Tag Archives: idaho

Rue21, Hi-Tech retail fail! Another blow for Chubbuck?

06 April 2017 / 20:07 UTC-07 Tango 06 (18 Farvardin 1396/10 Rajab 1438/11 Jia Chen 4715)

Rue21 issued a massive 4-hundred store shutdown list, Idaho will lose two stores, click here for the list.  To find out which store is closing click on your state, then click each city listed, the stores that are closing will have “Closing Store” posted above the location name.

Will the relatively new rue21 store in the Pine Ridge Mall be forced to shutdown?

Will the relatively new rue21 store in the Pine Ridge Mall be forced to shutdown?

Unnamed sources inside rue21 told main stream news media that the ‘teen’ clothing retailer is about to go bankrupt, and has hired counselors who specialize in shutting down and/or selling off brick-n-mortar stores.

In Chubbuck, Idaho, the Pine Ridge Mall has a large rue21 store.  The store opened only four years ago. It never seems to have a lot of customers.

Other main stream news media reports say rue21 has massive debts and failed to make loan payments.  Suppliers have even stopped shipments of new clothes for fear of not being paid.

At the beginning of this year rue21 created new executive positions, claiming they would “propel the company forward”.  Last year rue21 was described as being the largest fast growing fashion retailer in the United States, apparently that was a lie.

Don’t blame the internet, or hi-tech, rue21 has a website and uses the latest retail tech platform called Aptos.  The use of hi-tech resulted in rue21 winning the Gold Award for Customer Engagement, just last year!

Last year’s technology upgrades were an attempt to revive the clothing seller, obviously technology failed.



Snake River Militia (?) spends taxpayer money building hospitals in Central America!

05 April 2017 / 20:14 UTC-07 Tango 06 (17 Farvardin 1396/09 Rajab 1438/10 Jia Chen 4715)

Former National Guardsmen from Montana, now Army Reservists (but still wearing the patch of Idaho based Snake River Brigade), are in the Central American country of Belize building hospitals and schools under a U.S. Southern Command sub-operation called Double Head Cabbage.

Former Snake River Brigade member Sergeant Ramon Firestone, from Montana, measures a 2×4 for use in making roof supports in Belize

Belize was once a colony of the British empire, called British Honduras, gaining so-called independence in 1981.  In 2006 oil was discovered in the area known as Spanish Lookout.

Double Head Cabbage is part of a larger operation between United States and Belize, called Beyond the Horizon 2017.  Beyond the Horizon will provide free medical help to the people of Belize, at U.S. taxpayer expense!

Specialist Troy Hanson, from Montana. Defense Department reports say he’s with Army Reserve, but note the National Guard Snake River Brigade patch on his sleeve.

Interestingly the personnel from Montana claim to belong to a federal Army Reserve unit, yet they wear Idaho National Guard’s Snake River Brigade (116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team) patch (see pics above).

The Army Reserve unit the personnel claim to be from is known as the 672nd Engineer Company.  I discovered that the 672nd was deactivated back in June 1959, but reactivated in September 2008.

The Montana reservists are wearing the National Guard patch on their right sleeves to indicate they were deployed to a combat zone with the Snake River Brigade.  Recently rules were changed concerning the wearing of the ‘combat patch’.  For a long time the size of the unit you deployed with, how long you were deployed in a combat zone, and whether or not Congress actually declared war, determined the wearing of the combat patch.  Another problem has been that some brigade level commanders actually banned the wearing of combat patches.  The wearing of the combat patch is voluntary.




‘Zombie’ Payless shoes suddenly shutters 400 stores! Another blow to the city of Chubbuck?

04 April 2017 (16:20 UTC-07 Tango 06) 15 Farvardin 1396/07 Rajab 1438/08 Jia Chen 4715

“…with the immediate closure of nearly 400 underperforming locations in the U.S. and Puerto Rico and work to aggressively manage the remaining real estate lease portfolio either by modifying terms, or evaluating closures of additional locations.”-Payless statement, 04 APR 2017

Despite Donald Trump running The White House, the Obama regime initiated apparel industry death spiral is ramping up.  Discount cheap-o shoe seller Payless suddenly ‘died’ today after filing for bankruptcy.

4-hundred U.S. stores forced to shutdown immediately!  The thousands of remaining stores around the world will undergo ‘managed’ shutdowns!  (click this link to the official shutdown list)

Payless is officially not dead, but should be considered a zombie retailer as executives struggle to keep the company going: “This is a difficult, but necessary, decision driven by the continued challenges of the retail environment, which will only intensify. We will build a stronger Payless for our customers, vendors and suppliers, associates, business partners and other stakeholders through this process. While we have had to make many tough choices, we appreciate the substantial support we have received from our lenders, who share our belief that we have a unique opportunity to enable Payless — the iconic American footwear retailer with one of the best-recognized global brands — to remain the go-to shoe store for customers in America and around the globe.”-Paul Jones, CEO

Payless in struggling Pine Ridge Mall, employees swear they've been told no shutdown for them

Payless in struggling Pine Ridge Mall, employees swear they’ve been told no shutdown for them

However, the Payless ShoeSource employees at the struggling Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck, Idaho, swear they are not being shutdown.  They claim that corporate administrators say the Chubbuck Payless is actually making money.

In related news, the Payless store in Pocatello, Idaho (which was quietly shutdown back in October 2016), was supposedly shutdown because of landlord/tenant problems, not lack of sales.


U.S. RETAIL/BANKING/SERVICE SECTOR COLLAPSE, JANUARY 2017: Kansas based Payless shoe seller suddenly laid off 110 HQ employees!  Elsewhere, another 55 Payless employees were suddenly dumped.  Local news media say laid off employees were given no notice and were escorted out by security guards!

 U.S. RETAIL/BANKING/SERVICE SECTOR JOB LOSSES, OCTOBER 2016: Payless Shoes shutting down three stores in Illinois, right after Thanksgiving, blaming “landlord issues”.


U.S. JOB LOSSES & STORE CLOSINGS, JANUARY 2013: Payless Shoes HQ in Topeka, Kansas, laid off 45 people and eliminated 97 vacant positions. New owners of Payless say the job cuts are an effort to keep the company operating.

“A Massive Apostasy” : U.S. Christian Rapture (?), 1st Q 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns and layoffs for the Gregorian months of January, February and March 2017.

The American Conservative: The Coming Christian Collapse

SHOEBAT.com: A Massive Apostasy Is Taking Place Right Now As American Evangelical Christian Leaders Admit They Are In A Free Fall Collapse

14 Catholic Diocese in the United States are now bankrupt busted due to sex abuse claims!

Baptist Health of Kentucky/Indiana warning that they must layoff 288 people!  ObamaCare is forcing them to ‘realign’ operations. Days after the announcement the Baptist Health CEO suddenly quit!

Arkansas: Christian founded Bentonville based Walmart announced hundreds more job cuts for the 1st quarter of 2017, and began shutting down its experimental Neighborhood Markets grocery stores across the U.S.

California: The Catholic Diocese of Oakland shutdown five San Francisco area schools due to lack of students.  Christian Methodist founded Coca-Cola eliminating 102 jobs in San Diego by the end of July, blaming a 30 years low in soft drink consumption!

Florida: Adventist owned Florida Hospital Medical Group outsourced 67 jobs to a cheapo contractor.

Idaho: In the overwhelmingly christian (Mormon) dominated south eastern part of The Gem State, some christians actually campaigned against Pastor Jacqualine ‘Big Momma’ Thomas’ planned homeless shelter in Pocatallo! After a local Muslim doctor started the financial ball rolling in favor of the homeless shelter (waking up true local Christians who had money to donate), a group of christians went to the city council to point out that the Sublette Street property was not zoned for “transitional housing”.  The Mormon dominated city promptly revoked the temporary operating permit.  Pastor Big Momma commented to local news media that she’s taking this as a sign that god has a better location in mind.

Illinois: Chicago based, christian agnostic Warren Buffet owned, Kraft-Heinz eliminating 2-hundred salaried jobs!   

Indiana: After 127 years Saint Joseph’s College shutting down at the end of the current school year.  Local news media say the community “is shocked”, but supposedly the shutdown is temporary.  The nursing program will continue, but 9-hundred students are now screwed out of their non-nursing degrees. Local news media speculated that it was due to lack of funding, Saint Joseph admin refused to explain the decision.

Maryland: Baltimore based, evangelical founded, World Relief warning of layoffs across the U.S. due to the new President of the United States of America Donald Trump.  You see, christian founded World Relief gets paid, by federal taxpayers, according to how many refugees they take in.

Massachusetts:  Mormon Mitt Romney co-founded Framingham based Staples shutting down at least 70 more stores and selling off its European operations, due to poor sales.

Michigan:  The country’s largest retail christian chain store is now dead.  After 85 years Family Christian Stores shutting down all 240 stores, 3-thousand jobs lost by the end of April! Instead of blaming god, Family Christian Stores admin blamed their fellow christians for crashing sales! Christian founded Habitat for Humanity shutdown two Detroit area ReStores (for lack of sales) and laid off an undisclosed amount of people, blaming it on the fact that more than 40% of the families living in Habitat for Humanity houses can’t pay their supposedly ‘affordable’ low income mortgages! (that’s right, those Habitat for Humanity houses are not free)

Minnesota:  Even god can’t stop The Diocese of New Ulm from going chapter 11 bankrupt, due to sex abuse lawsuits.

Missouri: Saint Peter Catholic School shutting down by the start of the 2017-18 school year.  The school is being merged with other christian schools due to The Rapture, I mean lack of christian students.  Catholic founded Saint Louis University eliminating 120 jobs, blaming increased costs of operations and decreased student enrollments (The Rapture?)!

Montana: Even god can’t stop The Diocese of Great Falls-Billings from going chapter 11 bankrupt, due to sex abuse lawsuits.

New Jersey: The British empire based christian Salvation Army shutdown its Newark Family Thrift store due to crashing sales.  City administrators are worried as the thrift store helped fund local social programs.

New York:  The Archdiocese of New York announced yet more christian school shutdowns, this time six more schools (in NYC and Sullivan County) being consolidated due to The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.  They also blamed the skyrocketing costs of maintaining properties in The (failed) Empire State: “There was no way to be able to open the school, not just money wise but academics………As Catholic schools close, the tax burden will grow more and more.”-Sister Carol Cimino, superintendent Buffalo Catholic Schools

North Dakota:  CHI Saint Alexius killed 52 jobs in Bismark. Administrators blame ObamaCare for not reimbursing the true costs of healthcare.

Ohio: Quaker christian founded, now Cincinnati based Macy’s-Bloomingdales announced it is shutting down at least 68 stores and killing thousands of jobs.  Analysts say the actual number of employees hit by layoffs could be more than 10-thousand! 

Oklahoma: Saint John Health System told local news media they eliminated jobs, but refused to say how many.

Oregon: Samaritan Health Services imposed a hiring freeze and halted construction projects in order “to prepare and position ourselves to be able to continue our primary mission of healthcare delivery with the least harm to our workforce and community”.  Samaritan Health Services (one of the largest healthcare providers in Oregon) administrators say ObamaCare-Medicaid funding cuts caused them to lose as many as 8-thousand patients in the first two months of 2017! They also said that when you throw-in other healthcare providers “The number statewide is in the tens of thousands”.

Pennsylvania: Christian Mennonite founded Hershey chocolates announced it must eliminate thousands of hourly jobs by the end of 2019, in order “to improve overall operating profit margin through supply chain optimization”.

Tennessee: Catholic Charities laid off 13 people at its refugee center in Nashville, blaming Donald Trump.  Christian founded Kroger (the founder was so religious that he quit his first job because he was expected to work on Sundays, by the way Sunday is not the 7th day of the week) shutdown a grocery store on  Western Avenue, in Knoxville, due to “significant losses for over 5 years now, including over $1 million in the last two years”.

Texas: One of the the largest churches in San Antonio, Community Bible, suddenly laid off at least 31 of its employees.    ObamaCare forced Baylor Saint Luke’s Medical Center to kill more than 2-hundred jobs in The Lone Star State!  ‘Born Again’ christian founded, Plano based JCPenney announced 140 store shutdowns and as many as 6-thousand jobs gone by the middle of the 2nd quarter 2017!

Vermont: Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) shutdown their ten years old Winooski operations due to a lack of people willing to take part in the activities.

Virginia: Fredericksburg Christian School shutdown its Stafford campus.  Administrators admitted that enrollment hasn’t lived up to expectations, so they’re consolidating campuses.  British empire based Salvation Army shutdown their Waynseboro thrift store, due to lack of sales.

2nd Half 2016 U.S. Christian Rapture: “THIS IS A BUSINESS…THE PRODUCT IS FAITH”


“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

“reduce staff…by 30%.” : U.S. Hi-Tech/Communications breakdown, February 2017

More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech competition for your demise. Incomplete list of U.S. internet/high-tech/communications job destruction announcements in February 2017:

China based Perfect World Entertainment (Star Trek Online) confirmed it suddenly eliminated jobs, including some with its Star Trek management team.

Non-profit web-browser Mozilla suddenly laid off 50 people, supposedly in an attempt to expand operations.

California: Google issued a WARN saying 104 people in Mountain View will become jobless in April (on top of the 94 jobs eliminated in March)! Also in Mountain View, Veritas Technologies finally notified the state that it eliminated 64 jobs back in November.  ‘Search engine for apps’ Quixey suddenly shutdown their Mountain View office, 48 jobs gone.  Culver city based, and Disney owned, Maker Studios yet again eliminated jobs.  This time at least 80 employees now unemployed.  Redwood Shores based video game maker Storm8 issued a WARN, 131 jobs lost by the end of April in an attempt to become more competitive!  Santa Monica based Activision suddenly laid off an undisclosed number of employees, despite reporting better than expected revenues for 2016.  Redwood City based Shutterfly warned of layoffs as it consolidates ops, blaming a 30% crash in its 4th quarter 2016 profits! Shutterfly will shutdown operations in Santa Clara, as well as in New York state.  In Palo Alto, tax-sucking Space Systems/Loral suddenly laid off 161 people! Tax-sucking Rockwell Collins issued a WARN, 44 jobs in Irvine lost by the end of April.  Internet based clothing seller Nasty Gal suddenly shutdown operations in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, 98 jobs gone without warning.

Colorado: Denver based ReadyTalk no longer based in Denver as well as eliminating 46 jobs due to being taken over by rival Premier Global Services.  Missouri based prescription ‘benefits’ company Express Scripts shutting down its call center in Pueblo, 320 jobs lost by the end of April!  City leaders say Express Scripts still owes local taxpayers $2.8-million USD that was loaned to the prescription company, and never mind that Express Scripts also got about $3-million in tax incentives to build a call center in Pueblo!

Georgia: Alpharete based video game maker Kiz Studios confirmed it suddenly eliminated jobs, but refused to say how many.   Administrators said it was to restructure “…three of our gaming studios in order to focus on our new Global Services practice.”

Florida: Broadband Interactive eliminating 129 jobs by mid-March!

Idaho: For some reason the state Department of Labor sat on a WARN from Pocatello based call center operator Mountain West Research, until now.   The notice is dated October 2016 and reveals that 194 people lost their jobs (the state Dept. of Labor listing doesn’t say when the layoffs actually took place)!  Just in case I missed something I checked local news media reports and found nothing about this huge, and apparently sudden layoff.  It’s not the first time the company suddenly killed jobs, Mountain West Research did the same thing in Idaho Falls, back in 2012,  but that mass layoff got the attention of the local news media (I wonder why the Pokey layoffs were missed?).  The Pocatello Mountain West Research location on 675 Yellowstone Avenue is currently listed as available for rent by Premier Properties, however, its website is still up-and-running and lists an address of 1110 Yellowstone Avenue. 

Kentucky: Internet based clothing seller Nasty Gal shutting down its distribution center in Shepherdsville, 70 jobs lost.

New Jersey: Gannett Satelilite Information Network eliminating 141 jobs by the end of March!

New York: U.S. Army contractor L3 Technologies laid off 44 people, other employees are being transferred to Mississippi, due to cuts in taxpayer funding.  Less than a year after sending hundreds of jobs to China, Brooklyn-NYC based MakerBot commenced a ‘3rd round’ of layoffs, administrators admitted they intended to “reduce staff at MakerBot by 30%.”  NYC based web-publisher Slate laid off at least six people.   Jim Cramer founded TheStreet.com suddenly laid off about a dozen people, and also faces delisting from the stock market due to its low share pricing.  Digital media start-up Odyssey laid off 55 people despite raising $35-million USD in funding!  Administrators admitted they weren’t “able to scale” and stalled. British empire United Kingdom based Vodafone Americas issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC ops, 51 jobs gone by the end of June.  Unisys shutting down its Rochester call center, 178 jobs lost right after Xmas 2017!  ‘Women’s interests’ publisher Meredith suddenly laid off 40 people blaming crashing magazine advertising, however, it was revealed that Meredith’s TV revenues were up.

North Carolina: General Electric (GE) Hitachi Nuclear Energy laid off an undisclosed number of nuke plant workers in Wilmington.  Local news media reported that at the time of the announcement no WARN had been filed with the state.  Xerox spin-off Conduent eliminating 143 jobs in Charlotte, blaming the “changing business needs of a client”!

Oregon: Frontier Communications laid off 57 people due to the  shutdown of its Beaverton dispatch center as part of “significant restructuring and reorganization”.  The state’s oldest tech company, Electro Scientific Industries (ESI), warned of mass layoffs across North America in order to “deliver more consistent earnings”.

Pennsylvania: Wilkes-Barre based international internet marketer Pepperjam eliminating 19 jobs in the U.S.  Times Shamrock-Citizens’ Voice of Wilkes-Barre eliminated 25 jobs and is trying to get 36 people to voluntarily quit, due to crashing advertising sales ever since 2012.  This comes after years of changing ownership of the company through take-overs and mergers.

Texas: Teleperformance USA shutting down their Abilene call center, 274 jobs gone by April due to a “change in business circumstances”!  Cloud company Rackspace Hosting eliminating at least 275 U.S. jobs after being taken-over by New York vulture capitalist Apollo!  AT&T eliminating 54 jobs at its Richardson call center, by the end of March.

Virginia: Game Stop shutdown its Bristol Mall store. Despite the fact that BlindBatNews has been reporting GameStop shutdowns since January 2016, local news media reported that local customers were shocked that their favorite video game store was shutdown.  Charter Communications issued a layoff WARN for its Herndon ops, 59 jobs lost by the end of March.

Wisconsin: Texas based social media manager Spreadfast shutting down its Madison ops, 45 jobs lost.

U.S. Tech/Communications breakdown, January 2017:  “I FEEL LIKE WE ARE BEING BLED.” “AND IT’S GETTING WORSE.”


More Economic Decline: Vanity dies in Idaho

22 March 2017 / 21:07 UTC-07 Tango 06 (03 Farvardin 1396/24 Jumada t-Tania 1438/26 Gui Mao 4715)

The struggling to come back from the dead (under new management) Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck, and the Grand Teton Mall in Idaho Falls, and Boise Towne Square mall in Boise, and in Coeur d’Alene, and in Twin Falls, all losing yet another national/regional tenant; women’s clothier Vanity.

Vanity is now bankrupt dead and shutting down all 137 stores across 27 U.S. states.

Statements by Vanity admin, and so called retail experts, both blamed internet sales for the demise of local malls, but I’ve been witness to the decline of brick-n-mortar retail long before internet shopping skyrocketed, and have documented the decline of Chubbuck’s Pine Ridge Mall (a former employer of mine) on BlindBatNews.

When I worked for Pine Ridge Mall, under the original owner J. Price and then under GGP (General Growth Properties), surveys were constantly taken of mall shoppers as to what stores they wanted to see in the mall.  The overwhelmingly consistent number one response was “more clothing stores”, specifically more “women’s” clothing stores!  Idiots!  At that time more than half the mall was filled with stores selling women’s clothing or accessories!

Even today, Pine Ridge Mall with less than half of available spaces filled (within the original mall location) still consists mainly of women’s clothing retailers!  And that’s the true cause of the death spiral of women’s brick-n-mortar stores; there are too many of them selling the same ugly ‘shit’ for way too much dollars (even with their fake discounted pricing, yeah every friggin’ week that I worked at Pine Ridge Mall, JCPenney would have a huge sale on clothing, the result was after a while nobody but an idiot would shop there during the work-week ’cause they knew prices would drop for the weekend)!

Even when my daughters were in high school they hated shopping at brick-n-mortar stores for clothes “because the clothes suck!”  What is really driving people to shop on the internet, for clothing, is true variety in style and pricing of clothing.  So whose really to blame for the death spiral?  The corporate weenie heads who run those brick-n-mortar clothing stores!


Sears Kmart Death Spiral: “substantial doubt exists related to the company’s ability to continue”

U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, January 2017: “I DON’T SLEEP AT NIGHT, IT’S KILLING ME” MASSIVE MACY’S MELTDOWN?



Ammo maker kills 210 jobs in Idaho & Minnesota, blames Trump!

22 March 2017 / 20:13 UTC-07 Tango 06 (03 Farvardin 1396/24 Jumada t-Tania 1438/26 Gui Mao 4715)

“…we experienced a challenging retail environment due in part to a weak hunting season and the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.”-Amanda Covington, Vista Outdoor-Federal Cartridge (Federal Premium Ammunition)

At the beginning of March, Vista Outdoor (formerly known as ATK) owned bullet maker Federal Cartridge suddenly laid off 110 people at its Anoka factory in Minnesota, and quietly furloughed 1-hundred employees at its Lewiston factory in Idaho.

Vista Outdoor also gives credit to Barack Obama for record level gun and ammo sales during his eight years as President of the United States (proving once again that Peace Prize winner Obama is king of the gun runners).  Vista administrators actually blame the sudden crash in sales on the election of Donald Trump: “The shooting sports market softened significantly following the election as consumer demand was reduced due to a more certain regulatory environment for gun owners under the current administration.”-Amanda Covington



Obama Legacy: U.S. Apparel industry Death-Spiral “I have no clue. It just doesn’t seem to be working…”

27 February 2017 (03:57 UTC-07 Tango 06) 09 Esfand 1395/30 Jumada l-Ula 1438/02 Ren Yin (2nd month) 4715

J.C. Penney’s announcement of massive job culling for the first quarter of 2017 is directly blamed on the ongoing clothing industry death-spiral; J.C. Penney (also spelled JCPenney) administrators directly blame crashing clothing sales, especially female clothing, for their impending demise.

But don’t blame Donald Trump, this apparel industry death-spiral began under Barack Obama.  BlindBatNews has been reporting on the apparel industry destruction since 2011, starting with the painfully slow-death-spiral of Sears-Kmart (their main product being clothing).  On 23 February, Sears Holdings announced it will cull another 130 jobs from its HQ in Illinois!  In January, Sears Holdings announced dozens more store shutdowns for the 1st quarter of 2017.

In 2012, Idaho based Coldwater Creek revealed it was going down the drain.  By 2014 Coldwater Creek went bankrupt busted and ceased to exist, shutting down all stores and killing at least 6-thousand jobs!

Also in 2012, female clothing retailer Christopher & Banks began shutting down stores.  American Eagle Outfitters also started store shutdowns.

The following are not complete (incomplete) lists of apparel industry deaths from the last years of the Obama regime.

2013:  Arkansas based Mormon owned Dillard’s shutdown two stores in Utah.

In Texas, Dillards shutdown their Plano store, 101 jobs lost as part of Dillard’s “strategic store closures”!  Texarkana’s Twice as Nice Fashions shutdown after 41 years in business.

In Michigan, Old Navy shutdown their Benton Harbor store, Second Chance Clothing closed after 30 years of business, and Detroit’s 96 years old Serman’s Clothes Shop shutdown.

In Ohio, Old Navy and Charlotte Russe clothing stores shutdown in Springfield. Linens-n-More closed in Niles, company officials did not say why. Superior Fibers closed their factory in Fairfield County, 1-hundred U.S. employees out-o-work as the jobs are shipped to Mexico!

Fruit of the Loom owned Russel Athletic shutdown two factories in Alabama, killing at least 381 jobs!

In Kansas, After 70 years in business, Fair’s Shoes in Wichita closed.  Payless Shoes HQ in Topeka laid off 45 people and they will not fill 97 vacant positions. New owners of Payless say the job cuts are an effort to keep the company operating.  Corporate owners say sales weren’t good enough.

Missouri based bankrupt Bakers Footwear failed to save the rest of its stores by selling them off.  The result is all remaining stores closed.  In 2012, the inventory of 151 Bakers stores was sold off.  The company started selling women’s shoes in 1924.

Macy’s-Bloomingdales shuts down six stores, at least 550 jobs lost! News media in Minnesota revealed that the Saint Paul Macy’s store that shutdown cost city taxpayers $6.3-million USD, that’s how much of a tax subsidy city leaders gave the store back in 2001! After 21 years in business a Minneapolis, Minnesota, Neiman Marcus shutdown and Target laid off 150 people at its Twin Cities HQ, blaming consumer “behavior”!  Archer Uniform store in Minnesota shut down, also California based celebrity bridal gown designer Monique Lhuillier closed her shop in Edina.  The owner blames the Mayo Clinic Health System for changing to color coded uniforms.

 Eddie Bauer shutdown at least three stores.

In New York, H&M shutdown two stores, C.J. Banks shutdown their Victor store, American Eagle closed a store in DeWitt, and Juicy Couture laid off 61 employees after the company was sold off.   After 72 years Rudnick’s Uniforms & Clothing service shutdown in Schenectady.  The owners blamed low sales, increasing taxes and the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority: “….I’m not going to fight this city anymore. Metroplex hasn’t given me anything, and I’m not subservient to them!”-Linda Tolokonsky, co-owner

A major glove maker for the U.S. military laid off at least 85 people in Mississippi.  Officials with Ansell Hawkeye say they’ve fulfilled their last government contract.

The GAP clothing business shutdown two distribution centers in Kentucky, 350 jobs lost as Fruit of the Loom laid off an undisclosed number of employees.!

In California, GAP and GAP Kids stores in Sacramento shutdown, GAP Kids in Santa Rosa shutdown.  Santa Barbara Outfitters closed after ten years of operations, In Stockton decades old La Maison women’s clothing store shutdown, and Wet Seal laid off 35 people at their Foothills Ranch HQ. In Los Angeles, Pull My Daisy clothing store closed down, in Carmel Valley the 30 years old City Kids-Beach Kids closed down by the landlord who refused to renew the lease, in Walnut Creek Liliana Castelllanos clothing boutique shutdown, and in Vernon 189 people lost their jobs with Trinity Sports “full package” clothing maker! The Footlocker in Lakewood Mall out-o-business, local news media tried calling the corporate office but got no response.

Renton Western Wear stores in Tacoma and Renton, Washington, closed down after 62 years of operations, and The Blackbird retail store shutdown, the owner says she will focus on wholesale only.

Clothing store Chocolate Peacock shutdown in Omaha, Nebraska, and in Lincoln Murray’s for Men of Stature and Kent’s Mens Shoes shutdown.

In Illinois, the Erday’s men’s clothing store out-o-business after almost 88 years of operations. Children’s clothing store, Little Colony Kids, out-o-business after 57 years in Homewood. GAP shutdown their store in Winnetka, women’s clothing store Deena’s out-o-business and The Competitive Foot closed in LaGrange.

Abercrombie and Fitch revealed a plan to shutdown 180 stores!

In Connecticut, Bodytalk women’s clothing store in Westport shutdown, after 46 years Gil’s Shoe Barn shutdown, a Talbots clothing store shutdown, Cargo Bay shutdown their Fairfield store, children’s clothing maker Carter’s closed its Shelton office, and clothing maker Warnaco shutdown its Milford factory putting 208 people out-o-work!

In Pennsylvania, clothing stores Shambala, GAP, GAP Kids, C.J. Banks shutsdown. Flair Fashions in York shutdown: “It doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I don’t know if it’s the spot we’re in. I have no clue. It just doesn’t seem to be working for us down here.”-Andrea Giuffrida, owner

Also in Pennsylvania, Yankee Shoe Repair factory shut down after 92 years of operations. The owner blamed a multitude of things: “Without sufficient skilled staff, and considering current footwear buying trends, coupled with economic conditions, the long term stability of the business was in jeopardy…Given the materials used in footwear today, 95% of the shoes people buy can’t be repaired.”-Larry Coco

In North Carolina, clothing maker Mortex shutdown its Princeton factory, more than 1-hundred people laid off!  Mortex makes clothes for several big name brands. In Winston-Salem, 70 years old Community Shoe Store shutdown, the owner’s children did not want to take over the business and they could not find buyers.

In Maryland, On Cloud 9 clothing store closed up, and Famous Footwear closed down their Riva store. In Hagerstown, women’s clothing store Lena’s closed.  The store’s manager/investor said the economy is dead: “The economic situation in Hagerstown and Washington County is, I mean I know others may say other things, but to me it is pretty devastated!”-Lori Ruda

In Massachusetts, after 75 years of operations the sewing and knitting store Windsor Button Shop is now out-o-business, and in Wesseley, 84 years old upscale women’s clothing Triangle Shop closed. The greedy property owner suddenly canceled the lease, no warning.

In Florida, after 1-hundred years J.C. Harris men’s clothing store closed due to the bad economy.  Body Central women’s clothing store shutdown their Jacksonville Landing location. Company owners said that location just “didn’t fit the model”.

In Idaho, the Ann Taylor women’s clothing store in the GGP owned Boise Towne Square mall shutdown, 14 jobs gone for good. The independent owner of a Pella women’s clothing store out-o-business in Buckhead, Georgia, and in Macon Bowen Brothers men’s clothing store shutdown after 31 years. The owner said the bad economy was more than her 37 years old business could handle: “The economy is not the same….Independents are struggling.”

In Hawaii a 54 years old shoe store, The Slipper House, closed down.  The owners were forced to close by mall company GGP (General Growth Properties), which is the same company that shut down the biggest Sears store in the Aloha state.

In Colorado, Prickly Pear women’s clothing store in Monument shutdown. After 19 years in business Traz Snow and Skate Shop (which sells related clothing items) shutdown.  The owner say sales at the Grand Junction business just don’t cut it anymore: “Merchandise that used to be exclusive to this type of industry is now everywhere and people have just kind of forgotten about us. We just can’t generate enough income to stay in business anymore.”-Tom Levalley

In Arkansas, 23 years old Brown & Hawkins closed down, the family owners tried to sell the clothing store but nobody was interested.

In Louisiana, the 70 years old Keene’s Shoe Store shutdown due to the rent being jacked up. The Wa-Zoo women’s clothing gave up on brick & mortar stores, switching to internet sales only.

In Wisconsin, clothing store Scott Joseph Menswear shutdown after only eight years. It was the only men’s clothing store in La Crosse. The pissed off owner blames the bad economy: “It was a tough decision, but I just can’t get ahead. I thought the economy would come around.”-Scott Koenen

2014: Juicy Couture is dead, or is it?  This women’s clothing retailer got a new owner last year, but apparently the sale doesn’t include the brick-n-mortar stores, just the right to the brand!  Unnamed employees told fashion news sources that all U.S. brick-n-mortar stores will be shutdown, thousands of jobs affected!  Reports say the new owner, Authentic Brands Group, is working deals to sell the Juicy Couture brand through other retailers such as Kohl’s.

An east coast female clothing store now chapter 11 bankrupt busted. Love Culture owes its landlords tens of millions of dollars in back rent!  Their website still says they are growing and expanding their business!  Company officials stated that the bankruptcy will allow them to shutdown many of their 80 stores.

Retail giant Target shutdown stores in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Ohio, Nevada and Tennessee, thousands of jobs lost!

Alabama based Simply Fashion took over bankrupt busted Dots women clothing retailer, after Dots had already shutdown 4-hundred stores, killing 3-thousand 500 jobs!

In New York, The “absolutely best dress” clothing store Honey in the Rough shutdown, Talbots Outlet Store in Garden City shutdown,  Juicy Couture killed at least 47 jobs.  In Endicott, Jim’s Formal Wear shutdown, 61 jobs lost.  Brooks Brothers men’s clothing retailer shutdown all 12 of their discount Brooks Brothers 346 stores!  NYC based Aéropostale announced it will shutdown 125 children’s P.S. clothing stores and 75 Aéropostale stores across the U.S., and Aéropostale shutdown all its stores in Quebec, Canada! The Forest Hills Ann Taylor store shutdown, the NYC based women’s clothing store owner Ann Incorporated (Ann Taylor, Loft) also killed 100 corporate jobs!  Company officials admit they expect a crash in women’s clothing sales, and are trying to stay ahead of the curve by culling jobs now.

In South Carolina, after 20 years The Fashion Shack shutdown by aggressive property developers.

In California, several Gilly Hicks clothing stores shutdown, 185 jobs lost! San Francisco based Levi Strauss killed 8-hundred corporate jobs!  In City of Industry, Macy’s department store shutdown a distribution warehouse, 63 jobs lost.  Loehmann’s killed 160 department store jobs! San Francisco based internet seller ModCloth.  Reports say the internet operation laid off about 70 employees, even though they’re advertising that they’re hiring.  ModCloth has also been accused of modifying the pics of clothing on their website. The Fresh clothing store in Newhall shutdown, Abercrombie Kids shutdown in Roseville killing 55 jobs, the Long Beach Nordstroms Rack shutdown, 43 jobs lost.  Uniform service contractor Aramark shutdown ops across The Golden State, at least 570 jobs lost! Foothills Ranch based Wet Seal announced it will shutdown 17 Wet Seal stores and 31 of its Arden B stores by the middle of 2015!  Brisbane based upscale snooty women’s clothing chain Bebe admitted they killed jobs with their stores across the U.S., but refused to say how many.   In Corona Del Mar, after five years Bohemia clothing store shutdown. Los Angeles based internet women’s clothing company Nasty Gal laid off at least 28 employees as part of their “vision of the future”.  From “America’s Fastest-Growing Retailer” to becoming a fast killer of jobs internet clothing seller ModCloth laid off 120 employees! Los Angeles based clothing retailer American Apparel defaults on a $10-million USD loan!

In New Mexico, after 26 years Santa Fe’s Christine’s Bridal and Formal Wear shop shutdown.

Oregon based internet outdoor clothing retailer, Altrec, now chapter 11 busted.  Oregon based Nike revealed it killed 100-thousand contracted jobs worldwide, in the past year due to switching to the use of robots on a massive scale!  Company officials claim they never recovered from a 2011 cyber attack.

In Maryland, Chico’s shutdown a clothing store in Annapolis.

In Florida, after 26 years women’s clothing store Sue’s Cubby Hole shutdown in Sebring, Saks 5th Avenue laid off 74 employees in Orlando. In Bradenton Macy’s shutdown, 131 jobs lost!  In Jacksonville, women’s clothing retailer Body Central announced massive layoffs, after realizing they lost $42-million USD in 2013! After 43 years Ocala’s Tom Falvey’s Men’s Wear shutdown. The owner blamed the bad economy: “I wish it didn’t have to come to this, but we just have to close…..I wasn’t able to bring in new merchandise and keep everything fresh.  You know, just the same old story.”

Only months after holding a “grand opening”, women’s clothing store Lane Bryant shutdown their Beavercreek, Minnesota, store. After 34 years Tatters vintage clothing store shutdown, the owner blamed rising rent, which the landlord blamed on rising Minnesota property taxes.

In Illinois, the Sandburg Mall now chapter 11 bankrupt busted withat least $10-million in debt.   In Geneva, after 18 years women’s clothing store Sandra Webster shutdown. After six years Le Dress clothing store shutdown, the store owners blamed the landlord for jacking up the rent. Illinois based Threadless T-Shirt shutdown their flagship office and laid off 25% of their employees.

In Missouri, after 83 years (and surviving the Great Depression) men’s clothing store Jack Henry shutdown, 25 jobs lost.  

Pennsylvania based American Eagle Outfitters announced they are shutting down 150 stores by the end of 2016! After 80 years, female clothing chain store Deb Shops (aka DEB) now chapter 11 bankrupt busted. In Lansdale, after more than 25 years soccer (football) clothing store Kick-N-Wear shutdown.

In Colorado, after 40 years Anderson’s Clothing shutdown, and another crappy Old Navy clothing store shutting down, 75 jobs lost.  Outdoor clothing maker GoLite now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  They owe lots-o-money to lots-o-Chinese companies.  In Denver, Little Me’s children clothing store shutdown.  The angry owner blamed never ending construction: “I knew I would face many challenges in this venture, but in the twenty years that I have been shopping in Cherry Creek North, lack of foot traffic was not one that I had anticipated. It appears the construction is only going to move closer to our area and we simply cannot make it through another season like the last.”– Jennifer Riches

In Kentucky, T-shirt shop Cafe Press shutdown their store in the Mall Saint Matthews.

In Washington state, after only six years upscale Lost Boys men’s clothing store shutdown.

In Connecticut, after 24 years Littlejohn’s children clothing store shutdown.  The co-owner blamed a lot of factors that have crashed their sales since 2008, but she said the final straw was when the greedy landlord jacked up the rent: “…an unattainable rent increase. It was honestly too much of an increase. It would be very difficult, really, or impossible to continue.”-Anda Weyher

Wisconsin based ShopKo killed off 40 jobs at its Ashwaubenon corporate HQ.

In Rhode Island, 107 years old Potter and Company clothing store shutdown.  The owner of the store said she never thought greedy landlords would do her in by jacking up the rent: “It’s very disappointing….I thought this place would survive. It’s just such a part of the community.”-Chafee Emory

In North Carolina, mid-to-upscale retailer Belk shutdown its Four Seasons Town Centre store, 58 jobs lost.

In Virginia, the Williamsburg Hancock Fabrics shutdown, JCPenney shutdown their Bristol store, 67 jobs lost.  After 30 years the Pink women’s clothing store in Richmond shutdown.  The owner said the economy dictated that the store had outlived itself. In Grafton, after 28 years the Adams Shoe Store shutdown.  Juicy Couture shutdown its Pentagon City store.

Juicy Couture also shutdown a store in Washington DC.

In Utah, the owners of clothing stores JMR Chalk Garden and Lolabella Boutique shutdown all four of their locations due to crashing sales.

In New Hampshire, after 16 years the Jai Anlyn clothing store shutdown.  The owner realized that expensive clothes don’t sell fast enough, or in large enough quantities to pay the bills.

In Georgia, Arbor Place Mall GAP clothing store shutdown. In Macon, after 30 years the Who’s Who upscale clothing store in Albany shutdown, after 31 years the last men’s tailored suit store Bowens Brothers shutdown: “The first thing I’m looking forward to is taking off two weeks. I’ve never been off two weeks in my adult life!”-Harry Bowen

In Oklahoma, Woodland Hills Mall clothing store The Limited shutdown.

In Ohio, after less than three years Second Sole shoe store shutdown, the owners said the economy in Kent sucks ass!  Also, in Medina the Old Navy crappy clothing store shutdown with no explanation.

In Wisconsin’s Wausau, GAP and Hollister clothing stores shutdown.

In Alaska, after 48 years Carr’s Men’s Clothing Store shutdown.

New Jersey based bankrupt busted Ashley Stewart shutdown 27 women’s clothing stores, saying their sales have been crashing since 2012.  Children’s clothing retailer, Kid Brands, now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Company officials say they are $109-million in debt, but are asking the court to allow a $49-million loan so they can stay in business. In Raritan, after 11 years women’s clothing store Chaos shutdown.  The owner, Karen Brooks, said “With rent, utilities and other operating costs, it’s hard to see the value in trying to keep up.”

Maine based tax sucking military contractor Creative Apparel  announced that their so called ‘temporary’ layoffs are now “permanent”, more than 80 jobs lost.

After 184 years iconic shoe store chain JL Combs shutdown all New England area stores, administrators posted this humorous  reason why they’re shutting down: “It’s just too damn hard with all this new fangled competition everywhere.  And I’m starting to feel a bit tired of working 7 days a week.  After all, I’m 184 years old!”

In Pocatello, Idaho, outdoor clothing store The Raven’s Nest is now being used as a mattress inventory storage unit. The mayor of American Falls reported that the local ALCO store was shutting down, he was alerted when he saw employees putting up the going out of business signs.  It’s one of five Idaho ALCO stores being shutdown (as part of the Texas based retailer’s plan to shutdown all 198 U.S. stores!). The American Falls mayor says his small city can’t afford more job losses: “Any worker who loses their income will have an impact on the city!”-Marc Beitia

In Arkansas, the Lake Catherine Footwear factory moved 56 jobs offshore: “Economic forces in the international shoe industry have forced us to move some components of our operations to the Dominican Republic to remain competitive.”-Bruce Munro, CEO Munro & Company

In Iowa, after 102 years Marshall & Swift dry cleaners shutdown, 50 jobs lost.

In Tennessee, another U.S. shoe factory shutdown, this time Wellco Enterprises shuttered its Morristown factory, 53 jobs lost.  Before the 2010 takeover by Wellco the taxsucking factory used to make boots for the U.S. Department of Defense.

2015: California based Wet Seal said Happy New Year by unleashing their “Store Project” operation; going bankrupt and shutting down 338 stores and killing about 3-thousand 7-hundred jobs in 2015! In upscale elitist Montecito, after 30 years Lana Marme Last Resort clothing store shutdown. In San Luis Obispo, after 21 years Crazy J’s clothing store shutdown. After 100 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Dick’s Menswear shutdown in Fresno.   Huntington Beach based surf clothier Quicksilver sold-off to evil Oaktree Capital Management, at least 80 people lost their jobs.  In Auburn, after 40 years Mountain Mama brick-n-mortar clothing store shutdown. Iconic 68 years old Frederick’s of Hollywood chapter 11 bankrupt busted, shutting down all 111 brick-n-mortar stores!  In San Francisco, GAP laid off hundreds of people, then announced it will shutdown 175 stores across the United States! In Sacramento, after 29 years clothing store Robin Lyle shutdown, the owner says she can make more money as a ‘personal shopper’. Los Angeles based American Apparel announced an undisclosed number of stores will be shutdown, and hundreds of employees laid off: “…decline in comparable sales…We believe that we may not have sufficient liquidity necessary to sustain operations for the next twelve months. These factors, among others, raise substantial doubt that we may be able to continue as a going concern.”

  New York based Aéropostale revealed to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that their director used insider info to make a stock deal back in December 2014.   Bankrupt NYC based women’s clothing chain Cache shutdown their administrative offices, 1-hundred jobs lost! In NYC, Jack Spade and Kate Spade Saturday shutdown.  New York based bratty & bankrupt teenage girl’s clothing chain store dELiA*s is dead, all 92 U.S. stores shutdown! Clothier J.Crew laid off 175 people at its NYC HQ!  Company administrators said they are preparing for the “future”.  In Forrest Hill, 20 years old teenager clothing store Strawberry shutdown.  In Syracuse, after a little more than two years ‘outerwear’ clothing store Quicksilver shutdown in the Destiny USA center.  New York based bankrupt female clothing chain store Deb Shops (aka DEB) called it quits, shutting down all stores and killing about 3-thousand jobs! Yet another women’s clothing store going down as C.Wonder shutdown their NYC store, 75 jobs lost with no warning.   In Troy, after 67 years men’s clothier Rodino’s shutdown. In Potsdam, after 37 years outdoor clothing and equipment store Wear On Earth shutdown “…due to changes in the industry…”  Walmart shutdown their huge two story Massapequa store, at least 295 jobs lost! 

Arkansas based Walmart suddenly, and with only a two hours notice to employees, shutdown five stores in California, Florida, Oklahoma and Texas, 2-thousand 2-hundred jobs lost literally in less than one day!

Ohio based Macy’s shutdown at least 14 stores and killed as many as 2-thousand 5-hundred jobs! In Akron, Coming Attractions Bridal & Formal shutdown.  The pissed off owner blames it on bad publicity after a Texas nurse infected with ebola stopped in: “We had a big opening and we had hoped that the publicity may even have been a good thing, but now we are the Ebola Shop. Customers are tired of hearing ‘Oh, you bought it at the Ebola Shop.‘”-Anna Younker to the Northeast Ohio Media Group

Texas based JCPenney shutdown at least seven more stores and killed 2-thousand 2-hundred jobs!  In Texas,  Warren Buffet owned Justin Brands shutdown their Western Clothing distribution center in Fort Worth, killing 68 jobs.  

Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust announced they are selling off their Washington Crown Center and Uniontown Mall.   The evil REIT already sold off $191.7-million worth of commercial property in 2014! British empire Canada based clothing retailer Lord & Taylor shutdown its brick-n-mortar Wilkes-Barre Township store.  Crappy clothing op American Eagle Outfitters shutdown their Warrendale distribution center, 2-hundred jobs lost!  The Old Navy store at Carlisle Crossing shutdown, with only two days notice and no explanation!

In Michigan, GAP Outlet store in Monroe shutdown. After 43 years the Mount Morris meijer department and grocery store shutdown. In Kalamazoo, after five years women’s clothing store Cakes Boutique suddenly shutdown.

In Florida, the Fashion Mall chapter 7 bankrupt busted and up for sale.  Clothier Izod shutdown its Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach Outlets stores as part of their plan to shutdown 1-hundred Izod stores!  After 43 years Brasington’s Adventure Outfitters shutdown. The owner said 2008, the year of the start of the recession, was their best year but then sales crashed and never recovered. Fort Myers based Chico’s shutting down 120 stores by 2017, with a minimum of 240 jobs lost! Company administrators blame an “unexpected” jump in operating costs, and blames bad sales on those evil fickle female shoppers.  Jacksonville based women’s ‘clubbing’ clothing chain store Body Central went bankrupt then suddenly shutdown all 265 stores in the United States, 2-thousand 5-hundred jobs lost!

In Hawaii, The Children’s Place clothing store in the GGP owned Ala Moana Center shutdown.  Store administrators say they couldn’t afford to renew the lease.  I’ve worked for GGP and know how outrageous their rents are. GGP is spending at least $600-million USD remodeling the Sears store into smaller spaces.

In Maryland, after 44 years Laurance Clothing shutdown.  Men’s clothing chain store Jos. A. Bank sold to a Texas company, their Hampstead HQ shutdown, 122 jobs lost, local news reports say at one point Jos. A. Bank employed more than 7-hundred people in Hampstead.

In Maine, Group Home Foundation’s Little River Apparel division laid off 60 people.

In Missouri, the County Club Plaza lost the Ann Taylor and Ann Taylor Loft stores. In Jackson, Nearly Perfect Shoes shutdown, a co-owner said it was because the local economy can no longer support two shoe stores less than eight miles apart. The Oak Park Mall reports the Ann Taylor store shutdown.

In Wisconsin, two Vanity clothing stores shutdown despite increased revenues for the North Dakota based company.   Pay/Half clothing store shutdown in the Regency Mall, no explanation given.  Ma Jolie shutdown in Bayshore Town Center.  And women’s clothing shop Lise & Kato’s shutdown, here’s what the pissed off owners had to say: “The retail industry, both locally and nationally, has dramatically changed in the last decade. We cannot continue the type of business we have proudly had for these many years: Fair and honest pricing, quality merchandise from principled artists and responsible designers, and attentive customer service. The economic climate, changes in shopping habits, and the transition to an online and mass merchant dominance have all contributed to the closing.”

In Alabama, Mormon owned Dillard’s department store shutdown in the Madison Square Mall.

In Ohio, Mormon owned Dillard’s shutdown their clearance center at the Tri-County Mall. Ohio based Abercrombie & Fitch shutdown 112 stores. Ohio based Macy’s eliminated 2-thousand 5-hundred jobs, and shutdown 40 stores! 

Less than one year after officially opening its first stores in Canada, Minnesota based retailer Target threw in the towel, basically saying the Canadian economy sucks ass! All 133 stores shutdown and 17-thousand 6-hundred Canadians jobless! Target also eliminated 235 U.S. jobs without warning!  In Minnesota, 120 years old Waldorf Nevens Cleaners went chapter 11 bankrupt busted. In Owatonna, after 125 years Saint Clair’s for Men clothing store shutdown.

In New Mexico, a J Crew and a Eileen Fisher shutdown. In Alabama, after 43 years women’s clothing store The Wagon Wheel shutdown. Birmingham based women’s clothing chain store Simply Fashion Stores shutdown all 243 stores, killing 1-thousand 332 U.S. jobs!

In Massachusetts, Boston Weak ‘streetwear’ clothing company Karmaloop chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  In Cambridge, after 35 years Berk’s Shoes shutdown, the general manager blamed the suck-ass economy and never ending local road construction: “…the climate in the country makes it really difficult for small business, local business, independent business to survive. It’s a sad day for us…”-Mickey Holland

In Idaho, after 69 years Nampa’s Nafziger Men’s Store shutdown.   In Boise, after 32 years clothier Barbara Barbara shutdown.

In oil rich North Dakota, after only a year Grand Forks women’s clothing store Hey Ocean shutdown, and in Fargo after 136 years Straus Clothing shutdown.

In Arizona, after 10 years the Scottsdale Jean Company shutdown, the store owner sold his lease contract to a “high end grocer”.

In Washington, after eight years Garden Dance women’s clothing store shutdown, 10 jobs lost. And after 76 years the owners of Rottles Clothing and Shoes shutdown: “The landscape for brick and mortar retail has changed dramatically over the past several years. The advent of internet commerce, big box discounters, and an overall relaxation of dress codes has taken its toll.”-John Rottle  (I must point out that many of the Big Box retailers who’re shutting down operations also sell on the internet)

In Illinois, after seven years the so called ‘green’ children’s clothing store Green Genes shutdown.  In Arthur, after 57 years Delbert’s Clothing shutdown. In Elizabeth, clothing store Something Special shutdown.  In Chicago, sports medicine and clothing maker McDavid eliminated 115 jobs!  In Oklahoma, after nearly 80 years Triplets children’s shoe store shutdown.

In Connecticut, clothing store Suburban Underground shutdown, and after 43 years Mario-Joseph’s Men’s Clothing Store shutdown.

In Colorado, After 50 years Hadley’s Canon Western Wear shutdown, the owners blame the un-recovered economy and competition: “The economy is a big deal! All the box stores are moving in. People are shopping online and we are not going to have mom-and-pop stores anymore!”-Mike Hadley, co-owner

In Kansas, sports clothing store Finish Line shutdown their Salina store.

In New Jersey, Harris’ clothing store shutdown after 87 years in Toms River.

Nebraska based outdoor supply store Cabela’s eliminated up to 1-hundred corporate jobs, pissing off state taxpayers who gave Cabela’s huge tax breaks specifically to create jobs! After six years female clothing store T & Company shutdown.  Nebraska based 135 years old (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) clothing store Schweser’s announced more store shutdowns across several states: “We have seen a drop in sales in some of our stores over the past few years that has been difficult to overcome. Our expenses continue to rise, including the cost of goods, and our sales have not kept pace in some locations.”-Tyler Smith

In Tennessee, after 18 years Ev’s Boutique in the Columbia Mall shutdown.

In Virginia, clothing and antique shop Birdy’s Loft shutdown due to lack of sales. Clothing store Rugged Wearhouse shutdown in the Spradlin Farms shopping center.  In Culpeper, after three years Apple’s Closet clothing consignment store shutdown: “There are different seasons in our lives and this season is over.”-Bridgette Williams, owner

In Louisiana, Jaques Clothing and Full Blossom Chic shutdown, and after 60 years Haneline’s Men’s Wear shutdown.

In North Carolina, after only one year clothing store Rhetorical Factory shutdown. The owner found out the hard way that in a bad economy it doesn’t matter what you do: “I did it the best way I knew how. We recycled clothes. We took out labels. We sold art. We paid people well, and I was really stubborn about who I chose to hire and what products we sold. For four months out of the year to be really slow was really hard…..the way the rent is structured. I felt like I was spending six months out of the year trying to make it through those four months.”-Bethany Adams

In Iowa, after more than 20 years Austin Burke Clothiers shutdown due to increasing rent and decreasing sales.

In New Hampshire, after 45 years shoe store Shoetorium shutdown, blaming crashed sales and skyrocketing operating costs: “Business has dropped off…..You have people come in the store, look at your stuff and then they go and buy it online.”-Marty Carlton

2016: Switzerland based owner of several ‘luxury’ apparel brands sold in the U.S., Compagnie Financière Richemont, eliminated 5-hundred jobs due to crashing sales!

 France based clothier Comptoir des Cotonniers shutdown all three of its U.S. stores.

In Ohio, The Bon Ton shutdown their Lima Mall Elder Beerman department store. Stride Rite shutdown their Greene Town Center shoe store. Clothier The Limited shutdown two stores in Niles, and laid off at least 2-hundred people at its HQ in Columbus! New Albany based clothier Abercrombie & Fitch shutdown 1-hundred stores! Cincinnati based Macy’s shutdown another 1-hundred stores by Spring 2017: “Nearly all of the stores to be closed are cash flow positive today, but their volume and profitability in most cases have been declining steadily in recent years.”-Jeff Gennette, president

Also in Ohio, after 37 years shoe store Head Over Heels shutdown in Hyde Park Square. Co-owner Tony Jagoditz blames the industry itself, saying “The whole industry has changed in the last five years. When we opened there was a lot of domestic and European production. A lot of those factories closed or moved production to China.”

In West Virginia, The Bon Ton shutdown their Huntington Mall Elder Beerman store.

In Virginia, after 32 years Lilies of Gent clothing store shutdown. After 89 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) clothier Young Men’s Shop shutting down.

In California, clothing maker Hudsloan Enterprises advertised that it was looking for employees for its “rapid growing clothing” operation, instead Hudsloan shutdown its Los Angeles factory killing 265 jobs! Los Angeles based American Apparel went bankrupt busted for the second time in 13 months, but this time they’re dead in the water announcing the elimination of 3-thousand 457 jobs!  American Apparel also shutdown 12 of 13 British empire United Kingdom stores, and sold its global rights to British empire Canada rival Gildan Activewear.  Los Angeles based Forever 21 sold-off its clothier operations in India to a company called Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail.   Don’t blame competition from the internet, Forever 21 included their rights to their ‘online’ sales in India as part of the sale.  In Los Angeles, t-shirt shop Johnny Cupcakes shutdown, news reports say despite being popular sales weren’t high enough to justify the “overpriced lease”.  J. Brand clothier laid off 27 people in Los Angeles.   In Garden Grove, Morning Sun Shirt Company laid off 76 employees.  Clothing brand Max Azira eliminated 123 jobs in Vernon!  After 57 years La Cañada Flintridge based Sport Chalet announced it is dead! Not only did  they shutdown all 67 brick-n-mortar stores across nine states, but they halted all internet sales!  In Fresno, after 66 years family owned Sunnyside Department Store shutdown, news reports said at one time their were ten stores.  Clothier San Franpsycho shutdown their brick-n-mortar store, rent is too high in the Golden Gate city so the store owners are shifting to events and internet sales only.  San Francisco based GAP owned Old Navy brand clothing store revealed that the last two months of the Xmas holiday shopping season of 2015 was its worst ever, setting record level sales declines.  Then in January 2016 Old Navy suffered a 6% sales decline from December 2015!  The news shocked clothing retail ‘expert’ analysts. San Francisco based clothier GAP shutdown all its Banana Republic stores in the British empire country of United Kingdom! Also in San Francisco, after 30 years Arthur Ben Shoes shutdown, the owner blames five years of rent increases.  In North Hollywood, the Laurel Plaza Macy’s shutdown, the property being turned into apartments, 193 jobs gone!  Forever 21 shutdown their Yuba and Hanford clothing stores, 107 jobs lost!  Yuba city administrators admitted they learned of the planned Forever 21 closing back in 2014!  JCPenney shutdown their Cupertino store, 147 jobs lost!  Foothill Ranch based clothier The Wet Seal laid off 20 HQ employees.  Abercrombie Kids shutdown their Milpitas clothing store, at least 41 jobs lost.  New York based clothier BCBG Max Azria Group eliminated 71 jobs in Vernon.  New York based clothier Suchman shutdown several California locations killing 204 jobs! In Santa Maria, after more than 30 years Betty’s Fabrics shutdown: “People are not making clothes anymore……There are two generations of young ladies who did not learn how to sew.”-Betty Pilkington, owner

  In New York, after 17 years 1/2 Price Kids clothing shop shutdown.  More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech for your demise; Amazon shutdown its MyHabit clothing line, 94 jobs lost in NYC-Brooklyn.   Alternative clothing store Trash and Vaudeville shutdown its 40 years old Saint Marks Place location, the owner blames “perpetual rent increases”.  New York based clothier The Donna Karan Company shutdown their corporate offices and their West 40th Street store, 133 jobs lost!  NYC based Aéropostale went chapter 11 bankrupt and shutdown more than 1-hundred stores! Despite having a website, after 20 years all remaining 15 Scoop NYC brick-n-mortar clothing stores shutdown.  In DeWitt, JCPenney shutdown its 60 years old ShoppingTown Mall, the mall manager said JCPenney administrators put the store on their secret 2016 shutdown list.  After 30 years kid’s clothing store Shoofly shutdown.  Elitist Ralph Lauren shutdown 50 stores and eliminating 1-thousand 3-hundred jobs across the country, due to three straight years of losses! In NYC, after 33 years Belraf Fabrics shutdown their store on Orchard Street, due to the rent being jacked up.  In Potsdam, after more than 25 years The Cheshire Cat clothing store shutdown.  Christopher & Banks shutdown their ShoppingTownMall clothing store.

In Pennsylvania, the GAP and GAP Kids shutdown their Palmer Park Mall clothing stores.   Dress boutique Head To Toe shutdown. In Shenandoah, after 116 years (making it the oldest surviving business in the city) Talerico’s shoe repair shop shutdown due to skyrocketing demand for shoe repairs, but the old owner couldn’t find any potential employees qualified to repair the shoes: “Somebody could’ve done real good, but I couldn’t get anyone to learn it!”-Tom Talerico

In Wisconsin, the GAP clothing store in the Fox  River Mall shutdown. In Manitowoc, after more than 20 years Ramona’s Ladies Apparel shutdown.  In Durand, 112 years old Wolf’s Ladies Fashions & Shoes shutdown, the owner lamenting “The ‘little guy’ is a dying breed unfortunately.”

In Tennessee, Deb ‘n Heir kids clothing store shutdown after 55 years.  After 31 years Kenton’s Shoe Repair shutdown due to the new property owner’s plans for the building.   The owner of the shoe repair shop, Reginald Cousin, said business was booming, but “The building’s been sold and I don’t want to move again.”  

In Montana, after 62 years Hi Line Cleaners in Chester shutdown.

In Georgia, clothing store Express shutdown their Mount Berry Mall store, no reason given.

In Kansas, clothier Ann Taylor shutdown their Wichita store, officially refusing to say why.  Nancy’s Fashions shutdown after 27 years. Saint Clair’s Menswear shutdown their Wausau store blaming “A shift in clientele….”

In Oklahoma, after 105 years iconic elitist Miss Jackson’s upscale retail store in Tulsa shutdown.

In Texas, Macy’s shutdown their Ridgmar Mall department store. Richardson based clothier Fossil blames its huge increase in internet sales for its decision to shutdown hundreds of its brick-n-mortar stores over the next few years!  Forever 21 in Dallas shutdown, 68 jobs lost.   Dallas based high-end retailer Neiman Marcus laid off nearly 1-hundred people!  Big 5 Sporting Goods shutdown five of its eight Texas stores, local news media say administrators refused to talk about it.  Austin based ‘outdoors’ clothier Backwoods chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to skyrocketing costs of leasing and operating brick-n-mortar stores.  In Beaumont, Mirror Shine and Shoe Repair shutdown due to lack of people who need shoe shines or repairs. 

Florida based Traffic Shoes now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, 83 stores across the U.S. threatened.  Despite selling on the internet ‘resort’ clothing boutique Patchington shutdown two brick-n-mortar stores in Florida. Stride Rite shutdown their Pembroke Lakes Mall shoe store.  In Tampa, after 25 years Olga’s Bridal Boutique shutdown.  Local news media say it was the oldest family owned bridal business in Tampa. In Sarasota, clothier Brooks Brothers shutdown their Main Street store. Elitist fitness clothing seller Lululemon Athletica shutdown their Fort Myers ‘showroom’.    Fort Meyers based clothing retailer Chico’s conducted a third round of mass layoffs since 2015, this time 2-hundred people were quietly fired!  Local news media also revealed that Chico’s got a $1.79-million USD ‘investment’ from Lee County taxpayers!

After 23 years men’s clothing store Universal Gear shutdown its last two stores in New York and Washington DC.

In South Carolina, after 22 years Phil Nofal’s Fine Footwear shutdown. Dillard’s shutdown their Aiken Mall store, 75 jobs affected.

In Indiana, after 70 years Esquire Men’s Clothing shutdown. In South Bend, Buttons & Bows clothing store shutdown due to the death of the owner.

In Illinois, an “economic decision” shutdown 32 years old The Great Outdoors clothing store.  Cole Haan shutdown their Magnificiant Mile clothing accesory store, due to not being able to afford the new lease. Payless Shoes shutdown three stores in the Centralia area blaming “landlord issues”.  Walmart shutdown its Aurora store admitting they built too many stores within a ten miles radius.  Schwartz’s Intimate Apparel shutdown: “Business is changing and we either adapt again and change the way we do things. Or we can say, ‘It’s been a wonderful run. Thank you for 100 years’.”-Ben Schwartz

In Iowa, after three years the owner of Funkalicious decided to shutdown her brick-n-mortar boutique and sell on the internet only.

In Wyoming, after 80 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) iconic Wolford’s Shoe Store shutdown due to a 44% crash in sales due to the local oil bust! After 14 years community owned clothing co-op Powell Mercantile shutting down, blaming locals for buying on the internet or traveling all the way to Montana to do their shopping.

 In Pocatello, Idaho, about two years after opening previously worn clothing seller Runway Fashion Exchange went “out of business”.  Essentially a for-profit thrift store, Runway Fashion Exchange has been shutting down stores across the U.S. since 2013.  After five years, the first locally franchised Flip Flop Shops (in Boise Towne Square Mall) shutdown, five jobs lost: “…we just had several years of decreasing sales, to the point where we can no longer finance the business.”-Dustin Preece, co-owner

In Hawaii, shoe store Robins shutdown in the evil GGP owned (a former employer of mine) Ala Moana Center, no other info was reported. The Children’s Place in the Windward Mall shutdown, no explanation by administrators, but it’s a clothing store so it should be obvious.

In Mississippi, Coast Clothing shutdown in Pascagoula after 42 years. Chapter 11 bankrupt busted (for the second time in nine years) Baldwyn based Hancock Fabrics shutdown all remaining stores across the U.S., thousands of jobs lost!

  In Missouri, New York & Co. shutdown their West Park Mall clothing store.  After more than 35 years McLaughlin Western Store shutdown.

In North Carolina, XPO Logistics shutdown their Ralph Lauren warehouse ops in Whitsett, 108 jobs affected! Retailer Belk laid off 40 people at its Charlotte HQ.  In Raleigh, children’s clothing and toy seller Nüvonivo shutdown their brick-n-mortar store, the owners said it wasn’t worth it to renew the lease on the brick-n-mortar property.  In Charlotte, after 19 years expensive Italian shoe store Via Veteto shutdown.  Delta Apparel shutdown their Maiden clothing factory, 159 jobs off-shored to Honduras!  After 18 years WallerBears Surf Shop shutdown their South Charlotte location due to not being able to renew the lease: “Small specialty retail, I feel like, is impossible. I’m not sure it can be done anymore.”-Barrett Cornelison, owner

In Vermont, known for dressing up local women for national and international events Marylyn’s shutting down her brick-n-mortar specialty clothing store and turning to internet jewelry sales only.

Arkansas based Walmart eliminated an undisclosed number of HQ jobs, saying “…It’s something we’ve done before and will continue to do, just like any technology business.”  In other words, this round of layoffs were not part of their bigger plans to shutdown stores and eliminate thousands of jobs.

In Oregon, Kroger owned Fred Meyer department store distribution center in Clackamas affected 2-hundred jobs, as Kroger decided to find a new contractor to provide cheaper labor!  In Portland, yarn seller Yarnia ended brick-n-mortar ops and switched to the internet only.

Washington based retailer Nordstrom’s eliminated ten HQ jobs, despite the fact that Nordstrom’s internet sales have gone up. Forever 21 shutdown their Tacoma location, 70 jobs gone.  In Bellingham, after 38 years Gary’s Men’s & Women’s Wear shutdown.  Local news media say it was the eighth local clothing shop to shutdown. In Seattle, after 58 years A-1 Laundry shutdown: “The industry has changed quite a bit and it’s a little tougher as a small business to exist.”-Chris Eng, owner

Also in Washington, after 82 years Hughes Department Store and Hughes Warehouse shutdown.  Most of the customers are from Canada: “But this year, with the Canadian exchange rate at 70 cents on the dollar and the fires; it was a terrible summer season for us. It was just a combination of a lot of things. It just isn’t viable.”-Jack Hughes

In Alabama, Bon Ton Hatters Shoe Repair shutdown after 110 years, the owner simply said “Hats are dead.”

In Louisiana, after ten years t-shirt shop Storyville shutdown, due to a copyright battle with the National Football League (NFL).  

In South Dakota, Alan Evans Bridal and The Clothing Agency for Men shutdown. In Rhode Island, GUESS shutdown their clothing store in the Providence Place Mall. 

In Minnesota,  after 40 years Randy’s Menswear shutdown. After 68 years Rush’s Bridal shutting down, the family owns the building and can make more money renting it to somebody else.

In Michigan, after 61 years Bay City’s Fabric Fair shutdown.

Colorado based bankrupt Sports Authority shutdown all 464 stores, thousands of jobs lost! In Grand Junction, after 31 years Crawford Boot & Western Wear shutdown.

Maryland based JoS. A. Banks-Men’s Warehouse shutdown 250 stores across the U.S.  Maryland based sports clothing maker Under Armour (they claim to be an American company yet spell ‘armor’ the British empire way) said they expect to lose $23-million USD in its 2nd quarter of 2016!

In New Hampshire, Hubert’s Family Outfitters shutdown their Woodsville and Goffstown stores: “The business decision is pretty easy. If you’re not seeing a profit, and the future doesn’t look brighter, it’s not really a difficult decision……The challenging part of the closing is the people”-Tom Hubert

In New Jersey, Saks Fifth Avenue eliminated 137 Short Hills jobs! Bankrupt California based American Apparel shutdown their Newport Centre store, blaming jacked-up rent. After 42 years Marty’s Shoes shutdown their remaining six shoe stores, news reports say at one time Marty’s Shoes had 110 stores! After 57 years men’s clothier The Style Shop shutdown: “Unfortunately the business climate has declined and has made it harder and harder to do business here…”-Joe Tolerico

In Massachusetts, underwear shop Bra & Girl shutdown because it “was not financially viable”.  Canton based shoe maker Reebok moving to Boston, affecting 7-hundred jobs in Canton!

In Main, after 93 years Town and Country Clothing and Footwear shutdown, the owner said he wants to get out while he’s still ahead.  House of Brides shutdown without warning, local police flooded with complaints from customers who paid for undelivered services: “It is not clear at this time what the outcome will be, but rest assured we are looking into the reported incidents.”-Bangor police

Stay tuned to BlindBatNews.



Idaho female becomes 1st ever U.S. PanzerFräulein!

05 January 2017 (05:32 UTC-07 Tango 06) 16 Dey 1395/06 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1438/08 Ji Chou 4714

In August 2016 Sergeant First Class  Erin Smith was awarded with Idaho’s Spirit of Freedom Award.  Her ‘exceptional’ act was becoming the first ever female ‘tanker’ in the United States military!  (I wonder why the U.S. main stream national news media didn’t mention it?)

SFC Smith officially became a M1 tanker (MOS 19K) in June of 2016.  Her original MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) was healthcare specialist.  She deployed to Bosnia in 2002 and then Iraq in 2004, where she was awarded the Combat Medical Badge.

Smith’s transition to a combat MOS was the result of U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter opening combat jobs to women at the end of 2015.  However, I’ve always known some women can handle combat jobs no problem.  Several NATO member countries have had female’s in combat jobs for decades, such as Idaho’s neighbor to the north Canada.

While deployed for a ‘friendly’ armor contest with Canadian tankers in 2002, an impromptu main-gun loading contest was held between Bravo Company, 2-116th Armored Cav, Idaho National Guard and Canadian tankers in Alberta.  Main-gun rounds weigh about 19kg (40 pounds) and unlike the auto-loading Soviet/Russian panzers most U.S.-NATO tanks are manually loaded. Guess who won the manly competition? A skinny Canadian army officer who just happened to be a female!

But that’s not the first time I witnessed a female kicking ass over males. While attending Army Basic Training in 1982 one of my Army Drill Sergeants was a little female who could out push-up and out sit-up the men!

Still, I’m proud the Idaho National Guard can boast having the first female M1 Abrams tanker in the U.S.!


“We plan to sell it down to the bones.” “…it’s crappy…!” : Idaho’s Economic Destruction 2016

Incomplete list of economic related events in The Gem State of Idaho, 2016.


 A new Corporation for Enterprise Development study says 45.5% of Idaho families are trapped in poverty and there’s no hope of getting out, as the 2016 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard calls the economic situation the “new normal”!

Gem State Right to Work (you over) ‘lawmakers’ are apparently realizing  how bad the financial situation is for families and are creating a new law that will exempt ‘cottage food’ businesses (literally mom-n-pop food sellers working out of their home) from the same health codes that traditional retail establishments must obey.

In Idaho County, according to local news reports two Texas billionaires bought-up 38-thousand acres of land and then shut it all down to local residents who traditionally use it for recreation and hunting!  Residents are outraged as previous land owners allowed public access for recreation and hunting.

According to a new report called The Financial Condition of Idaho Agriculture: 2015, Idaho farmers saw an overall 9% drop in cash receipts (even with a 2% drop in operating costs) from 2014 to 2015, due to crashing food prices: “The low prices in 2014 bled over into last year. The shortages, the supply and demand factors bleed into the following year.”-Garth Taylor, University of Idaho agricultural economist

It’s been revealed that pesticides have contaminated farms in eastern Idaho.  At least 809 hectares (2-thousand acres) are affected and must be cleaned up, at taxpayer expense of course (an estimated $250-thousand USD has been quoted as an initial payment!).  The contamination was discovered when farmers reported mutations in their crops and animals.  Investigators traced it to the massive use of Methyl Bromide back in 2006.  The contamination affects potatoes, hay, alfalfa, wheat and barley.  In 2006 paranoia erupted over the discovery of a nematode that destroys potato crops, state and federal agriculture ‘experts’ told farmers to use methyl bromide to kill the microbe.  It was farmers who first reported the crop and livestock mutations, concluding that it must be the result of using the toxic chemical.     The decade old drought is causing taxpayers to fork out more funding for aquifer recharge projects.  Governor Otter is proposing a one time $10-million USD payment plus $2-million yearly for the Egin Lakes-Egin Bench canal near Rexburg.  Supporters of the plan complain it’s not enough money!

A new study is blaming low Gem State high school graduation rates on internet classes!   The state Board of Education reported that ‘virtual schools’ can barely graduate 20% of their online students!   I can attest to this claim as I know a young woman who tried the virtual school program for almost a year, before giving up and going back to old fashioned brick-n-mortar school in Pocatello.  I remember her school counselor at Pokey High warning her she’d be back because the majority of students fail to complete the online courses.  The online school seems easier because supposedly you’re on your own schedule, but it turns out to be harder than traditional school.

Pokey Runway liquidating

In Pocatello about two years after opening, previously worn clothing seller Runway Fashion Exchange “going out of business” and liquidating everything.  Essentially a for-profit thrift store, Runway Fashion Exchange has been shutting down stores across the U.S. since 2013.  Also it was made official, the Pocatello Kmart being shutdown.

It’s finally being revealed by local news sources that state taxpayers were funding the maintaining of the JR. Simplot mansion to the tune of nearly $1-million USD during the time the property was in possession of the state!   Back in 2004 the mansion (estimated to be worth $2-million) was given to The Gem State, however, it was supposedly given back to the Simplot family in 2013 because the utility bills alone were costing taxpayers $150-thousand per year!  This info was originally reported by the United Kingdom’s DailyMail back in 2013.    The Simplot family can no longer pay the upkeep on the mansion and are tearing it down.

Grocer Supervalu issued a WARN for three Boise stores (North Ancestor, South Denver Way and Parkcenter locations), at least 80 jobs lost by March.  It might be connected to Supervalu’s plan to take its Save-A-Lot discount grocery ops ‘public’.  Back in October Supervalu laid off 115 people at their East Baybrook Court, Boise location, in connection with the merger of Albertsons and Safeway.  Also in Boise, after at least 25 years the Twin Dragon restaurant is shutting down by March.  The owners are trying to sell it to help fund their retirement plans.  A Meridian woman is now in federal prison after co-leading a fraudulent investment scheme (known as Alternative Energy Holdings) once claiming to build a nuclear power plant near Mountain Home Air Force Base.  Her partner in crime, a man, is on the run and being pursued by federal agents.

The state Department of Labor is admitting in a round-about way that the decades old Right to Work (you over) labor laws are a failure as 50% of Idahoans who graduate Idaho colleges/universities leave the state after four years due to low wages and salaries!   It took decades of Right to Work you over-ism for state administrators to realize that highly educated workers are not going to work for peanuts?  Of course the pro-Right to Work ‘lawmakers’ refused to blame their Right to Work policies and instead blamed “market conditions”, failing to realize that their Right to Work policies are directly influencing Idaho “market conditons”.  Maybe the ‘lawmakers’ need to go back to school and take some economics classes?

The number of Gem State school districts asking for taxpayer burdening supplemental levies has gone up, again.  At latest count 94 of the 115 district need extra money to function in the 2015-16 school year, even though state tax funding is back to ‘pre-recession’ levels!    One reason for the demand for strapping taxpayers is increasing numbers of domestic economic migrants flooding into Idaho, the majority being low income.  Domestic migrants, along with high birth rates, accounted for 75% of Idaho’s population growth in 2015.  According to the Shifting Sands: Idaho’s Changing Student Demographics and What it Means for Education  study domestic migration is going to continue, and the overwhelming majority of the U.S. migrants into Idaho will be tax burdening (maybe not so tax burdening as Idaho has piss-poor social programs) low income families: “The state is expected to see net growth in lower income households and net declines in households with incomes above $50,000.  Much of the state is projected to see an increase in the share of households with an income of less than $25,000.     (I’ve lived here for 20 years and my income has always been “less than $25,000″, I even went into deep debt getting a degree from Idaho State University in 2006 and my income actually crashed!)

FEBRUARY:  It’s been revealed that state Department of Parks and Recreation has been running on $70-thousand USD in private donations after running out of normal fees and taxpayer funding!  The majority of the donations came from corporations Airstream and Cabela’s.  State ‘lawmakers’ allowed Parks & Rec to beggar for donations last year, in order to offset massive state funding cuts.

The Gem State’s version of ObamaCare is being directly blamed for the deaths of 1-thousand Idahoans since 2013!  That accusation came from Kenneth Krell, director of Eastern Idaho Medical Center in Idaho Falls.  He targeted the claim at state Right to Work (you over) ‘lawmakers’ whom he was testifying in front of: “And I kept asking myself, how could this be? How, in a state like Idaho where we care about each other, could I be seeing deaths and really damaging illness on a nearly daily basis as a result of failure to expand Medicaid that cost tangible lives? It’s difficult to understand.”

MARCH: In Garden City, after 40 years The Gem State’s largest horse racing op Les Bois Park suddenly shutdown. It’s the latest victim of a recent decision by A-hole ‘christian’ regulators declaring instant horse racing machines to be “unconstitutional”! Boise State University conducted an economic study which concluded that Les Bois Park alone generated $50-million USD for Ada County, and provided 536 jobs, all lost now! The Idaho Horse Council says there will be a domino effect across Idaho’s equine economy: “It’s the feed, the hotels, the traveling, eating… it’s just a trickledown effect. Horses are going to be shipped out of state and that’s income Idaho doesn’t get. That’s devastating for our horse economy.”-Myron Amsden

The biggest electricity supplier in The Gem State is asking for a 2.2% increase (more than $2 per month for ‘average’ users) in utility bills.  Idaho Power says current rates are not allowing them to cover their “fixed costs” of operations. What’s not being reported is that more and more Idaho Power customers are using less electricity, and Idaho Power administrators expect that to continue, that’s the true reason for the rate jack up!   Idaho senator Dan Schmidt gave back his state taxpayer funded health plan to protest republicans continued refusal to close the healthcare gap: “I don’t think it’s fair that I get the taxpayers of Idaho to buy me health insurance, and we’re not willing to look at that problem for our other citizens who don’t have that benefit….  …And shame on us for not solving it!” -Dan Schmidt

In Boise, after only four months the brand new Boise Co-op grocery store located at The Village at Meridian laid off 29 employees, due to lack of sales!  Boise Co-op opened the store in November 2015, expecting big sales because Maureen Valko, Boise Co-op marketing manager, assumed there was a demand for their products saying  “There’s a demand for a good, natural food store on this side of town….”  It should be noted that in 2015 Boise Co-op was hit with numerous health code violations by city inspectors, in connection to a June 2015 salmonella outbreak at an older store.  So much for ‘natural foods’.  Also in Boise, it was revealed that Idaho Heritage Inn was sold-off last month, the former owner blames a 20% crash in bookings on Airbnb.com.  However, it should be noted that the bed-n-breakfast owner accepted a healthy offer from Saint Luke’s Medical Center for the land.

And just how addicted to Mexican money is Idaho?  Recently Mexico’s Minister of Trade Armando Orellana died.  Idaho’s government and agriculture industry are officially mourning Orellana as he’s credited for making Idaho a major ag partner for Mexico, generating $191-million USD in sales for Idaho’s minority (mainly corporate owned now) farmers-ranchers, just in 2015:  “Idaho agriculture lost a great friend. He touched many lives over the years and the tragic loss of Armando will be felt throughout Idaho.”-Celia Gould, Idaho Department of Agriculture   (Idaho even has its own website promoting itself in Mexico)

The Idaho Department of Labor admits that many Idahoans born between 1980 and 2000 are fleeing the Right to Work (you over) Gem State, and the biggest reason is the same reason I’ve heard since arriving in 1997, not enough good paying jobs: “People want to stay here, but there aren’t many options or much industry available in Idaho.  We’ve been avoiding this issue for a long time, because our employers don’t like to hear it: We don’t pay well!”-Ken Edmunds, Idaho Department of Labor

Back in 2003 I interviewed several Idaho State University Alumni who graduated in 1973.  They all stated they were making more money back in the 1970s.  One social sciences graduate stated he continued working at his loading dock job because he was making more money than what he would get with his sociology degree, but once Idaho became a Right to Work state (in the 1980s) everything went to hell.  As a dock worker in Pocatello (on Garrett Way) he was making $15.00 per hour in the 1970s, and that’s not adjusting for inflation!  He wasn’t married and his rent, utilities and food was so cheap by today’s costs that he felt like he was living in luxury.  By 2003 most of the distribution/warehouse jobs left the city, and at his age he was lucky to find a job that paid him $7.00 per hour.  He said the only reason why he wasn’t homeless was because he paid-off his cheap mobile home in the late 1970s and was still living in it.  Many of the older Pocatellans I interviewed wondered how young adults were surviving financially.   For decades local and state level politicians promised to bring good paying jobs to the state.  In Pocatello and Chubbuck there is a covert push to make the area a warehousing/distribution hub again, but the average starting wage for such jobs is between $10 and $15 per hour.  When adjusted for inflation that’s way less than what the same jobs paid in the 1970s!

APRIL:  How many people know the origin of the charity United Way?  It was born in the Coeur d’Alene area of northern Idaho in 1957, with the name United Crusade.  But since then the economy has gotten so bad that United Way announced it was expanding charity services in its own birthplace.

In Twin Falls, after 37 years God powerless to stop ‘unofficial’ Mormon Bell’s Family Books from being shutdown by ‘official’ Mormon bookstore Deseret Book! You read right!  Local news reports say Bell’s Family Books was facing increasing competition, the final straw being when their own religion opened a bookstore down the street.

In Boise, after 31 years backpacking store The Benchmark shutting down so the owner can return “…to the Idaho mountains.”  Emil Hutton said it’s time to quit due to the rise of what he calls “point-n-click” shopping.  Also in Boise, christian healthcare scammer Saint Luke’s Regional Medical Center has been found in violation of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  In 2015 an employee reported to the U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) that Saint Luke’s was not ‘coding’ certain time off as FMLA.  The DoL reviewed two years worth of “hundreds” of employee records and concluded that Saint Luke’s “…failed to ensure that all employees on FMLA-covered leave received all the protections…”  Interestingly the DoL determination, and resulting Saint Luke’s resolution actually took place in November 2015, but only now is being made public!  In February I reported how Saint Luke’s was caught stealing local property taxes! 

The Tax Foundation ranks Idaho’s income tax rate as the 11th highest in the 50 U.S. states.

Despite boasting of a recovering economy the self proclaimed ‘christian’ leaders of Idaho have decided they must ration the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, incorrectly called Food Stamps).  Starting in July instead of getting all their food assistance on a single day, it will be spread over a ten days period, affecting 82-thousand of Idaho’s 1.5-million residents.  It was revealed that this rationing of food assistance was actually ordered by state ‘elected christian lawmakers’ back in 2014!   The British empire created christian Salvation Army protested the SNAP rationing by pointing out that poor Idahoans have been screwed so much by state ‘christian lawmakers’ that up to 90% of people coming into Salvation Army food banks are there to supplement the meager scraps given to them by Idaho’s SNAP!  (as a single healthy unemployed adult male I can confirm that there are plenty of poor people in Idaho who don’t qualify for state controlled social programs)

State Department of Labor sold its Right to Work Internet Unemployment System (ius) to the states of Iowa and Vermont!   The Gem State’s version of ObamaCare, Your Health Idaho, strikes again!  A Twin Falls woman is in desperate need of brain surgery but doesn’t have enough money to pay for insurance herself, yet also does not qualify for ObamaCare under Your Health Idaho!  But wait, that’s not all!  It turns out that when she first went to doctors they ignorantly told her she was crazy and didn’t have a physical problem!  Finally, after several MRIs she was diagnosed with   Chiari malformation: “If it goes untreated, then I will slowly become paralyzed, and from there I will end up on machines. That is something that is a reality for me if I don’t get it taken care of.”-Brittany Long

The Gem State’s version of ObamaCare is in trouble, news reports reveal that at the end of March a warning letter was sent out to Your Health Idaho employees telling them what to do if a healthcare provider is dealing with a person with life threatening issues, yet doesn’t qualify for Idaho’s version of ObamaCare: “Please be sure to include MEDICAL URGENT in the subject line as well as a detailed description of the client’s situation in the message body.”  (this is probably due to the claims by hospital directors that at least 1-thousand Idahoans have died as a direct result of not qualifying for ObamaCare through Your Health idaho)  However, an insurance agent in McCall said he deals with insuring people in five other states and compared to them Idahoans have it good: “It’s just an absolute train wreck! I’m licensed in six states, and believe me, in the other five states, it’s even worse.”-Stanley Dean

National Basketball Association D-league team the Idaho Stampede announced they’re getting the hell-outta Boise and moving to Salt Lake City, Utah.  They’re also changing their name to Salt Lake City Stars.  It was revealed that state taxpayers were forced to pay outrageous three-fold increase in overtime pay to Idaho State Police (ISP) trainees.  ISP administrators explained, without blinking an eye, that it was mainly for trainee commute times to the academy because there was no room in the academy’s dorms in Meridian, or at the National Guard barracks on Gowen Field!  (how many civilian businesses pay their employees to commute?)

EastIdahoNews reporting there is no recovery in eastern Idaho. Their latest article explains what happened with a lot of home construction projects“It was just one of those things where the economy went south.”-Dave Ogden, mayor of Sugar City


Pocatello Wing It eatery no more.

In Pocatello, the Wing It chicken wing joint shutdown, as well as the Subway sandwich shop on Garrett Way.

The Pine Ridge Mall, Idaho location

Aeropostale shutting down stores in Chubbuck (Pine Ridge Mall, one of my many former employers [the mall, not Aéropostale]) & Twin Falls.

Mississippi based bankrupt Hancock Fabrics shutting down stores in Idaho Falls and Twin Falls.

According to the Idaho Business Review the state Department of Labor has inadvertently revealed the true reason The Gem State is welcoming ‘war’ refugees/migrants; there is an mass exodus of U.S. residents from Idaho!  In fact, the number of U.S. families leaving Idaho outpace the number of refugee/migrant families being brought in. Jerome County alone lost more than 830 U.S. residents in a five years period, and realize that Idaho has an official population of about 1.5-million: “The 16 counties in eastern and southeastern Idaho have lost about 14,200 residents since 2010. Every county experienced a net loss in migration, and the businesses in those communities are finding it hard to grow. Many are considering moving out of the state, Regional Economist Chris St. Jeor said.”

Despite years of boasting how great their farm economy was, even boasting of the Ag industry’s relationship with Mexico, the Department of Agriculture admitted that in 2015 Idaho’s farm exports crashed by 22%!  Idaho dairy exports crashed and burned by 43%! It’s blamed on the ‘strong’ USD, which makes U.S. products more expensive overseas: “It was a nice ride, but it’s over.”-Laura Johnson, Idaho Department of Agriculture

The state Department of Agriculture continues its dismal farm report by saying all but two types of crops will lose money this year.  The two money makers are sugar and barley.  Snake River Sugar Company-Amalgamated Sugar expects as much as $900-million USD in revenues for 2015.  But that increased revenue doesn’t translate into job creation, Mark Duffin of the Idaho Sugarbeet Growers Association says actual sugar production employment has been going down due to increased use of new technologies.

The state livestock Brand Inspector, Justin Archer, resigned after being charged by Jerome County Sheriff’s Office with felony grand theft!   Washington based Potlatch Corporation has sold-off  69605.9 hectares (172-thousand acres) of Gem State tree-land to ‘investors’ in U.S. state of Georgia, blaming Idaho’s suck-ass economy: “We purchased the central Idaho timberlands in 2007 intending to take advantage of what was a strong rural recreational real estate market around McCall…..Unfortunately, that market declined significantly due to the recession and the bankruptcy of the Tamarack Resort.”– Mike Covey, ceo

Near Grangeville, Blue North Forest Products confirmed that low lumber sales forced them to sell their mill to competitor Idaho Forest Group (who so far refuses to say what their plans are), 65 jobs threatened.

The Wilderness Society reports that most of the non-federally owned land in Idaho has been sold-off by the state government, resulting in “…lands in the hands of an elite few and Idaho’s biggest industries: the Simplot Corp., Potlatch, Boise-Cascade, cattle companies and law firms. Under these private ownerships, the new owners can lock out the public altogether or charge a trespass fee.”  (also, you now know the real reason why rents are getting jacked up)  The federal government is considering halting sheep grazing on public land in west-central Idaho.  The U.S. Bureau of Land Management says domestic sheep spread disease.  Wow, after a hundred plus years of sheep grazing they now claim sheep spread disease to other animals? I believe that applies to all us animals, all animals spread disease to each other. How do you think disease is spread, with a butter knife?  The local sheep industry calls bullshit on the BLM reasoning: “There’s no firm science that says 100% that domestic sheep pass disease on the open range, or that they’re the only species that can pass the disease.”-Stan Boyd, Idaho Wool Growers Association

A city employee of 14 years has resigned from her job with Idaho City after being accused of taking taxpayer funding.  Idaho State Police say she took about $47-thousand USD over a two years period, two other city employees were fired.

In Boise, rail car maker Motive Power-Wabtech laid off 210 people saying “There’s been a major downturn in the freight business, and that is impacting us. Our customers, the Class I railroads, have curtailed their capital spending for 2017.”   

DraftKings and FanDuel  shutting down their Idaho participants’ accounts, after state Attorney General Lawrence Wasden shutdown fantasy sports gambling: “….paid daily sports offerings provided by these companies constitute gambling under Idaho law. I have a duty to enforce and uphold that law. I commend the companies for negotiating in good faith and agreeing not to make these contests available in Idaho.”

The state Department of Labor (DoL) finally updated their WARN site, revealing that ATCO Structures & Logistics laid off 76 people in Pocatello, back in April (who knows why the DoL sat on the WARN for more than a month?).  Since 2012 British empire Canada based ATCO has been laying off employees across the U.S. and Canada due to “an economic slowdown” in the mining industry, they’re still “waiting for business to pick up.” 2012 was also the year ATCO opened their Pocatello location, in July, promising to hire 160 people to build mobile facilities for the mining-oil industry.   But immediately they froze hiring at 1-hundred, and then in November 2012 they laid off 15 people due to a sudden decline in demand from the mining-oil industry.  Then in October 2015, ATCO announced they would hire 75 Pocatellans after winning new contracts for modular buildings, with local economic ‘experts’ claiming it was a sign the economic downturn for Chubbuck and Pocatello was over.  Of course all the so called new jobs in the area came as a result of local taxpayers being forced to give these companies massive taxpayer incentives (sounds like socialism and not true free market economics).  Back in March of this year the Idaho State Journal reported that “…state law allows companies to receive up to a 30 percent refund of payroll, sales and state income taxes over 15 years if they produce at least 50 new jobs that pay higher than the county average.

Amy’s Kitchen [in Pocatello] received a 26 percent tax credit, which is valued at an estimated $6.7 million…”

The Idaho Technology Council reports that from 2014 to 2015 business investments into The Gem State tripled ($3.47 billion to $16.29 billion)! However, when you break it down by region all the big increases in investments went to the Boise area (aka southern sector of the state), north and east sectors saw little change in investments. And 60% went to the service sector (retail).

A month after the Panama Papers were made public by whistleblowers “…a number of Idaho shareholders were listed under Accelonic Ltd., an offshore company with more than 1,000 officers around the world.” Another sham offshore company reportedly involves an Idaho company that makes chemicals to preserve potatoes.  Some other sham companies involving Idaho investors are Uluwatu Holdings and DocDoc “First, where did the money being held in these entities come from? Second, why was the money held in these entities and hidden from view?”-John Miller, University of Idaho

Also, the AFL-CIO’s annual Executive PayWatch survey reports that chief executive officers in Idaho are paid an average 277 times more than Idahoans earning minimum wage, and 149 times more than Idahoans earning a ‘living wage’!

Olympus Healthcare agrees to pay Idaho $107,219 in restitution after getting caught bribing (kickbacks) Idaho healthcare providers!  According to magicvalley.com in the past year and a half Idaho doctors were paid-off by drug companies, to the tune of $24-million USD of ‘incentives’!  Now you know why so many people in The Gem State are wacked on evil prescription drugs!  What housing market recovery?

‘Suspect’ State Treasurer Ron Crane is now facing wrongful termination charges by a former employee, who was fired “in direct retaliation for communicating in good faith the existence of extensive waste of public funds/manpower and illegality”.  In November 2015 five state employees reported to their superiors massive corruption in the Republican ‘christian’ controlled state government. Instead of being praised for revealing the waste of taxpayer funding, they were accused of insubordination!  Two were fired!     The Idaho Housing and Finance Association reports that the number of homeless people in northern Idaho has increased 5% since 2015.  Local charities say the homeless rate is actually higher than the official count because not all localities are included in the head-counting, and warned the homeless rate will go up: “Although the homeless number is always interesting, those living from paycheck to paycheck who are on the verge of losing their homes is far greater. That’s the bigger issue.”-Jeff Conroy, Saint Vincent de Paul of North Idaho

Idaho state level ‘elected’ politicians have so far spent $136-thousand taxpayer dollars on travel expenses for this past 75 days legislative session! The revelation was made after The Associated Press forced the release of data through a Freedom of Information demand.  Not all reimbursement requests have been submitted, so expect the total tax dollars spent to go up.

Idaho’s Economic Destruction month of JUNE: “RISEN FROM THE ASHES”? WE STRUCK OIL!

Idaho’s Economic Destruction month of JULY86 YEARS OLD ZAMZOWS GOING DOWN?

AUGUST: Economically depressed Idaho is one of 11 states supplying the most military personnel for the never ending, and undeclared, war on terror. That’s according to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)!

The U.S. Census Bureau warning that sparsely populated Idaho could soon be dominated by immigrants, with the result that the majority of Gem State families will become poor.

In Pocatello, a divorce settlement forced the shutdown of 112 years old Town and Country Gardens, killing ten jobs: “We plan to sell it down to the bones.”-John Crook, owner, following the divorce court’s orders

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) lost its attempt to become the site for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy, or FORGE: “Although our Idaho site was not selected, INL still has the opportunity to participate in the FORGE effort through our role as a member of the University of Utah-led team and in other funded proposals.”-Rob Podgorney, INL geothermal

A Fourth District Judge has thrown out a lawsuit challenging the 2014 law that heaps huge taxpayer funded incentives on companies moving to The Gem State.  Tens of millions in tax breaks (supposedly in the form of “reimbursements”) have already gone to companies like California based Amy’s Kitchen and Ireland’s Glanbia Foods. Agricultural news source Capital Press also revealed that an undisclosed food producer was recently given a $15-million tax credit for creating a piddly 80 jobs in Boise.  The state Depatment of Commerce claims that tax ‘reimbursments’ helped create 4,737 new jobs. But if companies aren’t paying their fair share of taxes how are the state and local governments going to make up for it?  By hitting Idaho residents with jacked up taxes and fees, of course.

If you’ve got a family and you’re thinking about moving to Idaho to get a job with one of those taxpayer subsidized companies, think again.  The Gem State is one of the worst when it comes to affordable child daycare, and the state government does nothing about it.  Economic Policy Institute says the average Idaho family spends $6-hundred per month per child on daycare.  Child Care Aware says from 2013 to 2014 childcare costs in Idaho skyrocketed by 19.9%!  Even a daycare operator says it’s not worth it to raise a family in Idaho: “Ultimately, when you do the math, and mom is only making X amount, how much of that money is going toward lunches out, and extra clothing, and taxes, and gas to get to and from? You have to look at all of that and see if it’s cost-effective.”-Megan MacCleary, Megan’s Munchkins Preschool, whose income from her daycare operation is so low she qualies for Medicaid (even though daycare rates have gone up Idaho still ranks third lowest for daycare operator/worker pay)

Non-profit Project Access Northwest testified before The Gem State legislature, blasting them for their version of ObamaCare saying 40% of the patients they see have no insurance! State Representative Fred Wood, from Burley, stated that Idaho’s version of ObamaCare is a “system where if you’re poor you have to rely on charity care, versus what everybody else gets.”

Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) canceled $5-million USD in funding for their students attending cash strapped Idaho State University (ISU).

Idaho State University (ISU) laying off 34 people at its Research and Innovation in Science and Engineering Complex (RISE), officially due to contract expiration.  Unnamed employees told local news sources that the RISE was being shutdown due to lack of money, but ISU admin denied the rumor.     More proof that throwing a lot of money at a problem doesn’t fix anything! After eight years, the state Department of Education’s $135-million USD campaign to increase math scores failed, big time! 8th graders considered at or above grade level dropped from 38% to 34% last year! 4th graders dropped from 41% to 38%!   The Education Commission of the States says Idaho’s taxpayer funding of education fails because “…the current formula did not contemplate a variety of different learning modalities, the increasing mobility of students and the states move toward mastery-based education.”      The 2016 Idaho Ready for Change survey says 73% of Idahoans prefer charter, or private schools, over traditional taxpayer funded schools.    Seven years later CenturyLink and Education Networks of America (ENA) now suing the state Department of Education over the scandalous Idaho Education Network project.  State Supreme Court rulings invalidated the IEN contracts, and the whole IEN broadband project was scrapped. CenturyLink and ENA claim they lost $18.5-million USD as a result!   Idaho public schools are also struggling financially after a court ruling (last year) revealed that the fees Idaho schools have been charging for decades violate the state constitution.  School District 151 revealed the illegal fees they were charging would’ve amounted to $140-thousand for the current school year.  School District 411 spent taxpayer funding on an attorney to find ways to continue to charge ‘fees’ without violating the state constitution.   Parents from school districts 2 and 25 (my district) are now suing for a refund of the illegal fees.  

SEPTEMBER:  Trading Company Stores suddenly shutdown their Post Falls and Bonners Ferry locations, 68 jobs lost due to the owner selling out to Washington based Yoke’s.  In Twin Falls, after more than 42 years Addison Restaurant West shutting down in October.  The owner sold it so he could take care of his 98 years old mom.

State education administrators and ‘lawmakers’ debating new ways to divy out dwindling taxpayer funding for schools, some plans would see as much as $131-million USD cut from school funding! School district administrators also told ‘lawmakers’ that ObamaCare mandated employee health insurance is sucking up more and more taxpayer funding.  Blue Cross of Idaho provides the insurance for Idaho teachers and jacked up their rates by 16.5% in 2015.  One plan for handling ObamaCare insurance for Idaho teachers could actually cost taxpayers an additional $17-million!  Budget policy analyst Paul Headlee warned “This is a particularly complex and potentially expensive endeavor.”

The State Police will stop enforcing a booze law that allows them to crash establishments that serve alcohol during ‘live sex acts’.  It’s the result of a lawsuit that proved that the law being used to harass bars with adult performers is too vague, and possibly unconstitutional.    And the State Police are being sued for the 2013 killing of a Montana man.  The man was questioned by police for 40 minutes before they shot him while he was sitting in the passenger’s seat of his car.  Police claim the license plates didn’t match the man’s car and that there was a gun in the glove box. The family of the victim says police dash-cam video shows their son never threatened police with any gun.  Boise State Public Radio revelaed that the federal government refuses to reveal how many illegal immigrants in Idaho get deported.  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Immigration and Customs Enforcement admitted that actual deportations have declined since 2012, due to a focus on immigrants convicted in court of crimes other than immigration violations.   Here in Idaho deportations in 2015 dropped by about 4-hundred compared to 2011.  And in Camas County, actor Bruce Willis‘ plans for a private airport crashed and burned after complaints from residents, and the city of Ketchum claimed it violated local laws.  Apparently the land was zoned specifically for agricultural use.

Lewiston Kmart, Boise Town Square Mall Sears Store & Auto Center, Boise Kmart Auto Center, the Nampa Kmart Store & Auto Center, the Coeur d’Alene Kmart and Sears Store & Auto Center, the Twin Falls Sears Store & Auto Center and Kmart, the Ammon Kmart, the Idaho Falls Sears Store & Auto Center, the abandoned but still owned by Sears Holdings Chubbuck (the “opportunities” listing incorrectly says Pocatello) Sears Store (esentially all remaining Sears & Kmarts in Idaho) made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!

OCTOBER: Instant potatoes maker Basic American Ingredients issued a WARN for their Blackfoot ops, 91 additional jobs gone. The Blackfoot potato factory was sold to Basic American Ingredients back in February 2013, and 103 people lost their jobs just three months later.  After 40 years in Idaho Falls, Madsen’s Crafts and Framing shutting down in November.  One of the retiring co-owners said decades ago he quit his job with Sears in Utah to run the local Idaho craft store, and he has no regrets.  In Lewiston, Discount Vacuum shutdown after 35 years, due to the owner’s health problems.

Karcher Care Group issued a WARN for their Nampa nursing home ops, 172 jobs gone!  “Concerning and certainly somewhat problematic.”  That’s how state Department of Insurance Director Dean Cameron describes health insurance provider’s plans to greatly jack up ‘out of network’ charges.  According to the Idaho StatesmanBlue Cross of Idaho plans will have a $50,000 out-of-network deductible for individuals, and patients will have an out-of-pocket responsibility for up to $75,000 of all out-of-network claims — up from $4,000 and $10,000 this year.

BridgeSpan and SelectHealth members will have less-extreme deductibles, but they will be responsible for up to $200,000 of their bills if they go out of network.

The amounts are doubled for families.”

The number of Gem State high school graduates who immediately go on to college dropped below the halfway mark, in 2014 and 2015.  This is despite the Board of Education spending taxpayer money on several years of “Go-On” propaganda.  Superintendent of Public Schools Sherri Ybarra lost her attempt to block the investigation into the falsifying of teacher performance records.  Last month law makers created a $50-thousand USD fine for any district official caught falsifying such data. This is the result of an investigation by IdEdNews which revealed that school districts were deliberately lying about their teacher’s performance in order to justify pay raises!  Cassia County Joint School District decided not to fight a ACLU lawsuit accusing it of discriminating against non-Mormon students.  Details of the settlement were not disclosed but the taxpayer funded Mormon dominated school district claims it will make changes to its official policies of favoring Mormon students.  What happened was a non-Mormon student wanted to run for student body president but was denied on the grounds of not having the required classes completed.  But it turns out the only candidate, a Mormon, also did not meet the requirements to campaign for president yet was allowed to run!  The Mormon dominated district was counting Mormon seminary as credit towards the class requirement.

NOVEMBER: The Idaho Department of Labor quietly launched a Spanish version of its website during the week of the U.S. presidential elections:  https://labor.idaho.gov/ClaimantPortal/Login?ReturnUrl=%2fClaimantPortal%2f

A former Boise, Idaho, cop and his wife are charged with stealing thousands of dollars from The Treasure Valley Lodge #11 Fraternal Order of Police charity, while the former cop was the president of the fraternity.  The current fraternity president says it took local police investigators fives years to uncover the crime by cop!

One year after relocating to Garden City, JoyfulTea suddenly shutdown due to “A series of events…”    Bodybuilding.com suddenly laid off 90 people in Boise.  The warning-less layoffs were revealed by unnamed employees who reported it to local news media.  Company admin admitted they are conducting “organizational downsizing” as part of their plans to expand their internet ops (never mind that it directly contradicted the new CEO’s statements, earlier in the year, that they would hire more people).   In Twin Falls, popular Kona Coffee & Cakes shutdown due to “other circumstances”.

The not-so-‘elected’ leaders of Idaho continue using taxpayer funding to look for new agricultural markets, this year they’re sending University of Idaho’s Dean of Agriculture to China. According to Capital Press, 20% of state legislatures are directly connected to farming/ranching.  The state Department of Agriculture is conducting classes for farmers regarding new federal rules for farm labor: “There’s too much information to absorb in two hours, and they’re doing their best to comply with this.”-Luis Urias

Finally after decades of draconian convict policies, and in an attempt to reduce incarceration recidivism, the state Department of Health and Welfare is asking for $11-million tax dollars to provide mental health services for probationers and parolees.  Currently The Gem State Department of Corrections has a 35% recidivism rate.  The proposed mental health program for probationers and parolees is not connected to ObamaCare.   In Nampa, Holly Lane Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center (owned by ‘christian’ for-profit Tennessee based Orianna Health Systems-Covenant Dove) continues to violate Medicare and Medicaid rules for patient safety.  State inspectors accuse Holly Lane of repeatedly putting patients in “immediate jeopardy”.   The Nampa nursing home has until January to get its act together or lose all federal funding.  Local news media interviewed former patients who say the mistreatment started years ago due to lack of employees.  One patient told a state inspector “If I have to piss and shit on myself, I would rather be dead!”

Once again the ‘christian’ Right to Work (you over) republican leaders are realizing too late that their education policies suck. A new Student Loan Report survey shows as much as 82% of Idahoans who did “Go-On” and graduate from college (both public and private) are now saddled with debt.  To address the issues of crashing college enrollment (of Idahoans) and skyrocketing indebtedness Idaho ‘lawmakers’ have approved a $3-thousand USD grant to help individual Idahoans pay for college (too late for me and my adult children)!  The federal government is helping by shelling out $1.4-million to expand Idaho’s apprenticeships in healthcare, Info-Tech, manufacturing and energy.   A  Fort Hall Elementary principal admitted to stealing more than $9-thousand from the Blackfoot School District.  She was sentenced to five years probation and 3-hundred hours of community work, and supposedly has already paid back the money.  Combative state Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra now swears she will comply with federal Department of Education rules by submitting the Every Student Succeeds Act plan by March 2017.  The announcement came after Ybarra failed to met her own self imposed ESSA filing deadline!

DECEMBER: In Twin Falls, local news media revealed that during the Summer local school officials paid  more than $94-thousand to one school administrator (who then suddenly retired), and then tried to hide the fact from the public.  So far school officials are refusing to explain the secret payout. 

Without warning the Ruby Tuesday restaurant in Pocatello shutdown on Xmas.  Employees showed up only to find a note taped to the door saying a new restaurant would take its place in the near future, the 28 Ruby Tuesday employees are concerned for their final pay. What’s really intersting is that Ruby Tuesday actually posted job openings on indeed.com, for their Pocatello location, just the week prior!  Here’s what some employees told KPVI TV: “It’s pretty upsetting knowing that we just had Christmas and spent a bunch of money on our families.”– Shane Engle

“I think it’s crappy that we found out that way. That somebody couldn’t have called us or let us know in advance so we can find another job. Something! I’m on a plan that I need to work to get my Medicaid insurance. And if I don’t have a job I lose my insurance. I have several health problems that I have to have insurance.”-Deanna Orth

KIFI finally reporting what I’ve known (and written about) for years; the Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck is dead. KIFI reporters who went there expecting to get day after Xmas shopping mayhem were shocked to find the mall almost empty.  In Ucon, 65 people unemployed after the Snake River Plains Potato Warehouse burned down the day after Xmas.  In Idaho Falls, after less than three years The Collective Cachet shutdown on Xmas Eve, with the owners warning that they must shutdown their other businesses as well. Local news media report that Idaho Falls ‘mom&pop’ shops are shutting down due to lack of parking for customers, and some are moving to the next door city of Ammon for better rents and locations.  In Boise, restaurant Pollo Rey shutting down by the end of February 2017.   In Meridian, the owner of Frankie’s Java warned they could shutdown after only seven months of business.  It’s blamed on lack of sales: “At this rate of losing money, we’re considering pulling out as soon as February or March.”-Lisa Squires

The new owner of the Carmike Cinemas in Chubbuck, AMC Theaters, quietly began posting on the internet for new employees ranging from “Film Crews” to theater managers.  AMC Theaters took over Carmike Cinemas in March of 2016.  No word on what’s going on with the old employees.

The state Department of Commerce waiving nearly $6-million in taxes to any company that can create jobs in Idaho!  It’s being called Project Grand Slam.

Despite Idaho being flooded with immigrants and refugees (according to state and federal data), the state Department of Labor is predicting worker shortages in the areas of pipe-fitting/plumbing (possibly due to the covert oil industry boom), physical therapists, accountants/auditors, software/computer developers, industrial mechanics, registered nurses, semi-truck drivers and cooks.  As with past predictions of booming employment opportunities the ‘authorities’ have failed to explain why there is going to be such an expected economic boom (by the way, the plurality of past economic boom predictions for Idaho never materialized).  Remember, back in March the Department of Labor admitted that Idahoans were fleeing the state, however, the prediction of job shortages comes at the same time the U.S. Census Bureau reported data that says Idaho is the 3rd fastest growing state, population wise, in the country (blamed on high birth rate of Idahoans and domestic [U.S.] migrants looking for jobs).  This indicates that instead of worker shortages there might not be enough jobs for all the people flooding into the state (and it amazes me that people are coming to Idaho when there aren’t enough jobs right now).

 In the overwhelmingly christian dominated south eastern part of The Gem State, christians failed to support a new christian founded (and much needed due to increasing homelessness in the area) homeless shelter, prompting a local Muslim to come to the rescue.  Pastor Jacqualine ‘Big Momma’ Thomas needed at least $30-thousand USD for the homeless shelter but got only $7-thousand from fellow christians, a local Muslim doctor heard the news and said he felt compelled to make up the difference. He promised $23-thousand for the Big Momma’s House project.  (UPDATE: TV station KPVI reported that after the initial report of a Muslim saving Big Momma’s House at least two more large donations were made, however, KPVI was careful not to mention the religious affiliation of the donors. JANUARY 2017 UPDATE: TV station KIFI reporting that Bingham Memorial Hospital made a significant donation and admitted they were motivated by the Muslim doctor’s donation.)

Idaho’s Economic Decline 2015: “WE’RE GOING TO GO DOWN.”



Idaho’s Economic Decline 2014: “WE’VE LOST A LOT…SINCE 2007.”

Idaho’s Economic Decline 2013: “IT WAS A BLOW, CUT US OFF AT THE KNEES.”