Tag Archives: japan

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: More proof cell phones can kill you! Idaho & California elementary schools site of new radioactive cell towers? TEPCo finally pouring concrete! Santa Barbara hit by giant radioactive lobsters? WIPP wants more of your money!

24 November 2014 (10:15 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Safar 1436/03 Azar 1393/03 Yi-Hai (10th month) 4712

India: A new report shows the nuclear power industry is not cost effective, but like a parasite lives off the backs of unsuspecting taxpayers!  The Hindu reveals even more ugly truths about nuclear power: “The key fact about nuclear power is that it is the world’s most subsidy-fattened energy industry…..Commercial reactors have been in operation for more than half-a-century, yet the industry still cannot stand on its own feet without major state support….costs have escalated multiple times…..The nuclear share of the world’s total electricity production reached its peak of 17 per cent in the late 1980s. Since then, it has been falling, and is currently estimated at about 13 per cent, even as new uranium discoveries have swelled global reserves…..there is enough uranium to meet current demand for more than 100 years.

Yet….wind power, solar power and biomass — has surpassed installed nuclear-generating capacity. In India and China, wind power output alone exceeds nuclear-generated electricity.”

France: French nuclear company Areva is in big trouble, losing 23% of its stock value due to massive delays in its Finnish nuke reactor, and other nuke projects.  Areva is also a major player at the Idaho National Laboratory in United States.  Areva administrators are rethinking their financial projections for 2015 and 2016.

Sweden: Yet another international study on cell phone radiation concludes that chronic use of the little computer could give you brain cancer.  The study was published in Pathophysiology, and concluded that insecure people who just have to constantly gab their heads off to somebody on the other end of that smart phone, will lose their heads to cancer; 25 years of manic cell phone use increases your chance of brain cancer by 300%!

U.S.A.:  Speaking of cell phones and cancer, lets not forget that government administrators in India put a hold on cell tower construction in their country, based on their own studies and studies done by the UN WHO (which says ‘cell’ signals cause cancer).  In fact  the Indian Cellular Association requires new cell phones to show users the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) they get from cell phone use.  But that isn’t going to stop the administrators of School District 25 and the city of Chubbuck, in the U.S. state of Idaho, from allowing T-Mobil to build a cell phone tower right on the playground of Chubbuck Elementary (which is also right next to a residential area).  Of course T-Mobile is going to pay School District 25 a hefty monthly rent for putting the tower on the playground, and the scandalously administered district is short on cash.  Parents have justifiably threatened to pull their kids from school if the cell tower deal goes through.

But wait there’s more!  In Clairemont, California, Verizon is forcing the building of cell towers on school properties!  School administrators of the English-French elementary and preschool La Petite Ecole are actually against such a plan (in contrast with the greedy administrators in Idaho), which will see 16 antennae and a microwave dish (I’ve seen radiation from a radar dish on a C-130 kill a bird that was sitting in front of it, during a test of the radar) implanted on the school property!  Verizon administrators responded by pointing out that there are already cell towers in the area.

The Federal Communciations Commission says local governments cannot dictate to cell phone companies, and the United States government allows much higher exposure rates from cell towers than other countries.

In New Mexico, the number of nuke workers allowed into the failed Waste Isolation Pilot Project has been increased to 74.  Administrators are crediting the increase in recovery ops to the repair work done on a massive “emergency” elevator hoist, which can carry vehicles.  It was also revealed that the explosion(s ?) was strong enough to require replacing of roof bolts needed to secure the roof and walls of the underground tunnel system.  The massive bolts are 3.6 meters (12 feet) long!

Administrators with Los Alomos Nuclear Laboratory (the source of the exploding waste drums) are denying that they got lazy with safety protocols. Their tantrum was in response to an article in The Santa Fe New Mexican.  The old school newspaper spent six months investigating the WIPP fiasco and concluded administrators made mistakes and then covered them up: “…workers packaging the waste came across a batch that was extraordinarily acidic, making it unsafe for shipping……

Instead, the lab and its various contractors took shortcuts in treating the acidic nuclear waste, adding neutralizer and a wheat-based organic kitty litter to absorb excess liquid. The combination turned the waste into a potential bomb that one lab chemist later characterized as akin to plastic explosives….” 

Senators from New Mexico are asking the U.S. taxpayers to fork over even more money for WIPP, this time they want an additional $113-million USD on top of what’s already been approved!

(and back to The Golden State) Reports that cesium 134 from Fukushima Daiichi has been detected off the California coast.  Could this have anything to do with the record 12 pound lobster caught near Santa Barbara?  

Jamaica: More than a year and a half has past since the Caribbean country impounded a mini-van from Japan.  It is contaminated with radiation from Fukushima Daiichi.  Jamaican port administrators say Japan is still refusing to take back the contaminated mini-van.  One of the problems is that the contaminated cargo would end up passing through other ports on its way back to Japan: “It may go through other jurisdictions, so you have to get those clearances. It means that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade would have to engage other missions to seek their assistance to have it returned.”-Major Richard Reese, Jamaican commissioner of customs

Japan:  The Japanese government is paying U.S. (Texas based) company Kurion $10-million to come up with a way to get rid of tritium contamination in the 400+ metric tons per day of contaminated water pouring out of Fukushima Daiichi into the Pacific Ocean. Kurion is already making bank on filtering cesium and strontium from the water.

The new contract award to Kurion came days before Tokyo Electric Power Company essentially admitted failure in dealing with the never ending slow burn China Syndrome melt down of Fukushima Daiichi, the following are reasons why.

TEPCo is now filling in trenches connected to reactors 2 and 3 turbine buildings with concrete, because they cannot stop the flow of highly irradiated water, and they still can’t figure out where it’s coming from!  The trench outside unit 2 is said to contain at least 5-thousand metric tons of contaminated water, while the trench outside unit 3 holds 6-thousand metric tons!

Japanese news reports say TEPCo has already tried to use cement to block water sources, but it has failed.  TEPCo administrators say they will try using a new type of water repelling cement.

TEPCo administrators have admitted that their radical plan to freeze the ground, in order to stop the contaminated water from getting to the Pacific Ocean, has failed.

At least three ‘throwaway’ workers were injured when the 13 meter (42 feet) tall cooling tank they were building collapsed.

For some unexplained reason, removal of unused fuel rods from storage pools on top of the GE designed reactor unit 4 cannot be attempted at this point. Unit 4 was not in use at the time of the quake and tsunami in 2011, and all its fuel was in storage in the fuel pool. The plan was to remove the massively heavy, and ignitable, rods to a more stable storage pool, but suddenly Japan’s Nuclear Energy Safety Organization halted the operation, demanding an evaluation of TEPCo’s plan be conducted by Tokyo based International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning.  Supposedly all the spent (used) fuel rods have been removed (400 metric tons worth), but there are still 204 new (unused) fully explodable with the force of a small tactical nuke fuel rods in the storage pool.

TEPCo and Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA) have pushed back their hopes for securing Fukushima Daiichi by five years, from 2020 to 2025.

Schools in Fukushima Prefecture are being used to store contaminated dirt, against the will of the locals, and Japan’s Jiji Press discovered there are no plans to remove the radioactive dirt piles!  Prefectural government administrators are blaming a national law implemented in 2012, after the radioactive dirt was piled on school property.  The cost of removing the contaminated soil is also a factor.

Renovations reveal U.S. park is nuke disaster area! 

Obama tells another big lie: Off shoring U.S. jobs creates U.S. jobs?

10 November 2014 (02:46 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Muharram 1436/19 Aban 1393/18 Yi-Hai 4712

At today’s meeting of APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) leaders, Barack Obama straight up said that the creation (off-shored from United States?) of billions of jobs in the Asia Pacific region “supports millions of jobs in America”!

In 2012, a Economic Policy Institute report revealed that between 2001 and 2011 an impressive 2.7-million U.S. jobs were off-shored to China!  That’s 2.7-million jobs destroyed, not “supported” mister ‘president’, within the United States!

In 2011, the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation estimated that the adoption of new standardized business leasing rules, between Asia, North America and Europe, could kill off another 190-thousand to 3.3-million U.S. jobs!  (is this the real reason traditional brick-n-mortar stores are being shutdown?)

Apparently the Obama regime thinks by making things easier for Asian countries to do business with the U.S. that it will result in more U.S. jobs.  Anybody remember NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)?  Remember the independent presidential candidate who said there would be a “Giant sucking sound” of jobs going to Mexico?  Turns out that NAFTA was directly responsible for killing off 1-million jobs in the United States!

A recent report says not only did NAFTA not keep any of its promises for U.S. workers, but it actually did the reverse; it destroyed the U.S. economy.  The report warns of even more dire consequences as a result of the new Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The TPP is one of many trade deals being considered by the United States and APEC.

During Obama’s APEC speech, on 10 November 2014, he repeated a false claim that he made the day before during a CBS Face the Nation interview: “…we’ve created more jobs in the United States than every other advanced economy combined since I came into office.”

Obama is insane!  He’s obviously suffering from what I call Marie Antoinette-ism.  She’s the queen who had her head cut off because she actually thought the French economy was great, even though starving and dying mothers and their children littered the streets of Paris!

According to a Tampa Bay Times report, Barack Obama isn’t even close to being correct about his claim to have “created more jobs in the United States than every other advanced economy combined”!

The journalists used International Monetary Fund data to show that the U.S. has not created more jobs than other ‘advanced’ economies, in fact it’s the other-way-round!

Why is the president of the United States so incredibly out of touch?

Ebola Update, 27 October 2014: Japan has 1st ebola case? Obama signs executive order for Medical Martial Law, then accuses news media & state officials of fear mongering!

Japan: A Canadian reporter (Japan’s NHK first reported him as a Japanese reporter), who flew from western Africa to Europe and then onto Japan, arrived at Tokyo International Airport with a fever and other signs of EVD.  He is now in quarantine, medical officials the results of an initial blood sample are negative for ebola.  The reporter made stopovers in Belgium and United Kingdom on his way home to Japan, he had spent two months in Liberia.

The news broke as prime minister Abe Shinzo ordered an emergency meeting to discuss ebola as a threat to national security!  Supposedly that meeting is not connected to the quarantined reporter.

It’s also convenient that Fujifilm announced they would buy Texas based Kalon, to help mass produce an experimental influenza drug for use against ebola (it’s called Avigan aka Favipiravir)

United States:  In a typical example of talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time the leader of the supposed ‘free world’, Barack insane Obama, is now chastising state officials (several states now have mandatory quarantine for anybody coming from western Africa) and news media outlets for fear mongering about ebola.  Obama is specifically targeting news reports, insinuating that most are rumors and innuendo.

But wait, the overwhelming  number of reports from news sources are simply quoting health officials, and government officials including Barack Obama.

Florida has joined Illinois, New Jersey and New York in quarantining anybody from countries designated by the U.S. CDC as EVD hot zones.  That’s a fact, not a rumor mister president.

New York has just quarantined a five years old boy, that’s a fact mister president, not a rumor.  Initial blood tests show no EVD.

A nurse, who is not sick, quarantined in New York is now suing the state for treating her like a criminal in solitary confinement, she doesn’t even have access to a shower!  That’s a fact, not a rumor!

So far, everybody who’s gotten sick inside the United States has had all their possessions seized by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and then incinerated!  That’s a fact!

Recently Obama stated “First, you cannot get ebola easily. You can’t get it through casual contact with someone…”

If this is true why are so many healthcare workers, who’re using ebola treatment protocols, getting sick?   Why did the U.S. CDC revise their protocols saying 100% of your skin must be covered while treating people with ebola filovirus?  Why are so many relatives in western African countries getting sick from what appears to be ‘casual’ contact?  Why did two nurses in Dallas, Texas, get sick when both swear they were following ‘protocols’ and did not come into contact with bodily fluids of the man that died?  It was because of these facts that the U.S. CDC changed their protocols.  Those U.S. citizens who survived EVD did so because they underwent immediate and intensive treatments, the man who died did not.  In fact he was actually misdiagnosed, then later on had treatment delayed and was actually treated with a drug for pox viruses!  In other words, if you don’t get immediate treatment you will die, that’s a fact, not a rumor.

Obama also said “We have to keep leading the global response…”

Fact: The U.S. is not the one leading the global response, that would be Cuba!   Obama sends in 4-thousand combat troops to build military airbases and military hospitals, while thousands of west Africans get sick and die, yet Cuba has sent hundreds of medical personnel with great success where ever they operate.  In fact, Obama has accepted Cuba’s offer of help!     I’ve asked this before, why aren’t any of the Cuban medical personnel getting sick, unlike the privately funded U.S. and European medics working for NGOs and religious groups?

Obama said “We have to stop it at its source, in West Africa…”

Fact: Nobody knows the ‘source’!  The first case was documented in Guinea at the end of 2013, then it showed up almost overnight in Liberia and Sierra Leone. There have been claims that the first ebola victim in Guinea got sick by eating infected meat, however the fact is that’s pure speculation, no proof of such a claim has been presented!  I’ve postulated that it’s connected to the GMO United Nations food aid that was literally forced upon those countries at the beginning of 2013.  Even Liberians made that claim.  Don’t forget ZMapp anti-ebola drug is made with GMO tobacco infused with ebola filovirus.

Obama said “We have to be guided by facts, not fear…”

Fact: Barack Obama signed an executive order activating Department of Defense Reserve units, and deployed 4-thousand combat troops to western Africa, declaring EVD was a matter of national security.  That sounds like fear mongering to me!

Fact: Florida, Illinois, New Jersey and New York state governments have ordered mandatory quarantines for anybody coming from ebola hot zones overseas, sounds like fear mongering to me! (realize that if somebody got off a plane, and was infected, that means the airliner’s air circulation system along with all other passengers and crew could be infected as well. So why not quarantine everybody, mister Cuomo, Christie, Scott and Quinn?)

Fact: Even CDC officials realized they don’t know squat about this new strain of ebola.  They’ve changed their ‘protocols’.  Front line medical personnel, and even the governors of New Jersey and New York, question the competency of the exalted CDC.  Frontier Airlines expressed frustration over what they should do with the airliner that was contaminated by the infected nurse, because the CDC doesn’t know what to do with it! (on 15 October the CDC finally issued “interim guidelines” for airlines)

Fact: It’s government officials, including Barack Obama, who are doing the fear mongering!

Update, 25 October 2014: Get sick, lose all your possessions!

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: Renovations reveal U.S. park is nuke disaster area! Woods Hole confirms Fukushima radiation heading to North America!

22 October 2014 (14:22 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/30 Mehr 1393/29 Jia-Xu 4712

United States: What does a 1994 U.S. Department of Energy memo say is the best treatment for tritium exposure?  Water, lots and lots of water.  Is that the real reason the U.S. military suddenly (in the mid-1990s) adopted a policy of “Drink water!” for ground troops?

In Louisiana, a nuclear disaster drill was held (one of dozens that have been held across the U.S. this year) and it involved a nuke waste truck heading to New Mexico’s WIPP, and a school bus.  The area was chosen because WIPP waste trucks actually drive that route: “We actually transport radiation. It’s materials left over from the production of nuclear weapons. So it’s how to respond to radiation should it occur. And it’s different in the chemical aspect because you can’t see it taste it or smell it.”-Bobby St. John, Waste Isolation Pilot Project

In Seattle, Washington, residents near Magnuson Park are outraged after learning the popular park is actually contaminated with radiation left over from the Second World War.   Renovations of two buildings revealed radium contamination.  When some local news sources heard the rumor, and then went to the park, they found  Washington State Department of Ecology employees with geiger counters.  The state employees said the radiation levels were OK for a person to be in the area for two hours per day, five days per week.  One politician is pissed: “Totally unacceptable. It’s a gross injustice to say we’re going to call this safe and cleaned up when future children using the park will be at risk of getting cancer.

…..How many of you have children or high school students who use the park more than two hours a day?”-Gerry Pollet, state representative

Canada: U.S. based Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is now warning that Fukushima radiation, still flooding into the Pacific Ocean, is about to come ashore on North America.

On 02 August 2014, a water sample taken off the coast of British Columbia, Canada, showed cesium-134 and 137 originating from the GE designed disaster reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.  Woods Hole officials will reveal more at a public announcement in November: “There is definitely offshore Fukushima cesium now. It’s not on the beaches, but it’s offshore.”– Ken Buesseler

Japan: Continuos tropical storms and cyclones are flooding contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean.  Phanfone and Vongfong have increased leaked cesium levels to 251-thousand becquerels per liter, tritium as high as 150-thousand bq, and strontium to 1.2-million bq!

And soon they’ll be even more, as Tokyo Electric Power Company has begun controlled demolition of reactor building 1.  The problem is TEPCo tried that last year with reactor building 3 and the result was massive contamination of rice fields due to radioactive dust being spread by the demolition.

This time TEPCo officials say before they remove the protective canopy from reactor 1 building they will spray down the interior with chemicals to try and reduce the amount of dust.

A former news anchor for Japanese state TV revealed he was fired for reporting the truth about Fukushima Daiichi: “I am a newscaster, but I couldn’t tell the true story on my news program.  I was on the ground in Fukushima, and a lot of people kept asking me, why didn’t you tell us earlier about what is happening? ….then my superiors said the NHK was getting complaints from politicians about what I was saying. They told me I had to stop.”-Hori Jun, former anchor-reporter for NHK

Russia: Studies aboard the International Space Station are showing that cosmic radiation is not as big a threat to astronauts as first thought: “This finding is crucial to the planning of protracted space flights. It means in practical terms we can fly longer and go further.”-Vyacheslav Shurshakov, Institute of Medical-Biological Problems

Why does Rudolph’s nose glow?

Martial Law Japan: Security cameras used to make false arrests! Proof psychological stress causes people to confess to things they never did!

17 October 2014 (21:46 UTC-07 Tango 16 October 2014)/22 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/25 Mehr 1393/24 Jia-Xu 4712

NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) reporting that the use of public security cameras in Japan are actually resulting in increased numbers of false arrests!

Lazy police are arresting innocent people and detaining them for as long as several weeks (one innocent man was held for 300 days!), until a more thorough observation of the video was made.  Police making the arrests are only watching part of the videos before they jump to conclusions about who did the crime.

One woman told how she was held for seven days, and was at the point of confessing to the crime because she thought it would get her out of jail.  This proves that even psychological stress can cause innocent people to confess to crimes they never committed!   Higher ranking police finally watched the entire security camera video and concluded that a man had committed the crime the woman was accused of.   The crime was committed right before she walked into camera view, the arresting police missed the earlier part of the video because they were fast forwarding!  It also helped that physical evidence was found.

Another big problem is that police are not connecting video time codes with the time that the crimes took place, which would help stop false arrests.

Apparently in Japan security camera video is now being handled by police as tangible evidence, which it is not.

Many innocent people wind up in court before they’re finally found innocent.

This proves that police are either lazy, incompetent or criminals themselves!


Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: Why does Rudolph’s nose glow? Because Santa’s Reindeer are radioactive! Why is Japan getting hit with so many hurricanes + earthquakes? EPA confirms airborne radiation at the WIPP! Nuke waste shipments on hold for two more years, or more!

11 October 2014 (16:40 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/19 Mehr 1393/18 Jia-Xu 4712

United States: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirmed that some radiation escaped into the air around the failed Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) in New Mexico, but claims “The public doses were well below EPA’s standards.”

EPA also criticized the Department of Energy’s (DoE) air monitoring system: “EPA identified a number of areas needing improvement regarding DOE’s ambient environmental air sampling network, laboratory procedures and incident response protocols.”

More revelations out of WIPP.  DoE has revealed that one reason why the investigation and clean up is taking so long is that the main means of transportation down the 655 meter (2150 feet) shaft is broken!   DoE officials are trying to make it sound like it had nothing to do with the salt truck fire back on 05 February 2014, but that just happens to be the day the massive elevator stopped working.

DoE officials claim the hoist system stopped working because of soot accumulation on the electrical components.  Just more proof it was a massive fire.

WIPP is now affecting the state of South Carolina.  The Savannah River Site (SRS) has been told that nuclear waste shipments to the WIPP are on hold until at least 2016, or even longer: “Resumption of full scale operations at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant may not occur until 2019 and could cost up to $551 million, though initial operations are slated for resumption in early 2016 at a cost of about $242 million.”-DoE report

I assume this delay in nuke waste shipments also applies to LANL in New Mexico, INL in Idaho and other nuclear laboratories around the United States.

Japan:  I’ve written many times before about how heavy rain floods through the failed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear energy factory, getting contaminated and then flooding into the Pacific Ocean.  Anybody notice how many typhoons have hit Japan this year?  So far there have been 19 western Pacific typhoons, at least four hit Japan directly, and at least two came close enough to cause flooding in Japan.

Now, this years largest typhoon Vongfong (now rated category 6 supertyphoon) is heading to the big islands of Japan.  The current expected track of the supertyphoon will take it right over Fukushima Daiichi, it is expected to be downgraded by then.  On top of that, northeastern Japan was just hit by yet another 6.3 earthquake (followed by a 5.5 quake), in Amoroi Prefecture 400km (248.5 miles) north of Fukushima Daiichi!

About a week prior, Iwate Prefecture (also north of Fukushima Daiichi) got hit with a 5.3 quake.  About two weeks ago Fukushima Prefecture got hit with 5 and 5.1 quakes. About one month ago Iwate Prefecture got hit with a 5.1 quake.  That same month Fukushima Prefecture got hit with multiple 4 magnitude quakes.  About two months ago Fukushima and Iwate prefectures got hit with multiple 4 magnitude quakes.  Three months ago Fukushima Prefecture suffered a 6.5 quake and Iwate a 5.7 quake, on top of numerous 4 magnitude quakes.    There hasn’t been a month in 2014 when Fukushima or Iwate prefectures hadn’t experienced a single 4 to 6 magnitude earthquake.   In fact, the big island of Honshu has been racked by 4 to 6 magnitude quakes all year.

The German news source DW interviewed Michael Maqua, who works for pro-nuke GRS (Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit).  He gave typical assurances that nothing will happen at Fukushima Daiichi when Vanfong hits, but gave this warning: “Apart from physical damages to construction equipment, we could expect radioactive isotopes from contaminated surfaces being washed away and transported into the groundwater or the sea. Over the past days, the concentration of radioactive substances in the groundwater has increased significantly at some of the plant’s measuring points and, according to TEPCo, this was caused by the recent heavy rains.” 

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) has run out its latest unsecured debt financing, and hasn’t paid it off.  No problem, the Japanese government convinced the three banks to simply refinance TEPCo for another six months.  Those Too Big to Jail banks are Sumitomo Mitsui Banking, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking.

It was revealed that not only has TEPCo failed to pay many of their throwaway workers promised hazard pay, but some of those that did get paid got a whopping $36 USD!  TEPCo had promised $180 per day in hazard pay.

Canada: The Canadian national government has ordered nuclear power plant operators to provide all residences, businesses and institutions living within 16km (10 miles) radius of nuke factories potassium iodide pills.   The decision was made by the Nuclear Safety Commission.  Back in June the NSC advised Canadians to stockpile iodide pills.

Norway: Scientists are alarmed over a sudden 5 times increase in radiation levels contaminating reindeer!

In September the reindeer had 82-hundred becquerels of celsium-137 per kilo.  Compare that to 2012 when they had 1500bq.

It’s not just reindeer but sheep as well, some have tested out at 4500bq!  600bq is the max limit considered safe to eat.  But Norway isn’t blaming Fukushima Daiichi, they’re blaming the 30 years old Chernobyl disaster.

Scientists claim that the gypsy mushroom is soaking up radiation contamination caused by Chernobyl after the 1986 meltdown: “This year, there has been extreme amounts of mushroom. In addition, the mushroom season has lasted for a long time. And the mushroom has grown very high up on the mountains.”-Lavrans Skuterud

Norway is 1686.5km (1048 miles) by air from Chernobyl.  This proves that nuclear accidents never go away!

“…you are killing us…!”

World War 3: Japan & U.S. create “Grey Zone” war zones! Vague justifications for war with China!

08 October 2014 (12:27 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/16 Mehr 1393/15 Jia-Xu 4712

The defense departments of United States and Japan just concluded another round of war planning, and the main focus seemed to be the fleshing out of what they’ve been calling Grey Zones.

These are described as non-combative “infringement” upon geographic areas  and air space that are in dispute as to who has legal control, or any non-combative ‘perceived’ infringement against “national security”.  Basically these so called Grey Zones could be used as justification for war with China.

Sun Tzu (Sun Zi) once taught that when a country becomes weak internally they compensate by saber rattling, or even going to war.

The Japan-U.S. Grey Zone excuse as been in the planning for years now, initiated by Japan, and it is aimed directly at China.  Defense planners have openly blamed the need for such saber rattling on the economic demise of the United States: “Based upon a strategic assessment that portrays the US in relative decline and international public goods (the high seas, including exclusive economic zones, airspace, outer space and cyberspace) deteriorating, Japan has placed new emphasis on developing its own capability to deter China in the ‘gray zones’ of disputed territories and waters near its southern island chain.”-JAPAN’S 2010 NATIONAL DEFENSE PROGRAM GUIDELINES: COPING WITH THE “GREY ZONES”, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies April 2011

U.S. and Japanese military officials say they will publicize a new finalized defense cooperation agreement by the end of 2014.  It appears Japan is adopting the vague U.S. excuse of ‘national security’ for their war plans.

‘Security’ is a vague intangible concept.  What makes one person feel secure makes another person feel insecure.  Nearly half the people of the United States are against owning of guns by fellow citizens, which actually violates a primary Constitutional Right of being a U.S. citizen.  The anti-gun half of the U.S. population constantly state that they would feel more ‘secure’ if guns were banned, except when it comes to guns for the sadistic police.

The other half of U.S. citizens point out that the sole reason why the founders of the United States made the radical and still Revolutionary decision to allow gun ownership by citizens was precisely for maintaining ‘security’ of not only individuals, but for the entire country and even against those sadistic cops!

World War 3: Doctor reports unknown illness among Syrian refugees?

06 October 2014 (11:07 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/14 Mehr 1393/13 Jia-Xu 4712

Japan’s NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) recently interviewed a Japanese Red Cross Society doctor who just returned from a refugee camp in the city of Dohok, Iraq.

The doctor, Suzuki Takao, talked about how NGOs trying to help the refugees are continually shuffled around by government officials, being given excuses why they aren’t allowed to visit this or that refugee camp.  There are now half a million Syrian refugees living in the camp at Dohok.  Suzuki also stated that there is no refugee ‘camp’ in Dohok.  Japanese Red Cross video shows that Syrians have taken over school buildings, and apartment buildings that are still under construction, basically living anywhere they can.  Suzuki also reported that 100% of the refugees are suffering from an unknown, possibly psychological illness: “Hundred percent all of them psychologically they are affected……the patients say ‘Oh I got a headache, oh I got a stomach ache, oh I got a lumbar ache’…you have to listen to them…you have to help them!”

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: “…you are killing us…!” Incompetence & conspiracy at WIPP & LANL! National Security violations by LANL! EMP weapons revealed, to be used on you! Preps for war, or disaster? Japan doubles the number of radiation centers! They’re dropping like flies!

29 September 2014 (01:54 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu l-Hijja 1435/07 Mehr 1393/06 Gui-You (9th month) 4712

“It’s concerning that just a couple months ago, the scope of the problem was presented to us as one drum.  Now the scope being represented by the lab involves more high risk drums.”-Peter Wirth, state senator & chairman of New Mexico’s Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Committee

United States:  More strangeness taking place at New Mexico’s WIPP and LANL.  On  22 September 2014, a truck carrying 110 barrels of salt water to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) tipped over as it entered the south entrance, spilling “about a five and a half barrels” of salt water.  The driver claims the brakes failed.

But recently released reports and public hearings revealing more dangerous strangeness.  During a recent meeting of the New Mexico Legislature’s Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee it was revealed that the employees of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) might have been improperly packing mixed waste drums for some time now, in other words there’s more than one nuke waste drum out there with the potential to explode!

“There are two problematic drums, one of which they can’t even get at.  So if it were to explode, that’s a problem.”-Don Hancock, Southwest Research and Information Center

In February (after a salt truck fire), at least one mixed waste drum exploded.  So far investigations have shown it contained improperly packed items contaminated with radiation, which caused a chemical reaction explosion (it had reached internal temps of 340 and 870 degrees Celsius, 644 and 1598 degrees Fahrenheit).  The drum came from LANL.  The latest reports reveal that at least twelve drums in the WIPP are at risk of explosion!  And six potentially explosive drums are now at the Waste Control Specialists (WCS) site in Andrews, Texas.  They all came from LANL.

The state senators chairing the Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee told local news media that at their latest meeting with the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), federal officials admit there are serious safety problems at WIPP, but they still don’t have a clue as to why things got so bad.  At least 22 employees are contaminated with radiation.  WIPP is still shutdown.

“We need air, you are killing us down here!”-WIPP employees begging for their lives during the salt truck fire, from court documents

Now concerning the salt truck fire that took place before the explosion(s?).  A lawsuit revealed that for some unknown reason the WIPP managers shutdown the ventilation system after the fire started, and while employees were still underground battling the blaze!

The lawsuit is the one brought by the WIPP employee who has to make numerous trips to a treatment center in Colorado.  The lawsuit includes sworn affidavits from other WIPP employees, including the driver of the salt truck.  They swear that while they were fighting the underground fire WIPP management shutoff their supply of air.   This is why the one employee suffered massive lung damage, from inhaling toxic smoke.

Perhaps management thought by turning off the air they could starve out the fire, however they could have also suffocated all the employees underground!  The affidavit says management never turned the ventilation back on, despite the pleas of the employees.  Also the emergency lights, alarms and even the fire extinguishers failed to work!

And the new contractor in charge of WIPP records is causing an uproar.  Rumors spread that Technical and Field Engineering (TFE) was about to secretly move all WIPP-DoE documents out of the state.  The president of the Tennessee based company recently swore to the Carlsbad Department of Development that they were not moving WIPP records out of state.  TFE is being paid $24.5-million U.S. tax dollars to ‘manage’ all WIPP-DoE documentation/records over the next five years.   It also appears that TFE will layoff employees.

It’s been revealed by Weapons Complex Monitor that there’s been a shakeup of the management at LANL.  This is part of a change in DoE policy, and officials from New Mexico say it’s about time: “The New Mexico Environment Department had been pushing DoE to make this change for a long time.”

The watchdog group known as Los Alamos Study Group accuses LANL contractor Los Alamos National Security of violating Nuclear National Security laws: “The reason this change is happening is because Los Alamos National Security errors shutdown WIPP.
This event has shed a glaring light on dangerous violations of hazardous waste law…..has been clear for a long time….the problems at LANL go deeper than a few individuals.”-Greg Mello

Now for something different: The U.S. Navy has developed new electromagnetic weapons!

In the state of Washington the USN is about to use such weapons in a war game.  It involves 15 aircraft and three RV sized trucks housing the EMP weapons.  The testing will be conducted on the Olympic National Forest and on land controlled by the U.S. Department of Natural Resources.

Officials with the  Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range revealed that the true objective of the EMP trucks is to test the effects of electromagnetic weapons on humans: “….identifies the distribution of children and locations of schools, childcare centers, and family housing areas in areas potentially affected by implementation of the Proposed Action.

Human tissue is directly susceptible to shock or burns when metallic objects, which have absorbed high electromagnetic radiation, are touched.  This type of burn would be similar to the type of burn produced inside a microwave oven.

There are no conclusive direct hazards to human tissue as a result of electromagnetic radiation.  Links to DNA fragmentation, leukemia, and cancer due to intermittent exposure to extremely high levels of electromagnetic radiation are speculative; study data are inconsistent and insufficient at this time.

Strong electromagnetic radiation can cause fire if a wave were to create a spark near explosives or ordnance. Strong waves can also induce an electric current capable of overloading or destroying electrical equipment while less strong radiation waves can interfere with electromagnetic signals, such as radio, television, and telephone.”-Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range statement available in PDF on U.S. Forest Service website

The USN is also going to target animals.  You can find that info in the PDF titled APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF SPECIES ANALYZED, EFFECTS DETERMINATIONS, AND REASONING.  It should be noted that U.S. Forest Service officials deemed the EMP testing as safe!

And more evidence the U.S. is preparing for a nuclear attack coming from the Caribbean.  For years the U.S. Army sent Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) teams to Bahamas to train the Royal Bahamas Defense Force (RBDF), officially to teach the art of bomb disposal.  This year the RBDF conducted their EOD training at Fort Irwin, California.  But the officer in charge of the Bahamian military police unit undergoing the training revealed it was really about weapons of mass destruction: “It is amazing how something as simple as water could be used to disrupt components within a weapon of mass destruction without totally destroying it, so that the possible weapon could be investigated.”-Lieutenant Andrew Bowe, RBDF military police

For years U.S. taxpayers have been funding a U.S. DoE program that has been training Caribbean Customs-Port officials in radiation contamination detection of cargo on commercial ships.

Japan:  Disturbing news out of Japan.  An investigation by Kyodo News reveals a more than doubling of hospitals that can be used to treat victims of radiation contamination!

Prior to the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi explosions there were only 83 such hospitals, now the government is increasing that to 201.  The report says the push to increase the number of hospitals for radiation contamination treatment is being conducted at the local level, however, Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) is also revamping medical procedures for treating exposure to radiation.

And there are more reports of the adverse effects of Fukushima Daiichi.  An ongoing study by Fukushima Medical University reports a huge jump in cancer cases, especially in children living near the failed GE designed nuclear reactors: “The study has been involving somewhat more than 400-thousand local children. And there have been results that have come in from about a quarter of million. We’ve had a 40 times the normal thyroid cancer death rate and a 40 times the normal or thereabout thyroid abnormality rate; cysts and tumors and other problems with the thyroid among children. And that number is going up, as you would expect, because the Iodine that came out of Fukushima affected people, but the effects continue to spread out over time and we expect the situation to get worse.”-Harvey Wasserman, U.S. journalist interviewed by Russian media

Another study, by University of the Ryukyus, is reporting that insects are dropping like flies around Fukushima Daiichi.  The study observed butterflies that ate radiation contaminated vegetation died early, and had mutations.  Biologist at the University of South Carolina called the study “groundbreaking”.

And at Fukushima Daiichi, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) continues to deal with their failed ALPS decontamination system that keeps leaking radioactive water into the ocean.  This is strange because awhile ago they announced they were not going to use it anymore.

Also, TEPCo throwaway employees continue to report they are not being paid the promised hazardous duty pay.

Cosmic rays to be used at Fukushima! Hows your underwear? 

Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: WIPP employee lawsuit! France & Idaho connection to Fukushima & WIPP! Cosmic rays to be used at Fukushima! Hows your underwear?

14 August 2014 (01:47 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Shawwal 1435/23 Mordad 1393/19 Ren-Shen 4712

Customs/Port officials in Korea, south, have discovered a shipment of scrap metal from Japan is highly radioactive.  20 kilograms (44 pounds) of scrap metal was found to be contaminated with cesium-137.  They’ve ordered the ship to return to Japan.

Officials with the district of Hong Kong, China, are refusing to lift the ban on food from five Japanese prefectures affected by the ongoing nuke disaster at Fukushima Daiichi.

In Japan‘s Fukui Prefecture nuclear power plant inspectors have discovered a new danger; seawater pumps at Takahama Nuclear Power Plant could be destroyed by tornadoes.  Kansai Electric Power Company is now trying to protect the pumps with steel plates and steel nets.

A Virginia U.S.A. company (Decision Sciences International Corporation aka DSIC) has been hired by Japan’s Toshiba to use cosmic rays to scan the melted down GE designed reactor units at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

What most people don’t understand is that nobody has been able to see what’s happening in the reactors, because the contamination levels are so high that it will kill humans, and even the electronics in robots get fried if they’re in the buildings for too long!  This is why this disaster is ongoing more than three years later (and why I believe China Syndrome is now in play).

DSIC will use two muon detectors to scan the reactors.  The detectors will be placed in a reactor building,  on opposite sides of the containment vessel.  Muons are considered harmless, but they can pass through just about anything, however their direction of travel can be altered by dense objects.  The scanners will create a 3D image that will hopefully show exactly where the mass of molten fuel rods are.   By the way, Toshiba openly refuses to say how much they’re paying DSIC for the work.

The neo-imperialist government of Japan has announced it will spend  $3-billion USD to help Fukushima Prefecture recover from the ongoing nuclear disaster, but there’s a catch.  In order to get the money the municipalities within the prefecture must agree to become nuclear waste storage sites!

The bribe comes after three years of utter failure in filtering radioactive water at Fukushima Daiichi, prompting Tokyo Electric Power Company to call it quits, almost.

The experimental and expensive (TEPCo openly refuses to say how much it cost!) filtration system was only able to operate for three months before being repeatedly shutdown for multiple problems, mainly leaks.   TEPCo says there is another problem, radiation contamination.

The filtration system is so radioactive that it has become like the melted down reactors onsite; too ‘hot’ to literally handle.  This is the true reason for the abandonment of the Areva designed filtration system, because throwaway employees cannot get near the system just to perform maintenance!  A new ‘treatment’ system is being tried, and of course all the water that goes through these systems end up in the ocean.

Areva is a French company, and this brings us to Idaho, U.S.A.

Areva is a contractor at the United States’ Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and has just ben awarded a $34-million contract to turn the INL  into a low level nuclear waste storage site.  It involves building 200 concrete nuke waste trash cans (vaults) underground.

INL and Department of Energy also held a health conference in Idaho Falls, regarding the Radiation and Worker Health Program’s scheme (Special Exposure Cohort) in determining health problems caused by radiation: “If a person who worked at INL gets cancer and feels like their cancer is due to radiation exposure they received on the job, they could file a claim in this program and our job at NIOSH is (to) attempt to reconstruct the dose, that person received while they were here. You know how much dose they could have received. Once we have done that, the Department of Labor takes that information and determines whether their cancer was more likely or not caused by the radiation exposure.”-Stuart Hinnefeld, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

It turns out that INL was chosen for the public forum because several hundreds of claims of radiation caused cancer have been filed!

A live reporter with local TV station(s) KIDK-KIFI reported that several DoE employees, and former employees, say their cancer caused by contamination claims have gone unanswered!   (It’s interesting that KIDK-KIFI did not put that info in their text version of the story, it was relayed by their live reporter)

The INL is also one of the major suppliers of nuclear waste to New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).  And speaking of WIPP, the first of what could be many lawsuits by employees has been filed.

It turns out the lawsuit was actually filed in May!  The waste handler claims he suffered several types of injuries during the salt truck fire, including inhalation of toxins.   He is one of at least a dozen people hurt during the February fire.  He is now having to travel to Colorado for undisclosed respiratory treatments.  The DoE has admitted that one worker is still undergoing treatments.  The employee stated that he’s constantly tired, and coughs and vomits “all the time”.

In United Kingdom, entrepreneur Richard Branson announced he would market radiation proof underwear.  They’re made with silver thread.  Scientist scoffed at the idea, after all if you could make radiation proof underwear then you’ve solved the problem for humans undertaking long distance space flight (with all that lethal cosmic radiation floating about).

“We’re preparing for the worst day in America.”