in Kunar has switched sides and joined the Mujahideen.  The governor of Kunar says the Special Forces commander also gave Mujahideen armored vehicles as well as weapons and ammo.

Maidan Wardak Province: Reports that a U.S.-NATO airstrike killed one person.  Local government officials say it was a Mujahideen leader.

Parwan Province: Foreign Mujahideen group, The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, claimed credit for the attack on U.S.-NATO military convoy on 18 October 2013.

More proof the British empire is evil: Three Red Coat Marines are on trial for murdering a wounded Afghan.  The three scum bags were being investigated for other crimes, when civilian police found the Red Coats’ own video of their war crime on a laptop computer.   The British news media got hold of the audio from the video and you can clearly hear the Red Coats taking about killing the wounded man instead of rendering first aid, as required by international law (and I though we were a society that operated by the Rule of Law).  They turned off their helmet cams right before the murder.  Hear the audio here.

Italian-NATO troops are leaving one year early.  Italy announced it is pulling out starting now, they hope to have 11-hundred troops back in Italy by spring 2014.   However, that would mean Italy would still have 18-hundred troops incountry, and Defense Minister Mario Mauro admitted those troops would remain even after the supposed 2014 U.S.-NATO pullout.

NATO officials admitted they are now relying on Russia to help deal with controlling Afghanistan: “A NATO-Russia Council will start off the second day of the ministerial on Wednesday. The Council is to focus on ways to build on the positive practical military and defence cooperation achieved so far. The NATO ministers, with Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu, will also discuss pressing international security issues, including Syria. A meeting of defence ministers from NATO and partner countries which contribute to the ISAF mission will wrap up the ministerial. The Afghan Defence Minister Bismullah Mohammadi Khan, the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and the UN Secretary General’s Special representative Jan Kubis are expected to attend.”-North Atlantic Treaty Organization press release

The Afghan Interior Ministry has stated that the government of Afghanistan must go after terrorist operations outside the country.  They are referring specifically to western Pakistan.  That area of Pakistan used to belong to Afghanistan before it was stolen by the British empire.  Afghan officials have been demanding the territory back, and this declaration of going after terrorists in Pakistan might be an excuse to take back their land.  The Obama regime is against such action.   The increased drone strikes in western Pakistan is an attempt to placate the Afghans.

An investigation by Washington Times, into the August 2011 Extortion 17 heliborne op disaster,  suggests it was an “inside job”.  A Chinook ‘copter carrying the same SEAL Team 6 that supposedly assassinated Osama bin Laden exploded and crashed, killing 30 personnel on board including U.S. Army personnel.  “I want to know why so many U.S. servicemen, especially SEALs, were assembled on one aircraft. I want to know why the black box of the helicopter has not been found.”-Sith Douangdara, father of USN victim

“Somebody was leaking to the Taliban. They knew. Somebody tipped them off. There were guys in a tower. Guys on the bush line. They were sitting there, waiting. And they sent our guys right into the middle.”-Charlie Strange, father of USN victim


World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 13-15 October 2013: United States training Syrian insurgents in Afghanistan? Police state ID cards being sold off!

Helmand Province: In Kakaran City, a British empire Red Coat was killed when Mujahideen ambushed his unit’s patrol.

Kandahar Province: In Takhtapol District, four border cops were killed when they drove over a landmine.

Kunar Province: In Wataput District, reports by local police that two children were killed by Mujahideen, for spying on them. 

Logar Province: The governor was assassinated while he was praying in a Mosque.  20 people inside the Mosque were wounded.

Nuristan Province: In Du Ab District, a artillery rocket attack killed seven people, wounded 10.  It’s not clear where it came from, some suspect Pakistan.

Paktika Province: In Sar-e-Rawza District, at least seven people killed by U.S.-NATO airstrike.  The airstrike was called in by desperate local cops during an attack by Mujahideen.  In Sharana City, a U.S. Army 3rd Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group soldier from Pennsylvania was killed by an Afghan National Security Force cop.   It was a Green on Blue attack, but local U.S. news media reported he was killed in battle.  That’s what they were told by the lying U.S. DoD, but ISAF stated “An International Security Assistance Force service member was killed Oct. 13 when an individual wearing an ANSF uniform shot the ISAF service member in eastern Afghanistan.”

Paktiya Province: In Gadez City, local cops wounded a suicide bomber.  They then took him to a hospital, but for some reason did not remove his explosives.  He blew himself up in the hospital.  Cops claim the only casualty was the suicide bomber.

Parwan Province: Reports that Bagram airbase was hit by at least 12 artillery rockets.  No reports of casualties on the airbase.  ISAF said the U.S. retaliated with airstrikes, killing one Mujahid, but Mujahideen said they suffered no casualties.

Uruzgan Province: In Tarinkot City, two suicide bombers killed themselves and wounded dozens of people.  Local government officials claim the bombers’ explosives went off early, before they reached their target.

Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, was outraged to hear from Russia that U.S.-Israel-Saudi supported insurgents in Syria are being secretly trained in Afghanistan.  Karzai ordered an investigation.  He made the announcement right in front of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, during a press conference.

Mullah Mohammad Omar, the man the U.S. has repeatedly claimed to have killed, warned against a new U.S. Afghan military alliance: “The invaders and their allies should understand that the strategic agreement will be accompanied by grave consequences for them. They might get these documents rubber stamped by a fake Loya Jirga but it will not be acceptable to the Afghans. Throughout the history, the real representatives and Loya Jirgas of the country have never signed documents of slavery.”

Reuters reported that the police state voter ID cards are being sold off by the people who were issued them for as little as $1.89 USD!  They’re being sold to people who turn around and sell them to political campaign managers, for $4.73 each.  Those campaign managers are planning on using them to cast votes for their candidate in the 2014 elections.

Contrary quotes by U.S. vice president Joe Biden: “….we’ll be totally out of there, come hell or high water, by 2014!”-December 2010 Meet the Press interview

“We are not leaving…….We plan on continuing to work with you, and it’s in the mutual self-interest of both nations.”-comments made to President Karzai in a January 2011 press conference

World War 3, Asian Front: Pakistan attacks Iran, Iran executes Pakistanis! False Flag op to justify U.S. invasion?

27 October 2013 (18:02 UTC-07 Tango 26 October 2013)/22 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/05 Aban 1391/23 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

On the night of 25 October, 14 Iranian border police were killed, six wounded and three cops were kidnapped (some reports say six cops were kidnapped), in the region of Saravan.  Iran says the attackers came from the U.S. ally Pakistan.

Iranian officials protested to Pakistan’s chargé d’affaires in Tehran.  Iran says the attackers are U.S.-Saudi supported anti-Shia terrorists.

Because of a lack of response from the U.S. ally Pakistan, on 26 October Iran hanged 16 captured Pakistani anti-Shia terrorists.  Iran says in the past 30 years more than 4-thousand of their border police have been killed by U.S.-Saudi backed anti-Shia terrorists and illegal drugs traffickers.


Obama regime bold face liars: United Nations has proof U.S. regime killing civilians with drones! Violating international law! U.S. citizens “future” targets of drones!

19 October 2013 (01:26 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/27 Mehr 1391/15 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“….if there are terrorists within an area where there are women and children, or others, we do not [stress added by speaker] take such action…In fact I can say…there hasn’t been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency, precision of the capabilities that we’ve been able to develop.”-John O. Brennan, Obama regime adviser, during the question and answer session after his speech to Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, 29 June 2011. The answer to the question is not on the official White house transcript but can be viewed about 49:30 minutes into C-SPAN video

“Zero innocent civilians having lost their lives does not sound to me like reality….”-USAF Colonel David M. Sullivan, commenting on Obama regime’s claims of no civilians killed in 2011

“America’s actions are legal.”-Barack Obama, May 2013 speech to National Defense University, he was repeatedly interrupted by people wanting to know why GITMO prison was still in operation

“The position of the Government of Pakistan is quite clear. It does not consent to the use of drones by the United States on its territory and it considers this to be a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. As a matter of international law the U.S. drone campaign in Pakistan is…..a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty…….”-The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Statement of the Special Rapporteur following meetings in Pakistan, 19 October 2013

In May 2013, Barack Obama finally admitted that civilians were being killed by drones: “…it is a hard fact that U.S. strikes have resulted in civilian casualties…”

He also stated that he’s not the only one responsible: “….Not only did Congress authorize the use of force, it is briefed on every strike that America takes.  Every strike.”

In the same speech Obama also has these ominous warnings for the people of the United States: “From our use of drones to the detention of terrorist suspects, the decisions that we are making now will define the type of nation, and world, that we leave to our children.

We have to be mindful of James Madison’s warning that ‘No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.’

….we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States…….Deranged or alienated individuals, often U.S. citizens or legal residents…..

This is the future of terrorism.”

In September 2013, the artist who created Obama’s Hope election campaign art, Shepard Fairey, admitted he has regrets.  TMZ paparazzi asked if there was something he could change, his reply was that he would replace the slogan Hope, with the slogan Drones!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 24-26 September 2013: More Green on Blue, local U.S. media hides it! U.S. run hospitals actually NAZI killing fields for Afghan victims? U.S. stabs Afghan interpreters in the back! Will Afghanistan kill NATO?

Helmand Province: Lashkargah City, a car bomb exploded.  Not counting the suicide bomber; one cop killed, one cop wounded, four civilians wounded.

Kunduz Province: Khanabad District, local government officials say Mujahideen captured four Afghan National Army (ANA) personnel.

Maidan Wardak Province: Saidabad District, a U.S. airstrike (aka Weapons Release) killed five people.  Provincial government officials say two of those killed were Arabs.

Nangarhar Province: Chaparhar District, a baby girl was born with an almost complete second head!  Two headed children are not as rare as you might think, but successfully removing a second head is.  Doctors said in this case they were successful.

Paktia Province: A U.S. Army Staff Sergeant from Pennsylvania was killed.  Reports are confusing; local Pennsylvania news media has led the people of Milton to believe he was killed in combat, but in reality he was killed by a “Green on Blue” attack by Afghan government military/police personnel (aka National Security Forces).  Another U.S. troop was wounded.  The shooter from the Afghan government was killed.

The Afghan Ministry of the Interior claims 49 Mujahideen killed in police and army ops in the provinces of Helmand, Farah, Herat, Logar, Uruzgan, Zabul, Kandahar, Balkh, Badakhshan and Kunduz.  Eight Mujahideen wounded, 11 captured.

Pakistan says another artillery rocket attack was launched against them, from Afghanistan.  Two people killed, one wounded.

The U.S. Department of State has been quietly revoking travel visas issued to Afghan interpreters working for the U.S. Department of Defense.  Many interpreters have been applying for Special Immigrant status so they can move their families to the U.S. after the supposed 2014 NATO pullout, because it is common knowledge they and their families will be assassinated for helping U.S. forces.  But, suddenly the Obama regime State Department began revoking those visas.  Is this a stab in the back or is it more proof the U.S. is not leaving Afghanistan?

U.S. Army Lieutenant General William Caldwell, and Major General Gary Patton, are accused of blocking investigations into corruption and abuse at U.S. Army run Afghan hospitals.  This includes the intentional starvation of Afghan patients!  The investigation into the goings on at Dawood National Military Hospital began back in 2011.  The Joseph Mengele (NAZI doctor aka Angel of Death) like conditions of the hospital were revealed in 2011 when an inspector general released his inspection results without the customary notification to generals Caldwell and Patton.  It turns out the two generals had been blocking previous inspection results from public release!  This means the hospital was probably a U.S. run death camp for years prior.

Ignorant U.S. Army Lieutenant General, Mark Milley, recently stated the U.S. presence in Afghanistan was being reduced “…because of the society fundamentals that have changed…”.  Really?  Was he talking about society fundamentals of Afghanistan or the United States?

The U.S. Department of Defense announced the deployment of about 75-hundred to 8-thousand U.S. Army troops to Afghanistan, to take place in October.

U.S. Senator Mark Kirk, from Illinois, revealed that the United States is trying to hand over military control of Afghanistan to India: “I have long felt that the best way out of Afghanistan is through New Delhi, is to have a military alliance with India that we encourage India to roll into Afghanistan….”

In New York, U.S.A., a U.S. citizen was found guilty of trying to sell weapons, including guided missiles, to Mujahideen.  He was sentenced to 25 years in prison.  However, the federal trial was a sham.  It was only two weeks long and did not involve a jury (called a Bench Trial)!  It was part of a sting operation set up by U.S. government.  Sting operations are government set ups of people who normally wouldn’t have committed such crimes on their own.  At least five other people are being railroaded.

The Washington Times reports that the U.S. Army’s cyber intell ops in Afghanistan are so open to hackers that the DoD has given it 60 days to fix or replace the system.  Specifically, the Distributed Common Ground System (aka D-sigs, DCGS) failed a readiness test.  The warning on the cyber intell system’s failure was issued on 05 September by U.S. Command in Kabul, and made public by The Washington Times on 24 September.

According to the Fiscal Times, the high cost of U.S. led NATO operations in Afghanistan, and the bad economies of most NATO members, will kill the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  Currently, only three NATO members are meeting their payment requirements for membership: United Kingdom, United States and Greece.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 21-23 September 2013: Karzai continues pointing finger at Obama regime! False Flag Alert: Drugs used to turn people into suicide bombers!

“In past 24 hours, Afghan National Police backed by the national army and the NATO-led coalition forces have conducted a series of operations in Kunar, Kapisa, Zabul, Uruzgan, Maidan Wardak, Logar, Paktika and Herat provinces, which left 46 armed Taliban dead.”-Interior Ministry of Afghanistan

Badakhstan Province: In Wardooj District, Mujahideen released seven captured Afghan National Army (ANA) personnel.  It’s not known what happened to the other ANA soldiers that were captured, originally the Mujahideen said the soldiers willingly joined them.

Balkh Province: In Chahar Bolok District, an explosion killed five people and wounded eight.  Witnesses say it was a suicide bomber.  In Zherai District, reports that a cop attacked his fellow cops.  At least one cop killed.

Farah Province: In Farah Rod District, government Israeli style home invasions resulted in 12 people, including a religious leader, being kidnapped.  One villager was shot and wounded.

Kandahar Province: In Shorabak District, Mujahideen attacked border police, leaving 11 dead.  Mujahideen claim they killed 16.

Kabul Province: ISAF reported two Romanian NATO soldiers were killed by explosion and gun shots in eastern Afghanistan. One of the Romanians was on his second tour.

Kapisa Province: In Nijrab District, the Afghan Interior Ministry claims 11 Mujahideen were killed in battle.  24 Mujahideen wounded.

Kunduz Province: In Chahar Dara District, a local National Directorate of Security (Homeland Security) agent was assassinated.  This is the second assassination of a government official, and police say they still don’t know who’s doing it.  However, Mujahideen claim credit for the assassinations.  In the same district an Israeli style home invasion by government forces resulted in one person being kidnapped.

Kunar Province: In Ghaziabad District a U.S.-NATO drone strike killed one man.  Afghan government officials say the man was a Mujahideen commander.  However, independent reports say at least four people were killed.

Paktia Province: In Gardez city, a Colorado National Guard Special Forces Staff Sergeant, and a Rhode Island National Guard Staff Sergeant (but resident of New Jersey), and one Specialist from California were killed by an Afghan government troop.  The Colorado Guardsman was already recovering from a previous combat wound, and was one month away from the end of his enlistment.  Also, reports that a U.S.-NATO recon drone crashed.  Mujahideen did not claim they shot it down, but confirmed a drone crashed and burned.

Zabul Province: People protested yet another U.S. led killing of civilians.  They claim U.S.-NATO forces killed two people in Shahjoi District.  One report said 10-thousand people packed the streets of Shahjoi District bazaar, protesting the U.S. occupation.

President Hamid Karzai continues to insist that terrorism is coming from outside Afghanistan.  He continues to imply it is being supported by countries like the United States, it’s the main reason he is holding off on signing a military pact with the Obama regime: “We have an appropriate analysis of the current situation of Afghanistan, and we know who are involved behind plotting destruction of Afghanistan, and those who are sending suicide bombers to Afghanistan.”

Afghan security officials say in recent interrogations of captured attempted suicide bombers, it’s been revealed that people are being drugged with Selective Serotonin Receptor Inhibitors and/or opium, then abused psychologically and physically.  A captured potential suicide bomber says people are drugged up to the point of passing out.  These drugs are the similar to those prescribed to mass shooters in the United States!

Russian officials say the opium drug industry in Afghanistan is surprisingly well managed, under the U.S. occupation.  Russian investigators have discovered huge stockpiles of illegal drugs in Afghanistan: Around 40,000 tons of opiates are already stored there. So, in fact, they have reached saturation point.”-Viktor Ivanov, Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service

Former Taliban political party finance minister, Mullah Agha Jan Motasim, says what is happening in Afghanistan is the fault of the occupiers, and the invaders have made peace impossible: “The international community bears responsibility for this……After all the bloodletting, we would have to work with people we are fighting.”

ISAF revealed that after the supposed 2014 pullout, the military occupation now known as Operation Enduring Freedom will continue under the title Operation Resolute Support.

Pakistan says a rocket launched from Afghanistan killed one person, and wounded at least one.  Pakistan also says a mortar attack from Afghanistan wounded two people.  They also claim militants from Afghanistan attacked a village in Pakistan.

The Nation reporting that the number of deaths in Afghanistan could be much higher than reported, because Afghan national and provincial governments are actually charging a fee to release such info to the media.



World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 18-20 September 2013: Cops killing cops, again! Senator joins Mujahideen! U.S. forces attacking schools! At least $6 trillion in taxpayer rip offs!

Badakhshan Province:  A major battle in Wardooj District resulted in at least 23 Afghan National Police (ANP) being killed, and 21 wounded.  This is from official ANP reports.  Mujahideen claim another 24 cops switched sides and joined them.  ANP officials say the Mujahideen kidnapped them.

Helmand Province: In Khanshin District dozens of ANP turned their guns on each other after an argument.  Three killed, seven wounded.   In Lashkargah city, a NATO-ISAF convoy was hit with a remote detonated land mine.  The report was made by local police.

Sar-e-Pul Province: A former police commander, as well as being a former senator in the Afghan parliament, has officially joined the Mujahideen.  Dozens of other people in the province joined the Mujahideen as well.

Kunar Province: In Chapa Dara District a U.S. drone strike killed at least six people.  U.S. officials claim they were all militants (as usual).  An investigation into a U.S. drone strike in the same province the week before revealed that women and children were killed.  It is official U.S. policy to label anyone killed in an airstrike a militant.

Maidan Wardak Province: Local government officials say a U.S. led raid on a grade school killed a teenaged student in Syedabad District.  Several students were wounded.  There are also reports that a U.S. drone strike killed seven people and wounded several others.

Uruzgan Province: In Char Chino District Mujahideen ambushed a Australian Digger patrol.  At least three Diggers wounded.  Australian Defence Force officials confirmed the attack.

Faryab Province: In Qaisar District a battle between Afghan government forces and Mujahideen resulted in several Mujahideen killed and wounded.  But it also forced the government personnel to retreat from Nawabad village.  Reports say villagers were also killed.

Kunduz Province: The independent election commission boss was assassinated.  Police don’t know who did it.

Nangarhar Province: An ANP district boss was fired after an investigation revealed he was terrifying the local population with his authority.  Specifically, he was trying to influence how people will vote in the 2014 elections.

Paktika Province: Police arrested a suspect in the assassination of a Indian woman who wrote a book about repression of women in Afghanistan.  Police say the suspect claims he is a Mujahid, however, the main Mujahideen group in Afghanistan denies they had anything to do with it: “We reject claims that Mujahideen were involved in the killing of the Indian woman. It is a propaganda by government officials to defame the Mujahideen.”

Kabul Province: In Kabul city an explosion destroyed a police vehicle.  Police say it was a magnetic bomb, no person was hurt.

Kandahar Province: The fast food bazaar known as Kandahar Airfield Boardwalk, is being closed down.  The Boardwalk was built to provide U.S.-NATO personnel with access to U.S. fast food restaurants, as well as Canadian and European restaurants and retailers, it’s being closed in anticipation of the supposed 2014 pullout.  The question is, was the Boardwalk built with tax dollars, for the benefit of U.S., Canadian and European corporations?

Pakistan says Afghan border patrol troops shot and killed five Pakistanis, and wounded three others.

In an example of hypocrisy, Afghan government officials accused Pakistan of being a safe haven for illegal drugs production.

A USA Today report said the $3 billion USD cost of returning U.S. military equipment to the United States, is “cheap”.   However, a McClatchy report said it will actually cost U.S. taxpayers $7 billion!

A report by The Nation shows the U.S. military round-a-boutly acknowledges killing innocents, in the form of payments to the surviving family members.  However, officially the payments are called “assistance” and U.S. officials continue to deny innocent people are being killed.  ISAF keeps no records of such assistance payments.  The Nation acquired a 1-thousand page CentCom report, through the Freedom of Information Act, which shows that between 2008 and 2011 massive amounts of assistance payments were made, however, the exact amount is not known because military officials redacted that info.   Taxpayers should be pissed off, because these tax dollar funded “assistance” payments are the result of tax dollar paid military and contractor personnel killing innocent people!

According to Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, at this point in the game, the U.S. occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan is costing taxpayers $6 trillion!  So far, taxpayers have paid for only $260 billion in interest payments on the war debt!  Who ever thinks war is good for the economy is a fool (or involved in the military industrial complex)!

Stars and Stripes reporting that a new USAF Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility is being built at a secret location in the Middle East. It will be used as a medical “hub” for U.S. personnel wounded in Afghanistan after the supposed 2014 pullout!

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 15-17 September 2013: Aussie Diggers to stay after 2014! Taxpayers screwed again! U.S. economy so bad Ace Hardware moves to Afghanistan!

Uruzgan Province: In Char Chino District, reports that a medivac helicopter was shot down by Mujahideen.  Reports say it was on fire and exploded when it hit the ground.

Helmand Province:  A female police Lieutenant was assassinated in Lashkar Gah.  Five people have been arrested.  There are reports that four people were killed by a U.S.-NATO drone strike.

Maidan Wardak Province: In Jaghatu District six people killed by U.S.-NATO airstrike.  Another person killed in another district by U.S.-NATO drone strike.  Turkish news media reporting Afghan government led night time Israeli style home invasions resulted in a major battle with Mujahideen.  It happened in Maidan Shahr town.  Dozens of people killed.  Government officials say two of those killed were from Pakistan.

Samangan Province:  A coal mine collapse killed 27 people and injured 20.  At last report at least 40 people are trapped.  Reports say an electrical short caused and explosion in the mine.  Most mining operations in Afghanistan are run by foreign companies.

Kunar Province: Local government officials claim Pakistan fired more than 40 artillery rockets into Afghanistan.  No casualties reported, but homes were damaged.  In Darah District, Mujahideen report they ambushed an Afghan government military convoy.  40 government troops killed, 25 wounded.  Five Mujahideen killed.

Nimroz Province:  In Delaram District, a bus full of people drove over a land mine.  15 people killed, at least 25 wounded.

Kabul Province: National Directorate of Security (NDS, equivalent of the U.S. Homeland Security Department) forces tried to brake up a planned suicide bombing, but firefights erupted and one bomber blew himself up.  Two Mujahideen shot and killed.

Faryab Province: Chinese news media reporting that Israeli style night time home invasions by Afghan government forces resulted in battles with Mujahideen.  At least 14 people killed.

Zabul Province: In Shahjoi District, government forces conducted an Israeli style home invasion.  Two people kidnapped.  Villagers say they later found the bodies of the two kidnap victims “brutally martyred”.

Balkh Province: In Chahar Bolak District, an Israeli style home invasion resulted in the kidnapping of a religious scholar.

Ghor Province: Teyura District, Afghan government forces rampaged after Mujahideen successfully ambushed them.  The Afghan government troops ransacked a bazaar and then killed two people because their ethnicity is the same as that of the majority of people who make up the local Mujahideen.

Farah Province: More than 200 prisoners are on hunger strike.  Prisoners claim they’ve been detained for bogus reasons, and most have been in prison for at least six months without being charged with a crime!

Iran has restated it will help Afghanistan fight illegal drug trafficking: “We are ready to make our utmost efforts to transfer our experiences to countries like Afghanistan.”-General Ali Moayyedi, Iranian national police

The U.S. state of Indiana is deploying its Army National Guard to Afghanistan.  About 130 members of the the 1638th Transportation Company are on their way.

The U.S. state of Montana saw the return of their Army National Guard soldiers.  69 soldiers of the 495th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion returned from nine months at Kandahar airbase.  Montana Army National Guard still has 145 soldiers in Kuwait.

The government of Afghanistan has approved an official trade logo for products made in their country.  It says “Afghanistan Amazingly Real”.  Yeah, when you could lose your life at any moment that makes life very ‘real’.

President Hamid Karzai has restated that he will not rush into a new military pact with the United States, despite haranguing by the Obama regime.

The Australian Defence Forces (ADF) minister says their Special Forces Diggers will stay in Afghanistan after the supposed 2014 NATO pullout.  It depends on what happens with the new Afghan-U.S. military pact that the Obama regime is pushing for.  The minister also revealed that Australia will be building up their military: “I undertake to the men and women of the ADF that the Abbott government will rebuild defence, to ensure it is properly resourced, equipped and managed”-David Johnston

According to reports out of Australia, despite claims of extreme discrimination against women in Afghanistan, the parliament of Afghanistan has more women than in the ‘democratic’ Australian parliament, and Afghanistan has more women in parliament than the parliament of United Kingdom!  I suspect the same can be said for the U.S. Congress.

U.S. home improvement retailer, Ace Hardware, feels the situation in Afghanistan is better than the crashing economy in the United States.  In 2014 Ace Hardware will open their first Afghan store in Mazar-e Sharif.  But wait, here’s the real reason; Ace Hardware is taking advantage of the ongoing U.S. contractor corruption.  U.S. taxpayer funded contractors are the primary target of Ace Hardware!

A New York based U.S. Army weapons maker revealed that U.S. tax dollars are paying for weapons for the Afghan government.  Watervliet Arsenal recently supplied the Afghan government with 918 60mm mortars at a cost to taxpayers of $6 million USD!

Pakistani earthquake causes islands and fire to rise from the Sea! The origin of fire worshiping? Moses high on gas, not God?

25 September 2013 (14:43 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/03 Mehr 1391/21 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

In Baluchistan Province, there juts out into the Arabian Sea a free trade port called Gwadar.  About 600 meters (1968 feet) away a new island emerged, within 30 minutes of yesterday’s 7.8 magnitude quake.

Along with the island fire is bursting forth, explorers found lots of dead fish.

The island is 60 meters (196.8 feet) long and 20 meters (65.6 feet) above water level at its highest point.  Explorers said there are lots of dead fish floating around the island, and they smelled methane bubbling up from the sea.  They set it on fire to be sure it was gas, and it was.

Locals say this has happened before, right after a big earthquake in 1960.  The island in that quake was further to the east.  Officials with Pakistan’s National Institute of Oceanography say yesterday’s island creation is the fourth since 1945.   However, these islands are temporary and end up eroding back into the sea, because they’re basically balls of mud.

Pakistan is part of the Indian subcontinent, which is smashing up against the Asian continent.  The ongoing slow impact of the continents create the Himalayas.

Pakistani scientists revealed that the impact of the two continents is also releasing untold amounts of natural gas, from massive deposits underground.

This could explain the origins of the fire worshiping religions, such as Zoroastrianism and some Hindi religions.  Still today, Hindus make a pilgrimage to a mud volcano called Chandragup.  It’s fueled by natural gas.  A nearby cave is also a holy site, where the immortal flame burns.

I recently saw a travel show, which revealed that the eternal flame at a Zoroastrian fire temple, in Pakistan, was built over a natural gas vent.

Archaeologists think the religion of fire worship, begun by Indo-Iranians several thousands of years ago, is also the source for the idea of cremating the dead.

Zoroastrians don’t actually worship fire as ‘god’, but see it as a symbol of god’s purity.  Hindi beliefs say fire is the mediator between people and gods.  Let’s not forget the Hebrews, who’s leader Moses conversed with god, but only through a burning bush.

This brings me to question Moses.  He was probably high on the natural gas escaping from a vent on the mountain, then something caused the gas to ignite (maybe Moses trying to start a camp fire?).

This brings me to the Oracles (fortune tellers) of ancient Greece.  The most accurate oracles lived in caves.  Researchers now believe these caves were natural gas vents, and that the women were high on gas (hence they were ‘full of hot air’).

The oracle at Delphi must’ve known something was going on in the cave, because she limited her fortune telling to once every seven days.  Was the vent gassing off only once per week?

Isn’t the origin of religion funny?  (like laughing gas, hippy-crack aka nitrous oxide)  Too bad those ancient people didn’t think of bottling up that natural gas and selling it for home and commercial use, instead of thinking it was god talking to them!  Still, it doesn’t ‘splain why some of those Greek Oracles were so accurate in their predictions, unless certain types of natural gas are the secret ingredient used to connect your mind to the space time continuum, thus  revealing the future?

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 09-10 September 2013: China continues to pullout of oil deals! Germany & World Bank invest more money!

Kunduz Province, Dashti Archi District, U.S. led Afghan government forces conducted Israeli style home invasions, burning down three homes.

Helmand Province, Khan-e-Sheen District, the Afghan Defense Ministry reports that their government troops were bushwhacked by Mujahideen.  Two government puppets killed, four wounded.  Mujahideen report that government forces later launched Israeli style home invasions as vengeance, 12 people kidnapped.

Farah Province, Bala Baluk District, during a battle between Mujahideen and government forces a local religious leader was killed by crossfire.

Saripul Province, Balkhab District, Mujahideen claim they’ve liberated 13 villages of government forces.

Ghazni Province, a bus ran over a landmine.  Seven people killed, 17 wounded.  In Qara Bagh District, Mujahideen destroyed three government outposts, killing six and wounding nine.  The Afghan Defense Ministry confirmed the claim.

Logar Province, Khoshi District, a suicide bomber drove his car into a government outpost.  Reports say 30 people killed or wounded.

Kapisa Province, Nijrab District, villagers report they were bombed by U.S. led air forces.  One person killed, four wounded.

Herat Province, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency of the World Bank is boosting investment insurance for the Traitex cashmere operation.  The main investors are Traitex International S.A. of Belgium and Sodintec Finances S.A. of Luxembourg, totaling $2-million USD.

A Chinese company, Panyn Chu King Steel Limited, has backed out of a $500 million USD deal to build a gas pipeline from from Iran through Afghanistan to Pakistan.  It has something to do with financing, but Iran says it is willing to finance the whole operation.

An Indian company, Gammon India, has been picked to build a power plant to supply 7-thousand families with electricity.  The estimated $7-million cost of the operation is being paid for by the German taxpayers!