20 December 2016 / 21:35 UTC-07 Tango 06 (01 Dey 1395/21 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/23 Geng Zi 4714)
“The biggest mental images I have is there were two rivers of blood going down the floor.”-Luke Theis, U.S. citizen witness to Berlin attack
Nostradamus, Century II Quatrain 97: Roman Pontiff beware of approaching The city that two rivers flow through, Near there your blood will come to spirt, You and yours when the rose will flourish.
“A soldier of the Islamic State carried out the Berlin operation in response to appeals to target citizens of the crusader coalition countries.”-Not surprisingly DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]), aka Islamic State, claims credit for the Berlin truck attack
Berlin polizei released the man they’ve been claiming was the driver of the truck that plowed into a Xmas Market yesterday. The Pakistani asylum seeker was arrested near the scene of the attack, and original Deutschland main stream news media reports said he had been chased by a witness (which turns out is not true, so much for the ‘real’ news media versus ‘fake’ news). Essentially xenophobic witnesses simply grabbed the nearest ‘foreigner’ and claimed they saw him getting out of the truck. This means the true driver escaped. It also implies that nobody saw the driver of the truck.

Believe it or not, it appears the truck was stopped by an Xmas Tree!
Polizei also released more details about the ‘passenger’. They now believe the dead man from Polska was the original company driver, he died from being shot and stabbed numerous times. Polizei say the Pakistani man they released had no blood, or gunpowder residue, on him. They also released info from the truck’s ‘black box’ recorders.
About the time the Polska company lost contact with their driver the data devices on the truck show it was started and stopped numerous times, as if somebody was learning how to drive the Scania semi. The truck circled the Xmas Market several times before reaching approximately 80 kph (50 mph) when it rammed the shoppers.
Finger pointing has gotten so bad that one Deutschland news article actually blames Edward Snowden and Wikileaks, accusing their revelations of our government’s involvement in False Flag operations as somehow allowing these terrorist actions to happen!