Tag Archives: israel

Religious Hypocrisy: Israel tells U.S. Jews to go away!

“The message is: Dear American Jews, thank you for lobbying for American defense aid (and what a great show you put on at the AIPAC convention every year!) but, please, stay away from our sons and daughters.”-Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic

Steven I. Weiss of the Jewish Channel broke the news; the Israeli government is launching an ad campaign in the United States, with the message ‘U.S. Jews stay out of Israel’!

“The worst part about this campaign is that it points to something deeply defective in the Israeli psyche: the notion that fear is the only motivating factor that anyone can come up with for selling the country. In this case it’s fear of assimilation, of oblivion, of erasure. It betrays a terrible insecurity.  I understand the Zionist demographic necessity of actually living in Israel, but if there were ever a chance that someone like me and my family would move there, this is not the approach to take.”-Gal Beckerman, The Jewish Daily Forward

You can watch a couple of the Israeli video ads here and here. In Hebrew the ads basically say that U.S. Jews can never relate to Israeli Jews, and Israeli Jews should stay away from U.S. Jews! Who said the Israeli Zionist Jews weren’t NAZIs?

Billboard ads have already shown up on the east and west coasts of the United States.

I wonder if the Israeli government paid for the ads with money that came from the United States?  Happy Hanukkah!


World War 3 & Media Incompetence: Government orders U.S. citizens out of Syria, Strike Force anchored off Syrian coast? A case of hopeful warmongering by the mainstream media. Remember the Spanish American War?

“The U.S. Embassy continues to urge U.S. citizens in Syria to depart immediately while commercial transportation is available.”-U.S. Embassy in Syria

On November 23, the U.S. Embassy in Syria restated a warning they’ve been giving since September 30; U.S. citizens need to leave.  CBS News reported it as if it was something new.

Then Forbes reported the United States has positioned a naval strike force, lead by the aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush (aka CVN 77), off the coast of Syria.

According to Forbes, the carrier strike group number two (COMCARSTRKGRU TWO, Commander of the Carrier Strike Group number two) had been patrolling the Strait of Hormuz, which is the narrow inlet leading from the Indian Ocean to the Persian Gulf, south of Iran.  Suddenly they were shifted, all the way round to the Mediterranean Sea.  The implication being that something is going to happen.

Forbes later updated their story saying CVN 77’s Facebook page had them in France for R&R.  Lets not forget that deals have already been made regarding French control of Syria after any war (Syria and Lebanon were controlled by France after World War 1).

On November 23, the Virginian-Pilot reported that CVN 77 was heading back home to the United States.  The home port of  USS George HW Bush is Norfolk, Virginia.

The Virginia newspaper also reported that CVN 77, along with the other ships of the strike force, had held up in the Mediterranean to “…conduct a range of operations and help maintain maritime security…”.

If a naval force, based on the east coast of the U.S., was returning from the Persian Gulf, the shortest route would be through the Strait of Hormuz, through the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Gibraltar into the Atlantic Ocean heading west to the U.S.

This seems to me to be a clear case of hopeful warmongering on the part of CBS News and Forbes.  CBS simply took a U.S. Embassy warning, that’s been issued since September 30 (unchanged even, word for word the same as on Sep. 30), and made it sound like it was something new.

Forbes took the CBS story, and a report on the position of the COMCARSTRKGRU TWO and insinuated that ‘war were declared’ (a quote from Futurama).  The position of the strike group in the Mediterranean Sea was correct, but also outdated because by the time Forbes published their story the strike group had already sailed to French ports for R&R.  The strike group is probably already in the Atlantic Ocean by now.

The sad thing is that foreign media are now running with the CBS/Forbes story.  What was that ancient warning sign about the end of the world?  “Wars, and rumors of wars”?

Don’t get me wrong, I think war is coming for Syria, especially since French warmonger Sarkozy want it, and Lebanon, back under French control.

Regarding the Spanish American War, which most people in the U.S. know nothing about it (it’s how we got Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines, etc). That war is a classic example of how the warmongering U.S. media (led by William Randolph Hearst) convinced the general public that war was the only answer, and they did it while most Federal officials worked for a peaceful solution.

A peaceful solution was reached.  Spain promised Cuba independence and made other concessions, but a U.S. Navy ship exploded while off the coast of Cuba.  The mainstream U.S. media said the back stabbing Spanish did it, even though initial USN investigation said it was an accident.  The U.S. public demanded war, and the warmongering politicians overruled the doves and ‘war were declared’.  Investigations done during the 20th Century revealed that the USN ship had indeed gone down due to faulty design, not a sneak attack by the Spanish.


World War 3: Israel says the time is now, for war with Iran. Says Obama “excelling” at supporting Israel’s military

“Let me tell you, we recommend for a long time to all players to act sincerely and intensively to…deprive them or prevent them from turning nuclear.  And we have kept recommending to all to leave no option, not to remove any option from the table.”-Ehud Barak, Defense Minister of Israel

The Chinese media is quoting Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, as pushing for war with Iran right now, because of the implications of the questionable IAEA report: “But I can tell you that the IAEA report has a sobering impact on many in the world leaders, as well as the publics, and people understand that the time had come.”

Days before the official release of the IAEA report, Israeli media stated that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak were pushing for a military strike on Iran.

The leaders of Israel are now telling the world that Iran must be stopped: “People understand now that Iran is determined to reach nuclear weapons.  No other possible or conceivable explanation for what they have been actually doing. And that should be stopped.”-Ehud Barak

In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Barak was asked how supportive the Obama administration is of Israeli policies. Barak says Obama’s support surpasses all other U.S. Presidents:  “He’s extremely strong supporter of Israel in regard to security. Traditionally Presidents will support Israel in keeping its quality military aids, and taking care of its security, but this administration is excelling in this.”

World War 3: Turkey oppossed to military action against Syria & Iran

“Turkey, as a friend of the neighboring country of Iran, will never accept a measure that would harm Iran under any condition.”-Abdullah Gul, President of Turkey

Despite building up troops on the border between Turkey and Syria, the Turkish President, Abdullah Gul, also says they will not support any military action against Syria: “We are opposed to any attack on Syria. And incidents in Iraq and Libya should not be repeated in this country. Enemies are making attempts to wage a religious war, and regional countries should not fall into this trap.”

However, British media are reporting that the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has made statements supporting war with Syria and Iran: “No doubt, the problems both in Syria and in the Middle East in general are global problems. Therefore, we have to see the tragedy in the area, hear the screams and urgently take measures to stop the bloodshed for the safety of energy supplies as much as global peace and calm.”

Could this be because Turkey finds itself between a rock and a hard place?  Literally, geographically, between the West and the Middle East.

World War 3: Iran increases anti-aircraft drills, U.S. to give ‘green light’ to Israeli airstrikes

Israeli media claims Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are stepping up anti-aircraft training.  The report comes immediately after the UN’s IAEA passed a resolution against Iran.

Despite Israeli media’s claim, there’s no detailed info about such action on any Iranian media site, so far.

On Russian media sites, they’re claiming the U.S. has just threatened Iran.  U.S. officials have asked Iran to suspend all nuclear activities until the spring of 2012. If Iran does not, then the United States will give Israel the green light for air strikes.  Again, I can’t find any info about this on U.S., or Israeli media sites.

World War 3: IAEA approves resolution against Iran, Russia & China resist the resoluton

“But this is the magic of diplomacy. If you want to get everyone on board you have to sacrifice something. I hope it will lay the ground for future (UN Security Council) resolutions … I really hope so.”-Ehud Azoulay, Israeli envoy

November 18, the International Atomic Energy Agency has passed a resolution against Iran.  However, no details were included in the resolution, as to exactly what action is to be taken, this was the only way the IAEA could get Russia and China to vote for it.

Out of the 35 countries voting on the resolution, 32 voted for it. Cuba and Ecuador voted against.  Indonesia abstained.


World War 3, What Economic Recovery? U.S. Defense Secretary says war with Iran will destroy World economy, yet Israeli officials say the World should attack Iran anyway

“I have to tell you… there are going to be economic consequences to that, that could impact not just on our economy but the world economy.”-Leon Panetta, Defense Secretary of the United States

Despite the warmongering rhetoric coming from the White House, and Capitol Hill, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is warning of an economic Armageddon scenario if the ‘West’ attacks Iran.

Panetta made the remarks a day before going to Canada, to discuss the very plan to attack Iran with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

Meanwhile, Ehud Barak is trying to fan the flames of warmongering by claiming that Iran’s alleged, and unproven, nuclear weapons program is targeting the whole world: “In order to do this we must convince world leaders and the public that the Iranian nuclear program is not only targeting Israel, but the foundations of the entire world order as well.”


World War 3: U.S. sells first strike bunker buster bombs to United Arab Emirates, proof that we’re going to war against Iran

According to the Commonwealth controlled (British Empire, via Rupert Murdoch) Wall Street Journal, warmonger U.S. President Barack Obama is about to sign off on a deal to provide the UAE with bunker buster bombs.

The WSJ article claims that the UAE is about to buy 4,900 JDAMs.  These are not necessarily bunker busters, but could be configured as such.  JDAM stands for Joint Direct Attack Munitions.  Basically it’s an advanced smart bomb that can be set up with a variety of explosive material, depending on what the target is.

The UAE deal is part of a trend. In recent months the United States has already sold thousands of JDAMs to Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Bunker buster bombs are not defensive weapons, they are first strike weapons, used when you invade a country.  This is why the sale of these weapons to Middle Eastern countries, who don’t like Iran, is a sign of a coming attack on Iran.

Russian media say the UAE arms deal also includes Hellfire anti-tank missiles.  Iran has the largest tank force in the Middle East.

Regarding the WSJ, as well as most U.S. media sources, being controlled by the British Empire; a clue is that many times they use Commonwealth English grammar rules. In their article about the JDAM sale to the UAE they punctuate the abbreviation for UN, and UAE.  That’s incorrect for U.S. English grammar rules: “In American English, U.S. (with periods) is more common as the standard abbreviation for United States, although The Chicago Manual of Style now deprecates the use of the periods (16th ed.). US (without periods) is generally accepted in most other national forms [such as British English] of English. In longer abbreviations incorporating the country’s initials (USN, USAF), periods are not used.”-Wikipedea: Manual of Style

I had a college professor try to clarify the rules; he said only abbreviations for country names, and proper names for people get punctuated in U.S. grammar rules.  Organizations and business names do not. The UN is an organization, not a country.

In fact, even military vehicles used in UN peacekeeping operations do not punctuate the “UN” painted on their vehicles.  The U.S. military stopped punctuating their abbreviations in the late 1940s, when the new standardized U.S. grammar rules were finally adopted.  USAF=United States Air Force, USN=United States Navy, USMC=United States Marine Corps and USA (without punctuations)=United States Army.  So the next time you see a product labeled “Made in USA” (no punctuations) does it mean it was made by the United States Army, or that the company is ignorant of U.S. grammar rules?

What about the UAE (United Arab Emirates)?  The UAE is actually a confederation of seven smaller emirates. Despite many sources calling the UAE a federation, it can not be, because each ruler of each emirate maintains supreme authority within their emirate.  Therefore the UAE is not a “country”, but an loose organization of smaller countries.  This is the case with the failed Confederate States of America.  In fact being a loose confederation was a primary reason for their losing the Civil War (War Between the States) in the 1860s.

The same can be said for the Commonwealth of Independent States, or CIS.  This is a confederation of countries lead by Russia, and includes many former members of the Soviet Union.

However, even Wikipedia: Manual of Style confuses the issue: “For consistency in an article, if the abbreviated form for the United States appears alongside other abbreviated country names, avoid periods throughout; never add full stops to the other abbreviations (the US, the UK, and the PRC, not the U.S., the U.K., and the P.R.C.).”

In the case of the WSJ article, it’s interesting that they punctuate U.S. and UN (the article was written by three people).

Did I distract you enough from the preparations for war with Iran?

World War 3: British government officials leak info about invasion of Iran; Merry Xmas

“We’re expecting something as early as Christmas, or very early in the New Year.”-unnamed British Foreign Office source

The British media outlet Daily Mail has been publishing what they claim are leaked details of the coming attack on Iran, by Israel, United Kingdom and the United States.

On November 2 they published an article that says the U.K. and the U.S. are working on the details of a joint military operation against Iran.  It said that President Barack Obama wants vengeance for a supposed plot to assassinate a Saudi Arabian official (which in reality was a failed DEA/FBI sting operation), and that Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron are using the latest IAEA report as justification.

The Daily Mail says the invasion of Iran will be made by British and U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as from the Persian Gulf.  Israel will use its air force (including its growing arsenal of ballistic missiles) against Iran.

Whitehall (a term referring to the British royal family “Her Majesty’s Government” which oversees the operation of the U.K. government, the Queen is the c in c of British forces) officials claim that Iran has suddenly appeared “newly aggressive, and we are not quite sure why.”

The Daily Mail also said that Obama does not want a new war before the 2012 elections, but is being pressured by Israel.

The British newspaper Guardian also published similar articles.

On November 10, the Daily Mail published an article that said Israel would launch air strikes against Iran by the end of December. That report came from British intelligence officials.

British Ministry of Defense officials said their concern about Iran getting the bomb, is that other middle eastern countries will follow suit:  “The bigger concern is it will be impossible to stop Saudi Arabia and Turkey from developing their own weapons.”

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak continues to imply a possible Israeli military strike against Iran’s nuclear program: “We continue to recommend to our friends in the world and to ourselves, not to take any option off the table.”



World War 3: Russia blasts IAEA, backs Iran

“Russia is gravely disappointed and bewildered that the report is being turned into a source adding to the tensions over the problems connected to the Iranian nuclear program.”-Russian Foreign Ministry

Russia has doubts concerning the IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear program.  One clue is that the report wasn’t supposed to be made public until November 17/18.  It seems IAEA boss Yukiya Amano intentionally ‘leaked’ the report on November 8: “We have serious doubts about the justification for steps to reveal contents of the report to a broad public, primarily because it is precisely now that certain chances for the renewal of dialogue between the ‘sextet’ (P5+1) of international mediators and Tehran have begun to appear.”-Russian Foreign Ministry

Russian officials say this is an intentional move made behind the scenes by the United States: “The analysis must take place in a calm atmosphere, since it is important to determine whether some new, reliable evidence strengthening suspicions of a military element in Iran’s nuclear program has really appeared, or whether we are talking about an intentional, and counterproductive, whipping up of emotions.”