Kurdistan24 video interview about Peshmerga/Iraqi government delegation in Washington DC, delegates also attended the U.S. National Defense University, 24SEP2021:
U.S. Army photo by Specialist Trevor Franklin, 22SEP2021.
Over the 22nd and 23rd of September, 2021, while the U.S. Congress argues over how much deeper they want to put the U.S. taxpayer into debt, the Peshmerga received a large ‘divestment’ of brand new HMMWVs paid for by U.S. and ‘coalition’ taxpayers.
USA photo by Specialist Trevor Franklin, 22SEP2021.
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 23SEP2021.
On 23SEP2021, $2.9-million worth of vehicles were given to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, on Al Asad Air Base.
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 22SEP2021.
Also on Al Asad Air Base, on 22SEP2021, $2.5-million worth of U.S. made (but as of July 2021 now German owned through VW-Traton) Navistar-International trucks were given to the Iraqi army.
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 22SEP2021.
In my previous Mother of all Money Pit report I pointed out the sudden build-up of Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]), forces in Iraq, but coincidentally there are big happenings regarding the oil industry in Iraq as well.
Interestingly, in May through July 2021, U.S. and British empire main-stream news media reported that India had halted the use of IVerMectin (IVM), and even the use of home CoViD treatment kits, this turns out to be false! Western news media has also declared India’s recovery from Delta to be a “mystery”! Not only did several Indian states continue the use of home treatment kits, but continued the use of IVM with excellent results!
22SEP2021 video by Doctor John Campbell, explaining the use of home healthcare kits in India, breaks down what is in the kits, which include Ivermectin:
10SEP2021, Fox 26 Houston report on nurse who is prescribing IVM to people in Texas, she swears it works; “Essentially no side effects. So, it baffles me as to why so many are hesitant to use it.”:
31AUG2021, TrialSiteNews reports on UN WHO’s reported success of IVM use in India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, calling it “impressive”. Indian doctor says Western news media claims that India stopped using Ivermectin are part of a misinformation campaign:
A company with the world’s largest yogurt operation (located in Idaho), accused in the past of favoring immigrant and refugees over U.S. citizens, as employees, and of course denying those accusations, has announced (on 21SEP2021) that it wants Afghan refugees to fill their vacant positions, and is creating a coalition of more than 30 companies that will do the same!
The owner of Chobani is also not a U.S. citizen (just like Elon Musk is not), even though he has been living in the United States since 1994! Hamdi Ulukaya is described by Wikipedia as “a Turkish businessman, activist, and philanthropist of Kurdish descent based in the United States.”
In 2005, using a U.S. Small Business Administration loan, Ulukaya bought a defunct Kraft yogurt factory in New York. He called his new business Agro Farma. By 2007 he had changed the name to Chobani.
Chobani yogurt facility, Twin Falls, Idaho, December 2012.
In 2012, Chobani opened what was then called the largest yogurt factory in the world, in Twin Falls, Idaho.
In 2014, Ulukaya began funding refugee operations around the world, starting with a $2-million donation to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
It should also be known that Ulukaya has made huge donations within the United States, helping local communities struggling with the never recovering bad economy. He has also expressed concern and support for the U.S. dairy farmers.
2015, CNN report saying Ulukaya wants all U.S. corporations to hire refugees:
A new documentary claims Chobani puts employees before profit. Do an internet search for all the food donations Chobani makes around the world every year and you will wonder how does Chobani have anything left over to sell, and, how can it afford to pay its employees?
The only time I’ve had Chobani yogurt was about five years ago when I was totally reliant upon food from charities. It was slimy and tasted bad, but then again it could have been sitting on a shelf for a long time, which in the case of donated foods is typical, I was routinely given food products that were several months past their ‘use by’ dates. If I can’t find a job soon (and I’ve been told by several HR managers that it is because of my age) I’ll be forced to return to relying on food pantries/banks. Oh by the way, in 2017, lawsuits filed by former employees at the Twin Falls, Idaho, Chobani factory claimed the company discriminated based on sex and age.
CGTN video report, CoViD evolved from several different animals, says endangered animals rescued from smugglers got sickafter they were rescued, says white tailed deer tested positive in 2019, claims these animals did not originate in China, they came into China already infected so therefore China is not the origin of CoViD-19:
Just over a week ago, Colonel Todd Burroughs, Deputy Director of U.S. Military Advisor Group-North (MAG-North), told Iraqi Peshmerga (Kurdish militia) “this is just the beginning” in regards to more U.S. military freebies. On 20SEP2021, another million dollar ‘divestment’ took place!
U.S. Army photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 20SEP2021.
This time it went to Iraqi airborne Special Forces Quwat Al Khasa (Qwat al-Khasah), at the usual location of Al Asad Air Base.
U.S. Army photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 20SEP2021.
But wait, there is more!
USA photo by Specialist Trevor Franklin, 16SEP2021.
On 16SEP2021, what is called a Class V (ammunition) Divestment, to Peshmerga, took place at Erbil.
But wait there’s more!
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 15SEP2021.
On 15SEP2021, on Al Asad Air Base, approximately $6.6-million worth of U.S. made vehicles were given to Iraq’s Agency of Intelligence and Federal Investigations (AIFI)!
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 15SEP2021.
But wait, there’s more!
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 14SEP2021.
On 14SEP2021, three U.S. made diesel fuelers were given to Ninawa Operations Command’s 15th Division (joint Iraqi army, Peshmerga unit) on Al Asad Air Base.
But wait there’s more!
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 13SEP2021.
On 13SEP2021, twenty armored cars, new tires, and an undisclosed amount of computers were given to the Iraq Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS) on Al Asad Air Base.
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 13SEP2021.
All these ‘divestments’ come at the same time that Iraq has suddenly decided to build up its military, and Biden is deploying more U.S. personnel to Iraq:
Christian video report, DAIISH returns to power in Iraq:
Rudaw interview with NATO Netherlands General concerning the stagnating ‘Peshmerga Reforms’ by U.S. led forces, admits there is not enough “trust”, says a crucial political decision about the justification for the continued existence/goals of Peshmerga needs to be made soon:
On 15SEP2021, the state of Washington posted a job listing for Isolation & Quarantine Strike Team Consultants. The job starts in October, is considered temporary but could last 12 months. Earlier this year the gov’na of Washington mandated that all state employed healthcare workers had to be fully vaccinated.
16SEP2021, the United States Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State meet for consultations, after the AUKUS announcement, with the Defence Minister and Foreign Minister of Australia (member of British Empire Commonwealth).
16SEP2021, Indian (India is a member of the British Empire Commonwealth) news commentator tries to explain the silliness of AUKUS, and why AUKUS does not include Canada and New Zealand (Commonwealth members and also Five Eyes members):
16SEP2021, German state run news outlet speculates that the true reason for AUKUS is to counter the economic sanctions that China placed against Australia:
AUKUS= Australia United Kingdom United States
“The first major initiative of AUKUS will be to deliver a nuclear-powered submarine fleet for Australia.”– Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia
“…perhaps most significantly, the UK, Australia, and the U.S. will be joined even more closely together…”-Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of United Kingdom
“AUKUS will bring together our sailors, our scientists, and our industries to maintain and expand our edge in military capabilities and critical technologies, such as cyber, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and undersea domains.”-Joe Biden, President of the United States
Official Pro-British Empire White House video supporting the new alliance, comments by leaders of U.S., UK and Australia, 15SEP2021 (Australian PM mentions the evil British Empire led Five Eyes network, see more about Five Eyes below):
Official U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) John Francis Kirby statement on AUKUS, calling the U.S.-Australia alliance “unbreakable”, 15SEP2021:
On 02SEP2021, the Royal Australian Navy visited the U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) in Rhode Island: “Australia is unique in that they don’t just want to buy, they want to look under the hood.”-Trevor Kelly-Bissonnette, NUWC, commenting on the visit by Australian Navy officials, statement published on 14SEP2021
U.S. Navy photo by James Travassos, 02SEP2021.
“As Australia transitions to a new class of conventionally powered submarine in the early 2030s, it is important that Australia remains as interoperable with the U.S. as possible, leveraging their significantly larger industrial and technological base but providing support and unique, niche capabilities in return. In order to achieve this, it is important that we bring the Australian public support onside to support us in our endeavors. Given the often secretive nature of our line of work, visits like this are all the more important to educate our ministers and career politicians of the strength of our allied relationship. The last two visits to NUWC by Australian have been remarkably successful in this regard.”-Commander Neil Carson, Royal Australian Navy Joint Program Office for Australia and the U.S., statement published on 14SEP2021
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison talks about AUKUS and the nuclear sub deal, admits it is about controlling global trade, says it is a “forever partnership” that has been in the works since the 1950’s ANZUS (Australia New Zealand United States) alliance, reveals that Australia’s demands for its military “will only go up” in the near future:
Five Eyes spying operations can be traced back to the end of World War 2, when the leaders of the United States made a (then) secret alliance with the British empire (U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand) called the Five Eyes. Five Eyes is now controlling the U.S. NSA!
On 08SEP2021, at Erbil, the U.S. military ‘divested’ yet another round of brand new ground vehicles to the Kurdish Peshmerga.
USA photo by Specialist Trevor Franklin.
This included front-end loaders, trucks made by Navistar-International, tankers made by German owned Freightliner, and of course, AM General‘s uparmored HMMWV.
USA photo by Specialist Trevor Franklin.
The Peshmerga is considered by the U.S. government to be an Iraqi government militia staffed by Kurds. NATO Turkey considers Iraqi Kurds to be largely Kurdistan Workers Party (aka PKK), and that the Syrian Kurds (People’s Protection Units, aka YPG) are simply the Syrian branch of PKK. This is troublesome for NATO, because ever since 1997 the U.S. Department of State itself considers the PKK to be a terrorist organization. This pro-Turkey news outlet video insinuates that the NATO United States support of Iraqi Kurds (Peshmerga) and Syrian YPG is being used against NATO Turkish forces:
Incomplete list of links to news reports which should cause you to question the main stream excuse that automotive industry problems are due to pandemic caused computer chip shortages. The biggest proof that it isn’t computer chip shortages, is that electric car sales and production are at record levels, partly because of government mandates and partly because the car makers themselves are shifting to only electric vehicle production! Perhaps the shutdown of combustion engine vehicle production is just a false flag operation to re-tool factories for electric car production?
Electric Viking video report, 200% increase in e-car sales in European Union (EU) despite so called pandemic shortages, also explains how Toyotas’ booming e-car sales in Europe might be the true cause for its halt to combustion car production, also, the EU is banning non-electric cars:
KPIX video report, U.S. Labor Day combustion engine car sales crashed and burned in mandated electric car California, of course ignorantly blamed on computer chip shortage:
KVVU video report, fewer people are looking to buy new cars in Las Vegas, ignorantly blames lack of customers on lack of parts (maybe it’s actually about price?):
11 September 2021 (03:11-UTC-07 Tango 06) 20 Shahrivar 1400/03 Safar 1443/05 Ding-You(8th month) 4719
I remember as a boy I would snicker at any mention of the various anti-fornication commandments in the Old Testament of the Bible. Those silly, sick people from thousands of years ago doing the nasty with anything they could grab hold of!
But about 15 years or so ago, as I was studying how modern humans were using and manipulating genetics in the name of making things better for humankind (in the early Gregorian 2000s a lot of once secret studies involving genetic research were made public and some of those studies are scary), I had a ‘revelation’ that what the Bible is actually talking about, in an immature/ignorant way, was not fornication but genetic engineering.
Many of the Old Testament stories are diluted, mistranslated and over simplified versions of events that took place thousands of years before the Hebrews learned how to write, some of the stories actually from older Paleo-Hebrew societies, with a final redaction of the Torah during the time of Babylonian Exile.
To keep what I’m talking about understandable for most people, I will try to keep things simple.
Leviticus is an Old Testament book filled with commandments for ‘god’s people’. Chapter 19, verse 19, states “Do not mate different kinds of animals.” Depending on which of the plethora of versions of the Bible it might say “Do not mate two different kinds of animals.” Or, don’t breed your cattle with other animals, or don’t breed livestock with “another kind.” It’s amazing how many versions there are, and there has been debate over just what does this commandment mean.
In Leviticus 18:23, the command specifically says humans should not have sex with animals. The most common reason given in the different translations is that it is a perversion. Other versions say it is just an unclean act, or it’s detestable, it’s unnatural, it’s a crime, it’s a confusion, it is an abomination.
The English word Perversion does not just refer to sex acts, it means that something has been altered from its original design. The word abomination means something that is hated, and in the context of the do not screw with animals commandment it means that the end result will become a hated thing.
Main stream scientists continue to deny that anything weird was going on at the laboratory in Wuhan, China. Yet, the simple fact is that lab mice were ‘perverted’ with human DNA and then infected with bat viruses.
Reviewing the latest (once secret) documents it sure looks like Gain of Function (GoF) was taking place, and being funded by the United States government, specifically funded by Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases-National Institutes of Health. Fauci adamantly denies, in testimony to Congress, that GoF was taking place in Wuhan, however, Doctor Kanta Subbarao (who works for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ Laboratory of Infectious Disease) stated in a publication that “the term gain-of-function is used by geneticists and is a vague and unsatisfactory term for microbiologists.” In other words there is what I call a Tower of Babel (an advanced civilization destroyed by its language being confused) syndrome taking place; one group of scientists says yes it is GoF, while another group of scientist say no it isn’t.
In the same publication (titled Potential Risks and Benefits of Gain-of-Function Research: Summary of a Workshop), Doctor Subbarao even warned that GoF could result in viruses that do not exist naturally, and that current ‘medical countermeasures’ are not sufficient to prevent unnatural viruses from becoming what she called drug resistant “escape mutants”!
I find it very interesting that scientists involved with DNA manipulation use the term chimeric when referring to hybrid viruses, things that contain two or more sets of DNA. A Chimera is a (supposedly mythical, but not anymore) hybrid animal and is the origin of the concept of monsters.