Tag Archives: crime

Great Reneger: Pennsylvania militia deploys to Poland

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt

Pennsylvania Army National Guard’s 3rd Squadron, 278th Armored Cavalry (Cav-all-ree, not cal-vary as so many people mispronounce it) Regiment, 55th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade deploying to Poland for NATO anti-Russia wargames.

Pennsylvania Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Doug Roles, 16MAR2019.

About 5-hundred militia personnel are deploying.  On 16MAR2019 they held a deployment ceremony.

This is just par for the course as ever since 11SEP2001, Pennsylvania National Guard units have deployed thousands of times.



War on Terror Failure, 2018:

Avenue of Flags Memorial, Pennsylvania


‘war zone’: Drugs, the American Way, November 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg, seriously this isn’t the half-of-it!) list of U.S. drug related crimes and oddities for the month of November 2018:

Germany based drugs maker Bayer getting the hell outta the animal health business, as well as selling-off Coppertone and Dr. Scholl’s, 12-thousand jobs worldwide gone due to investor pressure!

Denmark based drugs maker Novo Nordisk cutting 1,300 additional jobs, blaming the U.S. economy

New York Times: ‘The Numbers Are So Staggering.’ Overdose Deaths Set a Record 

Marijuana Legalization Threatens Dogs’ Collars

Business Insider: Mexican cartels make billions in the U.S., but “In most cases, individuals hired to transport drug shipments within the United States are independent, third-party contractors…”

Coast Guard crews are capturing record amounts of cocaine

Wall Street Journal:Pfizer to Raise Prices on 41 Drugs

ALABAMA:  CBD products illegal in Alabama

doctor charged with 103-count indictment

Blue Cross changes opioid coverage

Drug thefts at area pharmacies…linked

Woman arrested in largest heroin bust in Marshall County history

Three arrested at state prison for smuggling drugs and guns

County sheriff pleads guilty to corruption, drug charges

ALASKA: A month after being implicated in a massive drug smuggling operation (see October’s report), the National Guard turns over 2 tons of ‘Take Back’ drugs 

Soldier at Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson dies from mystery drug poisoning

Heroin Disguised as Christmas Package

School employees find package of meth hidden in food shipment

man arrested at airport with suitcase full of meth

drug overdose data from 2013-2017

ARIZONA: Fentanyl Found In All Kinds Of Drugs

Massive O-Ds force Tucson police boss to push for treatment programs

Chapo may be on trial, but his Sinaloa cartel still doing huge U.S. business

7 arrested in connection with Yavapai County marijuana grow

Border Patrol Seizes 30 Pounds of Meth

Border officers seize $812K worth of drugs in Nogales

Celebrities help drive rise in rehab tourism

ARKANSAS: Medical Marijuana Growers Say it’ll be Ready By Spring 2019

Two doctors linked to opioid deaths

political consultant charged in child porn case used meth

Faked drug deal led to shooting

man who revealed illegal police raids now faces felony charges 

CALIFORNIA:  Drugs maker Pfizer issued a shutdown Worker Adjustment Retraining Notice (WARN) for its San Mateo County factory, 1-hundred jobs gone in February 2019!

Two more blood pressure drugs recalled for potential cancer risk

Couple who lost home in wildfire get pardons for drug crimes

GHOST drug SHIPS WASHING ASHORE ON SECLUDED NAVY BASE! Navy officials accuse San Diego officials of doing nothing to stop it

Fire Hits ‘Rehab Riviera,’ Putting Addiction Care in Jeopardy

County sheriff’s deputy arrested for staging a fake drug bust in order to steal and sell the drugs himself

51 years old cop sentenced to 17 years in prison for providing armed escort for drug dealers

over $140000 in illegal drugs in East Bakersfield

COLORADO: Denver is latest city pushing for 1st U.S. illegal drug injection site

Denver Might Decriminalize Psychedelic Mushrooms 

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have found that prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic medications make it easier to kill yourself: “…those who used a psychotropic drug in an attempt were 70% more likely to have prescribed access than patients who used other methods in their attempt.”-Talia Brown,  Colorado School of Public Health

Colorado State University organic chemists invent way to use phosphorus to make new drugs

CONNECTICUT:  16 charged in connection with drugs sales in Bridgeport area

Groton Youth Survey Overestimated Drug and Alcohol Use

drugs kickstart motivation in rats suffering from apathy

Suspected drug dealer arrested for 2nd time in a month

Doctor accused of illegally selling prescriptions, marijuana

DELAWARE:drug company Incyte wins ‘spying’ case

Police arrest 35

Drug hallucinations inspired Claymont killing

drug company jacks-up price of O-D rescue drug naloxone by 600%!

Bayhealth pharmacy employee charged with drug thefts

FLORIDA: Drugs pusher Bristol-Myers Squibb issued a WARN for its Tampa ops, 69 jobs gone in January 2019.

Honduran President’s Brother, Arrested in Miami, Is Charged With Drug Trafficking (Honduras is one of the countries flooding the U.S. with illegal immigrants)


12-year-old gave out THC-laced gummies

cruise ship crew members tried to smuggle cocaine

Seminole County million-dollar heroin, fentanyl drug gangs

Crawfordville Pharmacy prescription drug theft

U.S. Coast Guard delivers 18.5 tons of cocaine to Port Everglades, 15NOV2018.  The illegal drug was captured off the U.S. Pacific coast.

GEORGIA: woman sues over faulty (but commonly used) police drug test that said cotton candy was meth, she spent three months in jail as a result

20% of those killed by cops test positive for meth (remember, the test has been proven to be faulty)

Fulton Co. jail officer charged with smuggling drugs

metro Atlanta postal workers sentenced for taking bribes to deliver cocaine

drug linked to at least 22 deaths

Operation Vanilla Gorilla charge over 40 white supremacists ‘Ghost Face Gangsters’: drug trafficking,firearms

GUAM: Drugs, $540K seized in raids

burglary leads to drug bust

Feds accuse woman of selling drugs near school

Murder, drug cases dismissed by Supreme Court due to violation of the Right to a speedy trial, but charges can be refiled 

HAWAII: Man Who Got Meth Parcel at Airbnb Pleads Guilty

IDAHO: Four people arrested in Fort Hall following investigation in Montana

Boise joins national lawsuit against opioid manufactures

Police use flash-bang grenades in south Boise drug trafficking arrests

Idaho Falls man sentenced for trafficking 28 pounds of pot

Idaho Drug Trafficking Suspect Identified as Previously Deported Illegal Immigrant

9 crimes, including drug dealing, in Idaho automatically place teens in adult court.

Boise State University wasting federal tax dollars on RADAR center in hopes of warning locals in Boise about cyber-security, suicide and drug addiction.

ILLINOIS: Men caught with RV packed full of $400-thousand in cash-drug money

Priest Who Served Time for Drugs Removed From Ministry Again

More arrests in connection to taxpayer funded Amtrak drug smuggling

Drug-induced homicide on the rise in McHenry County

INDIANA: 120 people charged in Johnson County drug bust

Indiana sues Purdue Pharma over opioid drug addiction costs

Fatal quadruple shooting in Indianapolis was a marijuana robbery

IOWA:  $2.8M of marijuana in southwest Iowa

Methamphetamine is making a comeback across Iowa.

teacher arrested for meth, marijuana

KANSAS: woman sold drugs to pay bondsman

the owner of L&H Auto Sales accused of working with illegal immigrants to sell cocaine

Hit-and-run driver found with list of drug buyers on arm

It’s easier to get drugs on the street than beer

Strip club closes after drugs bought with food stamps

KENTUCKY: ‘Crystal meth by the pound.’ 

Bullitt County sheriff ‘had my back,’ drug dealer testifies

Bullitt County sheriff acquitted of aiding drug trafficking

TV news investigation reveals doctor suspended for being on drugs

Here’s how Mexican cartels funnel drugs into Louisville

Kentucky ranks fifth in the nation for 2017 overdose deaths

LOUISIANA: 12 arrested for drugs in Jackson Parish

Cops arrest 49 people in three days

Pain management Doctor Guilty Plea in Drug Test Kickback Scam

woman arrested for attempting to smuggle drugs into prison

After mom overdoses, son shoots wife, carjacks and kills a man; then gets shot to death

Prisoner pleads guilty to plotting with prison guard to smuggle drugs

Suspect in horrific human trafficking case allowed to get treatment for drug addiction

MAINE: Nine arrested 

Activists hang banners calling for safe injection site 

MARYLAND: 22 People Arrested

A veteran Narcotics Officer wants an End to the failed War on Drugs after arresting his own daughter

MASSACHUSETTS: Opioid Epidemic Cost state taxpayers $15.2 Billion In 2017

Federal court orders sadist Massachusetts prisons to help prisoners fighting opioid addiction!

MICHIGAN: Marijuana will be legal in Michigan on Dec. 6

employers still can fire you for smoking pot

Heroin is most common drug offense in Michigan

State Police wraps up roadside drug testing pilot program (remember, police drug tests have been proven to give false positives)

Federal grand jury charges 10 men with cocaine conspiracy

MINNESOTA: Minnesota man accused of running Oregon-to-Wisconsin drug network

University of Minnesota doctor in conflict over connection with opioid maker

MISSISSIPPI:  What happened to the 12 respected professionals accused in $400M compound pharmacy scheme?

Federal court rules county violated woman’s Right to a speedy trial after she was jailed 96 days without ever seeing judge

Drunk Man Crashes Truck Into Courthouse to Report Stolen Drugs

MISSOURI: Missouri made medical marijuana legal, but most doctors don’t want any part of it

paramedic admits stealing drugs from ambulances

Woman looked pregnant, actually carried 4 pounds of heroin

MONTANA:  Local health care experts revamp efforts to treat drug-exposed newborns

Flathead reservation pharmacy fined $95K for disappeared opioids

USDA and U.S. Forest Service conduct ‘Take Back’ operations in Montana  (once again proving the drugs came from the government)

Child Protective Services prevents some addicted pregnant women from being honest

Christian run Rescue Mission in Billings will no longer take in intoxicated homeless on cold nights

NEBRASKA: $105K seized yet no arrests 

14-Year-Old Takes Plea Deal in Drug Deal Slaying

Nebraska Attorney General reminds sellers of CBD oil: His office believes it’s illegal

NEVADA: Undercover operation breaks up Lake Tahoe drug ring

16 arrests made in Las Vegas 

NEW HAMPSHIRE: prison chaplain allegedly smuggled drugs to prisoners

Methamphetamine Use By Pregnant Women

NEW JERSEY:   Sun Pharma issued a WARN for its Cranbury location, 96 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.

New Jersey Sues Pharmaceutical Company

82 drug arrests at notorious apartment building

19 charged in federal drug bust

desserts laced with drugs

NEW MEXICO: Escape from New Mexico’s ‘war zone’

Medical pot can disrupt job searches in New Mexico

NEW YORK: cops sentenced after admitting to conducting illegal drug raids 

$1.3 million in cocaine in airport suitcase 

Claims that video shows cops set up people to be busted for drugs

Known drug kingpin, with long criminal record, finally arrested after flooding Staten Island with new killer heroin

32 Staten Island public schools do not have a drug prevention program

firefighter, saved from apparent overdose, faces drug charges

Bronx Opioids Action Plan

NORTH CAROLINA: Drug cartel killed teacher thinking he was DEA agent

man killed, possibly fed to hogs for stealing cocaine

Five postal workers charged with stealing drugs from mail

Vehicle crash at childcare center suspected to be drug related

NORTH DAKOTA: increased crime rate could be tied to opioid epidemic

OHIO: Signs of a Shifting Drug Crisis

Ohio votes against de-felonizing drug possession

daily drug death toll of 14 second highest in U.S.

OKLAHOMA: Co-author of the state’s medical marijuana measure says there’s a conspiracy to radically change the voter-approved law.

Nine arrested

clemency for 22 female drug possession offenders

Oklahoma has the highest rate of women’s incarceration in the nation.

16 arrested

Police Arrest Seven

OREGON:  Candy from trick-or-treating tests positive for methamphetamine

nurse charged with drug trafficking 

Oregon Takes 1st Major Step Toward Legalizing Psychedelic Mushrooms

3 million heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl doses seized 

PENNSYLVANIA: Mac Miller Overdosed on Fentanyl and Cocaine

32 arrested

Pennsylvania to get $10 million from Bloomberg in fight against opioid deaths

Junior high teacher charged with dealing drugs from her home

dealers sold up to 1-thousand bags of heroin a day 

RHODE ISLAND:  ‘Operation Street Sweep’ nets 24 on drug charges

Rhode Island remains the only state to screen prisoners for opioid use, and to offer drug treatment 

Police Seize at Least $1 Million Worth of Heroin

Rhode Island set to open first behavioral health emergency center

Grand jury indicts 41 people 

SOUTH CAROLINA: Women arrested for trying to smuggle drugs into prison

13 arrested

17 people charged with prison drug smuggling

High school assistant principal arrested for drug crimes

SOUTH DAKOTA: Sioux Falls Area Drug Task Force seizes record amount of drugs

Meth takes toll on South Dakota women

High school coach arrested for drunken driving, drugs

TENNESSEE: Hospital patient dies after nurse gives lethal dose of wrong drug

Eighteen indicted on TennCare drug fraud charges

DEA will teach local doctors, dentists and veterinarians how to stop ‘drug diversion’

38 arrested

addiction consultant fatally overdoses

TEXAS:  Houston-based pharmacy is supplier of state’s execution drugs

Almost 6000 pounds of drugs discovered 

14 arrested

Student had 100-plus tabs of LSD 

UTAH: Utahns legalize medical marijuana as LDS Church opposes

Utah cops claim successes despite growing drug epidemic

Insurance company sending Utah customers to Mexico to buy drugs

Most Utah jails don’t help drug addicts

Feds blame Utah’s growing drugs, criminal activity on undocumented immigrants

Opioid makers spent nearly a million dollars bribing Utah doctors

student hospitalized after allegedly smoking from THC pen

VERMONT:  needle exchange isn’t just giving out syringes, it’s handing out buprenorphine

The roots of Vermont’s drug problem

Anti-addiction drug Suboxone tops Vermont’s taxpayer funded public prescription spending list

governor inflated his record on reducing opioid treatment

Prescription-drug DUI case shows odds against the poor

VIRGINIA: Operation House of Cards arrests 22 people

Thirty-four indicted

18 arrested

Virginia-based Kaleo increased the price of its auto-injectable overdose-reversal drug EVZIO from $575 to $4,100

WASHINGTON: Spokane Valley drug house where 20 detained in SWAT raid

Where do the drugs that land on Seattle streets come from?

Why CBD suddenly is everywhere

300 percent spike in HIV infections among straight IV users

Washington DC: FDA approves powerful new opioid despite warnings of new opioid carnage

First FDA-approved cannabis-based drug now available

WEST VIRGINIA: West Virginia again leads nation in drug overdose deaths

To understand U.S. life expectancy decline, start in West Virginia

Kindergartner brings drugs to school

WISCONSIN:  New $1 (one dollar) Fine For Marijuana Possession

Seven drug deaths suspected

Health Care employee charged with stealing drugs

CBD ‘gold rush’ could mean big business for Wisconsin’s hemp industry

driver kills three Girl Scouts after ‘huffing’

WYOMING:  Over 300 Pounds of Pot Seized

Man arrested after pushing a dolly loaded with seven pounds of ganja down U.S. Highway 30 east of Cheyenne

Drugs, the American Way, October 2018: “NOW YOU TELL ME WHO THE ENEMY IS!”

‘Bermuda Triangle’: ObamaCare death spiral, November 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the-iceberg) list of healthcare related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes in November 2018:

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Germany based drugs maker Bayer getting the hell outta the animal health business, as well as selling-off Coppertone and Dr. Scholl’s, 12-thousand jobs worldwide gone due to investor pressure!

Denmark based drugs maker Novo Nordisk cutting 1,300 additional jobs, blaming the U.S. economy

New York Times: More Evidence That Welfare Work Requirements Don’t Lift People Out of Poverty

ARKANSAS: Arkansas drops 3815 more Medicaid enrollees over work requirement

CALIFORNIA: Christian Adventist Health Feather River issued a layoff WARN, 11 people jobless in January 2019.  Drugs maker Pfizer issued a shutdown WARN for its San Mateo County factory, 1-hundred jobs gone in February 2019!  American Addiction Centers suddenly shutdown its Santa Monica location.

COLORADO:  Centura Health laying off 50 at Christian Adventist hospital

Kaiser Permanente Colorado lays off 200 employees

FLORIDA: Molina Healthcare issued layoff WARNs for locations statewide, 137 jobs gone by February 2019!  Drugs pusher Bristol-Myers Squibb issued a WARN for its Tampa ops, 69 jobs gone in January 2019. DPN USA-HealthFair issued a WARN, 110 jobs gone by the end of the year!

Boca Raton-based hospital chain operator Promise Healthcare Group now chapter 11 bankrupt busted

Cancer Treatment Centers of America announces layoffs due to drop in ObamaCare insurance reimbursements

On 01NOV2018, non-profit AmeriCares set up ‘Clinic in a Can’ operations in conjunction with FEMA and Florida Department of Health.  This is a fine example of how bad things are in the U.S. because AmeriCares was originally established to help people in poverty stricken countries.

GEORGIA: Mandatory flu vaccines for U.S. Army personnel at Fort Stewart.

IDAHO: Medicaid expansion passes in Idaho

Health insurance in Idaho: What it all costs

ILLINOIS: ATI Physical Therapy issued a layoff WARN, 43 people in Bolingbrook jobless in January 2019.

IOWA: Non-profit UnityPoint Health-Marshalltown shutdown its ICU, 25 jobs gone

KENTUCKY: Christian Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital suddenly eliminated an undisclosed number of jobs, no reason made public

Trump admin reapproves Kentucky’s Medicaid work requirement waivers

MARYLAND: The federal government’s Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences is finally going to study why families who lost loved ones due to military service can’t seem to recover from the loss. It’s called the National Military Family Bereavement Study (NMFBS), and it’s the first large scientific study on the impact of service member death on surviving family members!

Crothall Healthcare to close Belcamp laundry plant, lay off 152 workers

Kent Island Urgent Care closing

MICHIGAN: Sturgis Hospital cuts 60 jobs, closes departments

MINNESOTA: American Medical Systems issued a WARN, 50 jobs gone.  Corthall Healthcare issued a WARN, 18 jobs gone.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Feds OK NH Medicaid Work Requirement

NEW JERSEY: Mass layoff WARNs issued by Salem Clinic/Homecare/Medical Professionals/Hospital Corporation, 397 jobs gone by the end of the year!  Sun Pharma issued a WARN for its Cranbury location, 96 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.

Memorial Hospital of Salem County will lay off 408 employees due to being sold-off

NEW YORK: Emerald South Nursing & Rehabilitation Center issued a shutdown WARN for its Buffalo location, 160 jobs gone between now and January 2019! Reproductive Specialists of New York issued a shutdown WARN for all its locations, 119 jobs gone by February 2019 due to being taken over by a competitor!  Laboratory Corporation of America-Esoterix Genetics Laboratories-Integrated Oncology issued a layoff WARN, 160 jobs being affected by consolidation ops!  Fedcap Rehabilitation Services-WeCARE Program issued a shutdown WARN for its contract with NYC, 491 jobs affected by the end of January 2019!

OHIO: Mid-Town Health issued WARNs for two locations, 349 jobs gone by January 2019!

RHODE ISLAND:  Cranston pharmacy closing after more than 6 decades

SOUTH CAROLINA: BlueCross BlueShield of S Carolina to lay off 244 workers

SOUTH DAKOTA:  State’s mental health ‘Bermuda Triangle’ disappears patients

VERMONT: health care and education crises

VIRGINIA: Chippenham and Johnston-Willis hospitals lost a contract, 139 jobs gone

WASHINGTON: PeaceHealth accused of overbilling Medicare patients

WISCONSIN: GE issued a WARN for its electro-medical device Global Operations in Wauwatosa, 63 jobs gone in January 2019.

Work Requirement Approved for Wisconsin Medicaid

Columbia:  U.S. personnel of the USNS Comfort provide ‘free’ (U.S. taxpayer funded) medical care to Colombians, 17NOV2018.

Honduras:  U.S. Southern Command’s Medical Element Preventative Medicine operation tested the drinking water in Comayagua and Siguatepeque, 07NOV2018.  It’s part of the U.S. military’s taxpayer funded foreign community outreach ops.

Peru: USN Captain Kevin Buckley, from the U.S. hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20), presents donated medical supplies to the Peruvian Ministry of Health at one of two medical sites, 05NOV2018.  Personnel aboard USNS Comfort also provided ‘free’ (U.S. taxpayer funded) medical care to Peruvians.

Rwanda:  U.S. Army and Air Force personnel inspect the Rwanda Military Hospital, 30NOV2018.

United Arab Emirates:  Despite the fact that the U.S. uses sleep deprivation on prisoners (both military and civilian prisoners) the U.S. 380th Air Expeditionary Wing (based in UAE) made this video to point out that sleep deprivation results in mental health problems:

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral October 2018:“EVERY SINGLE MONTH….HAS BEEN A GRIND”

“improperly retained”: Sears Kmart death spiral, March 2019

For some reason Sears Hometown/Appliance & Hardware has disabled its store finder page.

Footwear News: Shoe maker blames Sears bankruptcy for 18% decline in shoe sales

Chicago Tribune: Lampert cancels retiree’s life insurance!

Sears bankruptcy lets Eddie Lampert save $2 billion on taxes

What’s ‘the real home’ of Craftsman tools? Lawsuit says it’s not Sears anymore

Law360: Judge Says He Can’t Decide $15M Sears Credit Card dispute…Yet

Wall Street Journal: Bankruptcy Judge Pushes New Sears to Resolve Dispute With Old Sears

New York Post: Court documents show Eddie Lampert’s ESL hedge fund “improperly retained” $57.5M from Sears

Bloomberg: Attorney Fees in Sears Bankruptcy Reaches $22 Million

Seeking Alpha: The Sale Of Sears To Lampert Ain’t Over Yet – Major Problems Have Developed

CALIFORNIA: The Jackson Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.  In San Francisco, Sears Holdings Management laid off 44 people.

Owners of the now-shuttered Sears department store in La Cumbre Plaza have listed the iconic property for sale

FLORIDA: Eddie Lampert bought the closed Sears store in Regency Square Mall for $4.1 million

The New Smyrna Beach Sears Hometown quietly shutdown at the end of February.

INDIANA: Tax paying residents of Fort Wayne upset over rezoning plans for vacant Sears building, because it would affect property taxes for homes in the area

KENTUCKY: The Murray Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.

LOUISIANA: The Homer Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.  The West Monroe Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.

Eddie Lampert bought the Sears store in the Mall of Louisiana, as part of the bankruptcy settlement, but now sales documents show the price for the Baton Rouge store listed as $10 and “other valuable consideration.”

MICHIGAN: The Adrian Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.  The Charlevoix Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.  The Cheboygan Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.  The Petoskey Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.  The Tawas City Sears Hometown store made the latest shutdown list.

NEW YORK: The Sears Hometown Store, in Fredonia,  secretly shutdown and cleared-out over the weekend (23-24 March), officially “due to electrical issue.”  However, local news media reported that the owner of the property (Lake Shore Savings Bank) was already inspecting it for possible sale, and, that over the Winter Sears Hometown corporate had advertised that it was looking for a new operator for the store.

NORTH CAROLINA: The Shallotte Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.  After four years the Sears Hometown in Shelby shutting down, apparently because corporate wasn’t happy with the sales. 

OREGON: The Baker City Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

PENNSYLVANIA:  The Quakertown Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.  Without warning the Bradford Sears Appliance & Hardware store forced to shutdown, the ‘mushroom’ owner told local news media the shutdown order “was actually made by Sears Hometown and Outlet, and that’s the only thing we know.”

TEXAS: After swearing they weren’t shutting down (when Sears Holdings filed bankruptcy in October 2018) the Sears Home Appliance Showroom in Spring quietly shutdown at the end of February 2019Sears Appliance & Hardware store in Katy also shutdown.

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS: Kmart liquor sales are on hold due to a change in ownership.

WISCONSIN: The Park Falls Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

Four years after a local Kmart shutdown city officials finally remove the location from taxpayer funded bus route

New Sears owner quietly acquires Wisconsin properties


“All hell will break loose”: Dumbing Down the U.S.A., November 2018

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes, November 2018:

Most Teachers Running for public Office Lost 

ALABAMA: school employees in limbo with health insurance lawsuit

High-level education department employees laid off in attempt to save $1.7 million 

ALASKA: ‘We are fed up’: Hundreds of Anchorage educators stage walkout

student punches teacher

ARIZONA:  online charter school CEO pays himself another $1.3 million from school funds

Proposition 305 fails, blocking expansion of school vouchers

ARKANSAS: Special Ed Teacher Arrested for Slapping Autistic Student

teachers’ union relinquishes due process rights

Method of funding schools scrutinized

3 charter schools received F letter grades

CALIFORNIA: Most school construction bonds, more taxes, approved by voters

Teacher Caught on Camera Punching Student

$75K raised for teacher caught on video punching student

After the fire, an entire school district gone

COLORADO: Teacher shortage

Tax Increase For Public Education Fails

State education board orders outside takeover of Adams 14 School District 

CONNECTICUT: A Connecticut town banned parents from its school lunchrooms 

Hamden Board of Ed votes to shutdown two schools.

schools increase security amid vague threat

Does school funding grant cuts actually result in layoffs? “…in 2018, when school grants were cut again, staffing increased by 355 positions statewide.”

elementary school closed indefinitely due to mold

Teacher Pension Problems (to the tune of $100-million)

DELAWARE:  lawsuit alleging state funds schools unfairly

Audit reveals deceptive Delaware-based student loan company

FLORIDA: thousands of teachers and aspiring teachers are failing a revised licensing exam

Florida teacher pay ranks among lowest in the U.S.

Turns out the yoga shooter was a teacher fired for groping students

Junior high school students whacked on THC-laced gummies

GEORGIA: Savannah State University announces layoffs amid student enrollment decline

U.S. Army personnel help plant a new Partners in Education sign in front of Hardaway High School in Columbus.

GUAM: school teacher named in latest sex abuse lawsuit

HAWAII:  In paradise(?) Hawaii can’t hire enough teachers, and can’t convince any to stay

Rape victim sues state Department of Education, saying authorities knew students were violent

IDAHO:  Thousands sign petition backing Idaho teachers who dressed as MAGA border wall for Halloween

Idiocy as Boise State University tasked with trying to figure out why there’s a teacher shortage!

substitute teacher, coach arrested for sexual battery 

Total failure as years later Idaho Still Struggles To Meet College Go-On Rate

More idiocy as Idahoans are taxing themselves a record level ‘supplemental’ $202M for a failed education system

State Board of Education and a prominent Idaho lawmaker are denying wrongdoing after being accused of “being involved in discussions that would circumvent the state’s procurement laws.”

Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Tyler Richins poses for a photo with his father, Dwight Richins, after coaching Sugar-Salem High School to the Idaho 3A state football championship.

ILLINOIS:  Bloomington Barnes and Noble closing in February

 The new California based owner of photo-school Lifetouch, Shutterfly, shutting down Lifetouch campus in Loves Park

Belleville school under investigation for helping students cheat on state testing 

Taxpayers in Princeton reject $35-million tax referendum in favor of new sales tax for prison

School boards vote ‘no’ on proposal to allow armed teachers

INDIANA: “Indiana’s war on teachers is winning”

IPS teachers’ union president resigns after audits found “serious financial mismanagement and misappropriation” of taxpayer funding

Despite taxpayer funding being mishandled dumb-ass voters approve multi-million dollar IPS tax referendums!

still plagued by teacher shortage

25 laid off from Gary Roosevelt due to crashing enrollments

IOWA: Davenport schools cutting 83 certified positions 

Where have Iowa’s teacher-librarians gone? State has 40 percent fewer librarians 

Despite increased enrollments Iowa Wesleyan University could close by May due to crashing endowments

music teacher may lose license over ‘inappropriate relationship’ with student

KANSAS: Stupid taxpayers forced to pay Teach For America $270,000 For Recruiting only Three Teachers

Could an education gap in voters move to the left? 

KENTUCKY:  After teacher uproar, Teachers get failing grade on Election Day

LOUISIANA: A-rated public schools are falling

Reports of abusing students, falsifying records surface at well-known elite prep-school

MAINE: Student test results take a downturn

Maine is offering to reimburse their student loan payments

University system captures extra $15 million, reports $8.2 million surplus

Judge gives suspended sentence to teacher who shoplifted even though she won a million dollars!

teacher’s salary was so low she was forced to apply for government assistance

A teacher defaulted on $55000 in student debt—loan

MARSHALL ISLANDS: On the ‘associated U.S. state’ of Marshall Islands the U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 1 carried out taxpayer funded repairs to local schools, 07NOV2018.

MARYLAND: teacher punched in face by student

Substitute Teacher Tapes elementary Student To A Chair 

Teacher Admits Calling Black Man the N-Word Because She Didn’t Like How He Exited a Parking Space

Hazing incident reported at another Maryland high school

“All hell will break loose”

MASSACHUSETTS:  New Civics Education Reform Law

Teacher Placed on Leave for Allegedly Recording Student in toilet-room

A plague of racist graffiti 

MICHIGAN: missing the mark on special education

State Senate votes to scrap school union ‘release time’

MINNESOTA: The new California based owner of photo-school Lifetouch, Shutterfly, shutting down Lifetouch HQ in Bloomington, 154 jobs gone  

Voters raise school taxes  (they must be rich, or dumb)

New teacher licensing system

Teacher Suspended After 5-Year-Old Wanders Away

MISSISSIPPI: teacher shortage

teacher dies attempting to assist in crash

teacher caught on video yelling racial slur 

MISSOURI: Teacher Says He Was Banned After Thanking Students Who Stood for Pledge of Allegiance

Teacher and school being sued over sex crimes

teacher suspended for allowing student to wear Ku Klux Klan robe

Missing ballet teacher found dead in lake

MONTANA: Montana State University settles lawsuit over sexual harassment

Higher Education taxpayer funded Levy Passes With Over 60 Percent  (the voters must be rich, or dumb)

University of Montana cuts $5 million

NEBRASKA: Two students detained because of a BB gun

Special Education Students slaving away in School’s Coffee Shop?

This a bad sign concerning the ‘Future Leaders’ of Nebraska; school districts get 9 million tax dollars to help growing number of students with mental health problems​

‘What the hell is wrong with Omaha?’ 

Universities to jack-up tuition

Junior High School Teacher Sentenced in Student Sex Case

NEVADA: Marijuana taxes supposed to be flooding into schools, yet why are schools demanding even more money?

NEW HAMPSHIRE: New teacher conduct code

school board member accused of trying to ‘publicly embarrass,’ ‘intimidate’ student

Increasing funding demands by schools, and reduced state level spending, has resulted in local property taxes making-up more that two-thirds of all tax revenue in New Hampshire!

NEW JERSEY: teachers sue to stop compulsory union fees

High School teacher fired for using n-word

teacher wears same dress for 100 days to promote sustainability

Voters approve $500 million for vo-tech and police-state school security (the voters of New Jersey must be rich, or dumb, or both)

NEW MEXICO:  teacher vacancies called a ‘crisis’

APS to get $1.2M to reward exemplary teachers

NEW YORK:  From stalled buses to canceled programs, New York City schools getting its ass kicked by Ol’ Man Winter!  (Hello, snow happens at the end of Autumn! What’ll happen in the middle of Winter?)

In New York City schools, 40,000 students aren’t getting required special education services

New state Guidelines for What Private Schools Must Teach

NORTH CAROLINA: Body of teacher killed by ‘criminal organization’ found in MexicoOn U.S. Marine Corps’ Camp Lejeune, a fire burned through the roof of Lejeune High School, 01NOV2018.

NORTH DAKOTA: Junior high school teacher gets 10 years in prison

One-room schoolhouse might close

NORTHERN MARIANAS ISLANDS: On the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, a sixth grader at Hopwood Junior High School inspects the damage caused by Super Typhoon Yutu, 15NOV2018.

U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 1 ‘SeaBees’ connect a FEMA-owned (taxpayer owned) emergency power generator to the Tinian Elementary School, 05NOV2018.

OHIO:  graduation requirements likely to be put on hold – again.

Rash of school-levy losses reveals voter skepticism

A judge suspected in the death of his teacher wife

Weapons stolen from teacher’s car 

teacher accused of theft blames missing Chromebooks, money on school’s “disorganization”

christian school teacher loses license after being accused of sex crimes

OKLAHOMA: OU Eliminates 50 Staff Positions

teacher accused of having inappropriate relationship with student reaches plea deal

school districts cancel class for general election

another 100 emergency teaching certifications issued

Champion Builders files bankruptcy; East Topeka Learning Center already looking for new contractor

OREGON: schools face ‘behavioral crisis’ 

Police arrest teacher accused of sexual relationship

PENNSYLVANIA: Allentown Cadets drum and bugle corps, facing a daunting budget deficit that has grown in the months since its former CEO was accused of sexually assaulting or harassing women, announced layoffs Wednesday and the elimination of a band program.

unions using new tactics to influence the midterm elections

Teachers Sue over Guns in Schools

PUERTO RICO: Louisiana Schools Chief Gets Contract in Puerto Rico

RHODE ISLAND: poor results on new test are “our truth-telling moment”

Federal lawsuit says Rhode Island fails to prepare students to be informed citizens

Are Civics Lessons a Constitutional Right?

Voters approve record level $250-million taxpayer funded bond (they must be rich, or dumb, or both)

SOUTH CAROLINA: ‘Minimally adequate’: persistent failures in education

schools chief blames vendor for report card delay

SOUTH DAKOTA: For-profit NAU cuts programs, plans layoffs

Most students aren’t ready for college

TENNESSEE: Where you live might predict your success in college

Fewer people are studying to be teachers.

TEXAS:  teacher commits suicide in classroom

Rise in Reported Improper Teacher, Student Relationships

Federal court upholds $33-million reduction in federal level funding for Texas schools

UTAH: voters reject confusing gas tax hike supposedly meant to help fund education

Plans to Punish School Districts That Charge High Pay-to-Play Fees

teacher committed murdered in front of her own children, then decorate xmas tree

school district concerned about ‘pattern of grooming’ after teacher charged with abuse

Audit claims schools fail to report and/or discipline bad teachers

VERMONT:  Mistrial ruled in case of teacher accused of assaulting student

health care and education crises

VIRGINIA: Virginia Teachers Plan to March at the Capital. 

Group tied to charter schools spent thousands on school board elections

Teaching Licenses Revoked for Inappropriate Conduct; Parents Not Notified

School employee investigation involves nude photos

teachers allege pregnancy discrimination by school

WASHINGTON: Tacoma Schools eliminates 13 more positions in latest round of layoffs

state auditor’s office found many principals don’t share student crimes with teachers 

Parent-Teacher Student Group board member arrested

Spokane voters supporting $495 million school bond with 67 percent (they must be rich, or dumb, or both)

Seattle’s $600 million-plus education levy approved by wide margin(they must be rich, or dumb, or both)

Washington DC: Why Teachers Are Leaving DC in Droves

WEST VIRGINIA: The National Guard opened a recruiting office on the campus of Bluefield State College, the college president said it was all about financial aid: “The Guard provides incredible benefits for students that need financial aid, and financial aid is so important to students that are attending college.”-Marsha Krotseng

 Big on Colleges But Little Learning Or Income

WISCONSIN: School referendums break records in ‘landslide for public education’; $1.3-billion!  (they must be rich, or dumb, or both)

Wisconsin teachers lead nation in Airbnb rental

WYOMING:  Teacher Denies Assaulting Ex-Wife with truck

University of Wyoming Dean demands At least $18M 

A Class of One at Rural School 

Guatemala: U.S. Coast Guard personnel rebuild an elementary school in Guatemala (one of the Central American countries flooding the U.S. with migrants), 19NOV2018.

Micronesia: U.S. Navy SeaBees spend U.S. tax dollars building a new high school for the Federated States of Micronesia, 17NOV2018.

Niger: In the African country the U.S. Army and Air Force helped deliver about 300 ‘donated’ desks to schools, watch official video report:


‘the new normal’: Immigrant Invasion, United States, February 2019

Incomplete list of immigrant operations affecting the United States taxpayers, February 2019.

More proof farmers are to blame: With fewer illegal workers to hire, U.S. farmers are reluctantly going through the process to hire legal guest workers

The Human Costs of Non-Enforcement of the Immigration Laws

Less than 5% of global refugee resettlement needs met last year

Wait Times for Citizenship Have Doubled in the Last Two Years

ALABAMA: Alabama Woman Who Joined ISIS Can’t Return Home

ALASKA: State hires taxpayer funded for-profit prison operator which has checkered past, including deaths of patients and employees at mental hospitals, and substandard care at immigrant detention centers.  

ARIZONA:  Border Patrol video of 3-hundred families flooding into Yuma, 25FEB2019:

New layers of concertina wire added to the border wall near Nogales.

CALIFORNIA: British empire Anglican (Church of England) priest arrested for sex crimes with immigrants: “Serna preyed on the undocumented because he knew they would be reluctant to talk to the police.”-police statement

Doctor going to prison for sex crimes against illegal immigrants because “…no one would believe them because they were undocumented.” 

Kamala Harris ‘mischaracterized’ past San Francisco policy on undocumented minors

Can winery workers get a visa?

COLORADO: immigrant teachers threatened with deportation if they join strikes (now you know one of the reasons school districts are hiring immigrant teachers)

ICE reports immigrants in Denver are bringing in mumps

U.S. Army 52nd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division’s Alpha Company (based at Fort Carson) deploy for operations along the southwest border with Mexico, 15FEB2019.

CONNECTICUT: Illegal immigrant suspect in gruesome murder

FLORIDA: Undocumented immigrant captured after hit-and-run crash killed unborn child

gang kidnapped and tortured an illegal immigrant

Jewish illegal DACA immigrant now the student president of University of Central Florida

Criminal bankers from Ecuador caught trying to enter the U.S.

GEORGIA:  No Charges for Off-Duty ICE Officer in Fatal Shooting

U.S. Customs and Border Protection used scanners to ‘look inside’ food trucks making deliveries to the Mercedes-Benz Stadium prior to Super Bowl 53, in Atlanta.

IDAHO: Undocumented immigrant who had sex with a teen girl will likely get probation

ILLINOIS: panel recommends new immigrant detention center

IOWA:  Iowa does not require employers to check immigrant status of employees

KENTUCKY: Indian immigrants are flocking to Kentucky universities

LOUISIANA: Border Patrol arrests previously deported child sex offender

MARYLAND:  University denies request by students to suspend contract with ICE

MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts Attorney General Joins Brief To Protect Asylum Seekers

Woman accused of assaulting man in MAGA hat faces possible deportation

MICHIGAN: ICE Ran a Fake University in Michigan 

Missing Migrant Children Being Funneled Through Christian Adoption Agency

Gov’na blocks immigrant detention plan

Ex-Marine detained by ICE was racially profiled

MISSISSIPPI: Immigrants seeking asylum stop in Jackson every day. 

MONTANA: Border Patrol Detained Me for Speaking Spanish in Montana. Then My Town Turned Against Me.

NEVADA: Sheriff instructed corrections staff to stop alerting Immigrations and Customs Enforcement about arrests of low-level undocumented offenders.

NEW JERSEY: NJ gave 500 illegal immigrants money for college.

NEW MEXICO: Border Patrol detains 180 Central American migrants in Sunland Park

Gov’na Pulls National Guard Troops From Mexico Border

NEW YORK: Restaurant owner now in prison for intentionally hiring illegal immigrants as a way of avoiding taxes

12 Years Behind a Stove—An Undocumented Immigrant in NYC

NORTH CAROLINA: ‘the new normal,’ feds arrest 200 illegal immigrants

6 undocumented immigrants arrested for drug trafficking

ICE captures illegal migrant workers at Bear Creek Arsenal gun factory!

Immigrant living in Charlotte says undocumented immigrants “disrespect” the United States

OHIO: Unauthorized immigrant arrested after seeking detained son’s release

Teenager now promoting vaccinations even though his immigrant parents are anti-vaxxers

OKLAHOMA:  Saudi immigrant pleads guilty to operating a credit card scam, lying to the FBI and trying to join al Qaeda!

2 Oklahoma companies accused of human trafficking settle lawsuit 

OREGON: migrant farm contractor repeatedly failed federal and state inspections

Ruthless cartel violence drives a wave of asylum seekers

PENNSYLVANIA: Third Trump Club Fires Undocumented Workers

state police now limited in flagging undocumented immigrants

Illegal immigrant accused of raping a 12 years old girl

PUERTO RICO: In Need of Workers, the Midwest Recruits From Puerto Rico

TENNESSEE: schools are having to hire more English language learning teachers due to an influx in students who are in the country illegally

TEXAS: As El Paso region sees surge in migrant crossings, nonprofit groups’ support services feel the strain

white supremacists are cashing in by smuggling illegal immigrants

Third migrant dies in Border Patrol custody

ICE reports that immigrants in Houston are bringing mumps into the U.S.

Honduran migrant delivers stillborn baby

And now for some proof you can’t trust the news media; CNN claims Texans solidly against Trump…, while the Fort Worth Star-Telegram says Texans have mixed feelings about ……President…

Officers of the U.S. military, Border Patrol and Texas Department of Public Safety inspect patrol training as it was being conducted at Camino Real International Bridge, 06FEB2019.

UTAH:  Utah’s immigration judges tough on asylum seekers

VERMONT: Justice Department relents in immigration policy dispute with Vermont

VIRGINIA: Pentagon to send another 1000 troops to Mexican border

WASHINGTON: Undocumented man sentenced to prison for organized cocaine trafficking

Washington DC: Democrats willing to pay for 55 miles of new barrier.

The 26 Democrats Who Voted To Pass ICE Amendment In New anti-Gun Bill

Thousands of migrant children report they were sexually assaulted 

secretive ICE effort to make profits for privately run corporate prisons

refugee children leave Nauru for resettlement in U.S.

WISCONSIN: Wisconsin governor orders troops to leave southern border

Immigrant Invasion, United States, January 2019: “STOP INCENTIVIZING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION”


Valentines Hell: Buying flowers from overseas is a National Security Threat!

27 February 2019 (13:56 UTC-07 Tango 06) 08 Esfand 1397/21 Jumada t-Tania 1440/23 Bin-Yin 4717

There are plants the Federal police are after, they’re being shipped in from other countries, it’s not marijuana, it’s cut flowers!

If you’ve been following my  U.S. RETAIL/BANKING/SERVICE SECTOR COLLAPSE reports you might have noticed all the mom-n-pop flower shops shutting down.  One reason is that more and more unAmerican ‘mericans are buying their cut flowers from other countries, so much so that Customs and Border Patrol has to run interference for national security reasons.

Video of flower inspection at Dulles International Airport, Virginia, 05FEB2019:

It turns out those flowers from overseas carry insects that are a threat to American bugs (meaning they’re invasive), threat to U.S. agriculture and even a threat to your health.

At Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), in the few weeks before Valentines Day inspectors went through millions of cut flowers from South America and Europe.  Some of the invasive disease carrying vectors are microscopic.

But Miami, Florida, is the hot spot for foreign flowers.  90% of imported flowers go through Miami!

If packages of imported flowers are found to be infested they are either treated (bug spray), or sent back, or destroyed.

“unforeseen circumstances”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, October 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss WARNings and store shutdowns made or announced in October 2018:

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ALASKA: Alaska Air eliminating 1-hundred jobs, blaming fuel costs, employee health insurance (ObamaCare), crew hotel costs and management headcounts

ARIZONA: 72-year-old Phoenix costume store Easley’s Fun Shop preps for its last Halloween

Angela’s Bridal announces change, closing

CALIFORNIA:  Twin Arbors Athletic Club issued a shutdown WARN for its location in Lodi, 143 jobs gone by the end of November!  The now British empire United Kingdom based New Avon sudden halted ops in Pasadena, 77 jobs gonePyramid Building Maintenance issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Santa Clara, 11 jobs gone by November. 

Insurance company State Farm issued shutdown WARNs for several locations, 224 jobs gone by the end of November!  Total Airport Services issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in El Segundo, 111 jobs gone by December!  British empire Australia founded retailer Boardriders eliminating 270 jobs in Mira Loma, supposedly temporarily! JCPenney finally revealed it  shutdown its Buena Park location back in August, 278 jobs suddenly gone!

Ocean Beach Paint & Hardware closing after 100 years

What housing market recovery? Mortgage service company Urban Fulfillment Services is closing its Westlake Village operations, resulting in the elimination of 85 jobs.

Skate park SkateLab shutting down after 21 years

San Diego’s first stop for Bike Rentals, Cruiser King shutdown after ten years

Vintage stuff store Aaardvark’s Closing After 47 Years

Once Storied Sedgwick Files for Bankruptcy as Wind-Down Fails

House of Fashion Bridal Salon closing after nearly 60 years

Soldiers Organized Service (SOS a ride home) shutdown two stores

CONNECTICUT: Paul Mitchell School in Danbury closing

FLORIDA: Centerfield Media issued a WARN, 249 jobs gone by the end of the year!  Sheraton Bay Point Resort issued a WARN, 143 jobs gone by December!

IDAHO: Supervalu, which failed to turn around Albertsons, is acquired. What it means to Idaho

WinCo plan for Linder and Chinden is revived

ILLINOIS: Employment outsourcing company Ceannate issued several WARNs, 184 jobs gone due to loss of contract!  Target issued a shutdown WARN for a location in Chicago, 125 jobs gone by February 2019! British empire Canada owned Lord & Taylor issued a shutdown WARN for its Oak Brook location, 125 jobs gone by January 2019!

Eva’s Bridal Closing After 36 Years

Home improvement store HOBO (Home Owners Bargain Outlet) now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and threatening to shutdown all stores, customers are already being jacked-around on warranty problems  Official WARNs reveal Illinois stores have already been sold-off, at least 265 jobs gone!

Bike and running store Ride&Run shutting down when the inventory is gone, the owner refused to say why 

Chicago’s largest family-owned lumber yard is no longer in business

Shelley’s Bridal closing after 2 decades

INDIANA: Marketing company Alorica issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Terra Haute, 195 jobs gone in December!

IOWA: Last shoe repair business in metro Cedar Rapids area closing soon

KENTUCKY: Merit Furniture, in business since 1956, closing. Owner: ‘Nobody wants quality furniture.’

Community development operation Kentucky River Foothills Development Council eliminating 142 jobs

LOUISIANA:  State Farm to lay off 47 workers in Baton Rouge

MAINE: Olympia Sports closing in Houlton

MASSACHUSETTS: Boston Private lays off about 60 in face of slow deposit growth

Fallas discount department store chain closing all Massachusetts locations 

Whittemore Hardware Calling It Quits

MICHIGAN:  State Farm issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Livonia, 62 jobs gone by the end of November.

architecture firm Rossetti Associates suddenly laid off 15 people 

Swonk’s Flower Shop will close after 91 years

MINNESOTA: Allianz Life – Questar eliminating 79 jobs in February 2019. Texas based defunct Mattress Firm issued a mass layoff WARN, but failed to give numbers. State Farm issued a WARN, 88 jobs in Mendota Heights gone by the end of November.  Target issued a shutdown WARN for its Brooklyn Center, 136 jobs gone in February 2019!

Too Big to Jail U.S. Bank is laying off 700 employees (100 just in Minnesota according to the WARN)

Bremer Bank shutting down in Sauk Rapids

NEBRASKA:  Too Big to Jail Capital One eliminating more than 150 jobs


229 workers at this N.J. resort will be laid off

Payless ShoeSource Is Closing In Bridgewater

Parsippany Modell’s Sporting Goods is closing

NEW MEXICO: aerospace company files for bankruptcy

NEW YORK: A.B.C. Oriental Carpets issued a shutdown WARN for both its NYC stores, 26 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.  Greenbriar Associates issued a shutdown WARN for its Residence Inn by Marriott, 80 jobs gone in January 2019.  British empire Canada owned Lord & Taylor issued a shutdown WARN for its massive NYC ops, 853 jobs gone by January 2019!  Investment company AllianceBernstein L.P. issued a mass layoff WARN, 244 jobs affected as it gets the hell outta New York and moves to Tennessee! Frederic Fekkai Salon issued a shutdown WARN, 60 jobs gone by the end of the year. Personal care company New Frontiers in TBI-Allwel eliminating 59 NYC jobs by January 2019.  The now British empire United Kingdom based New Avon issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Rye, 51 jobs gone by the end of the year.

Too Big to Jail British empire United Kingdom based HSBC eliminating 35 jobs in Depew

NORTH CAROLINA: Diamond Brand Outdoors closes after 50 years

OHIO: Liberty Mutual insurance company suddenly laid off 25 people  

Another Salvation Army Family Thrift Store shutdown

Huntington Bank closing 70 locations

OREGON: Fabric Depot Closing Doors After 26 Years

PENNSYLVANIA:  State College jewelry store closing

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey on Monday slashed 37 of 97 positions

Reineberg’s closing York shoe shop

Newtown Women’s Clothing Boutique Closing

RHODE ISLAND: Nordstrom At Providence Place Mall Closing

SOUTH CAROLINA:  Cedar Terrace Hardware store shutting down after 40 years

Beaufort store is closing after 30 years of business

What housing market recovery as Fort Mill based Movement Mortgage to eliminate 180 jobs

SOUTH DAKOTA: Longtime Madison Store Closing

TEXAS: Austin based, and now bankrupt, Samuels Jewelers suddenly started shutting down all 120 stores

Freed’s Furniture Closing After 80 Years

Smith Guns closing doors after 4+ decades

Sandy Lake Amusement Park shutting down

Too Big to Jail JPMorgan Chase issuing 107 pink slips in San Antonio

Houston based Mattress Firm shutting down 700 stores, here’s a list

VIRGINIA: Staples store at Parham Plaza closing

WASHINGTON:  Low income housing manager Housing Kitsap laid off yet more employees, and suspended the building of affordable dwellings, apparently because they don’t know where the money went

A-1 Tri-City Taxi shutdown after 38 years “due to unforeseen circumstances”

Carr Electric is closing

Terjung’s Studio of Gifts announces closing date

LuLaRoe gig leaves vendors with clothes they’re unable to sell

WISCONSIN: Target issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Greenfield, 138 jobs gone by February 2019!  Home Owners Bargain Outlet (HOBO) issued a shutdown WARN for its Milwaukee-West Allis location, 104 jobs gone a few days before xmas!

Safeco shutting down multiple operations in Sheboygan, 127 jobs lost!

Janesville’s Staples store to close










U.S. Food Crisis: A little Roundup with that Beer?

26 February 2019 (08:33 UTC-07 Tango 06) 07 Esfand 1397/20 Jumada t-Tania 1440/22 Bin-Yin 4717

“By rubber-stamping the Bayer-Monsanto merger, the Justice Department is handing control over one quarter of the world’s seeds and pesticides market to one ginormous agribusiness. That’s bad for farmers, bad for our food supply, and bad for consumers everywhere.”-Elizabeth Warren, 04FEB2019

In 2016 I wrote how a German study confirmed that Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer was so persistent that it was making its way into beer, despite what German’s thought was a strict 5-hundred years old ‘purity’ code.  Now a study by an independent organization says Roundup (glyphosate) is also in U.S. beers and wine!

United States Public Interest Research Group tested 20 name-brand drinks and 19 of them tested positive for glyphosate.  However, it’s been pointed out that the levels are below not only federal EPA limits, but below the leftist-liberal California standards.  But do you really want to drink any amount of weed-killer?






Operation Faithful Patriot: U.S. government shenanigans, October 2018

Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of United States Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for October 2018:

 Operation Enduring Promise; As ObamaCare fails in the U.S., the U.S. Navy proudly created this graphic to show what your U.S. tax dollars were spent on providing ‘free’ medical care in Ecuador.

ALABAMA: At least 68 Selma city jobs on chopping block after budget oversight

DeKalb County Sheriff’s deputy records audio of his boss extorting him over political campaign support

‘Beach House Sheriff’ used pistol permit fees to pay for TV commercials during political campaign

Alabama Law Enforcement Agency drug-cop sentenced for computer tampering, ethics charges

ALASKA: Gov. Bill Walker drops re-election bid days after deputy resigns

Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott abruptly resigns

Uninvestigated rape allegations, unfollowed tips on possible connections to a Mexican drug cartel, alleged plans to fly drugs in National Guard aircraft, and years of internal police department strife that led to all of it finally being revealed publicly.

ARKANSAS: Sheriff department in trouble for forcing detainees to wear Nike shirts for their mug shots

ARIZONA: State Parks bulldozed archaeological sites for cabins, trails

Temporary/seasonal park ranger gets subsidized taxpayer funded housing normally reserved for full time employees

CALIFORNIA: California Faces Some Big Problems. Are We Ready?

San Diego Sheriff’s Department Deputy Sentenced for Groping teenagers at Panda Express

Kern County Deputy takes plea deal in theft case

San Francisco deputy working for organized crime gets ‘slap-on-the-wrist’ sentence of three years probation

Man Who Died After Deputy Tased Him Was Unarmed

Dashcam footage released of California deputy repeatedly punching drunken suspect

Sheriff’s deputy crashes into home 

California Deputies Use Doritos To Round Up Rebellious Pig

Border Operation Faithful Patriot; U.S. military personnel inspect spools of barbed wire at Defense Logistics Agency Distribution San Joaquin, 26OCT2018.

COLORADO: Washington County deputy arrested, accused of sexually assaulting a child

Mistrial declared in assault case against Adams County deputy

Deputy cleared in fatal McElmo Canyon shootout gets fired

In A Drying Climate, Colorado’s ‘Water Cop’ Patrols For Water Thieves

Public Paychecks: Colorado’s highest-paid state employees

North American Aerospace Defense Command-U.S. Northern Command, Colorado Springs, conducts a ‘synchronizer’ meeting for Operation Faithful Patriot, 28OCT2018.

CONNECTICUT: Ignorant elected officials apparently unaware that their massive bond issue actually created a mandated debt limit on taxpayer spending

University of Connecticut’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity says Doctors are Making The Obesity Stigma Worse!

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a study warning of crumbling foundations that affect hundreds of homeowners in Connecticut.

DELAWARE: Retiring Lawmaker Takes newly created $95K State Job

New Castle County paying out more $100k salaries

Incorporating in Delaware: The Perks and Pitfalls

FLORIDA: Deputy suspected of disappearing two men now faces wrongful-death lawsuit

Polk Sheriff’s deputy sexually battered trainee 

Sheriff’s deputy plows patrol car into pickup truck, killing the pickup’s driver, same deputy reported brake failure the month before

Jackson County deputy accused of planting drugs and ‘hanky-panky’

Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputy and FBI Task Force Agent sentenced to three years of probation for lying on federal records

Trump praises America’s law enforcement during Orlando speech

U.S. Coast Guard captured 84 illegal immigrants from Haiti, 28OCT2018, supposedly they returned all of them to Haiti.

GEORGIA: deputy charged with child molestation

Richmond County deputy charged with theft, violation of oath

A city manager, county commissioner, assistant school principal and two former university employees are among those charged in a sexual misconduct case at Fort Valley State University

President Trump issues disaster declaration for Georgia

GUAM: EPA investigates drums in relation to Agent Orange

GDOE launches investigation on screaming teacher

Diploma scam linked to enrollment drop

Guam pushes for native-only vote on U.S. relationship

A.B. Won Pat Guam International Airport Authority accused of ‘fixing’ contract years in advance

HAWAII: No charges in stolen police drug case; deputy chief calls investigation

Cop’s home explodes, wife and daughter killed

Jury convicts Big Island officer in death

Authorities seize Hawaii Kai home of ex-police chief

IDAHO: Canyon County deputies get ‘slap-on-the-wrist’ sentence of 3 days in jail for planning to attack prisoner!

Ex-Cascade Police chief accused of stealing five taxpayer funded guns after taking job with another city’s police department, also encouraged retiring cops to keep their taxpayer funded guns!

Who does Idaho send to prison?

Former Idaho Stampede owner hit Boise official ‘upside the head’

ILLINOIS: S&P downgrades sales tax-backed Build Illinois bonds

The Worst Job in American Politics

94,000 Public Employees & Retirees Cost Taxpayers $12B

Joliet’s Deputy Chief Gets Huge Retirement Severance

Woman still seeking justice after she said a deputy raped her, twice

INDIANA: 15 public officials face charges for corruption

deputy found guilty on 11 counts

Summary judgment for former sheriff reversed after sexual assault allegations against deputy

deputy accidentally discharges firearm

IOWA:  Man sues Cherokee County deputy who shot dog

Woman in car during officer-involved shooting in Davenport says it was unjustified

Des Moines repeals new panhandling ordinance

LOUISIANA: Ascension Parish sergeant terminated after second DWI arrest

Avoyelles deputy’s certification revoked before fatal arrest; officers he hired also accused of abuse

grand jury scheduled to hear case involving deputy accused of sexual misconduct

St. Tammany deputy indicted, accused of falsifying DWI report

KANSAS: Deputy back in jail after two arrests on the same day

Deputy Collides With 3 Horses

sheriff’s deputy sentenced for lying about machine gun

sheriff to resign after admitting to selling a gun to a felon

Three Hutchinson Police officers fired following internal investigation

Sheriff’s office ‘extremely concerned,’ reviewing protocol in wake of reported sex acts between deputy and inmate

KENTUCKY: Unburied bodies, alleged harassment. Scandals central to Fayette coroner

LaRue deputy jailer indicted

jail corporal agrees to plead guilty to sexual misconduct

Graves County Sheriff’s Office employees send letter detailing accusations against sheriff

Border Operation Faithful Patriot; U.S. Army’s 89th Military Police Brigade (part of Task Force Griffin) prep their gear for deployment to Arizona, 27OCT2018.

MAINE: Woman sues corrections officer who sexually assaulted her 

Southwest Harbor town clerk indicted

District Attorney Candidate Facing Abuse Allegations

MARYLAND: The company that owns and operates the Maryland Airport now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to county officials changing the zoning laws

Report reveals abusive football culture at University of Maryland

‘Serious Inventory Control Problem’ in Maryland’s Body Donation Program Led to Mishandled human Remains

MASSACHUSETTS: Environmental Police boss suspended without pay

Natural Gas Explosions Highlight Tension Between Recovery and Long-Term Efficiency 

MICHIGAN: Deputy Charged With Morley Murder

state trooper accuses prosecutor of hiding evidence during sex assault trial

Eaton County sheriff’s clerk broke stalking condition, arrested again

prison guard takes plea in prisoner’s death

They look like cops, but they’re not. And they’re all over Michigan.

MINNESOTA: Itasca County deputy turned political candidate accused of ‘sexting’ use of taxpayer funded cell phone 

deputy pleads guilty to killing Perry man

County settles with sheriff’s deputy in retaliation lawsuit

deputy demoted after racist tweets sues to get his job back

Minnesota FBI Agent Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison for Leaking Documents

police accused of obstructing investigation into officer misconduct

MISSISSIPPI: video shows deputies forcing their way into a home without giving the residents a reason why

Tallahatchie County sheriff back in jail 

State Forester Resigns After DUI Arrest

MISSOURI: Gasconade County Sheriff’s deputy charged with sodomy

parole officer receives $550K settlement after hostile workplace claim due to her boss going ballistic over prisoner releases

Child molestation cases Against Law Enforcement Officer Continued Until January

MONTANA: deputy charged with having sex with 17 years old

Officer fired bullet into neighbor’s apartment, tried to cover it up

$265K contract to correct Montana voter info goes to company run by ex-GOP leader

Spending in Montana Senate race at record $60M

NEBRASKA: Deputy gives opioid overdose antidote to Lincoln officer

Three counties approved for 100% thru the mail voting

Nebraska concedes that ‘honestly, it’s not for everyone’

NEVADA: bombastic legal pimp and Assembly candidate, has died

Woman arrested in Carson City on nearly 30-year-old traffic ticket

suicide by cop

Immigration agents visit Lyon County brothels 

NEW HAMPSHIRE: ‘It’s a poll tax’: how New Hampshire became a battlefield for voting rights

State Supreme Court restores voter registration forms

refugee vying for a state house seat

Lawsuit Highlights Prison Inmate ‘Pay to Stay’ Law (What happens if they can’t pay? Do they get released? Oh, it’s slavery!)

NEW JERSEY:  Understanding The New Jersey Paid Sick Leave Act

lawmakers miss yet another deadline for marijuana legalization vote (maybe they’re too stoned to vote?)

Minimum Wage Going up to $8.85

9th child dies at taxpayer funded, privately run, nursing home 

He blew the whistle on NJ Transit. He paid for it with his career.

deputy chief suing Atlantic City Police Department

Jersey City agency awards taxpayer funded contract to deputy mayor

NEW MEXICO: Prison violence hits 10 years high

deputy a no-show at contempt hearing

Judge rejects prosecution of Santa Fe cop

Santa Fe deputy city manager has left the building. And there won’t be a replacement.

NEW YORK: sheriff’s deputy sentenced for assault

New York ‘elected officials’ Knew Some Schools in Its $773 Million taxpayer raping Plan Were Likely to Fail. It Kept Children in Them Anyway.

Corrupt De Blasio Fires Investigations Chief, Citing Abuse of Power

NORTH CAROLINA: Law Enforcement Hypocrisy; A North Carolina woman is charged with killing her son after his death during a hurricane, yet two South Carolina cops were simply fired for abandoning two mental health patients, who died, during the same hurricane! 

NC jails on track for deadliest year.

NC plans to sell Rex Hospital 

Did North Carolina Admit to Targeting Black Voters with a ‘Voter ID’ Law?

NORTH DAKOTA: Supreme Court Makes It Harder for Tribal North Dakotans to Vote

Why 5 big pot busts were thrown out of court in North Dakota

OHIO: Rifle, shotgun stolen from Hamilton County unmarked cop car

Harris County deputy indicted in deadly shooting

A scammer is now using the names of actual cops in an attempt to dupe people out of their money

Fired state agriculture director says he was give no reason for it (welcome to Right-to-Work [you over] laws bi-yatch!)

OKLAHOMA: Lawton Veteran Services Center in danger of closing

 Mayes County Deputy Sheriff turns himself in

Three cops arrested for 2017 traffic stop

Man pretended to be sheriff’s deputy in order to rob lawn care workers

13 years old girl identifies cop as her rapist

OREGON: More proof the left-wing liberal state is (and a possible covert civil war between cops and the military) evil as cops recorded their own personal video of themselves laughing as they allowed a U.S. Army veteran to die from a massive drug overdose, as his girlfriend listened from a neighboring cell: “We should go show this to his girlfriend and be like, ‘You love this?’”-one deputy heard on his own video recording

The leftist female gov’na accused of not being transparent, after she accused the previous gov’na of not being transparent

Illegal immigrant sanctuary state law dates to pivotal lawsuit in 1970s

PENNSYLVANIA: Alex Trebek gets booed at governor race debate

‘Come And Arrest Me’: Governor Defies Federal Justice Department

Feds charge Pittsburgh healthcare employees of multi-million dollar Medicaid scam

PUERTO RICO: FBI agents raid San Juan city offices in fraud, obstruction investigation

Why Florida Democrats need Puerto Rican voters

SOUTH CAROLINA: SC made it easier to hide criminal records from the public

Secret Service impostor turns out to be 17 years old

deputies fired after abandoning patients who died in hurricane

SOUTH DAKOTA:   Immigrant Visa Scandal

TENNESSEE:  Prisoners escape

Correctional officer attacked at CoreCivic prison 

jail deputy suspended after helping prisoners to escape

 deputy sentenced to 15 years for sex crimes

TEXAS: largest counties have nearly doubled voter turnout

Deputy in Houston Indicted in Killing of Unarmed Man

Milam County Sheriff’s deputy arrested for assaulting ex-girlfriend, throwing dog against wall

Harris County lawman convicted of sexual assault

Border Operation Faithful Patriot; coordination meeting between U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Department of Defense, Brownsville, 26OCT2018.

Border Operation Faithful Patriot; U.S. Army’s 541st Engineering Company, 19th Engineering Battalion (part of Task Force Griffin), deployed from Kentucky to San Antonio, 30OCT2018.

UTAH: Ex-deputy Attorney General sues Salt Lake County DA office over arrest

firefighters sue the Unified Fire Authority, top bosses for alleged nepotism

Utah Guard special unit assists with ricin investigation

Utah man charged for sending toxic letters to Trump

VERMONT: sheriff’s deputy files gender bias complaint

Death of woman in police custody has resulted in outpouring of donations to drug addiction center

Sex discrimination, harassment cases (because of corrupt government employees/officials) have cost taxpayers $1M

VIRGINIA: sheriff’s deputy charged with sexually assaulting prisoner

Superintendent Apologizes for Handling of Threat Against Virginia School Employee

Goochland voter registrar replaced just weeks before midterm elections

“A long time coming”: 7 Virginia Indian tribes celebrate federal recognition

U.S. taxpayers funding Operation Enduring Promise, in which USN hospital ship USNS Comfort (departing from Norfolk) will provide ‘free’ medical care to people in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Honduras.

WASHINGTON: Stevens County elections rife with questions about taxpayer money

Support Initiative 940 to better train police and save lives

sheriff’s deputy charged in sexual assault of prisoner

Washington DC: DC deputy mayor agrees to pay $3000 fine

Weak minded veterans affairs official removes painting of Confederate officer from his office after being threatened by reporter.  Main Stream left-wing news media calls names of U.S. Army bases treasonous.

WEST VIRGINIA: law officer pleads guilty to lying to FBI

elementary teacher pleads not guilty to child abuse 

Boston gangster killed in West Virginia prison

WISCONSIN: Video shows County Prosecutor falling down during OWI incident

sheriff suspends election opponent over 2001 case

Wisconsin’s $4.1 billion taxpayer funded Foxconn boondoggle

WYOMING: Controversial lawyer named to key fish and wildlife post

Honor Farm prisoner Dies

Political candidate Sent $20,000 to Newly-Formed Company in Wyoming

Online stripping and panty selling may cause candidate to drop out of race

ObamaCare-ACA death spiral, October 2018:“EVERY SINGLE MONTH….HAS BEEN A GRIND”


U.S. government shenanigans, September 2018: TAXES, BAD COPS & CRIMINAL MIGRANTS ON THE RISE!

Drugs, the American way, October 2018: “NOW YOU TELL ME WHO THE ENEMY IS!”