As of 07OCT2021, several countries have halted the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine (known as Spikevax outside the United States) or warned against its use, due to Myocarditis (swelling of the heart) and Pericarditis (swelling of the outer lining of the heart). Here’s a list of links:
In the United States, if you have had, or suspect you’ve had and adverse reaction to a vaccine it is up to you, not your healthcare provider, to report it. Contact the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
05OCT2021, Kurdistan24’s interview of politician with British Empire’s United Kingdom explains (poorly, full of typical diplomatic rhetoric) why Kurdistan is suddenly now important (do your research to learn that after World War One the British Empire threw the Kurds under the bus when it, along with France, created the modern day Middle East):
04OCT2021, Iraqi real estate investment company called HappyLand For Investment releases video promoting massive development programs in Erbil-Kurdistan, apparently as a result of massive oil industry investments funded by foreign governments:
U.S. Army photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez.
04-06OCT2021, on Al Asad Air Base yet another U.S. taxpayer funded giveaway of weapons, ammo, and other equipment, to the Iraqi Qwat al-Khasah (Special Forces).
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez.
The U.S. Department of Defense admits that for fiscal year 2021 (October 2020 to September 2021) more than $500-million worth of military stuff has been given to Iraqi military and Peshmerga! Don’t forget, these ‘divestments’ have been going on for more than a decade!
30SEP2021, Rudaw English interviews China’s envoy to Kurdistan (Erbil) as to why China is now heavily involved with Kurdistan:
06 October 2021 (09:53-UTC-07 Tango 06) 14 Mehr 1400/28 Safar 1443/01 Wu-Xu (9th month) 4719
“We’re excited to be developing a fully-integrated, purpose-built HD Suburban in partnership with the U.S. Department of State.”-Steve duMont, GM Defense
While Joe Biden and his team cry about the self-imposed debt limit of the United States government being too low, his Department of State just went and paid General Motors Defense (GM Defense) $36.4-million for ten prototype armored Suburbans, and if the State Department is happy with those ten, they’ll (you’ll) pay for“a fleet of 200 HD Suburbans per year for nine years”!
All you happy taxpayers need to pay attention to news releases about government contracts, notice that they are officially described as ‘awards’, meaning the corporate world considers your future enslaving tax funded contracts (government debt financing) as prizes in some kind of contest you didn’t even authorize!
GM Defense says their ten ‘development’ up-armored Suburbans will use existing parts (“off the self”) and be completed by May 2023, after that GM Defense expects the State Department to ‘award’ a nine years long production contract for 2-hundred of these up-armored fuel wasters per year!
Taxpayers need to ask the question; why does the State Department need so many new armor-ized silly-vilian vehicles when it already has hundreds? Yes, the U.S. Department of State already operates hundreds of up-armored Suburbans! And don’t forget about all those armored Suburbans operated by other federal government agencies!
So why now, when the U.S. government is about to run out of debt financing, is the State Department/Secret Service issuing “first-of-their-kind contracts” specifically for development of a Suburban armored car?
According to a 16SEP2021 press release, the first ever contracts with GM Defense, and Ford, are intended “to ensure a viable and robust AV supply chain.”
U.S. Air Force video, by Stephen Cain, of proposed airborne pathogen detector:
The U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Chemical and Biological Technologies Department claims they are working on shelf-stable conjugate vaccines that might only require water to activate them? (On-demand biomanufacturing of protective conjugate vaccines)
Senator Rand Paul, who is a doctor by the way, accuses Health and Human Services (HHS) boss of lying about natural immunity, reveals the HHS boss has “no scientific background”, and yet the HHS boss is making scientific recommendations and statements regarding the pandemic!
01 October 2021 (11:58-UTC-07 Tango 06) 09 Mehr 1400/23 Safar 1443/25 Wu-Xu 4719
A recently published study blames the so called labor shortage on the dominance of artificial intelligence operated hiring systems now used by 99% of ‘Fortune 500’ corporations; these systems are deleting applications for the most mediocre reasons, partly because of incorrect job data inputs by the Human Resource personnel responsible for programing them!
The main-stream news media has been quick and persistent in blaming the pandemic fear-mongering response (which they had a major part in stoking), but the truth is that this has been coming for awhile. In 2018, during the fifth interview with the same HR manager with the same company over a 16 month period of applying for a job that was never filled, I asked the HR manager what was up with them not filling the position since they’ve been advertising it for more than a year and conducted dozens of testing and interviews for it. She explained that “about five years ago” the company switched to a third party hiring contractor that is using computers to make the hiring decisions. Prior to that she had the authority to do the testing, interviews and make the decision as to who gets hired, but now she just handles the testing and interviews, the hiring was now in the hands of a computer system operated by a contractor, and that computerized system would only hire people who met criteria that put them in a top ten list, which apparently the computerized system was not finding any of the applicants (despite their years of experience or qualifications) worthy of making the top ten! The computer’s criteria included other things besides years of experience and technical qualifications, things like criminal history, age, sex, ethnicity, education, test results, etc. (Interesting, because under U.S. employment law it is illegal to use a person’s age, sex, ethnicity and other ‘demographics’ to determine employment!)
Joseph B. Fuller ’79, M.B.A. ’81, co-chair of the Managing the Future of Work project at Harvard Business School, stated that most studies about unemployment/job seekers (supply side) do not look at the employers (demand side) as the potential cause of people not getting hired. And government data only looks at numbers, not cause and effect.
Fuller explained that today’s hiring systems first throw out applicants with criminal records, and people with no college education. Military veterans are thrown out because of an age old problem of translating military skills to silly-vilian (civilian) job skills. Next to be thrown out are people who have large gaps in employment history (my problem apparently). Fuller also explained that there are a lot of people who fit several of those categories, such as being a veteran, and long term unemployed, and no college education.
Another problem is how job descriptions are being inputted into the computer system: “…as the report points out, is that the creation of job descriptions and their curation over time is very haphazard. Most job descriptions are not updated that often; they’re updated by recruiters with [little] input from the [relevant] supervisors…”-Joseph B. Fuller, Harvard Gazette interview
On 04SEP2021, The Wall Street Journal published and article called Companies Need More Workers. Why Do They Reject Millions of Résumés? The article is not just about automated hiring systems that are rejecting millions of applications, but how existing employees are being blocked from having any say in how their jobs are done or how the company is operated. It sounds like these A-I systems that corporations are using are looking to employ robots, not humans.
29SEP2021: The small city of Yuma, Arizona, lost the 8th most workers in the U.S., to 2020 pandemic fear mongering!
On 11AUG2021, National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) published its study on the ‘labor shortage’, which included these conclusions;
30 September 2021 (02:13-UTC-07 Tango 06) 08 Mehr 1400/22 Safar 1443/24 Ding-You(8th month) 4719
For years now, politicians and local business leaders have sworn up-and-down that Idaho’s economy was booming. One of the ‘proofs’ these exalted leaders used was the skyrocketing price of real estate, but those of use working class long term residents knew that was bogus; how can the economy be booming when most working class people are working less hours and making less money? Now it looks like reality is finally pricking the real estate bubble, will it explode or just slowly leak until nothing is left?
Incomplete list of links to recent reports about the reality of Idaho’s realty market:
Reventure Consulting video using data which reveals that Boise leads the U.S. with 920% increase in home price cuts, predicts average house price to go down 40%!:
29SEP2021 Kudistan24 interview with Netherlands Council General about so called Peshmerga Reforms agreed to by Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States, and of course funded by the taxpayers, as well as upcoming elections in Iraq:
While the U.S. Congress debates raising the debt limit of the U.S. government (again), another nearly $20-million was given away to the Iraqi military!
U.S. Army photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez.
On 24SEP2021, $18-million worth of vehicles were given to the Iraqi Federal Intelligence and Investigation Agency, on Al Asad Air Base.
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 24SEP2021.
The artifact scandal involving Evangelical christian co-owners of Hobby Lobby/Museum of the Bible began in 2009, when those co-owners decided they needed to pack their Museum of the Bible with as many artifacts from Egypt and Iraq as possible. Perhaps unknowingly, they hooked up with artifact dealers who in turn, it turns out, was getting those artifacts from illegal sources, including some sources that used the money to create what is known in the West as Islamic State aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]): “…antiquities are being actually excavated by groups like DAIISH or ISIS, and knowingly being exported and used as a means of funding for terrorism.”-Deborah Lehr, The Antiquities Coalition
In March2020, Steve Green, the Museum of the Bible’s board chairman and president of Hobby Lobby, tried to claim ignorance saying “I knew little about the world of collecting…”, yet it had already been established in witness statements that consultants, and even Hobby Lobby employees, warned Green years ago that the artifacts were probably illegal because there was no required legal documentation present! Green promised to return 11-thousand-5-hundred artifacts to Iraq and Egypt!
Kurdistan24 video interview about Peshmerga/Iraqi government delegation in Washington DC, delegates also attended the U.S. National Defense University, 24SEP2021:
U.S. Army photo by Specialist Trevor Franklin, 22SEP2021.
Over the 22nd and 23rd of September, 2021, while the U.S. Congress argues over how much deeper they want to put the U.S. taxpayer into debt, the Peshmerga received a large ‘divestment’ of brand new HMMWVs paid for by U.S. and ‘coalition’ taxpayers.
USA photo by Specialist Trevor Franklin, 22SEP2021.
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 23SEP2021.
On 23SEP2021, $2.9-million worth of vehicles were given to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, on Al Asad Air Base.
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 22SEP2021.
Also on Al Asad Air Base, on 22SEP2021, $2.5-million worth of U.S. made (but as of July 2021 now German owned through VW-Traton) Navistar-International trucks were given to the Iraqi army.
USA photo by Specialist Clara Soria-Hernandez, 22SEP2021.
In my previous Mother of all Money Pit report I pointed out the sudden build-up of Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]), forces in Iraq, but coincidentally there are big happenings regarding the oil industry in Iraq as well.
Interestingly, in May through July 2021, U.S. and British empire main-stream news media reported that India had halted the use of IVerMectin (IVM), and even the use of home CoViD treatment kits, this turns out to be false! Western news media has also declared India’s recovery from Delta to be a “mystery”! Not only did several Indian states continue the use of home treatment kits, but continued the use of IVM with excellent results!
22SEP2021 video by Doctor John Campbell, explaining the use of home healthcare kits in India, breaks down what is in the kits, which include Ivermectin:
10SEP2021, Fox 26 Houston report on nurse who is prescribing IVM to people in Texas, she swears it works; “Essentially no side effects. So, it baffles me as to why so many are hesitant to use it.”:
31AUG2021, TrialSiteNews reports on UN WHO’s reported success of IVM use in India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, calling it “impressive”. Indian doctor says Western news media claims that India stopped using Ivermectin are part of a misinformation campaign: