06 August 2023 (18:47-UTC-07 Tango 06) 15 Mordad 1402/19 Muharram 1445/20 Geng-Shen 4721/06 Август 2023 года
TriLink Biotechnologies sells four types of “Genome Editing mRNA”!
The ‘Gene Editing Market’ made USD $5.4-billion in 2021, expected to experience 15% yearly growth rate!
The following is a tip-o-the-iceberg list of links to articles/reports from August 2023 all the way back to 2015, proving that mRNA & CRISPR are all about reprograming your genes.

“…mRNA is actually the translated form of DNA that the machinery can recognize and use to assemble amino acids into proteins. So this is really a fundamental link between what we think of as being the code of life and the actual cell being able to construct a living organism. And in that sense, although DNA gets discussed a lot more than RNA, mRNA is a really crucial piece of the fundamental way in which the living organism is created.”-Shurjo K. Sen, Ph.D. Program Director Division of Genome Sciences, U.S. National Human Genome Research Institute, updated 06AUG2023
“The nanoparticles are filled with cargoes of messenger RNA (mRNA), the template a cell uses to make a protein, and dotted with an antibody that homes in on a protein called CD117 found on blood stem cells inside bone marrow. (A similar technology without the antibody is used by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to make the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.)”– ‘Scientists reprogram blood cells with fat balls that target bone marrow’, published by Science, 27JUL2023
“An exciting branch of RNA therapeutics is mRNA-based immunotherapy. It involves the delivery of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-encoding mRNA to T cells. Essentially, the approach uses mRNA to reprogram T cells…”– ‘RNA Therapies Small Beginnings to Big Opportunities’, published by Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, 03MAY2023
31MAR2023, University of Toronto: Researchers develop mRNA-based delivery tech for gene editing in the lungs
“In recent years, the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-based genome editing toolbox has been greatly expanded, not only with emerging CRISPR-associated protein (Cas) nucleases, but also novel applications through combination with diverse effectors. Recently, transposon-associated programmable RNA-guided genome editing systems have been uncovered, adding myriads of potential new tools to the genome editing toolbox.”–‘Recent advances in CRISPR-based genome editing technology and its applications in cardiovascular research’, published by Military Medical Research, 10MAR2023
“The technology is moving quickly, at times outpacing regulatory efforts. Many nations are setting up expedited approval processes for CRISPR products because the technique allows researchers to go from lab to field to shelf many times faster than by previous genetic-modification methods.”–‘The gene-editing technology in your store-bought tomatoes that could eat agriculture’, published by Fortune, 27FEB2023
22FEB2023, Reuters: Moderna enters R&D collaboration for mRNA gene-editing therapies
05NOV2022, American Heart Association: Novel gene-editing therapy shows promise for patients
19APR2022, Emory University News Center: Emory researchers successfully use mRNA to activate genes
11JAN2022, Yahoo!Finance: Pfizer to make foray into gene editing, expand mRNA tech in 2022
“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of LC caused by an mRNA mutation coexisting with another genetically predisposed autoinflammatory disease mutation.”-‘A Novel mRNA Modification Mutation in a Patient With Ligneous Conjunctivitis Coexisting With Heterozygous Familial Mediterranean Fever Mutation’, published by the U.S. National Institute of Health in June 2021
Many social media/news media/internet ‘fact checkers’ promulgated that mRNA vaccines were not gene therapy, however, the Sovereign Wealth Fund published and article on 25JAN2021 which stated “The mRNA vaccinations are a form of gene therapy, according to its definition in many parts of the world, including Europe. Gene therapies remain under strict regulation and few gene therapeutics have been approved by health authorities because of safety concerns.”
13DEC2020, U.S. National Institute of Health: SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome
04FEB2020, Nature: Step aside CRISPR, RNA editing is taking off
“IRP senior investigator Shalini Oberdoerffer, Ph.D., identified a novel modification in human messenger RNA (mRNA) that dramatically impacts the activity of genes by promoting the production of protein from RNA. Intriguingly, NAT10, the enzyme responsible for the mRNA modification, had been previously implicated in cancer and aging.
This is one of the first examples of a unique chemical modification to mRNA that increases the amount of protein produced by a gene.”– ‘A novel mRNA modification may impact the human genetic code’, first published by the U.S. National Institute of Health in 2018
“The team is also working on applying their technique to another genetic messenger that would produce permanent effects, making it a complementary option to the temporary mRNA therapies. With the progress already made using mRNA and the potential of their ongoing research, they and others could be closer than ever to making individualized therapeutics using a person’s own cells.”–‘In a possible step forward for gene therapy, Stanford researchers made mice glow like fireflies’, published by Stanford University, 16FEB2017
September 2015, Molecular Therapy: mRNA: Fulfilling the Promise of Gene Therapy
Pandemic Perfidy/Hunger Games: FACT CHECKERS LIE! U.S. IS PREPPING TO MANDATE m-R-N-A vaccines IN LIVESTOCK!

In 2015, I discovered an actual U.S. military operation called JUPITR-ATD, essentially it was all about A SMALL PART OF A LARGER MILITARY OPERATION SPREADING DISEASE AT A HOSPITAL NEAR YOU, admittedly as a way of preparing for new forms of biological warfare!