Tag Archives: oil

World War 3: UN approves military ground mission to Libya

On September 16, the United Nations Security Council approved a ground mission for Libya.  The mission, called Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), is expected to last three months.

Unlike previous UN peacekeeping missions, the key element of the UNSMIL lies in its political nature.

UNSMIL is to assist and support Libyan national efforts in restoring public security and order and promoting the rule of law; undertaking inclusive political dialogue, promoting national reconciliation and embarking upon the constitution-making and electoral process; restoring public service; promoting and protecting human rights; taking the immediate steps required to initiate economic recovery as well as coordinating supports that may be requested from other multilateral and bilateral actors.

UNSMIL will include an estimated 200 political advisers.


World War 3: Venezuela, and 9 other countries, join Syria, take stand against the ‘west’

“We came to Syria to express our support and solidarity with the Syrian people, and to express our resentment of the media war against Syria.”– Temir Porras, Deputy Foreign Minister of Venezuela

The South American country, who is a major oil supplier to the east coast of the U.S., said they support the current government of Syria.  It’s not just Venezuela, but nine other South American and Caribbean countries who’re expressing support for Syria.

The organization is called ALBA, or Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América.  It’s members are Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Venezuela.

Not everyone in China is doing well economically, restaurants forced to use ‘gutter’ oil for cooking, blame inflation

At least 32 people are on trial in China, for collecting used cooking oil from street gutters, then selling it back to restaurants.

A company that was supposed to be creating biodiesel from used oil, instead found it cheaper to simply strain the used cooking oil and sell it back to restaurants.

Also, according to local police, the company was using a “white substance” to remove the nasty smell from the used cooking oil.  Some local media speculate that it causes cancer.

China’s fast booming economy is causing rapid inflation, many individuals, and mom & pop businesses can’t keep up.  Buying recycled cooking oil is a cheap alternative.  One report said the price of new cooking oil in China is about 10,000 yuan, or $1,560 a ton, while ‘gutter’ oil sells for around 8,000 yuan to 9,000 yuan.

This is not the first scandal relating to food safety in China.  Scandals have included melamine tainted infant formula, and pork tainted with the chemical clenbuterol.   Melamine gives false increased protein levels in dairy products.  Clenbuterol helps make meat leaner.  The Chinese government says both can be harmful to humans.

Here in the United States the FDA has approved the use of clenbuterol in animals, but not in humans.  However, the FDA is out on melamine.  Their latest studies showed that melamine was dangerous only when combined with other chemicals.  One study showed cats had kidney failure after eating 32 parts per million of cyanuric acid and 32 parts per million of melamine.


World War 3: Israel to go ahead with oil drilling off Lebanon, claims ignorance when telling lies

Israeli Energy Minister Uzi Landau, threatened that Israel will go ahead and establish oil rigs off the coast of Lebanon. Turkey has already said it would help Lebanon protect its territorial water.

Uzi Landau blatantly lied about who has rights to the area: “It hasn’t been claimed even by Lebanon, and the Turks too…”

Lebanon made it known in August 2010, where their territorial maritime boundaries are.  Israel ignored those boundaries and drew up their own Mediterranean borders, which conveniently angled the northern Israeli maritime boundary past Lebanon’s ground borders into the recently discovered oil/gas fields off Lebonon’s coast.

On September 5, Lebanon issued a statement with the United Nations: “The Israeli claim infringes on Lebanon’s Exclusive Economic (sea) Zone. This is a clear violation of Lebanon’s rights… over an area of some 860 square kilometers, and puts international peace and security at risk.”

Also, Turkey has already stated that it would help Lebanon defend that area of the Mediterranean from Israeli oil operations.

So, Israeli Energy Minister Uzi Landau’s claim that know one has claimed the maritime territory off Lebanon’s coast is typical of Israeli lies cloaked in ignorance.

World War 3: United Kingdom says Syria’s Assad is no longer legitimate, France says it’s too late for Assad’s reforms

September 12, joining the United States, British Prime Minister David Cameron said the Syrian government was not legitimate and has no future.

This after the Syrian government announced that new elections could be held by the end of the year. But, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said it was too late for elections: “We think the regime has lost its legitimacy, that it’s too late to implement a program of reform.”

France, Britain and the U.S. are pushing for a UN Security Council resolution against Syria, but Russia is countering with their own proposal: “We are ready to support different approaches, but they must not be based on one sided condemnations of the actions of the government and President Assad.”-Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia

World War 3: Syrian protestors calling for direct international intervention, wants no-tank & no-fly zones

“Calling for outside intervention is a sensitive issue that could be used by the regime to label its opponents as traitors.  We are calling for international observers as a first step.  If the regime refuses it will open the door on itself for other action, such as no-tank or no-fly zones.”-Syrian Revolution General Commission

War on Terror cover for Global Economic War: Invasion of Afghanistan IS about oil, Afghanistan has 80 million barrels of oil, now it all goes to China

State-owned China National Petroleum Corporation won the first oil and natural gas exploration contracts in Afghanistan since the U.S. led invasion in 2001.

It’s estimated that there are 1.6 billion barrels of crude oil in Afghanistan.  The oil fields of Bazarkhami, Kashkari and Zamarudsay (areas under contract with CNPC) contain an estimated 80 million barrels.

In 2007 China got the rights to mine copper in Afghanistan.  Isn’t nice that the U.S. led War on Terror is allowing other countries to get contracts to mine minerals and oil?

World War 3: More proof the U.S. & U.K. were paying Gaddafi to torture suspects in the U.S. led War on Terror

“When I was in China in 2004, the British approached me through an intermediary. They said they would allow me to return to Britain but they just wanted to speak to me at the British Consulate in Hong Kong to check my political views.  I was expecting to meet the British, but I and my whole family were arrested at the airport and ended up on an airplane taking us to Libya.”-Sami Saadi, anti-Gaddafi dissident

What’s really strange is that this man was not anti-western, he was anti-Gaddafi!!!  Yet the British rounded him and his family up, and shipped them off to be tortured by Gaddafi’s security agents.

According to documents recently found by Human Rights Watch, the U.S. CIA offered to pay for expenses relating to the detention of Sami Saadi.

Saadi ended up spending six years in prison, during that time he was interrogated by British intelligence officials.  Then he was arrested for not denouncing this years Libyan rebellion. He escaped prison after rebel forces took Tripoli.

Ironic; Saadi spent years in prison because of the United States and United Kingdom, but then is freed by rebels supported by the United States and United Kingdom!

World War 3: More lies from Libyan Rebels & the Western Media, no big pro-Gaddafi convoy went into Niger, or Burkina Faso

Over the past few days U.S. supported Libyan rebels, and the western media have reported a huge convoy of dozens of vehicles with hundreds of pro-Gaddafi forces entered Niger.  Some reports even said they had tons of gold!

The reports say the convoy drove through Niger into Burkina Faso, where Gaddafi might have been offered asylum.

The problem is that the government of Niger says only four vehicles, with 18 people, came into their country!  On top of that the government of Burkina Faso says there is no way they would offer Gaddafi asylum: “We cannot grant him asylum because for the past three years we have not had good relations with him. We don’t see why we would stick our neck out for him and create problems for ourselves.”-Alain Traore, Burkinabe government spokesman

Always the information from the Libyan rebels and the western media is so wrong!?!

As if to back up the claims by the governments of Niger and Burkina Faso, on September 7 the Libyan rebels asked Niger to block any access to pro-Gaddafi forces: “We have sent a delegation today that is going to Niger to talk … about securing our borders to stop any kind of infiltration of Gaddafi troops to Niger, to stop any attempt by Gaddafi or his family to escape to Niger.”-Fathi Baja, head of the NTC’s political affairs committee

Now why would the Libyan rebels make such a request after swearing that a huge convoy of pro-Gaddafi troops, and even Gaddafi himself, had already crossed into Niger?

World War 3: Libyan Rebels detaining, torturing Russian & East European oil workers

At the end of August U.S. supported rebels detained 19 Ukrainian cooks and oil workers, on unsupported claims that they are mercenaries for Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi.

“How can we be snipers? They are old. She is a woman. We are not snipers. As you know, life in the Ukraine is bad. We came here to earn money for our family. They [rebels] took everything from us. Money, passports, computers, everything.”-Maksim Shadrov, cook

The rebels even admitted they found no weapons on the Ukrainians.  The Associated Press is reporting the most of Gaddafi’s mercenaries have fled the country.

Around August 30, Russian journalists found five Serbs, who’d been taken prisoner by Libyan rebels.

The five Serbs say they are construction workers who came to Libya on August 12, to repair roads for a Serbian-Libyan firm, Zazura.  When the fighting reached Tripoli, U.S. supported rebels stopped them, saw their passports and accused them of “aiding Gaddafi”.

The Serbs have now been confirmed as construction workers, and the Serbian Embassy is in touch with them.

Several Russian oil engineers have also been held, and beaten, by U.S. supported rebels: “For some reason they think that Slavic people are snipers. We have nothing to do with that. We came here to earn money peacefully.”-Vladimir Dolgov, engineer

Russian media says Russia is working to get its citizens out of rebel detention, but there are several dozen Russian and Ukrainian citizens still under rebel control.