12 June 2015 (17:52 UTC-07 Tango 01)/22 Kordad 1394/24 Sha’ban 1436/26 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713
“The world should brand the scheme of the U.S……as the gravest challenge to peace and hideous crime aimed at genocide.”-National Defence Commission, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
The DPRK (Korea north) is accusing the supposed mistaken shipments of live weaponized anthrax from the United States (since 2005) to be part of an operation called Jupiter Plan. The DPRK has asked the UN Security Council to investigate.
According to news reports out of Republic of Korea (RoK, Korea south) not only has weaponized anthrax been sent out by Utah, but so has a deadly version of botulinum toxin type A (aka botulism or botox)!
I’ve discovered it’s called the JUPITR ATD Program, run by the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Chemical Biological Center. JUPITR stands for Joint USFK (United States Forces Korea) Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition. ATD stands for Advanced Technology Demonstration. Officially it’s supposed to study how to better detect bio-weapons like anthrax and ebola, that for some reason U.S. administrators think will be used against Korea: “The idea behind the JUPITR is ….biosurveillance…..already being embraced by our allies in Australia and Great Britain, obviously USFK [U.S. Forces Korea]“-Peter Emanuel, U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center

JUPITR ATD site in Korea.
Today the Obama regime’s Department of Defense (DoD) has revealed that live weaponized anthrax from Utah’s Dugway Proving Ground was shipped to Camp Zama in Japan, in 2005.
It should be noted that infamous Japanese terror group Aum Shinrikyo (the ones who launched a chemical weapons attack in a Tokyo subway in 1995) stockpiled anthrax and ebola! That terror group is still alive and well. By 2007 Aum Shinrikyo split into two sub-groups; Aleph and Hikari no Wa. In January 2015 Japan’s Public Security Examination Commission claimed they had the groups under surveillance. It’s estimated that the number of people who’ve joined Aum Shinrikyo, since the 1995 chemical attack, is more than 2-thousand.
The number of laboratories that got live anthrax has been increased to 69. Anthrax was also shipped to a privately run lab in United Kingdom, in 2007. Government administrators refuse to reveal the name of the lab.
It was also revealed that Dugway Proving Ground was caught (by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) shipping live anthrax in 2007, but nothing was done to stop it! The CDC report said personnel at Dugway knew the anthrax was alive when they shipped it out!
I found a November 2000 DoD press release (DoD Stops Anthrax Shots for Troops in Korea) announcing that the Bush regime OKd the halting of anthrax vaccinations for U.S. military personnel in Republic of Korea: “We want to conserve our supplies….”-Ken Bacon, Bush regime Pentagon spokesman
Pentagon’s anthrax math doesn’t add up!
When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an Ashen Horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.