16 April 2023 (11:25-UTC-07 Tango 06) 27 Farvardin 1402/25 Ramadan 1444/26 Bing-Chen 4721/16 апреля 2023 года
Anybody remember when ‘woke’ NATO governments, and their lackey news media outlets, were warning of huge global food shortages due to the so-called Russian invasion of Ukraine?
Yesterday, NATO members Hungary and Poland banned food imports from Ukraine, and yes it is about the money, and yes it proves there is no food shortage: “The increasing imports of agricultural products from Ukraine cause serious disturbances in the markets of our countries, great damage to producers and social unrest.”-Robert Telus, Poland’s Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development
According to numerous reports out of Europe, NATO members have been trying to help Ukraine’s economy by taking in huge amounts of food from Ukraine, however, that has backfired, causing food prices to collapse which in turn is hurting the domestic food industries in those NATO countries!
Poland’s Krab is a self-propelled artillery gun, normally an indirect-fire weapon, but can be used as a direct-fire weapon (like a main-battle-tank). The following images and videos were made during Exercise Dynamic Front, March 2023, in NATO-Denmark.
Puerto Rico Army National Guard image by Staff Sergeant Agustín Montañez, 26MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Gavin K. Ching, 26MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Theresa Gualdarama, 26MAR2023.
Hawaii Army National Guard video (by Sergeant Gavin K. Ching) of Krab direct firing on the Oksbøl range, Denmark, 26MAR2023:
“The future is going to be different than what we have experienced for the last 20 years….”-Lieutenant General Jim Slife, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command, during the most recent iteration of ATREUS
Oklahoma Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Brigette Waltermire, 09NOV2022.
On 09NOV2022, U.S. Special Operations Command Europe conducted the first-ever demonstration of the ‘palletized’ launching system of the AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) ‘bunker buster’ in NATO Europe (specifically NATO Norway).
Palletized JASSM being loaded onto a NATO Poland C-130 Hercules, in Powidz, Poland. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Brandon Julson, 08NOV2022.
This is part of the U.S. European Command’s Operational Series ATREUS: “This effort is meant to increase integration of both conventional and Special Operations Forces from participating nations and enhance interoperability with our NATO allies and European partners. ….ATREUS training events enable effective responses for any contingency, as well as continuation of training, and increased readiness and collective defense.”-Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Melnicoff, Operation ATREUS ‘lead’
Even though the U.S. military spells ATREUS in all caps, it is not an acronym, it is the ancient Greek god of war. It is silly that Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Melnicoff stated that Operation ATREUS was “routine engagements”, as the first ATREUS exercise began in April 2021. However, there have already been seven ATREUS ‘iterations’ in NATO Europe since then! And apparently, ATREUS is meant to be a global operation: “Participation from our allies is the cornerstone of ATREUS iterations. Poland, Romania, and the United Kingdom have been regular participants in the most recent ATREUS iterations throughout 2021 and 2022, but the global effort with our fellow geographic combatant commands makes this a historic demonstration of allied solidarity worldwide.”-Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Melnicoff, Operation ATREUS ‘lead’
Palletized JASSM being loaded onto a NATO Poland C-130 Hercules, in Powidz, Poland. USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Brandon Julson, 08NOV2022.
During the most recent iteration of ATREUS, the U.S. Air Force’s (USAF) 67th Special Operations Squadron, 352d Special Operations Wing, demonstrated the Rapid Dragon Palletized Effects System (RDPES), using the latest JASSM cruise missile. The RDPES is an experimental system that allows special operations cargo planes, like the MC-130J Commando-2 (a combat variant of the Super Hercules), to carry and launch cruise missiles. The USAF is already using the system inside The Arctic Circle, and now in NATO Europe.
Silent U.S. Air Force video, by Staff Sergeant Izabella Workman, showing how the JASSM is launched from a MC-130J. Notice at first it looks like a supply drop, but then the JASSMs start flying out of the pallet, then impact the water. Andøya Space Defense Range, Norway, 09NOV2022:
In June 2022, the JASSM was test launched from an Arizona Air National Guard F-16 Falcon. The test was conducted from Hill Air Force Base (AFB), in Utah.
USAF photo, 06JUN2022.
The JASSM has been in use, by the U.S., since 2009. Australia, Finland, and Poland, began stockpiling them in 2014 (same year as the NATO backed coup in Ukraine). In April 2018, two USAF B-1B Lancer bombers launched 19 JASSMs against Syria’s military.
On 25FEB2022, JASSMs were delivered to Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany. USAF video report by Technical Sergeant Anthony Plyler:
The newly opened U.S. Army tank academy in NATO Poland is part of Poland’s agreement to purchase (? actually beg, borrow and possibly steal from U.S. taxpayers) the new M1A2 Abrams SEPv3 Battle Tank, and the M1074 Joint Assault Bridge (JAB) bridge-layer version (the M1074 actually being a NATO Italian & Israeli design). Since the beginning of 2022, news outlets and government officials have repeated stated that the deal is all about confronting Russia in Ukraine, however, Poland’s U.S. directed military expansion officially began in October 2019!
Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Blaszczak, 15AUG2022. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Alvin Reeves.
The U.S. Army does not use the M1074 JAB operationally (the first JABs were used for testing/evaluation), a version called M1110 JAB is expected to eventually go into service with U.S. forces (production delayed by government Pandemic Panic attack mandates/lockdowns). NATO Italy’s Leonardo, through its Saint Louis, Missouri, based DRS division, has a contract with Anniston Army Depot, in Alabama, to convert old M1 Abrams tanks to the JAB configuration. Leonardo is the same company that makes U.S. Air Force’s new Grey Wolf helicopter (it is not made by Boeing, despite industry reports!). DRS used to be a U.S. owned company, but in 2008 was sold to Italian company Finmeccanica. Finmeccanica changed its name to Leonardo DRS. In June 2022, Leonardo DRS merged with Israel’s RADA Electronics Industries.
NATO-U.S. Army Abrams Partnership Program promotional video, 10AUG2022, announcing the tank academy:
This U.S. Army (USA) video, by Specialist Javen Owens, shows M1074 bridge-layer already in action (U.S. personnel operating) in NATO Poland on 28APR2022, just weeks after the M1A2 agreement:
The $6-billion 01APR2022 agreement will result in NATO Poland getting 250 M1A2-SEPv3 main battle tanks, 26 M88A2 Hercules recovery vehicles and 17 M1074 JABs. Does anybody believe that Poland has $6-billion?
How many times has U.S. led NATO sworn that it is not expanding towards Russia? The first ever permanent U.S. military base in NATO Poland now has an official name: Camp Kościuszko.
On 30JUL2022, a ceremony was held in Poland, announcing a name for the new U.S. base, named after Tadeusz Kościuszko, a Polish-Lithuanian military officer who joined the American Revolution against the British Empire in June 1776. After the war that created the United States, General Kościuszko returned to Poland in August 1784.
U.S. Army video explainer, by Specialist Devin Klecan:
U.S. Army photo by Markus Rauchenberger, 20JUL2022.
Update 2022: Poland’s 2nd Battalion, 5th Artillery Brigade, conduct live-fire on Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, 20JUL2022. U.S. Army video by Markus Rauchenberger:
NATO Poland took two self propelled artillery gun systems, one from NATO United Kingdom and the other from Korea (South) and put them together, and called it the Krab.
April 2021 video by Bogusław Politowski / ZbrojnaTV (Polska Zbronjna-Poland Armed), giving you an ‘inside’ look at the Krab:
Photo by Arkadiusz Dwulatek/Combat Camera Poland, June 2020.
Photo by Waldemar Młynarczyk/Combat Camera Poland, June 2020.
Presidenski Range in Trzebian, Poland. U.S. Army photo by Specialist Dustin D. Biven, 29NOV2017.
Poland got Krabs in 2012, this video posted in December 2012 shows the public display of the Krabs, along with a rocket artillery launch. Pay attention, the hulls on these 2012 Krabs are different than the newer Krabs:
Cold War: Approximately 1947 (due to U.S. President Harry Truman’s Truman Doctrine) to 1991 (Operation Desert Storm, collapse of Soviet Union).
Warsaw Pact Czechoslovak ShKH vz. 77. Photo via Czech Ministry of Defense.
The ShKH vz. 77 DANA began service with Warsaw Pact Czechoslovakia in 1981. New versions are continually being created, and currently is in use by at least six countries.
Polish DANA lets one rip while deployed to Afghanistan, November 2010. Photo by Polish Warrant Officer-2 Adam Roik.
Gunner’s position inside the DANA. Photo by Polish Warrant Officer-2 Adam Roik.
Forward Operating Base Arian, Afghanistan, 11JAN2012. In the background a Polish DANA. California Army National Guard photo by First Lieutenant Adam Carrington.
Cold War era Warsaw Pact Czechoslovak designed/built Soviet 152mm gunned Samo-hybná Kanónová Húfnica vzor 77 (ShKH vz. 77, or self-propelled cannon howitzer model 77), also known as DANA (Dělo Automobilní Nabíjené Automaticky, in English means gun vehicle loaded automatically). In today’s NATO Czech Republic it is called the SPGH-M77 or Type 77.
NATO Czech DANA on the NATO Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, NATO Germany, 25OCT2012. U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Kirk Evanoff.
NATO Czech DANAs on the NATO Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, NATO Germany, 02SEP2014. USA photo by Sergeant Christina M. Dion.
NATO Czech DANAs on the NATO Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, NATO Germany, 04SEP2014. USA photo by Staff Sergeant Randy Florendo.
04SEP2014, USA photo by Staff Sergeant Randy Florendo.
04SEP2014. USA photo by Staff Sergeant Randy Florendo.
NATO Czech ShKH-77 Danas in a garage on the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, NATO Germany, 08AUG2015. USA photo by Specialist Tyler Kingsbury.
North Carolina Army National Guard examine a Polish 152mm DANA, 05JUN2016. North Carolina Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Robert Jordan.
Polish 152mm DANA launches rounds during Exercise Anakonda, 13JUN2016. Oklahoma Air National Guard photo by First Lieutenant Micah D. Campbell.
Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area, NATO Poland, 13JUN2016. Oklahoma Air National Guard photo by First Lieutenant Micah D. Campbell.
NATO’s Battle Group Poland roll towards the border with NATO Lithuania during Saber Strike wargame, 18JUN2017. USA photo by Specialist Stefan English.
Quick U.S. Army video by Sergeant Austin Majors, wet gap (river) crossing showing Polish DANAs crossing pontoon bridge during NATO’s Saber Strike wargame in June 2017:
Puerto Rico Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Eliezer Meléndez, 06MAY2022.
In NATO Latvia, Forward Operating Site Adazi, NATO Slovak personnel showed-off their new Zuzana-2 to artillery men from Fort Riley, Kansas, on 06MAY2022.
Puerto Rico Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Eliezer Meléndez, 06MAY2022.
On 09OCT2022, NATO-Slovakia revealed that it had sent a total of ten of the new Zuzana-2 gun systems to Ukraine.
Recent NATO reaction to Russia-Ukraine Crisis, from 01MAR2022 to 17MAR2022:
The first ever deployment of the NATO Response Force has just been assigned a year to its title: NATO Response Force 2022, indicating there will be more deployments past the Gregorian year 2022.
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman First Class Kendall Stuckman, 07MAR2022.
It has been revealed that on 07MAR2022, the U.S. Armed Services Blood Program-Europe held the 2nd Annual Tri-Border Blood Drive at The Hub in Brunssum, Netherlands. The U.S. Department of Defense’s Armed Services Blood Program-Europe is based in Landstuhl, Germany.
A NATO France Rafale lands on the flight deck of the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), in the Ionian Sea. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Third Class Tate Cardinal, 11MAR2022.
NATO Germany has increased its military presence in NATO Lithuania, under the guise of defending against Russian aggression:
Members of NATO are officially called “member states” indicating that NATO is not just a ‘defensive’ military pact, but is a pseudo-government!
12MAR2022, U.S. Navy video, by Petty Officer First Class William Dodge, showing NATO French personnel packing up their vehicles in Rygge, NATO Norway, to travel to a new location to prepare the High Readiness Brigade in Norway 2022 for use in the NATO Response Force 2022:
13MAR2022, USN video by by Petty Officer First Class William Dodge, NATO Polish personnel arrive in NATO Norway for exercise Brilliant Jump 2022, part of the High Readiness Brigade in Norway 2022 to prep for possible use in the NATO Response Force 2022:
13MAR2022, USN video by by Petty Officer First Class William Dodge, NATO Spanish personnel arrive in NATO Norway for exercise Brilliant Jump 2022, part of the High Readiness Brigade in Norway 2022 to prep for possible use in the NATO Response Force 2022:
According to a report released 14MAR2022, by U.S. Army employee Cameron Porter, NATO Germany’s Deutsche Bahn (German Railway) is now helping the U.S. Army ship tanks and other vehicles from the open-air warehouse (Army Prepositioned Stocks-2, APS-2) in Germany to distribution locations such as Grafenwoehr Training Area.
U.S. Army photo by Jason Todd, 15MAR2022.
On 15MAR2022, the NATO German military (Bundeswehr) is now using its military logistics trucks to help the U.S. Army ship tanks and other vehicles from the open-air warehouse (APS-2) in Germany to distribution locations such as Grafenwoehr Training Area.
U.S. Department of Defense photo by Chad J. McNeeley, 16MAR2022.
On 16MAR2022, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin the Third and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg meet (again) at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss their plans against Russia. The day’s meeting also included the defense ministers of non-NATO countries of Finland, Georgia, Sweden and Ukraine. It also included reps from the European Union, which just happens to also be based in Brussels, Belgium. There are reports that Sweden and Finland might join NATO.
Also on 16MAR2022, NATO U.S. President Joe Biden’s promise of ‘unprecedented’ deliveries of antiaircraft systems to Ukraine actually involves U.S. taxpayers buying NATO Slovakia’s Russian made (ironic) S-300 system (NATO reporting name SA-10 Grumble), and giving it to Ukraine!
U.S. Department of Defense photo by Chad J. McNeeley, 17MAR2022.
U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin the Third just met with Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger, 17MAR2022, concerning the Biden plan to spend U.S. taxes on buying NATO Slovakia’s Russian made S-300 antiaircraft missile system, and then give it to Ukraine! Slovakian officials say they will agree to the deal if only NATO replaces the S-300 antiaircraft system with a new antiaircraft system.
U.S. Air Force photo by Technical Sergeant Miquel Jordan, 17MAR2022.
17MAR2022, NATO Croat MiG-21s are now flying ‘air policing’ operations alongside U.S. Air Force F-16s out of NATO Italy.
On 17MAR2022, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a live video speech to the German Bundestag, in which he essentially says he now realizes Ukraine was just a pawn, that the reason why the West/NATO dragged their feet on helping Ukraine was that there is a conspiracy between Russia and NATO to bring back the Cold War era Iron Curtain. He specifically used the word “wall” and said the true goal is to create a new “divided Europe”:
The U.S. Army’s 3rd Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, based on Fort Stewart, Georgia, is playing with new M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams and new M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicles.
U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Trenton Lowery, 01FEB2022.
On 01FEB2022, the ‘Hound Battalion’ of the ‘Spartan Brigade’ got new upgraded M2A4s.
USA photo by Sergeant Trenton Lowery, 01FEB2022.
U.S. Army video interview, 01FEB2022, Lieutenant Colonel Mario Iglesias explains what is new about the new M2A4 Bradley:
It should be noted that profits made from the sale of Bradleys goes to the British empire, as the Bradley, once made by a U.S. company, is now made by United Kingdom’s BAE Systems. BAE began to aggressively take over U.S. defense companies in 2001, the same year that the undeclared War on Terror began.
USA photo by Sergeant Trenton Lowery, 11MAR2022.
Then on 11MAR2022, the Hound Battalion got new upgraded M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams battle tanks.
USA photo by Sergeant Trenton Lowery, 11MAR2022.
The Spartan Brigade has been chosen to become the most modernized U.S. Army combat unit, by 2023.
This is a ‘dramatic’ U.S. Army 1st Cavalry Division video, from July 2020, explaining the new M1A2 SEPv3:
Just a few years before the official end to the unofficial Cold War, Poland’s military decided to modify its license built T-72M1s. The idea was to incorporate as many locally produced upgrades as possible. So many items were changed that the PT-91 Twardy (tough, strong) is almost a totally different tank from the T-72; engine, transmission, auto-loader, targeting system, etc.
U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Andres Chandler, 13JUN2020.
Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area, Poland, June 2020.
USA photo by Sergeant Andres Chandler, 13JUN2020.
USA photo by Sergeant Andres Chandler, 13JUN2020.
NATO video of PT-91 live-fire during wargame in Latvia, April 2020:
Polish Hussars PT-91 during Assurance wargame in Latvia, 26JUL2018.
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Captain Tyler Piper, 06JUN2018.
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Specialist Alan Prince , 06JUN2018.
Bemowo Piskie Training Area, Poland, June 2018.
Michigan Army National Guard photo by Specialist Robert Douglas, 15JUN2018.
USA photo by Specialist Hubert D. Delany the Third, 06JUN2018.
USA photo by Specialist Hubert D. Delany the Third, 06JUN2018.
Polish PT-91 in Latvia, at Camp Ādaži, 11MAR2018. Canadian Forces photo by Corporal Jean-Roch Chabot.
Canadian Forces photo by Corporal Jean-Roch Chabot.
In Latvia, February 2018, NATO wargame Reassurance. A PT-91 arrives for ‘decontamination’.
Canadian Forces photo by Corporal Jean-Roch Chabot.
A Slovenian soldier checks for ‘contamination’ of PT-91’s tracks/road wheels.
Canadian Forces photo by Corporal Jean-Roch Chabot.
Polish PT-91 about to get ‘decontaminated’ during CBRN (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear) training in Latvia. Back in the Cold War, and through the 1990s, we called it NBC (nuclear Biological Chemical) training.
Camp Ādaži, Latvia. Canadian Forces photo by Master Corporal Gerald Cormier, 02OCT2017.
Canadian Forces video by Master Corporal Brandon O’Connell, Polish PT-91 during NATO wargame in Latvia, 2017:
Camp Ādaži, Latvia. Canadian Forces photo by Master Corporal Gerald Cormier, 02OCT2017.
U.S. Army photo by Charles Rosemond, 15JUN2017.
Adazi, Latvia, during NATO Saber Strike wargame, June 2017.
U.S. Army photo by Specialist Brandon Best, 04JUN2017.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by First Lieutenant Kristine Racicot.
Since the 1990s, many new versions of the PT-91 battle-tank have come out, with different designations and names. There’s even recovery vehicles, engineer vehicles, bridgelayers and self propelled artillery based on the PT-91. Besides Poland, Georgia, India and Malaysia use some type of PT-91 variant.