Tag Archives: israel

World War 3: Israeli infantry launch another raid kill boy, more Israeli air strikes, Israel condemns U.S., Iran joins Egypt in condemning Israel

“The repeated assaults and aggressions of the Zionist regime’s military men against the defenseless Palestinian people in Gaza… are condemned as war crimes and inhuman acts.”-Iranian Foreign Ministry statement

On March 11, 2012, Israeli infantry raided east of the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza Strip, killing a 15 year old boy, and wounding another.

Also, late Sunday night, early Monday morning, it’s being reported that Israeli airforce F-16 Falcons/Vipers have bombed the same refugee camp, which is north of Gaza city, at least four times.  So far at least two people have been killed (a 65 year old man and his 35 year old daughter), and 25 people have been wounded, including nine children.

Israeli news sources are saying the Egyptian military government tried to warn Gaza that Israel was about to assassinate the secretary general of the Popular Resistance Committee (PRC).  That assassination turned out to be the precursor of this latest round of Israeli attacks on Gaza.

According to the Israeli media, PRC members were able to capture informants who confirmed to Hamas officials that they were paid by Israel to spy on PRC leaders.  The informants also confirmed that Egypt tried to warn of the assassination plot by Israel, the only problem is that the Egyptians gave that warning to the informants who were working for Israel.

Israeli media also reporting that at least 40 rockets have been launched from Gaza, Sunday night.  Several were intercepted over the city of Ashkelon.  Most of the rockets are being launched by Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committee.  Allegedly, Hamas has the most rockets but seems to be holding back.

Arrogant Israeli leaders are calling on the United Nations to condemn the puny rocket attacks from Gaza, so far only a handful of Israelis have been wounded.  Yet Israeli leaders see no problem with the fact they continue to kill hundreds of Palestinians every year!!!

Even more arrogant, Israeli politicians have condemned the Obama Administration’s call for cease fire: “I think that every American should be ashamed of such a statement coming from the administration.”-Danny Danon, deputy speaker of Israel’s Knesset (parliament)



Government Evil: Netanyahu uses NAZI Sieg Heil salute at end of AIPAC speech

At the beginning of march 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his speech at the annual AIPAC convention.

Before he starts he waves and thanks numerous people in the audience.  His arms are lose at the elbows, as are his wrists when he waves his hands.

But look at the difference (video here) after he ends the speech, his elbows are actually locked and his hand waves are stiffer (especially between 29:26 & 29:44 into the video). It looks like he’s reminding himself to wave his hands. It reminds me of how many NAZIS ended their speeches in the 1930s/1940s.

World War 3: War back on between Israel and Palistinians, Egypt condemns Israel

“This round in Gaza is far from being over….They will pay a heavy price, and no one will have immunity!”-Ehud Barak, Israeli Defense Minister

After years of Israeli harassment (since the 2008/2009 Gaza war) in the form of occasional air strikes, ground raids, economic blockades, humanitarian aid blockades, a reneged prisoner swap deal, cutting off fuel and electricity, and in the past few weeks non stop Israeli terror drone strikes, Palestinian leaders in Gaza Strip have almost declared war on Israel!

Since last week more than a dozen Palestinians have been killed by Israeli air strikes, finally, in recent days, Gazans are retaliating by launching rockets into Israel.

The latest Israeli air strike took place March 10, 2012, using a terror drone they killed at least one man, and wounded 15 people (some reports say 15 people were killed).  An Israeli ground operation saw a tank blasting away at Palestinians, possibly killing as many as 13 people.  An Israeli infantry attack was launched against a funeral procession.

Its being reported that the mourners in the funeral procession were chanting “No more truce with Israel!” Various Palestinian groups are saying they’re mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore: “We won’t give this occupation a free truce while our leaders and heroes are being killed!”-Abu Mujahid, Popular Resistance Committee

Israeli officials say that more than 65 rockets from Gaza Strip hit Israeli territory on March 9, 2012.  Palestinians said the rocket attack was in retaliation for several days of air strikes by the Israelis.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister, Mohamed Kamel Amr, is demanding that Israel stop its aggression towards Palestinians: “Egypt is highly distraught by the Israeli attacks. Egypt is currently exerting efforts and making crucial calls for an immediate end to this Israeli escalation, to end the bloodshed of our brothers!”




World War 3: Japan reveals plans to airlift their citizens out of Iran!

Japan’s Self-Defense Forces have just revealed plans to evacuate Japanese citizens living in Iran!

On March 5, 2012, Defense Minister Naoki Tanaka made the statement in a Diet (parliament) session.

He said they are prepared to use C-130 transports, along with aerial refueling tankers, to “rescue” Japanese stuck in Iran, in case of “emergency”!

According to official Japanese numbers, there are about 700 Japanese citizens living in Iran, many are married to Iranians.

World War 3: Israel turns parking garages into bomb shelters

Recently senior Israeli lawmaker, Zeev Bielski, said the city of Tel Aviv was not prepared enough for war with Iran.

City officials have now begun turning parking garages into bomb shelters.

The parking garage for the Habima National Theater has just been converted to act as a bomb shelter for 1,600 people. It’s conversion will be used in other buildings and parking garages.  A main component of the Habima bomb shelter are large water containers, providing enough water for 1,600 people, for several days.

Obama & the U.S. Congress are Zionist lovers! Statement proves the U.S. doesn’t care about Human Rights! Israelis say it’s not enough, they want full blown War!!!

“When resolutions are brought up at the Human Rights Council, we oppose them. When Israeli diplomats feared for their lives in Cairo, we intervened to help save them. When there are efforts to boycott or divest from Israel, we will stand against them. When the chips are down I have Israel’s back.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States, statement made at AIPAC Conference, March 4, 2012

Israeli lawmakers responded to Obama’s AIPAC speech by basically saying it wasn’t enough!   One rabid Israeli politician said: “We are facing an existential threat….If Israel doesn’t “bluster” [a reference to a phrase used in Obama’s AIPAC speech], the U.S. will also be in danger, because Iran’s missiles will reach them too. Israel is doing everything possible to keep the world safe, and it’s unfortunate that the White House doesn’t see things the way we see them here.”-MK (Member Knesset) Ayub Kara, Likud Party

Another rapid Israeli said Israel should go it alone: “Looking back at the way the United States criticized Israel for destroying the nuclear reactor in Iraq, Israel must make its decisions based on its own good judgment.”-MK (Member Knesset) Danny Danon, Likud Party

Red Horse & World War 3: Pentagon admits to helping Yemen government repress pro-Freedom rebels!!! Rebels blow up military transport plane

“The mujihadeen killed a CIA officer on Thursday while he was in Aden province after tracking him and determining he was cooperating with the Sanaa government.”-Yemen Freedom Fighter’s text message

U.S. Defense Department officials admitted the United States is actively helping the pro-U.S. government of Yemen kill the people of Yemen!!!

This after anti-U.S. rebels identified, tracked down and attacked a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer!  Pro-Freedom demonstrators say the CIA agent was killed, the pro-U.S. Yemen government says he was not killed.

Also, Yemen government security officials admitted that a U.S. ‘security’ team, which was training Yemen forces in how to put down their own people, had been shot at by rebels.

Until now the United States has denied having personnel on the ground in Yemen.  The U.S. and United Kingdom, have been supporting the repressive Yemen government for several decades.

At the end of February 2012, U.S. President Obama announce a two pronged plan to support the Yemen government.  In June 2011, Obama announced $200 million in taxpayer funded aid for the despotic government of Yemen.  That followed the defection of hundreds of Yemen’s military personnel (Yemen Republican Guards) to the rebels (video showed military personnel protesting alongside the rebels).

The people of Yemen have been openly fighting their pro-U.S. government since March 2011. That’s when the now former president ordered troops to shoot to kill peaceful protestors (told you peaceful protest doesn’t work).

On March 4, 2012, a military cargo aircraft exploded on an airbase near Yemen’s capitol city of Sana’a: “An Antonov aircraft blew up in mysterious circumstances while it was on the tarmac at Dulaimi air force base.”-airport employee

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.



World War 3: Proof that Israelis are Re-negers! Portent of things to come in the U.S. under NDAA 2012

“The zionist regime has reneged on the swap deal…Egypt, who brokered the deal, must oblige the Israelis to respect it and release the prisoners…”-Islam Abdo, Hamas

At the end of 2011 Israel agreed to release at least 1,000 Palestinian Gazans (the overwhelming majority never being charged with any crime), in exchange for one Israeli soldier held captive in Gaza.

A California based human rights group, Israeli forces are now arbitrarily re-arresting those Gazans!  Israel is reneging on its promise (not surprising).

“These re-arrests…are part of Israel’s ongoing repression of just[ified] resistance by the Palestinian people against the ongoing occupation, apartheid and siege imposed upon their land.”-Joe Catron, activist

Some of those re-arrested, including women, are on hunger strike.  Hamas is calling upon Egypt to intervene!

People of the United States should take heed, because the tactics being used by Israel, to arbitrarily arrest people, could be used under the NDAA 2012 act, passed by Republican dominated Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama.


World War 3: Afghans call for Global Muslim March on Jerusalem Al-Quds!!!

The following is a statement released by various organizations in Afghanistan calling for a Global March on Jerusalem (GMJ):

In the service of our dear and faithful brothers and sisters in the “Program for the Asian Co-ordination of the Global March to Jerusalem”.

May the peace and blessing of God be upon you.

The reality is that Jerusalem is the bloodied heart of the Islamic world. Jerusalem, the place which is a representative of the existence of the religion and culture of Islam, has been under the boots of despotism and occupation for more than 60 years. Our faithful brothers and sisters have been bloodthirstily sent to their deaths by the hands of Zionism and international Crusades. For six decades the people of these lands have been driven out of their homes, the conspiracies of the arrogant powers have rendered their homes demolished and their land has been usurped. Millions of refugees, who are citizens of Palestine, have been driven far from their territories and a combination of all these factors has created a major catastrophe in the Middle East. It is obvious that the clear religion of Islam, with decisive arguments from the book of God and his Prophet (PBUH), does not tolerate these terrible crimes.

It is also apparent that our dear Islam has made clear what our responsibilities are in light of the divine constitutions. 60 years of deadly silence despite the power of the Arab Middle East has been against the direction of the actions of an Islamic nation. In these 60 years the rulers and statesmen of Islamic countries have had plenty of time which has been put to waste.

However, luckily the last ten years have resulted in the emergence of a different plot, this being the result of the establishment of popular governments and the falling of those hands which were connected with colonialism. Especially the flooding by these popular revolutions of the last strongholds, or embassy (or “den of spying”), in the Islamic countries showed us that this regime is no more in a position where it can create more enemies from amongst the Muslims.

Dear brothers and sisters!

Taking into account all of the above, the Islamic circuits in Afghanistan with the Islamic Movement of Afghanistan and the Council of the Friends of Jerusalem have united in one voice and have answered positively to your call. We will not hesitate in our selflessness or cooperation to make sure the goals set out by this group are made into reality. The same way that the Islamic Movement of Afghanistan has praised and taken this reasonable step, it invites all the Muslim brothers and sisters of Afghanistan, Islamic world and other Muslims worldwide to wish good luck (to this movement) and we desire that they cooperate and assist this caravan till it has reached that which it has set out for.

With Respect,

1.Islamic Movement of Afghanistan
2.The Cultural Council of the Friends of Jerusalem
3. Organization of Muslim Youth in Afghanistan
4. The Council of Scholars in Afghanistan
5. The Reformation Council of Afghanistan
6. Missionaries of Social Justice in Afghanistan
7. The Foundation of Cultural and Educational Expression
8. Professors from the Universities of Kabul, Nangerhaar, Heraat,
Balkh and Fandahaar
9. The Overall Women’s Council of Aarya

Red Horse, Leviathan & World War 3: It’s about the Oil & Gas, huge reserves found off the coast of Cyprus, Gaza, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Lebanon, Turkey & Syria. The real reason for War with Iran!

“…its gas resources are bigger than anything we have assessed in the United States!”-Brenda Pierce, U.S. Geological Survey, statement about the Levant Basin Province (aka Leviathan)

The discovery of huge natural gas reserves in the Mediterranean Sea is the true cause of warmongering between the United States, Europe, Cyprus (which is divided into Greek and Turkish halves), Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Iran and Palestinian Gaza Strip.

In 2009, Texas U.S.A. based Noble Energy (formerly known as Noble Affiliates, and not to be confused with Nobel Energy Management) discovered a huge gas field while under hire by Israel.  It was the biggest gas field discovery of 2009, called Tamar.

Image via Noble Energy.

In October 2010, Noble Energy discovered an even bigger gas field. Israel declared the area an Exclusive Economic Zone.  It’s part of an even bigger area known as the Leviathan Gas Field. The problem is that Lebanon says the field extends into its territory and on August 2010, almost two months before the second discovery by Noble Energy, petitioned the United Nations to protect their rights.

Lebanon’s Parliament Speaker, Nabih Berri, said Israel is “…ignoring the fact that according to the maps the deposit extends into Lebanese waters.”

Lebanon is justified, as Israel (along with the United States) never ratified the 1982 UN Convention on Law of the Sea.  Under that law Lebanon has a right to the gas, in the field called Tamar.

Israeli officials responded with threats of war: “We will not hesitate to use our force and strength to protect not only the rule of law but the international maritime law.”-Uzi Landau, Minister of National Infrastructure of Israel

Note how Israeli officials always make claims of enforcing international laws, yet they have refused to sign onto most of those laws!

In fact Israel periodically sends military aircraft into Lebanon’s air space, and even drops a few bombs now and again.

But, the Leviathan Gas Field doesn’t involve just Israel and Lebanon. In December 2011, NATO-Turkish warships began firing on an area of the Mediterranean where Cyprus had just discovered an extension of the Leviathan Gas Field.  Cyprus declared the area an Exclusive Economic Zone, it is also known as Block-12 of the Leviathan Gas Field.

Greek Cypriot officials issued not only words of war, but threats of Ethnic Cleansing: “If Turkey does not change its gunboat diplomacy and stop playing the part of regional police officer, there will be consequences which, for sure, will not be good, either for the whole region or the Turkish people and first and foremost for Turkish Cypriots.”-Dimitris Christofias, Greek President of Cyprus

For some reason the Western media has not reported much of anything about the disputes over the Leviathan Gas Field.

2011 was also the year that NATO-Turkey went from being Israel’s only ally in the region, to becoming an enemy.  Turkey officially blamed it on Israel’s blockade of humanitarian aid ships to Gaza, but it looks like it’s really about the gas.  By the end of 2011, Israel canceled a $90-million military contract with Turkey, because Israeli officials felt Turkey was after their portion of the gas field.

Israel has allied itself with Greek Cyprus, when it comes to extracting the natural gas.  While Noble Energy is officially a Houston, Texas, company, most of the company stocks are actually held by petroleum companies of Greek Cyprus (Cypriot national energy company) and Israel (Delek Drilling LP & Avner Oil Exploration LLP).

Noble Energy claims there is 33-trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the Leviathan fields, enough to provide Israel with 100 years worth!  In fact, the United States government is so interested that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was sent in to confirm its size.

You might remember that, in 2011, for a short time it looked like Israeli-U.S. relations were deteriorating. Again, the Western media failed to report that U.S. officials told Lebanese officials that the U.S. supported their claim to the Tamar gas  fields!

The U.S. mended their relations with Israel, by taking a stand against Turkey’s desire to control a portion of Leviathan.  U.S. officials did this by supporting Israel’s new ally Greek Cyprus.

U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, told the Greek Cyprus Foreign Minister, Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, to go full bore on drilling their gas field.     Kozakou-Marcoullis told a crowd at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars that Turkey was “the neighborhood bully”, and that the United States was fully supporting Greek Cyprus (thus, in a round-a-bout way Israel) in their gas field operations.

February 16, 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a historic first time visit to Greek Cyprus.  He called the new alliance a “natural relationship”, and added:  “I came here to develop our bilateral ties, our economic ties and ties in the field of energy.”

Oh, but wait, Turkey now looks to be Israel’s ally again. In fact Turkey has switched from supporting Syria to supporting military action against Syria!   What happened?

Turkey has realized that by connecting a relatively short pipeline to Leviathan, they could potentially become self sufficient in natural gas, and maybe even oil.  This would end their current dependence on petroleum from the Black Sea (Russia, Romania), and make it no longer a necessity to connect to the planned pipeline coming from Iran.

What about NATO-Greece? Ever notice how this economic disaster just keeps dragging on? It could be because Greece is a transit rout for oil and gas pipelines coming from the Caspian Sea, and Middle East (namely Iran).  These so called bail out negotiations are more likely efforts to get Greece to join Leviathan.

The problem for Greece is that it would need a very long expensive pipeline to connect to the known gas/oil reserves of Leviathan, meaning it’s still cheaper to get their petroleum from the Middle East!  It’s also still cheaper to continue getting their petroleum from the Middle East, than to buy it from those countries (Israel, Cyprus, etc) that are planning to mine Leviathan for everything it’s got.

This is the real reason Greece is being run into the ground.

By the way, want to know what the USGS found when they explored the Eastern Mediterranean?  Potentially, 345-trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 3.4-billion barrels of oil!!!

This sheds new light on the real reasons for the 2011 overthrow of the Egyptian and Libyan governments in North Africa!  The people of those countries were justified, but look what it’s got them; increasing instability in Libya, and a pro-U.S.-Israel military government in Egypt.

And what about the almost daily Israeli military attacks on the Gaza Strip, for the past two years, that the Western-NATO news-media is not reporting!?  The latest attack, on February 26, saw Israeli planes bomb a cement factory.  The week prior saw Israeli forces cut off electrical power to Gaza.  On and on.  Yet barely any mention in Western mainstream news-media.

What countries surround the Eastern MediterraneanCyprus, Gaza, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Lebanon, Turkey and Syria!!!

And what about this urgent need to go to war with Iran? It’s not about anything nuclear!  Lebanon & Syria (Eastern Mediterranean countries) and Iraq & Iran are a few years away from completing the largest natural gas pipeline in the Middle East.  It would rival anything that could be immediately extracted from Leviathan.

“A trilateral agreement between the three countries on the transit of gas has been reached….The first official contract is ready to be signed soon…We plan to transit gas from the South Pars field through Iraq, Syria and then Lebanon to the Mediterranean area and Europe.”-Javad Oji, National Iranian Gas Company

The pipeline from Iran could carry 110-million cubic meters of natural gas per day, for the next 80 years (Iran has the world’s second largest reserves of natural gas)!  If this was completed, then it would make developing the Leviathan (new drilling rigs, pipelines, etc) a waste of money.  And, the money made off the Iranian dominated pipeline would not be going to the West (ie no benefit to the U.S./U.K./Saudi Arabian U.S. PetroDollar monopoly)!

It would also destroy Israel’s hopes of finally joining the petroleum club.

The other factor, that has most of the European Union in favor of Leviathan (except Greece, by the way some NATO-German officials are now saying Greece needs to get out of the EU), is the fact that current eastern European pipeline projects are turning out to be more expensive than first thought.  So much so that some reports (including reports by British Petroleum [BP]) say it would be cheaper to dump those projects in favor of developing Leviathan.  But of course, that’s only if Leviathan didn’t have to compete with the huge pipeline coming from Iran.

In fact, as of February 26, Leviathan now has to compete with several gas lines coming from Iran. Iranian gas officials announced they are now building secondary pipelines to Iraq, Syria and on to Europe!

Because the Western media does not report what’s really going on regarding the recently discovered Eastern Mediterranean oil and gas fields, and only reports propagandist lies meant to rally people in support of unjust wars for the benefit of the oil industry,  it shows that the Western news media is a tool of deceit for the Red Horseman.

“Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.”-Revelation 6:4