Tag Archives: japan

Fukushima massive radiation flooding Pacific! Record rain pounds Japan! Climate change can’t be stopped by humans!

10 September 2015 (00:43 UTC-07 Tango 01)/19 Shahrivar 1394/26 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/28 Yi-You 4713

“This is a scale of downpour that we have not experienced before. Grave danger could be imminent.”-Takuya Deshimaru, Japan Meteorological Agency

At 13:30 hours Japan time, in Ibaraki Prefecture a levee holding back the big Kinugawa river burst, literally washing away Joso City.  Video shows helicopters trying to rescue people from the roofs of their homes in strong winds.

Tochigi Prefecture reports more than 60 centimetres (two feet) of rain in the past 24 hours. 90-thousand people ordered to evacuate, 80 -thousand told to prepare to leave.   Kanuma City reports mudslides and missing people.  A hotel has collapsed.

Fukushima Prefecture, home of the on-going nuclear disaster known as Fukushima Daiichi, is also reporting record level rain.  This means massive amounts of radiation contamination is now flooding into the Pacific Ocean.

Saitama Prefecture reports record level of rain, more than 25% of an entire year’s worth dumped in 24 hours.  Heavy rain continues.

The current flooding is blamed on former typhoon Etau and former typhoon Kilo (Etau and Kilo are now straddling Japan’s eastern and western coastlines, dumping record levels of rain on the island country), but Japan has been hit by several big tropical storms this year. Back in 1996 researchers Nobuo Mimura and Eiichi Kawaguchi predicted Japan would be hit by flooding and a rise in the ocean level, and they were not taking into account the melting of the polar ice caps.

A 2013 study warned Japan that it only takes a small rise in ocean level to have catastrophic effects when combined with tropical storms.  Japan will also suffer increased cases of liquefaction.

Another Japanese study concluded that reversing human caused pollution will have no effect on the coming radical climate changes!

Read The Japan Times article about the studies here.

Radioactive forest bursts into flames, weeks after warning 

Police State: Japan imposes national citizen tracking system called My Numbers! It’s nothing like your grandfather’s Social Security number!

07 September 2015 (21:28 UTC-07 Tango 01, 06 September 2016)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

“The future plans are wide-ranging but the initial goal is matching the global standard of a single number that stays with citizens throughout their life.”-Shigeki Morinobu,  Tokyo Foundation

The neo-imperialist government of Japan has imposed a mandatory ID (identification document) and tracking system of citizens!  It’s said to involve tracking everything from your bank account to disaster relief funding!

According to reports, the My Number system will start out focusing on tracking citizen’s bank accounts! Eventually the My Numbers system will track your health insurance, passports, vaccination records and even your day-to-day shopping trends!  Local governments have been ordered to start collecting data on their residents starting next month.

Supporters say the My Numbers system is needed to meet standards set by the evil Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Japan’s Toshiba admits to cooking the books

Corporate Evil: Japan’s Toshiba admits to cooking the books, for the past 7 years!

07 September 2015 (20:23 UTC-07 Tango 01, 06 September 2016)/16 Shahrivar 1394/23 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/25 Yi-You 4713

In a shock to Japan’s economy, Toshiba has done a one-eighty going from claiming  $1-billion USD in profits for 2014 to now saying they lost at least $314-million!

But wait, there’s more!  Toshiba administrators admit to cooking their accounting books (at least $1.89-billion USD in “accounting irregularities”) , and will review their profit statements all the way back to 2007!

Reports say the Tokyo Stock Exchange will fine Toshiba $760-thousand.  Toshiba is also appointing new executive management.

Multiple explosions hit U.S. base in Japan!

U.S. executive arrested for trafficking illegal drug in Japan! 

No more McDonald’s, Japan style?

U.S. ally Japan supplies Islamic State with convoys of new Toyotas! 

False Flag or Incompetence? Toyota continues to get hit! Insurance payouts double!

25 August 2015 (04:04 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Shahrivar 1394/10 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/12 Jia-Shen (7th month) 4713

More than a week after massive thermobaric explosions nearly destroyed the Binhai District in Tianjin, China, Japanese car maker Toyota continues to suffer economically.

Toyota is delaying the re-start of their production lines at least until the end of this week.  One report said Toyota’s Tianjin production shutdown is costing them 2-thousand 2-hundred new cars per day!

Toyota is also shutting down their Changchun factory due to lack of parts that are shipped from Japan through Tianjin.

Germany’s Volkswagen confirmed last week’s estimate of the number of VWs lost in the explosions.

French carmaker Renault is considering using ports other than Tianjin for future car shipments.

There are reports that the price of foreign cars are now skyrocketing in China.  However, United Kingdom’s Jaguar-Land Rover claims that it won’t raise prices even though there is now a waiting list for their vehicles.

Credit Suisse, of Switzerland, says expected insurance payouts have nearly doubled to $2.2-billion USD.

A Reuters reports said the Tianjin Rui Hai International Logistics warehouse explosions could be seen coming from a mile away: “More than 4-thousand people have actually died in 2-thousand 6-hundred accidents between 2009 and 2014, so this is a significant problem.”-Clare Baldwin, Reuters

Tianjin administrators even ordered Rui Hai International Logistics to review safety concerns at their warehouse the week before the explosions.  Analysts blame a combination of complicated multi-governmental agencies trying to regulate the chemical industry, with outright corruption across all levels of business and government.

Research by an Ecosocialist Feminist Revolutionary was able to connect the dots between shareholders of Rui Hai International Logistics and top Chinese government administrators.

The government of China has apparently imposed a news media blackout concerning the Shandong explosions.

Yet another chemical warehouse explodes in China! 

The latest stats:

4,460 PLA and police personnel deployed

129 people dead (mainly firefighters, police and warehouse employees)

692 wounded (confirmed 67 Toyota employees wounded, it could have been more as the majority of Toyota employees had the day off, U.S. farm vehicle maker Deere also reported wounded employees, but refused to give specific numbers)

610 people still hospitalized

number of missing reduced to 44

322 rescued

Blast radius 3km

779 buildings damaged or destroyed

More than 11-thousand new cars destroyed, area now called Tomb of Cars

Jaguar-Land Rover reports nearly 6-thousand new vehicles destroyed

1-thousand+ new Toyotas destroyed, 4-thousand 7-hundred new Toyotas damaged beyond repair

Lexus said they had 783 new cars at the port of Tianjin, but did not say they were damage, only that they would be delivered late. 

1-thousand 5-hundred new Renaults destroyed

2-thousand 7-hundred new VWs destroyed

Evacuation radius 5km

Vanke Harbor City residential area hardest hit affecting 260-thousand square meters (853-thousand square feet)

10 hectares (24.7 acres) confirmed contaminated with sodium cyanide

17-thousand families evacuated

30-thousand people directly affected

12 schools and 3 apartment buildings now evacuation shelters

False Flag or Incompetence? U.S. Army explosions’ bark worse than their bite?

24 August 2015 (19:12 UTC-07 Tango 01, 23 August 2015)/02 Shahrivar 1394/09 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/11 Jia-Shen (7th month) 4713

Very little info has been published about the explosions at the U.S. Army’s Sagami General Depot in Japan, but daytime video of the site revealed the nighttime explosions were more visually impactful than the damage they caused.

A small corrugated steel warehouse showed one big hole in the roof, and buckling on the opposite corner, otherwise it was still intact.  Japanese news media said Army representatives explained it was a warehouse storing gas cylinders and other chemicals, not the ammo depot.

Responding firefighters were ordered not to use water.

Multiple explosions hit U.S. base in Japan!

False Flag or incompetence? Multiple explosions hit U.S. base in Japan!

23 August 2015 (11:38 UTC-07 Tango 01)/01 Shahrivar 1394/08 Dhu al-Qa’dah 1436/10 Jia-Shen (7th month) 4713

I was asleep, and at first thought it might have been the roar of thunder, but then there was a sequence of explosions for 10, maybe 15 minutes. A pillar of orange rose to the skies, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.”-witness interviewed by NHK

Hours after yet another chemical warehouse exploded in China, reports and cell phone video of massive, multiple explosions at the Sagami General Depot, a U.S. Armed Forces base in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

Despite video’s posted to the internet only now is the incompetent U.S. Department of Defense responding: “We’re aware of the report, but we don’t have confirmation that the explosion occurred on the base.”-Commander Bill Urban, USN Pentagon

The U.S. Army runs the Sagami General Depot, located in Sagamihara.  Back in October 2014, the U.S. Army said it was returning 17 hectares (42 acres) of the Sagami General Depot land to Japanese control.  In July of this year Army administrators said there were plans to return more land to Japan.  The Japan Self Defense Forces are scheduled, in the near future, to share about 35 hectares (86 acres) of Sagami General Depot with the U.S. Army, as part of the Obama regime’s Operation Pacific Pathways (aka Pacific Pivot).

Japanese news sources say the explosions began about 01:00 hours, 24 August Japan time.  The audio on the video sounds just like munitions going off.

Japan news sources also say that in April the depot was bombed by a Japanese “left wing” organization.

Kanagawa Prefecture is also home to the Yakosuka U.S. Naval Base and the U.S. Naval Air Facility Atsugi, USAF Yokota Air Base and the U.S. Army’s Camp Zama.

Operation Pacific Pathways: Obama preps for war with China 

Operation Jupiter: Anthrax is the zombie disease Lazarus! U.S. supplies North Korea with anthrax making equipment! More secret anthrax drills in the U.S.!

15 July 2015 (01:32 UTC-07 Tango 01)/24 Tir 1394/28 Ramadan 1436/30 Gui-Wie 4713

“Come here right now, with all the 535 members of the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as the imbecile secretaries and deputy secretaries of the government who have made their voices hoarse screaming for new sanctions!”-DPRK National Defense Commission

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea demanding that the U.S. Congress and even Barack Obama come and visit their so called anthrax lab.  The accusation was made by U.S. operative James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

But now there are new hypocritical accusation against Korea, north; Koreans are being used as guinea pigs for anthrax testing, accusations from a North Korean who defected in the 1990s.

Here’s some interesting revelations, in the same pics that James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies used to accuse North Korea of making anthrax, they admit that there are bottles made by U.S. companies Merck and Sigma-Aldrich, as well as equipment made in other countries but banned from sale to DPRK!  See the report and pics here.

The fact that U.S. companies have been selling banned equipment capable of producing anthrax to North Korea explains why the U.S. Army considered South Korea the most likely place for a military sized anthrax attack, thus justifying their JUPITR ATD program.

In the U.S. state of Montana, lab results are pending for the mysterious deaths of 19 bison on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation.  However, health administrators are now saying they do not suspect anthrax simply because they have no evidence.  Another however, as it was discovered one lab result was completed, but administrators refused to comment on the results.

The state of Minnesota has joined the growing list of mid-west states preparing for an anthrax outbreak.  It’s been revealed that at the end of June a massive drill was held at three locations including the Saint Michael-Albertville High School.  Scarce news reports (for some reason pics of the event are not loading on the webpage) said it was meant to simulate biological warfare in which 18-thousand people were infected!  It involved 18 counties, involving 1-hundred volunteers as well as emergency responders from six counties who were designated for mass medications dispensing!

Speaking of drills, many ‘conspiracy theorists’ have been reporting U.S. military drills in which the ‘enemy’ are zombies.  My research indicates the zombie drills and the ‘bungled’ anthrax shipments, along with JUPITR ATD coincide.  The zombie connection comes from a scientist who says he’s discovered anthrax is not only damned hard to kill, but it can comeback to life years after it has been ‘killed’!

Arizona geneticist Paul Keim calls it the Lazarus Effect: “Perhaps in those trillions of spores with their broken DNA, there were a few of them that managed to repair their DNA. Not right away, but perhaps over a matter of storage over weeks, months or even years. Perhaps a very, very small number of those spores resurrect themselves from death and start to grow.”  

Geneticist call the ability of DNA to re-grow after it’s been killed “recombination”.  Read the interview here (you can even listen to the Arizona Public Radio interview).

The Daily Beast uncovers covert bomb making at Dugway in Utah!  

Dozens killed since 4th of July!

Operation Jupiter: SOFA investigates Osan FedEx delivery! Anthrax hits Fort Belknap Reservation? Dozens killed since 4th of July!

13 July 2015 (23:29 UTC-07 Tango 01, 12 July 2015)/22 Tir 1394/26 Ramadan 1436/28 Gui-Wie 4713

“One thing we want to rule out would be anthrax.”-Marty Zaluski, Montana Department of Livestock

Health administrators in the U.S. state of Montana are now concerned that the mystery deaths of dozens of bison on Native American reservations could be caused by anthrax, after the Canadian province of Saskatchewan confirmed that anthrax is killing bison in the Great White North.

Local news reports say more than one dozen bison on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation died suddenly around the 4th of July.  The tribe was given the bison in 2013, after they were cleared of possible brucellosis infection.  In 2008, 3-hundred commercially raised bison died in Montana because of anthrax.

At the end of 2014, the South Dakota Animal Industry Board confirmed that bison in that state were being killed by anthrax.  The deaths began in July 2014 and seemed to involve only unvaccinated bison.  North Dakota and Texas also reported livestock infected with Bacillus anthracis in 2014.

In Republic of Korea (RoK) the Seoul-Washington Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Joint Committee is now overseeing a Joint Working Group (JWG) investigation into why FedEx delivered live weaponized anthrax to the U.S. Forces Korea Osan air base, back in April.

This sounds more like a cover up operation because the SOFA committee is comprised of 20 smaller sub-committees.  And the JWG itself will be made up of representatives from defense, foreign, health, agriculture and food ministries, microbiologists, plus private attorneys.

U.S. Forces Korea claims they destroyed the anthrax shipment delivered to Osan.

India is hard hit by an anthrax outbreak that is killing both livestock and humans.

In Koraput district at least six people have died and 15 are confirmed infected with anthrax (up to 30 people showing sings of infection) after eating beef infected with anthrax, back in June.

In Simdega district, a 23 years old woman was admitted to the Simdega sadar hospital back in June.  She tested positive for anthrax.  However another person, who died and was suspected of being infected with anthrax, tested negative.  Health administrators said at least 19 people were infected in the district’s Thetaitangar block.

Canada signs Anthrax deal with United States!

Operation Jupiter: Bison dying of Anthrax! North Korea joins the Game? Canada signs Anthrax deal with United States!

10 July 2015 (19:31 UTC-07 Tango 01, 09 July 2015)/19 Tir 1394/23 Ramadan 1436/25 Gui-Wie 4713

Nine Bison have died in the North American British empire country of Canada.  Health administrators in the province of Saskatchewan have confirmed that two of them died from anthrax, and the other seven are suspected of being infected. It’s being blamed on the weather but NATO member Canada is one of several countries shipped live weaponized bacillus anthracis from Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, United States.

Back in December, anthrax attacked a domestic cattle herd in Saskatchewan.  Tests showed the anthrax spores were in the hay the cows were eating, several cows died.

It should be noted that a U.S. NIH biodefense contractor, Immunovaccine Incorporated (formerly Rhino Resources), has signed a deal with Canadian vaccine maker PharmAthene.  The deal, which could be worth as much as $50-million CAD to the Canadian company, is focused on developing a new vaccine against anthrax using the patented DepoVax system.  Apparently the old vaccines are no longer viable.  Immunovaccine Incorporated revealed that they’ve already tested anthrax vaccines on 7-hundred people within the U.S.

The Obama regime’s Department of Defense has revealed yet another NATO member who got live anthrax; Italy.  So far Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea and United kingdom have been shipped live anthrax from Utah via commercial shippers. Note that all are NATO Members or Partners, and are involved in the JUPITR ATD program.

News reports out of east Asia say the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is creating weaponized anthrax inside pesticide factories. The source of the info is actually a U.S. operative known as the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, and the pesticide factory is the Pyongyang Bio-technical Institute: Analysis of the images reveals that the facility can produce regular, military-sized batches of biological weapons, specifically anthrax.”

And we’re supposed to be surprised by this ‘revelation’?  Can you say; No shit, Sherlock!  Isn’t it highly hypocritical for U.S. operatives to accuse another country of possibly being able to make weaponized anthrax, when it’s the U.S. that’s been actively shipping weaponized anthrax around the World since at least 2005?!  This is more likely an attempt by the United States to distract from its on going JUPITR ATD programs, which originally focused on Korea.

Here’s an update on the anthrax outbreak in India.  The Animal Husbandry Department of Chikkaballapur district confirmed animals are dying of anthrax. They’ve ordered all veterinarians to report suspected deaths caused by anthrax. To give you an idea how bad naturally occurring anthrax is: “… the bacteria will kill the animal, but will also leave spores. These spores, if exposed to air, will survive for over 40 years and may cause infection in healthy animals and can be a risk to human health. Hence, after an outbreak is confirmed, animals within a radius of 10 km should be vaccinated.”-P T Sreenivas, Animal Disease Surveillance

“The owners may sell the dead animal without knowing the potential danger it poses; this is wrong. The animal has to be buried at a depth of 15 feet. All equipment used to carry the animal, like rope and logs, should also be buried and covered in lime to stop the spread of infection.”-Dr Gayathri, Animal Disease Surveillance

Back in Canada this is how the news media is warning residents: “Ruminants such as bison, cattle, sheep and goats, are highly susceptible, and horses can also be infected. While swine, birds and carnivores are more resistant to infection, farm dogs and cats should be kept away from carcasses.

The carcass of any animal suspected of having anthrax should not be moved or disturbed and should be protected from scavengers to ensure the spores from spreading.

Officials say anyone who suspects anthrax should contact their veterinarian immediately for diagnosis, which can only be confirmed by a lab test.

Producers should use caution when handling potentially infected animals or carcasses. While animal cases pose minimal risk to humans, people can get infected through direct contact with sick animals or carcasses.”-Global News

FedEx involved! Connecticut preps with “drive thru” ops! 

Global Food Crisis: Major insurance company says prepare for World War F!

24 June 2015 (12:35 UTC-07 Tango 01)/03 Tir 1394/07 Ramadan 1436/09 Ren-Wu (5th month) 4713

F = Food

“Food security has a major influence on national and international politics. A globalised world and food system means that it is a system particularly vulnerable to governments and businesses succumbing to panic, hoarding foods or limiting exports. In the past, non-governmental/ intergovernmental organisations have measured and managed the risks faced by vulnerable populations. Now, insurance is well placed to play a large role in progress and in enhancing food production, processing and trading systems – by providing effective risk management advice and expertise, as well as risk transfer.”-Feast or Famine: Business and Insurance Implications of Food Safety and Security

Milan, Italy, is hosting the Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life expo until October.  One organization attending is the iconic British empire Lloyd’s of London who recently issued a dire warning, titled Feast or Famine: Business and Insurance Implications of Food Safety and Security.

Lloyd’s analyst warn of skyrocketing food prices and crashing economies caused by population booms, lack of water and other resources, and the threat of a new form of terrorism that targets food supplies.  The result, they say, will be food riots around the World.

As an insurance company Lloyd’s is concerned with the growing risk of providing agricultural insurance, yet is so arrogant about their service that they think insurance is “vital to increasing agricultural production”.

Another danger that Lloyd’s is pushing as the answer to all our prayers is the creation of more and more GMO crops!  (surprisingly there are a vast number of sheeple who still don’t know what GMO is)

Lloyd’s is pushing the idea of forcing everybody involved in the food supply chain to have insurance.  But how does Lloyd’s propose replacing damaged or destroyed or lost food stuffs?  With money?  If there ain’t no food it doesn’t matter how much money you have.

Idaho wheat unfit for human consumption?!

When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a Black Horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.”