“What is Hell?”
“A place without peace that never gets better.”-Thai Buddism, Hell Temple proverb
For most Earthlings, their respective societies on Earth are the “place without peace that never gets better”.
“What is Hell?”
“A place without peace that never gets better.”-Thai Buddism, Hell Temple proverb
For most Earthlings, their respective societies on Earth are the “place without peace that never gets better”.
19 June 2015 (07:11 UTC-07 Tango 01)/29 Kordad 1394/02 Ramadan 1436/04 Ren-Wu (5th month) 4713
In Japan Oxycodone is illegal, declared as a highly addictive narcotic. A female U.S. citizen, and a senior executive with Toyota, is now in jail because she had Oxycodone (aka Roxicodone, OxyContin, Oxecta, OxyIR, Endone, Oxynorm) sent into Japan from the U.S. state of Michigan.
But wait, it was not a case of not understanding Japanese law, because the package was marked “necklaces”! It should also be noted that Japanese customs inspectors seemed to be on the look-out for the package, implying that this was not the first time the U.S. executive has done this.
The female executive worked for anti-gun Pepsi and job destroying General Motors prior to joining Toyota. Toyota administrators have publicly apologized for the scandal.
Oxycodone is also illegal in Singapore.
In United Kingdom possession of Oxycodone without a prescription, is a crime.
12 June 2015 (17:52 UTC-07 Tango 01)/22 Kordad 1394/24 Sha’ban 1436/26 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713
“The world should brand the scheme of the U.S……as the gravest challenge to peace and hideous crime aimed at genocide.”-National Defence Commission, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
The DPRK (Korea north) is accusing the supposed mistaken shipments of live weaponized anthrax from the United States (since 2005) to be part of an operation called Jupiter Plan. The DPRK has asked the UN Security Council to investigate.
According to news reports out of Republic of Korea (RoK, Korea south) not only has weaponized anthrax been sent out by Utah, but so has a deadly version of botulinum toxin type A (aka botulism or botox)!
I’ve discovered it’s called the JUPITR ATD Program, run by the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Chemical Biological Center. JUPITR stands for Joint USFK (United States Forces Korea) Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition. ATD stands for Advanced Technology Demonstration. Officially it’s supposed to study how to better detect bio-weapons like anthrax and ebola, that for some reason U.S. administrators think will be used against Korea: “The idea behind the JUPITR is ….biosurveillance…..already being embraced by our allies in Australia and Great Britain, obviously USFK [U.S. Forces Korea]“-Peter Emanuel, U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
JUPITR ATD site in Korea.
Today the Obama regime’s Department of Defense (DoD) has revealed that live weaponized anthrax from Utah’s Dugway Proving Ground was shipped to Camp Zama in Japan, in 2005.
It should be noted that infamous Japanese terror group Aum Shinrikyo (the ones who launched a chemical weapons attack in a Tokyo subway in 1995) stockpiled anthrax and ebola! That terror group is still alive and well. By 2007 Aum Shinrikyo split into two sub-groups; Aleph and Hikari no Wa. In January 2015 Japan’s Public Security Examination Commission claimed they had the groups under surveillance. It’s estimated that the number of people who’ve joined Aum Shinrikyo, since the 1995 chemical attack, is more than 2-thousand.
The number of laboratories that got live anthrax has been increased to 69. Anthrax was also shipped to a privately run lab in United Kingdom, in 2007. Government administrators refuse to reveal the name of the lab.
It was also revealed that Dugway Proving Ground was caught (by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) shipping live anthrax in 2007, but nothing was done to stop it! The CDC report said personnel at Dugway knew the anthrax was alive when they shipped it out!
I found a November 2000 DoD press release (DoD Stops Anthrax Shots for Troops in Korea) announcing that the Bush regime OKd the halting of anthrax vaccinations for U.S. military personnel in Republic of Korea: “We want to conserve our supplies….”-Ken Bacon, Bush regime Pentagon spokesman
Pentagon’s anthrax math doesn’t add up!
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an Ashen Horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
11 June 2015 (01:12 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Kordad 1394/23 Sha’ban 1436/25 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713
“China is where all the growth in oil, gas and coal is going to be coming from.”-Lin Boqiang, PetroChina consultant
“China is the third country to achieve shale gas production capacity after the U.S. and Canada.”-Zhai Gangyi, Oil & Gas Resources Survey Center
For years we’ve been told China has no petroleum, but a new oil survey says otherwise.
The China Shale Gas Resources Survey says China is sitting on 25-trillion cubic meters of natural gas. That’s 6-trillion more than what the United States is sitting on!
The Chinese government is already spending millions of USD developing the shale fields. China’s state-owned Sinopec is already extracting the gas: “We produce 20 to 40 cubic meters of shale gas every day. That meets just about 50 thousand household’s energy demand for one day.”-Ouyang Liming, Jianghan Oilfield 2nd Shale Gas Platform
Analysts point out that most of China’s shale petroleum is inside mountains, and China does not have the water resources that the United States has. However, Chinese scientist are trying to create waterless fracking technology.
So what part of China has the most petroleum? Why, the very region where China is stealing land from the native Uygur Muslims.
The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is being turned into a massive energy hub. Not only does it have the most natural gas, it also has the most oil and coal of all the territories controlled by China. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that 40% of China’s petroleum reserves are in the Uygur region.
By the end of this year Uygur natural gas production is expected to hit 30.5-billion cubic meters. There’s so much natural gas in the area that U.S. based General Electric (GE) is building nine small-scale LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) plants.
Not only is the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region sitting on a lot of oil, but according to PetroChina consultant Lin Boqiang “…all the imported resources from Central Asia, oil and gas, go through Xinjiang and then get distributed from there.”
This massive new oil production and transportation system is what President Xi Xinping is talking about when he mentions “The New Silk Road”.
Operation Pacific Pathways: Obama preps for war with China
Ebola? More likely it’s about all that new found oil
Who buys Islamic State oil? Israel, Jordan, Turkey, United States
ready to invade Syria… It’s about the oil!
Africa? IMF says it’s all about the oil, baby!
Another $1.3-billion for Afghan oil!
Red Horse, Leviathan & the real reason for War with Iran!
White Horse, Black Horse & controlling the international oil market (the Beast).
More proof it’s about the Oil, not civilians, in Libya
28 April 2015 (13:40 UTC-07 Tango 01)/08 Ordibehesht 1394/09 Rajab 1436/10 Geng Chen (3rd month) 4713
“The fire is at a distance of 15 to 20 kilometers [9 to 12 miles] from Chernoby!“-Maya Rudenko, employee at the still deadly Chernobyl
Just weeks after a new study warns of a potential nuclear disaster, a forest fire is now spreading deadly radiation across north eastern Europe, before eventually turning to blow across Russia before crossing the Pacific. A forest fire has erupted inside the no go zone (exclusion zone) around the ongoing nuclear disaster known as Chernobyl.
Chernobyl is located in Ukrainian territory and has been highly radioactive ever since a catastrophic nuclear accident in 1986. The forest around the entombed nuclear reactor is so large it extends into Belarussian territory, and now consists of trees that grew up absorbing high doses of radiation, now they’re burning out of control!
At the beginning of April the Ecological Society of America published the results of their study, Fire evolution in the radioactive forests of Ukraine and Belarus: future risks for the population and the environment, which warns of just such a scenario: “…..Eastern Europe are characterized by large, highly fire-prone patches that are conducive to the development of extreme crown fires. Since 1986, there has been a positive correlation between extreme fire events and drought in the two contaminated regions. Litter carbon storage in the area has doubled since 1986 due to increased tree mortality and decreased decomposition rates; dead trees and accumulating litter in turn can provide fuel for wildfires that pose a high risk of redistributing radioactivity in future years. Intense fires in 2002, 2008, and 2010 resulted in the displacement of 137Cs [cesium 137] to the south; the cumulative amount of 137Cs re-deposited over Europe was equivalent to 8% of that deposited following the initial Chernobyl disaster. However, a large amount of 137Cs still remains in these forests, which could be remobilized along with a large number of other dangerous, long-lived, refractory radionuclides. We predict that an expanding flammable area associated with climate change will lead to a high risk of radioactive contamination with characteristic fire peaks in the future. Current fire-fighting infrastructure in the region is inadequate….”
This latest disaster involving Chernobyl should be proof enough to the nuclear nabobs in Japan who still think nuclear power is safe. The trees around Fukushima are contaminated for decades to come. But wait there’s more!
Despite the billions of USD spent building a new tomb around the Chernobyl reactor number 4 the Chornobyl Shelter Fund, Group of Seven and and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development today revealed that the new tomb is not complete, and is especially vulnerable to fire. Yep, a forest fire!
The project to encase Chernobyl #4 in new stronger concrete and steel was supposed to be completed this year, but administrators now say they need another $674-million to complete.
There are three other reactors at Chernobyl, all are supposed to be shutdown or undergoing shutdown. It was revealed three years after Reactor 4’s explosion that Reactor 1 also suffered meltdown, back in 1982!
23 April 2015 (09:17 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Ordibehesht 1394/04 Rajab 1436/05 Geng Chen (3rd month) 4713
Massive wild fires in Siberia, Russia, have been smoking out the Pacific Northwest of North America for days now. The smoke is now reaching the Atlantic Coast. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says the majority of North America is blanketed by the smoke.
The wild fires started about a couple of weeks ago, and have killed dozens of people in Siberia. If the smoke is already covering most of North America in less than two weeks, then imagine the massive radiation contamination that is still spewing from Japan’s exploded Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors! The same wind currents that bring the smoke from Siberia are bringing radiation from Fukushima. Of course, U.S. and Canadian environmental administrators have denied that high levels of radiation from Fukushima has reached North America.
Japanese news media reported that four years after the explosions at Fukushima new data has been released by the U.S. Department of the Navy. The data shows 75% of the initial radiation contamination released after the explosions actually took place several days afterward, and was released for much longer than first thought. Researchers learned that a metal used to make fuel rods, zirconium, continued overheating even after thousands of tons of water was poured into the reactors. It turns out the water actually acted as a catalyst and could have contributed to what looks like a slow burn China Syndrome, that is still ongoing.
To prove that radiation contamination is still ongoing, administrators with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) revealed yet more airborne and waterborne leaks, and admitted they knew about one leak a year ago! TEPCo says airborne radiation levels inside reactor building 1 (Fukushima #1) are so high they will kill you in one hour! They determined this after two robots sent into the building were disabled by the radiation levels.
The most recent water leaks happened this week, when all the water pumps failed. An unknown amount of contaminated water went into the Pacific Ocean.
Then there’s the leak TEPCo knew about one years ago, but said nothing until now. TEPCo described the contaminated water leak as “highly radioactive” and said it’s been pouring into the Pacific Ocean, from reactor building 2 (Fukushima #2), since April 2014!
In a possibly related story, the residence of the neo-imperialist Japanese prime minister was found to have a highly radioactive RC drone on the roof! Security personnel say nobody had been on the roof for the past month, and they don’t know how it got there. The drone was carrying a container of liquid contaminated with cesium that comes from nuclear reactors. The drone was marked with radiation warning labels.
In Takahama, a Japanese court judge has blocked the re-start of two reactors at the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant. The judge reviewed data and declared the reactors to be unsafe, and that the new national government regulations for nuclear factory safety to be insufficient. Even government administrators admit a catastrophic accident could still occur even with the new regulations. It turns out the Takahama nuke reactors, operated by Kansai Electric Power Company, are built over three earthquake fault lines!
The Journal of Ornithology has published a study that shows radiation is killing off Japanese birds. The journal Environmental Indicators published a study saying the radiation levels around Fukushima are far worse than Chernobyl.
In the U.S. state of New Mexico radiation problems continue at the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP). The DoE accuses the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory (LANL) of causing the explosions inside WIPP by improperly packing mixed nuke waste in 55 gallon drums. The DoE investigation confirmed that at least one drum exploded.
The contractor running the site has been hit with $7.3-million USD in fines! The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) effectively accused Nuclear Waste Partnership of failing across the board, from lack of maintenance programs to outright violations of DoE regulations!
To try and remedy their failed operations at WIPP, Nuclear Waste Partnership has selected a new manager to run WIPP. He was in charge of the plutonium facility at Idaho National Laboratory, and also worked at the Savannah River Site.
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has also been accused of contributing to the WIPP disaster, as it is one of the users of WIPP for nuke waste storage. Now the INL is now asking for permission to receive 2-hundred pounds of spent nuclear fuel, for the purpose of researching new ways to store and/or recycle nuke waste. Former Idaho governors Phil Batt and Cecil Andrus condemned the proposal, pointing out it would violate a 1995 deal banning nuke waste shipments into The Gem State.
Nobody can trust anything administrators say at the INL, it turns out there was a nuclear accident there six months ago, but only now was made public! It was revealed by the DoE during a local public hearing. Back in October 2014, at least one employee was contaminated during the re-packing of nuclear waste. It shutdown the New Waste Calcining Facility for several weeks.
Fukushima – WIPP – Radiation Fallout: Santa Barbara hit by giant radioactive lobsters?
17 April 2015 (15:23 UTC-07 Tango 01)/27 Farvardin 1394/28 Jumada t-Tania 1436/29 Geng Chen 4713
“I regret that today our company is not performing to the expectations of our customers, our stakeholders or our employees. Our number one priority is to do everything we can to continue to enhance our food safety and quality systems and rebuild the trust of our customers.”-Sarah Casanova
Is U.S. based McDonald’s crashing and burning in Japan?
Once considered an iconic symbol of U.S. capitalism, McDonald’s administrators say the economy is so bad in the east Asian country that they expect to lose between $210-million to $318-million USD by the end of the year (at least triple their losses last year).
Specifically, Mickey D’s administrators say the availability of quality food is becoming hard to get, at a cheap price, in Japan. Examples are problems with China based chicken meat suppliers, caught on video processing contaminated meat for McNuggets, and problems getting food supplies (like potatoes) from the United States due to Pacific Coast dock worker strikes.
So, they will shutdown 131 Japanese stores, more than 1-thousand jobs affected. Administrators also revealed they will layoff about 1-hundred jobs at their Tokyo HQ.
Even after the 131 restaurants shutdown McDonald’s will still have 2-thousand stores in Japan, and they plan to spend big money remodeling all of them.
18 February 2015 (00:41 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1436/29 Bahman 1393/30 Bing Yin (12th month) 4712
The neo-imperialist government of Japan talks big about not tolerating terrorism, but the latest pics out of North Africa and the Levant reveal that Islamic State (DAISH, al-DawlA al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-SHam[Syria]) has received fleets of brand new Toyota pickup trucks.
These are not a mish-mash of ‘stolen’ vehicles seen before but are obviously fleet ordered vehicles, being of two models of Toyota trucks outfitted similarly and with the same color paint. I suspect the fleet order was placed through the United Arab Emirates, possibly through a company known as Western Group.
I’ve identified the latest model of the diesel powered Toyota HZJ79 Landcruiser (aka Landcruiser 70, when equipped with weapons it become the Toyota Type 1 Technical) pickup truck (not sold in the U.S.) and what looks like the 2014 HiLux, 2 and 4 door pickup.
Jubilant DAISH in their brand new Ford F-350.
The Toyotas make up the bulk of the fleet ordered trucks, while smaller fleets of Japanese Nissans and U.S. made Fords can be seen (and no they’re not those stolen Fords but fleets of similar equipped and painted Fords).
You can’t feel sorry for those Japanese ‘hostages’ killed by Islamic State, after all the first one killed was an outright mercenary hired by one of the U.S.-Saudi-Israeli backed ‘rebel’ groups to train them how to fight (oh, sorry, he was a “security contractor”). The second Japanese killed was a journalist who was obviously pro-rebel and anti-Syrian government. In fact, it turns out that many of the ‘western’ hostages were already working with rebel groups when they were supposedly captured by Islamic State.
It should be noted that the U.S. military has been supplying Iraqi forces with the exact same vehicles!
U.S. created Islamic State proves Obama a bold face liar!
U.S. Army ‘loses’ $420-million worth of equipment, which turns up in the hands of Islamic State!
Who buys Islamic State oil? Israel, Jordan, Turkey, United States & Russia!
03 February 2015 (16:25 UTC-07 Tango 01)/13 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1436/14 Bahman 1393/15 Bing Yin (12th month) 4712
“Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail.”-Alex Berezow, pro-police medical state writer for USA Today (which might explain their crashing readership)
“The earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work.”-Hillary Clinton, a non-doctor candidate for president of the United States
“Sue Parents Who Didn’t Vaccinate? Absolutely.”-Dan Diamond, ass-hole contributor to Forbes
“…Infants CANT be vaccinated for the first 12 months. And even after their first round of vaccines they are not 100% safe. Not until around 4 years old (I believe, I could be wrong on the exact age) can they get fully vaccinated.”-David Cohn, response to ass-hole PQED commentary
” I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines. I’m not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. I think they are a good thing, but I think the parent should have some input. The state doesn’t own your children. Parents own the children. And it is an issue of freedom and public health.”-Rand Paul, a real doctor who just happens to also be a true elected official
I’ve seen main stream U.S. news media headlines and claims by politicians that stop short of claiming vaccinations are 100% effective, and they even imply anybody who thinks otherwise might as well be a terrorist. The following should be enough for you to question the ‘authority’ of your main stream news media, government administrators and medical industry:
“Worried about measles? If you are vaccinated, you should be…. In China, in one province, 99% of children are vaccinated but measles runs strong…..Clearly measles vaccine doesn’t work as advertised. In fact, in our own country, outbreak after outbreak has occurred in what has been called a fully vaccinated population……When my child would get measles, I’d give plenty of vitamin A and also ozone therapy. I’d run the virus out in about half the time or less…..If vaccines were the cat’s meow, why would the American government have granted vaccine makers total immunity from liability if the vaccine harms your child or you?”–Doctor Robert Rowen, Phi Beta Kappa Johns Hopkins University, University of California San Francisco medical school, American Boards of Family Practice and Emergency Medicine, Alaska State Medical Board
“A child care center in Santa Monica, California, is closed Monday after a baby contracted measles…….The child was too young to be vaccinated.“–CBS
“A California high school barred dozens of non-vaccinated students from school…Earlier this month, a school…ordered non-vaccinated children to stay home until this Thursday. And in nearby Arizona, officials in Maricopa County asked non-vaccinated students who were potentially exposed to the disease to stay home.”–Reuters
“On a first visit, Uriah’s pediatrician diagnosed flu…..Kellie and Andrew are not sure precisely when Uriah got infected because he had not been to Disneyland [ground zero for California’s measles outbreak]….It’s unusual but not impossible for a vaccinated child to catch measles…..Children usually get a second dose at age 4 to 6, before starting school….Uriah hadn’t had that second dose….”–NBC
“…here’s what’s surprising: Many of those who got sick had previously been immunized against mumps via one of the top weapons against childhood diseases: the MMR vaccine.”– National Public Radio, the report went on to say that in order for MMR vaccines to achieve a 85% to 99% success rate, 100% of the population must be vaccinated!
“…the CDC released the 2012 National and State NIS Data for Children, for ages 19 to 35 months. The report indicated that 90% of children in the U.S. are fully immunized for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR); polio; Hepatitis B and varicella…….some still wonder why we are seeing so many outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases, especially measles?“–shotofprevention.com
“Over 30 years of use, the measles vaccine has never adequately protected children. In fact, it has only made measles a more dangerous disease.
The largest measles epidemic of recent times is about to descend upon Britain. Despite the fact that 93 per cent of pre-schoolers get jabbed with the triple measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) in the UK, the Health Department has laid aside £20m to invest in a vaccination campaign aimed at seven million children aged from 5 to 16. Even those who have had true measles (which offers lifelong immunity) or have already been immunized will nevertheless be given a just-in-case booster shot.”–healthy.net
“This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies………Measles mortality graphs are enlightening and contradict the claims of Government health officials that vaccines have saved millions of lives. It is an unscientific claim which the data show is untrue. Here you will also learn why vaccinations like mumps and rubella for children are medically unethical and can expose medical professionals to liability for criminal proceedings and civil damages for administering them.”–childhealthsafety
Bilderberger vaccination program used as weapon against immigrants
MEASLES …..MONEY TO BE MADE! Operation Infectious Disease Testing Market 2014 Opportunities
21 December 2014 (04:20 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Safar 1436/30 Azar 1393/30 Bing-Zi 4712
The threats made supposedly by Korean (north) hackers against Sony were not threats against a U.S. corporation, despite such statements by U.S. news media and politicians. Sony is Japanese. Korea and Japan are mortal enemies.
In 1989 Japan’s Sony took over the U.S. movie companies Columbia and Tri-Star. Sony renamed them Sony Pictures Entertainment in 1991. In 2005 Sony took over iconic U.S. movie maker MGM.
Sony Pictures Entertainment is headquartered in California, but it is a Japanese company. Sony Pictures’ computer systems have routinely been hacked, so this latest hack job (and threats) should be of no surprise. So why are the Japanese controlled U.S. executives of Sony Pictures pissing themselves, and why are so many U.S. ‘officials’ so concerned with protecting yet another foreign corporation?