Tag Archives: israel

Red Horse & World War 3: International Red Cross not a Neutral organization, Syria already has the Red Crescent, Western countries have history of using humanitarian organizations to propogate lies and justify War

Israeli media reporting that aid convoys have made it to Homs, Syria.  Those convoys are overtly International Red Cross, but covertly Western (U.S./European) military convoys.

The same thing happened in Libya.

Syria has the Red Crescent, the Islamic affiliation of the Red Cross, so why do Western powers insist on using the Red Cross to truck in so called humanitarian aid?

The Red Cross actually had aircover provided by the USAF and Turkish air force.  In northern Syria the Red Cross, with the help of Western military forces, has already been instrumental in providing “lines of communications” for so called rebel forces.

Lines of communications is military lingo for not only communications, but supplies like food, fuel, weapons and ammo.

This is not the first time the Red Cross, or any humanitarian organization, has been used to propagate propaganda and lies.

At the beginning of World War One, the British created a crisis in Belgium.  They blockaded all supplies to Belgium, after the Germans took the country over.  Today we would call it sanctions.

The British initially used officials from the International Red Cross (a Swiss organization) and Salvation Army (a British organization) to spread rumors of Belgians starving at the hands of Germans.  Soon the British and United States created a new Committee for Relief in Belgium (CRB) organization. In the Bryce Report (1914) they even said Germans were wantonly raping and killing civilians.  Sound familiar?

After the war it was proven that nothing on the level described by the British ever took place in Belgium.  In fact, James Bryce himself, who’s name was used in the Bryce Report, said the Report was full of lies!

It was also shown that the British and Americans actually blockaded their own CRB aid ships. The CRB aid was under total control by the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, it’s said he controlled the food aid to point of determining the portions on each persons’ plate!

More questions: If the Germans were so evil, why did they let U.S. CRB officials into the country?   Why did the Germans allow James Bryce to investigate the initial claims made by the Red Cross and Salvation Army?  If the Germans were authoritarian and controlling, then how could more than “2.5 million” publications about such atrocities be published, by just one publisher (Wellington House), in less than one year?

James Bryce (a Britisher), is credited by the British government with providing the most damning “evidence”, but he ended up actually questioning the “evidence”.  When he went to Belgium to gather evidence for the Report he found nothing indicating such claims of crimes against humanity. He could not even find the locations where so called mass rapes and killings took place.  Out of the 350 statements in the Report, not a single one was confirmed!

“For all who know Viscount Bryce, and no European is better known in this country, his name attached to the fatal document is as final as that of the highest court.”-New York Tribune

The British government published the Bryce Report, over the objections of James Bryce.  The British and U.S. media had a field day with the Report, yet refused to publish James Bryce’s own objections.

One U.S. economics of history professor, George B. McClellan, even wrote an article for the New York Times Sunday Magazine (1915), which cast doubt on the Bryce Report.  He said there was “less evidence of war” in Belgium than in France.  He also said “the Germans are doing their best to conciliate the Belgians.”  McClellan even said his own experience was that Belgians were happier under German rule, than under pro-British rule.

After the war, less than a dozen cases came to trial, and none of them came close to the level of atrocities claimed in the Bryce Report.  In several cases, the crimes that made it to court actually took place after the Bryce Report was issued!

Yet, even today most British and U.S. versions of the Rape of Belgium continue to support the proven lies of the Bryce Report!

The Spanish American War (1898) could be considered the first intentional, and organized use of the media to create false reports in order to build public support for war.  World War One (1914-1918) can be considered the first intentional, and organized use of humanitarian organizations to build false evidence to justify war.

Now, a hundred years later both are still being used by the Western powers to justify their evil beastly conquest of the World.

In Libya the Western media reported all kinds of unsubstantiated crimes against Libyan people, but never reported on the fact that the so called peaceful protestors were attacking Russian and Chinese oil workers in eastern Libya.  30,000 Chinese oil workers had to be evacuated!  Russian oil workers were still being threatened with execution after the “revolution” was over!

In Syria it’s deja vu.  The Western media is reporting unsubstantiated claims.  None of the “sources” used by Western officials can be proven.  Even the Arab League (AL) observers turned out to be a joke.

Most Western media reported that AL observers quit early because things were so bad in Syria, they were afraid for their own lives.  But wouldn’t that be the ultimate proof of their claims, that their own observers fall victim to the so called government sponsored violence?

I read other reports, some amazingly coming from Western journalists, that said some of the AL observers quit not because of what was going on in Syria, but because it became obvious that the AL observer mission was not an unbiased mission, but had an ulterior motive!

“The Arab League now has become simply a tool of the West, because the most powerful countries in there are very much under the Western petrodollar influence.”-Tony Gosling, investigative journalist

We had the Arab League report which was sort of buried and the Arab League report did blame both sides for the violence. Yet, the Arab League itself is saying that they will support the opposition with all possible forms of assistance.  And so, on one hand their trying to be honest brokers, and yet on the other hand they’re not, and the facts are the opposite.”-Neil Clark, contributor to the Guardian

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.


White Horse & World War 3: “Friends of Syria” meeting to determine U.S. military action, it’s all about Iran. China & Russia refuse to attend

On February 24, 2012, between 50 and 80 countries will meet in Tunis for the Friends of Syria conference.  The results of the conference could bypass the United Nations regarding overt foreign intervention in Syria.

China has refused to attend the conference, saying they are true friends of Syria.  Chinese officials also say they were given little notice of the conference, so they are not sure of the true purpose of the meeting.

Russia has refused to attend because: “The opposition is invited, the legal authorities are not. This means we have here what we had in Libya: a contact group was created. There is a feeling that it all aims at supporting ONE part in the country’s internal conflict.”-Aleksandr Lukashevich, Russian Foreign Ministry

According to the Israeli private intelligence agency DEBKA, sources inside the Pentagon say plans have been drawn up for military action.  Which plan is chosen will depend on the news Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, will bring back from the Friends of Syria conference.

DEBKA says the U.K., France, Italy and even Turkey are preparing for military action as well.

A whistleblower inside the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says the United States has been covertly training the Syrian rebels since May 2011.  Also, as many as 10,000 pro-U.S. Libyans are in Jordan waiting for the invasion.

A political scientist, in Syria, said this was about future war with Iran and Lebanon: “They want a political uprising here in Syria to make the country weak and then go to Iran and Hezbollah.”-Balsam Abu Bulla, political scientist

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham admitted this is all about Iran: “If the Syrian regime is replaced with another form of government, that doesn’t tie its future to the Iranians, the world is a better place.”

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.



World War 3: Israel threatens Al Aqsa Mosque, Hamas issues warning, Al Jazeerah says it will be war ended only by Jewish Messiah

“Attacking or destroying or burning the Islamic house of worship of 1400 years would spark off religious wars between Muslims and Jews, wars that would only end when the redeemer or Jewish Messiah appears.”-Khalid Amayreh, Al-Jazeerah

February 21, 2012, Israeli police have been attacked with stones, by Palestinians who say they are defending the Al-Aqsa Mosque (aka Dome of the Rock), which is located on the ruins of the ancient Hebrew temple.  The stoning of Israeli police comes one day after police attacked Palestinian protestors.

Tensions have been building after internet rumors began, saying that Israel was planning on taking down the Mosque.  Since the weekend Israeli riot police have been on stand by, and Jews and Christians have been escorted by the military.

This is not the first time Israel has made moves against the Mosque: “Today, the Zionist regime is making the same foolish moves that the former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon did in 2000, and there is a possibility for sparking another Intifada.”-Salah Bardewil, Hamas

Israel has also been accused of digging under the Mosque, officially for archaeological reasons, in the hopes it would collapse. Those digs have been escalating in size recently.

Officially Israeli police say they do not know why Palestinians are suddenly up in arms (rocks) about the Mosque.  Muslim officials connected to the Al-Aqsa Mosque say they have evidence that Israeli officials are going to divide the Mosque into Jewish and Muslim sections.

While Israeli media denies such plans by the Israeli government, an Israeli  Likud political party member, Moshe Feiglin, announced such plans two weeks ago: “We call upon everyone to go up the Temple Mound, the Haram Ash-Sharif, one of the most important religious sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, to declare a proper leadership which insures our full control of the mount in order to build the temple on the ruins of al-Aqsa Mosque.”


World War 3: Russia makes giant underwater Taser cannons, claim they’re to fight terrorism, really for taking out U.S. SEALS.

Russia is building giant underwater stun guns, that create a powerful shock wave meant to knock out any would be terrorist underwater.

Russia’s Interior Ministry seems to think their ports are prime targets for anti-Russia terrorists: “The current state of security at our ports and dams leaves a lot to be desired, so the new systems will provide a layer of defense.”-unnamed Interior Ministry official

They claim the target of the giant water proof taser gun are terrorist divers, like the U.S. Navy’s SEALS (SEa Air Land teamS).

Russia is not the first country to make giant stun guns. Israel has developed a shock wave cannon, officially to help Israeli farmers scare off birds.  Most likely “birds” is code for Palestinians.

Israel’s stun cannons explode gas in impulse chambers to create a shock wave that can stun.  Russia’s underwater stun guns use electricity to create basically a powerful electro-magnetic pulse on the same frequency as human hearing, thus knocking out the SEALS.

Israel demands that Japan stop buying Iranian oil, Japan tells Israel to back off!

Israel’s Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, demanded, on Japanese TV, that Japan cut back on oil imports from Iran.  He’s in Japan on a five day visit.

Japanese officials fired backed, basically telling Israel to back off.  Japan’s Foreign Minister, Koichiro Gemba, told Ehud Barak that Israel needed to handle Iran’s nuclear issue calmly.

Gemba also told Barak that military options could lead to Arab countries finally uniting against the Zionist state.

Japan’s Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, made similar statements.

World War 3: Former Israeli Mossad boss says war with Syria is bad for Israel

February 16, 2012, a former Israeli intelligence chief told Japan’s NHK news that the loss of the current Syrian government would actually be bad for Israel.

Efraim Halevy, who served as Mossad director from 1998 to 2002, is warning of chaos in the Middle East should the current Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad fall.

He said such a loss would create a power vacuum, and weapons would flow freely into the hands of those groups who hate Israel.  Halevy also suggested that it was in Israel’s interests to keep the Assad government in power, even if it meant supporting Assad militarily!

World War 3: Germany & Turkey say Israeli war against Iran will be disastrous

Germany’s Defense Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, said in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine that if Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear industry: “A success would be highly unlikely, and result in obvious political damage.”

Maiziere said the European Union sanctions should be allowed to go into effect before any military action takes place.  The EU sanctions will not be in place until July 2012.

Turkish officials also say war would be a mistake: “A military strike is a disaster. It should not be an option. Especially at a historic turning point in our region, we do not want to see another huge tension.”-Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkish Foreign Minister

Red Horse & Lebanon: U.S. supported Civil War in Syria spreads to Lebanon

Lebanon used to be part of Syria, before the French separated it after World War One.  Now those who are anti-Syria (and probably backed up by the U.S., Europe or Israel) are attacking pro-Syrian Lebanese.

On February 10, fighting got so bad in Tripoli, that Lebanese troops were called in.  The gun battle lasted until February 11, leaving two dead and 20 wounded.

Some analysts say the fighting is between Lebanese Alawi Muslims and Sunni Muslims.  In Syria, most of the Ba’ath party officials are said to be Alawi Muslims.  Most Muslims in Lebanon are Shi’a (and they make up 47% of the total population).

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.

White Horse & World War 3: Iran says it will reveal Nuclear Achievements in a few days, Israel says it’s ready to take action

“In the nuclear field, major achievements have been made by the Iranian nation in recent years. Today, not only has this nation become nuclear, but it has also succeeded in meeting a large portion of its needs in this field.”-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran

On February 11, 2012, the Iranian President not only praised the nuclear program of Iran, but said that “major nuclear accomplishments” will be revealed in the next few days.

These words will most likely give the warmongers in the United States more ammo in their call for war.

Israel’s Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said his country is ready: “Israel has a large selection of ways, when the world of international sanctions fails, to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear program.”

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Red & White Horse: Iran says Western sources behind lies about Iran sending troops to Syria. Russia says Syrian people caught in the middle of game of conquest by the West. Gingrich behind the curve, Western forces already in Syria!

Russian media claim a Chinese newspaper has published an article that says Iran is sending 15,000 troops to Syria.

The Russians asked several Iranian university and media officials about this: “As far as I know there is not and will not be any program to dispatch Iranian military troops to Syria.”- Reza Moghadasi, Mehr News

“Iran has no troops in the country. Iran has never had troops involved in the problems within Syria. Someone in the Chinese media has been receiving information that is completely false.”-Seyed Mohammad Marandi, University of Tehran

But, so far, there has been no comment from Iranian government leaders.

Despite some U.S. Republican pining over covert military action in Syria, an Israeli military intelligence source (called DEBKAfile) a has already confirmed that indeed, Western and Qatari military forces are already in Syria, helping the Free Syrian Army.

Russian government leaders are accusing the U.S. and Europe of using the Syrian people as pawns in their game of world conquest: “This is a global game; this is about geo-political and geo-economic interests and unfortunately countries like Syria are being held hostage for the geo-political and geo-economic interests of Western countries.”-Konstantin Kosachev, State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.