Tag Archives: idaho

“Fix it, Jesus, fix it!”: U.S. Christian Rapture, November 2017

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of U.S. Christian shutdowns, layoffs and Rapture oddities for the Gregorian (western christian calendar) month of November 2017.


California: Despite having the strictest anti-2nd Amendment laws of any U.S. state, god was still powerless to stop a shooting at the Saint Alphonsus Church.  In San Francisco area, more competition for ‘christians’ as ex-google executive Anthony Levandowski is founding a ‘church’ where members can worship a computer created Artificial Intelligence God!  In Oakland, god powerless to stop a man from being stabbed to death outside the Union Baptist Church.  In San Luis Obispo County, proof the economy ain’t recovered as the Mountainbrook Church raised $9-thousand for the local Food Bank Coalition.  The British empire based Salvation Army shutting down its East Avenue thrift store operation in Chico after Xmas, blaming crashing sales and skyrocketing rent/utilities.  In Fresno, New Harvest Church announced it will shutdown its child-care-center right after Xmas, vaguely blaming financial reasons.

Florida:  In Seminole Heights, the fourth victim of the serial shooter was a church volunteer who was shot in the back as he walked to a meeting with his church pastor.  Food insecurity is so bad in Citrus County that New Church Without Walls reporting it has 20 truckloads of food on its way: “We’re getting trucks three times a week, but we need some place to put it. What I’d really like is something like the old Kmart or an empty store. We need it now….They’re on their way.”-Doug Alexander

Georgia: Police responded to a near-riot at the Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, over the firing of the pastor and misuse of church money.  Members were shouting “Fix it, Jesus, fix it!”, as police arrived and kicked everybody out.

Idaho: The pastor of Candlelight Christian Fellowship is endorsing the Mormon politician Raul Labrador.  Raúl Rafael Labrador once said “Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare.”  Candlelight Christian Fellowship could face investigation by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for openly endorsing a political candidate, according to Robert Tuttle, professor of law and religion at George Washington University Law School.

Illinois:  The Woodford County Sheriff arrested a man who threatened to shoot-up a church in Peoria because he was kicked out. Law enforcers told local news media they didn’t know why the man was kicked out of the church, the man is not being charged with a crime, instead he was placed in a mental facility.  It was a pastor of another church that reported the man to police.

Indiana: God powerless to stop burglars from targeting several vehicles in the parking lots of Bethany Church of the Brethren and Nappanee Missionary Church on 05 NOV 2017.  Then on 12 NOV 2017, vehicles in the parking lot of Sugar Grove Church were targeted.

Iowa: Easter Seals of Iowa issued a layoff WARN, 33 people in Des Moines jobless right after Xmas.

Kentucky: In Lexington, police responded to a near-riot at the Southern Acres Christian Church after members were told that “a known suspect took $100,000 from the church fund and exercised control over those funds with the intention to deprive the church thereof.”

Louisiana: An illegal immigrant is now living in the First Grace United Methodist Church in New Orleans, for fear of being deported.

Maine:  Kennebec Community Church and Feed My Starving Children begged for food donations, not for economically struggling ‘Mericans, but for people in other countries!

Maryland: Faithless church leaders in Carroll County attended an “active shooter” class put on by the local Sheriff.

Michigan:   It was revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is looking into threats made against the Masjid Bilal Mosque, Westminster Presbyterian Church, and a third unnamed religious house, after a toiletry bag containing a gun and a map were discovered in Dearborn Heights.  The map had religious houses marked as “targets”.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ Kensington Church, in Troy, from getting suckered by a con-artist.  It worked like this; a man sent a donation check for $4-thousand-5-hundred USD, then said ‘oops, I meant it to be for $45’,  so the church sent him a refund check for the difference.  It turns out the original donation check was fake!  In Grand Rapids, god powerless to stop the internet from shutting down ‘his’ christian Eardmans Bookstore. Christian book printer Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company says it’ll focus solely on internet sales.  In Wayne, New Hope Baptist Church hit by vandals, yet again according to local news media.  I think a possible problem is that the church is located in a vacant Burger King building, which is currently being remodeled.

Minnesota: After 151 years Brooklyn United Methodist Church shutting down at the beginning of January 2018.  Blame The Rapture as there are only 48 official members left, however, the pastor blames “The younger generation of Brooklyn’s congregation has, for the most part, moved away, and those who are left are dealing with issues related to old age and poor health.”

Missouri: In Kansas City, the 1-hundred years old Westminster Congregational Church is now a furniture store.  Apparently the church had been declared an eyesore and people wanted it torn down.

Nevada: Taxpayer funded Lyon County School District facing a lawsuit for blocking Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley from distributing religious material on taxpayer funded school property (in violation of the 1st Amendment).

New Jersey: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Peter’s University Hospital from suddenly eliminated 108 jobs in order to “remain competitive”!  Presbyterian founded Westminster Choir College suddenly laid off 33 people and revealed the school might be transferred to the control of an ‘Asian’ institution, and if that fails then the 91 years old school will shutdown.

North Carolina:  Former members of the controversial Word of Faith Fellowship say a 2005 court agreement is failing to protect children from being abused by church officials.   Buncombe County’s Tourism Development Authority is being accused of violating the 1st Amendment by giving the Haywood Street Congregation a $75-thousand USD taxpayer funded grant.  Providence Baptist Church was hit by vandals that accused the church of being anti-homosexual, the pastor swears he has never made any anti-homosexual comments.

North Dakota: Two men were “dragged out” of the River Church, in Dickinson, for protesting a female pastor.  One witness said the men were pointing out the lack of Biblical references in the female pastor’s sermon.

Ohio: A man was found, shot in the chest, in the Center Christian Church parking lot.  The man is alive, but so far police don’t know who he is, they suspect its the result of illegal drugs.

Oklahoma: The great-grandson of the founders of the Rhema Bible Training College pled guilty to being the Broken Arrow shooter.  God powerless to stop the sudden (without warning) shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Gregory’s University, supposedly due to a sudden change in federal taxpayer funding rules from the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture): “The USDA came up with a new rule last week, never before heard of, to say, ‘Oh, you’re not eligible until the next census’.”-Michael Scaperlanda, university president

Pennsylvania:  Doing something that many people don’t think about when it comes to poor people, for the second year in a row First Presbyterian Church of Allentown bought shoes for people who rely on the Dubbs Memorial Community Center-Daybreak program: “It’s like Santa went to my house already.”-Gladys Arroyo, Daybreak user

Rhode Island: A Ford van used by Saint Patrick’s Church to  help homeless people, and to make deliveries to food pantries, was stolen and then ‘totaled’.  Church volunteers say they used the van to help feed more than 2-hundred families: “It’s almost impossible to do what we need to do without our van.”-Marlyn Batista

Tennessee: After 140 years ‘god’ powerless to stop ‘his’ Tennessee Baptist Convention from excommunicating ‘his’ First Baptist Church of Jefferson City for hiring a female reverend!

 Texas: God powerless to stop a known crazyman from killing nine people in the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs After the shooting the ‘christian’ dominated U.S. Air Force admitted that it failed to report the shooter’s criminal/mental health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which would have prevented the man from buying guns.  In response to the shooting, the Williamson County Sheriff conducted an “active shooter” class at the Celebration Church in Georgetown. A female Cy-Springs High School history teacher is accused of having sex with a student and doing drugs (ain’t that why it called High School?), according to the complaint the teach and the student would meet at a ‘christian’ Chick-Fil-A for their trysts.   God powerless to stop ‘his’ Abilene Christian University from eliminating an undisclosed number of jobs as part of its attempt at “…lowering student debt and the cost of delivering a quality higher education, while increasing affordability…”

Utah:  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the most powerful of several LDS organizations) accidentally revealed secret Handbook 1 church administration rules, but then quickly removed them from the internet when the mistake was discovered.  Handbook 2 is considered de-classified for public viewing.  Imagine Dragons’ mormon frontman Dan Reynolds executive-produced a new documentary about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ homosexual policy, its called Believer.

Washington: ‘Christians’ voted in favor of parking lots over helping homeless people. In Seattle the members of the University Unitarian Church voted to remove three houses used to help homeless people and replace them with a parking lotLocal news media pointed out the University Unitarian Church’s decision comes at a time when the city is dealing with a homelessness “crisis”

Washington DC: The Archdiocese of Washington (DC) suing the DC Metro which refused to run a promotion about Xmas.  Ignorant church leaders said there was no reference to religion, forgetting that Christmas is a stolen ‘Pagan’ Winter Solstice holiday modified for a specific religion called Christianity.  The equally ignorant First Baptist Church joined in protest of the DC Metro anti-Xmas, pro-1st Amendment, decision.

West Virginia: It was revealed that during the ‘christian’ motivated Civil War (southern christians used the Bible to support slavery and northern christians used the Bible to oppose slavery, proof the Bible can’t be relied upon) the Claysville Church opened it doors to both Union and Confederate soldiers.

Wisconsin: This happens every friggin’ year, baby Jesus stolen from a church nativity scene.  The latest incident happened at a church in Mensha, the statue (idol) is more than a hundred years old.  Local ‘christian’ police are so upset about it they’ve issued an all-points bulletin (aka BOLO).

U.S. Christian Rapture, October 2017: “THEY SAID…WE WERE SINNERS!”

“No man can work for two masters, for either he will hate one and will love the other, or he will honor one and the other he will ignore. You cannot work for God and for money.”-Matthew 6:24, Aramaic Bible

“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua [Jesus of Nazareth] entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

“several system and control failures”: ObamaCare ACA Death Spiral, November 2017

Incomplete list of healthcare related layoffs and shutdowns, announced in November 2017:

Employees with Israel based drugs pusher Teva Pharmaceuticals reporting that ‘thousands’ of its U.S. employees are about to be laid off, Teva administrators refused to answer questions from the news media.

Israel based, but U.S. stock market listed, Protalix BioTherapeutics eliminating 50 jobs due to decreasing Israeli taxpayer funding.

Internet based WebMD laid off about 170 people after being taken over by vulture capitalist KKR-Internet Brands!

Arizona: Insurance company United Healthcare eliminating 381 military Tricare jobs after Xmas, due to expired taxpayer funded contract!

Arkansas: Drugs maker Cantrell Drug Company now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, blaming government regulations.

California:  Pacific Alliance Medical Center issued a shutdown WARN for Los Angeles, 685 jobs gone a week before Xmas!  Medicare-Medicaid manager SynerMed eliminating 626 jobs in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties, in January 2018, possibly due to “several system and control failures within medical management and other departments.”!  Avanir Pharmaceuticals issued a layoff WARN, 73 jobs gone by mid-January 2018.  Actelion Pharmaceuticals issued a layoff WARN, 34 jobs gone by the end of February 2018.  Less than a month after shutting down, ‘crisis consultants’ are working to bring Tulare Regional Medical Center back from the dead, starting with job application/interviews at the end of November.  Amgen eliminating 121 drug research jobs after Xmas, in the name of “efficiency” Genentech eliminating 128 drug making jobs after Xmas, blaming increased competition!  It was revealed that Orchard Hospital suddenly laid off an undisclosed number of employees at the end of October, due to lack of money.  Despite massive layoffs across the U.S., Long Beach based Molina Healthcare reported it lost $97-million USD in its 3rd quarter, and even issued a WARN saying 44 jobs in Long Beach will go away after Xmas. 

Connecticut: Conduent State Healthcare eliminating 102 jobs by mid-January 2018!   Bristol Myers Squibb conducting another round of layoffs, this time 29 people in Wallingford jobless sometime after Xmas.  Blair Manor Nursing Home and Ellis Manor Nursing Home both issued WARNs, an undisclosed number of jobs being eliminated starting in January 2018.

Delaware: UnitedHealth eliminating 138 jobs after Xmas, due to losing the contract to manage the state’s Medicaid program!

Florida:  After 14 years GulfCoast Surgery Center now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to as much as $10-million USD in debts, and only $50-thousand, or less, in assets.  Diabetic supply companies Arriva Medical and American Medical Supplies both shutting down their Florida operations, 182 jobs gone after Xmas, possibly in connection with both companies being taken-over by Abbott Laboratories!

Georgia: Washington County Regional Medical Center suddenly laid off 27 people as a result of a new management contract with a Utah based company.

Idaho State Journal Pic

Idaho: One month after issuing a mass-layoff WARN, the SafeHaven care center in Pocatello mysteriously burned to the ground.  The residents were evacuated, but the building is a $2-million USD loss.  Fire inspectors say the fire was not arson, but are calling for a review of national fire code.  The fire started in the attic of the building, apparently in an area where no fire sprinkler system was required under current national fire code. Last month SafeHaven issued a WARN saying 117 people in Pocatello were losing their jobs!   

Illinois: Cook County Health and Hospitals System eliminating 34 jobs as part of much bigger county-wide layoffs (321 in total)!  It’s been revealed that state taxpayers owe billions of dollars to healthcare providers, and currently state administrators are putting taxpayers even deeper into debt by getting loans to pay-off about $9-billion USD in unpaid Medicaid bills! 

Indiana: Dearborn County Hospital laid off 25 people and shutdown 36 vacant jobs due to “Changes in healthcare related to advances in technology, a shift toward outpatient procedures, shorter lengths of stay and numerous other factors…”  Drugs maker Eli Lilly revealed that in September more than 2-thousand-3-hundred employees accepted bribes to voluntarily quit (buyouts)!

Iowa: AmeriHealth Caritas eliminating 4-hundred jobs as part of its exit from Iowa’s Medicaid program!  Community Support Advocates issued a WARN, 26 jobs in Des Moines gone by mid-December.

Kentucky: Louisville based health insurance company Humana eliminating 2-thousand-7-hundred jobs across the U.S.!  This is on top of the 1-thousand-5-hundred employees who voluntarily quit (buyouts) in September!

Massachusetts: Harrington HealthCare System suddenly laid off 23 people right before Thanksgiving, due to an $8.2-million USD loss. 

Michigan: Taxpayer funded Brookhaven Medical Facility shutting down after Xmas due to lack of county taxpayer funding to fill the growing multi-million dollar debt hole.  Now former Michigan State University and U.S.A. Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar pled guilty to multiple charges of sex crimes.

Mississippi: University of Mississippi Medical Center shutdown its Madison wellness center, saying the rent was too high.

Missouri: Saint Louis based SSM Health eliminating more than 3-hundred jobs across four states!

New Jersey: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Peter’s University Hospital from suddenly eliminated 108 jobs in order to “remain competitive”!  In Branchburg, ImClone Systems eliminating 77 jobs in January 2018.

North Carolina: Rite Aid shutting down its nearly four decades old drug pushing operation in Marion, ten jobs gone in January 2018 supposedly due to not being able to afford to renew the lease.  The evil Carlyle Group owned, and now schizophrenic, Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD) laid off 12 InfoTech employees, and is laying off an undisclosed number of HR employees, as part of off-shoring of jobs to an unnamed European location, while at the same time claims to be hiring “hundreds” of new employees.

North Dakota: The Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board got 154-thousand U.S. tax dollars to enroll people in North Dakota’s ObamaCare ACA, but for some unexplained reason signed up only 67 people!

Ohio:  OhioHealth eliminating 19 jobs as part of its consolidation of child therapy programs.

Rhode Island: Providence based Care New England lost $47-million USD for its fiscal year 2017, which ended in September.

South Carolina: AnMed Health suddenly laid off 94 people and shutdown 65 vacant jobs, blaming mandatory investments into digital records keeping!

South Dakota: The Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board got 200-thousand U.S. tax dollars to enroll people in South Dakota’s ObamaCare ACA, but for some unexplained reason signed up only one person!

Washington DC:  It’s been revealed that at least 16 groups (aka ‘navigators’) claiming to help people sign-up for ObamaCare ACA got paid big taxpayer bucks for enrolling less than 1-hundred people, at a cost to taxpayers of $5-thousand USD per sign-up!

West Virginia: Mylan Pharmaceuticals suddenly laid off an additional 3-hundred people as part of its ongoing “restructuring” operations announced last year!

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral October 2017:“BUSINESS AS USUAL.”

“closing was the only option.”: Dumbing Down U.S.A., November 2017

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

The nonprofit Center on Budget and Policy Priorities used federal data to compile a list showing that 29 U.S. states whose state taxpayer funding of education is still below their funding levels prior to the 2008 Recession.  However, cuts to education funding actually began before the Recession: “Your ability to invest in your schools is severely limited by those decisions of the past, before the recession hit. And it continues to have an important impact.”-Michael Leachman, interview with news media

Incomplete (i-e Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and education crimes, November 2017:

Alaska:  Fairbanks North Star Borough School District suffering long term Disappearing Students Syndrome.  Local news media reported that enrollments are down for 2018.  In 1998 enrollments peaked at 16-thousand-431, today there are 13-thousand-643 students, which could force the district to shutdown schools.

California: In San Francisco, after 25 years Thidwick Books shutting down after Xmas.  Zuckerburg funded (partly) hi-tech driven, expensive private school AltSchool shutting down its Palo Alto campus, and more campuses could be shutdown due to the fact that administrators are spending more money than they’re taking in (just because you’re a hi-tech geek doesn’t mean you know how to handle money).  Parker School Uniforms issued shutdown WARNs for four locations, taking place right after Xmas. Non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Santa Ana campus, 29 jobs gone after Xmas.  The state Attorney General suing Ashford University-Bridgepoint Education, accusing them of illegal marketing, sales and debt collections.

Colorado: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College campuses in Colorado Springs and Thornton, 53 jobs gone.

Connecticut:  A stranger rescued an autistic elementary student after he wandered off the campus of Vance Elementary School: “I just went out the front door.”-student to local news media

Florida: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College-Wyotech-Everest University campuses in Tampa, Ormond Beach and Orange Park, at least 306 jobs gone right after Xmas!

Georgia: Atlanta Metropolitan State College suddenly laid off 18 employees right before Thanksgiving.  Also, vacant positions will not be filled and equipment repairs/replacements will not be made, due to a 10% drop in enrollments from last school year.   California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College-Atlanta West campus.

Idaho: Enrollment in public schools is slowing down, except where immigrants/refugee populations are on the increase, like in Twin Falls and Boise areas.  Even with immigrant/refugees coming into the state, this school year’s total statewide enrollments were only 581 higher than last year.

Indiana: After 37 years of supporting Purdue University, University Spirit shutdown, the owners saying “With the retail and campus landscape changing on a national and local basis with Amazon and other internet options, closing was the only option.”  In Porter, non-profit Discovery Charter School discovered that $60-thousand USD in fundraising revenues and electronic transactions are now missing.  Local police say school administrators know who did it and efforts are being made to get justice.

Maryland: Carroll County School District halting field trips to Baltimore due to escalating city violence (this is the third year in a row that 3-hundred+ people have been murdered in the city).  Project Baltimore revealed that 13 schools in the city of Baltimore had not a single student that was considered proficient in math, and nine out of ten ‘black’ male children can’t read!   And Baltimore City Public Schools is warning that four more schools could be shutdown by the end of the school year, due to what I call DSS, and poor academic performance.  A volunteer sports trainer at Gwynn Park High School now facing criminal charges after sending a nude pic of himself to a female student.

Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Boston suddenly laid off 36 people the week before Thanksgiving, and reduced work hours for remaining employees due to ongoing “financial and operational challenges”.  In Taunton, a three years old was left on a preschool bus for several hours before anybody noticed.  It was only after the school called the parents to question why he was absent that they decided to check the bus! 

Michigan: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College-Southfield campus.

Missouri: Saint Louis Community College warning that their new budget could result in at least 95 jobs being eliminated, due to crashing enrollments and taxpayer funding.   The state government now facing two lawsuits for holding illegal closed door meetings in an apparent coup attempt, regarding leadership of the state education system.

Nevada: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College-Henderson campus.  Taxpayer funded Lyon County School District facing a lawsuit for blocking Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley from distributing religious material on taxpayer funded school property (in violation of the 1st Amendment).

New Jersey: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College-Plainfield campus, 41 jobs gone right after Xmas.  Westminster Choir College suddenly laid off 33 people and revealed the school might be transferred to the control of an ‘Asian’ institution, and if that fails then the 91 years old school will shutdown.

New York: New York ‘listed’ RYB Education New World Kindergarten was accused of drugging children in China, however, Chinese news media now says those parents who made the accusation have retracted their statements.  NYC Department of Education, Hicksville School District, and Rockville Centre School District, all suddenly canceled their taxpayer funded contracts with Baumann Bus Company, 232 jobs suddenly affected!

Ohio: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College-Gahanna campus, 31 jobs gone after Xmas.  Ontario Police Department accuses a high school band leader of rape, investigators say it does not involve students.   A mom, her daughter and goddaughter arrested after allegedly attacking a school official at Linden McKinley High School.  Two school bus drivers punished (unpaid suspension) for ‘making out’ in front of students getting on a school bus in Kettering City.

Oklahoma: God powerless to stop the sudden (without warning) shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Gregory’s University, supposedly due to a sudden change in federal taxpayer funding rules from the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture): “The USDA came up with a new rule last week, never before heard of, to say, ‘Oh, you’re not eligible until the next census’.”-Michael Scaperlanda, university president

Oregon: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College-Tigard campus, 29 jobs gone right after Xmas.  The state Department of Education admits that Tribal Nations-Native American’s are graduating at lower rates, failing more exams and getting into more trouble than non-Native Americans. Native American Debbie Austin blames the U.S. education system which continues to outright lie about The First Nations: “Our children need to know that is not true. They need to know who they are and where they came from.”

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

Pennsylvania: Students at Cheltenham High School apparently videoed themselves having sex, then shared it with junior high students on social media, school officials told local news media they haven’t seen the video despite many parents seeing it.  East Stroudsburg University warning of mass layoffs due to flat-lined enrollments and increasing operating costs, resulting in the university being short by at least $5.8-million USD.  California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its WyoTech-Blairsville campus, 73 jobs gone right after Xmas.  At least 45 teachers in Harrisburg quit in protest of escalating student violence, which prompted the superintendent to warn of a “different type of support that is needed.”

South Carolina:Berkeley County School District bus driver arrested after allegedly assaulting a ‘special needs’ student.

Texas: Hurricane Harvey directly affecting property tax payments across 60 counties, which in turn directly affects local taxpayer funding of schools.   After only three months on the job the state Special Education Director was suddenly fired, after complaining about the Texas Education Agency (TEA) awarding a no-bid contract to a company that ‘mines’ data on disabled students!  However, the TEA says they fired the Director for covering up sex crimes against disabled students!  A female Cy-Springs High School history teacher is accused of having sex with a student and doing drugs (ain’t that why it called High School?), according to the complaint the teach and the student would meet at a ‘christian’ Chick-Fil-A for their trysts.  A now former Director of School Finance Operations Region 16 Education Service Center pled guilty to a charge of possession of child porn.   California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its five campuses across The Lone Star State.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ Abilene Christian University from eliminating an undisclosed number of jobs as part of its attempt at “…lowering student debt and the cost of delivering a quality higher education, while increasing affordability…”  In Amarillo, after more than 60 years of supplying local teachers A&D Bookstore shutdown: “There are too many people using their computers and not buying things from stores. Therefore, we just don’t have enough business.”-Elnora Dennis, owner

Virginia:  California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College campuses in Chesapeake and Woodbridge.

Washington: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its Altierus Career College campuses in Tacoma and Everett, 74 jobs gone right after Xmas.

Washington DC: A local TV station discovered that teenagers are allowed to graduate Ballou High School despite not attending for most of the year.   WJLA reports that students who had unexcused absences for more than three quarters of the school year were somehow able to graduate.  

Wisconsin: Appleton based Book World announced it is done, shutting down all 45 stores across seven U.S. states.  But get this, the administrators blame their brick-n-mortar operations demise on internet competition, despite the fact that Book World has a website (www.bookworldstores.com)!

Wyoming: California based non-profit Zenith Education Group shutting down its WyoTech campus in Laramie.

Dumbing Down October 2017: “I’M BEING BULLIED!” “HE WAS SHOOTING AT TRUMP!”

“There was no severance…we were just fired!”: U.S. Industrial/Mining/Logistics layoffs, October 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in October 2017.

Federal government data proves what truck drivers have been complaining about for years, the reason there’s a driver shortage is because trucking companies are paying less and less every year: “If you look at the federal data, a truck driver in 2006 was actually making more than he or she would be making in 2016 if you factor in the cost of living.”-Chip Cutter, LinkedIn, interviewed by CBSNews

 California:  Oil giant Chevron warning of yet more layoffs in the San Joaquin Valley, a 26% reduction by early 2018.  In Berkeley, after 24 years furniture maker The Wooden Duck shutting down in time for Thanksgiving, blaming the landlord for doubling the rent.  France owned Schneider Electric eliminating 15 jobs in Clovis, right before Xmas. Wholesale distributor Essendant shutting down its Whittier center, 123 jobs gone right before Xmas!  Boeing issued yet more layoff WARNs, this time 84 people becoming jobless between Thanksgiving and Xmas. Pacific Steel Casting issued a shutdown WARN for its Berkeley ops, 106 jobs gone right before Xmas!   Iron furniture maker Murray’s Iron Works issued a shutdown WARN for its City of Commerce location, 46 jobs gone three days before Xmas.  St. john’s Knits issued another WARN, 72 jobs gone before Xmas as part of its plan to outsource the work to Mexico (on top of the 130 jobs already lost to Mexico during Summer).   What automotive industry recovery?  Pickup truck tonneau cover maker Laurmark Enterprises-BAK Industries issued shutdown WARNs for its Chatsworth and San Fernando operations, 261 jobs gone before Xmas!   Electric car maker Tesla suddenly laid off as many as 7-hundred employees for lack of performance!  Is it connected to the fact the hi-tech electric car maker is having major U.S. production problems with its latest vehicles, or that it’s focusing on production in China?

Colorado: Snowboard maker/seller Bomber Industries-Bomber Alpine Snowboard Outfitters now chapter 7 bankrupt dead, the new owners blamed too much debt financing and lack of sales.

Florida: West Coast Transport Service now chapter 7 bankrupt busted.  Pre-Cast Specialties eliminating 252 jobs between December 2017 and January 2018!

Georgia: AR-15 maker Daniel Defense admitted it made a undisclosed number of “significant layoffs” due to crashing sales (before the Las Vegas shooting), one industry news report said 1-hundred people were let go without warning, an unnamed employee said “This was very unexpected. All of us were handed a blanket packet that explained everything. The paperwork didn’t even have my name on it. All they said about my job was that my position was being eliminated. There was no severance package, we were just fired!”

Idaho:  The biggest electric utility company in The Gem State, Idaho Power, is demanding customers fork-over $220-million USD to pay for a new hydroelectric dam on the border with Oregon! 

Illinois: Commercial printer Patterson Office Supplies issued a layoff WARN, 83 jobs gone by November.  Neovia Logistics issued a shutdown WARN for its Des Plaines ops, 109 jobs gone right after Xmas!  Fabick Machinery Company issued a shutdown WARN for its wholesale ops in Marion, 29 jobs gone by December due to crashing oil-mining industry sales.

Indiana: Connecticut based Harman International Industries shutting down its Crown Audio factory in Elkhart, 50 jobs gone three days before Xmas.  What construction industry recovery?  After 113 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions), demolition company Martin Enterprises shutting down in March 2018, blaming it on ten years of crashing business saying “We’ve never really bounced back from the recession and then finding drivers and the right people here in the office to fit has been rough. You add all those things together and it just doesn’t make for a good business.”

Iowa: Cedar Rapids based Rockwell Collins eliminated 124 Iowa jobs in the past 12 months, plus hundreds more outside the state!  Those layoffs are not in connection with the current pending sale of Rockwell Collins to United Technologies, which is causing new layoffs, a lawsuit has been filed to stop the sale.

Louisiana:  Netherlands owned Chicago Bridge & Iron (CB&I) suddenly laid off 90 people, blaming a variety of things including Hurricane Harvey.

Massachusetts: In Westfield, after 60 years aerospace manufacturing contractor Berkshire Industries shutdown without warning,  the remaining 80 (of the 150) employees suddenly unemployed, no reason was given!

Michigan:  What automotive industry recovery?  Penske-Automotive Component Carrier lost its contract with General Motors (GM), 60 jobs gone in time for Xmas.  In Grand Rapids, automotive supply chain company Dematic issued a mass layoff WARN, 204 jobs gone by New Year’s, on top of the 255 jobs lost back in July!   GST Autoleather now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

Minnesota: Paper maker UPM Blandin shutting down a production line, 150 jobs gone by the 1st quarter of 2018 due to a global crash in sales!   In Waseca, Quad Graphics (Brown Printing) shutting down its operations after Xmas, local news reports say at one time the operation employed 750 people!  

Montana: Simms Fishing Products eliminating at least a dozen jobs as it outsources work to a contractor in Washington, administrators blame “the cost of land and building” in Montana.

New Mexico: Recently formed, Albuquerque based, ONE Aviation already warning of mass layoffs as it ends production of its EA550 personal jet.  ONE Aviation is now focusing on developing a new personal jet called Project Canada. 

New Jersey: In Union, jewelry maker Tessler & Weiss eliminating 150 jobs right after Xmas!

New York: Remington Arms announced that sales are so bad (pre Las Vegas shooting) that it will begin furloughing employees at its Ilion factory, in an attempt to keep inline with market trends.  This is on top of the 55 jobs killed last month.  AVX Corporation-Olean Advanced Products shutting down its factory in Olean, date “to be determined”.   Global Brands issued a shutdown WARN for its fashion warehouse, 49 jobs gone right after Xmas.

North Carolina:  Unnamed employees revealed Rockwell Collins plans to offshore at least 130 Winston-Salem jobs to the Philippines, it might be connected to the pending sale of Rockwell Collins to United Technologies!  Hydro Extrusions-Sapa Extrusions  warned of mass layoffs due to a drop in orders, but didn’t say how many people would lose their jobs.  DuraFiber Technologies now chapter 7 bankrupt busted, already shutting down factories, more than 4-hundred jobs gone so far!  Diverse manufacturer Lord Corporation announced it will begin eliminating jobs worldwide in 2018, due to global market conditions.

Ohio: Furniture maker American Signature issued a layoff WARN, 13 people jobless by December.  Plastics maker Spartech-Polyone laying off 57 people in Greenville “due to a change in business circumstances”.   Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems eliminating 55 jobs in Akron as part of its plan to move jobs to Mexico.  Industrial mill service provider TMS International issued a shutdown WARN, 99 jobs in Middletown gone due to loss of contract.    What automotive industry recovery?  Fiat-ChryslerFCA Transport shutting down its Toledo transportation terminal, at least 92 jobs affected by February 2018.  Emission controls maker Faurecia Clean Mobility laying off eight people right after Xmas.

Oregon: After 128 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) the new owners of West Linn Paper Company decided to shut it down, no explanation to hundreds of employees ( except saying “due to unforeseen business circumstances”) who will become unemployed around Xmas time!

Pennsylvania: Dura-Bond eliminating 180 jobs in Steelton, by Thanksgiving, blaming it on crashing pipe orders from the oil industry!  Germany owned Akustica issued a  shutdown WARN for its Pittsburgh location, 54 jobs gone by October 2018.   Johnson & Johnson issued a shutdown WARN for ops in West Chester and Wayne, 297 jobs gone right before Xmas!   Japan owned but Switzerland based Metalor Technologies issued a shutdown WARN for its Export location, 121 jobs gone right after Xmas!  What construction industry recovery?  Deluxe Building Systems issued a shutdown WARN for its Berwick ops, 154 jobs gone right after Xmas!

Tennessee:  Italy based eyewear maker/distributor Luxottica Retail North America issued a mass layoff WARN, 208 jobs in Memphis gone right after Xmas, due to crashing sales!

Texas:  Vistra Energy shutting down two additional coal fired power plants, 650 jobs gone due to cheaper competition by natural gas power plants!  Dynergy warning of massive layoffs, as a result of being taken over by Vistra Energy.

Washington: The new owners of Columbia River Logistics (same as West Linn Paper Company) decided to shut it down, no explanation to the employees ( except saying “due to unforeseen business circumstances”) who will become unemployed around Xmas time!

West Virginia:  Italy owned plastics maker M&G Polymers now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

Wisconsin: Johnson Controls announced it will eliminate an undisclosed number of jobs, local news media say unnamed sources put the number of people to be laid off at 150!  Spartech-Polyone Designed Structures shutting down its factory in Ripon, 70 jobs gone in 2018 due to “a change in business circumstances”.  U.S. Paper Converters shutting down its Appleton operations, 52 jobs gone by New Years due to state officials bringing in foreign operations with taxpayer money: “For the third time in less than two months, the Paper Valley has been hit hard. At a time when the state is set to spend billions to lure a foreign company, our heritage and core industries are being gutted without explanation or without concern from our state leadership. This is not just about the loss of fifty jobs, but fifty families, men, women and children being thrust into difficult times and during the holiday season. It is high time we focus our time, resources and money on Wisconsin industry and Wisconsin jobs. Paper is our heritage, and it must be our future.”-Tom Nelson, Outagamie County Executive

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, September 2017: “MARKET TURNDOWN, INDUSTRY-WIDE”

“significant financial pressure”: U.S. Hi-Tech/Communications breakdown, October 2017

More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech competition for your demise. Incomplete list of U.S. internet/high-tech/communications job destruction announcements in October 2017:

Finland based Nokia announced it gave up on its virtual reality camera project and will now kill at least 310 jobs, some of which are in the United States!

Arkansas:  Wehco Media suddenly laid off 86 people due to an “economic necessity”.

California:  Finland based Nokia issued a layoff WARN for its Sunnyvale location, 72 jobs gone a few days before Xmas (see above). Edmunds.com issued a layoff WARN for its Santa Monica location, 60 jobs gone before Xmas.  YesVideo.com issued a shutdown WARN for its Santa Clara location, 99 jobs gone right after Xmas.  Redwood City based Electronic Arts (EA) shutting down its Visceral Games, an undisclosed number of jobs lost. Redwood City based Shopkick suddenly laid off about 30 people due to a new operating ‘model’.  Venice based Snap (aka Snapchat) suddenly laid off 18 people due to crashing sales. Santa Clara based Intel eliminating an undisclosed number of finance jobs in 2018.    Tesla suddenly laid off as many as 7-hundred employees for lack of performance!  Is it connected to the fact the hi-tech electric car maker is having major production problems with its latest vehicles?  Former SolarCity employees reported to local news media that the mass firings at Tesla resulting in SolarCity’s Roseville office being shutdown (on top of the 250 previously announced layoffs), unnamed SolarCity employees say no performance review was ever made by Tesla!    Disney-ABC Television began a major restructuring which will include mass layoffs.  Industry news reports say Disney-ABC has eliminated hundreds of jobs since 2010.  Media company Whalerock Industries revealed it laid off about 30 people without warning in September, yet the company also claims it will add 25 jobs within six months.   Point.360 now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Despite having a website, San Diego based Carvin Audio announced on Facebook that it was shutting down after 70 years of musical sounds, no explanation given.  Electro-optics maker NeoPhotonics warning of future layoffs due to crashing sales in China.  Apple suddenly slashed its Asian made parts orders, for its iPhone 8, by half because iPhone 7 still outsells iPhone 8, and Apple is about to release iPhone X!

Connecticut: Disney/Hearst owned Bristol based ESPN will layoff an additional 60 people by the end of the year.

Idaho: In Pocatello, ON Semiconductor got a $335-thousand USD state taxpayer funded grant to create five new jobs.  Most of the grant money will go towards retraining existing employees.

Illinois: Chicago Tribune eliminating an undisclosed number of employees due to “significant financial pressure”.

Indiana:  In Indianapolis, Technicolor laying off 85 people right before Xmas, and shutting down an office before the end of the year. 

Massachusetts: Video game maker Disruptor Beam laid off at least ten people despite recently getting $8.5-million USD in funding.

Missouri: In Kansas City, finance and healthcare tech support company DST Systems warned of across the board layoffs.

New York: Xerox shutting down its Webster distribution center, 135 jobs gone by March 2018!  In Rochester, communication device maker GE MDS laying off 89 people in January 2018.  Japan owned electronic metals company Oak-Mitsui laying off 20 people in January 2018.  In NYC, tech company Main Street Hub issued a shutdown WARN, at least 108 jobs being lost to The Lone Star state of Texas right after Xmas! Iconic Time magazine killing an additional 2-hundred jobs (despite having a website) just in time for Thanksgiving!  Complex Networks conducting mass layoffs as a result of it being taken over by Verizon and Hearst in 2016.  Without warning NYC based Verizon-Fios canceled service to five million people for the Spanish language broadcaster Univision, over a contract dispute!  Warner Music shutting down its NYC location by September 2018.    Bloomberg Media suddenly laid off 11 people in its distribution unit. NYC based internet food delivery company Blue Apron suddenly eliminated about 3-hundred marketing, software development, operations and business development jobs!  

North Carolina: Florida based Citrix suddenly laid off about 40 people in Raleigh, despite advertising for job openings.  Local news media say many of the laid off employees had recently been hired, and some actually took pay cuts to get the job!  Morrisville based Lenovo confirmed it suddenly laid off an undisclosed number of people globally.

Ohio:  Turning Technologies eliminating 20 jobs due to millions in lost revenues after the loss of several ‘higher education’ clients.

Oregon: California based Symantec warning of future layoffs at its Springfield location, apparently due to consolidation operations.

Pennsylvania:  Advertising company Ketchum shutting down its Pittsburgh operations in early 2018, 60 jobs lost to consolidation to New York City.

Texas: Call center contractor Convergys laying off 406 people at its Lubbock center!

Virginia:  The Virginian Pilot asking for 10% of employees to voluntarily quit, otherwise involuntary layoffs will take place.  The newspaper is also going to outsource print production.  Tax-sucking General Dynamics shutting down an InfoTech office in Alexandria, 92 jobs gone right before Xmas.

Washington:  Advertising company Hacker Group issued a couple of WARNs, 82 Seattle jobs gone in December.

U.S. Tech/Communications breakdown, September 2017: “WE ARE NOT IMMUNE TO ECONOMICS”

“business as usual.”: ObamaCare ACA death spiral, October 2017

Incomplete list of healthcare related layoffs and shutdowns, announced in October 2017:

The $4.38-billion USD Walgreens-RiteAid merger will result in at least 6-hundred stores being shutdown.

Arizona: Texas based Tenet Healthcare-Abrazo Community Health Network shutting down its hospital in Maryvale due to crashing demand caused by ObamaCare’s focus on out-patient care, 3-hundred jobs gone in time for Xmas!  Local news reports say the Maryvale hospital sees an average of 43-thousand ER patients per year.

California: Confluent Medical Technologies issued a shutdown WARN for its Sunnyvale location, 69 jobs gone right after Xmas.  CVS Pharmacies eliminating 51 jobs in La Habra and Tracy right before Xmas.  Genesis Healthcare-Brier Oak on Sunset eliminating 128 jobs before Xmas!   Tulare Regional Medical Center chapter 9 bankrupt busted and suddenly shutdown after the contracted management company, that runs the hospital, announced it could not pay the creditors or the employees, 524 jobs suddenly gone  In San Diego, “hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status”.   In California nursing homes you can now be imprisoned for using the ‘wrong’ name under the LGBT Senior Bill Of Rights.   God powerless to stop ‘his’ Adventist Health Simi Valley-Simi Valley Hospital from suddenly laying off 31 people, blaming ObamaCare-ACA for forcing more customers to use outpatient services.  Long Beach based Molina Healthcare announced it’ll eliminate 1-thousand-5-hundred of the company’s U.S. jobs, including 53 in Wisconsin.

Colorado: Switzerland based drugs pusher Novartis shutting down its generic drugs factory in Broomfield, 450 jobs gone over the next two years!

Connecticut: In Bloomfield, MetLife issued a layoff WARN, 61 jobs gone right after Xmas.

Florida:  Office of Insurance Regulation reporting that Molina Healthcare jacking ObamaCare-ACA rates by 71% for 2018!   Miami Jewish Health Systems-Crothall Healthcare eliminating 82 contracted jobs right after the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.  In Pinellas Park, Transitions Optical issued a layoff WARN, 18 jobs gone by New Years.  Concerning the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills, the number of people who’ve died as a result of negligent care during Hurricane Irma is now 19, and as a result of the nursing home’s forced shutdown 245 people (who apparently didn’t care about the patients, see previous month’s report) are now jobless!  American Medical Supplies eliminating 40 jobs right after Xmas. Arriva Medical eliminating 142 jobs right after Xmas!   Miami Medical Center eliminating 180 jobs three days before Xmas!   Crothall Healthcare eliminating 82 jobs by the end of November (on top of the 183 layoffs announced last month).

Georgia: Stewart Community Home shutdown due to lack of money, 22 jobs gone, 52 live-in patients affected.

Idaho: Medicare Health Plans ranked Gem State doctors as the most overworked in the United States!   The state Department of Insurance claims worker comp insurance rates for employers will drop by 5.8% in 2018.   Idahoans on Medicare part D will pay the highest national average premium for their doctor issued drugs; $65.52.  Safe Haven Health Care issued a WARN, 117 jobs in Pocatello and Chubbuck gone by November!  

Illinois: Wholesaler Pharmore Drugs issued a shutdown WARN for its Skokie ops, 232 jobs gone by Thanksgiving due to the business being sold-off!  Molina Healthcare issued a layoff WARN, 31 people in Oak Brook jobless right before Xmas.  Schizophrenic Outcome Health suddenly reversed its plan to hire 2-thousand people and will instead begin eliminating an undisclosed number of jobs!   Quality Therapy & Consultation suddenly laid off 139 jobs gone due to loss of contract!  Edward-Elmhurst Health eliminating 234 jobs as part of its plan to cut $50-million USD in operating costs, after ObamaCare caused the hospital system to lose 90% of its income for fiscal year 2017:While our volumes remain strong, we are paid less for every patient we see. Our expenses are growing faster than reimbursement from Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurance companies…-Mary L. Mastro, CEO

Indiana: New Jersey based Ascensia Diabetes Care shutting down its factory in Mishawaka, 113 jobs gone by the end of September 2018, administrators blamed it on “changing conditions” in healthcare!

Iowa: Mercy Hospital laid off 60 people right before Halloween.  AmeriHealth Caritas issued a mass layoff WARN, 4-hundred jobs in Des Moines gone right after Xmas!

Kansas: God powerless to stop the schizophrenic new co-owners of ‘his’ Saint Francis Health Center eliminating 60 jobs while at the same time claim they’re creating 86 new jobs.

Massachusetts: Lahey Health eliminating 75 jobs after losing $37-million USD in the previous six months.  Digital healthcare company Athenahealth suddenly eliminated nearly 5-hundred jobs, apparently part of its plan too shutdown locations in California and New Jersey!  Investors loved what Athenahealth did and sent stock prices soaring!

Michigan: Home Rehabilitation Services lost its contract in Commerce Township, 113 jobs gone right after Xmas!  It’s blamed on the merger of Beaumont Home Care and Oakwood Healthcare.

Minnesota: Hazelden addiction treatment provider laid off 57 people due to ObamaCare-ACA reduced insurance payments.

Mississippi: Despite already making radical changes that adversely affected more than 6-hundred employees, University of Mississippi Medical Center continues on by announcing that 120 in-house jobs will be outsourced (contracted-out). It’s being blamed on $37.2-million USD in state taxpayer funding.

Missouri: Boone Hospital Center shutting down its pediatric center, 50 jobs soon to be lost.

New Jersey: The Vitamin Shoppe shutting down its distribution center in North Bergen, 139 jobs gone by December due to non-renewal of the lease and consolidation ops!  Drugs pusher The Medicines Company eliminating 85% of its jobs over the next 45 days, as well as selling off its infectious disease operations by the end of the year, due to millions of dollars of year-over-year losses!  In New Brunswick, drugs maker Bristol-Myers Squibb eliminating 61 jobs right after Xmas.  Drugs maker Eli Lilly eliminating 78 jobs in Bridgewater by January 2018.  CVS Pharmacy eliminating 12 jobs in East Northport, a week before Xmas.  In Camden, Hospital Central Services Cooperative eliminating 81 jobs by the end of November.

New York:  Olean General Hospital suddenly laid off six people, reduced other positions to part time and closed 11 vacant positions, blaming it on “changes in patient activity.”  Genesee Valley Group Health Association-Lifetime Health Medical Group shutting down multiple clinics connected to Amherst Health Center and Greece Health Center, apparently due to lack of qualified doctors, more than 4-hundred jobs lost and tens of thousands of patients affected!  Northwell Health eliminating 107 jobs in January 2018!  Massena Memorial Hospital shutting down its Norfolk Family Health Center due to being $2-million USD in the hole.  Drugs maker Pfizer issued a shutdown WARN for its Rouses Point factory, 105 jobs affected by the end of January 2018! Public Service Insurance Company shutting down its NYC ops, 46 jobs gone starting in January 2018.  North Shore-Health Plan shutting down its East Hills ops, 107 jobs gone in January 2018, due to loss of taxpayer funded contract!  Staying in East Hills, CareConnect Insurance halting operations right before Xmas. CVS Pharmacy eliminating 27 jobs in East Northport, in January 2018.  In Bronx-NYC, Heritage Health and Housing began layoffs due to losing state taxpayer funding.

North Carolina: Sentara Albemarle Medical Center shutting down, 30 jobs gone before Xmas, administrators blame never ending building repairs and upgrades.

Ohio:  HealthSpan Partners issued a shutdown WARN for its North Point location in Cleveland, eliminating 12 jobs right after Xmas.  Spinal implant company X-spine Systems issued a shutdown WARN for its Miamisburg location, eliminating 54 jobs by February 2018.

Oklahoma: The state Department of Health eliminating 250 jobs in early 2018, due to an audit that revealed the department has much less money that it officially reported!  This also implies even more layoffs will occur once the state approves the new greatly reduced taxpayer funded budget for next year.

Oregon: Saint Charles Health System eliminating 102 jobs due to an expected operating deficit of $35-million USD in 2018, blaming declining revenue, inflation of operating costs and reimbursement impacts due to decisions made by the state legislature!

Pennsylvania:  Independence Blue Cross asking 9-hundred employees to voluntarily quit (buyouts) by Xmas! Jefferson Health eliminating at least 2-hundred jobs as a result of merging with Abington Health, Aria Health and Kennedy Health!  West Chester based insulin-pump company Animas halting operations in U.S. and Canada, hundreds of jobs lost, at least 90-thousand patients affected.  Drugs maker-pusher Merck eliminating a net of 840 sales positions, as part of its plan to shift to chronic care sales (which involves eliminating 1-thousand-8-hundred jobs across the United States, by January 2018)!  CVS Pharmacy issued a layoff WARN for 51 employees, to take place right before Xmas. Gateway Rehabilitation-Community Transition Center issued shutdown WARNs for three locations, 72 jobs gone by December.

Texas: Northwest Texas Hospital eliminating 23 jobs via consolidation.  Dallas based Tenet Healthcare eliminating at least 1-thousand-3-hundred jobs in an effort “…to improve financial results and returns for our shareholders.”

Vermont: Brookside Health and Rehabilitation Center shutdown due to Medicare and Medicaid payments being halted, allegedly over unsanitary conditions in the nursing home.

Virginia: Cardiac Connection Home Health Care Nursing Services now chapter 11 bankrupt busted blaming Medicaid and Medicare billings, the corporation’s attorney calling it “business as usual.”

Washington: PeaceHealth continues killing healthcare jobs, this time 1-hundred Health-InfoTech jobs are being outsourced to contractors in Missouri and Georgia!  Providence Medical Center issued a layoff WARN, 62 jobs in Everett gone by Xmas.

West Virginia: Thomas Healthcare laid off 10 InfoTech employees due to consolidation operations.




“We’re one of the best stores in our market!”: Sears Kmart Death Spiral, November 2017

Video of Black Friday brawl over a shopping cart in a Kmart, proof American shoppers are insane:


CentreDailyTimes: Nittany Mall Sears store will not honor Black Friday discounts.

CTV News: Sears Canada liquidation sale pricing under investigation

CBCNews: Sears shutdown in Thompson will force people to travel 800km (497 miles) to buy home appliances.

ChicagoTribune: State drags-on review of $15-million USD tax break for Sears Holdings

The Ledger Gazette: California state employee retirement fund dumps 84-thousand shares of Sears Holdings!

CNBC: Sears/Kmart puts the whole store on sale, everything up to 50% off!

Sears Holdings lost just under $600-million USD for its third quarter.  Sales at Sears stores down 17%, down 13% at Kmarts.  Eddie Lampert forced to admit (yet again) that shutting down stores is actually causing sales to crash! 

After reporting yet another quarter of crashed sales, Sears Holdings was given the go-ahead to sell-off an additional 140 properties in order to provide cash to the failing Sears-Kmart retired employee’s fund!  Remember, properties sold-off are not counted in the official Sears Holdings shutdown announcements.

A third round of mass Sears-Kmart shutdowns (45 Kmart, 18 Sears) announced, to take place by January 2018.  News reports say at one time there were more than 5-thousand-6-hundred full-sized Sears-Kmart stores, but after this latest round of shutdowns they’ll be down to about 1-thousand-2-hundred.  Sears Holdings officials continue to ignorantly tell local news media that affected employees can apply for a job at other Sears-Kmart stores!

Alabama: 35 years old Albertville Kmart, local news media reported it is the last Kmart in the entire state.  Tuscaloosa Sears, leaving only two full-sized Sears stores in the state.

Arizona: Casa Grande Kmart.  Mesa Sears store and Auto Center at Fiesta Mall.

Arkansas: Sears operations in Fayetteville and Fort Smith.

California:  The abandoned Kmart in Manteca has become a an impromptu homeless shelter, and unsympathetic taxpaying residents are pissed! The owner of a local hardware store says his female employees have been harassed by the drug using bums.

Colorado: Greeley Sears.

Connecticut: Employees of the Sears Appliance & Hardware in Shelton told customers the store was being shutdown right after Xmas.  Local news media confirmed when a hand written sign appeared at the entrance of the store a week later, but no comment from store management.

Florida: Kmarts in Clearwater, Milton and Sebring.  Local taxpayers in Titusville getting stuck with the redevelopment bill for a vacant Kmart. The property has been vacant since 2009, a property developer told the North Brevard Economic Development Zone that the only way it would take on the job of redeveloping the vacant Kmart was if it got ten years worth of tax breaks!

Georgia: Kmarts in Dalton, Macon and Tifton.  Sears operations in Lithonia and Valdosta (ending 76 years of Sears ops in Valdosta).

Idaho: The Ammon Kmart. 

Illinois: Effingham Kmart.  The Pekin Sears Hometown Store shutting down before Xmas. 

Kentucky: Kmarts in Henderson, Glasgow, Versailles and Frankfort.

Maryland: The Baltimore-Dundalk Sears at Eastpoint Mall.

Massachusetts: Sears in Lanesboro-Pittsfield’s Berkshire Mall (local news reports say the mall has massive vacancies even before the Sears is supposed to shutdown, the value of the mall has dropped by $41-million USD since 2006) .

Michigan: Kmarts in Battle Creek, Clinton and Mount Pleasant.

 Minnesota: Thief River Falls Kmart.

Missouri: Kmarts in Independence, Popular Bluff, Sedalia and Saint Louis.

Montana: In Great Falls, a Sears Hometown Store employee facing sentencing for stealing more than $3-thousand-7-hundred USD through fake merchandise returns, police say she confessed.  But here’s the kicker, she was fired before she was arrested because her employee background check finally came through, which showed she lied about her lengthy criminal record.

New Jersey: Phillipsburg Sears.

New York: The owner of Viaport Rotterdam Square Mall suing Sears for $500-thousand USD in back due rent! 

North Carolina: Jacksonville Kmart.

Ohio: Kmarts in Austintown, Cleveland (69 jobs gone), Hillsboro, Oregon and Saint Marys.  Commercial property dealers are sounding a warning about the growing number of vacant retail space in Ohio: “That’ll take years for the market to absorb.”-Pete Shawaker, Reichle Klein Group

Oregon: A now former Kmart manager was arrested and accused of using underaged employees to provide ‘intimate’ pics of girls, as well as use a Kmart company credit card to set up meetings at hotels.

Pennsylvania: Kmarts in Clarion, Coraopolis-Moon, Moosic and Shamokin Dam.   Sears ops in Indiana, Muncy-Pennsdale and State College.

South Dakota: Aberdeen Kmart.

Tennessee: Kmarts in Cookeville (by mid-February 2018), Nashville and  Tullahoma.

Texas: The last Kmart in El Paso, on Sunland Park Drive, shutting down in January 2018 (apparently this store is not officially part of the latest round of mass shutdowns), at one time there were six Kmart stores in El Paso.  The Kmart in TexarkanaSears operations in Lufkin and San Angelo’s Sunset Mall.  Local news media reported earlier in the year that the Sunset Mall Sears store was actually experiencing increased sales: “Sales in tools have grown 5% year-over-year. Mattress sales have grown 34% year-over-year. We’re one of the best stores in our market!”-Anthony Rollwitz, Sears hardline supervisor

Utah: A Salt Lake City Sears store and Auto Center on State Street.

Virginia: Kmarts in Abingdon, Danville and Lynchburg.  Colonial Heights Sears.

Wisconsin: Stevens Point Kmart, 45 jobs gone by January 2018.

West Virginia: Kmarts in Beckley, Martinsburg and Vienna.

Wyoming: Cheyenne Sears.


List of U.S. Sears-Kmart store closings that I’ve been compiling since the end of 2011

“I’m being bullied!” “He was shooting at Trump!”: Dumbing Down the U.S.A., October 2017

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

Incomplete (i-e Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and education crimes (and now Mother Earth is doing her part to destroy institutionalized education), October 2017:

Arizona:  Tucson School District warning of mass layoffs caused by $4.5-million to $6-million USD in budget cuts due to crashing enrollments (an estimated 880 students are exodusing the district this year).   It’s been revealed that the federal taxpayer funded Havasupai School is closed most of the year, and when it is open many parents don’t send their kids because they don’t like how it’s being operated, meaning local students are not getting educated.

California: A new study shows that Muslim students are the most likely to be bullied at school, by so called christians.  The most common incident are Muslim girls being attacked by ‘christians’ for wearing a scarf.  Hey, you dumb-ass ‘christians’!  There was a time in ‘America’ when Christian women covered their hair with a scarf as well, damn-it, cause I remember my Catholic mother used to do that up until the mid-1970s when it fell-out-of fashion with ‘christians’!  Two Los Angeles cops being investigated after being caught bullying students.  The police defend themselves saying it’s part of a taxpayer funded program to straighten-up non-compliant students, however, video emerged showing some of the students being bullied are as young as six!  Los Angeles School District accusing taxpayer funded charter school Partnerships to Uplift Communities of covering up conflict-of-interest evidence involving LA school board member Ref Rodriguez.  A female counselor with Sweetwater Union High School District accused a male San Diego Unified School District counselor of sexually harassing her, the man was fired.   University California Riverside laid off 15 InfoTech employees.   Kindergarten Hidden Valley Satellite destroyed by wildfire.  God powerless to stop wildfire from destroying ‘his’ Redwood Adventist Academy.  About 80% of Cardinal Newman High School burned.  Wildfire destroyed the classrooms of Luther Burbank Center for the Arts (where George Carlin recorded It’s Bad for Ya!).    Extreme levels of lead found in 30 drinking water fountains at three San Francisco public schools.  In Shingle Springs, Ponderosa High School apparently suffering an outbreak of viral meningitis.

Colorado:  It’s been revealed that some school board candidates are being funded with what’s being called Dark Money from for-profit businesses who hope to get taxpayer funded contracts.  

Connecticut:  Regional #10 Public School District joined other districts in warning of layoffs due to massive taxpayer funding cuts.  The city of New London slashed its school budget by $4.2-million USD, and warning of layoffs, because of expected state taxpayer funding cuts.

Delaware: For some reason parents are ‘mass exodusing’ their kids from Christina School District, reducing taxpayer funding.  According to local news reports four out of ten students in the district are being sent to non-district schools.  Most are going to charter schools while others are attending schools in other districts, apparently the biggest complaint about Christina School District is a “lack of discipline”.

Florida:  A female Miami-Dade school principal ‘reassigned’ after being caught driving while intoxicated.   In Tampa, an Adams Middle School employee is accused of offering money to students in exchange for sex.   Palm Beach County School District continues blaming third graders for their teacher sexually abusing them!  The incident happened in 2005, but after 12 years of hemming-and-hawing the district administrators still insist the nine years old girls “conducted themselves in a careless and negligent manner” and were “old enough to appreciate the consequences of their actions.”

Georgia: A mom is accusing the Big Shanty Intermediate School of ordering its students to dress-up as Civil War characters, she says one of the students dressed as a plantation owner and told her son “you are my slave”.  The school replied thusly “No student was required to dress in period attire and any student that did so was not instructed, nor required, to dress in any specific attire.”

Idaho: A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) survey reports that one in four Gem State high school students are bullied, prescription drug abuse is up and that teen suicide contemplation is at a ten years high!  The local economy is so bad that marching band students at Pocatello High School couldn’t afford to pay the mandatory fees and had to turn to a GoFundMe operation so they could attend competitions (a far cry from when my eldest daughter was a proud Pokey marching band member, and we could barely afford the fees then)!  Speaking of bad economies, eleven cash-strapped schools got federal USDA taxpayer funded grant money for much needed new kitchen equipment.  Also, 120 cash-strapped schools on the eastern side of the state took part in a pathetic ‘two-day five-minute’ Idaho Lottery scratcher contest, it was the largest act of desperation, I mean scratcher contest to date!   Dietrich School District quietly settle a boy-on-boy sexual assault and racism lawsuit.  One football player was sexually attacked by three other football players in the high school locker room in 2015.  The details of the settlement are currently sealed in federal court.

Illinois: Parents of a now dead Naperville North High School student say he was bullied by the dean and the school cop, who repeatedly threatened to ruin the student’s life by charging him with sex crimes, other students confirmed the school is using Israeli style scare tactics!   A Lake in the Hills junior high student charged with hate crimes after posting a video that resulted in a ‘soft’ lockdown of the school, police refuse to give details.  In Fairview Heights, after almost 30 years retailer Parent Teacher Tools shutting down after Thanksgiving, the owner blames online competition.

Indiana:  Carmel Clay School District suspended its superintendent and its human resource officer without explanation, saying they will conduct a review “in a manner that respects the confidentiality of its employees’ personal matters.”   Plainfield High School English teacher in trouble after her students ‘published’ 17-hundred magazines on how to ‘survive’ dating at the school, which apparently promotes group sex.  By the way, the English teacher is also the district’s 2017  Teacher of the Year.  At Needham Elementary School, a nine years old autistic boy was handcuffed by school cops!  Police accuse the boy of attacking other students and two teachers.

Kansas: Haven School District shutting down (pending public hearings) one of three elementary schools due to skyrocketing operating costs and crashing enrollments.

Maryland:  God not powerful enough to stop the state from canceling taxpayer funded vouchers for Trinity Lutheran Christian School, because the school refuses to enroll homosexual students.  Seven Bel Air High School students in trouble after posting ‘racial’ pics on social media.  School administrators say it’s a copycat incident as, apparently, such pic posting is happening at schools around the country.  In Montgomery County, a now former school cop sentenced to a piddly 18 months for having sex with a female student!  A former Baltimore County school superintendent being accused of spending taxpayer money to visit 19 cities in 13 states: “It’s incredibly unacceptable that someone who is the CEO of the school system is away 38% of the time. You have to show up at your job.”-Jim Brochin, state senator

Michigan: Administrators at Fordson High School revealed a “rogue” hazing incident took place on campus, but refused to give details saying only that “disciplinary measures have been taken” with possible legal action as well.  East Rockford Middle School learned its water might be toxic after a hazardous dumpsite was found near the water supply.  The dumpsite was being used by shoemaker Wolverine.  One upset parent said of the shoemaker “How many more dump sites are we going to find?”

Missouri: A now former employee of Grandview School District was sentenced to just over five years in federal prison for stealing $1.6-million USD from the school district during a ten years period.  A now former junior high school coach is finally on trial for raping and killing a girl in 2014, supposedly his attorney admitted his client was on meth at the time.  Saint Louis Community College warning of another round of layoffs, blaming state taxpayer funding cuts and the disappearance of more than 10-thousand students since 2011!

Nevada: The Washoe County School District says installing gender neutral toilet rooms will cost local taxpayers at least $500-thousand USD per school!  It’s part of a plan to build new schools in a district that’s supposedly experiencing skyrocketing enrollments. The new elementary and junior high schools will not have separate boys and girls toilet rooms.

New Jersey: Monroe Township warning that all schools could be shutdown, not because of lack of funding, but because of mold.    A mom is in big trouble for sending her kids to a school in a district they don’t live in.  According to news reports, the mom used to live in Middletown but moved to Keansburg last year, yet she continued sending her kids to school in Middletown.  A judge, and the state Commissioner of Education, ruled she owes taxpayers in Middletown $39,178.80!  Outside Orange High School a policeman got into a fight with twin sisters who attend the school.  Apparently they were ordering pizza at a nearby eatery when the cop began questioning one of the girls.  When her sister approached the cop told her to get away, which she didn’t and he grabbed her by the hair, then the fight started.  A school employee tried to break up the fight and was given a ticket.  The sisters say the cop also harassed them the day before, he is now suspended pending the results of an investigation.

New York: A fight broke out at Poughkeepsie High School, it was between students and parents.  Originally it was between students, but then parents showed up and got involved. Administrators say an ‘external’ threat was made towards the school and police were called in, no details about the fights or threat were made public.

North Carolina: A janitor at East Lee Middle School arrested for using a cell phone to secretly record people in the faculty toilet room.   Apparently the janitor isn’t very smart because the first person to use the toilet found the cell phone.  At Wakefield Middle School, police are looking for an adult ‘black’ male who allegedly tried to rape a 16 years old female as she walked to school.  After the 2016 arrests of intoxicated school bus drivers, a local TV station conducted an investigation and discovered that “12 out of 81 drivers had traffic violations in the last seven years.”

Ohio: Students are being warned to stay away from talking drones.  Akron Public School District says a talking-flying-drone was attempting to lure elementary school kids off the campus.  

Pennsylvania: A lawsuit accuses school administrators of punishing students who report harassment and abuse.  Students are told to avoid their tormentors, if that doesn’t work the victims are then sent to an alternative school for troubled students.  Apparently administrators are afraid of confronting the bullies.  Somebody strung-up a ‘black’ baby doll at Coatesville Area High School, the unnamed student who did it said it was just a joke.  It was revealed that in September a new state law forced Reading School District to block 2-hundred students from going to school because they were not vaccinated!

Puerto Rico: Hurricanes Irma and Maria shutdown the territory’s education system. 

South Dakota: Sturgis Brown High School was scheduled to play the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, but the game, as well as homecoming events, are now canceled after ‘white’ students were caught vandalizing a car by painting “go back to the rez” on it.  Female students at University of South Dakota‘s law school are demanding more toilets, saying male students have more ‘bathroom options’ than women!

Tennessee: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Presbyterian founded King University from eliminating more than a dozen jobs due to The Rapture, I mean what I call DSS.  Northeast State Community College slashed $5-million from its budget and is shutting down its four years old Bristol campus right before Xmas, because the operating costs for the newer campus outweigh revenues from student enrollments. After 81 years Memphis College of Art announced it will shutdown by 2020, due to crashing revenues caused by what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.

Texas: In Houston, a now former counselor with charter school KIPP Explorer Academy charged with indecent behavior with girls, some cases going back to 2012.   Stupid McKinney High School teachers in trouble for using the recent video of a student being taken down by Dallas cops as part of a ‘criminal justice’ class, without considering the effect on the student who still attends the school.  Conroe Independent School District being sued for the sexual bullying of a girl during the 2015-16 school year.  The family is so distraught they moved to Alabama.   Students are suing schools because they don’t want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, saying it’s their constitutional right!   The Pledge was actually approved by Congress in 1942 and originally made no mention of ‘god’.  It’s title, The Pledge of Allegiance, was named in 1945, ‘god’ was added in 1954 (in direct violation of the 1st Amendment).  The original Pledge salute was what many people now call a Nazi salute.   I don’t remember anything in the Constitution about the Pledge of Allegiance, however, the federal Supreme Court has ruled several times that people cannot be forced to say the Pledge: “….no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.”-Justice Robert H. Jackson

By the way, several anti-Pledge lawsuits were filed by ‘christian’ denominations.

Vermont: A mom, who is also a chiropractor, is facing legal challenges after refusing to sign a vaccination exemption because none of the pro-vaccination statements printed in the document are based on actual ‘evidence’: “I feel like I’m being backed into a corner. I’m being bullied!”-Naomi Malik 

Virginia:  Chesapeake School Board voted unanimously to rezone the district because of a huge disparity in school enrollments, parents seemed to be unanimously against the plan .

Washington:  Kent-Meridian High School spending extra tax money on extra security due to increased threats by ‘christians’ against Muslim students!

Wisconsin: Beaver Dam Unified School District approved a $38-million USD budget, which will cost local taxpayers more money: “Having either an increased revenue limit or a decrease in state aid can shift a district’s funding to its local tax levy. We happen to have both in the same year, not to mention that this is the first year of the levy for the referendum debt.”-Anne-Marie Woznicki, director of business services

Wyoming: Some Trump supporting parents within the Teton County School District going ballistic over a multiple choice answer concerning George Orwell’s 1945 book about leftist revolutions, called Animal Farm.  One question had multiple choice answers to explain why one character ordered another to shoot a gun.  One facetious answer was “He was shooting at Trump”.  Trump loving parents want the test, and possible the book removed.  Animal Farm is about a leftist revolution that devolves into a ‘reign of terror’ as the leaders of the leftist movement discover that they can manipulate the masses into eliminating anybody who questions the new leftist system.  Teton County School District apologized for the test.  I find it ironic and hypocritical that rightists want to eliminate the test/book.


“Who’s profiting…?”: U.S. government shenanigans, October 2017

Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for October 2017:

Alabama: More than a day late and a dollar short.  The leaders of Montgomery finally approved an overdue (by mandated timeline) budget that spends $2-million USD more on ‘public safety’, spends $400-thousand to tear down the plethora of abandoned houses and puts cash into the city’s reserve funds in order to please credit ratings agencies.  Part of the money for that will come from increased taxation of hotels.

Alaska: The mayor of Fairbanks is asking for layoffs in an effort to keep the city’s currently balanced budget from going ‘red’, due to expected state taxpayer funding cuts.

California:  The city of Bakersfield warning taxpaying residents of layoffs and tax hikes due to the crashing local agriculture (farms), insurance (State Farm) and oil (Chevron) industry job markets.  Hundreds more layoffs are expected in those industries over the next year.  The city is already millions of dollars in debt, and without layoffs and tax hikes could be $16-million USD in debt within five years.  One third of city tax revenues comes from sales tax, which has crashed since mass layoffs in the private sector began a few years ago, the city wants cash strapped voters to approve a sales tax hike in the near future.  The nearby city of Arvin is also blaming crashing private sector employment (mainly agriculture) on creating a $1.8-million USD city budget shortfall.  City leaders also revealed that “The bulk of our reserve [funding] is I-O-Us.”  This indicates the city is on the verge of bankruptcy.   City leaders of Santa Monica boasting that their plans have resulted in increased tax revenues/fees for the city and lower operating costs, however, local news media revealed that 90% of the savings in operating costs were the result of city leaders not filling 121 vacant positions!  Boastful Santa Monica leaders also revealed the city is dealing with unprecedented homelessness by promising to spend $1.4-million USD to address it.  (get it, ‘address’, ‘homeless’)

Colorado: City of La Junta cutting $235-thousand USD from its water system upgrades, yet increasing spending on electric upgrades by $31-thousand, over previous budget proposals for next year.  The city of Loveland passed a record setting budget that includes hiring more cops and buying more cop cars.  Local news media revealed that the budget is so complicated that the city published a response to try and answer at least 27 questions about it.

Connecticut: New London warning of an $8-million USD cut in the city’s general funds due to lack of tax revenues.

Florida: At NASA Kennedy Space Center, tax-sucking contractor Vencore eliminating 66 jobs after Xmas (in addition to the 312 layoffs announced in September).

Georgia: The city of Augusta is blaming its own employees for skyrocketing budget costs, accusing them of over-using hospital emergency rooms, which under ObamaCare-AffordableCareAct has seen the costs of such ER visits go through the roof.  Interestingly the skyrocketing use of ERs by city employees began after ObamaCare went into effect.  Last year 837 city employees went to the ER, costing taxpayers just short of $1-million USD!  Total overall healthcare costs racked up by city employees cost taxpayers $27-million USD (and that includes 62% of employees getting a ‘wellness discount’)!  Damn, Augusta has some really sick city employees.

Idaho:  Idaho taxpayer funded France based public transportation contractor Transdev-Valley Regional Transit-ValleyRide issued a WARN, 102 Boise jobs gone in November!  American Falls getting a state taxpayer funded grant of $20-thousand USD to fix-up its water system, however, city taxpayers still have to come up with an additional $20-thousand.  Iona City wants to issue $3.9-billion USD in bonds (debt that has to be paid back by all you happy taxpayers) to improve its water system, which will cause water bills to go up by $19 per month (I live in the city of Chubbuck and they issued so many bonds, most without our knowledge, that our basic [not counting the per thousand gallon water use rate] water/trash bills went from $39 per month in the late 1990s to almost $1-hundred now!  And they recently issued another $3-million in bonds for “property improvement” projects, which we taxpayers have to eventually payoff!).  Taxpayers continue funding the ongoing FBI data center project in Pocatello.  The project started a year and a half ago, but only now had an official groundbreaking ceremony (last year ignorant local news media said the project would be done by now).  The Federal Bureau of Investigation says it’ll be one of three such ‘core enterprise facilities’ in the U.S., which are meant to save taxpayers money by consolidating existing data centers (less operating costs, including less people) and by using the so called cloud.  Also in Pocatello, ON Semiconductor got a $335-thousand USD state taxpayer funded grant to create five new jobs.  Most of the grant money will go towards retraining existing employees.  The South Fork Archery Range being for forced to shutdown because the city of Idaho Falls is refusing to renew the lease, local news reports say the city owned electrical utility is planning to use the land for a substation.    In Bannock County the Sheriff is again begging cash-strapped taxpayers to agree to fork-over $16-million USD to expand the prison, due to prison overcrowding in the Mormon dominated county.   While Bannock County struggles with prison overcrowding, Ada County (home of the state capital Boise) was awarded a MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge $1-million USD grant to shape up its ‘criminal justice’ system.  The piddly grant will create eight new jobs to combat the skyrocketing prison population. The Gem State has yet to comply with the federal police-state Homeland Security on issuing federally tracked Real-IDs, however, the state Department of Transportation announced it will begin doing so in 2018, so get ready to fork-over some big bucks so Big Brother can track you!  For the second month in a row another state official resigned without warning, this time Republican Brandon Hixon suddenly resigned after it was revealed he was under criminal investigation by Caldwell Police, no other info was made public.

Illinois: Obama installed mayor of Rahm Emanuel willing to force cash-strapped taxpayers to give Amazon $6-billion USD in tax breaks if the online company sets up a secondary HQ in Chicago! The state comptroller’s office admits it can’t pay the bills due to crashing tax revenues, “That’s in addition to $9 billion worth of checks that are at the office but being delayed because the state lacks the money to pay them.”  The city of Naperville wants to increase property taxes, ignorantly claiming it’s necessary to “to take advantage of some of the EAV growth we’ve seen”!  What Naperville officials mean is that they’ve spent so much tax money on buying up and/or improving defunct properties/infrastructure that they now have to rape taxpayers for more money! What construction industry recovery? The city of Evanston revealed it is $6-million USD in the hole due to crashing revenues from lack of new building permits, and wants to counter by laying off 28 city employees and jacking up fees and property taxes!   Winnebago County Sheriff’s Police eliminating 80 jobs due to a $4-million USD cut in taxpayer funding.  The city of Oak Brook revealed a 5% decline in sales tax collections over a ten months period this year, compared to last year, but its blamed on one unnamed employer: “We had one company that had some exceptionally large contracts last year and are back to the norm this year. Those large contracts, which are not usual, accounted for the increase last year.”-Jason Paprocki

Indiana:  Indianapolis approved a budget that will see $13-million USD spent on expanding the city’s police-state operations, and $1-million supposedly to be spent on helping the hundreds of former Carrier employees who lost their jobs to Mexico (despite president Trump’s claims).   For this next story can you say ‘Government Scam!’? The city of Carmel approved a budget that increases across the board spending, including pay raises for ‘elected’ officials, all without raising taxes! It turns out that Carmel’s mayor is already the second highest paid in the state, and while state law allows for giving mayors raises that same law says you can’t ever reduce a mayor’s pay!    The city of South Bend approved a controversial budget for 2018, a budget opposed by the police union.  It creates a six figure salary for a new public safety director position directly controlled by the mayoral regime of Pete Buttigieg, as well as giving a handful of criminal investigators potential raises of as much as 48%: “That creates a lot of conflict and issues to say somebody’s going to get 10%, somebody’s going to get 20%. First of all, I’ve never seen a budget like that for the city. Secondly, it makes me uncomfortable … when everybody else is locked into 2%……”-David Varner, city council

Louisiana: The state mandates that city police and fire department employees get a mandatory 2% pay raise, however, most cities say they don’t have the local tax funding to comply.  Leaders with the City of Bossier City (yep, that’s the official name) claim they can comply with giving the state mandated 2% raise partly because their ObamaCare-ACA health insurance rates are not going up in 2018, due to the city switching insurance providers.  Despite sales tax collections for Shreveport being down the police-state mayor wants to hire more cops, increase overtime for cops, give cops and firefighters a 5% raise and spend at least $2-million USD on new police and fire department vehicles in 2018, because she claims crime is skyrocketing! Local news media revealed that the taxpayers of Shreveport have already paid for more than $5-million worth of new police vehicles since 2016! The police-state mayor didn’t explain how the money would be raised to pay for what she wants.    Leaders of New Iberia told their residents that taxpayer spending will increase in 2018 due to repairs/demolition of dilapidated buildings and the purchase of needed vehicles, resulting in a record budget deficit.  It was not explained how the money for the city projects would be raised.  One city leader says the economy has not recovered: “Unfortunately we’ve operated this way for the past four years. We’re waiting for the economy to get better. We are as strapped for cash as the parish and state.-Freddie DeCourt, mayor

Michigan: More proof you shouldn’t rely on federal tax funding for your city budget; Saginaw didn’t get a hoped for $2-million USD FEMA-SAFER taxpayer funded grant and as such could layoff 13 firefighters and shutdown one fire station.  The city of Detroit being sued by the federal government for allowing the illegal posting of wall advertising, possibly in exchange for political contributions: “They’re bringing in and generating at least $100,000 a month, and you have to ask yourself, ‘Who’s profiting from these huge billboards?'”-Robert Davis, self-styled anti-corruption crusader

Mississippi: The city of Pearl warning of 16 layoffs due to “short-falling approximately a million dollars a year”.

Missouri:  The Kansas City Police chief is apparently blaming increased violence and lack of police response on lack of money and as such is demanding taxpayers fork-over an extra $9.3-million USD.  Isn’t that called extortion?

Montana:  State tax collections are so low that the gov’na’s budget office is projecting a $227-million USD shortfall, forcing the gov’na to cut state spending by 10%.

New Jersey: Gov’na Chris Christie willing to force cash-strapped taxpayers to give Amazon $7-billion USD in tax breaks over ten years if the online company sets up a secondary HQ in Newark!

New York: Poughkeepsie jacking up taxes for 2018 officially so they can hire more cops and buy more public safety crap, but don’t forget they got to pay a $2-million USD fine for violating Federal Transportation Administration rules!  The city leaders of Geneva proudly boasting that they didn’t raise the property tax rate for 2018, but they quietly jacked-up the water/sewer rates.   Jamestown Board of Public Utilities is in a ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ situation as a result of jacking up rates as much as the state utility commission would allow in order to increase profits, which resulted in cash strapped customers using dramatically less electricity and water which resulted in profits actually falling, and now Jamestown BPU is facing a death spiral: It is the law of diminishing returns. If you jack up water rates you see less usage.”Sam Teresi, Jamestown mayor

New York Post reporting that the city of NYC’s budget is about to “explode”  The same newspaper reporting that despite claims by leftist city and state officials that they’re cracking down on illegal payday loan ops in NYC, the illegal payday loan operations have skyrocketed, and target the poorest of the poor with interest charges of as much as 4-hundred percent:  “These bad lending practices are taking place in community centers, barber shops, dry cleaners and in other places people gather.”-Isaac Rodriguez, non-profit Provident Loan Society

North Carolina: In Charlotte, Catch on Seafood’s shutdown, the owner blaming never ending city road projects for causing a 60% crash in sales.

Ohio: An editorial in a local newspaper calls into question where the city of Toledo is getting its money.  After cash strapped residents voted down a proposed tax increase the city leaders suddenly ‘discovered’ millions of dollars in ‘forgotten’ accounts!  If the money is for real then it calls into question why the city officials wanted to jack-up taxes, or reveals massive incompetence.  The city of Middletown planning to increase taxpayer funding in 2018, paid for partly with a sewer rate hike.  It was also revealed that income tax collections were down by 3%, and that ObamaCare-ACA mandated employee health insurance payments were several years past due!   In Lima, after 25 years Just Ducky’s Gourmet Coffees, Foods & Unique Gifts shutdown due to ongoing road construction: “It really did destroy my business. It truly did.…People couldn’t get to me.”-Ducky Allen, owner

Oklahoma: The state Department of Health eliminating 250 jobs in early 2018, due to an audit that revealed the department has much less money that it officially reported!  This also implies even more layoffs will occur once the state approves the new greatly reduced taxpayer funded budget for next year.

Pennsylvania:  The city of Titusville being told it has to cut back on project spending in order to build up reserve funding for expected increases in ‘municipal minimum obligations’, such as a 13% increase in ObamaCare-ACA employee health insurance.

Puerto Rico:  After the leftist mainstream news media shit themselves over a $300-million USD no-bid contract to a Montana company to repair the island’s electrical grid, the gov’na now says the contract will be canceled as soon as ‘current’ work is completed.  New contracts will be sought with tax sucking companies in New York City and Florida.  Realize that the biggest populations of Puerto Ricans on the mainland are in NYC and Florida (meaning this is really about ‘racism’ on the part of the leftists), and I can almost guarantee you that the new contracts will end up costing taxpayers even more money!

Tennessee:  Taxpayers are being raped of $7.45-million USD as Nashville Metro is buying a vacant Kmart for the purpose of creating a massive police-state police precinct!   It’s been revealed that the blighted city of Memphis is putting all bets on economic recovery on taxpayer burdening apartment projects and piddly retail developments like a new Sears Hometown Store.  Sears Hometown stores typically employ less than a dozen people with part time hours at minimum wage.   Murfreesboro’s First United Methodist Church being turned into a shopping center, the church is now owned by city taxpayers (costing them $1.55-million USD) and the redevelopment will cost dumb taxpayers even more money.

Texas:  The American-Statesman discovered that a so called non-profit healthcare operation that was paid $1-million USD in taxpayer funding was actually created by an Austin city budget director!    The so called Latino HealthCare Forum got no-bid contracts under ObamaCare-ACA as a direct result of the soon to be former Austin city budget director Frank Rodriguez.   Rodriguez is resigning his post, conveniently blaming health problems!  The city of Sugar Land slashed its budget by $1.58-million due to the sales and property tax rates being increased by a much smaller than originally expected amount.  It’s also because existing sales and property tax collections crashed and burned in fiscal year 2017.  The result is that some employees will lose their jobs, city holiday events will be canceled as well as projects for the animal shelter, emergency operations center and second phase road construction. Next door city of Rollingwood jacked up property taxes to pay for ever expanding ‘projects’.    Despite the Corpus Christi city leaders jacking up property taxes (and despite residents voting to approve a new street tax), the operating hours of the Janet F. Harte Public Library are being reduced in order to free-up funding for unfinished road projects.

Utah: The A-hole Salt Lake City cop who arrested a nurse for protecting the Rights of an unconscious reserve policeman from Rigby, Idaho, has been fired.  The reserve cop from Idaho was burned over most of his body when a criminal being chased by the Salt Lake cops crashed head-on into the reserve cop’s semi-truck, causing a massive explosion.  For some odd reason the Salt Lake cop (a former paramedic who lost that job for discriminating against homeless people) demanded the nurse (a former Olympic athlete) take a blood sample from the unconscious reserve cop, in violation of Supreme Court ruling requiring a Warrant. When she refused he arrested her.  The reserve policeman from Idaho died from his burns.  The fired Salt Lake City cop is now suing, claiming he was unaware of the Supreme Court ruling!  (wouldn’t not understanding current laws mean he’s not competent to be a law enforcer?)

West Virginia:  The city leaders of Weston are boasting that their 2018 budget is already making money, no thanks to the increase they imposed on sales taxes.

Wisconsin:  Sun Prairie property owners are being hit with an average $57 USD property tax increase, and sewer rates are going up an average of $11. Sun Prairie leaders are also warning of job cuts despite revealing that some city departments had already shed jobs this past year.     It was revealed that during a closed-to-the-public meeting the ‘elected’ officials of the city of Brookfield discussed using a $6.55-million USD property tax funded grant to help redevelop the vacant Brookfield Square Sears, the money would be used for road construction and environmental cleanup of the site.  The city of Racine wants to increase property taxes and utility fees, possibly in connection with their ten years multi-million dollar infrastructure/property improvement project, and to create a new six figures salary for a new city attorney position to legally defend the improvements project!  Gives with one hand, takes away with the other; for the third time since 2011, Fort Atkinson City proposes to decrease city taxes, but will offset those cuts by jacking up city fees to fund increased capital expenditures.  The city budget of Beaver Dam is $360-thousand USD over the State Expenditure Restraint Program limits, partly due to a 13% increase in employee health insurance costs caused by ObamaCare-ACA.  The city of Green Bay is revealing major problems with animals.  Wis-ant residents are complaining about dogs at the farmer’s market, mainly because they’re scared of them!  But the real animal issue is the revelation that the city is being overrun with rats.  City leaders brushed it off saying “they’ve been here for a long time”, however, one pissed-off long-time resident, Janet Angus, told them “I’ve never had rats before in my neighborhood. It’s the first time in 50, 60 years!”

These Montana plated vans might soon have to pay for more expensive Wyoming plates!

Wyoming: Greedy state officials trying to squeeze more revenue out of vehicle owners.  The state Department of Transportation accusing as many as 3-thousand-5-hundred Yellowstone National Park employees of failing to register their vehicles in Wyoming, and failing to get Wyoming driver’s licenses.  Despite admitting that they don’t actually know how many private vehicles are not registered in Wyoming, money addicted officials claim they’re losing thousands of dollars per year due to lack of registration: “The U.S. government trucks are one thing, but the private vehicles that are up there all the time, and the Xanterra vehicles? I want to see Wyoming plates on those trucks!”-Bill Panos, WYDOT

And speaking of Yellowstone, the federal government made $20-thousand USD after two men from Illinois were arrested for drugs trafficking.  It was revealed that it happened during the Summer and the men pled guilty.  They were buying large quantities of legal marijuana in Oregon to be re-sold in Illinois where it’s illegal.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans, September 2017: “I’M NOT STUPID!” FAMOUS LAST WORDS OF A TAXPAYER FUNDED CEO

ObamaCare ACA Death Spiral, October 2017: “BUSINESS AS USUAL.”

Dumbing Down the U.S. of A., October 2017: “I’M BEING BULLIED!” “HE WAS SHOOTING AT TRUMP!”

Updated: Seven Facts explain why Flu Vaccines fail!

This article was first written in 2017, now updated (at end of article) with list of links to articles/scientific reports about vaccine failures as recently as 2020.

20 OCT 2017 (01:34 UTC-07 Tango 06) 28 Mehr 1396/29 Muharram 1439/01 Geng-Xu (9th month) 4715

“Primary vaccine failure occurs when an organism’s immune system does not produce antibodies when first vaccinated.”Vaccination, Mechanism of Function, Wikipedia

Recently the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that traditional flu injections have a 37% failure rate (63% effective), and a nearly 100% failure rate for spray vaccines!  Keep in mind that there is not a mandatory health tracking/reporting system in the United States.  The data the CDC gets is voluntary, based on each state’s own government health department’s policies.  During the 2013-14 H1N1 pandemic I discovered that some states, like Oregon, did not track influenza cases.  This means the vaccine failure rate could actually be much higher in the U.S., than what has been voluntarily reported!

In the 2013-14 influenza season individuals were reporting that relatives were dying from H1N1 despite getting vaccinated for it: “That’s the kicker of the whole thing. She had the flu shot, we all did! Pamela Giusti, sister of 49 years old Massachusetts woman who died in February 2014

(The U.S. CDC and Food & Drug Administration run a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  It’s not a way of testing a vaccine before approval for use, it relies on individuals to report health problems after vaccination and most people don’t even know about VAERS.)

Mexico is a much better example of flu-shot-failure because Mexico has a socialized healthcare system (100% government-taxpayer funded) and vaccinations are supposedly mandatory.  By February 2014, 20-million Mexicans had been vaccinated for H1N1, and other flus, yet by that same month 390 people had died specifically from H1N1 (a total of 420 people dying), and the number of new infections were in the thousands every week!  

Mandatory vaccinations in Mexico fail to prevent thousands of infections and hundreds of deaths every year!

Even as recently as 2016, hundreds of Mexicans still died from influenza despite massive yearly flu vaccination campaigns by the government: “….the influenza season 2016-2017 reported 5,691 confirmed cases and 489 Mexican deaths.”  

Fact 1: Influenza viruses are among the fastest evolving viruses on the planet.  This means that by the time a vaccine is developed for a specific flu variant it could change enough to render the vaccine useless.   During the 2013-14 flu H1N1 pandemic in India, doctor Kutikuppala Surya Rao revealed “…swine flu viruses are undergoing changes at the genome level (ribo-nucleic acid) which is why the available vaccines, that are in use since 2009will not be effective against the virus.”

Now realize that despite years of vaccinating for H1N1, this year British empire’s (Commonwealth of Nations) India is on track for an H1N1 epidemic.  So far this flu season, health officials in Rajasthan state report that 1-out-of-3 flu tests are positive for H1N1.  Currently 33.9% of Rajasthan flu infections are H1N1, and 224 people have died!

Back to Mexico. Already this year 60 people have died in Mexico from H1N1, despite the government run vaccination program.  Fadela Chaib, with the United Nations World Health Organization (UN-WHO), said The virus is being described in the United States as a new subtype of A/H1N1. Mexico so far hasn’t said anything about the virus, what type of virus it is.”  This means the current vaccine for H1N1 won’t work.

The sparsely populated U.S. state of Montana is already voluntarily reporting that more than 30 people are sick with influenza, 12 hospitalized, unusual for so early in this year’s flu season.  Here in Idaho, one person has already died from influenza.  The man from the town of Hayden is the first person in the U.S. to die from flu this 2017-18 season.   So far no word on which flu variant (strain) the man died of.  It should also be noted that the 2016-17 flu season was the deadliest for the rural state of Idaho, 72 people died compared to the yearly average of 23.   There is currently a push to get residents to voluntarily get vaccinated, despite the fact that there is plenty of proof out of Australia that this year’s vaccines are no good.

Fact 2:  Vaccines are based on the previous flu season’s strains, and are issued based on ‘scientific guesstimation’ on what will be the dominant strains during the new flu season.  In Australia, this ‘scientific guesstimation’ is at fault for creating a 156% increase in cases of ‘Horror Flu’.  Doctors are reporting the vaccinations are having no effect, even the UN-WHO said this year’s vaccines are “suboptimal”Despite that fact, taxpayer funded arrogant Aussie health czars are instead blaming the Horror Flu epidemic on unvaccinated children, calling them Super Spreaders!

Fact 3: Doctors can’t cure a viral infection, only your body can do that, the best doctors can do is treat the SYMPTOMS of the infection.  Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital reported in 2014 that anti-viral treatments won’t help certain people: “…elevated nasal levels of the cytokines MCP-3 and interferon alpha 2 (IFNa2) and elevated blood levels of interleukin 10 (IL-10) at diagnosis predicted more severe symptoms later. Increased blood levels of IL-10 and MCP-3, as well as interleukin-6, at diagnosis predicted hospitalization later. MCP-3 and IFNa2 promote inflammation. IL-10 suppresses inflammation. Elevated IL-10 levels often signal that the body is trying to shut down the inflammatory response.”Researchers Discover Immune Signature That Predicts Poor Outcome in Influenza Patients

Despite this scientific fact, ignorant health czars around the world are still telling people to get ‘medication’ at hospitals if they get sick: “…there are several reports of flu going around and one of them is swine flu but it is being treated and if people have these symptoms they should go to health facility to get the necessary medication.”-Mark van der Heever, Western Cape Health Department, British empire’s (Commonwealth of Nations) South Africa

I include this anti-viral fact in with vaccines because many people seem to think vaccines are a form of treatment for viral infections.  They are not, they’re an attempt to prevent infection.  Recently a woman in the British empire’s United Kingdom wrote an opinion piece in which she ignorantly stated “I realised the safest way to live is to stay out of hospital or avoid intervention if you possibly can….     Vaccinating against a flu you haven’t caught yet seems to be the opposite of this.”   Which brings us to the next Fact.

Fact 4: If you’re already sick, even if not with flu but something else, vaccinations don’t work!  Having a compromised immune system renders the intent of vaccinations inert.  Studies continue to show that if you’re already dealing with something that’s stressing your immune system, your immune system can’t adequately respond to the vaccine.  What I find interesting is how shocked pro-vaccine doctors are when these studies come out.

This year doctors at Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital were shocked to learn from their own study that flu vaccines have almost no effect on children fighting cancer.  

This also questions the practice of putting multiple vaccines into one shot.  There are also efforts to create a single shot where every vaccine (not just flu) is crammed into it.  If your immune system can’t handle vaccinations while already fighting off infection, then how can it handle dozens of vaccinations at one time?

Fact 5: Vaccines are fragile, even slight temperature changes during storage can render them useless, or even make them toxic.  At the beginning of 2017 there were reports from around the world of people dying after getting vaccinations.  Those reports are true, but UN-WHO czars blamed it on improper storage and handling of the vaccines by supposedly trained health workers. 

In 2015 the deaths of babies, and hospitalization of 29 people, in mandatory vaccine Chiapas, Mexico, was blamed on improper storage of vaccines.   I find it strange that such improper storage of vaccines is happening more and more, so-much-so that many healthcare companies are racing to create ‘foolproof’ storage systems.

Fact 6: Vaccines are made with many ingredients, some of which people are allergic to.   Besides being allowed to use trace amounts of toxic metals to make vaccines, most are made with chicken eggs and people allergic to chicken eggs should avoid those vaccines.  However, In 2016 the U.S. CDC advised that people with egg allergies can get vaccinated if “…under the supervision of any health care provider who is able to recognize and manage severe allergic conditions.”   As a person who clinically died in the 1970s due to an allergic reaction to a medication administered by an incompetent military doctor at the U.S. Embassy hospital in Tehran, Iran, (revived by a competent military doctor who realized what happened) I say to the CDC “Fuck you, I’m not willing to take that chance!”

Allergies bring up another point, many vaccine reactions are being blamed on a person’s genetic disposition.  Yes, healthcare czars are now blaming adverse vaccine reactions on your DNA, not on the vaccine!  Recently, in the British empire’s United Kingdom, yet another teenaged girl suffered paralysis after getting the HPV vaccine.  In fact, HPV vaccine is associated with the onset of as many as 45 medical conditions.  However, after a study in Denmark the authoritarian ‘experts’ are now blaming it on undiagnosed pre-existing medical conditions, which takes us back to Fact 3, compromised immune systems.

Fact 7:  It takes about two weeks for your body to adequately respond to a vaccine, and some vaccines require more than one application.  During the response time you can still get infected, which could explain why so many people report getting sick right after getting the shot, and if you do get sick after getting the shot you just wasted your time, and in many cases here in the United States where most vaccines are not ‘free’ you just wasted your money.  There are several vaccines against other diseases that require multiple applications over a specific period of time, screw that up and they won’t work.  Then there’s the data (or lack of data) that show some vaccines that were once thought to be good for life, are not: “…..we don’t know how long protection really lasts; we are just guessing.  There are no long-term studies proving that vaccines are effective.  Independent studies show far less effectiveness than government position papers.ModernAlternativeHealth

An unhappy looking U.S. Navy Lieutenant gets a mandatory flu shot at Polaris Point, Guam, 20 OCT 2017

Updated list of links to reports about increased vaccine failures:

South African Pet Magazine’s 2020 article about Reasons for Vaccine Failure in your pets.

Here’s a 2020 update to the growing number of documented measles vaccine failures worldwide: The Glaring Problem Officials Are Ignoring. Part I: Measles Vaccination

Here’s another 2020 update; I revealed that the United Kingdom admitted that a 7-hundred percent increase in mumps infection was caused by the vaccine itself!

2019 update on failure of rabies vaccines (does this explain the increasing numbers of animals becoming rabid?): Rabies vaccine failure in a dog?

Failure rate from 2018-19 U.S. flu season.

2018 report on HPV vaccine failure rates: Failure Rates May Be Higher in Women, Girls With HIV

2017-18 U.S. flu season:  AS MANY AS 20% OF CHILDREN WHO DIED HAD FLU SHOT!


Future Medicine, 2017 article: Causes of impaired oral vaccine efficacy in developing countries

2015 report on vaccine failures in chickens: Main challenges in poultry farming