Tag Archives: crime

“Not only did they change her grades…they ostracized her!”: Dumbing Down the U.S. of A., September 2017

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

TheAtlantic: A growing body of research debunks the idea that school quality is the main determinant of economic mobility.  

TheMercuryNews: San Mateo County Office of Education indicates that female administrators (and elected trustees) are basically running the academic show along the Peninsula.

AmericanSpectator: “Personalized learning” is warping our children’s education.

Reason.com: College Isn’t Higher Education

WashingtonPost: Americans without college degrees showed greatest gains in wealth since 2013

Bloomberg: Despite a supposedly improving economy More Americans Are Falling Behind on Student Loans

Universities and colleges across the U.S. affected by the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) scandal, as the FBI hit basketball coaches, and sponsor Adidas, with corruption charges.  Other coaches have been forced to take time off.  The three year investigation revealed massive bribery of colleges and universities by professional teams and sport apparel makers.   The Federal Bureau of Investigation also ordered sport sponsor Nike to turn over financial documents relating to the Elite Youth Basketball League.

Incomplete list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and education crimes, September 2017:

Arkansas: A female teacher at Marked Tree High School accused of having sex with students from two school districts, if convicted could spend 40 years in prison.

California:  ‘Muslim’ Zaytuna College is now the proud owner of the 65 years old Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, in Berkeley.  In contrast to ‘christian’ colleges, Musilm colleges are experiencing rapid growth in enrollment.  Los Angeles County district attorney filed money laundering charges against the LA School Board president!  UC Irvine quietly removed homeopathy from its online list of medical services, as part of a new medical program called integrative medicine.  Air medevac was called in for Modesto High School after students collapsed when they ate some brownies.  Yep, the brownies were made with a powerful form of ganja.   Local news media reported that the naive parents were shocked that “marijuana brownies were at school.”  Bullard High School teacher now charged with using drugs to sexually assault students.  After 39 years, advocate of making San Francisco a “literary city” Aardvark Books forced to shutdown by the new property owner: “Everyone seems to want the cat, so the cat will be fine. Yet no one is looking for homes for the employees.”-David Lugn, soon to be former manager

Colorado: A former honor student is accusing Delta High School of violating the U.S. 1st Amendment by deliberately dumbing down students’ grades based on their religious beliefs, thereby preventing those students from qualifying for college scholarships: “Not only did they change her grades, they took away her recommendations and they ostracized her!”-Jeffrey Springer, attorney

Apparently administrators with Delta High School, which is a public school not private, claimed they could impose their ‘christian’ beliefs on students because the school did not receive federal tax dollars.

Connecticut: School district’s across the state warning of mass layoffs due to a pending 40% cut in state taxpayer funding!

Florida:  The Brevard County School Board wants to rezone the district, affecting at least 1-thousand students.   It’s their way of addressing enrollment problems, but will take five years and cost taxpayers at least $40-million USD.

Georgia: Two students at Orrs Elementary School were accused of being members of the KKK because they stood and recited the pledge of allegiance.  It turns out the teacher instigated the name calling by telling the students how bad it was to stand for the pledge of allegiance, and according to local news media she even said ‘she would never stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and that if she did stand she would not really mean it.’  After the two students were bullied the teacher supposedly apologized for what she instigated.   A former junior high school gym teacher was arrested for having sex with a student, for a second time.    Investigators say the woman had sexual relations with students while at Union County Middle School.    Albany State University nursing students are having so much trouble getting government loans to pay for new higher tuition (caused by the merger of Albany State and competitor Darton College) that they are now beggaring the local population for help: “My tuition used to be $1,400 and now it is $2,100!”-Nancy Collier, interview with WALB

Idaho: In Mormon dominated Jefferson School District 251 parents demanded George Orwell’s 1984 be banned for its sexual content. After an even bigger outcry from those who objected to such a violation of the U.S. 1st Amendment, school administrators stated “…it is simply not true that 1984 has been banned at Rigby High School.”  State law requires that high schools help students develop a four years plan to prep for college, but an investigation by East Idaho News says it ain’t happening. Counselors admitted they don’t have the staffing or financial resources to comply with state law.

IdahoEdNews reporting that the number of new teacher hires who do not have a teaching degree is at record highs, due to the fact there is a massive teacher shortage in The Gem State.

Illinois:  The former superintendent of Lincoln-Way High School District 210 was charged with embezzlement in a federal court.  Federal prosecutors say he misused taxpayer bond money on personal projects, as well as stealing vacation money and giving himself bonuses which he was not entitled to.  He pled not guilty. Whitney Young High School canceled their football season due to injuries and not having the required number of players on the team.

Massachusetts: The chairman of the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education accused of donating at least $600-thousand USD to competing charter schools, and those charter schools did not publicize the donations as required by law.

Michigan:  Farmington Public Schools under investigation for ‘inappropriately confronting’ a sixth grade student for refusing to stand during the pledge of allegiance. The student’s parents say their son was “violently snatched” out of his chair.

Mississippi: The Joint Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review accusing the state Department of Education of handing out taxpayer funded contracts without the required biding process. 

New York: Technical Career Institute College of Technology suddenly shutdown its NYC location, 211 jobs gone instantly!  Geneseo Police Department and Livingston County Sheriff’s Office accusing Geneseo High School of doping-up their football players with OxyContin before games!  More than $22-thousand USD in PTA money has disappeared from the Charles Lindbergh Elementary School, police are investigating.  15 women now accuse Catholic Holy Cross school of sexually abusing students between 1973 and 1994, “in unimaginable ways”.

Pennsylvania:  The privately run Lest We Forget Black Holocaust Museum and Traveling Exhibit suddenly shutdown: “We’ve been struggling to keep the doors open for years. But with rising taxes we were not able to hold onto the building and we were bought out, we were essentially gentrified out of our building.”-Gwen Ragsdale, co-owner who also says they’re hoping to find a new home

Tennessee:  A Knoxville woman pled guilty to having sex with high school football players when her husband was the coach at South-Doyle High, she could be sentenced to 38 years in prison, one parent got suspicious when her sons began living with the coach and his wife.

Utah: Alpine School District wants to shutdown two elementary schools due to crashing enrollments in Orem.

Virginia: The 158 years old Averett University suddenly laid off 12 people due to crashing enrollments.

Washington: Bellingham Police revealed they’re investigating a Silver Beach Elementary School teacher for sexually assaulting a second grade student.

Dumbing Down, August 2017: “WE MOVED QUICKLY AND QUIETLY.”

“This facility failed its residents multiple times throughout this horrifying ordeal!”: ObamaCare ACA death spiral, September 2017

Incomplete list of healthcare related layoffs and shutdowns, announced in September 2017:

The British empire member United Kingdom is offering U.S. doctors two months vacation plus cash to quit their jobs in the United States and move to the U.K.!

The government of Germany (Deutschland) is also inciting U.S. doctors to flee: Career opportunities for doctors in Germany

The Wall Street Journal revealed that ObamaCare-ACA actually reduces insurance reimbursements to hospitals as the economy improves: The Hidden Obamacare Detail That Could Cost Hospitals Billions

Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2017 Employer Health Benefits Survey: Average premiums for family up 3% from 2016.   Since 2012, premiums for employer-based family coverage up 19%.  Average dollar contribution employees make increased 32% since 2012. Average deductible for single employer-based coverage is $1,505.  In 2017, roughly 1 in 4 employees purchased a policy sporting a deductible of at least $3,000.

Kaiser Family Foundation: 75% of people more concerned about soon to end taxpayer funding for Children’s Health Insurance Program, then about ObamaCare-ACA repeal.

Becker’s Hospital Review: FDA takes action against 500 websites illegally selling prescription medicine

19 patient deaths prompt FDA to issue warning on Intercept Pharmaceuticals’ liver drug

Express Scripts: New cancer treatment drug not covered by ObamaCare-ACA.

Alaska: The state employees union is suing Abbott Laboratories-Saint Jude Medical for knowingly selling faulty defibrillators from 2011-16.   The batteries were faulty resulting in “…plaintiff and the other nationwide class members would not have incurred costs for the recalled devices and the medical costs of device removal and replacement surgery and other related medical costs.”

California: It was discovered that Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital, in Grass Valley, overcharged on Medicare in 2014 which had a domino effect resulting in 173 other California hospitals being paid way more than what they should’ve been paid, right up until 2017!  Hundreds of nurses protested at more than 20 Kaiser Permanente medical centers, due to lack of staffing and overwork.  Schizophrenic Molina Healthcare now says it will hire 250 people after announcing in July it was eliminating 1-thousand-4-hundred jobs!  Pennsylvania based Genesis HealthCare shutting down its Eagle Crest nursing home, 72 jobs gone in October due to California Department of Health canceling its Medicare contract. ‘Christian’ owned Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center eliminating 55 jobs in October, due to the ‘exit’ of California Laboratory Associates from The Golden State.  Molina Healthcare/Medical Management issued numerous layoff WARNs, more than 3-hundred jobs across California gone by Thanksgiving!  Disabled/old people service provider People’s Inc. issued a shutdown WARN for its Costa Mesa ops, 78 jobs gone right after Halloween.    While silly-villians worry about healthcare the U.S. Army spent 211-million taxpayer dollars building a new hospital at Fort Irwin-NTC.

Florida:  The state Office of Insurance Regulation revealed that the cost of ObamaCare-ACA insurance will go up in 2018 by an average of 45%!   In Lakeland, Crothall Healthcare eliminating 186 jobs right after Thanksgiving!   In Fort Lauderdale, Holy Cross Hospital revealed it quietly laid off 23 people in August due to crashing admissions since ObamaCare-ACA went into effect.  Jackson National Life Insurance eliminating ten jobs in Tampa, by November.  In Hollywood Hills, 12 people died at The Rehabilitation Center when Hurricane Irma cut the power.  It was also revealed that the nursing home had prior problems with being in compliance with federal rules about having a back-up power source, and that nurses actually lied about some of the dead patients on medical records saying they were still alive!  Florida Governor Rick Scott canceled the nursing home’s state Medicaid funding as a result of the deaths.  “This facility failed its residents multiple times throughout this horrifying ordeal. It is unfathomable that a medical professional would not know to call 911 immediately in an emergency situation. The facility also entered late entries into medical records claiming safe temperatures for patients while those same patients were across the street dying in the emergency room with temperatures of over 108 degrees Fahrenheit. No amount of emergency preparedness could have prevented the gross medical and criminal recklessness that occurred at this facility.”-Justin Senior, Florida Agency for Health Care Administration

Becker’s hospital Review: Florida lawmaker warned state, federal officials day before residents died at nursing home

Florida governor’s office reportedly deleted voicemails from nursing home where 11 people died

Idaho: Some of Idaho’s ObamaCare Your Health Idaho board members are questioning the state’s decision to hire ‘christian’ Saint Luke’s Health System to ‘help’ people pick an ObamaCare insurance plan.  Not only is the state using taxpayer dollars to pay Saint Luke’s but Saint Luke’s could directly benefit as one of the ObamaCare-ACA insurance providers is directly connected to Saint Luke’s (SelectHealth).  Tennessee based RCCH HealthCare Partners suddenly laid off 62 people at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston, as a result of the ‘christian’ Lewiston hospital being taken over by RCCH in May.  State government to get $438-thousand USD as a result of the EpiPen Medicaid rebate scandal.  I wonder what they’ll do with the money?

Illinois: Centegra outright laying off 131 people and outsourcing another 230 jobs due to a $62.3-million USD loss!  According to The Kennedy Forum state Medicaid payments are routinely denied for mental health and drug addiction treatments!

Indiana:  Kentucky based Kindred Healthcare eliminating 86 jobs as it shuts down Kindred Hospital Indianapolis South in Greenwood.  Indianapolis based drugs pusher Eli Lilly eliminating 3-thousand-5-hundred jobs globally, including early retirement of U.S. employees!  Prompt Ambulance issued a layoff WARN, 140 jobs gone in time for Xmas!

Iowa: Mercy Iowa City eliminating 115 jobs and reducing the hours of at least 65 employees (according to news media reports, the WARN only mentions 60 jobs), blaming ObamaCare-ACA saying “…our volumes and revenues have declined over time, resulting in operating losses for several years.”

Kentucky:  Louisville based Humana is bribing older employees to quit (buyouts) in preparation “for 2018”, whatever that means.

Louisiana: Willis-Knighton Health System eliminating 232 jobs between now and the next few months!

Maine: Insurance company Anthem will no longer provide ObamaCare-ACA insurance, leaving only two companies providing ObamaCare-ACA insurance in The Pine Tree State.    Seven doctors resigned from Maine Coast Memorial Hospital, in connection to the 2015 take-over of the hospital by Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems.

Massachusetts: Harrington Hospital eliminating 20 jobs as it shuts down its obstetrics unit.

Minnesota: The state Attorney General is begging Mayo Clinic to halt its hospital consolidation operations, Mayo Clinic basically blamed ObamaCare-ACA saying “With regard to a possible pause in the consolidation of services in Albert Lea and Austin, Mayo Clinic must respectfully decline your request. The critical staffing shortage and related patient safety risk that drove our decision to consolidate have not changed.”

New Hampshire: Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital laid off 17 people and shutdown its patient accounts department.

New Jersey: Saint Joseph’s Medical Center ending its DSS Program, eight people unemployed in time for Halloween.  Shiel Medical Laboratory announced it will eliminate at least 538 jobs in time for Xmas, due to being sold to competitor Quest Diagnostics!

New York: Rehab provider Contemporary Guidance Services suddenly shutdown its NYC ops, 53 jobs gone due to not being able to renew the lease.

North Carolina: Bankrupt Morehead Memorial Hospital is now for sale.

Ohio:  Procter & Gamble eliminating 25 healthcare division jobs at the Mason Business Center saying “We are making some small adjustments in our North America Health Care business to reflect shifts in project priorities.”  The Ohio Association of Foodbanks helps people enroll in ObamaCare-ACA, but due to a 71% reduction in federal taxpayer funding was forced to halt such enrollment ops, 54 jobs gone.

Pennsylvania: State retirement and Medicaid payments suspended due to a taxpayer funding shortfall of $2.2-billion USD!  University of Pittsburgh Medical Center canceled its planned $211.2-million USD hospital in South Fayette, without explanation.  North Philadelphia Health System/ Girard Medical Center issued a shutdown WARN, an undisclosed number of people will become jobless by the end of October!

Puerto Rico:  The U.S. FDA (Food & Drug Administration) is warning of prescription drug shortages due to Hurricane Maria.  The U.S. territory is home to dozens of legal drugs factories and Maria shutdown at least 50 of them! 

Rhode Island: Drugs pusher Alexion Pharmaceuticals shutting down its factory in Smithfield, 250 jobs gone due to offshoring work to Ireland!

Utah: Former nurses of Salt Lake City based Mormon Intermountain Healthcare  (formerly called The Health Services Corporation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) was deducting 30 minutes of pay for lunch breaks even though most nurses never get an actual meal break. The U.S. Department of Labor is investigating.

Virginia: SOVAH Health affecting 158 jobs at its Danville location, due to cancelling its contract with Sodexo!

Washington DC:  U.S. Health & Human Services claims that acute care hospitals overcharged taxpayers by $51.6-million USD, and overcharged patients by $14.4 million, in connection to the Medicare program.  Donald Trump has agreed to continue ObamaCare-ACA taxpayer funded subsidies to for-profit insurance companies, at least for the month of September.  Don’t blame Trump, blame Obama as Medicaid and Medicare cuts $2-billion USD from Disproportionate Share Hospital payments in October, as a result of a Supreme Court ruling concerning ObamaCare-ACA.

West Virginia: Charleston Area Medical Center eliminating 40 jobs in time for Thanksgiving, as part of a bigger plan to eliminate a total of 3-hundred jobs by Xmas! Administrators say ObamaCare-ACA will cause them to lose $40-million USD in 2017.

Wisconsin:  Agnesian Healthcare lost $16-million USD due to ObamaCare-ACA imposed creation of electronic records keeping.  Agnesian Healthcare is now suing the software developer.

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral August 2017: “HAS OUTLIVED ITS USEFUL LIFE”


Disgruntled ‘Dreamer’ shoots-up U.S. Church!

25 SEP 2017 (14:57 UTC-07 Tango 06) 03 Mehr 1396/04 Muharram 1439/06 Ji-Yu 4715

What the main stream real-fake news media isn’t telling their audience is that the man who shot and wounded five people, killing another person, in a church in Tennessee is a so-called dreamer.

The now 25 years old ‘resident’ of the U.S. was brought to the United States as a child in 1996, from Sudan.  The man is not a U.S. citizen, despite having plenty of time to become a U.S. citizen.

Police say he started having trouble at the beginning of this year, claiming his wife was having an affair and accusing her of hitting him. In March he claimed his estranged wife was trying to break into his home.  Despite the supposed laws against domestic violence no charges were ever brought against his wife.  In June he threatened to kill himself.  The Associated Press says he posted strange statements on social media the day before the shooting.  During yesterday’s shooting the shooter also shot and wounded himself.

The U.S. FBI is conducting a “civil rights investigation” into the shooting, they didn’t explain why.  Tennessee news media described the church as “multi-ethnic”, the shooter stopped attending the church a year ago.


False Flag: California’s puppet regime in Ukraine planned 24 years ago!

21 SEP 2017 (13:48 UTC-07 Tango 06) 30 Sharivar 1396/29 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/02 Ji-Yu 4715

“The California National Guard has had a professional relationship with Ukraine since 1993, and that’s when we did our first combined training exercise with them. At this point, I think there have been about 4-hundred engagements that we’ve had with the Ukrainian Armed Forces over 24 years.”-Brigadier General Kelly Fisher, California National Guard

It’s been revealed that the Obama regime backed coup in Ukraine was possibly in the planning since at least 1993 (the idea got rolling immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991).

Within a few years of the Soviet Union collapse, the United States put into operation the State Partnership Program. Under this program the metro-sexual state of California was assigned the responsibility of winning over the military of Ukraine (currently being referred to as ‘defensive reforms’).

Under the State Partnership Program U.S. taxpayers are paying for National Guard units to mentor the militaries of 79 countries, in the name of national security, but with admittedly “broader” objectives.

California Army National Guard, as well as Oklahoma Army National Guard, take part in Rapid Trident wargame, Yavoriv, Ukraine. U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Justin Geiger, 11SEP2017.

According to the latest statements by the Department of Defense, the California-Ukraine partnership is considered one of the most important under the U.S. European Command, and all you happy taxpayers are paying for it.






Pacific Angel, it’s about the oil: Your tax dollars spent on education and healthcare in Vietnam and Philippines!

20 SEP 2017 /21:15 UTC-07 Tango 06 (30 Sharivar 1396/29 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/02 Ji-Yu 4715)

Operation Pacific Angel (PacAngel) is a recurring U.S. Pacific Command operation in which your hard earned tax dollars are spent on building up the education and healthcare infrastructure of countries like British empire member Fiji, Nepal, ‘former’ U.S. territory of Philippines and the old nemesis of the U.S., Vietnam.

It’s under the guise of ‘humanitarian’ aid but is more likely about winning over the countries that border the oil rich South China Sea.  It began under the Bush Jr regime as Oceana Mission, but under the Obama regime was renamed Pacific Angel.

Fiji: 3,872 people received healthcare in Tavua and Savusavu, as well as infrastructure projects for local schools.

Nepal: Provided medical care to 4,041 people, and infrastructure improvements made to five sites.

Philippines: In Northern Cebu Province, 6,657 people received medical care, seven facilities were renovated on top of getting $35-thousand USD in medical equipment and supplies.

Vietnam: Healthcare and infrastructure engineering improvements at several locations in the Tam Ky area.  “The challenge here is wanting to do more.”-Captain Rebecca Englebretson, USAF

Pacific Angel is just one of many U.S. taxpayer funded military ‘humanitarian’ operations taking place every year around the world.  If taxpayers can be forced to pay for education, infrastructure and healthcare for other countries then why is it such a problem to fund healthcare, education and infrastructure right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A.?













ObamaCare Fail: Operation Healthy Delta=free health & economic aid at taxpayer expense!

20 SEP 2017 (12:23 UTC-07 Tango 06) 29 Sharivar 1396/28 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/01 Ji-Yu 4715

The U.S. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower & Reserve Affairs, and the Delta Regional Authority, sponsor an annual event called Operation Healthy Delta.  The operation was started by an act of Congress in 2000 (blame Bush Jr) to provide healthcare to people living in the Delta Region, yet the advent of ObamaCare-ACA has apparently done nothing to improve healthcare services in that area so Operation Healthy Delta is underway again.

This year Air National Guard units from Missouri, New Jersey and New York, as well as the U.S. Navy Reserve, are wrapping-up providing free healthcare (and other aid) to people in the Bootheel Region.  They expect to see between 5-thousand and 8-thousand patients in Charleston and Caruthersville, Missouri.

Operation Healthy Delta is not just about taxpayer funded healthcare, but also includes taxpayer funded economic development across eight U.S. states.

It should be noted that this year’s health services were held at two churches; Charleston United Methodist Church and Eastwood Memorial United Methodist Church: “The local churches have gone above and beyond to accommodate this event. Methodists and Catholics are working together in Caruthersville, and Baptists and Methodists are working together in Charleston.”-Joel Evans, Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation

What was that about separation of church and state?



“our sisters and brothers….are being dehumanized.” Death Spiral confirmed! : U.S. Christian Rapture, August 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns, layoffs and Rapture oddities for the Gregorian month of August 2017.

“No man can work for two masters, for either he will hate one and will love the other, or he will honor one and the other he will ignore. You cannot work for God and for money.”-Matthew 6:24, Aramaic Bible

I want to point out that across the United States, during the month of August, dozens of churches were vandalized with ‘hate’ graffiti from both the ‘left wing’ and ‘right wing’, proving that ‘christians’ are not united in their so called faith.  Even a Catholic news source admitted that The Church They Don’t Like May Be Their Own.

Francis A. Schaffer Institute of Church Leadership Development: U.S. Census Bureau reports Christian Death Spiral as 4-thousand churches shutdown every year, versus 1-thousand new church openings! 

Alabama: In Mobile, the family of a five years old boy say he was killed by a daycare employee of Community Church Ministries.  The church pastor and his wife defended their employee saying she “has cancer”, the family of the boy has filed a lawsuit.

Arizona: A new lawsuit filed against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) claiming that mormons sexually abused Native American children of the Navajo and Crow tribes.  Arizona State University Council of Religious Advisors (which includes the LDS Church) expelled the Hope Church from its campus for violating ASU rules concerning church recruitment including the use of ‘front clubs’.  Hope Church can still use the campus for activities but must now pay to do so.  According to the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Hope Church reported a $30-thousand USD profit in 2015.

California: In Sacramento more than 3-hundred people jammed into Saint Mark’s United Methodist Church, to protest Sacramento County’s skyrocketing homeless crisis. Pastor Alan Jones said “This is a critical moment…..  …our sisters and brothers….are being dehumanized.”  In Palo Alto, the First Baptist Church is accused of violating city zoning laws by making money renting space to music and dance schools, and physical therapists.  A church leader told local news that all the local churches do it because it’s become the only way they can pay for church operating costs.  In Fresno, god powerless(?) to help ‘his’ Saint Helen’s elementary school pay its $500-thousand USD debt, however, the school remains open because a mysterious human came along and gave the Catholic school $250-thousand which then resulted in other humans donating money to save the school!

Colorado:   Another illegal immigrant is seeking sanctuary in a church, this time involving Park Hill United Methodist Church and Jewish Temple Micah, in Denver.  In 2016, Temple Micah and Park Hill United Methodist Church joined the decades old Sanctuary Movement.  In Newport Beach, local Catholic leaders are moving ahead with their plan to sell-off the Saint James the Great Episcopal Church, despite protests from church members and against orders from national level church leaders!   Local church leaders say they are honoring a contract they signed with a property developer (can you say ‘Deal with the Devil’?)

Connecticut:  Another illegal immigrant is seeking sanctuary in a church, this time at the First and Summerfield United Methodist Church in New Haven.

Florida:  Tampa police arrested a man on charges of sexual battery against two juveniles, the alleged crime took place in the Rehobath Faith Cathedral.  The First Baptist Orlando Church held a funeral for two policemen who were shot and killed, local news media said thousands of people attended.

Georgia:  In Pine Mountain, apparently god was angry because he used a well placed lightning strike to burn the altar inside the Christ the King Catholic Church!  The lightning punched a hole in the roof and hit the altar, a member of the church revealed he was of little faith when instead of crediting god he blamed the pagan Mother Earth, and even implied that Mother Earth was more powerful: “It’s an act of nature, nothing you can do about it.  Lightning has its wrath, and there’s no sanctuary away from the elements.”-Frank Boykin

Idaho:   Lordship Church in Coeur d’Alene made the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of ‘general hate’ groups.   Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations told news media they never heard of the Lordship Church.  The church was apparently set up after the pastor moved to Idaho from California sometime after 2014.  ‘Christian’ founded  Walmart suddenly halted 24 hours operations at its Chubbuck store, blaming it on skyrocketing crime in the ‘christian’ Mormon dominated (U.S. Census Bureau data) rural-metro area, revealing that in just one week shoplifters were caught trying to steal about $20-thousand USD worth of merchandise!

Illinois:  An illegal immigrant is seeking sanctuary in Adalberto United Methodist Church, in Chicago.    In what appears to be a gang shooting, two men (one of them being a witness to a murder) were shot and killed on the steps of Friendship Baptist Church on the West Side of Chicago.  Reverend Reginald Bachus ignorantly told local news media “Just about this time last Sunday, we were reminded that the thief comes to kill and destroy, to steal your faith, but Jesus won’t let that happen.”  I just want to remind y’all what Jesus said: “For you truly know that the day of our Lord so comes as a thief in the night.”-1 Thessalonians 5:2, Aramaic Bible

Kansas:  A woman is accusing the ‘christian’ republican assistant secretary of state of terminating her employment because she doesn’t attend church.  The woman’s grandmother testified that the assistant secretary of state asked her if her granddaughter was still going to church and when she said no he said he wanted her fired.  Officially the woman was fired for fighting with another employee.  While reading the article about this I discovered that Kansas has not only a Secretary of State, and a Assistant Secretary of State, but a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State as well (I can see how a lot of taxpayer money is wasted).

Louisiana: A 51 years old man was caught fleeing the New Beulah Baptist Church after the burglar alarm went off.  The man was bleeding from the head and arm, possibly caused by crashing through a church window.

Massachusetts: Homelessness is such a problem that Church of the Good Shepherd held a golf tournament to raise money: “This really is a widespread problem. We have people from all the way from Boston that come to our church for help.”-Natecia Alfonso

Michigan:  Without warning, the facade of the 126 years old First Congregational Church of Detroit began crashing to the ground, instead of blaming god they blamed “age and lack of maintenance”.   Also in Detroit, Saint Albertus Church is now being used as the new stage for performance artist Satori Circus.   Sparta police say a man killed his grandmother, a longtime member of the Trinity Christian Reformed Church, there was no explanation why he did it.  Homelessness increasing in Charleviox, Christ Episcopal Church-Episcopal Church Women held a fundraiser to raise cash for the Christians Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter founded Habitat for Humanity.   Seventh Day Adventist founded, Donald Trump hating, Kellogg Company (aka Kellogg’s) eliminating 233 jobs at its Battle Creek operations by 2018, claiming it’s part of its plan to increase production!

Minnesota: The taxpayers of New Brighton are the new owners of the vacated Korean United Methodist Church, city leaders are using the $1.9-million USD property for a housing project.

Nebraska: Christian founded American Red Cross shutting down its Omaha Call Center, 138 jobs lost due to consolidation operations!

New Hampshire:  ‘Christian’ founded Sam’s Club suddenly shutdown its membership warehouse store in Manchester, 130 jobs gone!  Local news media reported it was a shock to employees and dues paying customers.

New Jersey:  In Berkeley Township the Saint Barnabas Catholic church was vandalized with ‘satanic’ symbols.

New York: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Joseph’s Hospital Health Center from bribing (buyouts) 3-hundred employees to voluntarily quit in order to allow “…St. Joseph’s Health to adjust its operations to fit the future model of health care…” First Baptist Church of Fairport is warning they can no longer afford to maintain the building due to crashing membership.  Another illegal immigrant is seeking sanctuary in a church, this time at the Holyrood Episcopal Church in Washington Heights, Manhattan-NYC.  In Queens-NYC, a man is wanted for stealing more than $2-thousand USD worth of music equipment from the Canaan Baptist Church, security cameras caught him in the act and he knew they were there because he looked into the lens a couple times, even took a break to smoke a cigarette in front of them.  Despite being caught on camera police have yet to catch him.  In Brooklyn-NYC, Catholic leaders are tearing down their 109 years old Our Lady of Loreto church and replacing it with ‘affordable housing’, keep in mind that affordable housing does not equate to low income housing.  Also in Brooklyn-NYC, a plaque honoring Robert E. Lee was removed from the grounds of the vacant Saint John’s Episcopal Church, but interestingly the plaque honors Lee’s service in the Union Army 20 years before the creation of the Confederate States of America!   Just to let you know, atheist George Orwell warned “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

North Dakota:  On Spirit Lake tribal reservation the Christ the King Catholic Church was vandalized with chemicals and a chrome cross stolen, it was third time in the past 30 years the church was vandalized: “I’m just hoping it has nothing to do with black masses or with devil worship of any kind.”-Reverend Charles Leute

Ohio: Proof food insecurity and homelessness is on the rise in Akron; Celebration Church yet again fed hundreds of people at its once a month Night of Hope event.  In fact, over the past two years the monthly event has served food, clothing and even medical check ups to more than 5-thousand people!

Oklahoma:  Vian Police arrested a man for breaking into, and vandalizing, the Canterbury Chapel Church, the man refutes the charges.

Oregon:  God powerless to stop ‘his’ non-profit Saint Charles Health System from eliminating an undisclosed number of jobs due to a need to cut costs by $6-million USD.  Administrators told local news media that ObamaCare-ACA reimbursements don’t cover the skyrocketing costs of running hospitals.

Pennsylvania:  So much for Paradise, after almost 20 years the National Christmas Center announced it will cease operations in January 2018, due to “some difficult seasons over the past few years”.  In New Castle, the 91 years old Third Presbyterian Church shutdown due to crashing membership of ‘traditional’ Protestants.

South Carolina:  Video shows what appears to be a North Charleston United Methodist Church Learning Center daycare worker sitting on and hitting children.  The church’s man of faith, Reverend Richard Reams, told local TV news “I couldn’t believe what I was watching.”   A woman was kicked out of the Elevation Church for breastfeeding her newborn.  An official church statement was conflicting, first saying there was no such policy at the church, but then admitting they asked the woman to voluntarily leave.   The woman told local news media “If anything difficult arises, they try to hush it up.” The Elevation Church is considered one of the fastest growing in the U.S.

Tennessee:  Residents living around Glencliff United Methodist Church suing the church and the city for building a village for homeless people.  The residents, who obviously don’t realize how bad the economy is, claim a homeless village violates city zoning rules, however, the local zoning administrator told local news media that federal law ‘generally’ allows churches to avoid zoning rules.

Texas:   The man who crashed a New Braunfels church bus was charged with intoxication manslaughter.  The bus crash happened in March and killed 13 people, the driver pled not guilty.   A 72 years old man arrested and charged with stealing $90-thousand USD from the Metropolitan Community Church, where he worked as an unpaid accountant (not a wise thing to get unpaid volunteers to do your bookkeeping).    Apparently the proposed wall between Mexico and United States will isolate the La Lomita Catholic Chapel between the wall and the Rio Grande: “It would be like having a church in a prison.”-Sister Guadalupe Cortez

Utah:  For the first time in 30 years a mormon leader has been excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, according to the mormon run news sources in Salt Lake City church officials refused to say why.  By the way, the pro-gun LDS church (with a conspiratorial history of violence) was awarded the Philosopher Saint Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize in India!

Virginia: In Lexington, there’s is a movement to change the name of R.E. Lee Memorial Church, even though the Robert E. Lee actually attended and led the church in the last years of his life.  Local news media reported the push to change the name caused many old time members to leave.  Two Amelia County churches were burglarized, law enforcement said “Stain drops, believed to be blood, were found at the presumed entry sight…”   Apparently god was angry because he used a lightning strike to burn down ‘his’ 150 years old Rising Star Baptist Church, and it took only one hour to reduce it to ashes.  The fate of the Richmond Christian Center, and its 16 parcels of land, being decided by the court.   The church went bankrupt four years ago and the main creditor says the congregation failed to live up to the court ordered reorganization plan.

Washington DC:  Activists are demanding the Catholic Church officially join the illegal immigrant Sanctuary Movement, they demonstrated in front of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

U.S. Christian Rapture, July 2017: “AND THE CHURCH IS GOING TO GO DOWN….”

“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

“I really think it will be Armageddon.”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, August 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss announcements and shutdowns made or announced in August 2017:

Hurricane Harvey shutdown 31% of fuel refineries in the United States, retail prices for fuel in the eastern half of the U.S. expected to skyrocket.  Refined fuel originally destined for Europe is being diverted to the east coast of the U.S.

RTTNews: U.S. New Home Sales Unexpectedly Plunge 9.4% In July

Pasadena Star-News: Just wait; it’s going to get worse, said Victor Sahn, a bankruptcy attorney…..“I think we’ll continue to see extreme pressure and more failures of second- and third-tier malls. These vacancies are setting the stage for a possible real estate industry correction or crash. If there is a downturn … I really think it will be Armageddon.”

PBS Newshour: Can online shopping absorb traditional retail workers?

Moody’s Investor Service revealed what I’ve been saying for years; internet retail is highly overrated.  In fact, so called retail giant Amazon is not a giant at all, accounting for only 10% of all U.S. retail sales!  Walmart and Costco are still the retail kings.

Please note the number of mom-n-pop brick-n-mortar shops that announced their shutdowns on social media.

Alaska: PenAir now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, then suddenly canceled all Pacific Northwest flights.

 California: According to Statista The Golden State leads the country in most bankruptcy filings, going by court records from June 2016 to June 2017.   In Tehachapi, hardware store Henry’s Home for Less shutting down after 25 years so the owner can work for the Together Men’s Ministry.  Electronics retailer Best Buy shutting down its store in Auburn, in time for Halloween.  In Reseda, after 57 years local arts supporter Continental Art Supplies shutdown so the owner can retire.  Meridian Sports Clubs California issued a shutdown WARN for its Los Angeles location, 65 jobs gone by the end of September.  In Riverbank, after 70 years men’s clothier Landon’s shutdown so the owner could return to farming before officially retiring.  RMR Financial shutting down its Los Gatos office in time for Halloween.  FedEx Cross Border halting ops in Carson, by Halloween.  What automotive industry recovery?  Euromotors Concord-Audi shutting down its operations in Concord,83 jobs gone by Halloween.

Colorado: In Sterling, Famous Footwear shutting down its store in the High Plains Shopping Center, by mid-September.

Connecticut: Too Big to Jail British empire based Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) issued yet another layoff WARN, this time ten people in Stamford unemployed in time for Halloween.  In Enfield, garden center L.R. Hawthorne and Son (Hawthorne’s Agway) announced on Facebook “Unfortunately it’s not good news. I’m sorry to say that after 50 plus years Hawthorne’s Agway will be closing its doors for good at the end of August.”  Local news media revealed the garden center was sold to a corporation based in Massachusetts.   In Wilton, after 29 years DeLuca Hardware shutdown: “We had wished someone else would’ve taken it over. It didn’t work out that way, but that’s OK, and now we’re going to have a close out.”-Juliano DeLuca

Florida:  Sunrise based smelly retailer Perfumania went chapter 11 bankrupt and is shutting down 64 stores.  Ritz Ybor chapter 7 bankrupt dead, the live music venue now has a new owner.

Hawaii:  What automotive industry recovery?  After 74 years auto-shop Saiki Motors shutdown, the owner saying he wants to retire while he still can: “Since I can still walk and all that, I want to travel.”-Albert Saiki

 This the Chubbuck, Idaho, Walmart. Consumer Reports ranked Walmart 67th out of 68!

Chubbuck, Idaho, Walmart blames skyrocketing crime for halting 24 hours operations!

Idaho: The Walmart in Chubbuck has joined other Walmarts around the U.S. in ceasing its 24 hours of being open to the public.  This comes after months of using contracted security guards to try and stop skyrocketing shoplifting.  They were able to stop the theft of about $20-thousand USD worth of merchandise in just one week.  But even recent transplant to Chubbuck, Nancy Hurley, says crime has skyrocketed in the tiny (about 14-thousand people according to recent Census Bureau data, down from 18-thousand in late 1990s) east Idaho city: “When we first moved here about 12 years ago, there seemed to be very little crime, but now it’s really picked up with the drugs and the shoplifting and stuff, so it is concerning.”-interviewed by KPVI


Bye bye, Pocatello Meineke!

Blind Bat News reader ‘Catherine’ discovered the less than three years old Meineke auto repair shop, near the Westwood Mall in Pocatello, secretly shutdown.  Just ten months ago a local news paper declared the Meineke repair shop “ranked among the best performing franchises in the nation” with the “seventh best net sales-volume in the nation.”   ‘Catherine’ reported there was a note taped to the door apologizing for the sudden shutdown, but no reason for it was given.   In the sparsely populated town of Oldtown, after 23 years Ben Franklin Variety (formerly known as Sprouse-Reitz prior to the 1990s) shutdown.  The now former store manager told local news media their busiest day was the last day of business.  Clothier Filson issued a shutdown WARN for its store in Post Falls, 45 jobs gone by the end of October.

Illinois: Hard Rock Hotel Chicago issued a shutdown WARN, 184 jobs gone by Thanksgiving!  Northbrook based Allstate suddenly laid off 5-hundred claims adjusters across the U.S. as part of a new plan to basically let customers ‘do-it-themselves’! Iconic Oak Brooke based Ace Hardware has been shutting down brick-n-mortar stores due to lack of sales, but for its second quarter of 2017 Ace Hardware reported an amazing 61% increase in online sales.  But in seeming contradiction to its brick-n-mortar shutdowns, Ace Hardware also admitted that 93% of online orders are actually picked up at one of its brick-n-mortar stores!  In Monticello, after 21 years Pearls and More Jewelry announced on Facebook it is shutting down, partly due to “…the financial situation.”  What automotive industry recovery?  Auto parts shop Carquest shutting down its 40 years old Joilet location.  Local news media reported the store was a privately owned auto parts store until 2001 when it was taken over by Carquest, then in 2013 Advance Auto Parts took over the Carquest-General Parts corporation.   In Wheaton, after 47 years Tom’s Service Station shutdown, the owner sold out to a property developer.

Indiana: In Muncie, after 31 years The Towne Boutique suddenly shutdown due to the poor health of the owner.

Iowa:  What housing market recovery? California based Too BIg to Jail Wells Fargo continues killing jobs, this time 40 Home Mortgage employees in Des Moines laid off.  JCPenney issued a shutdown WARN for its Fort Dodge store, 52 jobs gone in time for Halloween.

Kansas: In Salina, Dillard’s shutting down its Central Mall store in time for Xmas blaming “Performance….as well as many other things.”

Kentucky: In Louisville, after 65 years J Carlton Knotts Shoes announced on Facebook that  “J Carlton Knotts Shoes will be closing at the end of August.”

Louisiana: In Lafayette, after 58 years Cal’s Western Store shutdown.

Maryland: What housing market recovery?  First Potomac Realty Trust issued a layoff WARN, 72 jobs gone by October as a result of being taken over by Government Properties Income Trust.

Massachusetts:  After almost five decades Newton Yellow Cab shutdown.  Ignorant local news media tried to blame Uber and social media, however, employees said local government regulations are what finally killed off the taxi company.

Michigan: In Cheboygan, after 30 years women’s clothier Billies shutdown with the owner saying “For 15 years I didn’t have a day off, I didn’t have a vacation.”  In Lansing, after 77 years Hazen Lumber shutdown.  In Bridgeport,  after 23 years hobby shop Junction Valley Railroad announced on Facebook “Due to declining sales, we are being forced to close the Hobby Shop Doors! 
Our final day open will be October 31, 2017!”

Minnesota: In Saint Paul, after more than five decades the Midway Pro Bowl shutting down due to the lease being ended early, in fact all the businesses in the Midway shopping center shutting down and being replaced by a 20-thousand seat soccer (football) stadium!

Missouri: In Columbia, after 21 years Tucker’s Fine Jewelry shutting down due to the owner not wanting to renew the lease.

Nebraska:  In Kearney, after 22 years Wilke True Value hardware shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Nevada: Goodwill of Southern Nevada now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

New Hampshire:  ‘Christian’ founded Sam’s Club suddenly shutdown its membership warehouse store in Manchester, 130 jobs gone!  Local news media reported it was a shock to employees and dues paying customers.

New Jersey: Command Security eliminated 113 jobs! 

New York: In Merchanicville, after 70 years DiSiena Furniture shutting down in time for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday season, due to “personal reasons”.  In East Rochester, after 50 years video store Hyatt’s shutdown.  What automotive industry recovery?  Arroway Chevrolet shutting down its Mount Kisco dealership, 80 jobs gone by the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving. At JFK Airport, TPS Parking Management-The Parking Spot shutting down, 71 jobs gone between November 2017 and January 2018.  Elitist River Club of New York issued a shutdown WARN, 60 jobs gone in time for Thanksgiving.   Lion Re:Sources eliminating 154 jobs by Xmas!

North Carolina: Branch Banking And Trust (BB&T) shutting down its office in Fallston, in time for Xmas.  Safety Express Courier Service went chapter 7 bankrupt.  Mooresville based Lowe’s suddenly announced it will eliminate all in-house delivery driver jobs across the U.S. as part of a plan to outsource jobs!  Since October 2016, Lowe’s has already outsourced more than 3-thousand-1-hundred jobs! 

Ohio: Cincinnati based Macy’s hired a former ebay executive and ramped up job killing, this time 1-hundred merchandising employees getting the axe!  In January, Macy’s announced it was skyrocketing layoffs to 10-thousand, about 6-thousand more than what was announced in 2016!  Direct marketing company Suarez Corporation Industries now chapter 11 bankrupt busted blaming the 2008 recession, and then in 2014 the owner got caught breaking a federal law (witness tampering).  Since then the owner spent money trying to appeal the conviction and now realizes there is not enough money to cover “…costs to do….direct mail and online advertisements.”  More proof the ‘Vinyl Come-Back’ is a lie, in Athens, after 40 years Haffa’s Records shutting down in September, blaming “the way people absorb media these days”.

Pennsylvania:  In State College, after 41 years Kranich’s Jewelers shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Tennessee: In Morristown, after 53 years clothier Kathryn’s shutdown, local news media pointed out that even back in the 1960s-70s people thought women’s dresses were too expensive, at only $17.99 full retail!

Texas: Preliminary estimates say Hurricane Harvey wiped out at least 40-thousand homes, and that’s just in the city of Houston.  Many homeowners did not live in flood zones and so did not have flood insurance.  Mortgage companies are now threatened as many homeowners who don’t have flood insurance will stop making payments on their home loans.  

Utah: In Provo, after 53 years laundromat Wash Hut shutdown, sold-off to a property developer.

Vermont: In Rutland, after only two years at its Diamond Run Mall location LaFlamme’s Furniture Mall shutdown due to high operating costs.  Local news media said the furniture store moved into a vacated JCPenney space in 2015.  In Burlington, after four years clothier Spellbound forced to shutdown by rent of more than $6-thousand-5-hundred per month, plus insurance and utilities of about $1-thousand-5-hundred per month!  Also in Burlington, clothiers The North Face, The Fitting Curve and Lole shutdown, with similar complaints!  Local news media say local administrators blame the high cost of rent and insurance on skyrocketing crime.  A local property manager told local news media “Personally I’ve never seen so many spaces open.”

Virginia: In White Hall, after 131 years Wyant’s Store shutdown.  In Falls Church, after only two years The Gun Dude shutdown, the announcement was made on its website. In Powhatan, after 20 years successful frame shop Complete Picture shutdown, the owner explaining “I want to concentrate on my art.”

Washington: Too Big to Jail California based Wells Fargo issued a shutdown WARN for its Vancouver ops, 72 jobs gone in October.  Adult’ chain-store Peekay now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, blamed on massive debts incurred while buying-out competitors and on becoming a publicly traded company in 2015.  In Spokane, after 20 years Replay Music shutdown, the owner saying “…the most challenging was when the economy took a dip in ’08 and it never really seemed to recover…”   After 23 years Vintage Rabbit Antique Mall forced to shutdown due to a city of Spokane road construction project: “I really feel like the city killed my business.”-Jan Richart

Wisconsin: In Wisconsin Dells, after 23 years All-Time Sports shutdown with the building sold to another local business, so the owners can retire.  In Madison, game/toy store Woops! shutting down in September, the owner says she is struggling to balance family and work.  In Ashland, after more than 40 years the Elle Stevens Hallmark Store shutdown.




Dumbing Down the U.S.A., August 2017: “WE MOVED QUICKLY AND QUIETLY.”


U.S. government shenanigans, August 2017: “EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY”

U.S. food crisis, August 2017: “HISTORIC LACK OF PATRONAGE”

ObamaCare ACA death spiral, August 2017: “HAS OUTLIVED ITS USEFUL LIFE”

Operation Jupiter: Jamming all your child’s vaccines into one shot!

15 SEP 2017 (06:18 UTC-07 Tango 06) 24 Sharivar 1396/23 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/25 Wu-Shen 7th month 4715

“For the first time, we can create a library of tiny, encased vaccine particles, each programmed to release at a precise, predictable time, so that people could potentially receive a single injection that, in effect, would have multiple boosters already built into it.”-Robert Langer, MIT

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) claims to have come up with a way to put all your child’s vaccines into one shot, using microparticles.

Using nano and/or microparticles for vaccines is not a new idea, considered as far back as 1991.  The MIT injection uses that latest 3D printing technology to create a new type of microparticle: “Each layer is first fabricated on its own, and then they’re assembled togethe. Part of the novelty is really in how we align and seal the layers. In doing so we developed a new method that can make structures which current 3-D printing methods cannot. This new method called SEAL (StampEd Assembly of polymer Layers) can be used with any thermoplastic material and allows for fabrication of microstructures with complex geometries that could have broad applications, including injectable pulsatile drug delivery, pH sensors, and 3-D microfluidic devices.”-Ana Jaklenec, MIT researcher

They claim it works on mice, they haven’t tested it on humans.  I wonder how the plastic used to make the shots will affect your child?


Operation Jupiter: CDC study admits Flu Vaccine can kill!

15 SEP 2017 (04:19 UTC-07 Tango 06) 24 Sharivar 1396/23 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/25 Wu-Shen 7th month 4715

“SAB [spontaneous abortion] was associated with influenza vaccination in the preceding 28 days. The association was significant only among women vaccinated in the previous influenza season with pH1N1-containing vaccine. This study does not and cannot establish a causal relationship between repeated influenza vaccination and SAB, but further research is warranted.”Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010–11 and 2011–12

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (aka CDC) paid for a vaccine study that resulted in shocking results for the pro-vaccine agency; 4-hundred% increase in spontaneous abortions/miscarriages in women who get swine flu shots every year (‘back-to-back’ vaccinations)!

In 2004 the CDC began telling pregnant women they should be vaccinated against influenza, regardless of which trimester they were in. The study, which included CDC researchers, was undertaken with the intent to dispel claims by anti-vaxers but instead backs them up.

Apparently the problem is that a woman’s immune system is actually weakened when she gets pregnant after getting a flu shot the previous flu season, and then gets another flu shot while pregnant.   Specifically the problem seems to be connected to the vaccine for the 2009 H1N1 virus: “One important take-away message from this study is that seasonal vaccine formulations are not all the same.”

Another study revealed that there is resistance among vaccine manufacturers regarding the idea of making vaccines that don’t require refrigeration.  As I’ve written before, for the for-profit vaccine industry it’s all about the money, they claim it would cost them too much money to create ‘heat-stable’ vaccines.

In the past few years there have been dozens of cases around the world of people becoming sick, or dying, because the vaccine they got had spoiled due to lack of refrigeration.  The study, called Economic impact of thermostable vaccines, concluded that it was actually more cost effective, in the long run, to invent heat-stable vaccines.