Tag Archives: israel

God is Evil: U.S. military leaders meet with Zionist Terrorist Avigdor Lieberman!

17 August 2016 (14:55 UTC-07 Tango 01) 27 Mordad 1395/13 Dhu I-Qa’da 1437/15 Bing-Shen 4714

Video of U.S. Army General Curtis Scaparrotti, of U.S. European Command and NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, meets known Israeli terrorist Avigdor Lieberman, Minister of ‘Defense’ for Israel:

Video of U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General David L. Goldfein meeting Israeli Air Force Commander Major General Amir Eshel:


God is Evil: Jews caught in False Flag op, recruiting Muslims for Islamic State!


False Flag: In June 2015, Israeli news media revelaed that the Zionist terrorist Israeli government was supporting Islamic State and Nusra Front! The revelation came when Israeli Druze turned their guns on Israeli ambulances carrying wounded Islamic State insurgents from Syria!   


German news media reveal Wealthy Migrants control New York City!

06 July 2016 (00:07 UTC-07 Tango 01) 16 Tir 1395/30 Ramadan 1437/03 Yi-Wei 4714

“Ten years ago….you felt that New York belongs to New Yorkers, today New York belongs to the world. There are tremendous amount of buyers here….from Europe, from China, from South America, from Korea, from Russia, so it is no more a local buyer that is buying here.”-Michael Shvo, Israeli migrant property developer who’s lived in New York City since 1995, interviewed by Global 3000

The German state funded news media DW (Deutsche Welle) revealed in their “Globalization Program”, Global 3000, that the Big Apple’s (New York City) skyrocketing gentrification (‘native’ long term residents being pushed out, and/or middle class pushed into poverty, by property development resulting in skyrocketing costs of living) is caused by foreigners, not poor migrant workers but 1% elitist migrant property developers!

In 2015 it was revealed that a Chinese car parts maker was on its way to becoming the top buyer of U.S. property, then this year the Asia Society reported that “Chinese investors acquired at least $17.1 billion of existing commercial property between 2010 and 2015, representing an annual growth rate of 70%. Half of that investment came in 2015 alone….   ….. 70% of commercial real estate transaction value between 2010 and 2015 was concentrated in the New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco metro areas….”  

But unprecedented real estate development in New York City is also being pushed by rich migrants from other countries, the Global 3000 program interviewed and Israeli migrant who is now behind some of the most expensive operations in the Big Apple.  Michael Shvo told Global 3000 that NYC is “super-prime” because “there’s no where to develop”.  When the Global 3000 interviewer asked the Israeli property developer how much he charged to rent one of his NYC apartments he answered with “If you have to ask then you shouldn’t be buying.”

Global 3000 discovered that the average retired ‘middle class’ New Yorker now qualifies for the city’s welfare programs when they caught retired university professor Marsha Halfez applying for rental assistance. Halfez stated it was “embarrassing” that somebody like her should have to apply for rental assistance.

A real estate agent revealed that even a “decent” apartment for a family of four requires them to have an annual income of $300-thousand USD, even for apartments that are so old they don’t have clothes washer/dryer hookups: “The washer/dryer is something that is 100% a luxury……these buildings were not made to take a washer/dryer.”-Jed Wilder

So we’re not talking poor immigrants/refugees, the skyrocketing rents across the U.S. is caused by wealthy property speculating migrants, some using the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program.

“Unprecedented” Supreme court case supports China buying U.S. properties: CHINA WINS FEDERAL COURT LAWSUIT AGAINST OBAMA REGIME!

The $1.7 billion USD Hunters Point housing construction deal in San Francisco, involving a major California contractor and two Chinese companies, crashed and burned…







The Migration Policy Institute discovered that refugees get more help from taxpayer funded social programs than do poor U.S. citizens.

False Flag: Reports of U.S. diplomats ordering airstrikes on Syrian government!

17 June 2016 (00:52 UTC-07 Tango 01) 28 Khordad 1395/11 Ramadan 1437/13 Jia-Wu 4714

New York Times reporting that more than 50 U.S. diplomats have signed a letter demanding that Barack Obama begin airstrikes against the elected government of Syria!

This is in apparent contradiction to the Obama regime’s official stance regarding the government of Syria.  It also comes after waves of successful attacks by Syrian and Russian forces against the U.S.-NATO-EU-Israeli-Saudi created DAIISH-Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL (DAIISH=DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH for al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) and Al Nusra Front.

U.S. State Department ‘leaks’ airstrike letter to New York Times 


God is Evil : NATO officially invites Israel to join! Targets U.S. civil servants? Holocaust against Palestine ramps up!

18 May 2016 / 21:38 UTC-07 Tango 01 (29 Ordibehesht 1395/10 Sha-ban 1437/12 Giu-Si 4714)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last night spoke by telephone with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, thanked him for the invitation and said that Israel accepts the invitation.”Israel’s Office of the Prime Minister revealed that the U.S. led NATO has officially offered Israel a place within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization!

NATO administrators said they finally agreed to allow Israel to join after decades of haranguing by Israeli diplomats.  This change of heart comes as the zionist-nazi Avigdor Lieberman is reported to become Israel’s new Minister of Defense.

Israel’s Benjamin nut-job-yahoo, I mean Netanyahu is in the process of replacing all his ‘moderate’ cabinet members with right wing hardliners who openly advocate for the genocide of non-zionists.  Another report, by Israeli news media, has revealed that the Israeli controlled U.S. Congress is about to targeting U.S. military personnel who are not supporters of Israel!

A politician from New York, named Frank Israel (yep, Israel), introduced a bill that would ban the U.S. Department of Defense from  witholding security clearances for U.S. military civil service personnel who have direct ties to Israel (the country): “We need to better understand why so many applicants with ties to an important ally like Israel have been denied in recent years.”-Frank Israel  (and I’d like to know why so many Israelis are applying for U.S. security clearances)

The news of Israel’s membership in NATO comes at the same time the United Nations condemned Israel for not only blocking humanitarian aid, but destroying that aid: “Despite the obligation on Israel under international law to facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of relief to those who need it, humanitarian relief to vulnerable communities like Jabal al Baba is increasingly under attack.”-Robert Piper, UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Aid and Development Activities for the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The UN also condemns the continued land stealing by Israel, so far this year at least 6-hundred homes have been stolen and destroyed by Israel, forcing at least 9-hundred people to flee:  “The destruction of homes and of livelihoods creates pressures on households to move, exacerbating the risk of forcible transfer which would be considered a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention.”

God is Evil : 94 years of hell on Earth!

God is Evil : 94 years of hell on Earth!

17 May 2016 / 22:00 UTC-07 Tango 01 (28 Ordibehesht 1395/09 Sha-ban 1437/11 Giu-Si 4714)

Incomplete timeline of evil committed in ‘god’s’ name.

1920-48, Mandate of Palestine:  The British empire takes over Palestine and begins dumping pro-British zionist-jews from Europe.  This plan can be traced back to the 1800s when the first zionist prime minister of United Kingdom pushed the idea of sending jews in Europe to Palestine, his name; Benjamin Disraeli.  Disraeli claimed to be a christian, his father was born jewish but had a falling out with his fellow Jews at his local synagogue.  Also, it was in 1800s British empire that the concept of ‘Christian Zionism’ was created.  In 1844 christian zionism is promoted in the U.S. by ‘christian’ professor named George Bush. In 1914 Louis Brandeis developed the concept of American Zionism.  In 1922, the U.S. Congress declared official support for the League of Nations’ pro-British-Zionist Mandate of Palestine.

It’s during this time the art of modern False Flag operations begin.  British empire ‘Red Coats’, and then later the zionists themselves, would dress up as ‘Arabs’ and then commit crimes or instigate riots only to blame them on the ‘Arabs’.  Real Palestinians would then be arrested or killed as a result.  The zionists used these False Flag ops as one of many ways of running Palestinians off their land.

1933-45, World War Two: The British empire systematically refused ships trying to take Jews from German controlled Europe to Palestine (British empire and Germany were at war with each other).  Many of the attacks on non-British Jews were carried out by the infamous MI-6.  British King George VI is said to have written that he was “glad to think that steps are being taken to prevent these people leaving their country of origin.”    In 1940, the SS Patria was denied entry to Palestine by British administrators.  The ship was carrying 1-thousand 8-hundred Jews from Germany.  As the ship was leaving for a new destination it was blown up and sunk by MI-6 agents.  The ship sunk in less than 16 minutes.  We know about it because the MI-6 agent who planted the bomb went public in 1957.    In 1942, the MV Struma was sunk by the Soviet Union after it was refused entry to Palestine by British and Turkish administrators.  At least 780 Romanian Jews went down with the ship.

15 May 1948, Israel: British-U.S.-Zionist insurgents, supported by ‘western’ christians, succeed in militarily taking over Palestine.  They declare “independence” and renamed Palestine Israel.  Palestinian Arabs (both Muslim and Christian) and Palestinian Jews are exiled  (Palestinian Jews who refused to obey a zionist government).  An estimated 711-thousand Palestinians were kicked out of their homes and forced outside the new boundaries of ‘Israel’.

1949: The open air concentration camp known as West Bank-East Jerusalem created.  The split-up of Jerusalem/Al Quds was in violation of the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan.

Israeli terror group Mossad (Central Institute for Coordination) is created.

Israeli terror group Israel Security Agency (aka Shin Bet, aka SHABAK) is created.

1951: The open air concentration camp known as Gaza Strip is created.

1953: American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) founded, targets the U.S. Congress.

1955-56: Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CoP, aka Presidents’ Conference) founded in 1956, targets the Office of the U.S. President.   Former U.S. President Harry Truman published memoirs in which he accused the zionist movement of trying to take over the U.S. government: “The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats—disturbed and annoyed me.

1967, Six Days War: Israel takes Golan Heights from Syria.

In the U.S., ‘christian’ leader Martin Luther King Junior revealed to be a ‘Christian Zionist’.

1976:  The U.S. ‘christian’ president Gerald Ford begins the policy of raping taxpayers to give it away to Israel.  However, this was done reluctantly after numerous ‘christian’ U.S. Senators demanded Ford support Israel.  Even Israeli news media say Ford did it because “He was pressured from within his party by the charismatic Ronald Reagan”.  

Alexander Schindler (Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations) admitted to Israeli news media that “The Presidents’ Conference and its members have been instruments of official governmental Israeli policy. It was seen as our task to receive directions from government circles and to do our best no matter what to affect the Jewish community.”

Note how the results of Israel’s actions against Palestinians look just like the results of the False Flag group known as Islamic State, mmm I wonder?

1980:  Israel declares East Jerusalem Israeli territory.  United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 declared the annexation illegal.

1981: Israel declares Golan Heights Israeli territory, in violation of peace treaty with Syria. United Nations Security Council Resolution 497 declared the annexation illegal.

1982-2000: Zionist Oded Yinon publishes A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties, read it to learn the true origin of all major ‘events’ in the Middle East since its publication.

Israel occupies southern Lebanon and instigates the so called ‘Lebanese Civil War’, with backing by the United States Reagan regime.  In 1983, 241 U.S. military personnel (mainly Marines) supporting the Israeli occupation were killed after Lebanese patriots used truck bombs to attack the U.S. ‘barracks’ at the Beirut Airport.

In 1985, the ‘christian’ Reagan regime increases the now established tradition of raping U.S. taxpayers for money to give away to the zionist government of Israel; at least $3-billion USD every year, no strings attached.

U.S. ‘christian’ leaders Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are revealed to be ‘Christian Zionists’.  In 1992 the Christians United for Israel lobby group was created in United States.

2003: Analysts say the raping of U.S. taxpayers in the name of Israel reached $3-trillion USD per year!

2004: The Reformed Church in America declared “the ideology of Christian Zionism and the extreme form of dispensationalism that undergirds it to be a distortion of the biblical message”.

2006: The Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land declare the concept of ‘Christian Zionism’ as contradicting the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, and therefore false.

The Christians United for Israel lobby group was “revived” and focused on recruiting members on U.S. college campuses.

2007: In the U.S. the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church and the United Church of Christ denounce ‘Christian Zionism’.

Would your ‘christian’ kindergartner have as big a pair of ‘balls’ as this Palestinian kindergartner? What happened to the U.S. concept of fighting for Freedom, don’t you ‘Mericans remember your own Revolution against the British empire?

2012: 27 ministers of foreign affairs from European countries declared West Bank “settlements remain illegal under international law, irrespective of recent decisions by the government of Israel. The EU reiterates that it will not recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties.”   

The Christians United for Israel lobby group claims it has one million U.S. members.

2013:  Jews caught in False Flag op, pretending to be converts to Islam recruiting Muslims for so called Islamic State.


Palestinian girls have more ‘balls’ than most American men!

2014:  New poll shows most U.S. Christians support genocide by Jew! 

Israel slaughters 1 Palestinian child per hour, King’s Torah demands it! Israel demands U.S. taxpayers fork over $225-million to help them kill more Palestinians! 

Israel begins massive nighttime bombardment of Gaza Strip! Israel orders Palestinians to shelter in place as they kill them!

Zionists angry as Scotland hoists Palestinian flag!

Israeli soldiers & Christian Red Cross execute hundreds of civilians, erasing town of Khuza’a!  “We still don’t know how many people were killed in Khuza’a. We don’t have enough bulldozers to get to all those people buried under the rubble, but the smell of decomposing bodies indicates there are more.”-Bashar Murrad, Palestinian Red Crescent

Israel clarifies their “ceasefire” offers do not apply to Palestinians! Captured IDF soldier is U.K. citizen! 

Israelis caught cheering “No more school for Gaza children!” Gaza City is the new Auschwitz!

2015: Israeli police surround unarmed woman and then mass shoot her to death, even though her hands were up!  Israeli cops claim the cell phone she was holding was a knife.

Jews ram 13 year old boy with car after killing his 15 years old brother!  On the video you can hear Jew Boys shouting in Hebrew and Arabic (Arabic because they wanted him to understand what they were doing to him) “Die, you son of a whore!! Die!!”

Video shows Israelis dressed as Palestinians instigating rock throwers, then shoots the real Palestinians!  It’s a type of False Flag operation.

Revelations show that land stealing by the Israeli government is being supported by private donations from the U.S.  The revelations were made by the growing number of true Jewish groups opposed to zionism/Israel: “In a months-long investigation, Haaretz correspondent Uri Blau analyzed thousands of documents from the tax reports of U.S. charities that support Israeli settlements in the West Bank. …….Between 2009 and 2013, the last year for which there is extensive data, these organizations reported combined revenues of more than $281 million…”

“As a rabbinic organization committed to human rights….we are deeply concerned about the likelihood that U.S. tax exempt donations are being used to finance terrorism within Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

“Here in the United States, meanwhile, few politicians have questioned why American taxpayers continue to subsidize the Hebron settlers, accused by international observers of human rights violations that include thefts, battery, and murder.”

God is Evil: An Israeli politician has revealed a conspiracy to eliminate ‘black’ Jews and replace them with ‘white’ jews!  

If Jews are God’s chosen people, then God is pure Evil!!! 

Operation Jupiter: Global Warming not cause of fish die-off, mystery virus discovered in 2 separate locations!

06 April 2016 (03:49 UTC-07 Tango 01) 18 Farvardin 1395/27 Jumada t-Tania 1437/29 Ren-Chen 4714

“Tilapia is one of the most important fish industries worldwide. Moreover, because they eat algae, they are ecological gatekeepers for freshwater and they are an inexpensive, important source of protein in poorer countries.”-Eran Bacharach, Tel Aviv University

Mass die-off at a tilapia farm in Israel-Palestine

Researchers in the U.S., Columbia, Ecuador, Scotland and Israel have discovered the true cause of tilapia die-offs, it’s not global warming but a previously unknown RNA virus now known as TiLV (Tilapia Lake Virus).

But there’s a problem, the major locations of tilapia die-off are not physically connected, so researchers are now focusing on how TiLV showed up at about the same time in two different locations.  Israel and Ecuador are separated by 12310km (7,649 miles) if you’re traveling by air.  Ecuador’s coastline is along the Pacific Ocean.  Israel’s (Palestine’s) coastline is along the Mediterranean Sea and a tini-tiny bit that has access to the Red Sea.

TiLV causes brain swelling and liver disease.  Die-offs of tilapia have been documented since 2009.  Ecuador’s neighbor, the U.S. drug lord puppet Columbia, is also reporting tilapia die-offs.  At first researchers thought tilapia were dying from a new form of Influenza C, but while it is similar it is also totally new: “The TiLV sequence has only minimal similarity in a small region of its genome to other viruses; thus, the methods we typically use to identify and characterize viruses through sequencing alone were insufficient.”-Eran Bacharach, Tel Aviv University

“It appears to be most closely related to a family of influenza viruses called orthomyxoviruses; however, we still don’t understand much about its biology.”-Nischay Mishra, Center for Infection and Immunity

Researchers were so baffled by the new virus they turned to help from the New York Genome Center.  Tilapia farming is worth $7.5-billion USD on the global market.

Operation Jupiter: Overwhelming proof HPV vaccine is wrong!

U.S. Food Crisis March 2016: “Sales aren’t even close….Not even close!” 

U.S. hit by new stealth Dog Flu!

Syria liberates Palmyra, United States is pissed!

27 March 2016 (04:16 UTC-07 Tango 01) 08 Farvardin 1395/17 Jumada t-Tania 1437/19 Xin Mao 4714

“Any suggestion that we have changed in any way our view of Assad’s future is false. Assad has lost his legitimacy to govern. We haven’t changed our view on that.”– John Kirby, former USN Admiral now Obama Regime spokesman


The video below shows Syrian Gazelle helicopters and Sukhoi 22 attack jets (Russia stopped using the Su-22 years ago), along with tanks and armed vehicles.  The video also shows U.S.-European-Israeli backed insurgent made land mines (in plastic jugs and metal cans) along the roadsides.


Syrian Army and Army Air Force have liberated Palmyra area in Homs Province, claiming that the last of the DAIISH-Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL (DAIISH=DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH for al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) have been “eliminated”!

Russia claims it launched 40 air strikes to help Syria liberate the region.

Syrian ‘Ceasefire’ False Flag calm before U.S. invasion Storm?

God is Evil: Israel sneaks in ‘white’ Indian Jews while kicking out ‘black’ Ethiopian Jews!

27 March 2016 (03:06 UTC-07 Tango 01) 08 Farvardin 1395/17 Jumada t-Tania 1437/19 Xin Mao 4714

“While the Ethiopian Jews are being left behind, quietly and secretly hundreds of members of the Bnei Menashe community, who identify as descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes, are being brought over……being brought over with urgency….this is happening away from the public eye.”-Ksenia Svetlova, Knesset member

An Israeli politician has revealed a conspiracy to eliminate ‘black’ Jews and replace them with ‘white’ jews!

Knesset member Ksenia Svetlova says her government has made a secret plan to import 7-hundred Jews from India and place them into stolen Palestinian homes.  At the same time the Israeli government continues to beat, deport and even genocide Jews from Ethiopia!  Think about that, ‘white’ Jews committing genocide against ‘black’ Jews!

“We are living in the days of aliyah! We are witnessing the return of the Bnei Menashe after 2,700 years of exile. You and I may not look alike, but we both share a Jewish soul, and that is what unites us. You are my family, I am your family, and together, with God’s help, soon we will march back to Zion. [unless they’re ‘black’]-Michael Freund, leader of Operation Menashe

The plan to sneak in hundreds of Indian Jews is being led by U.S. born Michael Freund. It’s part of a greater plan called Operation Menashe, and Freund’s Shavei Israel organization, meant to bring the Jews home to Israel (unless they’re ‘black’).   Guess what, there was another Michael Freund, he worked as a propaganda writer for Nazi Germany!

Your Gott-damned tax dollars and your personal donations to AIPAC support these genocidal idiots, that makes you guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity!!!

God is Evil: Video of IDF summarily executing Palestinians! Fuck you AIPAC! 

God is Evil: Video shows Israelis shoot & then beat to death ‘black’ man, then beat him even more! 

God is Evil: Video of IDF summarily executing Palestinians! Fuck you AIPAC!

24 March 2016 (17:32 UTC-07 Tango 01) 05 Farvardin 1395/14 Jumada t-Tania 1437/16 Xin Mao 4714

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”-Blade Runner

“I heard gunshots, went outside my house to check what it was, and saw several Israeli soldiers yelling and two youths on the ground. A soldier approached one of the youths that was moving while yelling and opened fire at him from zero range.”-unnamed witness in Hebron, West Bank, Palestine

An Israeli human rights group, B’Tselem, posted a video of Israeli Defense Forces summarily executing Palestinians, after a supposed knife attack on an IDF soldier.  It took place in the Israeli controlled concentration camp known as West Bank.

A scratch wounded ‘jew’ is seen being loaded into an ambulance, even though he clearly is well enough that he appears to prefer not being taken to hospital.  There are two wounded Palestinians laying on the ground.  Both alive and moving.  An IDF personnel shoots the Palestinian in the foreground in the head with his U.S. designed M4(M16).  Later in the video it appears the Palestinian in the background has also been shot in the head, however, the official version is he died due to medical treatment being denied.  Lying Israel ‘jew’ leaders claim they arrested the shooter!

Under international law you evil U.S. ‘christians’ who continue to throw your cash to the money changers of the Temple of David (AIPAC) are guilty of War Crimes!!!

Your Gott-damned tax dollars support these genocidal idiots, that makes you guilty of war crimes!!!

Hillary’s Best Friends: Hillary Clinton Brings Down The House At AIPAC

God is Evil: Jewish security camera catches Jewish soldiers beating innocent man! 

God is Evil: Video shows Israelis shoot & then beat to death ‘black’ man, then beat him even more! 

Exceptional Failed State: Jews control United States banking system! Obama kisses their asses! Mein Kampf becomes a best seller, again! 

If Jews are God’s chosen people, then God is pure Evil!!!

Terminator: Israel on verge of creating All Seeing, Knowing, Powerful satellite to control the World!

02 March 2016 (15:05 UTC-07 Tango 01) 12 Esfand 1394/22 Jumada al-Ula 1437/24 Xin Mao 4714

“And he will be established like the moon for eternity, a faithful witness in Heaven.”-Psalms 89:37, Aramaic Bible

Israeli tech company SkyFi claims it is on the verge of completing a “nano satellite” system that will be able to connect to any internet based device anywhere in the world, even locations that are currently ‘out of service’.

There are estimates that 4-billion people on Earth cannot access the internet due to lack of local service (this seems high as it would mean only 3-billion people are connected to the internet, belying all that main stream media hype about everybody being online-social media-bullshit).

The official motivation for the new all powerful eye in the sky nano satellites is to bring those 4-billion unfortunate off-gridders into the web of the beast: “We are planning to launch 60 nano-satellites that will cover the entire planet, working together in constellation that will offload tasks to each other as needed. Each satellite will cost a million dollars, so 60 nano-satellites will cost the same as one full-sized satellite, with the advantage of being able to spread them around the globe and connect them in a network that can work together.”-Raz Itzhaki Tamir,  SkyFi ceo

SkyFi claims their nano-satellites have incredibly fast communication speeds, a gigabyte per second!  That’s far faster than any satellite in orbit now: “This type of solution will conquer the market, because it addresses some of the most serious and bothersome issues for satellite operators.”-David Pollack, Spacecom ceo

A proof of concept launch will be conducted next year.  Chinese news reports said the SkyFi system could eventually think for itself, Reuters calls them “smart satellites”.  If it works then just imagine what could be done with a potentially autonomous satellite network that can access everything, everywhere on the planet!

Here’s a report that might explain Israel’s true reason for creating such a satellite system: Israeli troops relying on Waze app blunder into Palestinian area

And here’s one that might explain why the U.S. would support such a network: “‘The coordinates recorded on the GPS devices taken from the 10 U.S. marines confirmed their trespassing’ into waters off heavily-guarded Farsi island…”