Tag Archives: crime

Federal judge declares ObamaCare unconstitutional!: ObamaCare death spiral, December 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the-iceberg) list of healthcare related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes in December 2018:

Shingles vaccine shortage worsens

41% of adults don’t plan on getting flu shot this season

Being too fat, or too skinny, increases your chances of hospitalization if you get sick with influenza

Yet another independent study proving being hospitalized can make you worse!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

CALIFORNIA: Spectra Laboratories issued a layoff WARN, 46 people in Milpitas jobless by the end of February 2019.  Roche-Genentech suddenly laid of 85 people at its San Mateo County operations. Atria Senior Living forced to shutdown its nursing home in Paradise, 67 jobs gone due to the November wildfire.  CardioDx issued a layoff WARN, 110 people in Redwood jobless by the end of February 2019!  Golden Shore Medical Group issued multiple layoff WARNs, almost 3-hundred jobs across California gone by February 2019!  Silver Lake Medical Center suddenly laid off more than 8-hundred people at its ops in Los Angeles and Rosemead!!  Verity Health System issued massive layoff WARNs, more than 1-thousand-8-hundred people in Gilroy and San Jose jobless in February 2019!!!

FLORIDA: The christian god powerless to stop Hurricane Michael from killing 8-hundred jobs at Bay Medical Sacred Heart!  (the official WARN lists 634 jobs gone by February 2019!)

GEORGIA: MiMedx announced it would cut 240 full-time jobs!

IDAHO: The christian god powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Luke’s Health System from major restructuring, including layoffs

ILLINOIS: A layoff WARN was issued for Crothall Healthcare and Morrison Healthcare, 89 jobs in Granite City gone by the end of January 2019.  Vibra Hospital of Springfield issued a shutdown WARN, 188 jobs gone by January 2019!

INDIANA: Vibra Hospital of Fort Wayne issued a shutdown WARN, 120 jobs gone by the end of January 2019!

KENTUCKY: Jewish Hospital may end its adult organ transplant programs 

MINNESOTA: Walker Rehabilitation eliminating 36 jobs in January 2019.

MISSOURI: Boyce & Bynum Pathology Laboratories will lay off 177 employees by the end of April 2019!

Two Rivers Behavioral Health System to close in 2019

MONTANA: Medicaid expansion to cost state taxpayers extra $59-million!

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Private investigation launched to find out why nine hospitals shutdown their maternity care units

NEW YORK: Crothall Healthcare suddenly laid off 20 people in Middletown, due to sudden loss of contract. Clarus Linen System shutting down due to going chapter 11 bankrupt, and being sold-off, 180 jobs affected!

Oncology boss charged by Health Department in patient deaths

Buffalo doctor accused of writing 178 fraudulent prescriptions

OHIO: MACC to close residential treatment center, layoff 13 employees

OKLAHOMA: Specialized OKC Cancer Clinic Files For Bankruptcy

RHODE ISLAND: The christian god powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Joseph Health Consolidated Service Center from shutting down in February 2019

SOUTH CAROLINA: healthcare execs plead guilty to Medicaid fraud

TEXAS: Senior Care Centers now chapter 11 bankrupt busted

El Paso Specialty Hospital closing at end of year due to financial ills

2 killed, 1 injured in Texas ambulance crash

Federal judge in Texas rules ACA (ObamaCare) is unconstitutional

VIRGINIA: Valley Health announces layoffs of 20 positions, as the healthcare organization faces increasing costs of care.

WASHINGTON: Providence issued a shutdown WARN for one of its ops in Lacey, 26 jobs gone by the end of February 2019.

Washington DC: Trump pushes for new federal health law after Texas ACA (ObamaCare) ruling

Department of Health & Human Services investigation concludes that 21% of Medicare patients treated in hospitals suffer additional harm by hospital staff, more than half of the incidents could have been prevented!

WEST VIRGINIA: Federal government joins whistle-blower ‘kickback’ lawsuit against Wheeling Hospital, the hospital’s CEO and business consulting group R & V Associates

Lawsuit accuses cardiologist of ‘stealing’ 4-hundred patients from his former employer

ObamaCare Death Spiral, November 2018: ‘BERMUDA TRIANGLE’

“One day we’re all good…the next day it’s just over.”: Dumbing Down the U.S.A., December 2018

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes, December 2018:

Teachers in recent incidents have taken out scissors and cut students’ hair. One teacher, in California, was arrested and the other teacher, in New Mexico, was fired after an investigation.

Teachers Quit Jobs at Highest Rate on Record

Controversy Over Parents Who Eat Lunch With Their Children at School

In 19 States, It’s Still Legal to Spank Children in Public Schools

South Dakota and Iowa add gun safety class to junior high school course list

ALABAMA: Birmingham based for-profit Education Corporation of America suddenly shutdown all Brightwood College campuses across the U.S., due to having its accreditation revoked by the U.S. Department of Education.

Education Corporation of America also shutting down Virginia College campuses nationwide

State taxpayer funded education budget to hit $7-billion USD in 2020!

Is it because Alabama high schools newest varsity sport is video games?

Yet virtual schools face lack of online access in rural areas

Some Alabama schools look more like factories

Birmingham City Schools employees to get $500 bonus

ALASKA: Classroom video shows students following correct procedure during massive earthquake: “All I can say is, holy crap!”,  “Will they cancel school today?”

Photos from inside earthquake-damaged schools

National Guard pic of Houston Junior High School library

After earthquake, two schools close for the year

ARIZONA: Teachers who talk politics in class could be fired if state lawmaker’s bill passes

Two teachers fined, disciplined for political advocacy

Teacher allegedly breaks ‘special needs’ student’s elbow

ARKANSAS: Teacher Retirement System’s payoff period shrinks

Gun-Carrying Teachers Becoming More Common in Arkansas

Charter school teacher gives 9-year-old a concussion

CALIFORNIA: Brightwood College Permanently Closes 3 San Diego Campuses

School Where Student With Autism Died Violated State Regulations

COLORADO:  Art Institute Of Colorado Shutters

163 Colorado schools in need of improvement

Nurses do. Lawyers do. Yet incompetent Colorado doctors don’t have to take continuing education courses

High School evacuated on same day as planned student walkout

CONNECTICUT: Increase in ‘minority’ teachers not keeping pace with influx of immigrants

teacher fired over medical marijuana card

teacher accused of assaulting 3 cops!

Charter school cash spent on elections

Reduced state workforce is impacting education

School Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent Placed on Leave for ‘misconduct’

DELAWARE: Student bullied because his name is Trump

State seeks to create more charter school seats with federal tax dollars

So many immigrants that a taxpayer funded Spanish language website is needed for immigrant children in public school

Teacher with history of alcohol arrests pleads guilty

wrestling coach fired after claims he pulled gun on student

FLORIDA: school massacre panel recommends arming teachers with concealed weapons

school shooting: New video shows ‘blunders’

teacher arrested after professing love for 13-year-old student

teacher arrested for false criminal report 

students charged with threatening teacher

State education commissioner resigns

GEORGIA: Federal Title I taxpayer funding for Georgia schools drops by $3 million

promised teacher pay raise comes with hidden costs

teacher jailed on sex assault charges

Teacher allegedly steals $750 violin from elementary student 

teacher pleads guilty to sexually abusing 4 students

Teacher shortage

GUAM: Parents demand removal of student who allegedly threatened to “shoot up” school

HAWAII:  The Fight Against student Flight At Junior High Schools

Preschoolers served Pine-Sol instead of apple juice!!!

gender bias lawsuit against Hawaii Department of Education

Want To Teach In Hawaii? The Job Often Comes With A Big Pay Cut

Hawaii spending tax dollars on new database to track taxpayer funded school repair backlog!

IDAHO:  It was revealed that the FBI is investigating School District 401 (aka Teton School District) because 784-thousand tax dollars somehow ended up in a ‘fraudulent’ account.  The money was supposed to go to a construction contractor as part of a state bond issue.  The business manager for School District 401 was “removed” and contracted accountants are now handling school funds.

University of Idaho falls below 5% target for reserves

Mormon owned BYU-Idaho’s teacher program fails to meet state requirements


Charter commission investigating two Blackfoot schools

Man charged with five sex crimes was a teaching assistant in higher education

Dumb-ass Idahoans are taxing themselves a record additional $202-million for schools that don’t work (despite decades of increasing taxpayer funding)

ILLINOIS: Just a lot of hype about teachers going on strike

INDIANA: Dumb school officials finally know how many thousands of students attend online public schools

Carmel High School explodes then burns

IOWA: teacher arrested, accused of being drunk at school

Iowa Sees Drop in Teacher-Librarians

teacher under investigation after classroom incident

Iowa City Schools predicts fewer teachers due to fewer students next school year

Des Moines Public Schools eliminating “couple million dollars” worth of teaching jobs due to reduced state level taxpayer funding

Waukee taxpayers demand local school officials be fired after state audit

12-year-old boy who allegedly tried to shoot teacher will be tried as adult 

KANSAS: teacher arrested for trafficking meth

Additional charges filed against teacher

Audit finds special ed is indeed underfunded in Kansas

How much do Wichita teachers and administrators make? Here’s a list.

KENTUCKY:  Adults so dumb in Kentucky that high school has to offer ‘how to be an adult’ classes to adults!

Teacher (and former Miss Kentucky) Arrested for Allegedly Sending Nude Photos to 15-Year-Old

LOUISIANA:  Back in September, students at the Virginia College  Baton Rouge campus were told they could transfer to any remaining campuses and administrators promised them they would have until June of 2019 to finish up. Now, that promise is broken and students are left scrambling to figure out what’s next: “Wow, y’all are shutting down all the campuses, so where are we going to go now?”-Marcus Williams.

police officers indicted for allegedly slamming teenage student

Police Investigating Abuse at Celebrated Louisiana School

Police arrest teacher accused of abusing multiple students

MAINE: ‘christian’ school teacher indicted on charges of sexually assaulting student

Maine gets $2.9M federal taxpayer funded grant for school safety

MARYLAND: Brightwood College, with campuses in Towson and Baltimore, is abruptly closing all locations, students were on the verge of tears: “I was going to do my internship in February. Now I have to do an extra 5 to 7 months, somewhere, if I have the money.”-Meleigha McCall, medical assistant student

School District Sued for Years of Abuse Against Transgender Teacher

MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts has fastest growing public college costs in U.S.

Newbury College Will Close

Junior high school student attacks other student with a knife

Home-Schooling Parent Arrested In Her Home

MICHIGAN: After 27 years Common Language Bookstore shutdown

$1.3B spending deal shifts funding for schools to roads and environmental clean-ups

teacher, coach allegedly bullied students in front of classmates

‘christian’ priest/coach bullies dead high school student at funeral!

MINNESOTA:  Sixth Chamber Used Books closing in March

Prison for teacher in sex abuse case

College teacher overheard a private conversation between students then decided to play thought-police and ordered one of the students to stay after class (like some Orwellian 1984 high schoolish bully-teacher), the student attacked the teacher and is now in jail

Regents approve $640,000 taxpayer funded salary for new University of Minnesota president

MISSISSIPPI: Virginia College shutdown shocks Mississippi students: “No one really just has an answer for us. It’s, ‘Well, you can try this place or this place.’ Our accreditation is good till the end of the month, but what does that do for me? Because this is a private college, so it’s not like I can go to Hinds, or Holmes, or Jackson State.”-Deonna Dillanes, student 

Over 17% of Mississippi students chronically absent 

MISSOURI: Teachers blow whistle on private-run torture chamber Parkville Children’s Cottage, pics back up claims (it’s not the first time the ‘school’ has been in trouble)

Charter School Teacher Charged With More Child Sex Crimes

Vatterott College stuns Saint Louis students with sudden closure

Saint Louis based Vatterott College blames federal Department of Education for shutting down its nationwide campuses, by blocking access to federal student loans

Small, rural districts driving increase in four-day school weeks

MONTANA:  On a Federal Reservation for Native Americans, Schools still Favor Whites

State Supreme Court strikes down tax credit for private schools

Not just a teacher shortage: Montana also struggles to find superintendents

sixth-grade teacher accused of sexual misconduct has license revoked

Longfellow Elementary closes it’s doors

NEBRASKA: 24 school districts rated as ‘needs improvement’ 

Yes, a school principal tried to ban candy canes

ACLU says Nebraska’s school cop program is actually covert ‘school to prison’ pipeline operation

teacher charged with sexual assault of multiple elementary students has history of ‘interactions’ with students

‘christian’ school teacher accused of sending sex Snapchats to high school students 

NEVADA: High school graduation rates hit record highs

State charter authority board says executive kept them in dark

ACLU condemns school background checks

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Teacher Arrested After Allegedly Exchanging More Than 100 Sexual Emails With Student

teacher on leave after KKK jingle

Six out of 10 High School teachers missed 10 or more days of work

National Guard Joins state Department Of Education For new war on drugs in classrooms

NEW JERSEY:  school district won’t compete in events officiated by ref who forced wrestler to cut his dreadlocks

PARCC graduation requirement struck down by state court

Jewish teacher sues Saint Joseph Regional High School 

teacher arrested for inappropriate contact with students

The 10,000 New Jersey Teachers Who Make $98K Or More

NEW MEXICO: New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority paid out $890,000 in settlements to alleged molestation victims of a teacher who had ties to another teacher recently convicted of sex crimes 

Was school principal, her husband, and an elementary teacher running a sex with children operation?

Is there a connection between a school shooting and an overworked teacher accused of sex crimes and ‘fixing’ grades? (the teacher was working as coach, math teacher and ethics teacher)

Revealed; Charter school gets taxpayer money for ‘non-students’

NEW YORK:  Herkimer College NY closing campus children’s center

Do Children Get a Subpar Education in Yeshivas?

state officials want $2.1 billion in additional in education funding!

Asian-Americans Sue New York City Over School Desegregation Plan

School for Blind Musicians Is Being Evicted 

NORTH CAROLINA: More than 2,000 teachers failed a math licensing exam!

students are missing a lot of school.

Man gets guns, backpack full of bullets into school cafeteria 

NORTH DAKOTA: In an effort to increase enrollments State Board of Higher Education mulls in-state tuition for some out-of-state students

$90-million in additional taxpayer funding to shore-up higher education means cuts elsewhere

board revokes license of teacher convicted of sex crimes

Positive behavior teacher fired after child pornography charges

teacher placed on administrative leave pending investigation

OHIO: Students Must Learn Cursive, it’s the law

TPS fires teacher accused of placing student in chokehold

Private school teacher accused of breaking 10-year-old student’s hand

Ohio eases graduation rules for high school 

Blanchester school board approves arming some staffers

New class created because Ohio women lack outdoors skills

Taxpayer funded state Education Department employee in trouble for selling cosmetics while on-the-clock

OKLAHOMA: Teacher shortage: Oklahoma nearing 2,900 non-accredited teachers

Oklahoma Education Association demands additional $150-million in taxpayer funding

Why Does Oklahoma Have So Many School Districts?

Oklahoma City Public Schools agrees to pay $400,000 in federal teacher harassment lawsuit

OREGON: Teachers Claim there is a Disruptive Student Problem

$1.4 million lawsuit accuses school disciplinary coach of battering 2 additional students

sexual misconduct cast shadow over Crusaders teacher

Substitute teacher banned after making joke about principal who killed his-self

sex-abuse conviction for substitute teacher, but only after years of lack-of-action by the criminal-courts, and only after a civil-court lawsuit revealed the truth

Junior and High school students to take mandatory mental health exams?

PENNSYLVANIA: What the average teacher earns in Pennsylvania

School districts can’t handle medical marijuana

Christian school fired teacher over her pregnancy

PUERTO RICO: FEMA promises more than $158-million for school ’emergency protective measures’

RHODE ISLAND: Students sue over lack of civics education

Warwick School Committee sues city, demands $4.9M taxpayer funded budget increase

Cranston School District hires debt collector to go after children who don’t pay school lunch bill

Schools report ‘totally unacceptable’

SOUTH CAROLINA: Myrtle Beach Golf Academy of America closing its doors: “One day we’re all good…….the next day it’s just over.”-Chase Collins, student

Teacher arrested for ‘playing doctor’ with student

Class sizes are ballooning amid teacher shortage crisis

Principal changed student-athlete’s grade, didn’t report harassment 

student taunting teacher gets suspended

9 Charleston County schools singled out for state intervention

SOUTH DAKOTA: teacher pleads guilty to DUI while driving school vehicle

School district forces taxpayers to buy new land for new junior high

TENNESSEE: Shelby County will consider closing up to 80 Schools

Christian school teacher arrested a second time for child sex crimes

Coach accused of attempting to show sex pics to student

Music teacher suspended over suspicions of inappropriate contact with three students

High School teacher charged with statutory rape 

teacher charged with meth possession

TEXAS: Austin ISD proposes closing 12 Schools

Corpus Christi’s Brightwood College campus is closing. Why?

School contractor Wouldn’t Promise Not to Boycott Israel, So they Stopped Paying Her!


UTAH: No more letter grades?

Shortage of special ed teachers

In Mormon dominated Utah it’s been proven that some students were discriminated against under the Mormon dominated public schools’ student fee policy!

students suspended for creating social media page that lampooned school shootings!

High school teacher charged with sexual battery of students

teacher accused of killing ex-husband’s girlfriend in front of 3-year-old twins

What happened to Mormon welfare agency Deseret? teacher runs food pantry in her classroom

soon-to-be closed elementary school is the first casualty of Utah’s school ‘turnaround’ program

VERMONT: Lawsuit challenging Vermont’s education funding 

teachers unions allege fraud in health benefits

forced merger lawsuit filed by 31 school boards

Police claim to have stopped student’s plan to shoot-up school

VIRGINIA: Teacher fired after refusing to use trans student’s pronouns

WASHINGTON: Are member dues pushing teachers out of union?

parents can now track their kids on school bus

Metallica donated $100,000 to Spokane Community College

schools serving up lunches made with local food

Father alleges autistic daughter abused, injured in high school

High school students struggle with addiction

child-care crunch takes toll

WASHINGTON DC: U.S. Department of Education to erase debts of teachers, fix grant program that was actually a covert loan op designed to entrap teachers into debt

WEST VIRGINIA: How low does West Virginia rank in teacher pay?

Opponents of Bible classes in taxpayer funded schools win 

WISCONSIN: Wisconsin’s Biggest Education Stories Of 2018

Remains of missing Wisconsin teacher found in Slovenia

‘white’ teacher on paid leave after students recorded her using a racial slur

Teacher beaten and robbed at elementary school, allegedly by ‘black’ man

WYOMING: Forgotten pencil stops possible school shooting (student was disarmed without the ‘help’ of police, yet when police finally arrived, after the ‘incident’,  the school was locked down)

Shortage of Special Educators

Dumbing Down the U.S.A., November 2018:“ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE”

Operation Jupiter: Measles Pandemic spread by illegal immigrants, or evil Bilderberg vaccine program?

12 April 2019 (03:18 UTC-07 Tango 06) 23 Farvardin 1398/06 Sha’ban 1440/08 Wu-Chen 4717

In 2015 I discovered a U.S. Army program called JUPITR ATD (Joint USFK Portal Integrated Threat Recognition, Advanced Technology Demonstration), and I found connections to disease outbreaks around the world and U.S. military operations.

Recent outbreaks of a new stronger form of measles just one of those diseases I believe is connected to U.S. military/government involvement in other countries, especially countries that have descended into chaos as a result of U.S.-NATO meddling intending to cause regime change, and results in huge waves of infected refugees flooding into ‘western’ countries that were almost free of these diseases.

Military use of biological warfare to effect regime change is not new, it’s actually ancient.  Wikipedia has a History of Biological Warfare page where you can get started in your research.  Significant use of biological warfare includes the Mongol spread across the Eurasian content in which bubonic plague (Black Death) was a key factor.  For centuries rats had been blamed for the disease but recent studies now blame it on humans.

In North America the intentional use of smallpox against Native Americans is well documented, the British Empire tried it in the mid-1700s as a way to put-down the Pontiac Rebellion.  It should be noted that in official letters military officers and British colonial politicians talked of the operation to “Convey the Smallpox to the Indians” as if it were a humanitarian op to “Inocculate the Indians by means of Blankets”.  Later in the 1800s, the U.S. Army would employ the very same operation against Native Americans.  But it was the Spanish who first used biological warfare against MesoAmericans, in the 1500s, although probably unintentionally (SMALLPOX AND THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO).

Since 2013 I’ve also been following the sudden arrival of what might be a new strain of measles/Rubella, and a massive push by taxpayer funded Gate’s Foundation called the Global Measles Initiative.  The Gregorian year of 2013 is key as that’s when the JUPITR ATD program was first made public in vague statements issued by U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command.  Is it a coincidence that in 2013 the JUPITR ATD operation was quietly revealed (claiming it to be a program to quickly detect biological warfare agents within days rather than weeks), and at the same time outbreaks of new strains of old diseases begin popping up wherever U.S.-NATO military ops were taking place, and that a new Global Measles Initiative was started?

Here’s a concept; vaccines use inert (they are not ‘dead’ as many doctors falsely state, because using truly ‘killed’ microbes would render the vaccine totally useless) diseases.  Most pro-vaxxers have a fear that people who haven’t been vaccinated will somehow make them sick (if you’re vaccinated then you’re supposed to be protected, so why the fear?).  But since the vaccines are made with the actual disease then aren’t those people who get vaccinated therefore ‘carriers’ of the disease?  Perhaps it’s the anti-vaxxers who should fear the pro-vaxxers for being unwitting disease carriers?

Here’s some links to ‘real’ main stream news reports on the measles pandemic.

WIBW: Shawnee County, Kansas, warns of measles

The Guardian: Spike in Australian measles cases likely caused by travellers, not anti-vaxxers

Baltimore Sun: Sinai Hospital temporarily bans children

Record Searchlight: Shasta County a second case of measles a “big deal” for an area that went five years without any known cases of the illness: “We should not have measles in our community.”-Dr. Karen Ramstrom, County Health Officer

SFGate: San Francisco releases list of places visited by person with measles

Los Angeles Times: measles exposure at Long Beach Airport

The Union Leader:  measles case reported in New Hampshire 

WDIV: Vaccinated before 1989? You may need a booster. 41 cases of measles confirmed in Metro Detroit

WebMD: 2019 Measles Outbreak: What You Should Know

CBS New York: Latest Sites Of Measles Exposure Amid New York Outbreak

Daily News: epidemic spreads to Westchester — 8 unvaccinated kids contract disease

The Journal News: Rockland County today reported 180 confirmed cases 

Law.com: Preliminary Injunction Halts Rockland Emergency Measles Order

Washington Post: Almost 100 countries reporting outbreaks

The Independant: Italy bans unvaccinated children from school 

WGBH: Japan is facing the worst measles outbreak in a decade

Vox: Why the Washington state measles outbreak is mostly affecting one specific group (read this article carefully, it is pro-vaccine and is attacking Slavic-Americans who supposedly do not vaccinate their children, however in the middle of the article data is given saying that 80% of Slavic-Americans are vaccinated.  That seems like a lot, but in a revealing admission an 80% vaccination rate is not considered good enough by the vaccine industry which wants closer to 100% vaccination rate.  This calls into question the effectiveness of vaccines.)

In the current month of April, in Romania, U.S. Navy Forces Europe-Naval Forces Africa (NavEur-NavAf) staged a ‘unique’ field emergency medical room drill with NATO personnel from Sweden. It’s part of NATO’s largest ever medical wargame called Vigorous Warrior 19.

U.S. Army Africa, Medical Command (MedCom) conducting a MedREx (Medical Readiness Exercise) in the African country of Senegal.  The training op runs from April 6 to April 26.  According to Department of Defense this is just the second of several planned for 2019 on the African continent.

Official U.S. Army Medical Command overly-dramatic pro-vaccine propaganda video:

Jupiter, aka Jove, aka God

IMMIGRANT INVASION, UNITED STATES, MARCH 2019:IT’S NOT JUST A WAR, IT’S NOW A GLOBAL CIVIL WAR! (Mumps, other disease force U.S. detention centers to quarantine over 2,000 migrants)





















“You don’t really make a lot of money”: U.S. banking/service sector/retail apocalypse, November 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss WARNings and store shutdowns made or announced in November 2018:

Ireland based helicopter rental company (whose main clients are oil companies, and is directly connected with George Soros), Waypoint Leasing Holdings, is now bankrupt busted in the United States

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ARIZONA: Bed Bath & Beyond closing in Bullhead City

Tucson clothier shutting down its last store after 61 years

Easley’s Fun Shop closing after 71 years of fun

CALIFORNIA:  Lowe’s issued shutdown WARNs for three stores, more than 4-hundred jobs in Irvine, San Jose and South San Francisco gone by January 2019!  Bank of the West issued a layoff WARN, 50 people in San Ramon jobless by the end of the year.  Property management company Associa-Professional Community issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Banning, 99 jobs gone in January 2019.  Nationstar Mortgage-Mr. Cooper Home Loans issued a mass-layoff WARN, 109 people in Santa Ana jobless in January 2019!  Entertainment lighting supplier Production Resource Group issued a mass-layoff WARN, 339 people in Glendale unemployed in January 2019!  ‘Site manager’ Randstad Inhouse Services issued a mass-layoff WARN, 170 people in San Jose jobless in January 2019!  The Murrieta YMCA issued a shutdown WARN, 49 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.

Leucadia Cyclery closing doors after three decades

San Francisco based clothing chain-store Gymboree warning that it could shutdown half of its 9-hundred stores!

San Francisco based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo announced 1-thousand additional layoffs!

San Francisco based clothing chain store GAP published yet another list of store shutdowns

San Francisco based Crowdfunding startup RealtyShares to cease investing, faces mass layoffs

San Francisco music venue Mezzanine shutting down because of the evil corporate property owners: “…the owners of the building didn’t give me an opportunity to renegotiate a new lease….  …Mezzanine, like so many other cultural institutions, has fallen victim to corporate greed and commercial development.”

Who said there was an automotive industry recover?  Momentum Auto Group (one of the largest in the U.S.) shutdown at least seven dealerships in the San Francisco bay area, without warning or explanation!  I checked the state’s WARN system and no WARN has been issued, the shutdowns affect hundreds of jobs, I did find a report that said the auto dealer chain is under investigation by the SEC.

CONNECTICUT: After 45 years New Haven Head Shop/Futon Store Closing

An L.L. Bean store to close in January 2019, due to the fact company officials now realize they have too many stores within ten miles of each other

People’s United Bank closing 15 Hartford area offices due to taking over a competitor

100 years old jewelry store Closing 

FLORIDA: ABM Aviation issued a WARN for its ops at Orlando International Airport, 133 jobs gone by mid-January 2019!

Service America canceling contracts, laying off 161 workers as it prepares to close!

After 94 years, Palmetto’s Growers Hardware is closing

Meadows’ Jewelers closing after 44 years

HAWAII:budget airline Scoot to end service to Hawaii

ILLINOIS:  Engineering services company AECOM issued a layoff WARN, 48 jobs in Olmsted gone by March 2019.

Dick’s Sporting Goods Closing in Yorkville

Willow Haven Home Furnishings and Decor shutdown

Iconic Wilson’s Floral & Gifts shutdown

INDIANA: Richmond Casket Facility Closing, 2-hundred jobs gone in 2019!

Stonehenge Golf Club in Winona Lake suddenly shutdown without explanation

IOWA: Equifax issued a WARN, 52 jobs in West Des Moines gone by January 2019. Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo issued a mass-WARN, 418 jobs in West Des Moines gone by mid-January 2019!

The Varsity Theatre near Drake campus is closing after 80 years of business

Nationwide insurance will lay off about 80 workers at its downtown Des Moines location and reduce its national workforce by about 1-thousand-1-hundred positions!

KENTUCKY: Tax exempt event organizer MainStrasse Village Association now chapter 7 bankrupt, blaming climate change for killing-off its events

MARYLAND: Lowe’s owned Maintenance Supply Headquarters eliminates 51 jobs at Laurel office

Saks Fifth Avenue shutting down distribution center, 150 jobs gone starting March 2019!

After 41 years Record and Tape Traders shutting down by the end of the year

MASSACHUSETTS: The Horace Mann Plaza Bob’s Store shutting down, no reason given 

In Fitchburg, Gallery Sitka suddenly shutdown for financial reasons, and after 70 years Shack’s Clothes forced to shutdown due to the building being sold.

Langham hotel to close for yearlong renovation, lay off 251!

MICHIGAN:  Lowe’s issued shutdown WARNs for stores in Flint and Burton, 235 jobs gone by January 2019!

Ace Diamond Jewelers, Dearborn staple for 40 years, closing in 2019

MINNESOTA: Embassy Suites Saint Paul issued a mass-layoff WARN, 116 jobs gone by January 2019.

Bibelot shutting down all four gift shops

MONTANA: Jewelry store closing after a 110 years in Kalispell

After eight years craft shop Creative Addiction shutting down because it became an “expensive hobby” that got too big for a small town

MISSISSIPPI: Tunica Roadhouse Casino closing, 4-hundred jobs gone in January!

MISSOURI: Meek’s The Builders Choice shutting down six stores

After 58 years Bob Jones Shoes officially closes

NEBRASKA: One of Omaha’s few remaining record shops is closing

NEW JERSEY: Bed Bath & Beyond in Vineland to close due to not being able to renew the lease

After 19 years Roberta’s Jewelry shutting down because “the cost of retail space has gotten too expensive.”

After 41 years Lake Hiawatha QuickChek Closing

Moorestown based Destination Maternity shutting down 67 stores

After 70 years Castle Bootery Closing Shop

NEW MEXICO: Carlsbad’s drive-in theater closing permanently due to declining business

NEW YORK: Equifax issued a shutdown WARN for its Garden City operations, at least 33 jobs gone in February 2019. Target issued a shutdown WARN for its store in Commack, 182 jobs gone in February 2019!

Texas based Peebles shutting down its five years old department store in Troy

NORTH CAROLINA: Bicycle maker Advanced Sports Enterprises is now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutting down its Performance Bicycle and Bike Nashbar retail stores, but not because of low sales, it’s blamed on the now two years old merger with a competitor (which created redundancies) and the skyrocketing costs of using brick-n-mortar stores to sell its bikes, hundreds of jobs will be lost.

Childrens’ clothing store Everafter Kids now chapter 7 bankrupt dead

Tobacco company Alliance One losing 565 seasonal jobs!

Mooresville based Lowes closing 31 Canada Stores and 20 Stores in U.S.

OHIO: Citizens Bank issued a WARN, 55 jobs gone in January 2019.  Motel 6 Contact Center issued a WARN, 150 jobs gone in January 2019!

Stagecoach Antiques closing brick-n-mortar store, shifting to online shopping only

Nationwide insuranceclosing Canton office – 175 Jobs Lost!

PENNSYLVANIA: Holiday Inn issued a shutdown WARN for its hotel in Grantville, 130 jobs gone next month!  Advanced Sports Enterprises issued a shutdown WARN for its store in Philadelphia, 60 jobs gone in January 2019.

After 73 years in Plains Township, Jay Dee Sneaker King shutting down by the end of the year

Mr. Mike’s Record Store closing in December

$400-million USD of debt forced wedding dress retailer David’s Bridal to go chapter 11 bankrupt busted

RHODE ISLAND: Nordstrom sends 181 termination notices to Providence Place workers!

SOUTH CAROLINA: Skatell’s Jewelers closing after three decades

SOUTH DAKOTA: after 28 years Raymond’s Jewellers Closing

Madison retail store is closing after 72 years

TENNESSEE: Jack Yacoubian Jewelers Closing: “…we’re moving to Texas!”

Bed Bath & Beyond shutting down Spring Hills location

Goodwill shutting down its 99 cents store in Clarksville, if there’s nobody willing to take it over

TEXAS: Earl’s Men Shop closing after 50 years 

UTAH: National Register of Historic Places Edwards Furniture in downtown Logan closing, which  follows the closure of Edward Furniture’s Providence branch this past summer

WASHINGTON: Spokane’s oldest store closing after 131 years

WEST VIRGINIA: After 20 years Small World Childcare suddenly shutdown, blaming it on what can be called a local population death spiral caused by the not-so-recovered economy

WISCONSIN: Hotel/casino operator Intercontinental Milwaukee issued a shutdown WARN, 115 jobs gone in January 2019!

After 14 years of parenting supplies Happy Bambino shutting down due to the changing “availability of parenting resources and retail environment”

The Knitting Tree: “13 years in retail is a long time and plenty for me. It was really fun and it was a great ride but I’m pretty burned out on the whole deal. You don’t really make a lot of money at a brick-and-mortar store….”-Jackie Shanahan, co-owner





Drugs, the American way, November 2018: ‘WAR ZONE’

ObamaCare-ACA death spiral, November 2018: ‘BERMUDA TRIANGLE’

Dumbing Down the U.S.A., November 2018: “ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE”


It’s not just a war, it’s now a Global Civil War!: Immigrant invasion, United States, March 2019

Incomplete list of global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, March 2019.

Israel:  U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham inspects U.S. taxpayer funded Israeli border wall ops surrounding Gaza, 10MAR2019.

Jordan:  California’s Army National Guard trained for border ops alongside Jordanian troops at the ‘Peace Operations Training Center’.  This is a pic from the graduation ceremony on 14MAR2019.

Kuwait: Even U.S. Army personnel stationed at Camp Arifjan are being prepared for border patrol by taking the Customs Border Clearance Agent Course.   These Soldiers are class #1903.

Uzbekistan: The U.S. Army sold four recon RQ-11B Raven drones to the Central Asian country, supposedly for $23-million USD.  The drones will be used in the fight to stop illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

Vox: The real reason why leftist liberal states love illegal immigrants;Undocumented immigrants pay millions of dollars in state taxes

New York Times: Border at ‘Breaking Point’ as More Than 76,000 Unauthorized Migrants Cross in a Month

Immigration Courts Overwhelmed by Indigenous Languages (sounds like a Tower of Babel scenario, everything comes crashing down when there are too many languages in one society)

Physician’s Weekly: Mumps, other disease force U.S. detention centers to quarantine over 2,000 migrants

New Yorker: Troubling Information About Immigrant-Only Prisons

Washington Post: Their ancestors fled U.S. slavery for Mexico. Now the descendants want to migrate to the U.S. 

ARKANSAS: Arkansas‘ federal lawmakers stand with president

State bill would allow in-state tuition for immigrants

‘angel mom’ at Trump’s side in border efforts; her son killed in wreck caused by person who was in U.S. illegally

ARIZONA:  Border Officer’s Secret in Arizona: He Was Undocumented

New spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders can’t vote for him because she’s in the country illegally

U.S. Army’s 610 Engineers (out of Washington state) reinforce the border wall near San Luis, 14MAR2019.

171 illegal migrants were caught at Yuma Sector, 17MAR2019.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers inspect vehicle barriers at Yuma Sector, 28MAR2019.  During World War Two similar barriers were called tank traps.

CALIFORNIA: Illegal immigrant with criminal history arrested in woman’s murder

University of California at Los Angeles says immigration causing racial hostility in U.S. high schools

9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals says if your child is killed by illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities you have no legal recourse!

The U.S. Army’s 595th Sapper Company (out of Missouri) help maintain/patrol the wall near Campo.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers earth moving truck helps shore up the border wall near San Diego, 29MAR2019.

Time lapse video of cement truck ops at the wall near San Diego:


Official U.S. Customs and Border Protection video titled Walls Work-El Centro Section:

COLORADO: Aurora ICE Facility Expands

‘Sanctuary’ cities like Denver are getting federal grants despite Trump threats

Despite above report, Colorado again suing Trump over federal funding as a result of immigration disputes

CONNECTICUT: City employee shares pics of dead body, gets demoted, turns out the victim was killed by an illegal immigrant (news media buries that fact)!

Bill Opening Up Health Insurance Market To Immigrants Advances

Supporters rally for woman facing deportation

FLORIDA: Former Trump Family Driver Has Been in ICE Custody for 8 Months

How Undocumented Activists Snuck INTO Immigration Jail

Richest man in Florida is a pro-Trump-MAGA immigrant from Europe, makes his money off taxpayer funded government construction projects

The U.S. Coast Guard says this human trafficking boat (captured near Pompano Beach) held 23 people from various countries including China, Guyana and Haiti.

GEORGIA:  Why Are Separated Families Told They Must Use a Tiny Georgia Travel Agency to Reunite? No one can explain why. Not even Southwest Key, the nonprofit shelter that keeps telling refugees they have no other choice.

State Legislators Try to Hide Migrant Crime from Voters

IDAHO: Immigrants have become so populous in The Gem State that they’re now forming organizations to fight attempts to make Idaho an official No-Sanctuary state!

The number of ‘hate’ groups in Idaho is on the decline

ILLINOIS: Leftist liberal gov’na blames $3.2-billion USD shortfall in tax collections on massive ‘out-migration’ of residents to other states

woman held 33 Guatemalans in basement, forced them into labor, threatened deportation

Measure advances to block immigrant detention facilities

INDIANA: State lawmakers back off high school U.S. citizenship test requirement

IOWA: How America’s food giants swallowed the family farms (and their immigrant workers)

United Church of Christ hosts immigration weekend

KANSAS:  hopes to resurrect proof-of-citizenship voting law

KENTUCKY: University of Kentucky’s Center for Poverty Research says “immigrants overall face higher risk of food insecurity than persons born in the United States”

LOUISIANA: Illegal immigrant, who is also a convicted sex offender, found working at home of West Baton Rouge sheriff

MAINE: Mayor’s racist text shocks the leftist liberals of Maine

MARYLAND:  University of Maryland’s Student Government voted in favor of making the school’s “Undocumented Student Coordinator” position a permanent role. 

“Immigrants who do not have valid U.S. Citizenship and Immigration documentation are eligible to apply for a non-compliant driver’s license or identification card.”-Motor Vehicle Administration

Filipino teachers had to leave Baltimore 

Five MS-13 members accused of stabbing 16-year-old 100 times

MASSACHUSETTS: Why Many Guatemalans Are Leaving Their Home For The U.S.

State lawmakers Push Bill Making Undocumented Immigrants Eligible For Driver’s Licenses (driving in the U.S. is a privilege, not a Right, yet these same politicians want to end the Inalienable Right to own weapons!  See also First 10 Amendments declaring your RIGHTS, from the STILL revolutionary U.S. Constitution! )

Illegal immigrant sues his Boston employer, employer calls ICE has him arrested (read this article and you should realize that leftist liberal Boston loves illegal immigrant laborers because they can be ripped-off!)

MICHIGAN: ICE criticizes Michigan sheriff’s release of immigrants

University of Michigan professor launches Hostile Terrain ’94, a propaganda project to brainwash students into becoming leftist liberal supporters of illegal immigration

mom detained by ICE

MINNESOTA: Almost undocumented, Liberians in U.S. get 11th hour reprieve

Migrant population so large there’s now a dedicated news service for them

MONTANA: ACLU challenges immigration holds by local officials

NEBRASKA: man arrested in an ICE raid pleads guilty to hiding illegal immigrants

Federal prosecutor accuses corporate farms of treating illegal immigrants as slaves, including torture, in an effort to spread profit margins

NEVADA: bill requires cause to hold undocumented immigrant

bill aims for reporting of undocumented transfers

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Statistics show illegal Canada border crossings climbing

NEW JERSEY:  Local news media buries fact that ‘New Jersey’ man convicted of murder in Delaware, is actually an illegal immigrant!

NEW MEXICO: Border Patrol Takes a Rare Step in Shutting Down Inland Checkpoints

Guatemalan girl in U.S. custody died of bacterial infection

NORTH CAROLINA:  bill to force sheriffs to work with ICE advances

School system vows to help illegal students

NORTH DAKOTA:  hate groups identified in North Dakota

OREGON: may grant driving privileges to undocumented immigrants

PENNSYLVANIA: Four charged with human trafficking at massage parlors

RHODE ISLAND: Mayor opposes prison holding immigration detainees

SOUTH CAROLINA: 92 percent of illegal immigrant families ignore deportation orders

TENNESSEE: bill to ban renting to illegal immigrants advances

bill would require women to show proof of citizenship for prenatal care, WIC

TEXAS: Greyhound Lines is no longer allowing U.S. authorities to drop off immigrant families inside bus stations

 Politician proposes ‘Marshall Plan’ for Central America, to stop the flow of illegals (never mind that U.S. taxpayers have been funding Central American governments for decades)

DACA immigrant fails to follow the rules, gets detained after leaving the U.S. and then trying to get back in.  DACA rules say that if you leave the U.S. without authorization documents then you can’t come back!

At the beginning of March, Border Patrol personnel reported more than 120 migrants showed up at the El Paso Station, in just one day!

On 21MAR2019, at least 42 migrants were stopped at El Paso Station, but that was only the beginning of what was to come.

Hundreds of illegal immigrants being processed through an impromptu (field expedient) processing center under a bridge at El Paso Sector, 22MAR2019.

UTAH: Should undocumented immigrants be allowed to practice law in Utah

VERMONT:  443000 pages of records related to Jay Peak Resort’s massive EB-5 immigrant fraud

Vermont man charged for smuggling ten illegals across Canadian-U.S. border

WASHINGTON: “…a vast prostitution and money-laundering investigation, tying massage parlors and spas in Seattle to a sophisticated criminal network that brings Chinese women into the U.S. through hubs in California and New York and funnels millions of dollars back to China…”

immigrant, ordered to leave the country, takes sanctuary in Seattle Church

Bill to expand state sanctuary rules and create limits for police advandes

Washington DC: Trump halts taxpayer funding of Central American governments over illegal immigration emergency

Democrats struggle to address rising border apprehensions

Ocasio-Cortez accuses Wells Fargo CEO of financing the ‘caging’ of children

Trump issues first veto of his presidency

U.S. database targeting journalists and immigration activists

Census Bureau seeks citizenship data

U.S. government uses several clandestine shelters to detain immigrant children

House democrats vote in favor of letting illegal immigrants vote

Supreme Court Allows ICE to Detain Certain Immigrants Indefinitely

U.S. uses vast license plate database to track undocumented immigrants

Watch this overly-dramatic Coast Guard propaganda video justifying their existence:

WISCONSIN:  Undocumented immigrants demand Wisconsin driver’s licenses

Milwaukee County wants to give illegal immigrants driver’s licenses to “let undocumented immigrants get to work.”

New leftist liberal gov’na accused of favoring college financial aid for illegal immigrants over veterans

WYOMING: Local contractors hire illegal immigrants, then label them ‘subcontractors’ to avoid employee insurance requirements

Immigrant Invasion, United States, February 2019:‘THE NEW NORMAL’

“this is a really big deal”: U.S. Food Crisis, November 2018

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls for the month of November, 2018:

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ALABAMA: After 12 years Sam and Greg’s Pizzeria’s forced to shutdown by the property owner

ALASKA: Denny’s shutting down a restaurant in Anchorage

ARKANSAS:  peanut acreage down, harvest could suffer from weather

mom & pop Sawbucks went from being temporarily shutdown to being permanently shutdown, due to increasing competition, increased minimum wage and high employee turnover 

Local Pizza Restaurant Closing after 40 years

ARIZONA: Reps from 15 counties attended the yearly Arizona Flood Control District Directors meeting, which included the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District: “The biggest take away is that the Los Angeles District is more than just LA. We are equally the Arizona District.”-Colonel Aaron Barta

The Waffle Love restaurant shutting down so the owners can focus on food truck ops

CALIFORNIA: West Coast Berry Farms issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Salinas, 465 jobs gone in January 2019!  Warren Buffet owned Kraft Heinz suddenly shutdown its Fullerton food factory, 248 jobs suddenly gone according to the WARN!  Ovations Fanfare-Spectra Food issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Oakland, 763 jobs gone in January 2019!  Yosemite Meat Company issued a shutdown WARN for its operations in Modesto, 188 jobs gone by the end of January 2019!

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District met with officials from Orange County Public Works to discuss ways to reduce future flooding: “First and foremost, this is a really big deal. We know there’s over 400,000 people and 40,000-plus structures within the Westminster watershed that would be directly impacted by flood risk, so that’s what our objective is … to come in and help reduce flood risk.”-Colonel Aaron Reisinger

 crab fishermen sue 30 oil firms over climate change

30 years old Albona Ristorante Istriano shutting down

Carl’s Jr. parent CKE closing shop in Anaheim

After suddenly shutting down food factories Zacky Farms filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

Switzerland based Nestle plans layoffs for 729 Bakersfield factory workers!

Also in Bakersfield (and Tulare), Häagen-Dazs will layoff 1-thousand employees due to massive slow down in ice cream sales!

Because The Golden State is having problems with people going hungry, the U.S. Marines conducted a 9 mile Hike for the Hungry, transporting more than 8-thousand-6-hundred pounds of non-perishable food items in their rucks!

COLORADO: Bring a turkey to work day?  That’s what Airmen stationed at Peterson Air Force Base did, donating turkeys for a food drive to help people in southern Colorado.

CONNECTICUT: Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville restaurant will close its two-floor dining space at Mohegan Sun, resulting in 59 layoffs

DELAWARE: Kitchen & Co. closing location near Stanton after 20 years

Xtreme Brewing Supplies shutdown after 25 years, the owners saying it’s easier to shutdown than try and sell the business

FLORIDA:  Publix Greenwise shutdown its Palm Beach Gardens grocery store

Salvation Army Disaster Responders hand out bottled water and prepared food to disaster survivors in Blountstown, Florida, at a FEMA/State Disaster Recovery Center following Hurricane Michael.

Volunteers with Servant Heart Disaster Relief, prepare Low Country Boil for the Apalachicola Seafood Festival to help panhandle residents gain some normalcy after Hurricane Michael.

GEORGIA: After only a few months Z. Brown Distillery closing its doors

After only one year farm to table River and Rail shutting down

The 3rd Battalion, 81st Armored Regiment, held a food drive for the Battle Buddy Resource Center at Fort Benning, Georgia.

GUAM: Guam National Guard joined with Regular military forces, and FEMA, to deliver food, and other forms of help, to Super Typhoon Yutu ravaged Saipan.

HAWAII: State Leaders Push to Double Food Production by 2020

IDAHO: Idaho Air National Guardsman, Technical Sergeant Mario A. Pile, doesn’t just cook-up food for fellow Guard personnel during drill weekends, he’s also the  program manager for the Idaho Youth Ranch Hays House, a homeless shelter for teenagers.

ILLINOIS:  Pepperidge Farm issued a layoff WARN, 76 people in Downers Grove becoming jobless due to reduction in production.

Food supplier ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) conducting layoffs, without giving numbers

Daylight Donuts shutdown without warning to employees, now up for sale

BBQ Supply Co. closing original location

IOWA: Devotay Restaurant and Bar in Iowa City shutdown

KENTUCKY:  After 12 years in business, Cole’s Place suddenly shutdown, due to a shooting

1860 Bistro suddenly shutdown due to “irreconcilable differences” with the landlord

Popular Southland Hotspot Willie’s Locally Known Closing

One Lexington restaurant closed, another leaving downtown

LOUISIANA: Japanese to Build $70M Vegetable Oil Plant in Louisiana

U.S. Sailors help sort food at the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana as part of Shreveport/Bossier City Navy Week.

MASSACHUSETTS:  Papa Gino’s now bankrupt busted after suddenly shutting down 95 restaurants, affecting 1-thousand-1-hundred jobs

MICHIGAN: Arrogant British empire founded Hard Rock Cafe issued a shutdown WARN for its Monroe Street ops in Detroit, 60 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.  No reason was given.  Perfection Associates issued a shutdown WARN for its bakery in Coldwater, 74 jobs gone by January 2019.

30 layoffs expected as Kellogg’s restructures

Great Lakes Fresh Market shutdown one of three stores

A 62 years old Valle’s Village Supermarket shutting down

Cheli’s Chili Bar announces they are shutting down

8 Degrees Plato Beer Company shutting down its Ferndale store, not because of low sale but to reduce the stress that comes with having multiple locations 

More trouble in ‘food desert’ Flint as after only six months the new Hamady grocery store shutdown without warning, the owner said there isn’t enough paying customers

MINNESOTA: Two Perkins restaurants shutdown in Rochester

After 30 years Rusty’s Corner Cafe shutting down, unless somebody buys it

MISSOURI: Público restaurant shutting down

NEW HAMPSHIRE: After just three years Neighborhood Beer Co. closing its doors due to “business challenges”

NEW JERSEY:  James Candy Co., maker of Fralinger’s Salt Water Taffy, files for bankruptcy

NEW YORK: Food service contractor FLIK International issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in NYC, 60 jobs gone by February 2019 due to British empire Canada owned Lord&Taylor shutting down its massive NYC store.

Online Blue Apron continues losing profits and continues killing jobs

After 45 years Integral Yoga Natural Foods shutdown

Carrot Top Pastries shutdown 

Prime Meats shutdown

Supposedly famous East Village bar, Continental, shutting down as part of gentrification ops to make way for a seven-story structure with two floors of offices.

Restaurant Steadfast wasn’t steadfast enough and suddenly shutdown, the owner blaming it on the location, rent and admittedly not enough startup funding 

After 50 years a Clifton Park apple orchard closing down: “sales are down over 15% from last year”

NORTH CAROLINA: ‘christian’ owned Chick-fil-A closing downtown Raleigh location after 22 years

OHIO:  Remke Markets shutdown two grocery stores 

El Arepazo closing Pearl Alley location as ongoing construction threatens other business owners

OREGON: Oregon crabbers sue oil companies

After seven years The Woodsman Tavern shutting down

PENNSYLVANIA:  After six years pie shop Magpie shutdown

Lenny’s Italian Deli Closing

Jon’s Bar & Grille shuts its doors after 37 years

RHODE ISLAND:  4corners Coffee and Pink Pig BBQ both shutting down in Warwick

Also in Warwick, after 18 years The Remington House Inn shutdown

SOUTH CAROLINA:  22 years old Wild Wings Cafe shutting down in Mount Pleasant 

TENNESSEE:  ‘healthy’ food doesn’t mean your restaurant will survive, after one year health-conscious EiO & The Hive shutting down.  Ignorant local news media said the restaurant was “widely-appreciated”

JJ’s Market and Cafe to shutter after more than 40 years

TEXAS:  After 25 years, Huertas Tamales closing shop

Taco Bueno Restaurants filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Frank & Angie’s Closing because the stress of operating multiple restaurants is too much for the owners

Fort Hood Soldiers volunteer to collect and separate food during the Central Texas Food for Families food drive, the one-day drive collected more than 2 million pounds of food for 20 food banks in 9 counties!

VERMONT: Nature’s Grocer shutdown, no reason given, but social media says it was losing money

WASHINGTON:  Starbucks suddenly laid off 350 people at its HQ!

After 42 years of selling local food supplies Mrs. Cook’s is closing

JW suddenly sold-off and shutdown its Gig Harbor restaurant

Food Service Soldiers assigned to 508th Military Police Detention Battalion, Fort Lewis, prepared Thanksgiving meals for prisoners, and visiting families, at the Northwestern Joint Regional Correctional Facility.

Washington DC:  Ventnor Sports Cafe Is Closing After 14 Years

WYOMING:  Western Sugar Cooperative announced it would be permanently laying off 92 employees by the end of January 2019

Lieutenant Colonel Jeremy Sparks presents concepts for becoming better leaders to the Wyoming National Guard.  Sparks currently works full-time for Central Arkansas Water, and previously worked for Tyson Foods.


‘Spooked’: Sears, Kmart death spiral, April 2019

In British empire Canada leftist liberals turn abandoned Sears store into art gallery

Milwaukee Business Journal: Lawsuit calls 2014 spinoff of Lands’ End from Sears ‘fraudulent’

The Nation: Hedge-Fund Ownership Cost Sears Workers Their Jobs.

Reuters: Sears Holdings sues Lampert, ESL, and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, claiming conspiracy to destroy the retailer

USA Today: Lampert disclosed in a public filing that Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores was set to vote Monday afternoon “to determine to liquidate the Hometown segment of the business.”

Bloomberg: Eddie Lampert’s ESL Moves to Block Sears Hometown Liquidation

Seeking Alpha:Sears Bankruptcy Is In Chaos

abc7chicago.com: Sears Warranty Wars

Chicago Tribune: Sears offering to buy-back full control of Hometown and Outlet stores, for $21-million

Sears going back to the future to win shoppers back 

Forbes: Benefits Cut, Empty Shelves And Spooked Employees

Law360: Lampert Defends Hold Of $15M In Credit Card Reserves

Sears Outlet Says 3 Ex-Employees Stole Trade Secrets and confidential employee information

Crypto Briefing: Sears To Integrate Bitcoin Payments 

Law.com: Lawsuit to Proceed Against Sears Over Alleged Faulty Jack that Killed

ARIZONA: Glendale’s Sears store and Auto Center being shutdown by Lampert’s new Transform Holdco, in May, the lease was not renewed because the store is “unprofitable”.

ARKANSAS: Surprise, the Hot Springs Mall Sears store is being shutdown at a so far unknown future date, mall management said “We knew it would be coming, but we didn’t know when. We thought they would be here for one or two more years.” 

FLORIDA: Eddie Lampert’s new Transform Holdco shutdown the Volusia Mall Sears last month and it turns out the Sears property was already sold for $5.9-million USD, and guess who bought it?  Eddie Lampert’s ESL Investments, but that’s not all, newly released documents show Eddie Lampert’s ESL bought the doomed property one month before it shutdown!!!

The ongoing fight between Neptune Beach taxpayers and a property developer who wants to turn a vacant Kmart into a retail/residential ‘amusement park’, goes to court.

Real World TV show property owning millionaire buys $8-million USD property, then gets caught stealing $300 worth of kitchen appliances from Key West Kmart!

Rodents still being found in the food being sold at a Kmart in Palm Beach County!

GEORGIA:  The ‘lucky’ residents in Rome get to pay extra taxes in a new Tax Allocation District to rebuild the old Kmart property!

HAWAII: Eddie Lampert’s new Transform Holdco decided against continuing the lease for the Kaneohe Sears store and Auto Center, the store will shutdown by the end of the month.  The store was part of Lampert’s recent Sears Holdings bankruptcy purchase.  Essentially, Lampert’s new Transform Holdco replaces Sears Holdings.

ILLINOIS: Just six months after the grand re-opening, Transform Holdco suddenly shutting down it’s Oak Brook Village Sears store, on Sunday, April 28th.    Oak Brook Village President Gopal Lamalani said there was no warning from the new Transform Holdco: “We didn’t have any heads-up. We actually heard it from the media first. We didn’t know anything about the fact that this was coming.”

The city of Champaign wants to force taxpayers to bribe Costco into moving onto a property that once was home to a Sears Store, by creating a tax incentive plan!

MASSACHUSETTS: Acton Town Big Kmart shutting down in April 2021, due to the property owner deciding against renewing the lease with Kmart-Sears Holdings.  It was revealed after the town council was approached with the idea of burdening town taxpayers with the idea of spending at least 7-million tax dollars buying the property from the current owner!

NEW MEXICO: Property developer and residents going head-to-head over what to do with the abandoned Albuquerque Kmart, but ultimate blame for nothing being done is going to the city’s faulty zoning laws.

NORTH CAROLINA: 87-year-old Sears customer went the whole winter without heat, Sears repairman said the furnace uses parts made in Canada that are no longer available! So much for the warranty!

OHIO: Sears at the Ohio Valley Mall shutting down during Summer, local news reports say the mall operator was originally told the store would NOT be shutting down, but at the same time admitted “Our real estate people saw this coming 10 years ago”.

OKLAHOMA: The taxpayers of Oregon City about to become the owners of the vacant Kmart. Taxpayers were already forced by their exalted leaders to pay $200-thousand to clean up asbestos, now they’re going to shell out $3-million over the next ten years to lease the property, and then an additional $3-million if the city leaders decide to buy the property!!!

OREGON: The owners of two franchised Sears Hometown Stores have cut ties with corporate and dropped the Sears brand name.  

PENNSYLVANIA: Locally owned Sears in Flemington shutting down, no explanation from the owner (a former Sears employee) but ignorant local news media blame it on competition from big-box and internet.

In October 2018, the Lawrenceville property which is home to a Sears Outlet store was purchased for $10-million USD, now those new owners have given up on their plans for the property and are selling it.

TENNESSEE: The owners of the Sears Hometown in Covington are blaming corporate for their sudden shutdown. The owners claim they were a profit making store until corporate changed the ‘bonus program’ in November last year: “We lost almost 80% of our profits because of this ‘reform’!”-Angie Richardson, co-owner 

TEXAS:  Incompetent Sears repairman creates a $1,834 ‘mess’ and makes disabled veteran pay for it!

Sear Kmart death spiral, March 2019:“IMPROPERLY RETAINED”

Japan admits to slave labor treatment of foreign workers, hundreds die or disappear every year!

30 March 2019 (03:00 UTC-07 Tango 06) 10 Farvardin 1398/23 Rajab 1440/24 Ding-Mao 4717

Nippon’s Prime Minister Abe Shinzo recently told investors that more foreign workers are needed to save Nippon’s economy, this is at the same time that Nipponese news media are revealing the hell that foreign workers have to endure.

For years now a population death spiral (what was that about the global population exploding out-of-control?) has Japan’s industries struggling to find workers (Japan’s migrant policies are far tougher that the United States, so it’s not like Japanese companies can just herd people across the border like here in the U.S.).  Japan has even relaxed its migrant policies, but now it’s being revealed that foreign workers in Japan are being worked like slaves, even worked to death!

2008 protest by foreign workers in Tokyo

Japan Today reports that a Justice Ministry survey discovered that last Gregorian year 9-thousand-52  foreign workers went missing.  The Ministry was somehow able to track down and ask 5-thousand-218 of them why they took-off.  759 blamed the working conditions.

The Justice Ministry also discovered that 171 workers died, from a combination of work accidents, suicides, disease or as a result of violent crime (yes, total-gun-ban Japan has violent crime).  And this is just the foreign workers who were brought to Japan through the government’s technical internship program!  There are hundreds of thousands of foreign workers in Nippon through other ‘programs’.

The Justice Ministry tried to survey employers, but many refused to cooperate.

The government survey concluded that many foreign workers are paid less than the minimum wage, have excessive deductions from their wages, or are forced to work overtime without compensation! In one case, a worker was averaging 60 hours of overtime every month and not being paid for it!   The Justice Ministry found that some employers are taking the workers’ passports and confining them to dorms when they are not working.  Many Japanese employers are using an old trick, telling the workers they’re in debt for the expenses of bringing them to Japan to work and therefore must work extra hours without pay.

One more thing, the Justice Ministry admitted it lied on earlier surveys, claiming missing foreign workers had left their jobs for better paying work!

Japan and Nepal sign government-to-government labor pact

Small Japanese firms fear foreign laborers will abandon them 







“nobody was given the heads up on this”: U.S. industrial/logistics/mining layoffs, November 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in November 2018.

WARN=Worker Adjustment Retraining Notification

ARKANSAS: Union Pacific railroad continues adding to its layoff lists

CALIFORNIA: British empire owned maker of police-state equipment for military/law enforcement Safariland issued a mass layoff WARN for its Ontario factory, 158 jobs gone by the end of the year!  Driessen Aircraft Interiors Systems issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Huntington, 60 jobs gone by the end of the year. E2 Consulting Engineers issued a mass layoff WARN, 162 jobs gone by the end of the year! International Paper Company issued a shutdown WARN for its San Leandro location, 36 jobs gone the week before xmas. APL Logistics Limited issued a shutdown WARN for its Fontana ops, 96 jobs gone in January 2019.  British empire Canada based North American Services issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Simi Valley, 26 jobs gone in January 2019.  DI Overnight issued mass layoff WARNs, at least 3-hundred jobs gone across ten locations, by March 2019! CEVA Logistics issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in San Jose, 197 jobs gone!  Custom furnace maker Retech Systems issued a layoff WARN for its Ukiah factory, 30 jobs gone in January 2019.  Rockwell Collins issued a shutdown WARN for its office in Irvine.  Pacific Southwest Containers issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Chatsworth.  Boeing laying off ten people in Huntington, in January 2019.

CONNECTICUT:  Harvey Supply Chain International issued a shutdown WARN, 97 jobs in Woodstock gone mid-January 2019.  Crabtree & Evelyn issues shutdown WARN for its body lotions/fragrances manufacturing/distribution ops in Woodstock, at least 30 jobs gone after January 2019.  (Harvey Supply Chain and Crabtree are related companies)

Champion Builders now chapter 11 bankrupt busted

Calpine shutting down North American Power office

FLORIDA: C&S Wholesale eliminating 205 jobs in Orlando, between the end of January 2019 and mid-March 2019! Service America Enterprises eliminating 161 construction related jobs in January 2019!

General Electric (GE) kills 147 Jacksonville jobs!

GEORGIA: Georgia-Pacific closing Warm Springs mill, affecting 321 jobs!

HAWAII:  Hawaii’s largest commercial printer shutting down after more than 26 years, 93 jobs lost

ILLINOIS: ADC Diecasting & Manufacturing issued a shutdown WARN, 101 jobs gone by the end of January 2019! Callen Manufacturing issued a shutdown WARN, 126 jobs gone by February 2019!  ZF Chassis Systems Chicago issued a shutdown WARN, 261 jobs gone by June 2019! Caterpillar issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Joliet, 285 jobs gone by June 2019!

INDIANA: Without warning Textron shutdown its lawnmower factory Dixie Chopper, 107 jobs gone instantly!

IOWA:  Germany based Siemens shutting down its Burlington factory, 125 jobs lost four days before xmas

KENTUCKY: Industrial bag maker Mondi closing Louisville facility, laying off 100 workers!

LOUISIANA: Oil company PetroQuest Energy filed for bankruptcy protection from $204.5 million in debt

MICHIGAN: General Motors (GM) to lay off 14-thousand-7-hundred employees!!!

Alphi Manufacturing eliminating 106 jobs in Jonesville due to “sudden and unexpected” loss of contract!

MINNESOTA: Quam Construction suddenly laid off 40 people in Willmar.

Bankrupt Peoples Electric shutdown without warning, 130 contractors suddenly jobless!

NEW YORK: Dumas Contracting revealed it eliminated 33 jobs at the end of October.

Greek based oil company Aegean Marine Petroleum filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in NYC

Hat maker New Era Cap shutting down its factory in Derby, city officials said “nobody was given the heads up on this.”

Sunlite Plastics to cut 58 jobs after unexpected crash in orders

LED Lighting Manufacturer LSI shutting down New Windsor factory, 136 Layoffs!

NORTH CAROLINA: Germany based BASF to lay off 53 workers at two Charlotte locations

Taxpayer funded Leonardo DRS eliminating at least 90 jobs starting in December, “in the process of implementing contingency plans” 

Layoffs possible as Duke Energy expands buyout offers

After 77 years cloth maker Copland Industries shutting down by the end of the year, blaming international competition

Boise Cascade halting laminated ops in Roxboro, 56 jobs gone by the end of the year because “we have been unable to reduce manufacturing costs to an acceptable level”

PENNSYLVANIA: NFI Interactive Logistics issued a shutdown WARN for its Sunbury location, 55 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.  HVAC maker Danfoss issued a layoff WARN, 48 jobs gone by March 2019.  ‘Premium’ bicycle marketer Advanced Sports Enterprises issued a layoff WARN, 60 jobs gone in January 2019.  Bartash Printing suddenly shutdown, 163 jobs already gone according to the WARN!

Faucet maker Moen shutting down 50 years old factory, at least 50 jobs gone in 2019

Cloth maker Woolrich shutting down its mill by the end of the year (40 jobs gone according to the WARN)

TEXAS: Despite being promised an economic incentive from local officials, insulation maker CertainTeed halting production in Sherman, 35 jobs gone by December.

WISCONSIN: Beechworth Windows issued a shutdown WARN, 80 jobs gone by January 2019.

General Electric (GE) Global Operations is laying off 63 people

WYOMING: Dozens of oil industry layoffs despite increase in production, no explanation given


Great Reneger: Deployments so common even beers are named after them

“This is why we’re in business. As the poet Ice Cube put it, ‘today was a good day’ for us. To be able to work within our muse to create a beer for the unit is one of the coolest things that we’ve done so far.”-Jared Beville, co-owner Red River Brewing Company

When the Louisiana Army National Guardsmen of the 39th Military Police Company, 773rd MP Battalion, 139th Regional Support Group learned that they would be deploying overseas (location not revealed), their family readiness group and unit leadership asked if Red River Brewing Company would have a beer brewed for them.

A schwarzbier (black beer) was chosen and named Fear the Dark after the 39th’s motto, it even has the unit’s black panther logo.