“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)
Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.
Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and education crimes, February 2018:

PolitiFact: No ‘official’ definition of what a mass school shooting is, liberals lie about number of school shootings
Private school teacher reveals Israel is behind False Flag military style school security ops: I’m a Teacher Who Went Through Firearm Training And it was an absurd disaster.
NPR: School counselors can’t keep up with increasing student anxieties
Arkansas: University of Arkansas Medical Science eliminating 124 additional jobs, on top of the 6-hundred positions announced last month, due to being $72.3-million USD in the hole!
California: The Learning Policy Institute surveyed 25 school districts and found that despite taxpayer funded incentives teacher shortages continue to be a problem. A Yuba City High School teacher accused of sex crimes. A substitute teacher at Highland Elementary School, in Vallejo, accused of slapping a six years old special-ed student. A math teacher in the San Dieguito Union High School District resigned after being accused of ‘inappropriate behavior’ with 14 students. In Los Angeles, after 63 years Caravan Book Store shutdown. Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) approved plans to kill 139 full-time jobs, on top of the 53 teacher aide jobs already killed, due to Los Angeles County Office of Education demanding $16-million in budget cuts for PUSD! Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) warning of layoffs due to being $1.8-million USD in the hole. It was also revealed that BUSD is spending more than 100-thousand tax dollars per year on legal/consulting fees. Calaveras Unified School District laying off nine teachers and eliminating the technical education Police Science program due to what I call DSS. There was a warning that more layoffs are in the works: “We’re hoping enough teachers retire so we won’t have to lay off as many people. We won’t know until May.”-Zerrall McDaniel
The Los Angeles Times reveals that school security in southern California is actually covert class warfare!
Colorado: A 65 years old teacher with the Methodist Children’s Center disappeared, his vehicle was found abandoned near a trail in Clear Creek County, it’s suspected he got lost while cross country skiing.
Connecticut: Wallingford Schools eliminating 12 teaching jobs despite a taxpayer funded spending increase of $2.44-million USD. Some of the increased funding is being spent on hiring more mental health counselors (apparently students have become so weak minded) and a faculty survey!
Florida: Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School, in Miami, fired a teacher for marrying a person of the same sex. Several sheriff’s deputies remained outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School while a shooter was blasting away inside the school, killing 17 people, the cops claim the gunshots they heard were taking place outside the school. Is this more proof of an anti-2nd Amendment False Flag operation? It was also revealed that the FBI, the local school district and even local law enforcement knew about the shooter’s mental problems/shooting plans for months before the shooting took place. NPR: Logs Of 911 Calls Reveal The Troubled History
CNN: A series of failures in Florida shooting
Naples News Times: Teachers wanted Nikolas Cruz transferred to alternative school
Georgia: A supposedly well-liked Dalton High School teacher brought a gun to school and barricaded himself in a classroom. Police say he refused to say why, but pointed out that the teacher was officially against the idea of allowing teachers to bring guns to school.
Hawaii: The non-profit Filipino Community Center chapter 11 bankrupt busted. A teacher at King Kekaulike High School is accused of showing students cartoon pornography.
Idaho: Incompetent state leaders spent $7-million tax dollars on college advisers and mentors for the 2017-18 school year, and next school year they plan to spend $9-million, due to high school graduates not being able to meet college requirements. I wonder what would happen if they spent that money directly on high school education (not to be confused with high school administration)? Despite what the mainstream national fake new media says about guns and teachers, Idaho schools allow the use of guns in their safety protocols.
Indiana: Allows teachers to use guns. Book publisher Readerlink issued a shutdown WARN for its distribution ops in Indianapolis, 147 jobs gone by the end of August!
Iowa: God powerless to stop ‘his’ liberal Graceland University from suddenly laying off 19 people, and more layoffs are expected because student enrollment is expected to continue crashing for the next ten years (The Rapture?). A now former Buchanan Elementary teacher pled guilty to child porn charges.
Kentucky: The Book and Music Exchange shutdown its Louisville location, the assistant manager saying “Financial difficulties is all I’m allowed to disclose.” Pike County School District allowing teachers to use guns.
Massachusetts: City of Everett Schools suddenly laid off 110 people due to losing $8-million USD (referred to as ‘serious financial issues’)! The ultimate bullies in the state court ruled that you can’t sue a school district for failing to protect your child from be bullied at school! This after a family tried to sue Lynn School District when their child was permanently paralyzed by school bullies! This also comes after it was revealed that public schools physically restrained students 9-thousand times last school year! Dorchester charter school on probation for financial mismanagement.
Michigan: In Wayne, god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 93 years old (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Saint Mary Catholic School due to $5-million USD of debt caused by crashing enrollments (down 243 students since the 2010-11 school year).
Minnesota: McNally Smith College of Music now chapter 7 bankrupt and being liquidated to pay its creditors, including unpaid employees.
Mississippi: Despite using his .45 caliber pistol to stop a school shooter, a now former assistant principal says teachers shouldn’t be forced to use guns.
Missouri: Missouri State University eliminating 32 jobs due to an $8-million USD shortfall in state taxpayer funding.
New Hampshire: A now former teacher at the Episcopal Saint Paul’s School arrested for interfering with investigations into accusations that he committed sex crimes with students for years.
New York: It’s been revealed that a teacher who worked at four private schools in the 1970s-80s was a sexual predator and school administrators covered it up. A teacher at Thurgood Marshall Academy was arrested with seven pounds of date rape drugs!
Ohio: In Marblehead, after 14 years Ex Libris Bookshop shutdown, it was opened for the purpose of raising money to help build the Ida Rupp Public Library. In Xenia, Blue Jacket Books shutdown, a “terrible” holiday season was the final straw. A Covington Independent Schools teacher suspended without pay for calling a student a “porch monkey”.
Oklahoma: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Gregory’s University from going chapter 7 bankrupt dead, after a failed attempt to get a taxpayer funded loan from the USDA, 110 jobs gone, 550 students now looking for a new home! U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Sooner State has the lowest average teacher salary in the entire United States.
South Carolina: Teacher shortage reaches crisis level.
South Dakota: Sioux Falls teacher denied health insurance coverage for cancer treatment.
Texas: The Lone Star State already allows teachers to use guns. A teacher at Cypress Woods High School investigated for hitting a student with his belt, after the student spat on him.
Utah: Beehive State already allows teachers to use guns. A teacher at Logan High School accused of sex crimes with female student.
Vermont: Castleton University warning of mass layoffs due to an expected loss of $1.5-million USD for the current school year. Administrators blamed crashing high school graduation rates for crashing college admissions.
Washington: Kent School District eliminating 45 jobs, pay raises for non-union employees canceled, due to lack of taxpayer funding. Optimistic school administrators had predicted much higher student enrollments, based on all the new housing projects in the district, but they were wrong. It was revealed that a teacher at Garfield High School knew of a student’s plan to shoot-up the school, and did nothing about it. Despite the potential-shooter’s own snapchat posts, it took several complaints from classmates before police arrested him. The teacher offered to resign, the student swears he was joking.
Dumbing Down U.S.A., January 2018: “LET’S PISS IN HIS MOUTH.”